The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 30, 1892, Image 2

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Happenings The World Over.
At Ponn, 111., tlx Christian county poor
house with nearly all lis contents was burn
ed. Mrs. Warden Gardner om badly burn
ed. The Inmates norrowly cscoped.
The Grand Rapids, Mich., KoMinp Chair
and Table Company's factory was burnpil.
Loss) on stock, $;tO,00O; on building nJ
equipment, t40,tKH); Insurance, $21,000.
At Chicago, tb live tlory building occu
pied by the lliidgepnrt Wood Finishing
Company damaged $20,000. Two firemen
were injured by a bnrrel of oil exploding.
At riymoutli. Mass., the historical 1'iittn
nun church. In the belfry nn a bell cast
by I'aul Revere in 1WI. The low is lienvy,
the organ alone being insured for $10,000.
At MiirshficM, Wis.; Stuudt's lumber cnm
was burned. l ive of the eight men wbo
occupied the building were binned, and one,
Andrew Mullenbach; is now dead, Charles
David, of McMillan, cannot recover, anil
two others oro burned so badly tluit the
flesh has dropped from their hands and
fares. I.ot on building, II. WW.
At Winston, N. ('., the Hotel Kinzendnrt,
recently built by the Wct End I.nnd Com
pany at a cot t of 1 110,000, was totally de
stroyed by tire. The contents were mainly
Mved. 'J he hotel was one of the best in the
At Newport. II. I., "The Ilrnkers," the
elegant and costly residence) of Cornelius
Vanderbuilt Is a smouldering innssof nun?,
lilac Itcucd lie I crumbling walls of brick,
and heaps of ashes, are nil th it now renmin
of the palatial villa which fur years has
been numbered among Newport's largest
and finest residences. The lire also destroy
ed all the valuable contents of the villa
.Including furniture, bric-a-brac, wearing
apparel and rare ami costly articles of every
description. The silver, Jewels and other
valuables of like nature, were placed in
the safe by the servants and lire prob
ably all right. Ks u mates place Mr, Van-
derbuilt's loss at not less than MOo.OOO.
' Crime and Penalties.
Two shop-lifters were arrested in ( hlcacn,
who had a new device a regular portable
"fence." It Is a paste-bonnl box, ten Inches
square, at the top of which is arranged a
lid with a spring. A very small weight on
the lid would cause it to go down, allowing
anything placid on top of it to full Into the
box. It would then be forced buck by the
Mrs. Ada E. Jackson, colon d. Ml years old
was murdered in her bed in New York
while her two small children lay beside her.
A stone tied in a rag to form a slungshot
was found in an adjoining room, nnd is sup
posed to be the weaon which made the
wound on the womsn's head. Thomas
Kristol, colored, has been arrested by the po
lice on suspicion of having killed the wom
an. His bat whs found in her room,
Death warrants fur the eight colored men
and boys in Chestcrtown, Md., jail, convict
J of the murder of Dr. Hill. have been pre
ured. December 13 is tbe date for the hang
ing. C. Bincluir, cashier anil confidential book)
keeper of the Armour Tacking Company,
New York, is missing. The amount o
money that Is also missing from his em
ployer's bank account is c-timated at $.10,
. Disaster, Accidents nnil fatalities.
There was a collison between a freight and
passenger train near PopularviHe Mist., on
th Northwestern railroad. Two tramps
were killed and most of the train crew badly
shaken up.
At Grand Rapid", Neb., on account of
twitch riot being closed passenger train
ran into a freight on the Union Pacific, kill
ing Engineers McDonald and Ilarrett, Con
ductor Keller and Fireman Owen-. Three
persons were Injured,
J-ai-t Friday a party of musicians started
from Everett, Wash., for Marysville in a
yacht. Sunday morning the steamer Mabel
flicked up a capsized boat, and a reed organ
afterward drilled isho.e. Nothing ha
been seen of the party.
Four young men working on govern
ment stow at I-ewlston, Wash., on the Snake
rivor, drowned Thursday, when their craft
was capsized by a blast.
A two-story frame structure in New York
known as J he St. Nicholas I'ark Hotel, was
burned, and a servant girl named Rosa
ltaububler, aged 24, lost her life. Loss, tl5,
000. Mlscellaaeeias.
Many deaths are reported as tbe result of
Booat In the Slate of Washington, while the
lose of property In the ahupe of farm build
ings carried away and wrecked throughout
tbe State will make a formidable item.
' Tbe famous Homestead (Pa.) Advisory
board Is no more. At a meeting on Mon
day night that body was formally dissolved
Addresses of regret were made by those
Eskimos at th World' Fair grounds took
n unusually black nejro for aatan.
In tbe buit of Barbara Reich against tbe
Philadelphia Company at Pittsburg, for
damage for Injuries caused by an eiplo
aio i of natural gas on Bmallmati (treat, a
verdict was given fur $ 12,000 damages for
tbe plaintiff, ilia Reicb was badly injured.
