The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 07, 1892, Image 4

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    $TItc Star.
Sulwriptitm tl.HO r year, in advance.
An liHl'iH'n(l't lorul pt, puIiINImmI ovi'ry
WYtlni"Mltiy at ItcyiHtltHvllli', .h-llVrsmi Co.
ln.. ilrvntcil to 11m lntt'nt of lttynnllvlll
Run .li'tTrrminroiinty. Nnti-polltlciil, will trciit
nil Willi fiilriit'NH. nnil will hiMHHlly frit'iiil
ly towiinU tin lulmi-lnit tIiimh.
Hnlwrrlptlnn prlci'f l..10ryijir, lit ndvnni'p.
CiinitminlrHtimiA Inti'inli'il for iiiilillrntlnii
muM Ih nri'ompnnli'fl by llio wrltrr'j. nnmi,
not for nulillriiilrm, hut nn n minrnntr, uf
good fill III. lntrrctlnit ni'wn Hi'inM miIIi'HimI.
A1virf Nlnff mtim nmiln known nn iippllfii
tkm tit thi ntlli'ti In Arnold' Itlork.
LiMiirlity romniiinlriitloim mid rhnnffo of
BdvprtlHvmi-ntii nhimlil ri'Hi'h till olHrn tiy
Montlny noon.
Aililrr-w nil i-ommunlrntlonn InO.A. fltpph
non, Hi'ynolclvllli, Tit.
Kntrrpd lit the notofflio nt. rloyiioldsvlllp.
Pa., nil wronei rlnw mull ninltcr.
C. A. STIrilKfMN, Editor unit Pub.
Ono who wrlrkcdly nmt mnllclmiKty
botrnva nnothir rind loadn him to ruin,
and then dorliU-n nnd holds him tip to
doom nnd contempt (or blindly fiilllnp;
Into his snore; or who mnkoR sport of
the weakness or liesetmont of which
advnntnire wns taken to effect his ruin,
display a ltttl more of tho spirit of his
father, tho devil, than falls to tho lot
of moHt puinons. Yet there are mich
people thousands of them. They nro
striking Instance of total depravity.
It Is surprising the amount of money
that Is squandered for tobacco. Men
who have considerable trouble supplying
their family with suffletent food to keep
the soul and body together, will use
tobacco at all hazard. The following
item from a gentleman who claims to
know whereof he speaks, as he was a
witness to the transaction, gives an
inkling of where the money goes to:
"Not long ago I called at a county store.
Soon after a lady of very limited means
entered with a small basket of articles
he wished to exchange for merchandise.
Her goods were a small roll of butter
and one dozen and a half of eggs, both
of which came to ninety cents. She
made the following purchases: Half a
pound of coffee, 12 centa; one pound of
sugar, 10 cents; one box of matches, !t
cents; one spool of thread, 8 cents; one
yard and a half of calico, 12 cents.
This came to 45 cents. The remaining
45 cents wore spent for tobacco for her
husband, who she said, was out of the
weet." The woman almost split tho
pennies in purchasing the necessary
articles that she might get tobacco for
her husband.
It used to be considered the solemn
duty of parents to whip their children.
Peoplo who had no intelligent Ideas
bout the rearing of boys and girls
seemed to think that, if they
applied the rod vigorously now and
then they would grow up to be con
scienctous men and women without any
special efforts on the part of the parents
to impress upon them the great
advantages of virtue over vlco. "Spare
the rod and spoil the child," with thorn
was a sacred maxim. Many of them
believed it to be a quotation from
Scripture, and thought as they whacked
their offspring across the back, that
they were obeying an injunction from
the Bible. The quotation is from
Butler's "Hudibras," and reads
Love In hoy by poets ntyl'd.
Then Hpare the rod nnd spoil the child.
Whipping children is like Ben Butler's
recipe for making cakes out of a mixture
of corn moal and sawdust, which
concluded as follows: "N. B. The less
sawdust used the better the cakes will
be." Children should be constantly
taught the consequences of thotr actions.
They should learn that virtue is its own
reward and that folly brings Its own
punishment just as suroly as the night
follows the day. Punxsutawney Spirit.
There are times when speech Is
unseasonable, but there are also times
when silence is wrong and even cruel.
