Subscription tt.M prr year, in udmnee. An tnf1(H'ndiuit liirnl pnprr, publlthril (very Wi'dn"ly nt livnol(lsv(lh, Ji-flVrwnn Co. I'll., rti-voii'd to I he lnli'iiM of Hvynolilivlllo and .liirirwnrniiniy, Non-polltlrnl, will trrat All with ffilrni'M. nnrl will IWM'MptM'Inlly fiicwl ly tuwrmls t tit lahorinK rln-w. Hiitwrlprlon prlrifl.iW)MTy'nr,ln nrivnnrp. Cnimtninlrtittonft InliMidrn for nuhlli'Htlon mut bo mvnmpnnlrd bylhe wrftor'n nnmi nol for mihllentlon, hut it it gutimnli'r of good fiiltli. IntcnKlInu nnwit Iti'im Millrltcri. Advert llnir mtt mndt known on ttppllrn tlon nt lhool1li'i In ArnoldV Blix'k. 1,4'tiithty I'oinninnlrHtlonm nml rhnniro of ndvertlM'mont! nhonltl romh thU office by Alondny noon. Addri'HH rII fommtinlrntlonK to C, A. Ktrpli cnxon. Koynoldsvllli', I'n. Knlert'dT nt tin MVtofll(i nt ltcynoldftvlllo, Ph., kh NiM'ond rlns mntl tnmtt'r. C.,. ftTKlIIKHO, Fdltor and Pnb. WEDNKSDA Y, NOVEMBER .10, 1S02. Confrivwt iHinvonos on Monday, Do comber fth. It Is 'ttlmntd thnt thoro are ftbont 2.10,000 Chitiamon In this country. Throo jKTHons In Philadelphia beeomo innano lout SSundHy nltfht bopaimo thoy foared tho world would be destroyed by tho comot which was to appear. Jtidgo Walpolo, of Indianapolis, Ind., rendered a division on a case tried before him of an election bet as follows: "An election Is not a gnme of chance, and a man who lonen an election bet must pay." IIo who anplres to do anything well should look upon nothing with greater suspicion than upon that which he seems to have done easily. It is true that easy doing comes of hard practice, but that samo hard practice is really the preliminary part of the doing. Yet even then the attainment of a measure of ease oupht to be the signal to move on toward that which is less easy. If you want to know people, you must get near them; first got down to their level, and then bring them up to yours, not waiting for any great occasion, or a more, direct revelation, but taking advantage of small opportunities, and making your Influence felt in quiet, unobstructlve ways. There Is always some one to smile at, somebody to give your chair to, somebody to whom a book, a flowor or even an old paper will make it possible that in need these friends will give you opportunities to help them which, unless you had shown thoughtfulness and regard for them they could never have done. A quiet, sympathetic look or smile many a time unbars a heart that noeds the help you can give Josephine Pollard. Those in the world who, it is said "have a chance" are genorally those who improve what chances thoy have, and by small steps rise to high places. "To him that hath shall be given, but from him that hath not shall bo taken away even that he hath." Those who, instead of lackadaisically hanging their hands and the corners of their mouths and lamenting that thoy have "no chance in life," go vigorously and resolutely to work improving the chances they have, by and by come out on table-lands where wide horizons spread around them. The great world may know little of them, hut they bear within themselves the proud conscious ness of the victor, and load a life whose bidden springs are fed from the Infinite "Whon I receive my pay at the end of the month and put it in my pocket, it is my own. I don't owe any man a dollar of It." So said a man in our houring. He proved himself a philoso pher und a financier. He keeps out of debt, and enjoys life. But, probably, he does not represent a very large class. With the majority, shall we say? well with a great many the statement would have to be reversed. When they receive their pay it is hardly sufficient to pay their debts. Thoy are always behind, always ioor, and always unhappy. The difference between those two classes of people is great. The secret of it is debt. In many instances people might just as easily keep out of debt, and have their finances ahead of them, as to have thorn always dragging behind. Every family which has erred in this matter should determine to get square with the world by care and economy, and then keep square. How woll we all know by experience that every day brings Its provocations, its perplexities, it misunderstandings. Irritations arise; Motions make their appearance; hurts are received. How hard it is amid all these conditions to guard one's tongue, and leave unspoken what is best covered by Bllonce. A mosquito bite may, If properly culti vated, develop into an ulcer. Keep the skin thoroughly abraded, sprinkle on a little acid, touch it with minute particles of