GREAT HOMESTEAD STRIKE 1 FINALLY DECLARED Off Bv the Am.lamted Aiaoclatlon, sTvent Lsaftltm Up toThl Ultimatum. History of th Stria. Tli wnrldftimniu IIiiiiioImiI trik l tirnftti'Hlty nt tin end. It begun .lime J'.imd hu been alti'iided with the ti n.ri)iii frit tun of Mi'timl ftnrfiir. H hn cnt (brnrple Hlecl 'ttiniti v. limited, nlmiwt million dollar In securing and curing for a mltlrient number of iinii-unlnn men In mutt the lanl. It hu nearly lnixiviT!lir.l the IVmtigh of llomcxlcail mill hn brought liundred nf mrlkrrii inl their (nnillii In n cutiditlnti verging nn stiirviitliin.hut 11 Ik now txnit ended, ns lenst so fur a Ihe iiici htmlc mill laborer urn concerned. The scramble for issll on, which wn iiiiiuguriiliil '! htiTdny morning hy the Htm nnd Muvx, ia roiillinii'il without cessation from un hour before dnvhrcnk Irhliiy mnriiliu: until 4 o'cb k in tin' nftrrniHin, t p lo thnl lime about l.ono men, cmmling Ihe :iun . ho lienilfd 'Hiursihi"' break. Iiuil iiilietl for work. Not over noil men rcmied cmilov ment, hul tiny ncrc irtii'il'y Iluiiitinl Mv Iii'hiioip. Thi" arctics (thing tlin MiiiiIihI I mini, from City Turin lime to the couiiiny nllirc, nctc Interesting a well as ntinc-lii;'. All ilny lmi.r there wiin constnnt l renin ol nu n I'oinif In nml finm thi works. It wn nn cttsy mutter 1 1 fill; out tlni'p v. ho lul l secured iniilny-flu-tit. i'hrir fnrcx noli a binud Muilc. nml they seemed lo he literally wnlklng on mr. Those i. ho hud not been so fortuiintc wen nlso etislly distinguished. They luul loudly Imped thnl nil they hud to do mix to n. v iiiidthey won 1I hcieccived with opt n nuns. The lei-cs ol lhi'-e men were a, sluity. I hit (Till nud dis.ippolnltiictil stood mil in liold relief on lln-lr coiiulenniircs; lliev rciillcd for the lil-t lime that lli-v hml lirld oil loo lot i. Homestead business men miike nn scrrrt. of their pun iiimi ion nt the tin n uthon lime taken. mr iirnnMn' rutviui m. Althntu'li loath In imil.e known In thn I'lihlic the ilflnils nl Ihcir Hurling Tliurs il ti y evrniuir, , iiinlg uiniili'd men were lutiiid yeKierilay ho Milked freely on the eolife't. A rniuniiitrc ol inceliiiuir mid laborer were present with Hie ollimiiliiiti of the men lliev represented, I he Inner desired to hft i-"h'M"i'd Iroin all nhligiitions, loremniu out longer. I he mccili'i' vuis firesidcd over hv X l'ri'i 'cut William Veihe. of the A tliali'iimati'il An-tot-iatloli. About .VI Htii'lulif r. of whirl) oraniatioii were present. A vote a" taken on the re qill'xt of the merhnliiiMl lienul t llietit, ll htrll leflitlled in hlil in tavrr of mid Til tiifiniiKf the merhiiuir heiinr ulloweil to art lor Ihentfelvi-ft. 'I lie ri'iuuiillet wa iiilorini'il flint the iromition uai iclei-rrd hark to tlie nieti; hut that the tii.riiiliDii uou'd not Like the ii'-iuin-ihillly of !. I :i 1 1 1 1 k Hu; rike oil. mid would proinie them all the tiunnriiil aid poiihle it thev would rruitiin linn. Then followed a vote in deriarini; the mnke ofl, o hir nx the mef hainen are eoti eernei, wliirli tesiille.l In i'.'l ma's to U:i nye". After i'oiiiileriilile i nlirlinir a "ei rel huh lot wh taken, whirh ii.Mril 'J totex to Iho c in Invor ol il'i'larinit the fltrike oil. 'I'hix 1 1 id in l ll :il i f- the rexult. A motion to re lease Hie men at the l.nw renri'Ville anil Jteaver I'iiIIk planlx wa lol. Vire I'leii dent ( niiiey niiiile u rouxluc xpeei li. in the coitrxe of whirli hi I'vplaiwi'd why ttie Amiil!tiiuated AxMiriation eould not allow nyiiipathilii' utrikern In teiiii ii to work and liandletl the merhiuiU'ul ilepiut nient williont ulovex. Mr. I'liinev (.eeUred lliul lli' exinrnie i flhe A ii.iiIk ninlftj Anxot'ia'ioii dei'i'titleil upon every perfton entiueoted with tho xtrike ru iiininiiis firm. i he meuilierx nf the mnrlinninil depart nient. xmartinif under whnt ttiev coiixiuer. rd inifuir treatment at tho handx itf the Aninliramateit Axoriution mid kiiouiiifr lull well that the liiium inl rexnuri-ex of that oivunlutioii hud been exhaiixtod. were not Ions In milking up their liniiil" ax to how thev h(.ul I art. 'I humility tt irli I at llo'i lm k notice were posUxl that theie would he it niee'iiiK nf tho meehiinirx and d.iy lahorerx on Kruliiy iiiorniniz tit l'l o i'liH'k.' I.oim be fore that hour the men brpin to iihuuiiiIiIh bout the rink. When Ihe ilmirx were open ed there wax n rush lor xentx, and in live ininutex the hall wax parked. It did not Inke long to t down to buxinexx. The uimmitlee that had waited tioou Ihe Anul Hinnteil Axweiatioti reporieii. No Miotier had the tepott been rend than doren men lumped to their lii't and mov ed that they lelraxe iheniM'lvi Iroui all oh li:ationlo ilieAiualimiuute'lAxHneiMinn and uppiy lor work in u tuniy. 