t f " TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS Happening The World Over. GLEANINGS OF INTEREST TEI.3K L TOLD, BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN. astral. I.ahoraa lsitnslrlal. By a vote of 120 to 4.1 ltM decided ti continue the strike at the Upper and Lowe Carnegie mills, Pittsburg, l a. A notice was posted at the works of thi Pottstown Iron Company, Hint from le crmbcr 12 the wanes of puddlers would b reduced from I't to 2 75 per ton. In 1!M te BO per ton paid at the work! to puil tilers for the "ante work that they are no lo receive 12 75 for. The reason whv the Knights of I.abu Ilea iquarters ure to be moved from Phila dftptiia Is given by Secretary Hayes. It li because of the itiind taken by Chief Jiistie.1 1'axanii in Iho Homestead treason cases. The Thomas Iron Company blast fur races at Hellertown. I'n., was blown on yesterday, throwing lirty men out of employ nicnt. lie Icr's limestone ipiurry, employ Ing fifty men, which aupplitd stone for thf furnace, is also closed. Ax Ixckkasb Ix Waiik. The llomilton Woolen Company, controlling HI mills l Ameshury, Mass., has increased the wnget of all employe.", except the spinners, 7 pel cent The spinners were given an increase of 10 per cent, recently. The Hunisville, Ala., Oil Mills, employ ing over HO hand, have atipetl work owini to the bleb price of cotton seed and the Ion price of oil. The mills have been runnins for over 10 years. .VJIsretltiiienH. At Monday morning's session cf the di vorce idc of the circuit Court nt S:. I.ouis 27 decrees ol absolute divorce were granted in the short space of two hours. Thin is the largest number ever granted iu so short a lime in that State. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, e soon as Congress and the local authorities grrnt permission, will begin a system o) improvements in and about Washington which will cost in the neighborhood of 12, (XXI,00) before theyre completed. Mayor Oourloy, of Fittsbcrg, IV, has complied with the wishes of many Pittbtirg ministers, nnd on Wednesday sent a commnnica tion to Chief Ilrown, of the Department of I'ublic Safety, requesting him to exercise bis authority to close nil the city 's disorder iy houses and houses of questionable char acter, within 4S hours. The inmates of all such houses w ere turned into the city street! on Fr.duy evening. Many charitable insti tutions of Pittsburg have opened their doors to shelter and care lor those w ho show ini fence and a sincere desire to reform. At Columbia, 8. C, Governor Tillman, of Edgclleld, and Lieutenant Governor Eiigcnt B. Gary, of Abbey vilie, were inaugurated in the hall of the Hume of Representatives. Got. Jones was inaugurated at Montgom ery, Ala., before the joint bessloii of tin House and Senate. The oath of olllce wai administered by Chief Justice Stone. The 'governor then delivered.!) is inaugural ad dress. Disasters. Arrldems nil I ninllllr. A fast freight from New London, Conn., crashed into the rear of the Norton exprcst atNoank, resulting In a complete wreck Engineer Frank Xiles stooi at his post and attempted to reverse. He was crushed be Death the wreck and will die. Through disobedience of orders twe freight trains collided ou the Ksst Tennes see) Railroad near Jackson City, Tenn. lloth engines and 20 stock cars were wrecked, a large number of cattle killed aud one or two tramps lost their lives. William Conklin and wife, Edward Dlan chard and wife, and Mrs. Maggie Pills were crowing the Erie liullroud.at Elmira,X. Y.in a wsgon and were struck by the westbaund vestibuled train. All were instantly killed except Mrs. Conklin, who wus terribly iu ared. Crime hiiiI Penalties. Three masked robbers entered the saloon of J. F. Vaitx, in Chicago, Huuduy night, and after holding up the crowd, rilled the money drawer. They then proceeded to the saloon of John Campbell, which was crowd ed with customers, and repeated the attempt but was attacked by John Cane, whom they fired upon and fatally wounded, and then made their escape. A 15-year-old murderer was hanged at Ma , eon, Ga, His name was Thomas Hull, mid be had shot an officer dead. Mrs. Fannie Adams, of Little T.ock, hat confessed tbal she muriend her husband last month. She wanted to get him out of the way no she could marry George Wil liams, ihe man who furnished the revolver. WsikiaiM News. ', The total collections of internal revenue for the first four months of the present (is cal year were 5G,258,020, an increase of 4,332,752 compared with the collections during Ihe corresponding period