ift Star iSii'Ti)fim -.fi r iitr, in uibaurt. Anlnili'lM'inU'iilWnlpnwf. n;1i!Niil nvi;ry m., in.v.itrn i ih v , ,;,; the Interests of Heynnldsvllle ... v.... .Ilil.iit i-U1 t roiif mill .letTersoneoumy. ""i-l""" """" " Ml llli fairness, mill will ! especially fllcnd- Vi Tserl it Ion i.Mci- 1 .!' year, In Jstiee. I o mmiiil rations Intended for iiiihllriitlon mu"t c " i""ni.iinl.-.l by the writer's num... n, t for iiiihllriitlon, lull s ft Kimriin ee nf Soori fiiltli. I uteres! lint news Items snllr c1. " A0v.-rll"ln rules nrndo knjiwn iin Hppll.H tliYn nt the offlee In Arnolds-llliiek. Lenil ty Vomiimn lent Ions nml . Imnno of advertisements should reiieh this olllre hy MAV&"Xmmunl.-Hli. toC. A.Me.h 'VnlVHTn"'!.'!" n. .l.ynol.lsvni... Pa., ii seeoml ela mall mutter. C. At KTHrilKSfMMU Kdltor mid IMib. W F. 1) N F.S D AY t NO V K M H F.R t. I"-'. niMMlo Isluntl lias voted to ropliieo Its State cnpltol, iMillt t: years oro, with a nrw odltloe. On Monitor i Doeeinber iith, thn Fifty second Congress will moot In final session. There Is some Important work to tot tlono. It Is elulmed that a Now York medical society has resolved to try to socuro the passage of scientific marrliiRo law to govern marriages of persons hereditarily tainted with Insanity and disease. This would doubt less effect considerable Rood, but the practical working of such a tow would have to bo the outeomo of years of careful study. Is it not time to try something of the kind? Peoplo of Reynoldsvillo have soon tho effect of such marriages hero In our midst. When tho Pittsburg J7im took possession W Its splendid new building about six months ago its publisher promised that tho paper would grow In excellence In tho samo proportion as Its quarters hud been enlarged. It was then an excellent paper and there was some curiosity to know whether the promise would bo redeemed. Tho publishers have kept their promise. Tho Thnr Is a marvel of modern journalism, und tho wonder Is that a dally paper so complete in every respect can bo sold for one penny a day, or M.00 per year, a little more tlinn tho cost of a flrst-clas weekly paper. If you have not beeomo familiar by personal Inspection with tho merits of tho 7'iiw. Bond for a sample copy, which will be mailed free to uny uddress. Few things are more Important In a homo than Is conversation, yet there are fewer things to which less deliberate thought Is given. We take great pains to have our houses well furnished. Wo select our carpets and our pictures with the utmost caro; wo send our children to school, that they may become Intelli gent, we strive to bring into our homes tho best conditions of happiness. Hut how often the household Is left untrained and undisiclpllned! Tho good wo might do In our homes with our tongues. If wo would uso them to tho limits of their capacity of cheer and helpfulness, It Is simply Unjiossslile to state. Why should so much power for blessing bo wasted? Especially, why should we ever pervert tho gift and uso of our tongues to do evil, to give pain, to scatter seeds of blttorness? It Is a sad thing when a child Is born dumb but it were better to le born dumb and never having tho gift of speech than, having the gift, to employ it In speaking only Bharp, unloving or angry words. Never consider time wasted that is silent In learning rudiments. In acquiring a knowledgo of any art or handicraft the greatest difficulty Is experienced at the beginning, because our work then possesses little or nothing of Interest. Our 11 ret lessons In muslo or drawing, or with tools, are very simple; indeed so simple are they that we are disposed to undervalue their importance. Tho temptation Is to skip a few pages and begin furthor on In tho book. But such a course is fatal to success. To loam principles thoroughly is to succeed. Be content to learn one thing at a time, whether It be to push a. plane, square or true, or draw a line. Whatever you learn, learn It absolutely, without possible question. This will enable you to advance steadily, step by step, year after year, and some day you will wonder why you have boon enabled to distance the geniuses who ones seemed so far in advance of you, Valuable knowledge Is acquired only by intense dovotlon. You must give your entire mind to whatever you undertake, otherwise you fail, or succeed indifferently, which Is but little L.il A 1 ' . 