poison, and one may have a cancer or u gangrene. The body will soon discharge its impurities partially into that sunken place, and help convert it into an open sewer. But let a mosquito bite alone, or apply a little aweet-oll and ammonia, and it soon disappears, leaving no trace. A little wound in the spirit may be cultivated until the whole nature is infected. "A soft answer turneth away rath." ' 'Gantle silence prevents untold trouble." "A word fitly spoken is .like apples of gold in pictures of silver. Mining Notes. (Brorkwiiyvllle Koconl.l No. 2 mine at Dagos, which was shut down whon the Northwest company reduced Its mining foreo in September, has started up again. At the time it was closed tho indications were that it was not likely to resume very soon. Last week, however, ojiorattons were once more started and men are bing employed as fast as they make application. The Brock mines people are making a new oiening on tho William Mi-Minn farm on tho other sido of the Clover ridge where they Bre now operating. In order to reach the now mine a tunnel Is being driven through the ridge at No. 4 drift and a tram road will he constructed across the intervening ravine. The coal will be brought through tho tunnel and loaded from the chutes on this side. Mr. Howells' Future Plans. While Mr. Howells will not, during 18113, confine his literary work to any singlo periodical. It may be authorita tively announced that ho has entered into a contract with The LarfiVx' llmtic Journal whereby his most important work will, for somo time to como, first see print In tho pages of that magazine. His now novel, "The Coast of Bohemia," begins In the Christmas Issue of the Jotmml, and Immediately upon Its close Mr. Howells will begin In tho magazine a series of editorial autobiographical paiKtrs, in which he will tract the influence which led him to literary life, his courso of reading and his favorite authors and books. Tho article will practically tell the story of the famous noveltio's lifo, and promise to possess in a rare degroe that attractive interest which always attaches Itself to the lifo of a successful man when told by himself. Howells had his early struggles; his early resourses were few, and theso he tracos among other things in these articles, describing, too, how he mastered four dlfforent languages to acquaint himsolf with tho literature of the counties most attractive to him. Rathmel. Mrs. John Smith has boon ailing for several days. The new tipple at the Henry mine will bo completed in a week or ton days. Mr. E. Keagle while in Tioga county purchased himself a good driving horse. Win. Pcnhall, a sufTerer with rheu matics, is ablo to follow his usual avocation again. Our schools are moving along very smoothly this term under the leadership of a good class of teachers. Tho new livery stablo that is being erected in our town is nearing comple tion as Is also Hotel Wylam. David Hill, who is a sufferer with bronchial catarrh, has returned to the home of Mb parents in Phllipsburg, Pa. Rev. H. G. Furbay preached in the M. E. church on Sunday afternoon and Rev. Stephens, of DuBols, at 7.30 P. M. The dlnnor and supper given Thanks giving by tho Ladies Aid Society of tho M. E. church was a financial success and an enjoyable affuir. Tho infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John Mansoll, which has boon quite sick, is recovering as is also the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mayhew, which has been Bick for several days. Dr. Geo. Hughes appears to be the only Democrat that wants to be ost master of tho Rathmel postoftlce. Why not ask Reynoldsvlllo to ah lire up her long list of would-be postmasters. The greatest specialty show on earth exhibited in the K. of L. hall on Mon day night, November 21st. Whon thoy left town thoy left some wiser men and boys if no satchels and unpaid bills. Valuable Ileal Katate for Wale. The Baptist church and grounds containing several lota situated in Prescottville is now offered for sale. Very desirable for residont lots. For terms and particulars enquire of M. M. Davis, Reynoldsvlllo, Pa. For Hale, A woll finished house, suitable for a boarding house, in Prescottville. For further particulars, inquire at Cam, Mitchell's office, or at the office of the secretary of the Reynoldsvlllo Building and Loan Association. William Hoover, a Penfield jewelor, is likely to die from a curious aliment. Tbreo monthB ago his collar button rubbed a little raw place on the back of his neck. It beaame a sore which has grown until it has