The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 02, 1892, Image 1

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Office on Vwt Main rtiwt, opposite the
Commercial Hold, Kcynnlrixvllli1, Pit.
jyt. h. eTVioover
p "-Ueslilent dentist. In ImUilliiK near Metho
dist church, opposite Arnold block. (Iriitlc-
nesa In operating1.
FliAXKJ. It LACK, 'i-oprtWor.
The tending hotel of the town. lli'tidi'itni
tors for commerclnl mm. Htciim heat, free
hus. hath rooms mid closets on every floor.
St snnipli' rooms, htllliird i-ooni, telephone con
' nectlons, &c.
flREEX COXSER, Vrfi itmv.
First class In every ptirtlciilnr. Tinted In
the very centre of the business pnrt of town.
Vivo tnm to and from t ruins mill commodious
sumple rooms for commercial travelers.
rmoOKVILLE. 1'A.
jii'EFixarox if i.oxa, vip'.
Omnibus to and from nil train. European
rcstitiinoit. Mouse heated and lighted hy
gas. Hot and eold water. Western Vnlon
IVleKrnph ottlce In hiillillwr. The hotel Is
fitted with ullthe modern ronvenlennM.
JAti. 11. CLOVER, rmVri,U:
Hnmple room on tho (trolled floor. House
heated hy nutiinil gas. Omnibus to and from
ill trains.
The short lino between DiiHoIh, filditway,
Bradford, Hiiliiniiincn, Murrain, l'oclicstcr,
Nliitmru Fulls and points In the Uix r nil
. On mid after May 2d, IHI13, pusscn
' irer trains will iirrlvennd depart from Fulls
Creek station, dully, except hominy, ax fol
lows! 7ll0 A. M. Bradford Accommodation For
polnla North between rails t'reck and
llradforfl. 7:1ft a. m. mixed train for
10:06A.M. Huiraln and Rochester mall For
Hrockwiiy vlllc, KlilKWiiy.JolinsntihiirK.Mt.
.li'wett, llrHdrord.Siiliiimiiicii, Kullaloand
Rochester; connect Inn at .lohnxonhiirx
with 1'. A K. train , for Wilcox, Kane,
Warren, t'orry and Kile.
10:65 A. M. Accommodation For DitHols,
Hykex, Ulu Him and 1'iMixsutn wney.
l:SO I'. M. lira d ford Accommodation For
Itccchtrcc, llrockwiiyvlllc, Kllfnont, Tur
moil, Kldi!way, Johnxonliiii'K, Mt.Jcwctt
and llradfot-d.
4;50 1'. M.-.Miill-For PuMoIx, Hyke. IIIk
V Kun. I'uii.XHiitawney and Walstun.
7i66 I'.M. Accommodation For Ihiltols.Hix
Ituii anil Pnnxxiitawney.
Trfm Arrive "Mil A. M., Ammimodntlon
I'liiixsuiiinucy: 0:tn A.M. .Hull from Will
Hton and I'uiixxiitawiiey; l-,VS A. M., Ae-
conimodiitlon from Hradfonl; 1:2(1 I'. M.,
Accommodation fmm I'uiiXKiitawney; 4:.V)
I'. M- Mall from Huiralo and 1'ivlicster;
7:IS I. M.( Accommodation from Itradford.
Thousand mile tickets at two cents per
mile. Kiwi for pitssiit-e )H'twenall stations.
. J. H. MclNTVtiK. Agent, Falun-reek, I'm.
r J. H. BHlllKTT K. '. Lapkv,
Oenerul Hiipt. Gen. I'm. Agent
Hradfonl, I'u. Uociiestcr, N. Y.
COMPANY commencwg Sunday
July 10, 18(12. Low Grade DiviHion.
No. l.iNoJl.lNo..
lied Bank
Km Hethlehem
'oak Ul.lxo
Hiinimervlllti ...
Falls Creek
I In Hols
(leu Fisher
A. M.I
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No.2 1 No.H INn.101 10H
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Trains dully except Hunday.