1 uouer lliuil luiiure. uoarn, wiereiure, to estimate properly tho value of what is called leisure time. There is entirely too much of this in the world. Do not mistake our moaning. Rest Is necessary and play & well in Its place, but young men who hope to do something In life must not expect to play one-third of their time. Oo not dress beyond your moans; never spend your last dollar, unless for food to keep yourself or some one else from starving. You will always feel better to keep a little money In your pocket. At the earliest posslblo opportunity save up a few dollars and place the - amount in a savings bank. It will serve as a magnet to attract other money that might be foolishly spent. ' The above good advtoe Is gleaned from Couklln's Handy Manual, One Wniimn'a t.irb Story. I mil twentv-two years old and have been nuirrled four years. My husband wan visiting nt my home (which wns In England) at the time of my birth, there fore wns acuuatnted with mo from ear liest infancy. As we grew tip we were frequently thrown into ench others society, but when he arrived at the ago of seventeen and I was twelvo we were pnrted, my hnsbnnd comingto America, where he staid five years, at the ex piration of which time we were to be married; but unfortiinntely he lost all his money in Liverpool, and on arrival at my home was penniless. Consequent ly we could not be married. My hus band returned to this country to work for another year to earn enough monev to pay my passage over, ns we were en tirely dependent on our own exertions. At the end of twelve months he again started for F.ngland, but hnd to return again on account of a collision. Finully ho arrived In England, where wo were married a short time after and snlled for New York. As booh as wo landed 1 was taken very sick, was tnken to a hos pital and went under a dangerous nerii tion, which cost every cent of money we had In tho world. At lust I got better, we hired n couple of rooms, my hus band succeeded in getting work, and al though we nro very poor we nro very happy. I am thn proud mother of two children. Cor. New York Recordor. Terms for thn Rlrctrla Fore. Atomt the middle of the last century, through tho genius of Franklin, 1 Mit ring Im ciuiio identified with common or frictlonal electricity, bnt tho language referring to this great natnral force con tinued to be the same as when men were ignorant of Its nature. They spoko, as we still speak, of a thunderstorm, and of thnnder and lightning, and thus, as in other cases, mistook, as we continue to do, at least In our mode of speech, the effect for the cause. It is commonly said that the thnnder turns to sourness the milk and the beer; that there is thunder in the air, and the singeing of a tree by lightning "wns due to the thun der last night," as its owner informed mo a few weeks ago. Even Scott, in "Tho Heart of Midlothian," speaks of the shattered and thunder smitten penks of Arran." Our gratitude is due to those gifted men who have been able to divest natural phenomena of the ignorance and superstition that formerly encum tiered them, and so to bring them under tho dominion of scientific laws which appeal to the good sense of all students of nature. Notes and Queries. Pronunciation of RtHjcn 1'eople. Mr. Q. W. Dancy compluins very bitterly of the disregard by actresses of the value of the vowel sound. lie says that "poitry" (ol dipthong) was tho sound recently given to "poetry," and immediately "diary" became "diry," while that pitfall of cockney rhyme sters "sure" inevitably delights the ex pectant ear as "shore." Ho has also henrd "obsurd" given for "nbsurd," while "ommissioti" "comission" and 'ocur" are frequent rendering of "omis sion," "commission" and "occur," and secret" liiusnuerudes thinly disguised ns "seerit." Elisions and clippings are favorite errors, particularly among rapid speakers. Tuke as recent illustrations 'lutnuit for "intimate, "s port and s'pose," for "support" and "suppose." In the matter of "lis actors and ac tresses are commendably sound, and "the very rare lapses in that quarter Bie invariably due to nervousness." London Telegraph. Ladies When you come to Dullols to shop call und examine my very fluo lino of wraps. I huvo never curried wraps beforo so my stock Is entirely new and carefully selected. Every kind of fushionuhlo garments for ltulies, misses and children, In all prices from JT to 75. Also u complete lino of ladles furnishing goods, lino dress put terns, comforts, blankets, urt materials, linens, hoods and fuslnutors. Ready made garments for ladles and children, and Infant's wear of all kinds. Esthkk Mookk, UO Long avenue, DulloM. Still Pending. Hrorkwity vllle Keeord.l The ease of the Sydney school furniture company vs. Warsaw town Bhlp was argued beforo tho supremo court recently and Is still in the hands of that body. At tho last trial of the suit before the county court two years ago a vordlct was rendered In favor of Warsaw township. Tho plaintiffs appealed the case to the supreme court, and It is expected that a final decision will soon bo rendered. This is one of tho most prolonged and costly litigations fh the history of Jefferson county. Card of Thanks. We horeby extend our sincere thanks to the ladles of the Guiding Star lodgo and to the ladles of Reynoldsvillo who were so extremely kind and manifested tbolr sympathy by words and kind acts during Mrs. Woodward's serious Illness, We hopo, If necessity ever domunds It, that all our worthy friends may find willing and kind hands to administer to their wants In time of affliction. