The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 23, 1892, Image 8

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Aft-alnni (lamhllnft.
Antlrlce crusntlers lisve resorted to
mnnjr xtnrtliiiR exieillotits to nrmiKO nml
hoM rmlillc attention, lmt Hie tinliiio, if
not the most jmictifKl, movement to
xenril the suppression of vloo (tliis time
that of RiunMinn) mntle its niHMirnnc
In this city on Frfilny.
Tlipn ft car lienriiin on its Mile the Ifi?
Flirt, "Johnriiilipyiiiiin'n AtilluuiiililiiiK
I'rnsmile," drew into tho West riiilnrtc'
)hii ynnls of the Peiwsylviiiiiii rnilrontl
mul win fsltif ti1 r1o?-e In the fit 1:ht Hu
tinn nt Thtrtii'th mul Market streets,
where itstiiwls in full view of iKisserMliy.
John Philip IJuiiiii, lis will lie remem
bered liy tunny. is ft muliler who was
converted in prison iilxmt live yrntniio,
nnd lms since been devotion hie lifo iih n
lecturer to thi! suppression of the vice of
which he ww for over twenty-live years
a victim.
Mr. (jnitin curries nrotind w ith him In
the enr n complete otillltof nnmllcrs'
Implements over Klxty in all. One of
those he w ill explain every hour ilm iiiK
the tiny ill the reception room of the car,
and once, in the morning probably, ho
will spenk of the evil of Humbling froi.
the platform of the car. His ev.Miinun
will he given to lecturing in the city
churches. Pliiliulelphia Uecoril.
Whrre a Mnn tViw NmmIimI.
A tpneher in ft Canadian ncliool, a
young larty, committed suicide Ijeennse
she conhl not control gome of the refrac
tory lmys ntuler hpr chnrno. Sho at
tempted to tlininh one yomiK rascal, and
some other Ihivs of his own kidney Hew
to his rescue and gave tho teacher n
black eye. She closed the school, went
home and swallowed a dose of mor
phine. How such a story makes ft man's
hand itch to jtet among those hoys with
a stout switch! It is undeniable that a
group of rebellions boys of fourteen or
fifteen years of age nro little better than
a hand of savages. In most schools in
cities, thero nre men nlmtit the building,
hut in some country places, where thero
is otdy a woman to conduct a school, she
has a hard time of it.
This poor girl in Canada told her piti
ful story in tho few words she hart
crawled before swallowing the poison:
"I Bin tired trying to teach bail lioys."
What a pity she had not some brother
or lover to go to her assistance and
thrash tho young blackguards within an
inch of their lives. The life of a brave
girl, who had evidently tried hard to do
her duty, was too valuable to le sacri
ficed in such a cause. Pittsburg Uul
letin. About Then. "ICqttlllortlal Stornn."
There is a popular delusion that a
three day storm is inevitable nt nlxiut
this time of the year, and also when the
"sun crosses the line" iilMiut the 31st of
March. The unsettled state of the
weather at almttt this time, as well as nt
the time of the vernal equinox, is al
ways sjiokeii of as "tho equinoctial
Mow the fucta are the equinox has
little or nothing to do with these storms;
and, excepting that the weather is in a
general unsettled condition, caused by
the changes that are taking place in the
atmosphere, there is no more sense in
expecting a series of storms at the time
the sun "crosses the line" than nt nny
other season of the year. Meteorolo
gists and weather exports in general,
who have worked for years to uproot
this popular fallacy, doserve the great
est credits in fact, there is hardly a
standard by which we can measure our
indebtedness to these men who work
untiringly to discover and root out pop
ular errors and establish scientific truths
in their places. St. Louis Republic.
A Handy Rummer Girl.
Judge C. G. Butt enjoys the nice dis
tinction of which few men can boast
Tlx., that of being rescued from what
was at least a remotely possible watery
grave. While out bathing on Ortnond
beach with two Orlando young ladies
Wednesday afternoon he was seized with
an adventurous fit, disengaged himself
from their hold upon him and went out
into the surf beyond his depth. After
vainly endeavoring to regain the shal
lows he yelled for assistance and Miss
Maggie Fitto, who is more than his
equal in height as well as in many oth-r
respects, boldly waded out and towed
the judge to the shore. Beyond being
externally and internally saturated with
salt water ho suffered no Inconvenience.
Miss Fitts should be attached to the life
saving service. Orlando (Flo. ) Reporter.
Soma Bright Old Men.
It is remarkable how many great men
are still alive and active, though over
eighty years of age. Kossuth, who has
just celebrated his ninetieth year, is
busy with his memoirs, besides being
employed in preparing a collected edition
of his works. Leeseps is hale and hearty
at eighty-seven. MacMahon is a year
older than Y.r. Gladstone, and has also
written his memoirs. Pope Leo XIII is
eighty-three, and thongh rumors of his
ill health are constantly being circu
lated, he is still able to be one of the
busiest statesmen in Europe. Belgium
has a O.O.M. in the person of M. Frere
Orban, a veteran parliamentarian, who
has just entered his eighty-first year.