In tbe case of David Bennett, wbo was also
tmrt by the explosion, tb same jury gave
verdict of 1100 for tb plaintiff.
slal. Oberaa leautrlaU
At Cleveland the Schneider Trenkamp
works have started np again with Dearly all
of the O0 old hand employed. Tb work
abntdown on account of general strike.
Tbe mea return at tb former wage.
Tb miner of tb Pin Brook and C
pout tnaft, of tb lackawanna Iron and
etteel Company, Bcreuton, J., numbering
E9, were given an lnoraas of 10 per tentia
sjs a for Raining coal, and for cutting oroea-
l tMr war ino nom ou own
per yard to II 41 per beading, l.aoorert
and all other employes about the mines and
breaker of th company, wer also given In
crease from 10 to 80 cents per day.
Tne K. of I., bos voted to rtraov head
quarters from Philadelphia.
President elect Cleveland spent Thanks
giving Day quietly and eiv.iyably on
Hroadwater Island, Va. Mr. Cleveland had
nls Thanksgiving dinner at 3 p. m.,the only
persona present being hi companions,
Messrs. Davis and Jefferson, and (be host,
Mr. Ferrcll.
James O. Maine Is again a very sick man,
and the daily attendance of physician Is
.Meters an tertfceaakes.
A wonderful motoric shower, clearly ob
servable at Pan Francisco Thursday night,
was followed by a slight shock of earth
quake shortly after midnight. During the
mi-tocric display Prof. Davidson, of tlif
(ieogrnphlcnl Purvey, counted over 1,203 In
about one hour and a half.
A meteor of great brilliancy passed over
Kenosha, Wis., Thursday night. Its course
was northeast. It exploded soon after pass
ing the zenith, a tremendous report follow
ing. The path of the visitor wa marked
by a long line of tire.
- - -
Itlark diphtheria is raging In Canadian
'umber camps.
The South Australia wheat harvest will be
Four cnes of cholera are peported at Brus
sels. Home anxiety is felt, but the health
authorities are conlldent that there will be
' lio spread of the dieae.
In 18 of the Rus-iii cholera districts there
were 3,313 cases of the disease and TA!l death
the lust week.
ASNtAt. uri-orcr.
The annual report of Gen Cyrus Hussey,
the assistant sei retnty of the interior, has
been received by Secretary Noble. It deals
xclusively with the work of the board of
pension appsals, of which the assistant secre
tary has direct charge, and with the pur
chase of Indian supplies at the government
warehouse in New York. The report shows
that on July 1, IM'l, there was 5,0:10 appeal-
cd'pension cases on Hie with the board, and
that this number on June 30, 18112, had bent)
reduced to 4,340.
There were 4. 2 V appeals filed during the
year, of the 4,039 cases at ted upon during
the year the decision of the commistioner
was sustained In 3,81.1. Action was reversed
in 404 cases, 2I1 were dismissed and 4IKI
ctocs were reconsidered by Iho commissioner
pending appeal.
He recommends that congress be request
ed to enact a law that shall expressly author-
Ixe the department lo treat all improper, II
legal and excessive payments of pension,
whe:her caused by fraud or by mistake, as
prepayments, to be charged against the cur
rent pension, with a view to readjusting or
equalizing current pension payments w ithin
the discretion of the secretary.
In concluding his report (General Iliisse
says: "I am graiitied to he able to say that
in compliance with the provision of the
various (tension laws, on June 30. 18!)?,
there were borne on the pension rolls the
names of 8.Hi.l)87 iensioners, 170,028 more
pensioners than were curried on the same
lolls at the end of the preceding fiscal year
and 4.17,0 V) more than were on the roll
June 30, 1887."
General Hussy calls attention In the fact
that the appropriation bill for the Indian
service is usually passed so late in the year
that it seems iniossible to let contracts for
supplies in time for delivery before winter
lets in, ana mis, especially as to uiiinKets
and winter clothing, bus caused much suf
fering. He recommends that the appro
priation for these supplies be made on
year ahead.
Reports of a storm throughout the west,
srn portion of the slate are grownlng worse,
nd protects of vail communication being
restored ure abandoned for several day
Five ileal In are reported as the result of the
floods, while hiss of prorly in the shape
of farm buildings csrried away and wreck
td will amount to thousands of dollars. Th
valleys of Duwuinlsh and Stretching to th
northward are vast lakes. In the Stuck val
ley, as fur as tbe eye can see, the valley ia a
teething hike in w hich logs, shingles, wreck
id buildings, railroad ties, uprooted trees
nd debris aru juiniiiej together 10 to 20
feet deep.
