The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 09, 1892, Image 4

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    IHk if Star
Sithscriptinn tl.M ;cr imr, in mtrnntr.
Anttiilrnetiilent lix-nl tin per. puhllln'il every
Weilnesiltiy nt Heynolilsvllle, .li'ITeron Co.
I'H.. ilevoteil to (lie Interests nf lleynolilsvllle
aiiil .lelTerson enmity. Non-silltlt'iit. will I rent
liTl with fairness, nml will In- espeelnlly frh'inl
ly tnwnriK tllf Inlsirlns rhiss.
Hiittserlptlon prlrefl wper iulvntiei.
t'omniuiilrfttlons Intrnileil fur pitl'lleiitlnti
must, lm serompmilril hyUm writer's iiHme,
not fur piililleiitlon, lull s n gimriiiitee nf
rimhI fiilth. Interesting news Hems sollrlteil.
Advertising tiil miiile known mi nppllrn
tlon lit HnMmler In Arnolds' llh-k.
I.fimhty riimiiiiiiili'iitlons mill rlinnici of
nilvertlsemeiits hIhiiiIiI rriifh I III ollleo liy
Momlnv noon.
Address nil rnminiinlrnthins In ('. A. Hteph
onoti, Hevnoldsvllle, I'n.
Kntereif nt tin' pnstnfllen nt Hryinildsvllle,
ln.. sssisond rlnss mull mutter.
'. A. Ti:ril Kriltnr anil Pub.
Ciin yon say. ''I told you ho?"
How lo jiiii llki tlio linker Hallnt
Law? J
TIiIm Is n eliilly ilny for tin- i-amllilntos
wlm worn not viotorloiis, nnil tlioy liro
niitnorniis this your of onr l,on eighteen
hundred linn nlni'ty-two.
Tlin nil nlisnrliing tuple for Homo time
li an boon polltlrH. Wo urn tliniikfiil
tluit oli'i'tton Ih fiver, thorn will now 1m
morn tlmo for otlior I h I ntrw.
Tim ninn wlm woulil Hliiulilor at tlio
Men of ft rough won! of tlio description
commonly called swearing, will not
oven have a twlngonf conscinneo nftor
a wholo morn I nc of ill-tempered sullcn
ncss, capricious scolding, villnlnoiiNly
unfair anlnniilvei-slon, or surly, cross
grained treatment generally of wlfo
nnil children.
An Investigator of electricity liss
nnnnunccd that a current can be
produced bo powerful as to go through
what are. now called non-conductors.
This would seem to hIiow that non
conductivity Ih only the accoinpnnlmont
of weak currents. If tlio proposition Ihi
proved, tlio ilctiinnatratlon will mark
an linportont era In tlio history of
electrical seleneo.
It had been truthfully mild that "Tho
lioHt KK-try Is the simplest. Much
study and guessing Ih needed for the
ordinary render to got at tho meaning
of browning's verses hut every linn of
Whittlor Hpenkn from a heart to a
heart. Poets who touch tho core of
humanity will Uvo longest. Mr.
Whittlor will grow denrer to men as
enoh'yonr passes. Ilia life wiw noliln,
hla work inspiring, his tutluenco
When' you see a youth who will do
any Hort of work, no matter how menial
it nuiy bo, rather thun lie Idle, you can
make up your mind that that fellow
amounts to something. The young man
who would starve before ho would do
anything beneath what ho conceives to
bo his dignity, Is not mndo nf the light
kind of shirt to out much nf a figure in
this Hfo. "Any jxirt in a storm" Is a
good maxim. Don't be afraid of any
so of work so long as It Is honorable.
That is the spirit that wins. Ex.
The boys of to-day, who start out
Into tho world, should not forgot that
sharp-eyed men of bustnoBS take noto of
a bay's gonoral apjicarnnce In making
up tholr estimate of what ho is worth.
A straightforward, manly bearing will
help any lad to get his way in tho
world, while tho haphazard sort of way
usually suggosts to tho observer a
oorresponlng character. Manliness is
not a garment you can put on and off
like your Sunday coat. It miiHt have
its foundation In tho heart, or It will bo
a flimsy Bhara that will docolve riolxnly.
An exchange recently labored through
a column-long articlo with tho Booming
purpose of proving that It is no worse
to use tobacco than to wear silk hats.