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Woodward, We are authorized to say that M. C Coleman will be a candidate for the postmaHtorshlp when the time comes, and that tho law would not allow the removal' of tho postofllee to tho East End, even if any one desired to move it, One oar food, one car salt, one car hay, one car potatoes. We will deliver potatoes from oar at 80 cents per bushoL J. C. Kino & Co. Ton Can Hnve Tour Own "Ontrsl." The latest device to fncilitnto com munication between different depart ments of large business establishments is a miniature telephone exchange. The ystom Is Installed after exactly the tame principle as an exchange covering a wide city area. Each desk to be put in connection tins its own instrument, Which Is In principle the same thing as tho full grown telephone, bnt is of min iature bIzo. The receiving or hand In strument, however, Is not of the long shape with cylindrical handle, familiar everywhere nowadays, but is simply a Mat disk resembling one of the earliest forms of telephone, of which a few were seen In the Infancy of the Invention. The "central office" is put in a small closet or inclosuro nt some convenient point, and is operated by a boy who has nothing else to do. There nre a dozen or so connections, according to the sizo of the installation and the needs of the office. This ex change Is operated npon precisely tho sumo principle, thongh of course on a smaller scale and with loss complication, as a central ofllco in a city exchange. The ring of any of the connected tele phones causes a numbered disk on n Bwitchbonrd to fall when tho boy makes the desired connection and releases it when the talk is finished. In large and busy establishments, where every de partment must be connected with every other for frequent communication, this telophone exchange system does away with a large number of cumbrous speak ing tubes and insures a quickor and more satisfactory Bervice. Now York iriuune. A Corkscrew Railroad. In Midway plntsunce, just outside the exposition grounds, the World's Fuir Tower company will erect an odd and striking structure Tho tower will not be remarkable for Its height, for It is to bo only COO feet tall, bnt for the peculiar method of getting to the top of It. This tower is something in tho form of a corkscrew, surrounded by uprights of steel. It consists of a winding track leading to the top, the track being sup ported by steel columns. It Is not intended to use elevators in making the ascent, but instead cars pro pelled by electricity will take the pas sengers up. Near tho top is a landing place fu the form of a floor that extends entirely across tho tower, which is 20 feet in diameter. Hero passengers will alight. From this lauding place they can get a flno view of tho grounds. The company has secured its site and will soon begin work on the tower. Pitts burg Dispatch. Tho fall of tho your Is a trying seuson for elderly people. Tho many cheerless, dark, dismal days net dcprcsslngly, not to suy Injuriously, on both old and young. Now is tho time to re-enforeo tho vital energies with Ayer'sSui-saparlalla tho best of a blood medicines. Hand in your mime und have The STAR visit you a year. WE HAVE FIRED THE FIRST AND THE FIRST SHOT PUT A BIG HOLE IN PRICES ON ALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Men's Good Warm Suits Men's Good Serviceable Suits Men's Fine Business Suits First Men's Fine Dress snot. These Suits are made in Sacks, Cutaways, Double Breasted Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Straight Buttons. Second Shot. Having 2 large stores with big stocks we can "Eat Up" all our Competitors in the way of showing you a variety of goods. STORES: Reynoldsville A Quaint Old Auntrlan C'untom. The quaint old Austrian custom of a brido being cast off, ns It were, by her countrymen when she takes to herself a foreign hnsband, was an interesting fea ture at tho recent marriage of the Arch duchess Louise of Tuscany. The arch duchess entered the church followed by a long train of royal and noble Austrian ladies. They stood in a semicircle around her until the moment the bride groom plnced the ring npon her finger; then they turned and left her, for Bhe was no longer a countrywoman of theirs. For a moment the princess stood alone nnattended; then a number of Saxon ladies ranged themselves behind her she had become a Saxon. At the marringe of Mario Antoinette this custom, which in her case was ob served only on tho French frontier, had a pathetic denouement, When the Aus trian ladies attempted to leave the new Dnnplilnes of Franco she refused to be left, und as if foreseeing what her fato would be In her adopted country clung to them and entreated them to take her back to Austria again. Actual force hud to bo used to