The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 07, 1892, Image 8

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Hnmlrffd. of Womrn Until Wurklng fn
Itlnim In (tin Vorlnn lrpnrlment of
the TTnllntinl Cnptlul Wltlitiut lining
Thrlr flnrlnt Mumllug.
Wnshinirtnn Ik pi'ttltirf to 1m xvnm
n' jmrndlse. 'J'lirru is no otht-r pliicn
In tlui wiilo, wlilo world ulirri women
cum ns much money, nro mm ludi'prnd
ent mid nre n itrfctvutiiilly treated ly
men ns tlioy nro in Vii"liinc:rni. The
Influence of women In tlin iifl"uirn of tlii
mighty imti'in 1ms lieon ftiliject of fre
quent omiinieiit. Mimy liitiTcsliti niid
highly liiiMKlnnlivn xtorirs Imvelicen told
of tlio woiimn loliliyist until tlio ilNcreet
wives of nurnt of our migratory Kliites
mon linvn takrii to traveling nroiind
with them, mid never under liny cirenm
ntnnres let them remain nlmie iitnld tlm
tetiiptiitinns of tho capital, This I a
pnlpnhle Injustice to tho lawgivers, nnd
involved Bn unnecessary luirilxliip upon
the anxious matron,
In the place of nn Imaginary mnl ro
ninntio influence upon the lnwmaUinir
of thin free, for nil government there
ha thus grown up tho real nnd nnlwtiin
tinl influenco exercised by the ever pres
mt and rontons gunrdian of her hus
band' morals. Meanwhile, from liclnj;
the mender of tier lord's socks and torn
trousers, the wife of tho ntutrxiimti has
come to realize that she can occupy an
other nnd lusher Kphero. in life, ami feel
ins her power lins begun by making nil
around her feel it, who in turn i-iuii
into her independence. Ho it conies
that from a combination of polities, mi.
ciety bobbins and female domination
the women of Washington have estab
lished n status for themselves.
Should nil the men bo suddenly called
away from tho capital for a journey
across the Hlyx there is mi legitimate,
business that would bo left without a
rotary and no profession would fall into
decline. Beyond tho closing of a few
charitable institutions things would re
main as they nre. Lawsuits would be
no fewer or less skillfully conducted;
doctor and druggists would still get in
their daily work; butchers and bakers
and candlestick makers wonld still lie
sufficiently numerous; prachers ami
merchants would equal the demand;
barbers wonld "be more plenty than
beards; real estate agents wonld still be
forming pools .and combinations and
speculating in city and suburban prop
erty. An undertaker is about the only
thing of importance which would not
be found. Thus far the men have that
business to themselves.
When Spinner opened the departments
for the etnplytnent ot women he gave
them an opportunity for advancement.
The thing has worked itself out now and
the female clerk is an established iustl
tntion, so to speak, in good standing,
with a fair income and some-times r
fair face as well recognized and ap
proved of by good society, and in a
measure fashionable. Her social stand
ing as a class comet perhaps from the
fact that she is more often the friend of
the wives of statesmen than of the
statesmen themselves, those watchful
guardians exercising aome discretion in
the matter of favors to their own sex.
Out of thia has come the recognition
of woman as a self supporting creature,
without loss of standing, and not all
being able to get into the departments
or to always hold places once secured
they have invaded other occupations and
professions once sacred to the wearers of
trousers. Of course female teachers,
doctors and lawyers are no longer a nov
elty, and a great many have gone into a
small private brokerage business. One
woman has gone regularly into the real
estate, loan, trust and insurance busi
ness, and has turned out to be one of the
best "business men" of the thousand and
one who keep their eyes on every foot of
ground in and about Washington. She
has opened up new subdivisions, formed
syndicates and done booming with the
beet of them. The girls have almost
driven young men out of the stenogra
phy and typewriting business, and even
around the political headquarters, where
men only used to be employed, women
now outnumber men two to one.
The best of it all is that with all this
the social status of the women remains
unchanged; they aro still treated with
the greatest deference and courtesy, and
"strong minded" woman is a rarity.
What would you think to see a shop
girl in a tailor made riding habit gallop
ing through Central park on a stylish
horse? It would not be a common sight.
It is not at all uncommon to see partiob
of shopgirls salesladies well dressed
and well mounted, riding along the meet
fashionable drives, looking as stylish
and pretty and enjoying themselves as
much as the richest duughter of fashion
whom they may pass on the road. The
girls in some of the larger stores belong
to riding clubs and have riling masters
who take them out two or three times a
week. Baltimore News.
