V - IN A POSTAL CAR. Orfclt ATIONS OV THR 1'IAINU 1otokfk:k. Bow the Clerk II and If the Malls Laldilng Mall H un tlio l-'ly An Arduous Occupation. I IIP, wonderful facil ity, rapidity and an curacy which has been attained in the b 1 ' iiniiiniiiniiiiii uin, B'rTTi t i j i tn'iivury in uur niii mails, nlttioiit.il of uch ImmcilmtL' im portance nre.saya the Ban Vrnciito Chronicle, ono nf tlie most ill-npprrci-nlnl benefits which an Induluent and pro gressive Government ever betowed. Tho mighty utricle fro'ri a lumbering stage coach, dtnty, uncertain and slow, with cue man for driver, nis.il clerk and postman, to the rushing special mail trains grabbing and distributing the pouches ns they tear along nt i stv miles an hour, and with nearly 7000 railway mail clcrki working Iik bea vers to land tho mad on time, ha coma to gradually that man, woman and child regard it ns a matter ol course, and raiely top to wonder how it all happen?. Through tho courtesy of A. 11. Mer rill, Assistant Superintendent of Hall way Mail Service for this, the Eighth Division, a Chronicle representative- was permitted a lew days ago to rido with Che mail to Sacramento and return to this city, and watch the whole progress nf newspapers, business and love letters from their authors to the happy recipi ents. At the Oakland mole a great pile of nt least thirty pouches and tie sacks was thrown into the cur, and those not being "worked" were piled in a corner to make room fur an installment of twenty mora that were loaded in at Six teenth street. The mail clerk on this particular day (Sunday) was fortunate enough to bavo the assistance of another clerk, wbo was enjoying a rest of live days after a rive days' run, us the un Ukual weight of Sunday's big piper mail required two men. Hot'.i boarded tho train an hour before It started to work up the first installment of mail. They bad each a pair of ovciallj on, sleeves svotiktsq vp Tn matt, is Mtrren cn. rolled to their elbows, ar.d bofora the train started the persplrntbu streamed from their brows. Along in the middle of the car, ranged on both ndui, are the racks for pouches, with thirty bu.ig up iu each, and a box-shaped recoptacto is arrauged to slide along on ways between tho two racks, so that they can get at either end readily to throw mail. It can be lilted out wben not in use. Into this bos the contents of every sack are dumped. All of those sixty pouches, strung open mouthed iu tho racks, uro labetod lor very town or city, bo it great or small, along the route with others named fcr roads and still others for destinations fur beyond California. Now those clerks must inspect every paper, parcel and bundle of letters, for letters are sorted t tho main ofllue and many of them tied in bunches for diileront towns, for which they are labeled, and throw it into the correct pouch as fast as ho can work. Papers, bundles, letters everything fairly flies in that car. Cold Spring is way over in a corner sack; bang! goes ten pounds of papers, and then comes the ci-r.nxs BtsTRiutrrrNO watt.. "handla-with-care" box of bonbons be fore the first has bit exactly where it belongs. Urcbe mean time the train It) 5 thundering along anil tho whistle gives warning nf an approaching station. The clerk grabs pouch, stuffs the last letter In, hurriedly locks it and rushes to the door to hrave the sack out nnd grasp the handle of a queer-shaped contrivnnco that hangs on the side of the rsr. It is the "catcher," that grabs a pouch as they flv along. Tip! sn.nething hits the car, ami In the rrutch of tho iron catcher s nouch doubles Itself up like a jack-knife and is hauled in to be dumped and irked up. THR MATT. mt'Ctt CATCfltttl. This catcher is a great Invention, it is simply a sort of two-tined pitchfork fastenod to the door jambs, so that it will turn, and a handle is provide 1 to tun it with. Tho mail at a by-static n Is done up in a special sack, strapped In the middle to make it narrow. w.iisto 1, so as to slip way into the eitcher and not fall, and is hung on n scaffolding by means of turning hooks, which are placed in riugs at both cuds of the pouch. When the catcher is turned horizontally ono tine, as it were, sticks out, aud the narrow part of the sick slides up into the crutah, when the catcher hits it, sometimes sticking so hard that it is dif ficult to remove it. Mail received on the route has to be opened and distributed in'ta itly, as there may be something for the very next su tion, ami where tho train runs fast it re quires some lively work to get tho pouches ready. Tho letters tint arc scattering tha: is, few lor uny one town arj tied in a bundle and addressed simply to the roa 1, as "Ogden and San Fran." These are placed to one side in the distribution aud have to bo "worked'' In tho letter case. This case has iunuincrable pigeon-holes, each one lab led for a town or a mail route, and there agaiu the nccurato koow'edge of every bur" In tho S'.nte li required; for all tlioso lotion must be separated, examined