The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 26, 1892, Image 5

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$bfte Star
.Subneriptinn tt.iO jkt yrnr, in arfruntv.
A. HTKFIIKNHOiM, tfdllor and IMib.
ftvuvtUr' (Outb.
I'lt-wnirer tratnn nrrlvo at tliu Itcvnnliln-
vlllo station follows!
A'wi'irrtnf. HViifironf.
'Train, - .M n m.Tmln , - 7
"Train I. - l.fflp. nt.Trnln J, 1 p. m.
Train a, - - n.iwp. niTrnln in, - - p ip m. FIMT-orNCR.
Mulls arrive mill ntul Icrvo till posl-unVen
Arrirr. Ihpurt.
LIS p. m. - T.nn p. m il inn. m. - r : p. m.
rmm Tim r. x . run tiir wrxT.
7- w. m. - - a.ini p. m .Ton n. m. - - 1.1.1 p, ni.
Arrive from Ktitlinii'l ami I'N'Hcottvlllc
II .: n. in.
Arrive from I'll ti It TihkIii vh, Tlinriliiys
nml Hniiiiiliivn nt 2.: p. m.
Dvpium fur rrcst'iitl villi1, Niitlitncl, I'milr
3.1m ii. in.
office limir T.nnn. m. titH.imp. in.
Money order office oicii frntn T.nn n. in. In
T.:ii. in. UenMcr oltlce open from T.nnn. in.
to p. m.
Lewd M illiln v-4 from T.nn to turn n. in. nnil
frinii I.Mm to s.itii p. in.
i mice iinci sunnily rinm iui uiumii
.1. W. Foist. I'. M
Saturday was pay tiny nt ttn milieu.
A. I'. Kill); 1h tlio postmaster nt
Best BMHIirttllfllt. of lll'ftVJ' ltlMlth tit
Brockwoyvlllo In getting to lie qiiito
a lively town.
Ladles' spring heel all hoIIiI sIiihs
1.00 ut Robinson's.
"Ono of Hit Finest" iilnyetl to n full
house lust evening.
A tuimlHM' of Reynoldsvlllo people
wont to DuDos on Columbia Day.
Henry Rislon has hiiIi! IiIh interest In
tho livery business at Punxsutuwney.
Tho new Presbyterian church nt
Sugar Hill will 1m dedicated in the near
Mrs. tt. T. Dnughcrty guvo n tea
party to her niimeroiiM friends last
Thursday evening.
An Infant mm of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Boody died yesterday afternoon. Will
too burled to-morrow.
Quito a number of country jiooplo
attended tho fiulo of Whlttukor & Heok'B
livery stock Snturduy.
Tho DuBols 7)01(1 Ahr will hereafter
bo published on Friday Instead of
Saturday, oh heretofore
Tho Catholic church nt Adrian will
"bo dedicated next Sunday. A Hpucial
train will bo run from hero.
Tho scmi-unnuul Conference, Clarion
District, of tho M. E. church, in now in
session at Now Bethlehem, Pa.
Thoro will bo a wedding In town this
evening at six o'clock. Rev. II. G.
Furbay will bo tho officiating clergy
man. Nearly fifteen hundred baskets of
grapes wore received by our merchant
within two or three days during tho
past week.
Joseph Shaffer, the expressman, has
boon sorely afflicted during the past
wook with a large boll In clone proximity
to Ms right eye.
Tho Republican marching club of
this place will go to Punxsutawney to
morrow evening to attend the Repub
lican rally at that place.
The chicken and waffle supper given
Id the O. A. R. hall Saturday evening
by the Daughters of Liberty Increased
their exchequer somewhat.
A gentleman from the Capitol of the
United States addressed about one
hundred and fifty people in Centennial
hall one evening last wock In the
Interest of the Peoples party.
On Tuesday, Nov 1st, 1802, Louis
Hetrlck, of Washington township, will
sell, at his farm, live stock, hay, grain,
one hack, one wagon, &c, at public
sale. Sale to commence at 10.00 A. M.
A number of ladies of the elite society
of Brookvllle were allured to Reynolds
vllle last Thursday by an invitation to
participate in the enjoyments of a tea
party given by Mrs. S. T. Daugherty.
The remains of A. W. Lewis, a olgar
maker, who was killed Sunday by
falling off a railroad train near Pitts
burg, were taken through here on the
1.00 P. H. train yesterday for burial at
Some base prevaricator started the
report Saturday evening that Ed.
McKeo, constable of Wlnslow township,
had met a horrlblo death by having his
head out off at Sykesvllle on the B., R.
& P. R'y that evening. The father of
the lie is unknown.
Now that the long evenings are com
ing and we will have to get a supply of
reading matter to pass away the time,
and the next question is, can we read
after night? If not, go to C. F. Hoff
man, the optlclon, and have your eyes
fitted with a pair of his popular priced
glasses and you can road with comfort,
. Charley Cochran, formerly of Reyn
oldsvllle, now an employee of the P. &
E. R. R., 1 an inmate of the Woodslde
Hospital at Kane, fa. Charley was
caught between the bumpers of a train
that was about to leave the Kane yard
oo Monday of last week and had his
right hand smashed and shoulder
Wo received copies of the Hocky
Mountain jVw, The Sun and The
Errning Pott, nil live political pniiein of
I)onvor,Col., loot week from Harry
,T. Cartin, formerly of this pi nee, now of
A Presbyterian congregation in
Pittsburg, looking for a pastor, has Its
gospol-oyo turned towards Brookvllle
where Dr. Conway resides. Whether
the doctor will get a cull and accept Is
one of tho uncertainties.