'J'he motion pru- . vailed, and n xtaiuliiii! vole wax taken. Ax one inun the aixeuibled Htrikem aroxo. It wni not neceexiiry tor the i hairmui) to nil nouuen the rexuli. Tlii8tandin; vote, no linHiiinioua and deeixlve, Iniliriitrd more for cibly tliau anytliiim else what hai broil 'irking in the minds of the iiierliiinii s and iuborerii from Ihe day their strike beuelilx were redineil from $4 to '( in theeane of former ami Irani Kl to 1 in the lultvr. Af ter few lirirt uddrexxea the meeting enme to n end and the second rttih fur position! commenced. The rush continued without break until I p. m . when Superintendent p'chwab an oounred that no morenpplicutionx would he riiei1 thai day. The mechanic nml la boreni number !i'4ixl. It in estimated that I.uri of tbrse men had npplieil for word, and that about .H ill. (.rinri..'illy lalwrers. wre (riven employment. Very lew me i tianicn are needed, ami roiisetiuently there is much dixapimiutmeiit on the part of those who failed to get woik. Axaistunt Kiiperintendent Wood stated to reporter thai the company had no inten tion of turning adrift any of Ita non-union employe, of whom there are about 12.701), in order to make room for old employes. The company e,ivex them the chance of obtaining work, hut i not going to disturb the mm who have heled it out. Conse quently there nro about ..Vsl men 'J. W0 machinists and 50X1 Amalgamated Asuociu lion men who ore atill on the outside. Hhouldthe mechanics fail to obtain em ployment, they will be placed In worse jKition than ever, as they have no mentis of obtaining financial aid. THE KIXAI, ADMISSION THAT THIS HOMESTEAD 8TIMKE IS OVER. T A VOTE or 101 TO HI. THI Mil.!. WAS DK I'LARKD ofKX TO ANAMIAM xTKD MtX. SIM- ha(Y or tiik riuM ipw. rvENTS aiM K Tim MOHMTKAD ITUIKK BKUAN. The Uonieaiead strike, or. technically peaking, lockout, was nrougtit in ait end Kim Jay morning at a meeting held in the Homestead rink, which was presided over by Ciiairinun Kichard Ilolchkisa and attend ed by HecretaryKilgallou.Vice l'reslilontCnr imt and Treasurer Madden, nlttcera of th Antalgainated Association. Th vote that (ipeneid lh Homestead Steel Works to Amalgamated men stood 101 nye tool noes The lueatingwas rd-not all the way througb and at on tim It looked as though Uurgess Holliugahead would hav to lutcrfer. lbrg and riuuter charaea war th order of th day. Newspaper men were excluded but it was learned from reliable aourc that tbos iu favor of declaring th mill open bad th hardest kind of a tiro to carry i ooen began In avitntc the mind of Amalgamated men n sim. n ns it hix ame apparent Hint the mei hnti i-x Intemled to break away In hodv. Without Ihe iipnirl of Ihe mechanic iind laliorers they reaxitied thev might fix well throw up tlie sponge. Not onlv mnnv nf the rank nml II In. Inn nenilv all lite lexil ets looked at Ihe iniitler In Ihix wnv. That all i in mri n ii I fai tor. money, wn wanting In enrrv on the light. The failure of Ihe I hicngo promise of : hi ins), together with the noli iiilllllineiit id other promise, nil mine in for cimsideralioti hy the men. They roiild not live on promises, and so fold Ihelr leader, w ho. seeing that it would he itseles to try lo hold the men louether longer, look tcpsto phir-i their brethren on an eipinl fiNitlmr with Ihe mis'liaiiim In the grand rush for work. An onl'tii' to Assistnnl Hitieriiitetiilenl Woisl, of thn llomitsieinl works, not more Ihnn nisi or ok) of the total number of old einplmes w ill he able to secure work, lie Ion tin break ol lat Thiirsiinv there were le't In lloiui-teail lihonl .H Ml iif Ihe origi. mil :t. si hi men who rami out on the l'.mIi day it .Inne nt Hiisi ?.noi men i.tfNi were me 'lintiirs aiel laborers, and tl'Ni mnliiiiunted As-iH liiiiiio men, l p to itale Hhout l.liNimeu have applied lot ivotk. mid II s estimated dint not more than :. men have gi t il. Saliiidav' meeting mi ntletiileil etelii. Ivelv hv the .MiuilcMinnli'd men, other 'ink' m ii"i be ongiiu! lo that iiretiiiirntloti Iv iiig ctrltiiiril. The nti'etimr wax not a laige one. not more llinii .'i'Si itersons being l'ti'ent. t oiisideialile sin prise wax caused ivheti the iiiinoiiureiiietil wax mnilr that I liomiix J. t ran lord hail sent In hi ri-xi-union nx rliairoinu ol the Advisory Itoanl in ai rept a position as hi ml toller ill the t 'o- n in til tt Iron ntnl Slix'l Winkx at t'nloti own. The resttttintlon wax acrepted nml Itirharil llotrhkis elerlcd to till the nosl ion. Ihe steel worker wern ntivioiii lo eet dowti to iuiineis. A striker arose and moved that he lis'k-out he ilertated nl an end. Itlsrit i i n of this motion 1 1 in i Hi mi I wlihoiil n iieiik until n p. in . when iidiourtiiiient wn nl. ni until Suniliiv morning W'lieti the adjourned mi-eiiug wax railed 'o order In the rink Kiiiulav moi iilng Ihern .Mix not mote than .'I'm mrii ptexenl. Those tpposed lo liiii-.iiiii the tii'hl In an end eruirrleil hind to stave ofl a ballot, plcnd ini. nri'tittu' Hiid predicting Hie disiuteirni' ion nl Hie A mn'taiutiteil Assorialiou ill the vent of the lockout being drrhired ofl The iti it workers, w ho. as thev llieinsetve Imvii aid time ami ntiniti. would rat her go naked iml starve rather than nek now ledire defeat, nere in the miuoritv. They knew It, hut Hill Hi' V nr.'i'il nml p'radeil with Ihelr tirother- to sinnd lit is if tor no other reason hall In show lothe world that they had not 'orgotien the mrii tvho wen lying in prion ixvailiuti 1 1 ial. II was ,,r no avnii. 