of the last fiscal year. The Secretary of the Interior bss sent telegrams of dismissal to 20 special agents of Ihe General Land Offlou. This sction sms made necessary because of insufficient appropriation. Kx-Governor Gear has formally assumed tbe dulits of the Assistant Hrcietary of the Treasury . The President has delegated to bias (lis power to sign Treasury warrants, and also authorised him to act as Secretary ul the Treasury in certain contingencies. Flaaaeial aa t'mrclal. At Joliet, III., the Stone City bank, pri vate institution, suspended payment on ec oouut of a run caused by the shutting down of the Enterprise Company, one of the de partments of the big wire fence industry. The bank is operated by H. Fish k Bona, Tfee failure is a beavy one. It is estimated bat nothing leas than tSX.OOO will Mills the nxsa's affairs. The failure ia due to tbe t jil Mtaoa la trade. Martnarv. General Joseph 11. Potter tiled at Colum bus, U., of heart disease, aged 70. lis was retlnd lu October, IKMI. from the army witb the rank of brigadier general. I.etlslatlve. A bill hns been Introduced in the Ala batua legislature providing for an annuity ofl.'iOO a year for Mrs. Davis, widow of Jef ferson Davis, diitlng her lite. rerseant. Ex-Secretary P.lnino Is graduaU) recover ing Irom his recent illnesss. - I lr At P.aleigh, X. C eight stores were burn ed. Loss, I0,IU); hair Insured. . I'ellllcal. A Prohibition bill hns been Introduced in Ihe South Caiolinu Legislature. JAY GOULD DEAD. End oftho Career of the Great Hallway Magnate. Jay (ioiihl.tlie great financier mid" railway magnate, died nt his resilience ill New York City, Friday inornimj. Death resultc 1 from stomach and pulmonary troublis. from which he has lomt been suflering, the sel l oune of his condition being kept from the public. .lay Gould was born in l'oxburv, Delaware county, X. Y.. .May 2', 1MU. 'His early years were spent o:i his fiitli'.r's farm. At JrV Afy LU?. 7 Alia', ' I 3K norm. the ape of It he ente-rd llobert Academy, New York, and in addition to his studies, kept the hooks ol the village blacksmith, Mr. Gould paid particular intention to math ematics and surveying, and on leaving cchnol found employment in miiklnj n map of l ister coiintv. His surveys enahbil him to accumulate .".. With ZiiiIimk Pratt he conducted a large lumber husiness in the western part of .Sew York Stale, which lie sold out in IK'iT. lie then became the larg ist stock hohb-r and a director in tlicStrnuds burg. I'n., bank, and shortly afterward turn ed his attention to railroad interests. Mr. Gould inve-ted all his moiiev after the panic of 1H"7 In the bonds of Hut hind anil Washington railroad nt 10 cents on the dollar, nnd became president, treasurer and general superintendent ot that company. He then hecinue interested in several other rail roads, a'ld moved to New York City, w hero he esiHolishcd himself as a broker. He in vested heavily in the Krie, I'nion Pacillc, Wnhash, Texas Pacillc. Mi-soiiri, Kansas and Texas unci other railway slocks. He be came Interested in the Atlantic and Pacific and Western I'liioil telegruhh companies and bought up railroad slocks until he own ed and controlled more miles of railways than any other man iu the l iiiic l States. Hv purchasing railways at low liuures. ex tending them mi l improving thmr facilities Mr. Gould likewise increased their Millies, ami this was the secret id his rapid increase in wealth. At. "17 vcara he was estimated to be worth t.VO.sl.O's'l. Last vear his wealth was put ut from 1 10.0;i.(ksi to 150,0XI,(AHJ. IIIVISION OKTIIK rsTATK. The volu-! of .lav Gould's e'ate is various ly estimaleil nt from 7 i.lXSI.niSi to Hlo.OUO, rttO. John Terry, who bus bet n closely al lied Willi Jay Gould for many years, and who Is tlier-'i'ore perhaps best' alile to give authentic ir.loriuation on the sutilect, told n reiorter that theestnte nt the present time was worth Hi),0-i.oo0. Wii-hington Connor estimated the estate at l7.".0tM,oii0. Jay Goulu's annual income was estimated at ".