DAVID MoCAUGO, Oen'i.. Piiit.,
JAM. I. ANDKUHON, Okn'l. 1'ahh. Aot
Nature baa aeen fit to have
, vhanguable weather and why
not have your portion garmented
with a noat and nobby suit
made of heavy-weight material
to suit the weather that is now
creeping upon ua. You need a
now winter null and aa the oold
wavea are very uncertain you
will be wine if you plaoe your
order now for winter wearing
apparel, ao an to have it to don
when bluatering weuther ia
uahered in. Siioh an immenae
line of winter patterna waa '
fe never diaplayed in town as can
be aeen at
TNext door to Hotel MoConnell.
Ah, priettetw of an unknown nhrlna,
Py what Bad pmcwi
Hast thnn In Rome long bj-(rone tlm
Lost thy proboscis,?
Waa there beneath that graft, aweet brow
A month for kiaslngr
Alaal we cannot know, for now
Thy lips are missing.
And yet a subtle, nameless grace
Around thee llniters:
As there thou stand'st with tranquil face.
Sans nose. Hps, fingers.
The outline of thy matchless form.
Thy grace revealing.
Thy flowing draperies adorn
Without concealing.
Ah, could he look upon thy fate
Whose hand once wrought thee!
And see to what a and estate
The years have brought thee
For him would live again that hoar
Of Inspiration,
When burned his soul with newborn
For thy creation!
And he would see thee now as then
In thy perfection;
Time's accident could not again
Mar recollection.
British Museum.
The l ie of Cream.
Very few housekeepers can realize the
nutritive vnltte of cream, nnd under
fltand its superiority to any other solid
fats in permitting the gnatrio juice to
mix with it in the most perfect manner,
and in this wny aiding and hnstening
digestion. It is invaluable in the ensoof
invalids, for it serves ns nutriment in a
very available form. It is superior to
butter because it contains more volatile
oil than butter made from it. It is fre
quently ordered by physicians for per
sons consumptively inclined, for those
with feeble digestions, for Bged persons,
and for those who suffer from impaired
circulation, cold feet, and who feci chill'
from want of nutriment.
No other article of food gives such
satisfactory results. It is, however, ex
pensive in largo cities, and difficult to
get fresh and sweet. On a farm, how
ever, it can be had in its sweetness, and
it can be freely used. Whipped, it can
be served in dozens of ways, with fresh
or stewed fruits, as an accompaniment
to cake, puddings, and the like, while
cream can be drunk nearly as freely as
milk. For use in whipping it should be
thick and sweet, while for drinking it
can be used after the milk has stood, at
the most, but a few hours over night.
Jenness Miller's Magazine.
An Unexpected "Water Scene.'
The Installment Heights Amateur
Dramatic society recently introduced .
striking bit of realism into their skill
ful rendition of "Engaged ond Jilted."
It will be remembered that when the
heroine faints and falls gracefully upon
the stage the awkward comic servant is
required to seize a large pitcher from a
small table standing near R. 8 E. and
boldly invert it over the prostrate l4y,
exclaiming as she does so: "Oh. heav
ens! There's not a drop av wat her in the
This is a highly humorous effect i its
way, but its side splitting features were
greatly intensified the other evening
when, through some oversight, the
pitcher was half full of water when it
was placed on the tuble. ,
The proper cue was L'iven. The comic
servant grabbed Use pitcher and fairly
deluged the nnexpectant heroine. She
sputtered and gasped for breath, and
waved her arms wildly in the air, and
utterly forgot to wait for the hero's ar
rival before recovering from her "faint."
"Geewillikyl Kin she swim?" called
out a small boy in the gallery, and then
the applause was simply deafening.
London Tit-Bits.
Great Britain's Slaves.
The English people have ulways had a
great deal to say about their aversion to
slavery, bnt no worse system ever ex
isted in the world than that which pre
vails in some of the British colonies
where cooly labor is employed. The
coolies are indentured in India or China
that is, they are practically sold to the
agent, who sells them again to planters.
For a torm of years, usually ton, they
beoorae the slaves of the planters; for
petty offenses they are fined until they
become hopelessly indebted to their
owners; they are not allowed to leave
the plantation without a pass, or if they
do they are liable to arrest as runaways.
During the last few years parliamentary
investigations have greatly reduced the
hardships of the unfortunate Hindoos,
most of whom were drawn away from
their native land by misrepresentations,
but much still remains to be done, espe
cially in the mines of South Africa, be
fore the stigma of slavery can be erased
from the British empire. St Louis
Many Questions but for Mirrors.