'Ihe liirsiinn w i imt. Tin vole was a standing me. W hen the i'ull w as ininoiiiii i d llieio a nx tin Iovoih oiitliutst. Thru w its no lelnon-ltalioit siirh nsthnl whirh fn lowed die slnli'lno! vole of the llirehntlir.s. ileehir iiur lheuts"lvrs iiiiieix'inleiit of Ihe Aiual- ll'llllle I A---oriali"ll. I'iii ft Irw srcomli the men sat mid stnred it cai li o'lirr. I hen lolloped inu'i v ilenuii. hilions bv siiiite ol w lint had I n dune Hu men lell tin hall In twos ami threes. I hey siemed loath lo h ave the building, tlie vrrv ralleis of whirh have nluiosl quivered w iili the drr la rations tnadr a I In mini id liiurx 'bat vh lory waxtheiisil they would only be atient. . III 111 l: VI I MI'tnVHI. Akci how iitauv new men had been h'.ken into the works siim the ihiitiirnrii i urn ft I lie lock out. Mr. Wood said: 'Aim) linn have Ihcic lncn over L'.iiisi mefi ill thn works sinre thestaii wax niiiile to .Inly. I here were that iiuiiiy at work lit to la-t riiurs'lnv. t 'limiting every new man em plnvcil -lie r the strike, Ihe total will tiol gn over ;(.. "shi. In tiro-H'rous times we have emiilove l a' high :n M.xisi men. hut tin iiomiunl iiumhcr is .'l.'jno. I'l-erllona of lion union men during .Inly ami Auru-I uern:!ed ahoiit ihi per wc k. Since that p-riod there have piaclii ally lieen no ile seriion." Mr Wood was asked w hether Ihe cnin pniiv had lost ery heavilv by the cnucel ing of contracts. He said' "All coutttirts liitnle within a monlli prior lo thn strike wriii mane with Hie provision that there might be trouble Wn have lost nothing on contr irts w hirh were maih' prior to the strike, but wela led In obtain orders which wentherw i.e would have received." III. HIT XI X Wll.l. Ilt-TIKKN MAI It. The sympathetic strike til the Carnegie mills ai lener I'nlls. I'n . was declared otT Mllldav altrriiO'in. All the old hands ex cept the six members of the Advisory Com mittee of the sitikcis will be taken buck. H!Si)l;Y tl'l TIKHTItlKK. IT Wll.l. "O iOW A ON K III" HI K MOST fMIOIS I. Alton titbit i:iim i:s i K lltHIOItY ol 'til i: coi'Miiv. flic Homestead strike of lockout will go down as one of the most fatuous labor dis ttirli.'inces in the history of ihe country. Tho men were locked out June 'i. live ilavs lie lore I lis cVfilatioil ol Ihe old aralii, and I mm that nun mil il .Inly tl the Carnegie. Company made noiiilempl to get men into Ihe null The Advisory Committee, would allow no one to go I i except clerk, watch men and liirrinen employed by thu coin pa nv. On the morning nf .Inly tl, the l'inkerton binges tried to .and at the mill and lo men lost their lives as a result of the battle which followed, besides (o or .Ml weio wounded, some of whom were maimed lor life. The surrender ol Ihe I'ii.kerlolis, alter 12 hours' lighting, during which pistols, nlles. cannon dvmimile mid burning oil wern used, wax followed by the terrible gaunilet runniiig uuil harbarotis ubuse ol' thu ones, one of w lioiu wax driven Inxaue by it und afterward killed himself. A couple of ol hut also lost their reason alter p.i-sllig itiruiigii tlie hwiiii line ot limn. deiicd men nml women from the river bank to the opera hon-e. wliete they wei held prisoner.-until given into ihe i-burgoof the Hlierill late at night iind brought lo 1'iltv burg on a special train. The next iiuporlsiil event following this was Hie ordering out hy the (iovernor.of the enllte Nntlniiuliiuard of the Slate, on June 10, two third-nf which were encamped nt Honest ad lor three weeks, and some regi ment were, there three months, with an aggicL'ute cost to the State (.!' .Vj0,ni'i) iu ruiiiid iiiuniicrs. I'oliticians brought the strike before Con gress and the House sent a committee te I ittsourg to mvextignte. Tlwy took eyidonce uuil tnndea report'whicli amounted loprunti cally nothing after nil. The Senate Com mlttoe I still investigating and will probably do the same as the other laxly. In this way 111 Nutional (iovernment contributed some money a a result of the riot. Democrats eixed upon it inn argument ugaiuat a pro tective tariff, and ax was noticed recently, used it effectively in thecimpaign. The civil courts, from the highest to the lowest, took a hand in it, und th Grand Jury returned nary l.V) indictments for riol, conspiracy, tieason and murder against persons on hot'li sides. It will rcipiire a year or two to clear the Criminal Court docket in Allegheny county. If the men Indicted are tried severally and mi faster progress is nude than iu the first case w hicli is now on. Ilesidos the case d'rectiy connected with Ihe riot there has been the trial of Herg mann, and of the Tenth liegiment. olUcers lor tricing rrtvaie lams, who cneeren uu Bergmann, not to mention Ihe numerous petty suns Hint grew out of the si l ike. 1 bene nave cost Allegheny county a large sum al ready and th litigation has only begun. The shooting of H. C. Trick by An archist Bergiiiaun.lh murder of Max New man, th dynamiting of Mr. Marron'i boarding house and a thousand other un lawful acts resulted from th strike, besides t number of fatal and other serious acci dents to new and inexperienced workmen who tried to operate th mill Theu th ivmpatnetic strike at th Union and Beaver Kails mill were alio woduoiivo of om Bray. , j 1 he ileaver r'lills (Pa 1 xirike was rtecUre nil on hr dny Inst alier the bew fiom llomeslenil ieirdlng the action ol tho Ine-chniili- and laborers wn received. 