The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 14, 1892, Image 7

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    Jfa. .Sarah jWufr
Of Mltitirapo:i.
" I was for ft lone II nir n sufferer frn n
Female Wci 'neii
end tf Irrl ins, iy rcliiedir nint phvait Inns. In nn
enral piirpTS". I ic ll I le t llnnl s Harpii
rllla made soerenl n tllffcrenisji In mvciiiull
tlntilliut I look three hollies mure and foetid
mvmlf pcH'crily well. I have also kImoi
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In the children, ami find Hint II kecia them in
court health." Miin. Hsiiaii Mini. six.
Icetilh Avrmir, South M mirnisi'ls, Minn.
Ileed'a Pills cum nil tnai 1 1 taw "
trt if r i- .
DGOus tmuision
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect foot! palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
an appetizer ; these are
everything to those who
are losing llesli and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with Hypo
phosphites, provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Flesh lhiiiding in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of llesh.
rriMril l,s Srnlt A Pntvnr rlisniUIS,
, 111 vi an i,i.,-:aia
t i X IS. 'St i nCk 1
Manoia, N r
Hnaaaa.!. . . V. I -
nup(juji!a iui itarsid
i Yet 2 bottles wrought
El -.w-w, -vnwawi.f: ,
I DAN A K AHArRlL1 . C., D
. Clr.NTN: I httf hrtn fa .'!. , ewIT
1.7" ' V" iVMri;ifiA M
1 IUv triiil i vi ro i ;,if t -..,.1.1 ii i...M
Mtftfl-! IhylrUtt ;n;i.i-i.. b it triii'il ti.i -.
jl'ir ilUinl rril mtnliliui. tf m tj(f titty, ertfliitv
j nKi.pi-.n sn; no mitii?1
thalll;iiil,HI,,-.,,ni,l. Ii Hut ... I.k, ,..s.
Man.iii, y. JOHN KlltkkT, fml. fe;
- , ami Miaww ,nsi nr
watulil not laaaa nar atiilrrerat lluali
Uanaua, ::. Dtimuit.
worth Ihtlr otlghl In Cold. Th artP
SIHUTEHJ. Tra kftllla al aiip al.L aa
Dtn Sifiaparlllt Co., Bllltit, Malnt. g
S Swiffs SpocEflc S
A Tested Remedy C,
J? For All
I Olood and Skin
s Diseases s
O K reliable cut for Contafleoa dS
Blood Polaon, Inherited Bcro
g lula and Skin Cancer.
SA tonle for dellcato Woman 0
and Children it haa no equal.
SBelif purely vegetable, Ic harm- O
Icaa in Ita eBecta. O
SA trmtiH on Hlond anil Rkln Die. C
oatee niailwi rata co ai pllcailon.
2ruggUtt hrtl Jl. O
Draarl,Atlanti,Oa. O
cinaran child-beanm; woman. I have been a
iiM-wif (or many ream, and In each caea
where "Mothar'a Friend" haUbeenuaedltbaa
asrorapliabatl wonder and relieved much
. ...p . - . ..w m . I' .lit" i J an 1. I II K V,
Mae braaat Lnorrn. a nd worth the v rioa for that
tleac Mm. M. M.htwn ra,
yAent by rinreu. ctiarce pre paid, on receipt
fprt, lM par bottle. '
uld by all tlruggiau. Atlajita, U a.
Auk For Help lo Abate the Snffrrlna;. Sin
Fn mil lea In Dire Want.
Iliinn'trm1 Rirna lt thr l onnlry to up.
cur il atnrvlnu. Nearly I. mil eriiti, pin
hrnrnl In '.'IN lamiliia, are ilt"llliin nml In
iinini'ilintp nrpil if fiioil, lire nml rlntliliiir.
J in- I'ltizriiV lll'llcf A-iit'liilInn (if Hume
! IhiI IiIkIiI lmufl n fornnil fnrniil
fur tlir iiiifortiiim r. n lin tire nil vli llni.
cliifilly or Imlirii lly, tif t Ita pri nt nntl th
lioriily-loiifsht utrlkr Jti-t niili-il. Mimy ol
llu-ae nnr tiro nt'tiitilly olnrvniis, while
iiiiiny iitltrro me nillmut Jiitllc lcnt t lullilni;
In eciver their limllea hikI priitei t tltein from
I he mill li!nt"uf winter.