() h),(hi. He stated, some two years ago, thai it was a serious business matter with him how to invest his annual Income. In disposing of his estuie. Mr. Gould put his Missouri Pucilie, Western I'nion and Manhattan interests Intoa hind for the ben erit of bis lamily; Girge Gould is one of the trustees for the division of the property. It is estimated that from :.IH( i.lXHt to ti,. Ouu.diio have been appropriated in the will to be distributed lor chnritalile purposes; 40 per tent, of the entire citato will go to George Gould and the ha'ance is distributed equally among I hn lemaiiiiug children. Hy Mr. Gould's ord -rs the estate is so hound uii as to forestall all iutrfer-nee with his late interests in tins three principal holdings mentioned. which, according to his own statement made about six months ago constitute nearly one halt of his entire es taie. FINAL ELECTION FIGURES. H.I.IMI S OKKIl'IAI. rilll'HFS. RramiriKLn The fttaie tMard of cinr.is. sers completed the canvass of the orlicial vote of I llinois as follows: President. Cleve land, 42li,2M, liarrson. aitH.2Mfl, Wtsvr, 'ii.'JiV. ltidwel', 2.07. For governor. Alt geld (lf in.) 41)1.4117. Fifer (Kcp.) 4nJ U5U. Link (Pro.) 24.1W4, Ilainoll (Pop.) JO.JilT. ONS HAIIhlSON U Kl Ton K KAN.HK. TorEK. The Siate board of cunvassers' count shows the election of nine Weaver electors bv majorities averaging 4.HK7, and one Hairison elector by 101 innjorily. C bbell. Ihe defeated elector, was beaten on account of a typographical error in the certlticalions. The C'.uiit shows tbe election of the entire People's party Si ale ticket by majorities raugmg Irui a,J0 lo 8.UU0. orricui. not rirs from texab. GALvrsTON. A scial from Austin to th Galvestiou AVu says: The oftlcial count of tbe Presitlential Tote in Texus gives Cleve land 2a!l,llH. Harrison 77. 47,'i, Weaver Otl.tWS. Hid well 2,101. To Harrison's vo'e should be sdded 3.WI0. Republican ballots for the "lilly white" electors, being representatives of the white man's faction of the Republi can party. Squeezing Pimples Killed Him. John Harris, a young man of Philadel phia, died Thursday under inyster ous cir cuinstsnces. The coroner's physician In vestigated the case. He found that Harris's face had been filled with small pimples which he was in tbe habit of siiueczing un lit bis face was iu a mass of sores. The autopsy revealed the fact that blood poison ing, superinduced by the ronstunt squeet Ing of tbe pimples ou the face, was the cause of bis death. Blags Robber Shot. William Miner, serving a sentence tor slags robbery, and John Marshall for burg lary, attempted to escape from tbe State pris oa at Ban Quentlue. Cat The guard fired upon them, billing Marshal) and seri ously wcuBdlDf Miner. at rf ill 1 V IHE. URGE PENSION NOLI COMMISSIONER BAXJM'S REPORT, Almost 1140,000,000 Paid to 876,000 Persons in a Twelve-Month. High Water Mark Expeoted to Be Reached in 1804. The annual report of Commissioner Itauni, of the Pension Ofiice.was niaiic pub lic. It shows that on June 30, 1R02, there sere 870.WW pensioners on the rolls of the pension agencies, an increase of lon.noS in the last fiscal year.' These pensioners were classified ns follows: Widows and daughters of Revolutionary soldiers, 22; Army invalid pensioners, 3N0.748; army widows, minor children, etc.. lOS.a'ii": nnvy invalid pensioners, 5,0-HI; navy wldows.min nr children, 2,IW; survivors of the War of IHI2, Ittt; widows of soldiers of the War of 112, (!,;!; survivors of the Mexican war, 1. 'i.'.'l.'; widows of soldiers or Mexican war, 7.2S2. Act of June 27, lsl: Army invalid pensioners. 2fc't,7,'U; army widows, minor children, etc., 4 l.tHt; navy Invalid pension ers. ",3.'i4; navy widows, minor children, etc., 2, !17. The total ninmnil expended for pensions dnrmg the fiscal vear was :I!I,U).',IIM. Die Biuoiiut due 20 4'ir pensioners on the rolls on June , 1MI2, who were not paid lor want of time, but who will lm paid out of ttie funds appropriated for the fiscal year Ishl. is ti. (122.2:11. The n propriation lor Ihe tical vear lKIU) is l H.I .'nl.issi. hut tak ing Ihe co-l of the allow nines made during Ihe lirst lour mouths of this tlscui year as a basis lot calculation the Coninil-sioiier es timates that there will be a deficiency of .n .Vis.tfjt. In making hi etiniale for an appropria tion of fltli.issi.iNSI lor the fiscal year IWI2, i-cncra) liaiini says there is much dittlculty in forecasting the prolmlils cost of this ser vice fur 11 periil so far in advance. If as iiiiiy allowances for pensions shuil be made mil ing lh!i:t as were made during )W2, the estimated amount shall not be sulllcietit, but he does not believe that this will be tbe case. Tlic Commissioner says flint It has been lie poiicy ot Ihe olticeituriug t lie past three Veins to detail 11 lamer part ol the ofllcial force ii on oiiginal claims than upon in-crea-e chi ins. and. as u result ol this plan, 221 017 certificates were Issueil ill original in"0- ami 7l.7l certificates issued in increas claims under various laws. During the lis ml years 1WK and 1M'4, he believes