oaten a hole in his neck as large as a saucer, and the doctors do not seem able to stop its progress. The patient has become so weak and emaciated that his stomach refuses to hold food, and death stares him in the face. Coalport Standard. Constipation is the parent of innum erable diseases, and should, therefore, be promptly remedied by the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, These pills do not gripe, are perfectly safe to take, and remove all tendency to liver and bowel complaint. One car feed, one car salt, one car hay, one car potatoes. We will deliver potatoes from car at 80 cents per bushel. J. C. Kino & Co. Wanted One thousand people t o subscribe toe Tint Stab. Tna Sword Cane In Franca Lond cries for help were heard pro ceeding from the end of the Rne de la Chapelle on Saturday1 night, and on hastening to the spot the police fonnd three men lyirnj wounded on the pave ment. One of them, named Francois de Geyter, had been rnn through the body with a sword enne and died shortly afterward. The others were not bo severely injured. Louis Dcsilter had received a wonnd in the neck, and the third, a soldier of the Third engineers, named Henry Bonfllers, had his left hand pierced by a sword throat. They were taken to a chtv.ilnt to have their wonnds dressed, and were able to make a statement as to the cause of the affray. They said that they wers passing along the Rue de la Clmpelle; they met two mon and two women who were singing most discordantly. DeUeyter and his companions began to imitate them, and a qnarrel. which terminated in a fight, was the result. The two men, seeing they were getting the worst of It. drew sword canes and inflicted the wounds already described. The wound ed men gave a description of their as sailants and Bctive measures are being taken to discover them. Ualignani Mes senger. Proving Owncrahlp. Avery amusing trial developed out of a suit of replevin for a dog, brought by Dr. E. T. Brady against John A. Levi in Justice Shannon's court in Kansas City recently. Both parties claimed the ownership of the dog. Dr. Brady's attorney, however, stated that they could prove the claimantship be yond donbt by the recognition of the dog for Mrs. Brady, and she was accord ingly summoned. The animal immedi ately jumped from his place in the prisoner's box and showed with every demonstration of canine joy his recog nition of his mistress. In consideration of the adverse testi mony this was still not convincing to the judge, so Mrs. Brady said that if she would sing a certain song the ani mal, in response to bis training, would join in with her in his dog fashion and voice and sing the song through. This she did, and at the first words of the song the dog leaped for joy and fulfilled his part of the duet. No further evi dence was taken, and the canine re turned home with Mrs. Brady. The Abolition of tha Collrs "Rash." A very sensible change in under graduate manners and customs is the dropping of the annual "rush" be tween the sophomore and freshman classes in several of the larger colleges this year. At Cambridge the peculiar exercises of "Bloody Monday" were omitted by the voluntary action or in action of the students themselves. At Yale the faculty interposed a pro hibitory ordor which the students re spected. At Princeton the students met in mass meeting and voted that the "rush" should be abolished. There are few who will regret the' disappearance of this feature of Amer ican college life. Compared with some other customs which have survived, it may be considered harmless; but its abolition is an act of manliness far more creditable than any of the exhibitions of physical prowess which used to ac company it. Boston Commonwealth. A Chaap Son p. A brilliant Belgian, "realising tha growing popularity 4 vegetarian diet and the desire to avoid meats as a food," patented the idea of making a soup from water, into which should be put a tea spoonful of Peruvian guano. This de coction, he said, would give strength and possessed remarkable nourishing qualities. He failed to say, however, whether or not he was a vegetarian. New York News. It is strange that some people will suffer for yoars from rheumatism rathor than try such an approved standard remedy as Ayor's Sarsapartlla; and that, too, in spite of the assurance that It has cured so many othors who were similarly afflicted. Give it a trial. For Rent Two store rooms 20x80 feet opposite Hotel Bolnap. Enquire of J. H. Corbott. Fob Sale A good almost new D-room houso near B. R. & P. depot in Punx