Tim Ilntneoleatl Helief eiimiiiitire tin
liirn UHlherltiK iliitn (nr tlie ;i-t few ny
n to the real tnle iif iifl 4ir in lliptnwn nml
repurteil Itt the (.'eneiiil loiiiinitlee. Tito it,
m I l it- Irllnwa :
I'here tire 'Jlfi fitinlllea, In IIhiik alnul nml
vh ltiilr In II lMte ol ilexliiitlmi. 'I'hH full
lilt- lieetl nlitltilieil l,y tl riltltH'lent ennilntt.
lee. iiiiii-tiii(j til :iiiii'riiiia n.niltite, ,n
ritiz MiV inpetitw Itehl tin I riihiv vt-ni lit.'.
Ileieinlier J, The iiiiileritteil ruin
Iniilee n ni ulnti i us h result nl the
uhove liiMilipiili.n In lKiie III" uitieitl In
the enitiitry. -k i 1 1 j piiliMe itiil in euttiu fm
IheMMlratltitte finiitlie. The strike la over,
bin le i linn mi of Ihe.'l.sui Inrmer wnrk
men or the I'lirnecie Slee l'nniiaiiy have a'
yei MM tireil eiiiilnviiieiii In Ihe inill nml
iinlv tl limit!'. I t. .-i..Iiitc It !
Itilthlv lni.rohtihle thnt tlna u-t limlv ol
iimiiii..i eil men will he utile tn MMttre
notk tor many w,N-ka to eotne. ''lit" mean
rnloiii'i'il nml m- en-int( ilitre I he
j,enieol llmite-teail, nil liiinylt lihernl in
their ('.itilrihiitiona, tire nntihle lo proviih
nr the ileminiilM nl iieh uetieta wntil. Thi
mil "it nii;i.:it one titnl the iihlii: innai
. . ,1-ttlt of the Im iwti...i ui Dm tl 1 1 ill
her l neeilv Intinl im naa iiiereii e l lei the
Mtuttitit; iinniher nl 'J ill, re.reeniiiii; h7(
.i.miii.. In lite up tiion ol eninmilieemeii.
Iltt" niiiiilier Ml he inrreaaeil to :iihi m
mi re by .litnnary I. The conitniltiv Inn
tlintiiiilily itivetii;aleil 111111 tiw ami nl,
tttineil Ihe iioiik-x of nil in tli-stitiilv rirelillt-stiitiee-..
The ItniiN at pieaent In the hall N of tin
lieneral I 'otnmtitee are very limileil nnl ttti
iinnteiliale riwpotiKe In the appeal in ileur
eil Men whoonn .rii crlv. tvhteli ie heav
ily iiinriirnxeil I nve iiim-ii e.l for ui l.iniil tht
ipieiion Haa ivln ther ihey ncre elithli tip
ilii'illll. The App nl I'oiinil llee ileelileil
tltal pniH'rty owner, wltoro ihl not ohluin
.'teiiit, were entitlnl to ii.Matiee.
The itiesinn of wluil ni iin.itiiin hail been
litiuleol the haliiiit e remalnini! of the Sill.
I"l I'ontrihllte,! by llomeateail ill alii nl
.lolllt-lon tl anlferer wiw ililietlieil hv tht
ApM-ul I'oiiiinillee. nml It ia likelv llnil
iepa will l.e taken loohtnin p Naiatiin nl it.
I'he niiioinit it known I 1 heamall. lint in
Ihe I'ti-i nt eniercetity every penny eiiiinta
ltiiineteni buniiitai men loiitinne to conn
ftirwanl nlth Kimill f:ih I'ntilrthtitiomi am
article" nf fiHnl ami elothlnx.
liven Ihe limine of nun in pril rilin worl
ill the lllillleatenil mill t Iii-Iiik lint aiht 1 1
ntnoni; llotneati nil lee worttem. Iliniaiili
Je.tleinu iverMialoneil hv the Mll-nhw-ih
tti tople of reliel lor the ' I here I;
lunaiilerahletalk ti'itoii).' tli noli union men
in the work- ol anhai rihin)! tl eaeh in niil ol
ill - in e Iv llmni'-leiiih ra. shmihl lliia hi
none, upwaiil ol el.no1! uotllil h- reulieil
For BlantlerinR Unrr Loewe He del
Five Montha' Inipriaonment.