There seems to be a marked difference
in the two things named. Wearing
silk hats do not become habit from
which the victim cannot froe hlmsolf.
Silk hats do not produce heart disease,
or dyspepsia, or cancer of the mouth;
they do not besot intellect, or oause
insanity or death In young boys, as we
road of tho deadly cigarette doing. Nor
do silk hats smear the floor, or soil the
carpet, or poltton the air In every publio
vehicle. We are- firmly of the opinion
that the silk hat is less hurtful and
dangerous, less offensive to people than
quid or pipe or cigar.
There is a great deal of talk about
tho duty of women to make home
happy. But, If the home is not happy,
whose fault is it? Not in one case In a
dozen, it may safely be said, does the
blame rest with the women. If a man
makes his home simply a convenient
place where he may take his meals,
and possibly growl or sulk over them,
whose fault is it? If his home is simply
a lodging-plaoe of last resort, to which
he must repair whon he is shut out
every plaoe else, whose fault is that?
And If, while he is in his home he is
evidently undor constraint, preoccupied
with other matters abroad, and fidget
ing to be gone, who is to blame for that?
Certainly not the woman who, forgetful
of past and even of habitual disappoint
ment, has looked forward with hope
for hi return to enliven her solitude,
and to make care a pleasure by dividing
it witn ner.
Mr. Ili'iij. 1'iii'o Ih nlile to ho around
again after severe IIIiichh.
Itev. Hays preaiiied nil eloquent
sermon In the M. K. church Hunilny
There was a political rally in the K.
of Ij.'lml! on Thursday night, Wlso
1'oter, was tlin speaker.
Services were held In the M. E.
church on Hunilny evening nt 7.110
o'clock by tlin punter, Itev. l'olbml.
Hr. (leo. MttghcH will receive sub-
Hciiptlon for the best. newHpnier In
Jefferson county TllR STAR suliscrlho
at once.
Itev. II. (!. Kiilimy delivered a Very
interesting lecture on "The I'hilimopliy
of l,lfn"on TiieHilny of last week in the
M. E. church.
Several new dwelling are iieiiring
completion. Among tliem II in Hotel
Wyliitn containing twelve moms. It
will In- Hie largest nnil iuohI couiilete
Ik nine In town.
A little ehllil of Mr. nnil Mrs. Alex.
Eoster, who illeil on Tuewlay was
Interred In the I'nwpeet cemetery on
Thuiilav. The funeral wrvlcenln the
M. E. linn-eli next Hunilny uMcrnoon III
It. :I0 o'clock.
KiRS nnil Thistles.
Il'min the Itnm's I Iiimi.
No mailer what npieiiriineeH limy ho,
there Ih no Hiieh thing iih real prosperity
to tho wlekeil.
The devil cheatH iw out of a great
tunny hloMslugH liy touching iih to Ihi
clone with our money.
The mini who Ih not thankful iIoch not
know hnlf the time whether ho really
has any (!im1 or not.
The more limine a man IiiiIIiIh on the
Mind the more ho will have to limn when
the storm couich.
Every tlmo wo II nil a new promlnc In
our lliblo tho nngelH open the windows
of heaven a little wider.
The best places in heaven will Iw
filled by tluwe who have lieen the must
faithful to I'll rU t on earth.
It Ih hard to IWul people In iiilHfortimn
who will not stick to It that somebody
cIhoIiiih been to blame for It.
The devil's first work on earth was to
try to destiny the homo, and ho linn
been at the same thing ever since.
They are not building any mansions
In heaven for people who aro neither
hot nor cold InVellgioiiH inattei'H.
Judas wan not, the only man who made
a practice of professing sympathy for
the poor to hide IiIh own meanness.
List of Letters.
The following letters remain uncalled
for at the postolllco In Kcynoldsvlllo,
Pa., November nth, 1SIIL:
Miss l.iii'cy E. HiiniHi'y, Wni. Rliratler.
MIhh ('linn lli'i'iiiot, II. L. TIiiiiiuih,
Mrs. i'Iiiih. II. Ilrlttnii, Clius. Wliuhei'.
Mrs. l,l..ln III It ton. 1 1 any I'lintiill,
Mrs. V. J. Mel'lii'Mim, Jim. I'lilnler,
Win. Kmliiker, .1. Itecil,
Jos. MolseiMl, I. M. KHI,
John Klrki.lioi, V. f Hewitt,
Jnnii'H llrlnies, H. A. CiiIIiitx,
Hum, llurraril, Henry llliifk.