scparato her from her attendants. Purls Letter. Itlg; SnlM of Ifumnilnjf flint. Owing to the reckless slunghter of humming birds for ornamental purposes, certuin species are already on tho verge of extinction. This does not seem sur prising when ono learns that 3.000 skins of the ruby and topaz humming bird alone were shipped not long ago from a Brazilian port in a single consignment, whilo at a pnhlic sale of liirdsklns, held In London, March SI, 1SHH. more than 13,000 humming bird skins were disposed oft And in ono week during tho same year there were sold at auction in Lon don 400,000 humming birds and other birds from North and Sonth America. Philadelphia Times. It Is no easy thing to dress harsh, course hair so as to make it look graceful or becoming. By tho uso of Ayer's Hair Vigor, this difficulty is removed, and tho hair made to assume any stylo or arrangement that may bo desired. Give tho Vigor a trial. For Mule. A well finished house, suitable for a hoarding house, in Prescottvillo. For further particulars, inquire nt Cam, Mitchell's ofllco, or at tho office of tho secretary of tho Reynoldsvillo Building and I-oan Association. Card of Thanks. I am very grateful to tho I. (). (). F., of Driftwood und Reynoldsvillo, and all other people for their extreme kindness and sympathy during my sad bereavement, and hereby extend my heurtfelt thunks for the sumo. MKS. Cm. O. At'STIN. Kelt slipjM'rs cents at Robinson's. CAMPAIGN NOW 0FEN AT : BELL BROS. 8 4.00 worth 1? 0.00 worth 10.00 worth 14.00 worth Suits Boy's Good Suits 9 1.00 worth $ 1.50 Boy's Heavy Suits 1.50 worth 2.00 Boy's Fine Suits 8.00 worth 4.00 Boy's Dress Suits 5.00 worth 6.00 These Suits aro Double or single Breasted with long or knee pants, ages from 3 years to 19 years. Tiiird Shot. Fourth Shot. Bell DuBois. Lumber In Aliuniluno. ' The timber area of Washington is the most extensivo in the United States, and combines a greater nnmlier of valuable commercial varieties than may bo found anywhere else. The quantity of mer chantable lumber standing In these for ests from a conservative standpoint Is estimated at lfiit,000,000,000 feet, suffl rlcnt to supply all the markets in Amer ica for untold years to come and yet send cargo after cargo into foreign lands. Port Crescent Leader. Bargains In Furniture. I am closing out my household goods. Those wishing to secure bargains will do well to call early. A fine -T.'i.OO piano, good as new, for $12.V(K. All other goods will bo sold very cheap. Tho homestead Is also for sale, grounds ."(0xl4!l foot, corner Fourth and.Taekson streets. C. H. (ioltlHiN. An Innovation. A sonth Georgia schoolma'um has in troduced a new feature In her school. When one of tho girls misses a word the boy who spells it gets permission to kiss her. As a result tho girls are becoming Very poor spellers, whilo tho boys are Im proving. Atlanta Constitution. Valuable Ileal ICntate for Hale. Tho Buptlst church and grounds containing several lots situated in Prescottvillo is now offered for salo. Very desirable for resident lots. For terms and particulars enquire of M. M. Davis, Reynoldsvillo, Pa. JVhf llaken Lone Tbelr Teeth. Dr. Hesse, of Leipnc. states that bakers are liable to suffer from carious teeth on account of the flour entering the month during work, collecting on and around tho teeth, where, it decom poses and generates an acid destructive to the dentine. For Rknt Two store rooms 20xS0 foot opposite Hotel Belnap. Enquire of .1. H. Corhett. Prlftttifi with the "MUt. GUTHIHK LlNSKNHIflltKH At the resi dence of .losiuh Linsenbigler, Brook vlllo, Pa.. Nov. i). IH!- by Rev. J. W. Blaisdell, .las. C. Guthrlo and Carrie M. Linsenbigler, both of Brookvlllo. E STRAY NOTK E. There enme to tlie premises nf KIMin f'ox in niishinition township, ji'itorsoii enmity, on Nnvi'inlior lilli, Isiri, u red mill white spotted milch row with mirt nf rluht horn lirukcii olT anil a hell on, The owner Is renicstod to come forward, prnvo prois-rtv, nuy chaws and take her away or she will Is disposed of nceordliiff to law. Kl.isn, Cox Handy Valley, Pa., Nov. 14, 'K. .1ST RAY NOTICE. Strayed or stolen from my premises In Wlnslnw township iiIhiiii the middle of June, Iwr.', a reddish-yellow hull iihoiit two years old. Any Information nf his whereuhmits will he llherally paid for. Pktkh Cox. Sandy Valley, I'a., Nov. 1.1, 'K. GUN 5.00 8.00 12.00 17.00 Men's Servicable Overcoats from $2.5oupto$ 5.oo Men'a Lightweight Overcoats from 5,oo up to lo.oo Men's Fine Dress Overcoats from 8.oo up to 2o.oo Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats from 7.oo up to I8.00 All sizes from a 84 up to heavyweights 44. Suit of Uuderwearall A Good Stiff Hat for A Good Soft Hat for A Good Servicable Pair Bros Ekl. Gooder, j E 0 F T I G I 0 N L I R Reynoldsville, Pa, Opposite Stoko's drug store. wool for $1. 00 worth $1.5o 1.25 worth 1.75 75 cents worth l.oo of Gloves 5o cents worth 75