'I he l.awieuceville, ( I'ltlsburg, I'M. I strike will lull now hv rensoti ol ii belli n sympxlhetlr one, nml the cause being removed by th ml ion ol the men they irled lo help. It Fit! Ml OIK IIOHOKIM. I he dispute between Knglnml and I'rnme nrlslng from nil ringlish warship lion nil tig ill the wntrtsof Milihignsiar a slave dhow flying the Kronen Hag. bus been miIIIihI. T he lltilish have agreed lo pay n small In ili innity. Joseph Sum, the llerllit man who ws rharged with attempting to burn hi wile In drat Ii llui he michi marry her younger slslei, wax xeiiti iireil lo l"i years' penal servl- iiile. A teller jul ren lved Iroiu Coriloba, Mexi co, give n most distressing neeouut nf Hie slate of iiflalrx there, ellow fever ha rngrd with nwlul violenre and cniricd nwiiy lilmost I.iski ol Hie people of the town. Mont nf the inhabitant have Hi d In ihe mount. nirst iscapeo the plague. 'I hi'ilespotideiil leeling In Ihe tin plate dlstrlrl of Wales luix been rhaiiged into one of ieolrliig since Mr. I 'levrlnmi s elerllon. A ri'lulnll're has been npolulrd to wiitrh the ilevelopinciilx of the Aiiieilciin Imill. At llirsi hlield, llrssn Nns-nu.n llomnii Cntholle priest miiui'd Thlel, Iuih l.reu nr 'esliil for having spoken In n ilerogntory way, in nseimou, of I he Kmperor ntlend mire at the l.uther lelehratlou in Willen berg. 'I he lii parlnient of War hits Issued order fm bidding nil olllctrx of the Turkish army below Hie riiuk of miior, to marry mure than one w ife. The older stales Hull Hie pay of lleiiteiiaiil and rnptalii is iiisutllrient In keep n "harem" dceently. A liculcr dispatch from Si In iiimik it tills tif il wedding pally, litiiulieiiiig about two score from the better class nf "in let y, w ho were enjoying Ihe oix-nsinn nl ii rexlntirant, when Ihe hnilding collapx.-d. Seven were killed ami Ml woiiiuhsl, mote or less, severely. A cnbisixe und six ears broke loose from n Mexican National train which wn climb ing n steep grade. 'I he cars Mew down u fust thai one after another I'M Hie track until only I wn cni'lii d into a double header Ireight train at Ihe rati of lll miles nn hour, call ing a tirilhle wreck. Seveiul trainmen were dashed loitealli. CREAM, TIM! rotSONKIt. HANOF.D XS -- - Me la Bent lo Hi (inive in u London Jail Yard. riiotiuix S'eill, nll.H Cream, Ihe I autidiaii wonuiii poisoner, wax hunged nt Newgate prison, l.ohdou, Ile displayed woii'lerlul nerve mid derlared thai his last I wn days on eaitli were thn luiipii)-t of his lite. Neill Was probably uilly of tnuie crime Ihaii even .link the Hipper mi l they ex li uilr.l over the I'lti'id Slaiei, I iiiiii'Iji and Kliglaml. Thn Urn rhino iu April, Is II, was known in the Lninbeih invsiery in whirh N'eill o. -one I twogirlsof ill lepula Iu I.iiiii ln't Ii by giving them strychnine. The ci mixed it great sensation, but Neill was not Iniml, Then Iu iietoher u girl linmiil Mnlihla clover died Midilenlv ami Hill pi st llloltl III I Xlllllilialtnli ti vi m nl ol sirichiiiue. 'I'M i death re called the fad that iiiiiit In r girl. Illleu lh ti wnrtb, hud died iimler suspicious eueuni iniiees and iuw' -tigat ions v.howeil sin died of the same t on At that lime he ntlempted in lilie knuiil a plivsieinn who lestilied tu the poisnti ami he was arrcsti'd. H il was loimil nut llial he hud been a iliirtor In t'liinida. an I had pol-oiii'd several girls nml Hint h had been, sent lo pri-on for maltuneiirv on a waii 'li in l lurn'o. I. at Seiiti uiber be went to I, ui Ion ami was iirie-ied. 'I In rvn'enre ngai:i-t him wax so ovei wheltul u that tim j'tiy I, und him U'Ul'y Hi liv' in'ii'iii's . LATEKNEWS WAIFS. At Providence, H. I., tho Manvltle coin, puny notilicd it employes that their wnges would he increased on December . The amount of tho increase was not stated. About I, 'ski are employed in tho mill. This in tlnu Ik in line with that nniiouuceil hy the large cotton inuniifaeiurur of tho Statu lust week. A boiler in Ihe sawmill of John Kirsch, even miles from 1,'osrlnnl. Ills., exploded, fatally injuring John Kitsch, Au list Vogest and Andrew Kitsch. The mill wan wrecked. A family of live person were killed hy n cyclone which passed over the soul hern por tion of lloono county, Ark. .More than u people were badly Injured. A great deul of proierty was destroyed. AN INSANE MAN'S AWFUL W0FK. . - - A German 'in Chicago IT. lis Two