the ad judication of original claims will be substnii. lially completed aud made current, and that at the close of ihe fiscal year 1M) the highest numlier of pensioners to be on the Tolls will have been placed there. A TRAIN'S FATAL TUMBLE. A Passenger Express Ooes Over sn Em bankment, Injuring Several Peo ple, Three ot Them Fatally. The Northbound Missouri Pacillc passen ger train jumped the truck ubout one and a hulf miles Irom Arkansas City, Ark. The baggage car anil fwo coaches left tbe track. The coach next to Ihe baggage car rolled down ihe enbaiikment of about 20 feet, anil turned over a total w reck, injuring 10 or 12 passengers. Among tlioe injured who were from AikiiiiMis Guy weiv: D. G. J'orter, Judge 1 ii.dall. John A. Smith, Mrs. Dr. Tillur, ol '1 ular Station, probaoly laially hurl; Mr. U.iriow, A. D. Page, ot Greenville, Miss. 1 Ineu colored men, names unknown, were cut and bruised consiuerbly. They were enl to the .Missouri Paciliu Hospital lit St. Louis ami are considered probahly latally hurt. Several other received some cratch s. I lie came of the wicck is supposed to be Ihe giving atvuy ot lies, allowing ihe rails W spread. SEVEN COMETS AT A TIME Are Now Visible, According to Prof. Ja coby, of Columbia. According to Prof. Jacoby, of Columbia College, there are noe no less than seven comets visible. This, he says, Is.so far as h has had any information or experience, the largest number on record. "They are all telescopic comets, however," he suld."Thcy are the Holmes comet, w hich has received 10 much intention of late: Freeman's comet, which is the latest discovered;8wil't's comet, di -cove red last summer; Wlnnecke's comet, 111 old one which appears regularly at inter vals of five lo eight years; Dentiiug's comet, another new one; llrook's comet, and Ham ard's comet, which is still another new on and so indistinct as lo be barely visible with the large telescopes. It was discovered through the agency of photography by Prof. L'urnatd. "Astronomers are watching Freeman's comet wiih srent interest. At llmt 11 was very close to Holmes' comm. and traveled In the s me directum. It whs discovered November 24 by Prof. Itarnard, at llrighloii, Li.gliinil. Cloudy weather has so lur pre vented us from Hiking an oherv.ilion of tlx new comet. Astronomers surmise that Free men's comet isj a Iri gmenl 01 liicla's comet, Wh'ch disintegrated about ,'KI years ago. ' We are anxiously awaiting a clear night. 0 thai we may t ike an observation and de termine whether its orbit is the tamo as I hat laid do 11 lor Hie a s. The c nnet at lirst supposed lo lie Hie as, and which was dis covered hy Prof. Hnln,cs, has been found 10 be entirely new, nnd has been christened alter its discover. It is now duly cutul gued, suit its oroit is erlaiilianed. 1 think a great deol 100 much was said und wiitten ubout Ihe Holnieomct. It is now moving stead ily away Irom Us in an 01 bit that will take 11 ut Wast seven yearn to travel around the earth. It will never c me near us. We were uniilde to luka obsnrva ions lust Bun day night, when showers of meteors were rxcled, because of the cloudy weather. The meteors Men last week ure undoubtedly deoris of the llitlu cornel, such as is mtl with each lime the earth c ohm-si he orbit ot the loei comet. The new oomel discover! by Frieman, is traveling in a southerly direct tion, so lur us we have received r woris. Al the last observation from which we have beard, it was still in L'i constellation of Andromeda, and, so tar as 0011 id be deter minded was traversing the indeutical track laid dowu lor lliela's comet." EVEN CORPSES UNSAFE Froat the Ravages of the Thieves Who Now Seem to Own Chicago. Tbe thieves now infesting Chicago bave begun to rob the corpses in the City Morgue, Thursday night they entered the oHlos and carried off a big clock. Then lliey got Into where tbe b-xliee are laid and took a pair of trousers off the corpse of a nero, who com mitted suicide a few days ago. They also took the shoas off tbe feet of another corpse and carried away a large amount of clothing which bad been taken from tbe unknown dead, and which was kept for the purpose of possible identification. There is no clew to tbe thieves. A daring gang of burg lare rlslted the little town of May Fair, sit miles out, and robbed tbe residence of Hire well-knowci oltisens, the pottotfice aud tbe village store. Tbe total amount of robber ies, it is believed is In Ibe neighborhood oi 5,000. Tbe thieves used a wsgoo to carry C Ibtlr boot. TUB REV. DR. SCOTT IB DEAD. The Father-in-law