In Chehallis county, near Elma. tbe
Northern Pacific bridge on (irnvs branch is
so weak that the trains dare not cross till
the high water recedes. TheOreut Northern
will not lie utile lo run trains until the
bridges are repaired, the slides removed and
the track rebuilt. The Seattle. Lake Shore
ml Eusicrn runs trains tothe International
boundary, but a transfer is muilo around
the slide at lllackniiiu. Three or four small
tleauiera are reponcd sunk in the Snoho
mish river, but no live lost. The large
sieumer ia carrying passengers lo Whatcome
to lake tbe rail connection to the East, The
Canadian I'ac tio has almost tntirrly es
caped any il a inane or delay. Frame houses
of all descriptions have been seen rlottini
in nearly ewy stream of any aiie west of
tbe monnlalns.
Acquitted by tbe Jury After Little Mors
Than an Hour'a Deliberation.
SylveMer Critcblow, tbe liomeateadet
charged with killing T. J. Connors, a Pink
erton, was acquitted at Pittsburg, the jury
having been out just 70 minute.
Critchlow was immediately taken back to
Jail, where he 1 now held under Indict
ment for riot iu default of I2.0J0 ball. There
Is also an indictment againat him for tbe
killing of Silai Wayue at Homestead on
July 6.
Otber Homestead suite will taken be up at
one, it is said. Tb first on is againat
Jack Clifford, wbo la also charged with
murder and liot.
Vrie to throw Beraelf ia th tr
Where Iter Child Perlehed.
At Tecumseb, I. T., Mr. Charles Kdmon.
ton left her 9 year old child alon in har
house while aba weut to an adjoining Held
after lirr husband. Paring bar abxnc th
bouse camiht Br. Tb husband and wife
battened back, but too late to av their
child. Th mother t templed tt throw
herself Into th burning mate, ut wa ts
tualaed by her husband.
tn oritfiAi. Tn-rMi or thade coxTinta
noon EvimvwnrRE.
n.O.Dnn A Co.' Weekly Review of Trod
tuys: Thcconditlon of butlnes through,
out the country appears excellent, with the
volume of trade greater than In any pre-,
vlons year. At llodon trade Is good, pros
pects are considered excellent and money Is
easy at lower rate. Merchandise It fairly
active, and though woolen goiij are quiet
the mills are well employed, while sales of
cotton ore very large with an advance, and
groceries ore In satisfactory demand. At
Philadelphia trade In general Is fairly ac
tive, epei.lally In hardware and in electrical
supplies and plant"! money Is easier from
lack of demand, ami is expected to lie
easier than usual for the coming month.
At llaltimorea alight increase I seen in
the local demand lor gooiK the supply of
nmhey is ample and the camion snown In
Southern dealings has been justified by ex
cellent collections this senson. At Cincinna
ti cigar niuniilsctiiring doe well, exceediutt
last year s node 15 percent., and jobbers
are doing a satisfactory business, Willi good
prosiects. Trudo Is 'good at Cleveland,
though not changed in iron, and dry goods
dull. Money is close, with active demand.
At Detroit trade Is fully equal lo that of lat
year, mid money is ill strong demand, but
iron is lower.
The volume of trade at f 'hlcngn Is satis
factory and collections ure good, with money
in strong ileuiiind. currency being wanted
lor the Southwest. Ileceipts of cheese nnd
broom corn are more than double last
tear s; of butter, .lo per ten1, larger, with
(light Increase in llniir, barley, cattle nnd
ilieep, w hile in hides and oats t lie decrease
is HI per cent.; in corn, dre-sed beef and
wool, 'M per (Tiit.: in eggs, lnr.l and rye, .r
er cent.: and In wheat nnd seeds, Ml ier
ivnt. 'I he smaller receipts are due in part
to the phenomenal stocks on hand, those of
nlieut and outs being nearly double lust
V ear's.
Trade at Milwaukee Is stimulated In all
lines wit li gratifying results unit money is
In good demand. At MinneiiKilis and St.
Paul there is good trade, wit li collections
Improving. The Minneapolis II nir output
Is I87.1SH) barrels iiuninsl URI.IIOO lust yeiu
nnd the lumber market isstrong. the cut be
ing fsji.tsm feet, the liwrext on record. Trade
In Omaha is very active, ith collections
,rood and money euv. At Denver trade is
iiootl with lair nlli ctions and at Sail. Lake
better thiin a year ngn, with good prospect.
At KunsnsCiiy livestock receipts are heavy,
hut gram lecelpts li:ht, and at St. Louis re
tail trade is improving by moro favorable
weather. Ilusiiicse tit Memphis has slightly
luipiove.l and also at Little Itock, though
crop iiteipta are not cncouruitiug, while
trude is improving at New Orleans, with
money much easier and cotton and sugar
very active.
Low crop estimates no prevail "at the
South on ihegroiiitd that the frost bus done
muchihiiuuge. Wheal is comparatively In
active, Willi il of a cent decl. ne, and corn
and oats lire unchanged with small transoe
lions. Code is ulo stronger by J a .cent.