When Ihe enae of Hector Alilwanlt wn
alleil at llerlin Sntnnlay, the pniilic prose
cutor lP!nn III mhlresH ajraint tint rl-i,n
er. lie coiitemleil that the I'liarjio of liliel
tnlimt llie ptiMtiier hml been proved
l'ltere wa no jnxtllk'iillnn wliniever in the
chitrae- maile by Alilnnrilt that Kerr l-orwr
niHinirnt lured defective rtflea and mid lliem
to the (iovernnieiit. The public pro-ecutoi
elofeil Ina opeedi by iTlnandiiiK tliat the
roiirt aenleiKe Ahlnurdt to IH inontha' im
poison inent.
Alilnnrilt -poke In liia own uefe.a. He
maintained that lie had fnrtihdied cunlir
nation nl all hit" statement" nt.d had only
failed to aiihrtniitlale Ilia coiieltiaiona. lie
ndniittetl I hat lie orlinnlly wrote liit
pmiplilet for null Seinllic purpoaes. but
alter ward 11 rued the plihllc.aiilhorille- to lie
tpilre Into the matter, He did not menu to
weaken tlie coiilhlvnccof II e aohliera In
their wenpotia, but he aoiijlu lo Indiico the
war olllvv to remove uneleaa rilles, Ahlwatdt
waa then to live inoiilha impriiiuii.
In pacing acntence the Jndpe (lei larei
hat the charge thai the rifle were illegally
ttumped proved lo bo unloiitijlid. The null.
Inry tenia of I.oewe'iuii lindgiven brilliant
resulia. If tiicb men ns Alilwanlt existed
uy hundreds, nobody could lately venture
upon lite streets. A mo! Ion to exompt Hec
tor Ahlwnrdt from nrreat. on the ground
that he Is a member of the Iteichstair, ban
found the necessary support and it will be
introduced In Ihe Itelclistag Immediately Ahlwardt's election is founally 011-
Wbeat Lower Than It Haa Been for
Many Yeara.
The December slHlialicul returns in Iha
.leiiarnnenl ol auriciillliru reluiive to farm
product prices. The averice valns of corn
isiltl.a ier hualiel, depnvned i,y the surplus
of lue previoua crop and early d slribution.
it ta 11 to 70 els. in tliu Kamern H ales, ," 111
UU in the Middle Mates, ranging from 42 to
Ui iu the collon Htutea, 42 in Ohio, 4U in In
diana, Win Illinois, 30 iu Missouri, 32 in
jowa, .ii in Halifax auu 2 111 .Nebraska.
This is higher 111 Nebrasku than anv vear
since except Mi aim lfilKi.and in lowu
in ins same lime tne present average value
has t en exceeded only in the two years
lue average Price of whent is ffil.2 cents
The next lowest price was Ut.S cents iu IH&J.
In lHtlti, 1K7 and 1S!J the average was a cent
or two below 70. J-asl year it was o.'!.tt.
l'rincipul Stale prices are: New York. Ki.
I'unnsylvania, M; Virginia. 7l; (ieorgia, IM;
Texas. 7,'; Kentucky, 07; Ohio, OH; Michi
gan, (ill; Indiana, 04; Illinois, ll; Minnesota,
UI; Iowa, Wi; Missouri. 08; Kansas, "2. Ne
braska, 50; South llakolu, 61; Norib Da
kola, 62; California, 7U.
The average value of the1 oats Is .'11.6 cents,
nearly the same as last year; rye, M.t) tenia;
barley. 47.2 cents; buckwheat, ,U.4 veins;
potatoes, 07 .a cents per bushel, against o7.l
cents laat year; hay, S3 4 1 iwr Ion, nearly
the same as lu IsHI. ,
The condition ot winter wheat on the 1st
day of December average I 87. 4 against aVi.a
laat year. In the Ohio valley the range is
I loin 7U to Hi and is low u'so In Kansas and
feuiisyWama. It is bigii 111 New York, in
the Mouth and on ihe I'acitlu coast, in the
Southern Slates and 011 tim Atlantic coast
gcrnii ialion was delayed oy oruught, and
the same cause delayed both planting and
Srowili iu the Ohio vahey and materially re
need the condition ot ihe crop. The
winter rye. la tun Utile bet I-, averamm 8M.4.
-Hall stones weighing over ponnd fell
during tbt wind storm at Brenham. Tex.