People ' and Woiindo Two Others. Herman Slegler. n Oertuan, who chows every indication of insanity, i-lmt and killed bis wife's father and mother, Henry and Caroline Kilcs, with whom Siegler and his family lived at Ti'i North I'uulinn street, Chicago. Mrs. Kicglur ecud lo neighbors will) her three children, then teturnrd und was shot in the neck hy her husband and seriously wounded. Policeman Slnionson arrivtd and wus ulso shot and slightly wounded by Hicglcr. Slnionson then shot him ir. the side. Hiegler did his shooting with a shot gun, which ho relcadcd seven.; times. The family had had no quarrel. Biegler suddenly entered the parlor and b gaii shooting. CONVICTS RISK IN MUTINY. Outbreak lo aBpinish Prison Besult in Awful Slaughter. A Neuter disputed from Tarragona, capi tal of tho province of th same nam in Spain, states that a mutiny brok out Imong tho convict In the prison at llial place Th convicts obtained virtuul conttol bf th prison, and th troops of the garrison were culled to bring them under subjection. As the convict persisted iu refusing to surren der the troops tired upon them, killing nine and wounding 10. Th other were theu driven bnck to their cell. Tint Chinese empire and dependencies, Mongolia, Monchooria, Chinese Turkestan, Kokanor and Thibet, occupy an area of at least 5.000,000 square miles, or about one third of Asia. To population I estimated tt from 300.000.0UO to 4A0.000.0O0. A chvtc measuring tunw-iHiatUn of mil in length,. in th logging camp at Clay ton, Or., it described as th longtst in tho world. ) THE K OF L CONVENTION. PO WEEKLY'S REPORT. He Review tli Condition of th Order and Talk on Strike and Imrnl at ration. Th sixteenth general assembly 'if lh knights of l.nboriit HI. Louis completed II pri'limlnniy work nt Tudiiy sessions, and uu Wednesday entered upon Hi Imporlniit business of the session, tletieriil Master Wink mint Powderly ilellveied hi niiiiunl sildress, which occupied mine than nn hour. 'I Ii repoilx of Hecrelnry andTren irer Hays and the general executive board wete also brunt. Ili tieral Mti-b r Workman Powderly In hlx nn linn I addres I'ungr.itiiliite'l tin n"mhly upon the preienl roiiililinn of Hie order, re viewed ils tunny 'H-rimls of iiro-perity nml lepre-slini. tind sii d Hull all hough siiiee Its existence the luembeisblp of the older had I'libed ami llowed. yet tl wns to-day oil Hie Iiieiea-e, nud nil ' lliroutfh the exriliug times iurlilent to Ihe presideiital eleiiiou binl sieiiillly grown ill membeixhlp nml In lliielirii. At ho time, however, Iind the mi'inhershlp exceeded minissi in slnnd lug. Ile ilepreeiled the fuel Hint Iheleii ib'ticy of i'aniiil wax l-i eonoliale ami ecu. 'rali.e, that of oriani.ed labor wn In divide into individual tiiiions. '1 he result wns di vision nl strength, Isolation and lliial dealh, I hei iyiiig in'!' I of Ihe hour wns no ori'iuiiz itiiui. In whirh every inti re it luighl bn in red for, and in which all might meet on -ouimoti ground. Alter i nking nl leticlh oil Hie fpieslioii nl ballot relorui, nml on Ihe inillaiivs Hiid teleremliim sebeine, nud ureiiig llial the Ib-lieral Assemh.y lake speeilic iielion oil both ipiesliolis, .r. 'Powderly p'oreislld to ihii'll iii ilrtinl on the imilier of imtiii ratioii. There should be a lixed letm of veins, In would be I'lniugh. during which no i ii : ii i it-1 u it t shoubl be periuilled lo hind, w itli n view in remaining, miles he could plnve thai he had sutlirieiit mexiix to xtix lain bitn-elf nml Iho-e drM-mling upon htm, lor one year. I nworlhy motives mlchl be iitiriluiled to him bis a'use of th. se "entimeiits. bin lliev were hoiiestlv enter-Ixiin-d, ii l I no relbrlioiix would linlure him to chiinge hi mind, lor he foresaw great danger, not alone to labor, but to Hie w hole rniiiitry. if thu iiniiiiirnilliiii ipn'Oion was not heroictilly hainlled Iu the near f mure. Ilegnrdintf strike nnd luckoiilx, Mr. I'mv tterly said Hint, ditriiut the ln-l six moiithx, the ieoile of Ibis hunt hml willicxri sin h allempix at tiiaking tin power of arc regaled weiilHi xitiiteme, as w n never dr'-iiliird of ttefotii. Whether il was at Colter d'Aleue at lluflalo or III Teiiiiex-ee, Ihe tniliiicl u hu h guide. I the riipaciuiis hand wax Hie mine The undcri'i-nuiid wire whirh ilirected Ihe-e nltni ks all run In Ihe aiue inner lioin nil these plmes. Ihe or gnii'ratioii ol In In ir will. If il has en-e, lake up these (questions for ronslderatioii. I he campaign w lib h hnx Just close t wit. Iiesse I an inletesling, il not very Intelli gent ilUin-sinn i-l the tinir. hul there is more of ii reveiiue illegally, drawn from the pis ketx of merchahtx, maiiulnciuier and workmen, in one month of the year by Ihe railroads ami le egruplis than we pay in tar Hlx in ti year. 