.Innip IhIiiihoi, J. M. Ixivell.
Kolitml Miiiiii.
MlkeOlrskl. Jos. Krilli'WKkl.
Whon culling for tho atmvo letters
plcano say they were advertised.
J. W. Foust, P. M.
Jaw Broken.
I'lltixsiltiiwtii'y Spirit. 1
On Monday fnreniMin Henry Ernst,
jr., grasped an Iron bur and attempted
to shift ono of tho rapidly revolving
holts in tho East End planing mill.
Tho bar caught in the bolt and was
wrenched from bis hand tho end striking
him a terrible blow on tho right jaw,
fracturing tbut moinbcr and cutting
a long deep gash In his face.. Dr.
Matson redueod tho fracture, the cut
requiring five stitches to bring It In
The Sale of the Dam.
Lock lliiven KxpruHM.
Tho Pennsylvania railroad company
has become tho owners of the dam at
this place, tho duod of Bale having been
entered for record yostorday afternoon.
The Bale Includes that portion of the
canal from tht dam to the guard lock
bolow Duhnstown. The sale is consid
ered a good thing for Lock Haven as it
is thought the railroad compauy will
keep the dam In good repair.
Through Coach.
Commencing Nov. 1 the Pennsylvania
railroad company will place in service a
through coach between Wllllarasport
and DuBois via Driftwood and Allegheny
Valley railway. This coach will leave
Wllliumsport on train 3, 7:10 a. m., and
arrive at DuBois at 12 o'clock noon.
Returning loaves DuBois at 1:30 p. M..
and arrive at Wllllamsport at 6:45 p. M.,
E. 8. Harrar, Div. Tkt Agt.
Bargains in Furniture.
I am closing out my household goods.
Those wishing to secure bargains will
do well to call early. A fine $275.00
piano, good as new, for 1125.00. All
other goods will be sold very cheap.
The homestead is also for sale, grounds
150x140 feet, corner Fourth and Jackson
streets. c. H. Gordon.
"A chemical suocess and medical
triumph," so speaks an eminent physi
cian in reference to Aver's Cherrv
Pectoral; and the eulogy was none too
strong. No other medicine is so safe
and efficacious in all diseases of the
throat and lungs,
Lumbermen's rubbers only 11.00 at
Tnp Nntrh nf tnrk Psrm Life.
John H. Hinnll, of Chanoeford town
ship, York county, owns threo farms in
that township, aggregating 900 acres,
ami five other farms in the comity. On
ths three farms which Immediately sur
round him imtiiensn rrojis of grain, liny
and tobacco are grown, and the beauti
ful location and the very high cultiva
tion which thesn lands have attained
nnder Mr. HmaU's personal direction
and rare make his premises a "gnnleti
spot" In the old county of York. The
farm buildings are elegantly planned in
the most modern stylo. Ho has forty
five acres in tobacco, with an average
yield of 1,5(H1 pounds to the acre. In ono
year he fattens 2'iS head of cattle all
sent to European market. This part of
his farming industry is so complete that
lionn of the cattle Is taken out of the
stables until ready for market. Mr.
Hinnll has his own grist mill, where tlin
feed for his stock Is ground. On all tlin
fight farms his os-ratlotis nro siiper
vised by himself. He employs many
tneii, and everything is done on the most
lils-rul ami extensive scale. Liiiiciister
Why Shv TluillRlit tin Wiu Pulling.
'I am afraid you are not so strong as
yon used to lie, John," said a fond wife
to her liusbiiud. "I think it is about
time you were getting soiim insurance
on your life."
"Insurance on my life! What aro yon
talking about? Iain as healthy as ever
I was. Insurance, Indeed!"
"Well, dear, I only mentioned it, yott
know, out of resiM't-t to yourself. I
thought you were failing."
"And what in the world put it into
your head that I am failing? I fail
ing? Why, I am as strong as a horse,
and can run up threo flights of stairs
without taking a breath."
"Well, that mny bo so, but I am
afraid you are deceiving yourself."
"Deceiving myself! Goodness gra
cious, woman, what do yon mean?"
"Don't be so impatient. What makes
Die think you are failing is this: When
you were courting me you could hold
me on your knee for three hours; now
yon cannot hold the baby on your lap
three initiates." London Tit-Hits.