and posto.l in tho case without the slightest delay. Subse quently tliry are again tied Into bundles and thrown into shc!s for their destina tion. Krrors lira rigidly checked against cvM-y clerk and be never ceasa to study and improve himself. Sometimes peo ple write a horrible address or only half a one; perhaps there are several towns of ono naiiio in a Statu or similar names in different States and tho Statu is left out, ot again a new town springs up in a night. These worry tlie poor clerk to death. Then there are tlio "uixlos." These aro letters addresse I t places that do uot exist, papers and parcels from which labels have become ilotivilioj, bundles unwrapped und the addtess des troyed nnd many other things. All of theso are bunched and tent to tho nearest main division olliue marked "nixies" and perhaps reported to their senders, ns it is impossible to tell wiiaro they nro to go. Another convenience to people is tho car "drop," where a lovu letter, still warm and perhaps still throbbing, is deposited inaybu becauso just tinisned, and maybe so that the young locil post master in a village wont know who is corresponding with whom. Those let ters must bu kept out as fust as thoy full. Tho stamps have to be "killed and the letters distributed immediately. Each a matt, poucn r.nv-T port Tim e.vrcnitn. road bus n different sta.up, so that re ceiving office know wbo huncMed that mail. Of courso tho small stations occur at very short intervals, and the consequence is a continued jumping about of the clerk to land things on time. After the first big receipt of mail is worked up the sacks from these stations keep coming along aud intervuls are very short. However, rests come once in a while; and then a portiou of the trip report embruciug every transaction is written up, or a lot of sacks are tied and locked. The lock that Uncle Sum uses is very cumbersome add slow, often vexiug tho clork more than the mail itself. A number of new devices have been patented, but the Government does uot care to buy them. The labor of locking sixty sucks and dragging tholr heavy weight uloog to pile them up ready for dumping is itself big job, nil as fast as books are emptied iiew pouches must be spread open on them to receive more mail. Registered packages aro treated with unbounded precaution. Every man who receives one in its trauslt must examine its condition and then give receipt to the last man, make out and forward one lor himself, keep special record of it in book provided for the purpose and include it in hit trip report, tie is re. quired to keep receipt for It for five , year, as in tracing lost one every re- celpt must be shown until tha responst. ble person I found . Tha postal clerk has need to bs robust In health, active lit mind and body and enduring of fatigue nbove almost any other railing. Frequently they are obliged to work steadily for from twenty to tinny hours, and this in a close, stuffy car, rocking and swaying along while they toil like troopers and eat and sleep when and where they iet chance. Tim Kraut Trlt lets. The well-known Grant triplets, of Torrington, Conn., Matthew A., Daniel A. nnd William A. Grant, reached their eventy-lirst birthday anniversary on Friday. Tho three wero born on September 23, 1S21, in an old two-story farmhouse in the centro of Torrington, ami must have been strong mid healthy children, for they have had hardly a day of sickns; lu their lives. Willimn nnd Daniel look much alike, and aro very often mistaken one for the other, but Matthew is of n little differ ent type, being shorter and more thick to. They u'l have light gray eyes, whito hair, and bronzed and weather beaten coiintemineus, and look uncom monly well for men seventy-one years old. if William und Dinil livn together in Torrington, but Matthosr is by himelf in a house iu West Ilurrvillc. N'o.v York Sun. Odd Decoration ol !li Tii ' 1a i Itinl. The somewhat remirkablo bird de pleted in the cut Is to be found on the borders .if China and Thibet, but moro frequently un tha slopes of the Himalaya Mountains. In nppearanco it has a great resemblance, in many respects, ti tha phea'ant. The plumage is very buauti lu!, being dotted witU round, whito snots on a brown and reddish ground. The male bird is distinguished by large attics, whlc.i extend from the cheo.s TIIK IIOttNBD 'ri'AflOlMW. down the whole length of tho neck. while behind each nye ilses a soft, tbstiy horn, lioth tho horn nnd tho wattles may be dilated or contracted tU pleasure. They aro of a blui.sh-purplo color, miu gled with scarlet. Tho color deepens when the bird is excited by auger or pleasure, Tho feathers of the crest, the chin and the buck of the nock uro bluck; thn upper part of tho breast, tho neck aud inuulders aro light cinnamon, with a dush of curmii.u nnd purple, variegated by the white, eyoliko tips of the leathers; tho wings und part of the hack nro ricli amber, mottled with browrj and nlso decorated with white epots. Little is kuowu ot the