Dawmd FanUhment.
A man in Kirkintilloch, Scotland, was
fined ten shillings the other day for
playing the bagpipes on Sunday. Wheth
er because it was Sunday or because it
was bagpipes is not stated, but neigh
bors of the man who spends his Sabbaths
now in practicing campaign march
atrocities on a bugle will readily see the
wholesomenesa of1 the Covenanter blue
laws. New York Sun.
The French actor Got has amassed a
fortune of 6,000,000 francs during hi
long professional life at the Theatre
Francaiae. When he retires from the
stage in 1804, he will have been connect
ed with that theater for fifty years.
The county commissioners of Carbon
county, Pa., recently sold 10,000 acres of
unredeemed mountain land. Some of it
was sold for less thun three cents an
What Amerleaa Fainter Kara.
Less than twenty years ago a niemlier
f the National Academy of Design le
tlared tlmt he knew positively that thpre
were but ten artists in New Vork who
were making as much as $.1,000 a year
by their art. Times have changed. We
hear a good deal alxmt the crane for
foreign pictures and the neglect of native
pninters, but alt the same there are not
a few of the natives who nre making a
good living, and by the sale of their pict
ures too.
Several nro reputed to make f 33,000 a
year, nnrt a good many livo nt a rate of
at least fio.noo without falling into debt
belonging to rlnlw, owning country
houses nnrt yachts, paying exorbitant
rents for stud ins ami furnishing them
with splendor. Home of the liest paying
commissions that local painters receive
lire those for panels, ceilings anil other
tlecorativo work for New Vork houses.
New York Hun.
A Remarkalil flwaa.
One of the most novel wedding pres
ents which Princess Marie of Edinburgh
is to receive will lie from the poetical
queen of Houniania Carmen Hylvn
nnrt will be n pleasure barge In the form
of nu immense swan. It will not only
be built to imitate a swan, but It is to
swim like a swan and be like a swan in
every particular of motion. The feet
nre to lie so contrived ns to take the
place of oars. The neck and head will
rise to a height of eighteen feet nnd the
body will form a cabin large enough to
hold ten persons. Exchange.
If ih innon tin Learned.
If the suggestive contrasts of qunlity
in the buildings of the exposition should
serve no higher purpose thnn as an ob
ject lesson to our legislators, teaching
them that thpir responsibilities in respect
to oiirjnationn! architecture nre not prop
erly discharged by maintaining a costly
architecture! factory in Washington,
the unsubstantial pageant of Jackson
park will not have been in vain. Cen
tury. Electrlr-ltjr In llrmvnliia; Can.
An account of electricity as a life
saver conies from Scotland, where a
man, while bathing, was seized with a
cramp nnd sank, being two minutes be
low water. When rescued lie was
thought to be dead, but after two appli
cations of the electric current nuiina
tion was restored. The current wan
passed lietween the nape of the neck and
the heart. Exchange.
An obelisk of red granite, seventy-ore
feet in height, with a pedpstal of black
porphyry, is shortly to lie brought to
Austria from Alexandria, where it has
been lying in the garden of the Austrian
consulate since 1847.
A change in
To make this change we have to
Four or five thousand dollars worth of
If you have ever bought Shoes from us you know we carry nothing but the best
goods, so if you want to Save Money and at the same
time get good goods give us a call.
Now Go For
Also a few Pants on which you can save big money. We have on hand about
twenty-five good heavy Overcoats suitable for every day wear at prices
that will astonish you. All the above goods must be
closed out. Don't miss this sale.
The t'nklndest Cat of All.
"I understand your new paper Is not
to come out again?" said Miss Cynicus.
Young Kenfield bowed his head In as
sent. He had come to her for sympathy,
and Ills grief wns too deep for words.
When bis paper suspended the day lie
fore he felt that he hurt had the chance
of his life and failed. Only nu author
filled with youthful ambition could
realir.e how he had burned the midnight
oil when at last the chance enme for him
to innko n strike for honest fame. But
It, was of no avail, mid after n few weeks
his little sheet went the way of ninny n
Ix'tter paper. Afb rtlie first great pangs
uf his sorrow were over he had come to
tier he loved the liest in tho world, feel
ing sure that she could ease his pain.
"It isn't for myself nlone I feel so
bad," ho went on. "The publisher was
very good to mo. lie sank a great deal
of money in the venture, unit while I
did my liest 1 can't help feeling that 1
was the cause of his misfortune. What.
I lost in comparison was nothing."
"Of course it wasn't," she replied. "1
understand just how it was you lost
nothing. You put in the brains." New
York Evening Sun.