One Tsken and the Other I-ofl.
In 1871 a coachman was killed by light
ning while driving, and the footman sit
ting by his side was not injured. The
lightning struck the coachman's head,
destroyed his cap and tore his clothes,
passed through his liody and tore a hole
through the cushions on which he was
sitting. No damage was done to the car
riage except breaking the glass, and the
occupants were not injured. Exchange.
Th Arcs nf Cnpniln.
The United States, when Alaska is
included, has a greater area than
Canada has. The areas are as follows:
The United States, with Atnska, has an
area of 8,0(I2,IIU0 square miles, Alaska's
area is 677,1I!H) square miles. Canada
has an area of 8,40(1,01)0 square miles.
New York Bnu.
Felt slippers "." cents at Uobinson's.
Men's Good Warm Suits $4.00 worth $ 5.00
Men's Good Serviceable Suits 6.00 wortli 8.00
Men's Fine Business Suits 10.00 worth 12.00
Men's Fine Dress Suits 14.00 worth 17.00
These Suits are made in Sacks, Cuta ways, Double
Breasted Sacks, Three Button Cutaways
and Straight Buttons.
Having 2 large stores with big stocks we can "Eat Up" all our
Competitors in the way of showing you a variety of goods.
x . 'STORES:
The' Truth Worked.
One of the members of the regiment
told a story of "Honest Captain Wood."
The incidont occurred in very cold
weather, and at an important crisis.
"At nighttime," said the narrator,
"when we pickets arrived at the ont
posts Captain Wood said, 'It is too severe
for Mie men to face this storm all night.'
There was a small house close by, and
the captain directed that we should build
a fire In it and shelter ourselves as best
we might. "
"We did so, and weary with march
ing and lulled by the warmth we all fell
fast asleep. When the officer of the
grand rounds came onr way he found a
regular Sleepy Hollow.
"Of course we were reported, and in
tho morning we were summoned to head
quarters. Naturally we were terribly
frightened, for sleeping on picket is a
serious offense.
"We were ushered Into Oeneral Wil
son's tent. Ho sternly resli'd the
charge. Had we been guilty of sleeping
on our posts? Wo had. It would have
Is'eii useless to attempt any explanation,
but Captain WikmI, who was present, nii
tiiipateil any that wo might have at
tempt ed.
" 'Oeiieral,' ho said, 'the lilamn docs
not rest upon these men. 1 am resKinsi
blo for it all. 1 gave them orders to
take shelter in that house and build n
fire there, and 1 am to blame. They
would not have Is-en asleep but for hid.'
" 'How long have you been in the serv
ice, sir?" asked tlio general stonily.
" 'A few months, genernl.'
" 'I thought so. If you had lieen hero
longer you would have come tip hero
full of excuses nnil rendy to shift the
liliimo ujHiti any one at band. You can
go. Your honesty has saved you.' "
Lowiston Journal.
Valuable II ml I'.stntr for Knle.
The Baptist church and grounds
containing several lots situated In
Prescottvlllo Ih now offered for sale.
Very desirable for resident lots. For
terms and particulars enquire of M. M.
Davis, Koynnldsvllln, Pa.
For Nnle.
A well finished house, suitable for a
hoarding house, In Prescottvlllo. For
further partleiilnrs, Inquire nt ('nm,
Mitchell's office, or at tho nuico of tho
secretary of tho Kcynoldsvlllo Building
and Iyian Association:
"Nothing succeeds llko success," and
nothing will moro quickly Insure success
than truo merit. For fifty years, Ayer's
Karsaparllln has maintained its popu
larity as tho suHiiior blisid-purUUir.
It stands upon its own merits and never
fails to go givo satisfaction.
Ono cur food, ono car salt, ono car
hay, ono ear potatisiH. Wo will deliver
Hitatocs from car at 80 cents per bushel.
J. ('. Kinu & Co.
Foil Hunt Two storo rooms 20x80
foot oiMsisito Hotel Bolnnp. Enquire
of .1. II. CorlHitt.
Boy's Good Suits $1.00 worth 1.50
Boy's Heavy Suits -1.50 worth 2.00
Boy's Fine Suits 3.00 worth 4.00
Boy's Dress Suits 5.00 worth 6.00
These Suits aro Double or single Breasted with
long or knee pants, ages from 8 years
to 19 years.