The serrelnry of the treaanry Informed
tie speaker of the hotie of representatives
hat the ilc He ipticlf of the government for
he current year are estimated at SI 4,t;H..VJt,
if which $ui,M),tm is on acroiint or ien
ilon. Mr. IMngley or Maine Iiilrmlticcil a bill
.0 nineiid the laws relating to the tranpor
alioii of luerclinndise between rnitetl
tales poMs so a" lo iniike It unlawful tor
my lorelgu vessel to carry merchandise
from one ort In the I 'lilted Stales toanothei
via a roreign port.
Itepreseiilntive Wlllliiins or Massachusetts
ttlriHliiia-il In the house bis bill providint;
lor the discontinuance of silver purchase
after l ehruary 1 next nud the letting idc
s n trust f mid of money nceived by the
reasiiry for tho redemption of national
hank notes, which by the Sherman silvel
Inw ol' I'il I was m idt! "mise llaiieous re
Ilepresentalive S 'ott, Dein HTat. of llli
.lots, ItitriHliiceil In lite house a bill to pro
hibit tlie employment of apprentice! in thn
Ihivernmeiit prinliiif oltl -e or any depirl
meiit of tint puhlii: service where priiitiuu
I done.
I'm 11 Mi tint nun II (x.i p. Knur murder.
1 rs were haiiu'eil iu the county Jail, iu Louis
ville Kv., Friday morning. Ihe executed
were I tenuis McCarthy, who killed his wife,
and Stephen I lite, who slew Albert I'.a'ir
maun. Ii .tli while, llrant I'homas mid Nel
son Lewis wcni colored. 'Ihomas killed
Hirdie Colemun, and Lewis shot I'eorge
hean, both victims hein negroes.
At Waco, Tex , Tommy Wairen, the
former feuthfr. weight champiuii. has been
senieiHS-d to six yean in the peiiilcntiaiy
lor miirilerlng a negm saloon pur er, while
Hying to shoot a fellow gambler.
The I'ev. John lialley, 11 preacher of
Springlielil, Mo., was swindhd out ol ' 2,Kri
by the itohl brick uiethod.
Twenty. live iiiiutites of llie Knox i-onnty
I't'iiii., work-liou-e oveiKiwerefl the giuiril
ntld csc:icd. They wete mostly coloted.
A number of cilt.etis have hern held up and
robbed Iu Ihe suburbs by these outlaws.
pissti:n, i iiu mh imi rTM.inrs
The tornado which. misih over Ihe t 'hiH
taw Itatjoti, Texas, blew tlown a house occu
pied by a woman mimed Wallace and her
child. The house caught fire mid both were
While skating on n pond at llilsdale, N.
I., 2o fhl dreu catuit near being drowned by
the ice breaking. They were all lescited by
the heroic etlorls of Di nnis O Neil ami his
son Thomas.
A boilr exp ihIimI iu a saw mill at Ked
Spr'uins, I'ohisoti county, N. '., instantly
killing two men and biully woiiuiling lev
Rral others.
- -
At 1 im innatl Die building and contenls of
Not. , l.", ami HI Public Landing, occupied
by the Sagendorf Iron lloollug nud ' orru
giiting I 'oni any wasbitrnel. l.os est imai
ed at from 7",0i to isi,ijii, insurance
about tw 1 thirds.
At Snliila, Col., the llio firnnde round,
house ami machine simp, including 17 en
gines; los. t l'Kl.iXri,
At Sumter, S. II.. the I ipera House nud
tight business houses.
At I'laipimnlue, La., three sijtiares of
stoics and houses; loss, .V),ot I; generally
The Lake Shore and Micliignn Soul hern
management has raisetl Ihe pay of ill en
gineers and make a contract with them un
til after the World's fair, whereby the men
Hgrou not to take part in any labor troubles.
On account of lack of orders the upper
mill of Ihe l.achnwaiina Iron and Steel Com
pany, at Scrnnloii, I'a., shut down on So
urday. Six hundred men are thrown out
of employ incut,
-tltllll IM.,
The supreme court of Kanas d-clded Hint
a county attorney does not have to be a
law yer as long as be has legal assistance,
and where he Is recognized as county attor
ney by the Judge of the district court. The
case decided was from Ottawa county, where
a murder case wns appealed on the ground
Ihut K. A. Holderrnnn, the I'opulist county
at.orney, bad not been admitted to the bar.