If there is much said that should never
have been breathed, there is also much
that ought to have free utterance which
is never spoken. It is impossible to
estimate the amount of happiness and
benefit that is suppressed by this
untimely silence. A group of persons
are discussing the character of one
known, perhaps, only slightly to most
of then). Some one speaks disparag
ingly of him, or relates some incident
tending to lessen him in their estima
tion. Another who is present knows
this to be incorrect, but, instead of
vindicating him from the false charge
says nothing. He may be shy of
expressing himself; he may persuade
himself that it is not his affair; he may
dislike to appear antagonistic; what-
' ever be his reasons, he does the absent
one an irretrievable injury by a sllenoe
that must be deemed cowardly. The
unfavorable impression which he might
have corrected sinks into the memories
of those who have heard it, and is
probably never entirely effaced. Had
he simply uttered what he knew to be
' true at the moment of need, all this
would have been prevented. In general,
when the character or conduct of any
absent one is assailed, it is the path of
kindness to refute it, if possible; or, if
this cannot be, to present some point in
which he exoels, and which may turn
the scale of esteem in his favor. There
is in each one such mixture of good and
-' bad, admirable and blamable, that the
way he is judged largely depends upon
where the emphasis is laid. Therefore,
j all good-will and kindness demand that,
J while we bury his faults in oblivion,
we should speak freely and fully of his
A"Lalles'Aid Soctety"lsan Important
part of a church organization, writes
Mrs. Lyman Abbott In a careful
prepared paper on "Conducting a Ladles'
Aid Society,"' in the December Ladies'1
llnnie Journal. And It should not
consist of a few exceptionally devoted
or energetic persons. Every woman
who is a momlx-r of the church, and a
largo proportion, If not all, of the women
In tho congregation, should bo Its
efllelent members. Every detail of
attack ti)on evil, nnd every detail of
work forstrengthlng the good, should be
represented by a committee. Foreign
mission, homo mission, hospital mission
kindergartens, rescue work, working
girls' associations, every phase of
Christian philanthropy nnd religious
activity whieh can possibly lie employed
In the church, should have Its represen
tative In this society. All the women
niemliers and, as fnr as possible, nil
those attending the services of the
church, should bo enrolled. A list ns
largo as may bo of tho object which It
would be iMwslblo for them to consider
as suitable for their work should bo
made. A chairman of executive ability
should bo elected for each object.
Every woman in the congrcgat ion should
lie oxHcted to attach herself to one of
these organizations, and report to ono
of these chairmen. Be It little or much,
she should do something in its Interests;
even a "shut In" may send her world of
suggestion, and add her ml to of
encouragement though she have nolther
silver nor strength to give. The
president of the society should see
that each new comer In the parish
is at once Informed of this plan, nnd
Invited and even urged to attach herself
to some committee.
People are wishing each other the
compliments of the season and exchang
ing gifts. Did it ever occur to you to
send an ailing friend a package of
Ayer's Karsaparllla? If not, do so now;
and try this medicine yourself, if you
need a first-class blood-pnrlflor.
Norrls Bros, will finish their job of
putting in logs in about three weeks.
Bogus court Is now being held in the
Paradise Literary hall every Saturday
Martin Strouse, assessor of Winslow
township, will commence making his
calls in a few days.
John J. Deemer, the Paradise butcher,
has been hustling around pretty lively
for tho last three or four weeks.
The question is frequently asked,
"Why is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral so
much more effective than other cough
remedies?" Tho answer is, simply
because it is the most skillful combi
nation of anodynes and exirectoi-ants
known to medical science.
Valuable Heal Relate for Hale.
The Baptist church nnd grounds
containing several lots situated in
Prescottville is now offered for sale.
Very desirable for resident lots. For
terms and particulars enquire of M. M.
Davis, Roynoldsvillo, Pa.
For Hale.
A well finished house, suitable for a
boarding house, in Prescottvillo. For
further particulars, inquire at Cam,
Miteholl's oftice, or at the office of the
secretary of the Roynoldsvillo Building
and Loan Association.