It is doubtful whether men would gain
as much time as women would by the
loss of mirrors. Aside from the fact
that they don't have the chance to spend
so much time at their looking glasses as
women do (if they did you may be sure
they would), it is likely that a man
would have to stand as a kind of substi
tute for the mirror in his wife's toilet.
Most men, therefore, would be able to
go down to the grave with the proud
consciousness that they had answered
the question, "Is my hat on straight?" 10,
000,000 times in the course of a long and
happy life instead of only 6,000,000
times, as they probably do now. New
York World.
Richard Baxter, the great Puritan
preacher, was the son of a tenant farmer,
and until nearly grown the future author
did tho work of farm hand.
ih tatherless anil the Widow.
The car stopped with the usual lurch,
and the conductor assisted to the pic '
form a tall lady, evidently young, but
whose face was hidden by the heavy
folds of a long crape veil. Her gown
and gloves were of the sntne somber hue
as the veil. Sho was followed by a little
girl, also dressed in black. As the cur
started on its way down town the lady
and the little girl took seats in the cor
ner. Neither spoke for some time, and
then the little girl looked up, and in a
voice that was heard above the rattle of
the car exclaimed:
"Yes, my dear."
"I want to ae papa."
"Hush, dearest," and a black gloved
hand reached over nnd took one of the
tiny hands of the child. Then there was
silence for a minute. Suddenly the child
ish voice wos heard again:
"But I do want to see papa. Why
won't yon let me see him?"
"Don't, darling; please don't," came
the answer, as the head of the little girl
was tenderly drawn over until it rested
against the folds of the crape veil.
"Bnt why won't you let me see papa?"
persisted the child.
There was no answer, but the shroud
ed head of tho block figure in the corner
was bent low and the black gloved hand
was reaching for something evidently
hidden in tho folds of the black gown.
"Yes, dear," answered a tremulous
"Cun I see papa tonight?"
Almost fiercely the little figure was
drawn to that of the larger one, and a
whisper more a sob was heard to say:
"Oh, Elsie, dear, hush. Don't you
know that papa lies way off there on the
Litchfield hills! You can't seem him
tonight, darling, and may God help you
and help me."
And the car rattled on; but the big,
portly man in the opposite corner turned
about in his seat and looked steadily out
of the window for several minutes.
New York Recorder.
Doing One's Part.
A witty and miserly gentleman who
accepted many invitations without re
turning them, but who contributed
greatly to the general entertainment by
his bright conversation, once defended
himself by saying:
"My friends give the dinners, but I
furnish the salt."
If he was parsimonious in the matter
of dinners he was generous with his best
thoughts, his most cheerful and enter
taining stories, fulfilling one social duty
althongh he neglected smother.
This social duty of giving in conver
sation one's brightest and best, of mak
ing an effort to be interesting, and being
cheerful when it is ttot possible to be
brilliant, is often selfishly neglected.
Lire is an affair of mutual obliga
tions. We have to thank most of our
friends for kindness and patience and
encouragement, and we owe it to them
to remember that often, unknown to us,
they are in need of being made to forget
some trouble or grkif, or are in need of
some fresh, cheering thought, and when
we give them our conversational best
we are doing what we can to supply that
Many persons who would not think of
going anywhere with a bandaged head
or a disagreeable cold or a disturbing
cough, carrv a gloomy face, a. fit of the
blues or an ill tempered mood on a vifiit
or to a party, without thinking that
there is no excuse at all for their being
a skeleton at the feast. Thny disturVi
their hosts and hostesses by making it
evident that they are not having a good
time, and they have a depressing effort
on every one else. outh s Companion.
Social Definitions.
Nationalism is but another name for
socialism, with but a slight modifica
tion. What socialism desires to reach
ia a universal way for the whole world
nationalism desires to obtain within tho
limits of the nation. Inasmuch as thero
is a tendency in the human race to crys
tallize around national centers national
ism thinks it best t respect these bound
aries. Ultimately nationalism would
have to reach out after the universal
Let it be understood, furthermore, that
neither nationalism nor socialism is iden
tical with anarchism or communism
that, quite to the contrary, they form
the opposite pole to anarchism. While
anarchism is a theory of government
which will allow no power whatsoever
to auy governing body, socialism or na
tionalism will endow the government
with greater powers yet than its own.