By a vole or 5K to !7 tho South Carolina
house or representatives passed a bill to ro
peal the free pass act.
Ktnina Van Norden, the eldest daughter
nf Warner Van Norden, President of the
Bnnk or North America, New York city,
who is well known In society. has Joined the
Salvation Army, and is a full-fledged, un formed
soldier. The Van Norden are one
of the oldest families In New York. and Mr,
Van Norden. in addition to being president
of the Hank or North America, is a million
aire and a member or several of the most
prominent clubs and societies in New York,
The Iowa crop service completed Its final
report of the season. The total area of corn
worth husking is fi.0;i5,42J acres; average
yield per acre, '29 bushels; total pro I SKI,
173,807, Mt bushels. (II he.- staple cropajare
as follows: Wheat, 7,Mt.ai2 busbels; oats,
s.1,48!),K0 bushes; barley, 10,010.072
bushels: ryo. 1. '521270 bushels; flux. 2.1m..
104 bushels; buckwheat, 4 750 hudiels;
potatoes, 8,7211.100 bushes; bay, tame, 6,.
228.201 tons.
Robert Beattr, Wanted la Pittsburg,
Arrested at Loulaville.
Robert J. lleally, wanted in J'ltlsburg,
where ha is charged with complicity in the
poisoning of non-union workmen at Home
stead, was arrested at Louisville, Ky., on
the steamer galanhica, which arrived from
J illsburg, Saturday night. He will likely
bs returned to I'ittsbur.i for trial.
. Murderer Coffee Lynched.
Cornelius Coffee, who shot Otticars Dillon
and Burton, at Uluefleld. W. Va., last Tues
day, was oaptured at Pueohontai, Va.,
taken over the Weat Virginia line and banr
Kllllnt ' iraltht,
flffltvn Jicotile Mtid I'lilltlrcn nllke
ir Iticlined U) fall Into tho vcrv fmd
tmliit. r sliding down Into n cliHlr,
mil ftiuiri for hours with tho spine
lient yltntist Inn liuir-clrcle. 'J'lutt
:lils Is injurious thtiiisfinds of people
who Indulge In It never so tniii li h
lte:im, Iml tlutt It Is the caust'of ninny
icritiiis Ills those who hitve Investl
Hied thn sub ret tiro well uwate.
The I'ntititiiiul Ktrulti iihiii onr aide of
the spltnil roluititi, with (lie ci rres
ponding cotniiossliiim on the oilier,
-ltd rise in tiet voim (lllllcitltles ntirj
I tTo '1111111 nf the lir.ilu. Iiir..itiess,
miiHen and Mintl sp'IU srr ntil Itittc
jtictitly thn result, nf this prai'llce.
While the Ntrlrtlv upright position Is
unil(i;ilitcdly thn most hi-ulthrill. It
ci'ins rather hitrtl work to persuade
Un; jtitiiiit anil liidolctit to inaliituiii
l.azy tieople, nud thop. who love
luxury, liaxo a liulilt, or "sluinpltiK"
1:1 to speak, Itit i their i halri:, nml te
tiiuitiliii; In 11 setnl-reeitiiitient posit ion.
nith the spine ns nearly telescoped ns
tuny he. That porlloti nf (he human
anatomy t'enerally known ns the
tutc k-lioiie was In tended to he woi'ii In
111 tiprk'ht 1 his lion, and the constant
pressure f the sections or the ver
tebra' upon each other Is jiru'l tirtlre
or various UN.
Children should Im tai glit to sit
frei't. ci:ecliilly IT 1 liny lire growing
rail. illy. When t red or In n position
for ret, let, thetii lie down, and en
tlrely remove the strain from the
luisrlns of t he hark. If the young
siers who m:Ter rrotn (lizJnesx or
headache are carefully ohserveil. it
will rrctiuently he uotleetl that. the:r
ioitioii Is Inult.v. Th t eiirvcil lortn
or lliespitiu results Iti the ui)Hmi'
of the muscles 11 1 the hark tit the
neck, unl the ilillleiilly Is (iiite rer
taitt t,i tut removed hy correct lti the
lialiitof sitting. New Yoi!c Ledger.
lille llrrarl.
To thn exclusive use of white hrend
Sir ,1a toes Critclitoh-Urowu alt 1 ihutes
Ihe pievallln decay In tetth. As
lit ui r i im is necessary to good teeth.