The cilidilloii of the great industries i
decidediv liivoralilv. Perhiins the boot and
shoe miiiiulitcturcrn fare best of all at this
moment. It has been a phenomenal aut
umn in women's liuht goods. Woolen mills
are still busy and sales of wool are greater
than a year ago. Hie cotton industry Is
thriving every where. In iron the market
remains nrm.
Money has been steady at 4 per cent., the
Treasury having added "slightly to circula
tion hv Issuing fciO i.inio more notes. Ex-
Iuirts here Pr three weeks fall 17 per cent,
elow lust year's and imports are much
larger. Sio ks have been weaker, but there
is no sign of eseciiil disturbance.
The business failures occurring through
out the country for the past seven clave
number for the I'nlted Stute ISO and lor
Cunitdu JO.or a total of 2otl.os compared with
totals of 240 last wee k and 210 the week pre
vious to t lie lust. 1'or the corresponding
week of InU year the figures were 20.1, repre
senting 2117 failures In the I'nited States and
Oil in Canada.
no iiomkstmd csfs wit.!, nR pnorrm.
I Llt'FOHIl's Till Al, FMIST.
District Attorney llurleigli of Pittsburg,
denies a statement made by Attorney Argo,
one of the Western lawyers defending the
Homestead strikers, that, after the failure
of conviction in the Critchlow case, there
will be no further trials of the other Indict
ed strikers. Thedisirict-altomey said that
was a foolish mterance. It would not be
lawful to nulla prosse any of the cases, nnd
be meant to try all of those uguinst whom
true bill bail been found.
The first one that will come up now I
that of "Jack" Clifford, who is accused of
the same murder for which Critcblow was
tried, that of Tutu C. Connors, the Pinker
Ion. This case will not come up until pos
illy the middle ot the coming term of
court, it being the custom of disposing of the
petty cases II est.
Attorney Erwin. for this reason, started
Tor his borne on Saturday evening. He will
be hack, however, in time to assist in the de
fense of Clifford.
There will be no attempt lo prove an abl
bl in tlio case ofClinord. His defense will
ha fought out ou the ground Ihut the going
Of the Piukertons was un invasion of Home
stead, which the striken had a perfect right
to resist, if the plans of Attorney Argo are
carried out. This plan, though, finds little
favor among the Pittsburg attorneys. They
want to try for ac(iililal on dillorunt lines,
which are not yet made public,
Stamboul trotted on kite-tbaped track
t Stockton, Cel., In 2 07. Th day was not
favorable, it being cloudy and cold, and th
track wa damp from rain. Tb stallion
was in good condition and had it been a
better day bis time would have been lower.
He went to the half in 1.02i and finished
2.07), going without a tkip until be reached
tb wire when Si left hi feet. Tbe perform
ance make Stamboul king of the trotting
The wheat crop of Minnesota und th
Dakotu will be many million bushels above
all estimates. Over 1,100 car were received
yesterday, the heaviest of all tb season,
but th daily receipts has averaged over
1.000 car, Conservative grain men who
early in th season placed lb crop at 85,
OOO.OCO bushels, are now atyistg it will be be
tween 140.000.000 and 150.000.000 busbsli.
Louis Ebert and John H. O'Neal, whs.
wer charged with defrauding tb Metropol
itan Lit Insurance Company by sending In
bogus policies, were convicted at Washing
ton. Ebert was sentenced to four mouth
nd O'Neal to 10 months In th work bouse.
Charles F. Church, a traveling sale
man for Sanford & Co., dry good, of Win
nipeg, wta caught iu a billiard whil driv
ing aorot a prairie, lost tb trail and wa
troMB (o death.
tni coMrTot.t.m or the ct RnrscT make
Mr. A. B. Hepburn, 'Comptroller of the
Currency, In his annual reKrt, just sub
mitted, makes the following recommenda
tions: First That the minimum deposit offjor
eminent bonds required of National bank
be tl.000 In case ol hunks of f.W.OiX) capital,
and yi"J In case of banks whose capital
exceeds Mo.uoO.
Second That banks be allowed lo issue
circulating notes coital to the par value of
the bonds held to secure circulation.
Third That the monthly withdrawal of
bonds, pledged to secure circulation, shall
not exceed tt.SoO.OOO.
Fourth That the tax on National bankt
circulation be repealed. The banks have al
ready paid Into the Treasury . 2, 1170,4 12 30
in taxes iiKn circulation. The banks should
only he assessed an amount siitticlent to de
fray the actuiil cost to the Government of
providing circulation.
Fifth That the limit of the amount
which mav he loined to any person, com
pany, corporation, or firm to piper cent, of
the ciitrital elo k of the hank, he so amend
ed as to rend "capital and surplus," and al
so, tlist an exception be made In In vor i'
the temporary loans secured by colluti lal
in our largest' business centers.