Men's Servicable Overcoats from $2.5o up to $ 5.oo
Men's Lightweight Overcoats from 5.oo up to lo.oo
Men's Fine Dress Overcoats from 8.ooupto 2o.oo 1
Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats from 7. oo up to 18. oo
All Bizes from a 34 up to heavyweights 44.
FflllPtll Suit of Uuderwear, all wool for fl.oo worth 81. 5o
I UUI Ull A Good Stiff Hat for . 1.25 worth 1.75
A Good Soft Hat for ,75 cents worth l.oo
Stint A Good Servicable Pair of Gloves 5o cents worth 75
Hold on, Boysl
Hold on to your tongue whon you aro
Just ready to swear or Ho.
Hold on to your heart when evil
asmsiates seek your company.
Hold on to truth for It will serve you
well at alt times and In all places.
Hold on to your character for It Ih,
and ever will bo, your snfo path to
wealth and honor. Ex.
Jirtftlnn if Hit tit ritie.
BAHt'I.AY- LlK.HKTON Monday, Nov.
7th, M!i2. nt tho Catholic church In
ltcvnnldsvUlo. at 8.00 a. m., by Father
T. Brady. William Barclay, of lliitli
mol. and Mary Llolictoti, of PrcHcott
villo. BltnilR-I.IKHKWiN On Monday, Nov.
7th, 1 8H2. nt the Catholic church In
Heynoldsvlllo. at. 8.00 a. M., bv Father
Brady Peter Biggie, of Itntbinel. Pa.,
and (lertruilo l.ichcton, of Present t
ville, Pa.
shannon At'HTIV -On Tuesday, Nov.
8th. 102, nt. 8.0U a. M.. In the Catholic
church, by Father 'I'. Brady, John
Shannon uud May Austin,
TollKY- M aiitiv- On Wednesday. Nov.
tith. 1802. at 8.IMI a. m.. in the Catholic
church, by Father T. Brady, John
Toliey and Mary Martin, of Iteynolds
vlllo. IlAHTINim-STAHT.r.l.L At the resi
lience of John Start.ell, Esq., Brook
ville. Pa., Nov. ,'lril. 80J, ,y Itov. J.
W. Blalsdell. Itols-rtM. Hastings, of
Cliatierol, Pa., and Emma Startell,
of Brookvillc, Pa.
BirlllR Crawkohii On Moodily, Nov.
8th, 1802, at tho Presbyterian parson
age at Ibis place, liy itev. II. (J.
Fiirbay, William Iticliio and Jane
Crawford, both of Elennorn, Pa.
Talk alsiitt your jewelry stores
Yet Hoffman can't Ihi bent.
Ills place Ih line and situate
Directly on Main street.
His "ri'iiis" aro not inonoMilles,
His rhtiina not those of slaves,
Yet if you purchase giMtds of him
You'll many dollars save.
Whon ago comes creeping o'er your head
And ''swrjrs" your vision dim,
Then take advice, to Hoffman go
And buy your "s;iccs" of him.
f.ittirs tOMlnmoritiiry en Hie estate of
r.iixiiiii'iii r . Miiiner, neeeitseii, nifi or witis
low township, Jefferson county, I'n.. Iiiivliur
lieen grunted the iinderHlitrtefl, hot lee Is
hcri'hy irlven to those knowing themselves
Indented to snlil estate to rruike Inimeillitto
hiiyiiieiit. nnil I hose having eliiirns auiiinst
i ne same to present iimm nuiy iiiiiiiorixiin
for settlement.
('. Miti iiki.i,, KrvNOi.iis,
Attorney. Kxeeiitor.
Itcynolilsvllle, Octols-r 2), IHVJ.
Notice Is hereliy'itlven that the partnership
liereiofore exIstlnK hetween Krlt tt Klotx,
liuieliers, of HriMik vlllo, hits this iluy lieen
illssolved hy niiiliinl consent, I luivit sold my
Interest to Hlmou ltiixnr. All persons
having iii'i'oiints iigiilnst the llrm anil nil
persons knowing themselves Indented to the
firm will settle with Cluis. Klotx, us he will
pay till hills null receive iiiistiinrllng money.
Oetoher 34, Isitj. Hknkv Kbits.
EkL Goodep,
Reynoldsville, Paf
Opposito Stoko's drug store.