11111I us this Is a eliaracteristlc feature
t the illsi-ariled port Inns of t lit)
tvlicat not used In making white
Hour, the leiirned gentleman sees no
hope Iti the way or teeth tor the fut
ure gfiii:iatlnns except y a return
to the general eoiisiiiiiit'fiii of bread
tilide rioui whole wheat flour.
I'.vci-yltfiftv ICemls
'7ir 'O-tnofi lti"i titrh More news, mori
lelev raihtc nml sis.,-1!,! m-rviees, tnali eny
newspaper between I'liilHtlelphiu nlitl Chi
eogii. There are l.H:i(l varieties id roses.
Denfnea Con'l be Cared
Py 7ncl applications ns tnev hiiii.,1 rearb the
diseass-d t.iirlimi :,f the ear l'ltere :s on.v .inn
wnv cure deiilnesn 11 ml tllHi . tiy (-inistiltl..
tlona. reineilies. :l.tltllrs is -Htisetl i vhu 11--Itnineii
euiutitiiin it tut tmicima -unua n tho
Kictin Iiisl I 'll. VVhec -Ills -Ii: nets n
tutii.eti voe navea riiini,uiia soi'iiti cr inner
feet oeltrilia. ami whec .t .s ent .relv chwii,
tleiitnesir s the result., and umess tne .nflHiii.
intitlci :an L iiikeii mu ana :.. mitt- re.
stnrefl .c .-Or norma, condition Iteii'-iui, wil. lie
di'strryeu rorever nine cass .i.t;; :en -ire
rttuseii ov .Hiar'-n. wbien .s notuinii tint nn lu.
flamed coiidllii.n it the mucous sit: faees.
VX'ewlK i:ve Oue IJtiiiureo :ni,im tot an?
case ot aeatness causcu ty catai-m: tnat we
i-iiiinnt cure tit tnkmir iluU'a Catarin Lures
bend lor circulara, free.
f. J. iisxkt oVj Co.. loietio. Ol
bold by llrugnista, 7uc.
I'entiille, lia., lays claim to a ID year-old
A ( blld F.alere
The plesssnt flavor, gentle action ari l anntb
ing effect nf Syiup of Hue, when in need of a
laxative, an I ir the father or mother be cos
tive or bilious, tho most gratifying results fol
low lis use; an thnt It Is the bsi-t family rem
edy kuowu and every family aboulti Lave
The lobster catch of this ainson is only no
fer cent, of Inst season's. j
Nsntshals.- tK'trs-r hare. T. very S shares se.
etires m Inwn lot. Fori tines In the hrml ll. Kend
Sc. for i-niap.-i t na. A..I. McHride. Ailanta.Ua.
A full Brown elephant is capable of car
rying a loud of two tons.
"Haw I Wriii Be a liar,"
told by (ien. lw Wallw e.lsoiie scrap from tha
voluiniuoiisand superb pi-iacraiiMne o' eminent
writers and interesting an Ii lea which 'hi
KU'h'sC snnii'ii annoiinee.. It relainaila
ulws In Mi.Uli families by the versatility and
tne liiatructlvAnessnf Its a- nerel articles. 1 he
high character of all Its stories, the brhflitneta
nl its illustrations. Then it comes every week,
and one gels a great deal for 1.76 a year. 'I be
airless sen I at nea will entitle on 10 the paper
to January, IMH. Address 'I NS Yoi'Ta'S COM
rAMIOM, UoatouMaae.
Two Hsrsons, 011 an average, die of starv
alion evtry week in laidon.
"Iternemhct that In Oarfleld i'ea ynn have an
nnfaillug reinedy for Indi esllon, hhk Head
ache and every attending III that an abused
etnmaca can i ake you stirrer. Kvary druggist
win it. Mo., &uc. and $1."
I'kolegraplia IS) t enia a llosea.
The Detroit, Mich., r'ree Pre.s will send
vou their famous Weekly one vear and 114
Columbia Photos of self or friend tor (1.10.
hstnd for aumple copy and particulars.
A romaleie KemsiKi Fee One rent.