Sixth Mint the tloveriiment issue bonds
hnvtiiK W. :so and 41) years to run, nl a low
rate of iiuerisu with which o retire p esent
bonded cteht of the I'll te I Suites, which
hoods may he Used as a basis to secure
National hank circulation.
Seventh The comptroller shows that by
chungii g o 2 per cent, bond having the
same Itugih of time to run for the 4 tier
cent, bonds, outstanding at tin market val
ue of each, on October Hi, the Oovern
liient could have saved $117. liil. Vil.tai?.
Eighth That bank examiners be required
to take an oiuli of olili-e before entering up
on the discharge ot their duties, and giw
bond Iu such amount and such sureties ns
the Cninptrol er of Cirrency muy require.
Ninth I hut the Comptroller of Currency
be allowed to appoint two general examin
ers, of conspicuous nhllitv and exierieuce,
o be pti'd out ol Hie public funds, wlioe
duly it shall be to visit assist and supervise
tliii various examiners in their several dis
tricts, in order to secure uniformity ,n meth
od nnd greater elllclency in work
Tenth Tim! the luw'he so amended as to
Jirohiliit otlicers and i mployes of a bunk
mm borrowing lis funds in any manner,
except tiin application to, and approval
of, the board of directors.
Eleventh In order to fucilltnte the col
lection of assessments iiihui stockholders of
lulled National hunks, that the receivers of
such bunks he requested to file with the
County Clerk or Kegister of eocli county, in
wlilch'iiny stockholder may reside, n stale
mctit showing Hie names of the stockhold
ers who reside in such county and the
amount of stock held by them respectively.
The tiling nl such statement to constitute
a lien uimiii any realty of said stockholders,
which lieu muy be vacated iinon motion
und by giving proper bond, and so he dis
charged hv the receiver upon payment of
the uast sstneut.
Nearlv "ii ier cent, of the hanks ore lo
cated west of the Mississippi river, and
percent, in t lie Southern States.
'I he number of banks on September 2.r,
8n'.', was :i.78H, having un aggregate capital
of il!i.'l,8w 01); surplus and undivided pro
fits. :iiu.52t till; indiviilval banks deposits.
fi,7tl!i.422.iiKI 07; bunk deposits, f .ri3U,U.l,2irJ.
and total resources, .l,rilii.Wi,sl7.
The circiilat ou outstanding shows a net
increase for I lie year of l(i. I87,2'JI. The
gold held by bunks, us compared with Sep
tember 2.1. I8U1, show an increase of
hoi, 1 1.1 surplus and profits, increase, t..
1)21; Indiviiliial depo-ils, incr aw. I77.I04.
Ii2; and bank deposits increases, flo0,4.VV
Death of Three Persona in a Fire Neat
Th residence and green house of Hirara
Dniuihower at Pleasant Valley, a suburb of
Sliarpsburg, Pa , were totally destroyed by
fire and tbe entire family consisting of Mr.
and Mrs. Dunuhower and child perished in
the Homes The charred remains of the
bodies were recovered by the Sliarpsburg
Fire Department, but they were burnt be
yond recognition.
Tb lire originated In the green house,
where the furnace wits heated to protect
Ihe plants. The fire wat discovered by
Charles firuhhs, who lives next door, a 1:I!0
. in., and he immediately aroused other
uelgliors, w ho forced the doors of the dwell
ing only to be driven back by flames and
moke. There was no water to be had, so
the ieople could do nothing but witness the
destruction of Ihe building and tbe crema
tion of ihe victims. Mr. Dunuhower was a
thrifty citizen, nged ), of Sliarpsburg.
Mrs. Dunuhower wa 'M year of age and
the little girl about 0.
Caused By the Uieirtainty of Tar It)
Lf eielMilon.
The IUinoii Steel Company, Chicago, em
ploying 3.AO0 men, will shut down Decern
bur 1,1, for two or three months. The pri
mary cause it tuid to be due to the uncer
tainty of tariff legislation. Owing to tbe
general belief that steel ruils will be cheap
er, few orders are being received. Whil
the works are abut down, an Invention,
which will do away with the traveling
crane, will be introduced. This will dis
pense with 01 men, eucti of whom make
M,."XJ0a year. Another invention which
will be put in the rail mill dispenses with
helper These men draw 1100 per mouth.
aflnneepolia Flour Out pot.
The amount of flour ground at Minneapo
lis last week was the lightest for any week
In the past three months. , The week't out
put wat 18U.790 ban els, averaging 31,131
barrela daily, against 221,983 tbe week be
fore, 1111.200 for tb corresponding time in
1801, and 188,170 In WHO. Foreign trade 1
extremely dull, kids being usually Od to It
below the vlewt of miller. The direct ex
port shipment by the mills last week were
61.200 barrela, against 72,291 barrel tbe pre
ceding week.