'i'be-e. and nil iiii'lions enn liertd with them, must occupy the iiiieiiiinu of the industrial orgaiiiatiiiii' of Hie future, and Ihe strike of the liiliirn mii-l ben strike for Hie rule of the people, I hey could di t ry poliiii ns they pleased, but. Iliry must be puliiii iaiix, nr be slaves of poiitlrinnx. I hey might evndii their ri-'iniihiliiii-s ns t'ltim'iis, but Ibev are piling high Hie n inth w h ch loilow s negieel of duly. It: a word, Ihey in i ist be law makers or law breaker. Kvery devilish iiislriiinriilnliiv which now aidx in impressing the opl had lis Heed lime ami luirvisl in thu ballot box, mid Ihey would die, for mil ol care nud nour ishment, did not Hie plain people do llieir duty in guarding Hint institution. In emu-lulling his address, Mr. Powderly said that Ihe order should lunkenti elloit to get elnser to Ihe other industrial ussneialion ami rei minuend llial herentter Ihe tienenil Aswmhly should meet nl Ihe mill" plare and limn chosen by thn I'ariuerx' Alliance, lie also favored Ihe adoption of a S'K nil or beni'licial fealiiie nf Hie order, lie reconi meinleil a ilisoliition of the Allinm-n with Ihe Miners' Progressive A -six union, on the ground that the hitter had not. lived up lo it pledges, and that, nx u mailer of fact, thn Knights bad sufleied greatly by th Alliance. The Milient feature of Hip iiiei.rn wer received with prolonged applause, from the ilcleitales and ibeiiiileinut subjects treiit'd tif wi re referred to special committees for Bp' roprinle nclioii. .'ir. Powderly was followed by lieneral isecreliiry-Tieasiiier Hnys. who rend his re port for the year. At the time of the last (ienernl Assembly there wax u bulnnci on hand nf H,.'IU. The receipts I nun nil source, during the year, had umoiinied io.'il.;i-'iii, or u total ol iii.iU 'J'he exieiidilures leachod it total of x.!i.7!t, xolhni only sMi."i rrniniliril in the itea-iuv. Iu reporting upon the rondiiions of It'.e Jleiielit Insurance AssiH'iatioti. Mr. Hayes expre-sed Ins regret Hint the exhibit was not as luvoriible in Ihos Hint bad prerednl it. roispciisioiia, lapse and deaths bad more I hmi decimated 'he ranks, with the result that to-day the insurance brunch is limited to but a few localities. The report of the tien nil Kxecutive Hoard reviews the Itix hester, N. Y.. cloth ing boycott, and cotideiiin a a travesty on Justice the roiiviriion of Master Workman 1 1 ugln-s for roiis piracy. A brief liisto. v of tho dispute of ihe older with the World's Kair mui.agemi'iit is given nml term- of the settlement are outlined. '',a lesults of this contest i esiei iai:y grutifyiiig.iocuring jus tice to the workiiigiii.m, obtaining a valu able recognition of oigxoized labor. and tlem onsiratuig the etticiency of such an organ ization as the Kmghl of Labor iu dealing with mutters of National scope and imjMjr loins, The proposition to establish a uniformed rank i again made, this tim emanating from the (southwest. The hoard merely re port the proposed amendment without rec ommendation. The reort were well received, nnd gen eral satisfaction was expressed at th good bowing mud therein. A TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. roca rxori.r kili ko ami 1A wni xuxo at a HKU1S HAT1C CEI.KnRVTIO4. Willie the Democrats of Mountain View, Ark., were holding on election celebration In the schoolhouse two keg of powder ex ploded. The scooolhous was wrecked and four persona were killed. They were a young man and a girl named Grahum. Ber ry Snerrod and an unknown man. fifteen others wer injured, soma, it is reported, fatally, but their names could not be learn ed, To add to the horror of the illusion tiro brok out among lb ruins, anil some of Hi dead were burued almost beyond re cognition. Two Children Burned To Death. At Hiawatha, Kan, two of Farmst Beetle's children found a match and set flr to a stack of straw. Their clothing, caught nd they wra burotd to death btfor any on knr li A wtix ago John Hill, (tract oar con ductor on the Broadway Una, ' Nw York, r.l 1 i..!. . a a noo r k .. . i-k.. i. - ' -' I evil IS w,wu, UUI WM J ,1 1 Ul UW Wl In Nw OrUuna, pultnt and pnnilv (((Mill lU'HINEHH rllKVAIlJI. rmi'r in f"iii i i'snst r tm nt tmunn a a HI I E A lid HI isk l.i HisIMm rvti.t krs. Hpecinl leli-grnni to ItmthhwV from liiimernii trade center throughout Ihe I id led Hlnte iiml Cnnniln show the following xtnte of trade: Thn week's lealurnx Iu leading line of gen rrnl Irsde nt Hie I nt include emit I nurd aiv live itemauil for culloii giasl nt llo-toti, Providence ami I'n 1 1 lllver, witli ndvanris In price In several liiitnm es from '.') to t Kr cent. Wage lirive lieen, or nr lo he nd viini'cl in cotton mills at olulx iinmeit, n well ax nl New Bedford nnd Lowell, nnd taw rottnii liux tecnveied L'i lent per pound. 