While the former believes that the indi
vidual shall take upon himself all the
consequences which spring from compe
tition, and that according to bis oppor
tunities a man shall either succumb in
the struggle for existence or survive as
the fittest, the latter holds society or
the nation responsible for the well be
ing of every one of its members as long
as the member fulfills bis obligation to
society .Rabbi Solomon Schindler.
"Doing" Europe.
"Tonrista do say funny things yet,"
laid a young woman just home from
Europe, "though I feared I shouldn't
hear any of them. Two women were
tanding before a tapestry in a church,
sua as I approached one of them said to
the other? 'Got your notebook, Hunnah?
Put down (consulting ber catalogue)
'tapestry of St. Agnes;" 1 then, studying
the picture before her, she summed it
op; 'Girl on a bench, sheep in the fore
ground,' and the two moved on without
a second look. I' New York Times.
1 ' ' ' :
One friend have I who love have none one
friend of loval heart
A girl whose faith compels my soul to act Its
noblest port.
Who lives unspoiled by Idlo 'praise, unvczed
by sclflslt earo.
And who Is sweet as the Is true, and good as
she Is fair.
Oh, love's a flow'r that cllniboth high and
alms to reach a star.
But friendship's plant creeps rinse and clings
with scent that's sweeter far!
Bbe sings to me, and I grow glads the talks.
and I grow wise;
Ber ways are frank and sisterly) there's sun
shine In her eyes;
Her loving heart holds balm for ev'ry III that
rate can send;
And earth is fairer, heav'n more near, because
she Is my f rlendl
Oh, love's a song that rings and swells with
passion s rapture strong.
But friendship Is a lullaby that soothes a wholo
A Sad Memory.
They talked of home and family mat
ters, baby's now clothes, papa's trip on
the road and mamma's visit to her moth
er, while every one listened in a most in
teresting manner. The trend of the
conversation showed that the wife and
baby were not going to the depot with
the happy father, ns he declared it would
be nonsense. But as the car nenred Jef
ferson street, where he was to leave
them, every one wondered nil to himself
how they would part nnd whether ho
would kiss her in front of the crowd.
They were not long in doubt.
When Despliilnes street was reached
the drummer arose, caught tip his baby
and kissing it goodby placed it beside
its mother. He stooped down to kiss
his wife, nnd the loving woman placed
an arm about his neck us she said,
"Now you'll write often, won't your
Just then a moroso individual on the op
posite side, of the enr, who had evidently
been absorbed in his paper, glanced over
the top of it and remarked in the driest
of tones, "I lost a watch doin that."
Chicago News.
French nnd German Politeness.
In England, as the titles of nobility
are limited nnd cannot be usurped by
fictitious characters without detection,
they confer a degree of consideration
upon the possessor far superior to what
is observed in foreign countries, where
they are abundant to an extreme and
where every needy adventurer can as
sume them. A German baron, in de
rision, on a race course a few days since
observed to a French marquis that the
title of martinis was very common in
France, "I," milled he, "have a marquis
in tny kitchen." "Ami I," retorted the
Frenchman, who felt insulted, "have a
German baron in my stable." This
repartee was particularly happy, it being
well known that German grooms are as
common out of their country as are
French cooks. It affords a just lesson,
too, against the folly as well as rude
ness of all natkmal reflections. Maga
zine Journal.
Sport for the Dog.
The most laughable thing 1 have seen
lately was the discovery of a new kind
of game by a lively young setter dog. It
was in a large dry goods store where
cash is sent to the desk in little boxes
whirring along on slender rails. The
dog waa following his pretty mistress
sedately enough, when be heard 'the
sound and Raw the swift flight of the
of the cash box. He thought it was a
bird, and tone up and down the aisles
after it, scattering the crowd and amus
ing everylxxly in sight. As ho would
not be convinced of his illusion, he had
to be removed forcibly from what he
probably thought tho best hunting
ground be had ever struck. Kate
Field's Washington.
A Idea of Heaven.