Four people were killed and three injured
by a collision on the Union PaclBo Railroad
at Aula, Neb. The following were killed:
Engineer li. McDonald, Engineer E. 11. Bar
ren, Conductor J. W. Keeler and Fireman
' Owen. Tbe injured are Fireman Castillo,
fatally hurt; ltrukeman Sutherland, badly
bruised and scalded. One passenger was
lightly Injured.
Jaco Scroop, a wealthy farmer of
Duchess county, N. V has been iwiodled
out of :5o0 by William Haupt, a Uvr
brick washer.
Mat. Maooi Bartiujia, of Chicago,
dreamed t bat hr absent husband wa mur
4rd. tb became a raving maniac
at acta ef th tntereet Bearln Public Deb
Cut Off and a Good WorkineJ
Balance Xspt on Rand.
The Treasurer of the United Slate, K. n.
Sebecker. has submitted his annual report
tor tbe year ended June .10, 18K2.
The net ordinary revenues of the Govern
ment for the fiscal year were 13.14.9:17,784.
decrease of :I7.074,Wi3 as compared with the
tear betore. The net ordinary expenditures
were,3:10. a decrease of $10.310,3.11.
Tne surplus revenues were thus rut down
from ;I7. 239,702 to !VU4,4.13. Including
the public debt, tbe total receipts for the
vesr were 173(1,401, 2!KI, and the expenditures
Con-idcred with respect, to the effect npon
the Treasury, the receipts are divided in two
general clases. of winch the first compris
ing the ordinary revenues, the receipts from
loans and the lieiKisits for the retirement of
national hank n tes, liicre:i-e for the lime
Ihe cash available for the uses o' Oovern
ment, whi e the second arising from the
Issue of gold, silv r slid currency certificates
United States noies ami Treasury tiotes.tend
to swell the assets of the Treasury, hut do
not affect the available b dunce. For the
first of tlie-e cliis-ps the figures show an ex
cess of iHs.omoiKi ot exK-niliuires over
revenues in I8il and one of tipwnrns of
Ji'.u n 000 in 1 Ml . In Ihe second class there
whs an excess of lUU.fin i.O'mi of receipts in
the lornier year ond one of x i.ikki.ooO in
the hitter. As compared w ith 18UI. there
was a saving of upwards of $11, noil, mi of
Interest, out of which a surplus was realized
notwithstanding the cu ting down of tu
revenues by legislation.
Analyzing the true condition of the Treas
ury and setting aside Hie trust funds, the
Treasurer shows thai ILerswasa working
balance of cusli and deposits in hunks,
amounting to (LM7.I IU.4.V.' nt the beginning
of the year, and of li.1.7ls.l.1l lit Iheend.
I if the lormer iiiimuiit 1 ami of the
hitter t iI4..VKI,(ssi was gold. The success
which bus attended tbeefforls of the depart
ment to iiiui nt -1 1 n a strong gold reserve, is
considered satisfactory in view of the heavy
The amount of the public debt is given us
ll..rii:.!Hl..1!il on ism, nnd I1..1S8.
411. 1 14 on June 3o, l!ri The loans resting
on the credit of the Uuiie I States were cut
down Irom I.IKi.1.KiSi..HJ(i to !mx,21K.8IO.
while thosa s -cured by full deposits ill the
Treasury increased 'from 1I(I.I!H,0:11 to
fil2u.2i.l 3hl. There was a gratifying im
provement in ttie c indilioii of the debt pro
duced, by the reduction of the interest bear
ing loans, ihe conversion of matured bonds
Into others payali e at the option of the Sec
retiiry of tin- Treasury, and the extinction
of considerable of the loans payable on de
mand. The total net rcdiic'inri of :i7,fiM7,
720 in these items was nffecicd by the ap
plication of Ilia surplus revenue of the year,
amounting to nearlv lo,(Ki,ii jo, together
with upward of 27,'uKj,(ioo taken from the
custi in the treasury.
According tothe revised estimutes, the to
tal stock of money of all kind in Hie coun
try on June 30 was t2,374.33l,Olti,an increase
of 1.Ki.imi,(kk) in the yeur. Ily eliminating
that part nl the paper currency which is
purely representative, consisting of certiti
cuies of deposits and Treusttry notes, the
effective stock is loiinil to have been I l,7i'i3,.
9.13.711. un increase of ,"n,im.K.l.
The issues of United Slates paper curren
cy amounted to t:i7().7-'h, exceeding
those of any previous veor. The nearest
approach in this total was ,U(l.liil.(KiO in the
yenr before, and the next ncurest I201.0JU,
OX' In 1803.
PtioviiiF.M r.. The oilicial count of the
State vote cat iu Hie recent. Presidential
election Is completed nnd shows the follow
ing.resiilt: liidwell. 1,11.14; Cleveland, 21,3:13:
Hurrison, 27,in. Weuver, 227. Plurality
lor llarrbon, 2.731.