'I lieie i n more i lioerlul lone lo nearly nil tclegrnphit! reiortx from Southern cit'iex. New 1 irleitii repotl cotton I cent higher, iitiir nrllve nml rln iu free movement, with nn iipwitrd Ii ndeiii'V in price. Now thnl the strike tins ended. lower temperature nlone in tienled In g'f'itly nlitnuinlu ilitttri bulioti. I boni comlitioiis, to some extent, t baiiieterie Atlnnlii, tllrmilighiiiu. ' buries Ion and Itielimotid, where the volume of huxiiic-s bus lin ri-a-eil nud inllc lions hnvf iinproved. Like ri'tsirls lonie from Nash ville nud from Memphis, w hile Baltimore, nblrh does a large I raile with the Ninth, ends word that, while the season run sii in pi on o stiiiies bus been small, nil nil Iirovcl lni'iuesx for spring Irade'syxpeiied. Iiisiness rol li t, oik i,ie g iierallv In r. In 'nil till and Snuthwstern market reneral trade, on Ihe wbnle. has Improve l in pari, due In cooler weiiber mid a Ivanrex in prires lor w heat and i-otton. As iudiraleil bv I'eiiu-ylviiiilii nn I S iutliern ndviee, there i also a lull In Hie ihnniihd lor pig Itou at Ciuciiimiti, tiuisviile, Ht. Louis, Li'iif tohnrio is active, hut wool Isilu I, A I. the rity la-l niiine I, --ale of dry goo l-, rut lerv. bats, gloves, bat'livarn and shoes bir.-ii hi-en very :itistacto-v, while the leather '.lade is -aid to be diuunrali.i"!. In the Northwest. Chii ago teporls n i Ic-rk-il movemeiit of illy gisnts, rlolhitig. shoes Slid heavv lianlware, yet mi iiveraife sea ion's business, par lion purrs are -hude-l 'here, hut further reilm tiovx in storks off pig Iron und higher piires nie pn-di- n-d for be Ititute. Wool Is slow nnd en-ier tu ft I Inert inns. Colder wcilher hit- helpc! lima hn keep lift its I'Xreptiotiully l;envy sbi' uieni of -tuple, lumber, rubber g'Hs, clot btnt' ami stioex. Live rattle tire oil In ts'hts. Lumber is very netiveut iiiiltitb, W'ltb pi ire- linn, ami HI. Paul report that the deimtutl for winter giKids has iinproved geiiertil trade. The pnni of wheat has lie cliiitsl n little this week. On repotts of in-:rea-e of siioplv in Auitmlin and Inriinniul cberkeil ilebveties by Alneiiraii fallni't. I lie -I'M'.i'l of the belief Hull I I'.'.il I llioli lew er bushels wen proilurisl in the Cioled flutes Ihix venr Ihini last must tend lo stiniu- bite pru-ex later. 'I bix week dot tic sea potts, both isinxlx, exported il.lll si bush els of wbenl (Hour iiicludnl i, iii'iunsi :i,:,.. Mm bu-lils hot week, and .'. .! (..' I l.ii-li iu Hie like week Ins: veir. Itidian corn, list, is lit mi-r, oil ilcrliiiuu tivnilnhle sup plies, -iimli nop e-timates nttd lull average export. 'iheie have been -w biiiurxs finlures re sirled this week; lll-t week there wen l-.-t and in the wcck one year ago, :'.'H. I.AIIDII LLA liKI'H HUCK A V A PPLA f,. rntt rs i ii. i. i n t 'pax to si i rotir tiik noMr- HI M'SI IIIKt IIS ITU 1111 II! I A I: M M.S. A telegram from New York s(,ys: 'id Hirer of the American Kederiillon of La bor, this A m ilgnmnled Assi intinn of Iron utulHlii'l Workers of America nml the Ad. vi-ory Hoard of Hoiiieitead's liK:kd oof men, issued an adlrexi loth Ainciran iithlc which el forth the silu ilion lit Homestead from the sinkers' standi 'Mil. Jhe nddre- contain the following rifipeal: It ha lieen i'eeib-d tiv Ihe representative of lh" men, the olllcinlx of the A inn Igamiit ed AxsiK iation of Iron and Steel Worker of America and Hie Kxecutive Council of lb American Kederalioti of Labor to designate Tuesday, lirecmber I'! . Ify, ns Homestead (lav, and call iiioti Hie wage workers, nx well a liberty loving cilireu or our conn trv. to make n contribution of u portion of their earnllii." of Hint ilnv ti aid our struggling brother of Ifomestend In Hieir pnsienl contest to defend thctusclvex before tlie court. In mnkint; Hiix iipal we t'le Ign to yoii Hint everv doll ir cnntrihi!"d will bo d" voted to Ihe best In! -rest of Hie men nnd not one cent used fur any other piirpow than above stated. 'I heir casi must tax ' brouglit befo n th highest tribunal of our con: try if nece-sarv JIEA VV KNOW OCT WEST. A TOH4 W III It K MH K OtT Tlir. Willi., HIT iivm wiNtnt wm:r. A furious snow stirm prevailed in Kiui'ii. and Missouri, 'J liiirisl.iy and Kridny. Tlie principal dumago was to the telegraph compaiii.a. The storm with a hay rain which ttirneil into a wet heavv snow. It covered the w ires Jwith u heavy burden and then it began to freeze, hoon a heavy wind spiDiig up, and iiureaxing lo a yale carried down ovirbiirdeiieiljwirc-s us if they had been thread, taking the pole with them. All communication by im ea-t and west of Kansas City was cut off. 'I he snow varied from one to live iin hes in different part of tlie Suites. The heavy tall of snow bus smed Ihe w inter wheat. dispatches from various points in Iowa tell of a heavy snow storm in that Hlate, Hie Hakes fulling to a depth of almost six inches, htreet cur Iraftic is greatly imped ml and telegraph wire are down. Awful 81auabtr of S ale. fieorge It. Tingle, nf West Virginia, ngent of the North American Comrnerciul Com pany, has returned to Washington, I). ('., from the islands of Ht. George nml .t. Paul. He says his company killed only Ihe num ber of seals allowed by Iu w.T.ouO. Mr.Tingl declured that during Ihe season poachers killed and secured Uo.UOO sals, and destroy ed 400,000 more that they did not secure. NEW JERSEY'S OFFICIAL VOTE. Th official returns hav teen received by lh New Jersey Secretary of hdaie