of President Barrlao Dies of Old Age. The Feseeful Close ot a Busy Life. Dr. Pcott, the father-in-law of President Harrison, died at Washington, Tuesday The household at Ihe Executive Mansion were by his side. The Invalid passed away without a struegle. lie had been uncon scious for hours, and was unable to rerng. nlze the weeping friends at his bedside. The President and family are very much pros trated at their bereavement. tnx lats ns. siott. P.e. John Witherswin Scott. D. D.. was born in Heaver county. Pa., June 22. lwi. and. was. therefore. In Ins !l:td year. He was a son of Gcoige Mclllri.y Scott', a native of Pucks county, who nlterivurd went to lleavei count)' to Hike charge of n Presby terian church. Dr. Seoit graduated from Wiisningtnn-.lefTervni College, and subse quently took a post-grailtliUe course at Yule, Afteriiatd lie i-ci-epied a profii-sor!iipin the college from which he graduated, which po sition he held ior two yt-ai-s. Ahotit this time be inni ried Mary Xeal, and. going Wo t.lip accepted a profesorship III Miami 1'liiversity at Miami, ll., it. IS.1I. While tlicrcthrcc children werebo.-n to him -Elizabeth, afterward Mrs Lord; nrolinn ttllerwaril Mr.i Harrison, and John N.al Scott. A number of years Inter Dr. Scott loiimlcil Iho Oxford til. ) Female Coiicgv.aud In l.0 became Its President. As tie iidviince l In ynirs. Dr. Pcn'l cave no the college work, mill i niuing lo Wash ington. he was iipHitu,d to a clerkship in the Interior Deparimeiit, which position he held up to ihe time of the advent In Wash ington, of Pies-dent llarnson, when he re signed at the instance of the ('resilient and look lip lii- ulo.de ut the While House Here the venerable men led the happy, con tented and triinipniil existence that a man of his nve so thoroughly appreciates alter a lif of activity. The room he occupied was one of the ties! ill the bnue. the windows overlooking ths main entrance, Ihe Iroiil lim n and Penn sylvania nveiiue. It was well supplied with bis tomrlle books. Dr. Scott was always tht first riser of Hie Preshb lits household and was usually about long before the land y were stirring. Although be nhvsys had a carriage at his disposai.he scan e'y'ever used It, preferring lo walk whtn possible. Hi was engage I for months prior to his death on a voluminous geneologv of the Hcotl family, but was unable 10 liuisb it. INTERNAL REVENUE FIOURES. Oauging Yields Better Returns Then Weighing pplrlts. Good Effect ol the Bounty Upon Sugar Production. The commissioner of lulernal P.evenue, Mr. Mason, of West Virginia, in his annual report just Issued, eslimutes the receipts of Internal revenue next year at tHITt.UOO.OOO. Last year he estimated It at tl.ri0.U.O0O and ll yielded H.'kI.ROo.OOO. The cost of collect ion has been 2.80 per cent.; lust year it was 2.R. There has been n Increase In the number of distillors.niierutiiiK principally small dis tilleries, ami the relaxation of tun law with regard 10 these has given in lull trouble and facilitated fiuild-'. The adoption by Congress of his recom mend .it ion to dispense with the regniigiug ot spirits after reeducation, has ellectud a suviug of rllU"X per smium. Discussing the change 111 the method of taxing spirits by weighing them, instead of gauging ihem, hesuys: " The fuel lias been demoti-trated that gauging by scales has yielded an average of one Ally-sixth of a luoro ier gallon package than gauging by weight. The production of oleomargarine has in crease i Irom :1.700.IKKI Hiunds a month to over 41111.ISSI ("Hi. The oelomatgaiiue produc ing Stales re Illinois, which paid taxes at the rale or 2 ren s ier pound to the amount or t sivllJO; Kansas, SI 12,000; t'onn-cticiil, thM.Oou; Giiio, 7H.(KiO; Nebraska, l.i,W0; and Pennsylvania. Kl.tKHI. Tne niiiubcr of I. censed sugar growers, under Hie bounty luw lust year, were 4.HHU, of whom 727 made sugar from cane, 4.240 from niuple trees and 1.1 from beets and sorghum. The uiapcl sugar production is chiefly confined to the New England States, though there are several hundred growers registered in Near York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Tbe Commissioner states that many thousand dollars have been invented ill iih pioved sugar making machinery in Louisi ana, biciuseof the boui.t, and the licenser issusd lor maple sugar making next year having increased lo iMOc. He estimates the amount of bounty tnut will have to be paid out next yssr for sugar of all kinds at s.