HaRtfoi:!). The official count of the vo'e
of Connecticut as determined by the State
board of canvassers shows that Cleveland
for President received the largest vote ever
cast for a candidate In the State. The total
voteofthe Slate for President was K'4, 82-1,
und Cleveland' plurality over Harrison is
O.fuO, Total vote for Governor Is 103, 47U.
Luzon II. Morris, the Democratic ciuiiliiluto,
has a majority of W'land a plurality over
Merwin, the Republican candidate, of 6,042
I t FVr.l.AMl'S II I INCUS rt l'HAI.ITV 20.133. Otliciul vote of Illinois:
President Cleveland Democrat, 42II..174;
Hurrison, Ropiiblican, KH7.44); liidwell,
Piohibitionist, 24,.190; Weaver. Populist, 2l,
t85. Cleveland' plurality. 20.1:13. Govern
or Altgeld, L'ciiiocrut, 42.1.238; I'ifcr, Re
publican, 402,7.18. Lieutenant Governor
GUI, Democrat. 423,40.1; Hay, Republican,
Indianapolis. The official returns from
Ihe lust county have been received at the
State bouse. The footings show the ilrack
ins, the first elector of the Democratic tick
et, received 202. 700 vote Pierce, tbe first
elector on the Republican ticket, received
2.15,015 votes. Hruckin's majority, which il
in effect Cleveland's plurality, it 7,085. '
Boston. The recount of tbe gubernatorial
vote in Massachusetts show that Russell'
Plurality Is 2.006.
IOWA'S offiiisl votf..
Dfs Moims. Iowa's official votecoinplntt
is: Harrison, 210.473: Clevelund, llHvKKt
Weaver. :il,6ltl; Hidwell, l.32i.
Little Him k. Secretary of Staio Cbisia
has received th official returns of evert
county in the State except Mississippi conn
ty. The total vote for President was as fol
lows: Cleveland, 87,0.17; Harrison, 41,3.10
Weaver, 11.831; liidwell, 2,310. Clevoland't
majority over all 27, ,127. Mississippi conn
Iv's vote will increase Cleveland's majority
to 28,000.
Nashville. I he official returua from al'
Ihe counties have been received by the Sec
retary of Blate. For President the vote ia
Clevelund, 131.477; Hurrison, 00,073; Weaver
23,622; Hidwell, 4.8V1. Cleveland over Har
rison, :KI. jH. Clevelund over all. 8,026.
Topfka. The complexion of tho nexi
Legislature and the election of an United
States Seuutor, it it discovered, depend upon
one vole and that vote ia to be decided b;
lot, Tbe House of Representatives a
present ttands 02 Republicans, ,18 People'i
party, it Democrats, 1 independent and 1
lis. 'The law says that in case of u tie foi
member of the Legislature the seul shall be
awarded by lot. if the Republicans are suc
cessful in the drawing for the tie teat, tbey
will have 03 members just euongti to or
ganite Ihe House. If they lose the combin
ed opposition will have control of th both
branches of the House,
may vote auain on prohirition.
Yankton, H. D. Returns from members
of the Legislature in 17 of the 62 couiuie, in
South Uukoia show a majority of nine ou
joint ballot for le-subiuisnlon to a vol ol
th people of Ihe prohibitory law. ,
A RtLL toreduoe sleeping car charges
from t'i to II 30 a night will b introduced
In th Missouri Legitlatur.
Th secretary of the Interior transmitted
lo th secretary of Ihe treasury, the estimat
es required by pensions for the Uncut year.
The sum of HKl,8 11,8,10 will benectasary to
pay pensions on account of the oriny and
navy, Including the maintenance or pension
genciea, clerk hire and other Incidental
expenses. Of this amount it It estimated
:bnt ll0.1.oni,000 will he paid directly to
pensioners. In addition to the estimate of
IIIO.OOJ.OOO for the tlsiiil year ending June
K, 18i2, adillcieucy of 10,.K)8,021 1 asked.
During the first fiscal year or the present
tdmliiis rutlon, an estimate or s!i,500,00.
n round numbers, was sufficient to pay
pensions and other Incidentals.
a nationaTrank ROHBED.
tirnni.iRs mow i.rr the vci i.ts with txx-
MITK.SF.. I IIFU BLlWtFN $11,000 AND $1.1 00V
Four expert cracksman, with dynamite,
iucccei!el in cracking the safo of the First
National Hunk at Liberty, Mo., securing a
mm of money estimated at from $11,000 to
115,000. The burglars were scared away be
fore they completed the work and did not
et Into the reserve vault of tho safe, In
which was $in,000. They had a dynamite
fuse attached to this, lint fled without touch
ing It off.