On one occasion the leader of talk
started the subject of the generally pre
vailing ideas about heaven. After the
usual hit at the materialistic views of
the Mohammedan, he turned to an
Amorican gentleman at the table and
asked what wore his notions on the sub
ject? The Yankee, with his slow,
nasal accent and cool manner com
manding attention, replied, "Waal my
notion of heaven ia that of a quiet,
green place, without money and without
price." Mrs. Anthony Cross in Temple
No nead for Business.
Muse Schaumburg, Jr. Vader, a shen
tlemans vants to know if dot unshrinka
ble undershirt don't shrink a leedle any
vay. Mose Schaumburg, Sr. Does dotahirt
fit him?
"No; it vas choost a little too pig." .
"Of course it vill Bhrink. Vy don't
you have some beads for pishness."
Texas Sif tings.
Mirrors Many Years Ago,
A historian has it that as early as fonr
centuries beforo Christ these metal mir
rors were in such common use among
the Romans that Bny mnld servant could
have ns many as she could hang at her
girdle, which probably accounts for the
fact that they gradually foil Into desue
tude among Indies of Ifle higher classes
ind led to tho introdii tion of snlwti
tutes. It is hardly to 1m supposed, how
ever, that it was this fact which induced
some ingenious person so to cut and bur
nish the inside of drinking cups as to re
flect tho face of the drinker many times
in a highly warning manner.
In addition to the small hnnd mirrors
which it used to be the particular duty
of some unfortunate yonng slave to hold
before her mistress, there were panels of
stone set in the walls and so highly pol
ished as to servo ns mirrors. It was this
use of dark stone that first suggested
the use of glass for reflecting purposes,
which according to Tliny, was first man
ufactured at the glass works of a gen
tleman named Sidon. Black glass was
first nsed; afterward clear glass with
blnck foil on tho back replaced it. Pliny
tells ns all about this, and from this time
on 110 mention is mndo of glass mirrors
until tho Thirteenth century! when a
Franciscan monk, Johannes Peckhnm,
speaks of mirrors, not only of polished
mnrlile nnd steel, but nlso of glass cov
ered with lend on tho back.
By this time the nnmlgnm used in
making glass mirrors was much like
that of today, the difference lioing in the
method of its application. The process
was to spread tinfoil on n plain surface,
to pour mercury over that nnd rub the
two together with tho hand or with a
hare's foot. The amalgam thus formed
was then covered with paper, over
which glass was laid. The paper was
then withdrawn nnd weights pressed on
the glass, pressing out the excess of mer
cury. New York World.
Sword Ashing.
The swordtish lives from five to ten
hours after it is harpooned, and at any
time in that period he ia a dangerous
customer for the fisherman. Indeed
swordfUhing is one of the most danger
ous as well as moat exciting of all the
variety of enterprises pursued by our
Jshermen. Lewis ton Journal. '
Didn't Know Ita Va!ne.
A few days ago I met a man from Bal
timore who tried to persuade me that
some people down that way do not know
as much about things pertaining to civ
ilization ns tho average Indian does, and
he told me the story to prove it. Said
he: "I'm very fond of horseback riding,
and I go off on trips for a week some
times. On one of these journeys I
stopped for a luiuuto at a drug store in
a Maryland village and flung the reins
of my horse to a colored boy who was
standing on the Bidewalk. On return
ing I thanked the lad, handed him what I
supposed to be cent and galloped away.
Half an hour later I discovered that in
stead of a cent I hnd given him a five
dollar gold piece. I had not taken much
money for my trip, and wns quite a way
from homo, and I couldn't spare my
pocket piece just then; nt least I didn't
want to. I turned bajk over the road
and re-entered the shop. Said I, 'Have
you seen anything of the boy that held
my horse here about an hour agor
"The druggist laughed. 'I guess,' said
he, 'I know what you have come for,
It's a five dollar gold piece, isn't it?
" 'Yes," snid I, a little surprised.
'Well, the boy came in here and
showed it to me, and asked if I would
give him a good cent for it, " 'cause he
didn't know nuffln 'liont dat kin' o'
money." I saw that there was a mistake
and gave him a penny for it.'
"You can guess I was protty glad at
the amount of ignorance there was in
the world just then. I refunded the
cent, pocketed my gold piece and rode
ff. ' Brooklyn Eagle.
Chance In llellglnn.