-iiw.ooo. CLEVELAND'S OAME B AO FULL. The President-Elect Brings Down 120 Snipe and Four Ducks In an Hour's Shooting on the Beach. Having been forced by bad weather to abandon guiiuiiw for duck, President-elect Cleveland went out upon the beach at Ex more, Vs., shortly before noon Tuesday to shoot snipe. The birds were found in greut numbers, and Mr. Cleveland succeeded in bagging 120 In a lit tle over ail hour. Of these A3 were brought down at one shot. Four black ducks, which left Ihe water and flew over the beach, also fell victims lo his fowling piece. While gunning on the bach, Mr. Clave, land was an eve w itness of a thrilling sio- lacle. Five residents of Cobbs Island were on their wuy In a two sail boat to lirosd water for the puroose ol rsyine ths r re spects to the Pre ident elect. While In the great Machlpougo Inlet, between While Point and Coe Point, opposite the United rilutcs Life Having Htution. Ihe bout caisna ed. throwing the occupants into ihe water. All of tbe partv wumd ceriaitily huve been urowued had It not been for Hie prompt as sistance of the life sa, Ing crew, who imme diately went lo their assistance and succeed- lit in bringing them sufe.y In land. Mr. Cleveland's hand, which was Cain fullv but not seriously Intured In attempt- ing to lock bis gun, bus glvea but little trouble. Owiko to the failure of the natural gas wens 111 muiaua iiviua, insj fipvage 01 1 cat 10 Chicago tb rtateui to be Hopped. UNCLE SAM'S MAILS. Postal Affairs Reviewed by Four Depart mental Chiefs. New Postofflcea Increasing Fast. The annual report of E. C. Fowler, Acting First Assistant Postmaster General, estl mutes the amount needed for tbe next fiscal year at t2il,2ift,0t.J, an increase of H.liO.OOO. The report shows that at the end of the Us es I yeBr 1KI2, there were Wig free delivery clll.fs with a carrier force of 10,737 men, an Increase of 007. The total number of money onbr offices In operation June .'HI, 18nl, Is shown 10 have been 111.070. Two thousand and twenty llnee additional otllces of this kind were es tablished during the year following, while nt 24 places the money order business was disco:, tinned. On June .'HI Ihere were, there lore, til operation li,il!i money order olllces. Since the latter date 4.H.1U names have been added to the lis: id olllces trans c n j di me tie money order business, while hi len (sist-oltii-es that business hns bien discontinued. loving ut the present lime lil.iMI authnrir.cd to is-ue and puy domestic money ortiets and I osial notes. The increase of I, iitr-t. made during the lust list 11 1 year, In the number 1 f money order offices, was hy tar the largest eitccied in any one year 111 the history of tut tal money order system. At tbe close of the year ended ,luiie':io, IWI2, there were in oi eniilon 717 smiil, otllces authorized imdi r 1 lie act of ls:7 to issue postal notes but not lo pay thrm. I he milliner of postal notes issued during the year was 7,iiiVi.nlii, of ,lh tot .11 value o: If I I.n lo.iil 1; the nuinhcr of note- paid and le puid nmouiiled to 1 1.H7 1, :!!.'!; the giiss aniout ol lies received Irom the public, in. ctinliiig fi-es iecelve.1 for diiplli mis of in valid notes, was 21 1.SAil. A colii nri-oli ot the above w ith the postal noie transactions or the previous year shows an luerrase of 17,472 or :l.U' per cent in the gross amount 01 lies receive-!, Tne animal report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster Oetietal Itathhuiie shows that the number ol esluhlisbineiiis of new pest olllces itiuiog ihe pal year was 4.10.',, a greater tiuiiiner than any previous year ex cept li!KI, w hen it was 4 i27. The net In ciense of pos'Otlics over the year ended June. 'SO, IMi', wus2.7!10, ai the year closed wild H7, HOas the whole number of o-t-nltlccs in the I'tiifed States. The greatest Increase in any State was in Georgia 210 'iexas was next with 211, nnd Pennsylvania tolloned with 2'1. 1 lie greatest nuiuherol pmioltlces iu uuy one state is 4 4t2 in I'ri.n sy Ivauia. Major Math bone suggests the devised Simuus be so umenilid as to make the mailing of "gr. en goods" circulars mid lit erinure a continuous oitense from the point ot mulling to the place ol destination. sothat u proHecutioli will lie at either point, the eiinie ill eflect as is embodied iu file iorreni lottery ait. '1 he nil huh) report of D. P. Leibhardt, Su perintendent ol the Dead Letter ilurcaii, nliows that there were A,."20,7K8 domestic mailable Sellers received, a decrease of 71.173 s compare I with the pievioiis vear. Tin re nere 0.1, ,il,H doinistic 11 11 mailable letters re ceived, of which bill couiiiii.eii iiuiuailable articles, ll'i. litl went held lor xistnge, 4 IIMH4 eere misdirected, H2.III2 were wholly with nut address, and 2,007 were of a misiellaiie. uus chuiiicter. Theiiiinual report of Chief Posfofllco In spector Wheeier shows that Ihe total mini Iter of urrests tor nil kinds of ultenses dur ing the year was I..'ISI. Of this number only 2-1 were postal etnp oyes. Gf ttie casa tned:i7:t resiiheil in conviciion, while only til resulted in uctpti'iul. The ntiiiib-r ol burg.au of poslotllces arrested was 20.