The Old Polio In,
The chief authorities of towns in past
ages incurred much responsibility. At
Ripon we have at good example of their
liabilities. Here formerly, after the
blowing of a horn at 8 o'clock at night,
and until sunrise next morning, if a
bouse were robbed, and the owner and
his servants had taken proper precau
tions for its safety, the wakeman had to
make good the loss sustained. Each
householder paid an annual tax of two
pence if he had one door, and fourpence
' if he had two doors to his dwelling, for
maintaining a watch ever the city. The
tax has long since been discontinued,
but the horn is still blown at night
London Tit-Bits.
Oa the Grand Tour.
Stranger What is the fare to Inter
lakes T v
Driver Twenty francs.
Stranger But "Budeeker" (guide
book) says only twelve francs.
Driver Oh, well then let "Budeeker"
drive you himself .Boiler Nachriobten.
ami Wagered nn tha Tnrf.
There nre tio data obtainable in this
country upon which even a remote Ap
proximation could be made ns to the
total of the sums wagered in the course
of the year upon turf events. That it Is
large may be safely nssumed; but we
should doubt much whether the French,
In their comparatively recent fervor for
lietting upon horse races, have not
largely exceeded the amounts wagered
in this country.
The llgtm given by a Tails corre
spondent show shut 10 per cent, levied
on nil sums staked in the I'ari-Mutuel
machines amounted for the last four
months of Inst yenr to i.OL'O.fVitl francs,
representing n total IKered of 101,1112,
9M) francs or over fl.OBO.UtlO in four
mouths. This of courso is altogether Ir
respective of the sums wngered at the
clubs or with the large liookmiikcr, nnd
represents only tho smnll sums laid on
tho courso with the smaller men of that
class. London Tit Bits.
Ultra Drntroy n sitser's llonrd.
Edward Kelly, an aged farmer living
near Oriffin's Corners, Delaware county,
is known in tho neighborhood where hn
resides ns somewhat of a miser. He
places no faith in banks or securities,
except greenbacks. Soma time ago ho
sold a tract of laud for a largo sum of
money, which he added to his accumu
lated hoard, making in nil nearly $10,
000. This week he lind occasion to ex
amine his treasure, which he kept se
creted in an old IxKitlxix, . concealed
nmnng a quantity of newspapers. He
was surprised to find that some mice hail
entirely destroyed his fortune in prepar
ing for themselves winter quarters. Nota
piece of money was left large enough for
Ident ideation. Tho old man raved liko
n maniao when lio discovered his loss.
Cincinnati Knqnirer.
Tlrkli-il Allltimt I lentil.
Tommy I'ooler, about nineteen years
ohl, one of the nervous sort known as
"jumping Frenchmen," was forcibly
held by a young negro nnd tickled so
severely that he burst a blood vessel.
Hemorrhage from tho mouth and nose
resulted, and this tho physicians have
been unable to stop. The priest from
Watervillo was sent f( r nnd arrived
Monday night. Tuesday I'ooler was very
low and apparently near his end. Dex
ter Cor. Eastern Argus.
Not an I'nuatural Error.
Police Commissioner Mr. McGobb,
how did it happen that you let a raving
lunatic, go around terrorizing people on
your beat for a whole afternoon?
Officer McGobb Sure I thought he
was some felly payln a 'lection bet. In
dianapolis Journal.
A change in
To make this change we have to sacrifice
Four or five thousand dollars worth of
If you have ever bought Shoes from us you know we carry nothing but the best
goods, so if you want to Save Money and at the same
time get good goods give us a call. i
Now Co For
Also a few Pants on which you can save big money. We have on hand about
twenty-five good heavy Overcoats suitable for every day wear at prices
that will astonish you. All the above goods must be
closed out. Don't miss this sale.
Burled Under ftevrntjr Tana of Coal.
James Bordley, of Chester, lost his
life in a strange manner at the Wellninn
Iron and Rteol works. The company
have nn appliance for loading coal Into
cars through chutes. Dordley was on
top of a 400-ton pile of coal, mid when
the chuto was opened ho was sucked Into
the chntp, nnd seventy tons of conl cov
ered him over. Twenty men worked for
Sn hour to move tho coal pile, but when
Bordley's body was recovered life was
extinct. riiilndelpli in Titnejt.
Uniting n IVannt.
Homo very funny flection lietsnro now
being paid here by good Republicans
who were continent of tho success of
their ticket. A Wixfh ward man rolled
a peanut seven squares .with a tooth
pick and lind a broken bnek when his
liet was paid. Ilarrisburg Cor. Phila
delphia I'ress.