Leaving the bank tho burglars went to
Ihe house of Joseph S ecle, stole a carriage
ami team ot horses, with which Ihey mad
their escape.
The Marrow gang of highwaymen and
train mhbe a In the neighborhood of Rome,
Go., has been wiped out. Jim Green, one
of the number, confessed after being arrest
ed, resulting in tbe capture of George and
John Marrow and Henry Ioke, and the
kliliiigof Will Marrow and Chester Scott,
while resisting arrest. The gang robbe 1 Ibe
East Tennessee express of $ about a
year situ and recently held up a tram ut
Piedmont, Ala.
A King Departa for Hie Throne.
Prince Momn Lulu, of Nashville, Tenn.,
who became King of the Vey Nation by his
father' death torn time (go, left to take
bit seat on the throne.
OIIAIN, Fl.ol ll AMI FF.F.H.
WH E.VrXo. 2 Red. .77.$ Hi&i
No. 3 Red '. 75
COI5X No. 2 Yellow car.,
High Mixed cur
Mixed ear .V)
Shelled .Mixed 41
OATS No. 1 White 38
No. 2 White 37
No. 3 White :
Mixed HIS
RYE No. 1 Pa A' Ohio.... I
No. 2 Western, New 113
FI.OUH Fancy winter pat' 4 Ml 4
Fancy Spring patents 4 0.1 4
Fancy Straight winter.... 4 00 4
XXX linkers S WJ 3
live Flour 3 7.1 4
HAY Huled No. 1 Tim'y.. 13 00 14
Hulod No. 2 Timothy 11 00 12
Mixed Clover ' 12 00 12
Tinioiliv from country... 10 00 18
STHAW W'liiut 0 .V) 7
Oats 7 SO 8
feed-No. i "h m.i r n ,n io
llrown Middlings 1.1 00 17
Hran 13 Vi II
Choi 14 a 17
hmuy ruoiiK-rs.
P.UTTF.It-Elgin 'ii-tiiucry 8S Sd
Fancy Creamery 30 31
Fancy country roll 23 28
Choice country roll 12 I I
Low grudf v cooking. .. . 8 Vi
CHEESE O New cr' m mild U II
New York Goshen 11 li
Wisconsin Swiss bricks.. 14 J.".
Wisconsin Sweitzer 13 14
JMinhurgcr . 10 11
APPLES-Fiincy, V bhl...
Fair to clioice, tl hbl....
ItE.W.X Select, i Ini
Pit V O I leu r is, y hbl
Lima I Scans
Yellow ilanvers "P hu....
Yellow onion, V hbl
Spanish, ' crate
CAMIAHE New t hbl
Funcy White per bu
iioice lied per hu
1U:LTI!y" F.TO.
Dressed ducks f!L
Dressed turkeys p It
Live Sprimr chickens p pr
Live Ducks pr
Live fleese 'ft pr
I.lvn Turkeys f fl
EGGS I'a .V Ohio fresli....
Extra liveliees 'f) lb
No 1 Extra live geese lb
TA LLOW Country, V lb . . .
3 00
I Ml
1 l)
1 60
S 21
2 .Vi
j ;
1 70
1 (VI
2 W
1 1
1 M
1 ,W
1 21
1 23
1.1 14
12 13
17 18
40 I
311 fl
70 7I
13 II
22 23
50 !
48 fSJ
25 Jtl
8 10
8 20
2 10
2 1.1
2 00 '223
1 7.1
I 00
1 40 I SC
17 10-
12 1.1
Timothy prime
Timothy clioice
lllue grass
Orchard grass
RAGS Country mixed ...
HONEY Whit clover....
WHEAT No. 2 Red
RYE No. 2
CORN Mixed
WHEAT New No. 2. Red..
CORN No. 2, Mixed
OATS No. 2, White
MUTTER Creamery Extra.
EGGS Pa., Firsts
$2 so $:; -v
20 :ii
$:i 40(3 $i nt
OH 7t
48 a
43 4h
24 3t
24 2
FLOUR Putents
WHEAT No, 2 Red
RYE Western...,
CORN Ungraded Mixed
OATS Mixed Western
HUTTKH Creamery
EGGS Mute and Penu
4 SO
S 01
" iTa n'LK "
Prime Steers
Fair to Good
Bulls and dry cows
Veal Culves
Heavy rough calves..
Freslicows, iter head
Prime 0(1 to 100-lb sheep. . .
Common 70 to 7.1 tb thedp.
4 21 to
3 73 to
8 00 to
I (10 to
fl HO to
2 M
fl 04
3 04
1 AO to
20 00 to 4(1 Oil
4 50 to 4 (g
2 IW to S Of
A 0) to ft
5 75 to .1 M
3 40 lo ft nt
4 80 to M
II I Hi.
Philadelphia hog..
Cum Yorkers
4 7J
4 2f
3 20-