(, ttgainrt 17H lust year. The 1111111111I report of J. l owrie r,ell, Sec unit Assistant Postuiasier General, renews his past recoiumeuilat.nn reiiirdiug those depeiideut tdi clcri.s who meetuealh at Ihur post of dutv. BUSINESS BLACKENS UP. 8ymptonia of Diminished Activity In Trade Apparent. 1!. II. Dun ifc Co.'s Weekly I'.ev iw of Trade snys: The begiiinhig of go d exMirls ill X, mem ber und llieir exp c el i ontini O'ue this week, the deulh of Mr. Gould und unfavora ble reports fioin the silver conference huve somen hat ufli cte.l nil s.h-cii utive luntkets. There ore aho some symptoms of diiuinl-h ed uctlvity iu business. Iloslon reports a stronger money market. Increased activity in diy goods, pnrliculnrly i siaple cottons, winch ure advancing, nnd tho clothing trade keeps llie woolen mi, Is busy. Liberal contract for next season in boots and shoes ure reiMirted und Wi ol is lirm. Philadelphia reports go d trade. At Itiilllmore trade Is fairly good lor the sen- son, Willi improvement III soiiinern nusi ncss. At I'iitshnrg pig lion is slightly weaker with more eagerness to sell, but lln- isheii iron isiu irofsl demiind and all the 111 I s fairly well employed. Trade In glass is large in volume, tuou li at low prices. At Cleveland, rolling nulls are now work ing ou old orders, but lind new orders Scarce and prices rather weak. i heciirriiue trade ast Ini innati fnlbll) pet cent, below that of his' yeai. but ihe grocery trade is larger than hist yuir and 1 olleciions are salisl'aciory. At Indianapolis trade u verv brisk. Chicago reports good wholesalo Irade.wlth nlislin tory collection-, but the return of currency from the West is small and money is strong at 7 per cent. Cold weulher is needed ut MiniieiiKilis, where collections are only fair and tne Hour market dull. A slight decline in some dues Is seen nt Omaha though wholesale trade is satisfactory. Al SI. Louis business shows much strength, with esiecial ptnuiise in holiday lines, and ut Kansas Ciiy trade is quite satisfactory, though receipts of cattle und grain fall off. At Louisville theoutlnok is considered fa vorable, but at Little Hock business it gloomy. At Xew Orleans trade is rathei dull and cotton lower, with heavy receipts, w hile receipts of sugar are large and the tie muud is good. At iiichmnnd business is equal to that of lust year, tobacco manufac turers are active and money is plenty, breudsluffs l ave been stronger. The business ftiliuies during tbe last seven days number for the United States 2470; Canada, 33; total 200, as compared with 2n0 lust week, 240 Ihe week previous 10 the last, and .'10 for the corresponding week of lust year. .IOOSEOX A HTEEP GKADE. HT.viwAY (Aits email into ax trial ns, sill ijvu two mkn. At Bhenungo two freight cars broks loon on a a eep grade and started towards the station at a terrillo gulf, having a ciear piece of track two miles long. The switch engine happened on the track the runaway cars ware traveling. Before the men in the co could escape the cars were upon them with a crash' that was heard for miles. Thi wreck of cats and engine was compete. James Punley and Charles McDowell, en gineer and llremun 011 the switcher, v ers both killed. CHICAGO A DISEASE-BREEDER. & Severe Eplderaio Would Likely Kill Half the Population. Congressional Investigator Khaffbrd finds Chicago in such had sanitary coudllion, lhat, he says, a severe epidemic would likely kill half tbe population. A victim of hydrophobia at Rale Igh, N. C, John Nolau.who was bltteu live months ago, applied a niaihttone and considered himself outof danger, lie has Jul died in borrible agony, bavlug chewed bit tongue to pieces. .. BkltUAU UUH BORDERS. Makln and his wife, the Australian habe farmers charged with causing the deaths of 13 Infants, have been committed for trial. At Bnene Ventura. Colombia, bslwesn ftf nnd 70 buildings, Including the Court House and prison, were burned, but the principal commercial houses were uninjured, Thil is an Important distributing center on the racinc coast. Xear Jassen, Germany