sutawney, for sale cheap. For particu lars enquire ot John Matthews, Reynoldsvlllo, Pa. Vrtfttna with tht etlt. Heasley Vanleer At the M. E. farsonage, Brookvtlle, Pa., Nov. 23, 81)2, by Rev. J. W. Blalsdell, H. W. Heasley and E. V. Vanleer, both of Brookvllle, Pa. Medland Lockyer On Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, at the Reynoldsvlllo M. E. parsonage, by Rov. P. J. Slattery, Robert Medland and Miss Mary Lockyer, both of DuBols, Pa. Barr Meredith At the residence ot Henry Chamberlain, Esq., Brookvllle, Pa., Nov. 24, 1892, by Rev. J. W. Blalsdoll, Thomas J. Barr, of Clur ington, Pa., and Lydie E. Meredith, of Brookvllle, Pa. E stray notice There cunie to the premises of ElUha Cox In Washington township, Jefferson county, on November Kill. IMS, a red and white spotted milch cow with part of right burn broken off and a bell on. The owner la nxiueitted to come forward, prove property, puy charites and take her away or she will be dUpoaud of according to law. Elisha Cox. Sandy Valley, Pa., Nov. 14, 'W. E STRAY NOTICE. Htrayed or stolen from my premise In Wlntdow township aliout the middle ot June. 1HW, a reddish-yellow bull aliout two years old. Any information of bU wiiereuliouts will be literally paid for. FfcTica Cox. Sandy Valley, Pa., Nov. IS, 'Hit. jWKAY NOTICE. There r&riie to mv nremlsea about the 28th of October, ish, a white bull with red sputa on aide. He Is about a yearling. The owner is nMfueaieu to come lorwaru, prove property, Kay charges and take aaine away, or be will a disputed of auoonlluy to law. mm. n.irwMS, East Wliulow township, Nov. Ill, 'VS. THE LADIES g to attend tne Opening of La M BT II AP II G. F. HOFFMAN'S HOLIDAY GOODS, -. 1 E1 iVEKY LADY will be pre- nented with a beautiful pouvenir yXyyXyyXyXyXyXy.iyXyXySyXyXySyXi-XyXyXyiy. Grocery Boomers W BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT. Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AND AM. KINDS or Country Produce H U F RUITS, CONFECTION EU Y, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS, Everything in the line of & Fresh Groceries, Feed, GihmIh tlfllveretl free nnu place in town. O Call on uh and get prlcea. W. C. Sclmltz & Son N EXTRA EDITION ! FULL ACCOUNT OF The moat important feature to our citizens at the preBent time is How the Returns MAY BE DEPENDED ON. Read With marked attention and take immediate advantage of this true Guide and Warning regarding Returns, that are apprecia ted by the people that work hard For tie MMlf But here is where the people do return and have good cause to return. It is because. Is thoroughly appreciated. We have inaug urated a Stupendous Special Sale I Separate counters will contain Broken Lots, consisting of odd sizes, in Overcoats. Suits and Trousers, Underwear and, in fact, everything where lots are broken at KIT VAIL T VIMIT The recognized Leading Clothiers, Hatters and Gents' Furnishers of ReynoldsTille, Pa. are all invited oeconu Annual , . It SUA FRIDAY, DEC. 2. j SWAB BROS, (Successoi-s to MoKee & Warnlek,) DEALERS IN GROCERIES, FLOUR. FEED, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES, ANP ALL KINPS OF FARM PRODUCE. FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. We carry a complete ami freh line of Urocerie. tlootln dcllvereil free any place In town. Give hh a fair trial. Swab Bros., Cor. Main and 3th St. MUTEST RETURNS! the Particulars Dollar. Dor Small Profit System Marv eislf to Pies. BOLGBR BROS., COYLE'S Branch New York Racket l m-m LtUIr OunUil Store ij tOWn BROS. The Original House is the largest in the United States and I am their representative in Reyn oldsville and here is my platform, not politically, but my business platform and is popular with all parties. Here are the planks I stand on: PROTECTION For all customers from overcharges and mistate ments and poor values. FREE TRADE With every one who is willing to pay cash for the Cheapest Goods in town. RECIPROCITY Between the buyer and seller. I make a small profit; you get extra big bargains for your money. PROHIBITION Of shoddy goods and unjuBt dealing and op pressive high prices. PEOPLES PARTY The RACKET STORE where all the people are welcomed and courtesy extended to all; bargains given daily at one price to all and if not satisfac tory money is always refunded. This is the simple and truthful Platform given to the people. Call and be convinced. Yours Respectfully, M. J. COYLE, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Ed. Gooder, J E W E L E R 0 P T I G I 0 N Reynoldsville, Pa, Opposite Stoke'i drug store. X 1