The Countess of Aberdeen, who keeps
eighty servants in her home in Scotland,
ana Is considered to bo tho ono woman
in Great Britain who has come closest
to a solution of the survant-girl problem,
will toll of hor methods of treating hor
help, etc, In an artiele for The Ladie
Home Journal entitled "How I Kecu My
Try a pair of Robinson's "Bloodier"
shoes for ladios and men.
FOB Rent Two store rooms 20x80
foet omKwlte Hotel Bolnnp. Enquire
of J. H. Corbett.
One car feed, one car salt, one car
hay at J. C. King & Co.'s.
Call and see Robinson's $1.00 fancy
slippers for men. Nicest in town.
To taxpayers of Winslow township.
I will be at 'Squire E. T. McGaw's oftice,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa., each Saturday of
December, 1802, to receive taxes.
According to requirements of law all
township tax not paid will have Ave per
cent, added after January lst,18t)3. All
state and county tax must be paid before
that date. John Waite, Collector.
rifting with the Tit.
Cable Snyder On Tuesday, Deo.
6th, 1802, by Rev. Jas. H. Jelbert, at
the Emerickville M. E. parsonage,
Alfred- Cable and Maggie Snyder,
both of Emerickville, Pa.
Charter Notice.
In He. application of the Rutlimcl Preshy
teriun church for Incorporation.
In the Court of Common Fluaaof Jefferson
county, No. 1, Feb. Term, 1HKI.
Notice Is hereby Riven that an appllcutlon
will tie made to the said Court on the 211th
day of DecenilHr, lNwa at I) A. M. under the Act
of Assembly uf the Commonwealth uf Penn
sylvania entitled "an act to provide for the
incorporation una regulation or certain
corporation" approved April 2Vth. 1S74, and
the aupplementM thereto, for the charier of au
Intended corporation to be called the Kathmel
Preabyterlan church. The character and
uhjeel whereof la the aupixirt uf public
wurhhlp, and for these purpooee to have,
poNttoHM and enjoy all the rlKhts, benefltM and
rirlvtleKeH of the mild Act uf Assembly and
U eupplcmenlM. The proposed charter la
now ou nle In the l'rothonotary's office.
I). MircHKix, solicitor.
There came to mv nremlaea about the 2Sth
of October. IBM, a while bull with red spots
on aide. He la about u yearling. The owner
la requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charge and take name away, or ha will
be dlauoaed of aucordlug to law. '
Taos. M.Owws.
East Winslow township. Nor. 16, 'M.
Are now ready with one of the finest lines
of valuable Holiday presents in the line of
Ever displayed in this part of the county.
Ve invite you one and all to call and see that what '
we say we can back by showing you the goods.
Thanking you for past favors we remain
The Peoples Glowers, Hatters and Furnisners.
other Store at DuBols, Fa. RBYNOLDSVILLE, PENNf.
New York
Ii Km Lattly 0miU4 I
The Original House is
the largest in the United
States and I am their
representative in lieyn
oldsville and here is my
platform, not politically,
but my business platform
and is popular with all
parties. Here are the
planks I stand on:
For all customers from
overcharges and mistate
ments and poor values.
With every one who is
willing to pay cash for
the Cheapest Goods In
Between the buyer arid
seller. I make a small
profit; you get extra big
bargains for your money.
Of shoddy goods and
unjust dealing and op
pressive high prices.
where all the people are
welcomed and courtesy
extended to all; bargains
given daily at one price
to all and if not satisfac
tory money is always
This is the simple and
truthful Platform given
to tho people. Call and
be convinced.
Yours Respectfully,
Ed. Gooder,
Reynoldsville, Pa,
Opposite Stoke'i drug tore.
The most important feature to our citizens at
the present time is
How the Returns
With marked attention and take immediate
advantage of this true Guide and Warning
regarding Returns, that are apprecia
ted by the people that work hard
For tie Hi
But here is where the people do return and
have good cause to return. It is because
Is thoroughly appreciated. We have inaug
urated a
Siuptis Special Sale!
Separate counters will contain Broken Lots,
consisting of odd sizes, in Overcoats. Suits
and Trousers, Underwear and, in fact,
everything where lots are broken at
The recognized Leading
Furnishers of
the Particulars
Oor Sill Profit System
Marieisli Iw Prices.
Clothiers, Hatters and Gents'
Reynoldsrillei; Pa. . -