To rntntnnnlrale Willi Mars.
An Englis uutu trained K. J. Crowley
has taken out n pkjent in Ureat liritinn
for opening up tlityct communication
with Mars. Ho wrlte'sto The St. James
Onr.ette, giving a delightfully vague
hint of what bis secret profess is. There
Is no difllcnlty but expense in the way,
he says. Ho has had much expense in
heliograph signaling, nnd his plan con
sists in the nrrangemeiit of a series of
mirrors to collect nnd reflect the light,
these to be connected by electricity nnrt
operntert by a telegraph key. Iln pro
poses to establish communication with
"parts of the universe that even pho
tography has not shown us." Mars, ho
savs, is doubtless in communication with
other planets, nnrt the Martini people nre
tearing their hair liecnuso they can't
"raise" us, ns telegraphists say.
The Tntnl Vtite This Yenr.
The federal census of 1"!M returned
the adult white male population of the
United States nt lO.iHn.llll. Deducting
the aliens, of whom there nre more than
a million, nnd tho electors resident in
the territories, the total number of quali
fied electors was .Vin;I.!I1!I. Fully 10
percent, of these, for a variety of causes,
do not vote. This would give ns the
probable total of the vote cast for presi
dent 14.000,000, the same result as de
rived by coirparison with previous elec
tions. Now York Sun.
A Chicago newslioy has been fined for
crying sensational "news" that did not
appear In the paper he was selling.
our business
in soils we
Comfort and Proirresa.
"I think that mnn gets less comfort
out of life thnn does any other animal,"
said George McDonald, a guest of the
Southern. "Lifo for him Is a continual
battle from the cradle to the grave.
Whnt happiness he finds in tho compan
ionship of loved ones is more thnn coun
terbalanced by the pain of the inevitable
parting. Poverty, ambition nnd greed
are scorpion whips, goading him ever to
exertions beyond his strength, until nt
Inst he sinks, worn nut nnrt weary, be
fore he reaches what should be life's
high noon. His very diversions are taken
in a feverish, hurried manner, ns thongh
he begrudged the time thus stolen from
business cares. And the higher the posi
tion of n people in a scale of civilisation
the less of poetry nnd pleasure do they
nppenr to find, the more stubborn nnd
unrelenting the buttle for existence.
With tho lower miimals life is a luxury
simple existence a pleasure.
"Tho bnrbnrian makes holiday while
civilized mnn slaves nil day, nnd then
outwntches the bear. True it is that
only by constant endeavor Is progress
possible, but of what value is that
progress which makes of itinn an un
happy slave, toiling always beneath a
lush more cruel thnn ever fell across the
back of Lacedirmoninn helot or African
bondsman? Of whnt lienefit are tri
umphs that we cannot pause to enjoy?
Our pace in becoming too rapid. We
are trying to crowd the lalsir of centu
ries into decades." St. Louis Glolie
iHnnocrat. The Color nt the Ryes.
A famous optician has discovered tlint
women have a larger proportion of
brown eyes than men. If in parents the
mother has brown eyes nnd the father
blue the chances nre eighty-eight to
twelve that tho girls of the family will
be brown eyed, the percentage in favor
of the boys having blue eyes lieing
seventy-two to twenty-eight. If the
parents have eyes of like color tho
chances in favor of tho children, Itoth
male nnd female, having eyes of the
same color is ninety-two to eiylit. Ex
change. Ammonia Colors Hnlr.
A few drops of ammonia added to pre
oxido of hydrogen is what gives the
henutiful golden color to hair. Without
the ammonia one or two applications of
tho bleach to brown hair imparts a red
dish bronze tint to It -New York Journal.
Durability nf Paper Teeth.
Among the most remarkable Inven
tions at the recent paper exhibit nt Ber
lin was a set of paper teeth made by a
Luebeck dentist in WK They have
been in constant use for more than thir
teen years and show absolutely no wear
in the next few months
Is the cause
have nothing but good goods lett.
Just in
In fact anything you may druini In our line will be found
in our mammoth utoro.
The Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
ti rr
I j srnscmr.E fok I !
X "THE STAR" j j
i: SUOI'KKYKAll. j
: '' '
suidu Mechanics
:J ii U U EJ Li U M
I v.-... .
'1 H I" ft I" n rill 1 "arires
i. .in a i. EOl . - ... .. tJ
fend fur
of this large advertisement.
And we now offer you the above goods
at and in some cases below cost.
Season !
at Home
d Tne Correspondence School ot Mines.
J To Enter, Students only Need to
Know How to Read and Write.
The Onurso Includes
AIIITIITir.TK , !Tlf IIA!SI:fl, AND mKril AN If A I.
rensonsme. No time need tie lost from work
VttV.K Cireuliirs of Information.
Now Go For