John T. Htone, of Henderson, N. C,
Is tho youngest editor and proprietor in
the United States. lie Is tho boss "hus
tler" of the Henderson Dnily Hustler,
and Is only thirteen years old.
For Constipation
Ayer's Pills
For Dyspepsia
Ayer's Pills
For Biliousness
Ayer's Pills
For Sick Headache
Ayer's Pills
For Liver Complaint
Ayer's Pills
For Jaundice
Ayer's Pills
For Loss of Appetite
Ayer's Pills
For Rheumatism
Ayer's Pills
For Colds
Ayer's Pills
For Fevers
Ayer's Pills
Pn'iwrpd by Pr. .T.7. Ayerfc Co. .Lowell, Mmm.
Bold by all Drumteu.
Every Dose Effective
our business
in soils we
funning Wire Frnrr.
An Ingenious landowner nt Melbourne
has applied the wire fetiees in his dis
trict to telephonic use. By utilizing the
top wire two extensive estates are con
nected. Mr. Kit ward Argle, the mana
ger, carries an instrument with him in
his buggy, and by connecting with tho
wiro at any point can communicate with
either liomestend. London Tlt-lllts.
Crystallised nitrogen is one of tho
greatest chemical curlouil ies. By cool
ing nitrogen gas down to Iin7 (legs, lie
low tho freezing point, and then allow
ing it to expand, solid snowlike crys
tals are formed.
Knglish guiiHiwder is comHRed of
sevenly-livo parts of saltpeter, ten of sul
phur and fifteen of carbon, l'rotiortiou
aro often slightly varied.
General William T. Sherman was fa
miliarly called "Uncle Billy" by his
soldiers, nnd also "Old Tecumseh."
Haxoii ladies never nppenrod In public
without the hood, which covered tho
hair and n largo part of the face,
4 'humph ttir WhIIoii l .Mourn, f toht-r
-ift, In 4 n tt ii if ihi Iti-itth ol
I Ih I'lmt ol Our I.himI.
Ami (lallv we m'c tin iicciiiiitt of Home imtrl
Mrf tti I hut u few tunnl h tiiro wiih hlnut iiitd
(lenity Is ihhv no iniiir, front tin eflertM of
l.ti (ir'lpm. Now, jrood iHtipU, I huvi t rented
IiiumIm-iIm of nine of l,n (rljipe, nnd In It
Wofxl win i:e, mid never lost ti ruse, nnd now
I hnve it nrlnted foriniilii of my cure, which I
him Mold hnndiedH of for ll.on 11 piece, mid
Iiiivp recched prnlscM from nil purl nnd
from H nuniher of phyHlrhiiiM hm to Mh elHcney,
nnd now tin UripH' NeiiHoti m rnmlnic nnd
tlmt you tuny nlluet n formula 1 nin hitvliis
om wtHpned it round i-vi-ry hottle of
HurifootrH Hytem Henovator, tit f I .lift n hofth'
or mix for tii.lNt. l-'or hh lent nil hrunStoren
lind 47 Ohio Mreet, Allegheny, I'm.
2M tn mi wor urn removed In 42 month. Ciin
(tn removed from nil pnrtH of thn body
without Hn knife. Tin- only turn run for
Catnrrh oiifiuth. UK. .1. A. IU IMXMN.
OIHce open from ft A. M. until W I. M.
Hurtfooii'M remedle for In Keynold
vhle hy II. Alex. Hlohe.
I. A 4. It I !'' '.
in the next few months
Is the cause of this large advertisement.
have nothing but good goods loll
Just in
LA l)l I
K ' IN M Y
In fact imytJiiiitf you my cirri ru. in our line will be found
in our liKitiiinotli More.
The Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Machinists Can study
I t en'c,
sunscKir.E Fon
1.5)0 1'ER YEAR.
And we now offer you
at and in some cases below cost. 1
Season !
Correstiondence Scnool of Mechanic
Stnlfr.ts tit'r Ned U Snor How it Retd tai Writ.
The CoiirNtMit iiisti-iiftluii l Ihorouirh mid iiirliiflcs
7rlthmelc, Mecrinlo, and
Mechanical Drawing.
Tiilllnti rhnriri'H ri'itsiiniililr iirtd terms of pnymont In
Mill -.inili'itN. Nfillnii' iM'i'il h I(mi from work. Senil
fii- I JKI''.IC ('IrtMiliir of I nformiil ion.
the above goods
Now Go For