habits and mnuners of the tragopan; but troiu their sirung legs und round wings it is thought that they do not fly very much, but depeud lucre un tboir swiltncss of foot thuu ou any power of flight they may possess, lu the breeding season the tragnpsn is to bo seen at his bent, ilis condition and plumage are then in tho highest state of pei fiction, his beautiful wings and tail are expanded, his boras erected, his wattles inflated and glowing with bright colors. There scorns no reason why these birds should not flourish in other countries. They live in u cold climato or tempcruM region, and soon die if takon into tno hot plains of India. Their food cuusisti of grain and seed, and their fle3li is a delicacy, having much the samo flavor as that of tho pheasant. -.Mail aud Ex press. , Tlio Hani i Ian Thoiry Ylndicatiil. Human beings do sometimes spring from auos. Puck. V. VV V 7 1 iJlllllBte 0 "My -5 RUSSIA'S RULER. DAITjY MKR ANIl CHAtlAOTUIt Of CZAH AliKXAM)KU. Blinrdeln Ills Habits unit Vrrv l-'ond ot 111 Kainlly Itlclit M lu the World the Czarina. HE dally life of the Cur of Itussia, says Frank Car penter In the Now York World, is sfm- flBk r,.'n.t."8,e,s: l I V III C, 1 I V keeps his great frame In g iod condition by regular exercise, anil, liko Gladstone, he often goes out nnd cuts down trees iu his forests. Ho sometimes saws these trues Into lengths with a cross-cut saw nnd he docs nil sorts of manual work. He is an athlete ot the first order and hois fond of playing with his children, nnd during his stay in Denmark ho had a number of wrestling matches at the palnca there, in each of which, I am told, ho came out vlctorous. Ho Is lound of horseback ruling and has 15 J suddle horses in his stables here. His stud contains so no of the finest horses in the world.' He knows II about horses and is anxious to im prove his stock nnd is very careful nbout the character of the horses which are brought Into the army. He often drives himself, with his wile besido him. In n phaeton about Gatchlna, and he holds his reins with arms stiff, in tho Human fashion. I visited the museum in which the imperial c images aro kept, the other day, and srent hours wan lerlng about through the hundreds of golden coachet end gorgeous landaus, each of which is worth many, many thousand dollars. I handled harness whic h was inlaid with precious stones nnd the n.et.it work of which was of solid gold or silver. I saw harness cloth embroidered with pearls, nnd the total value of these trappings and coaches runs high into the mil- A CATiIi AT THE lions of dollars. As I looked at thorn I could not but think of the simple car riages which tho Czar really u?es and how far his spirit is removed from that of ostentation. Ha leads a more simple life, in. fact, than many ot his nobles, and he cares nothing whatever for style. Ho is one of tho hardest worked ineu of his Empire. He rises at daybreak and takes a cup oC coffee, says his prayers and then begins work, looking over his State papers. At 1 o'clock, he takes bieakfast with his wife, und after break fast he exercises for a while before going buck to work. lie keeps his system in perfect condition, and his stomach uever goes back on him. He has his dinner at 6 o'clock, but, like mauy big men, ho eats little, and his drluk is courlnod to a glass ol Burgundy. Ho always dines with his family, and his family relations are most beautiful. The Czar of ItussU Is in love with his wife. This is an extraordinary thing for a Russia!) monarch, and both peasants nd nobles have spokon to me in the highest terms of bis purity in this regard. He spends his evoniugs with hit family nd often roads to his wife while she em broiders, and there are number ol stories here which illustrate this part of bis character, It Is now tmeuty-llva TIIK CZAn. years since he attended a court reception a. I'aris, and there met Empress Eugenie. fifr BMPItRSS OF lltTSSIA. All the beauties of the I'aris court wero present, and as the Empress chatted with him she as!;ed him to paint nut to her tho most beautiful Indy iu tho room. The future Czar replied that he was too much of a barburinu to think uny woman moro beautiful than his own wife, and his notions toward her from that timo to this have shown that he has continued of this opinion. Still his marriage to her was one of diplomacy rather than of low;. She is. you know, the daughter of Christian IX., of Denmark, and her name was the 1'rincess Dagrnar. She had been engaged to tho Czar's elder brother, who died at Nice, and in this way the present Czar became heir to the WINTER PALACE. throne. Tho Princess Dagrnar was much in love with Alexander's brother and stio did not want to be married to her pres ent husband. Alexander himself had a sweetheart whom he was anxious to nmrry, but State reasons inado both those young people give up thuir cherished ideas, and Alexander 111. wooed the Princess Dagrnar nnd married her. Love camo after the marriage, aud though this was more tlmn a quarter of century ago, they are lovers still. 