two bands of gyp sies became involved in a quarrel over the possession of a horse. They opened fire upon each other, and five were killed In stantly and a number received scrionv wounds. A detail of soldiers worn called, when Ihe lighting bands joined forces, and iwo mote gypsies were killed, und a number of soldiers wounded. The Hussion government has assigned ths sum of tM.000,0110 to be expended in suppliel for the peasants In the famine-stricken pro vinces. Seventy-four lives were lost bv the wreck of the Japanese dispatch boat Chishimakan, which was sunk In Ihe Pea of Japan in a collision with the English steamer Kavenla. Winter and ice sport are claiming victims already. At Sag:ti, In pelesia, live children broke through tbe Ice whl'e skating and were drowned. The fourth Inauguration of General Por flrio Diaz ns President of Mexico look placi nt the city of Mexico amid great pomp this morning in IheChnmher of Deputies. Cholera is spreading again in Cherbourg, France, and lour persons died of the plague. In Gmmeville, Tourlarvllie and Coleville, cholera is epidemic among the children and the public schools have been closed. At Vienna, the Church of St. Michael, one of the finest In the city, which was visi ted by tourists from uli purls of the world, was burned. A severe gale has heen prevailing ovtr Scotland since Sunday. Snow stoims are reorted in the lur North, accompanied by thunder aud lightning. A quantity of wreckage hoe. drifted ashuie. Playing 24 Men at Once. At ItaHiniore, Md., Lasker astonished the chess players, when he defeated 21 players rlraiiltaueoiislv within four hours. I'lTTSIUH'l. Tin: n uoi.KsAi.i: Mm in auk oivks uiilow. iiiimn, riot 11 A Nil fki:i. wititat-no. 2;ci..77.".. -rn3T"v No. 11 lied 7" 70 CI MIX No. 2 Yellow ear... f"2 63 High Mixed ear 47 4S Mixed ear M M Kindled Mixed 4.1 ,411 OATS No. 1 While 42 4:1 No. 2 White 41 42 No. S White Srt H7 Mixed WI 7 I! YE No. 1 Pa Ohio.... HI b'2 No. 2 Western, New fiii I'D FLOl l! Fancy winter pat' 4 Ml 4 7,'i Knncv Spring patents 4 05 4 Ml Fancy Straight winter.... 4 00 4 2.1 XXX linkers 3 RO H 75 live Flour II 7.'i 4 00 HA Y-llaled No. 1 Timy.. 1.1 W 11 1 Paled No. 2 Timothy 11 0J 12 0.1 Mixed I lover ' 12 OU 12 .VI Timoihv Irom country... Him 1H 00 STHAW Wheat 0 fsj 7 00 Oats 7 .'SI K W) feed-No. i wii .m y t n .vj j w Drown Middlings 1" on 17 00 Prsn Ill WI H 50 I Imp I I 80 17 00 ininv rrimii i tk. I'.t!TTi:n Elgin i reaniery K S.1 Fancy Creamery !H 81 Fancy country roll 2:1 2H I hoii-s country roll 12 14 Low grade iV cooking.... H li CllKi:si:-o Newer' 111 mild 11 li New York Goshen 11 IS Wisconsin Sw ss bricks.. II IE Wisconsin Swc.Ucr HI 14 I.ini burger M 11 KIII'IT AMI Vi:oKT.Mil.KS. APPLES-l ancy, bid... H 09 Fair to choice, V hhl.... 2 2 DEANS Select, t bu 1 HO Pa ,y O Peans, f bid 1 00 Lini'i Deans ONIONS Yellow ilunvers f bu..., . Yellow onion. r bid 1 SO 2S rA 2 11C 1 7(i 4 1 Of 2 IX 1 4 1 AC 71 I Spnnisti, V crate 1 2 CAltllAtiK New V bbl 125 PI (TATOES Fancy White per bu 65 Choice Hisl per bu 00 isd i.rnv' rru. DHESSEDCIUCIvENS v 1 13 Dressed ducks fit 12 Dressed turkevs lb 17 LIVE CHICKENS l.iveSpring cliickens V P' 40 Live Lucks V pr .'10 LiveGeesu pr .... 70 Live Turkevs VH HI EGGS Pa V Ohio fresh.... 20 FKATHEIIS Extra live Geese 'fi lb 50 No I Extrj live geese 4Ib 48 Mixed 2 1 1! If M 14 It 14 21 M Al MISi I LUNIOfi. TA 1.1.0 W Country, ' lb . . . 4 Ciiv 5 I?1:EDS West Med'm do er 8 00 Mammoth Clover M 70 Timothy prime 2 20 Timothy choice 2 ,'ID Blue grass 2 00 Orchard grass 1 75 Millet 1 00 liuckwheiit 1 40 RAGS Country mixed ... 1 HONEY White clover.... 17 Buckwheat 12 1 50 19 15 CINCINNATI. FLOUR WHEAT No. 2 Ued KYE-Xo. 2 CORN-Mixed OATS EGGS UIITTEU f 2 SO 3 .V 71 55 4:1 30 25 20 33 IIIII.VMLrillA, FLOUR 13 40(2 t4 M WHEAT Xew No, 2. lied.. 01) 74 COKN No. 2, Mixed.... .. 48 54 OA TS No. 2. White 30- 41 IIL'TTEH Creamery Extra. . 24 31 EGGS Pa., rirsts 21 21 FLOUR Patents WHEAT No. 2 lied.... UYE We-tern COKN Ungraded Mixui OATS-Mixcd Western lU'TTEU Crcamerv... EGGS Stale and I'e'nn. 4 50 3 04 77 7 6S NJ Bl 30 .11 20 31 22 27 I.IVSSOMg HLCOIIT. UST l.tllKlil'V. I'mslll'HO UTIH K YARDS. IAT1I.. Primo Steers - $ Fuir to GosmI Common Hulls and dry cows Veal Culvee Heavv rough calves a otto 4 COlo Oil 10 I 60 to II 00 to S 21 4 Ml 3 M 3 m 0 71 3 0t 2 50 10 Fresh cows, per head siikiip.- Prime llo 100-tt, sheep... Common 70 lo lii lb sheep.. Ls 111 lis lloos. Philadelphia hogs Corn Yorkers Hougbt 20 00 to 45 Ot 4 M to 5 t 3 0 1 to 3 5! Mntii & g 8 00 to 6 0t A 80 to 5 M 40 to ftOI