Perhaps it may seem only by forced
analogy that the gambler's infatuation
can lie compared to the superstitious
awe of primitive roligion, but 0110 needs
not to go back a long way in onr own
history to realize that they can lie traced
to a common source. In 1010 Thomas
Gataker, a Puritan minister, published
his essay on "The Nature anil Use of
Lots, in which, while arguing against
it, he states the common belief to be as
"Lots may not be used but with great
reverence, because the disposition of
them Cometh immediately from God.
The nature of a lot, which is affirmed to
bee a works of God's speciall and imme
diate providence, a suurod oracle, a Ui
vine judgment or sentence; the light use
of it therefore to be an abuse of God's
name, and so a sinne against the third
How deeply rooted in man's mind the
belief in divine interposition in such
matters has been from early times is
shown by the recourse having been had
to lots in the first momentous act per
formed by the primitive Christian
church namely, the election of an apos
tle. Human direction .was relied on
so far as to reduce the number of candi
dates to two, the qualifications of whom
were so evenly balanced that the de
cision between them was left to pure
chance, to control which, as was be
lieved, supernatural interference might
be looked for. Blackwood's Magazine.
A Youthful Sculptor.
Julia Bracken, who has reooived the
commission to execute the figure repre
senting "Illinois Welcoming the Na
tions," ia considered the best of all
Sculptor Taft's assistants. She is bat
little more than twenty years of age.
Potato rot is caused by a minute par
aaite, which is so small that a colony
numbering 300 individuals can live in a
space smaller than i pin's head. .
A Bare Old Globe.
One of the most significant curios in
New York is a copper globe in the Lenox
library. It is only i inches in di
ameter, but it is believed to be the
earliest globe to lay down the new dis
coveries by Columbus. It dates back
to the first decade of the Sixteenth cen
tury. The little it shows of this hemi
sphere is mostly wrong, and the few
names would be recognized only by ex
perts in matters geographical, "but the
globe is rightly esteemed cue, of the
chief treasures of a rare collection. New
York Sun. '
Brothers Shoes
To be Hold for the next few
weeks nt from
; Or i
l"0 i
; 0 j
; O
3 :
Ladies now is your chance as
this is the greatest slaugh
ter ever made in Reyn
oldsville on Shoes.
New York
Main St. Ueynoldsville, Ta.
la km Ltttljr OieofiM
No old sholf-worn goods, but all new,
clean, salable stock and more of thom
for tho sumo money than you can buy
at any other store in tho town. If you
are looking for something you cannot
find at any other store, come to
The Racket Store
and you will most likoly get it, and you
will be surprised how choap. People
wonder how I can pay rent and other
expenses, sell ao cheap and live.l Emily
explained, my friends, just like this:'
Buy for cash, sell for cush; I sell for
not spot cash and I got bargulim by
puylng not spot cosh for what I buy,
consequently I am enabled to give you
bargains for your cash. Come in and
look over my atook; no trouble to show'
goods whether you buy or not. Goods
bought from me and not satisfactory,
and returned in good order, and ruao
onublu time, money will bo choorfully
refunded If desired. Remembor,I posit
ively state that I have no old sholf
worn goods, no shoddy goods, but aa
clean cut a line of" every day goods a
you will find In any store ' In Jefferson
county, and oh, how cheap. Come in
Ladles and take a look at my lino of
beautiful Laces, Wrappers, Waists,
Aprons, Gloves, Mitts, Night Robes,
Stockings, Baby Carriage Robos,Calico,
Robes, Shlrtlnp, bleached and unbleach
ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning
the lota of bargains but would take too
long, step In and take a look for your
selves. Gentlemen, come in and buy
one of our beautiful paintings, 30x3(3,
gilt frame, only tl.OO, are going like
hot cakes; if you want one come quick.
I also have men's Hose, Shirts, Haiul
kerchlofa.Drawers, Under Shirts, White
Shlrta, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Gloves
and an endless number of other things
for gentlemen. Come in and look for
yourselves. I will only be to glad to
ahow you my stock. I have in stock
hundreds of articles for Ladles, Gentle
men and Children, Boys, Girls and
Baby's that would fill' our town paper to
mention them all. This advertisement
is written in the plain American A. B.C.
language so everybody that can read
can understand every word of it..
M. J. C0YLE,
The Racket Store,
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