7'fif Hillfliumh CiriuiiWf.'f Wfui 0111 Is sold by
all News Aireuts and ilelivei-ttd by Uarrieri
everywhere, lor Ou feat a copy or .Si'i: Ceafs a
week. It conutins dlly. Ilia news of tha
world, rreeieing aa It does, the reports of both
the Associated I'resa and the Culled I'ross. No
other paper which sells for One I ent receives
both of 1 lies reports, lis Snortinv. Kinnclal,
rashton, and Huu-ohold Departments are uil
equaleil. Order it from your Newa Atfeut,
Fob "Irk headache, dlsalneas or swimming
In the bead, paiu In the back, body or rbeu
autlaau. lake Beecbam'a I'llU.
If aftllct4 with sore eyes rrae Dr. IsaaeThomp-icn'aKye-water.
lJrutftfistsseUMt2.'si per bottle.
Do You Wish
the Finest Bread
and Cake?
It is conceded that the Royal Hakin Powder is
the purest and strongest of all the baking powders. .
The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet
est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow
der makes the lightest food.
That baking powder which is both purest and
strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself
of the baking powder which will give her tho best
food with the least trouble?
Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift
or prize, or at, a lower prico than tho Eoyal,
I as they invariably contain alum, limo or sul
phuric acid, and render tho food unwholesome.
Certain protection from alum baking powders can
be had by declining to accept any substitute for the
Royal, which i:; absolutely pure.
'ins Mntiye i loan.
The c ml or cloak is usually of white
fashtoere, allk, or light-weight cloth,
miliietliiies instead or while the grey
-had' s heuig eliosen, writes Mrs Mai
Ion In 11 helpful article on "A llahy's
l.nvette," in tho Ladies' Homo .lour
nal. There Is not much change In
design, lor they continue to te
smocked ut the neck to rorm a elreii
lar yoke, nud somo few have a liroitd
rlldioii eoiiiliut urouiiri the waist and
run (In ink itslighlly. The simplest of
little caps Is preferred, those made or
material like the vUr.u and lilting
the head closely like a Turllim cap,
or ir the weal tier he very warm, those
of sliiriiMl lawn, heiiii! chosen.
Iluallleaa l.ocl
An Ingenious lock has licen devised
ror use in Imsiness houses und oftlrei
wheiu absolute privacy Is dehlred.
lly simply turning iiiicleetrle switch
placed close ut hand, the occupant ol
the room may Instantly ntlinit n per
son. as ulckly lock tip; floor on hit
egress, without leaving' his clialr.
IIIhsoIvcm raTcl,
flail stone, brick dust In urine, pains In urethra,
si raining after urination, pain In tank iiudhipa,
awlden atoopageof water uli pressure.
IlrlSit'H Disease,
Tiil easts In urine, scanty urine. .Virnmp-Rmit
cures urinary Imulileaau.l kiduey tliftl.-ultii-a.
Liver Comiilaiiit,
Torpid or enlarred liver, foul breath, bilious
ness, bilious heuilache, poor iliKi st ji.n, goui.
Ca t a r I'll c- I . I add er,
Innammatlon. Irritation, ulceration, dribbling,
frequeut calls, pass blood, mucus or pus.
Gearae-tee L'ae'cnt-ntft of One nnttle, If not bea
eStea. Priieaiata will lafiina yot, tlia prlre paid.
A I DruKKlata, &Oe. Nlae, tl.oo Slae.
'laseUtla Oulde to HfaUth" rreo-Cor,-illtaonn free.
DK. Kli.MKIl B CO.. filKOIIAHTOM. M. y.
"One of my neighbors, Mr. John
Gilbert, lias been sick for a lonp;
time. All thought him past recovery.
He was Horribly emaciated from the
inaction of his liver and kidneys.
It is difficult to describe his appear
ance and the miserable state of his
health at that time. Help from nny
source seemed impossible. He tried
your August Flower and the effect
upon him was magical. It restored
him to perfect health to the great
astonishment of his family and
friends." JohnQuibcll, lioit, Ontfc
laeilraieef Hharihaad.
No. 104 Fifth avenue, I illalninr. Pa. Mrs.
barn and Pilmsn systems. Private and mall
instructions. hs-etai sMed elaaaea for all writ
era, (sood noeitlone for competent aludenta.
THOMAS P. RIM IKON. Waalilnatnn.