1 he Empress of Itussia Is the reverse of her husband iu appearance. She is ns slender und petite ai ho is strong and mussivn. She is not beautiful and not homely. Her nose is slightly retrousse, but her features aie otherwise well formed and her eyes are bright and kindly, Sba is ono of tha most beauti ful dancers in Itussia, and she is at fond nf dancing as a Danish country girl. At the winter pslucs in St. Petersburg nro given each year snuia of tho most won derful balls ot the world. Seven thou sand people can live in this palace, and the thouiumls of dancers trip tho light fantastio toe over floors of ebony, of rosewnod and of ivory. Now aud tuen the Empress appears at these dances (a her royal robes. She wears gorgeous crown which falrlj bhu with dia- t t.S ft 4 Km 9 "GOOD DAT, SIT etULDBRN." mnnds. Her necklace is of many strand of the purest pearls, ami her vest l-s mass of rubies, sapphires and diamonds put together so that they blaze like fire. One ot her gowns Is ot emerald velvet with a train of whito velvet which Is . fairly covered with gold embroidery and the front of which Is linked with strands of purest coral. The jewels on one nf these robes would mnke an American village rich, and their value surpasses computation. In the treasury at Mos cow I saw the Empress' coronation robe. The train of this was of woven silver, and there was enough of woven silver cloth iu the robe to have carpeted an or dinary parior. The Km pre! Is the member ot the Im perial family who most fears the assas. simition of the Czar. She is in suspense whenever her husband is away from hor, nnd every timo that his life is attempted her nerves become shattered. She wor ries nbout her children, nnd I doubt not she often longs for her girlhood life in peaceful Denmark. It is for this reason largely that who is so fond of dancing. She cau lorget herself when she is on the floor, and ns long as the mad caltoti goes on she docs not feel the presenoe of the specter which continuously hangs over the Itiu.siun throne. I don't suppose there is family in the United States which has a more TUB CROWS PHISCB. happy homo life than that ot the Czar. Ho has five children three boys and two gir.s. The oldose is the Grand Duke fiicholas, who is now twenty-four years old and wbo shows himself to be a bright, aggressive young Prince. With nil his greutt.oss the Czar is more simple in his mauoers than any monsrch in the world. There aro no frills or furbelows about him. He talks in a simple way to his friends and to his officials, and though he is the Czar in every tense of the word he is not puffed up with conceit. Ho is probably tho ric.hott monarc'.i in the world. His in come amounts to moro than $10,0OI),OUO a year and hn owns moro land than any other porson in tho world. Ha has moro than u million square miles of cul vatcd land and forest, and he has gold and silver miucs in Siberia, und his re ceipts nro so large that no one know how largo they nro. I wish I could doscribo for you his wonderful palsces. Thero is nothing like tin m on the faci oi tho earth. I saw a single crown i.i tho winter palace which had nvire thai a million dol lars' worth of je.vels in it, and the treat ury at Moscow contains cart bads of gold and silver plate. Tha winter pal ace is so large that it cover acros, and there is a story that when it was burned not long ago a cow was discovered in one of the unused rooms where a ser vant had beeu keeping it and the people of tho palace knew nothing about it. rhore are ZUUU actes about one ot th summer palaces near bore and it takes QUO men to keep these in ordor, and the palaco ot Putorhof surpasses in iu beauties thoso ot Versailles. A Cluc'x Matle of Flurrors. A littie masterpiece of mechanism, anrl at tiio samo time a model of garden dec- A CUHIOtTS FLOTtAT, CLOCK . oration, is the floral clock which decor ates the garden of an ingenious Parisian. The appearance at this oddest of time pieces is shown in the accompanying cut. Tha dial, which is not loss than thirty feet iu diamoter, is composed entirely of choice plauts of various colors. Tho hands, which actually move over tho face of the clock, are made in the sumo muoiMjr, aud the whole effect of the) arrungemout is that of an immense bas ket ot flowers. The mechinisin which drives the hands is lodged in a largo chamber built in tho garden immedi ately beneath the dial. It is composed of the usual machinery employed in op erating largo clocks, except that it i particularly constructed to move tha great weight ot the earth which must bo supported by tho revolving bands. This is cleverly accomplished by making an, ordinary clock train release volume of water every minute and this by its gravity operates the wheels that send tbo heavy hands forward. The whole arrangement is exceedingly iogeuiou and interesting, and, according to tba PhilodelphLa Becord, is tha daily admiration and won. der of hundred ot tha inventor's town muu.