from all th counties, and lb work of verifying and compiling llliem is now being don. They show the plurality of th Democratic Presi dential electors to be ll,8ri. and Judg Werts' plurality over Kean. the Republican candidal for (Jownor. to be a. Too. Two Children Barad to Death. Michael Bitti, an Italian fruit dealer, and wife locked thtir two children, aged 2 yiars and 8 month respectively, in th hous at Chicago. During their absence th elder child amused himself by pulling coals from th stove. Tb hous wss set on fir and both children were burned to death. Their mother is nearly craied by grief. Akono th passengers on th La B mi gogue, which reached Nw York lat Sun day night, was a man who said h was Louis Mark, a Jweller of Washington Territory. H xcil4d tb suspicions of th inspector, and they xaiuind hi in. H was found to I V m r - ' i a barn holdinal fold Hwlsa -- Watleg flea-Ticking. A rurlntit ronf rlvance to prvfn the fluff of tlnwn pillow xntTHMnH the tlrklnu rritiipa from Kfijfluti'l. It CfinalnU In aliitply wailiiff the Inside of the tick lifftite they are filled with the down, Must of the mr.rtti fnrtiirrn of rhenp down pillow full tint only to tt a ftrin, got id (ita!lty of ticking, hut iilitliute a muslin whirh I BltoKcthiTtoo goft atitl nhcttf for thn fnirpfixn, They fin Ihix for tliospcrlnitxrcasi-'b tliMttlielr pillow n ipeiir thin more ilcllciiie In nl met ute, ittul are t'ctmo itietitly morn aiitiililt, It I ioxII,Ib t-ti iniike up clilt r down In thin light muslin, a It. holds Ingot her hy It nature. Mini doi hot, ahed off Mirt I rlc tltitt fliint iiiioiit In ttie nlr.. If tim Inxltlo of the iniislin cnsn lie thor .'iiigitly riilitictl with wnv., It would Miff en It 1 r xorip. extent, Imt It, In iitld tu rciocilv nil ttnttlilr caused l y the lii'Oti iislnii of I lie fritl hers. Mtn ply I urn tin tick wrong; aide out tvnril licfoie llll.ti; tticm, war tn n ii(iMof licfswax slightly noil rub It li stralglil lines full ,wiiik citcli ottn-r ivcr tho tick. When Mm eiitlrn Htir fite' l-t Wiixt'd, fill It u ml mow iid tlie Ir. i nlebliii lllnls. At l'iiiinliii.'ltiti, Mo., the other flny, ;t i-iit 'iiitii:c( one of it (lock of mar tin which hail their nest, In u lit Do Itniixi .rovlii': liy llio owner oftlio fcllii", uuil wii'i ipiikiiiu off with the Miinlv ninrsi'l. Altrncti'd hy the ill(iis rrlex of the lilrd. It iiiiites :':ilili) to IN rcsviir, tillgltteil ng,n litixs.v'x hack and Miked, scratrhed and Hcrcanii'd :vi Ititltnislv that, she wa Hnoii glad to drop hi r prey nnrl i-c.ifii! Iiidon:. Then tlin purple niiii tins held a (!, t, rejolriiuf, tiolmly i iuil l.rr.n (hit ti e sal vu Hon of tltftif mute. . .. , A womas Mvr o fully realise hfl lb peinletirii upon a mnn nx when ah undertake to sharpen a load pencil. I 'nr I I'nUiV lli-i. 'k?'75 L'fitt Mr. iMrhl M. Jordan of K.ilmesloii, N, V, Colotlcg.g, Kltliicill ((.'(, IfftlfllfJBS A i:omylrlr ( nrr hu lltHllt'.H AM USA. I- till 1. 1. 4. This is from Mr. K. AI. Jordan, a re tired fanner, nml onu of tho most ro speclcd cititui of Ot-n 'O (,,, X. Y. Koiirtss'i enrs H-gr, Hixd nn uttsrk of th Kr, m l. snd have sl u e In tr .ulileil with ins Liver and Kidneys grs'lnwllv gro itig wnr-e. 'Mires yriir nrro 1 gut itois'ii -o bm- ttiMt i could aoarcely walk. I I'siked more like n rnrimi that n nv lea is-iiig. I tiHil no nuiM't Hi mill for A weeks I ate nothing but gruel, i m b.ujiy rtusrlnli'd hiiii timl in, mr.iH color thftn aj marblej status. Inm-I t-ar-HpsriiiH. wm, rei i, inn, , -linen h:ii f thought Iwniiiil l ry iu f bnil rililst,el thri llrst tsttlle I liol ir-l timl I irit b tier. siitt"i-eii ies, tin Inflam mation of the) bladder hsd s.n,i.i. .r llierol.r ts-esii lo return to my lH'-e. Mini J began to feel hungry. A Our I ut taken !l Isn l ins I eolil ear anvlTong withant hiirtin ine. I have now fully rerovereil, tbnnks to Hood's Sarnaparilla I feel well and am well. All who kmm Uit: UIHI I.W1 lllHHj iiiiihi wrll. II. M. Joniol.-S IIoaiI' fills ars Ihe lrtal Nflsr tlnnr I'llls, a 1st illsisiinm, cur beuilact auil Ulll'iuftiuis. m U4 IU Wi if'Tvi-pM. '.naMnus, anil fsinn wliltli auim I ... i.....tu ,..liir , I, a It-,.,, mull till r II r,IT. Uni KHl'tis Sun enme full"!! I Hrllllatit, OVtor. ' lets Onralii. stiil Hi risismtiar navs lur Iso lia ur fiais pai-UM lt tt vrrr purrha-K "German Syrup 99 My acquaintance with Boschee'M German Syrup was made about four teen years ago. I contracted a cold which resulted in a hoarseness nnd cough which disabled me from fill-in- my pulpit for a number of Sab baths. After trying a physician, without obtaining relief I saw the advertisement of your remedy and obtained a bottle. I received quick and permanent help. I never hesi tate to tell my experience. Rev. W. H. Haggerty, Martinsville, N.J. o a i , - j w g This Trj ' ir If on tk ! WATERPROOF COAT In tho WcrM I A. J. 1 0V."r. BOSTON. MA3. am ri cassBisia csss m UtkL IStOS 1BI El M-hai( la laal. Wot far ifla I fiM " I aikWk I, wlwlewla rawu ciin ST C sxa V I