P. t. No ally's ree aiilll Palsiil oh.
laliied. Write lor luv-ntnr'a ouiiiv.
blue Babl Cared In lO
mr till coresu
AJI kakUMAatt
pMMiiaaU rsMlewavt7 SOW larVM
I sMa.rfl.tM, U;.ttU Tbkfl lltHkC OUD-
tsktiM IMM ftMlf iNUafMsl pvm oUavf
Up KMirtNii imi-r tk.ti u hvi
fMsMij jt aWTlAMhJt tMUfl . eUUfc,
lifisTa fete IlU woriln wlUt Uui UeriuiM
fMulaUnU mad proauaaUUu, ul
Vr4BM WOniWlt BeWlWh (lAlaUlM
It U lAvftiuabl to 0rtnnti vim avr no
WfftmttjUy ItMttaMr wtili Csif task, or to
eit4erir4Wa1 who hk to IfMru DlrMm
HMf4V fCaV MU IM UfMaVl ..
aa-aTa-aaaaa it
sw VyC n
IW ..eas-aaa. .-m FHI L
The teller Tl.
in early Kngllsh It was nlvrnys
trilled, says a writer In Science, hh It
continues to he in Scotland, where of the t harueterlst Irs of early
I Ktiglish nre still prevalent. H it in
I modern Knglisli thn trills have hcen
I tortened away wherever K follows u
I vowel, until little Is loff, or the It
tint Its vowel iiiality. We nre
turned to the entire omission of It In
I negro speech, whcie tin and sto are nil
I that we hear for floor mid store; hut
i in educated utterances there is s uns
' photietlt: effect left In H even where
I it Is least manifest. Such dellcato
1 (hades of sound are the distinguish
! ti marks or reiliiemefit in pronun-
riution, and they shoiiltl he carefully
preserved hy teachers und by writer
jti phonetics.
(1111. i s promptness in paying the
Indemnity will tltiulitless secure her 11
letter or recommendation from I'nclo
Sam nny time she fi els like embark
ing in tho uecldcnt Insuranco h'
Do Not P DrVivtd
Wirh fnsitisxi. C namla arw la,, e.1.1.. at
bittifl!. in T'irsf frM mm nml htirn rrrl.
tw Kiiint mm nwivt Poimti Is. HnlMunt, mor
IfM. fura.i,lp, anil l he f(ir)iimrr my tut no tin
a aaseaee-s as as-asr: nun '! ry IUrVnaUM,
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other CheniieMs
r iisd In tb
jireparution of
trfttch in nbtttitet
pur nnd nftM.W
I ltUtmmnrthnnthretlmr9
1 t40trnitU of C'm-o ntixed
1 with Htij'r.;h. Arrowrnoc or
v8uear, nud in fur mors Ve
nom ical, eojtfnj tent than on cent a eup.
It. it tVlh loui, nour:hln. and mit
(Sold brrorori .rywhr.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, M&u.
Cnra CoDnnnptl on, Covgha, Crmip, Aor
TnronU Sod by all lmcriita on a GuarurtiM,
H11I4U iha worat rno
tnr wlili un
dor all elrruiiiMianrM
I lAIIJIhiak-fel,
I'ltiu ruist tlmt. atiJ rul 1
flit fjs-ir liie)1ir inrBI M
Sir! KStaMej I O.f. USB)
f I im( U4 RrxMsi
-f, Ksrtf iotK city.
Ptan'a Rvmad fbf catarrh ta iha ff"!
I tooui by tfiuaaiMa or mil by ouul. I I
U K. T., Warraa, tfa. U
or svimnilMtfiri Ut nituitlA ttt Nw Patent ('atriinrfu
Ink llnminn Pem-ll. AKnt mkloa prr wvrk.
Mu.VHOK KKANr.K Ufti. CO., X tM, L Crumv, Vl
Garfipjd Toas
Cun-ai L'ontatpatinii, Kswion Cofsiilfixiua. riavtM Doctor
Cures Sick Headache
-srr--v-w y can ost an education am
I yj ) X POSITION, TOO. by altemllni
curry Business Col!p. '''"vV"
Send for Calalo rue, namttie Hi's paper.
II. H IIOWK, PH. U. frealdenl. .
DATEITSI! PKSlnMINlS l-aeai litr
I or'a ilnlileor llow ui ultialn a Helen!. Sead.'iH
tTlsesi( PKMSUIN a ad UOIINTV I.A Wnv.
rilitas u'a.kunu. aouinukja. o.a
8 w y
sd to tree by a nob.