A statement was made In Tlirc ST A It
several weeks ago that tho output of
coal nt the Spraguo mine had been
Increased three or four tons slnoo
Richard Taaf was put In as initio Isms.
Tho Increase has lieen three or four
hundred, not that ninny tons.
Kev. N. W. Stephens, of DuBols,
the new rector for the Episcopal
congrogut ion at this place and Dullois,
lllli'il the pulpit at KeytiolilHvlllf for tlm
Mrst time Inst Sunday. Ills icoplo
liere are fnvofiilily Impressed with him
and think they will like him.
Kd. C. I'Wis of this plneo Is u great
hunter. lie devotes considerable time
in trapping fur lieur In the vicinity of
Hellezette where he generally sets seven
bear traps and ulsiut fifty or sixty traps
for small game, Mr. Lewis has caught
as high as eleven bruins In one year.
Ho left hew yesterday morning for his
usual hunting grounds.
Snturduy night Michael Devlin, an
employe at the Herwinil-Wlilto shaft at
Dullois, met sudden death by fulling
from the top of the shaft to the bottom.
He had just b.'en drawn out of the pit
and was dizzy and fell out of the bucket
with ulmvo results, lie had been an
etnyloye at Homestead, but on account
of the Inlxir troubles there went to
Dullois about t ho middle of August.
He wuh u young man.
A few of our citizens looked through
bits of smoked glass last Thursday at
tho shadow on tho sun. At one o'clock
a considerable portion of tho great
illuminator of day was eclipsed but
shortly after that hour clouds partially
oliscurod tho sight. They were not
dense enough, however, to totally hide
the sun and through tho "rifts in tho
clouds" occasional glimpses of the
phenomena could bo seen.
Prof. Harry l'attlsim, formerly prin
cipal of tho Ueynoldsvlllo schools, is tho
Democratic nominee for county super
intendent of schools of Whatcom county,
Washington stuto. Tho professor has
the required ability as an educator unci
has hud considerable experience, ho
also has good executive power. There
is no doubt if ho Is elected but what ho
will 1111 the xwltitm creditably und do
excellent work for tho peoplo of that
county. Tho liulptiuhnt of Now
Whltuom speaks in tho most compli
mentary terms of tho ox-Roynoldsvillo
It was rumored that the 7.10 A. M.
train northward bound on the B., R. &
P. R'y was to bo tukon off. Tho report
was a falso one and tho train will be
kept on. Tho 8U')crfluouB train agents,
however, have boon discontinued, which,
by the way, will not lnconvenlonco the
travelling public in tho least. A man
who has served his time as a brakoman
and freight train conductor Is deserving
of all the honor and remuneration
connected with the position of a
passenger train conductor. Thoreforo,
we are glad to see tho B., R. Ic P. R'y
mon get their just dues.
The Beml-annual session of tho Jeffer
son County Sunday School Association,
which was held at Brockwayvllle last
week, had the largest attendance of
delegates of any previous session. The
conventions are usually attended by
ladles. Tho moetlngB will become
more interesting if the peoplo who are
put on the program do not allow little
excuses to keep them away and thus
dissappolnt tboso who do attend.
Persons who promise to take part In
the exercises and allow their names to
be put on the program should not
remain at home and sond in some
trivial excuse.
Manager Reynolds has contracted
with Coh Theodore Hoppenhelraer to
produoe his comedy that has made all
London scream with delight for 300
performances. Most of the London
company will bo in the cast, especially
London's favorite prima donna, Mies
Llllle La Rose. The name of this
comedy is "Widow Murphy's Goat."
It is suld to be a genuine cure for the
blues, There is a laugh In every
situation. Mr. Alfred Kelcy tho young
and talented comedian, has been espec
ially engaged to play the star role
(which, of course, Is a comedy role,)
in this country. Will bo here Nov. 17th.
Joseph MoKornan, baggage master at
the A. V. R'y station, suys the Lord
sent him a pheasant last Tnursduy
evening. Mr. McKornan was handling
some goods at tho station when he
beard a noise above him and a large
pheasant fell at his feet on the platform.
The "Saratoga bouncer" pounced upon
the Innocent bird, jlrked out his kntfo
and made his prey minus its head in a
jiffy. Several boys were out on the hill
above the . station bunting and
frightened the pheasant and in its swift
flight it struck one of the wires near
the station, and that is wh Mr.
MoKernan ate pheasant for dinner on
Columbus Day
' i
Who Werc Theyf
According to a half column artlclo In
tho Falls Crock Ifmtld last Saturday,
two young follows from this placo rode
Into that town on Mustang ponies on
Tuesday of lust wook and their behavior
was anything hut gentlumenly, it was
demoralizing. Tho artlclo would almost
make Innocent peoplo blush to . read
It. Who are tho young men who would
thus bring disgrace tqion our fair town?
Jewish Rite.
A young son was born to Isaac Fisher
who was eight days old lost Thursday.
Rev. Klmlsky, a Jewish butcher, of
I'linxsutawney, who fills tho oflleo of a
rabbi, canto to Reynoldsvlllo on the day
nlsivc mentioned nnd performed a
Jewish rite of Abniliant's time. Ho
nlso killed severul chickens for some of
the Jewish families of this place who
will not eat meat unless It is killed by
their butcher. e
Do You Believe It?
On Columbus Day money did not jingle
III tho Seeley, Alexander A Co. bank,
us it was a legal holiday. The Interior
of tho bank was renovated by a generous
application of Heap, water and muscle.
The cashier, Dr. W. B. Alexander, who
is noted for voracity, says this Is the
first time the room has been cleaned
since Columbus discovered America,
and that ho and Aaron Kodgcrs cleaned
tho riKitn at that time.
Death of A. M. Elder.
At eight o'cliH-k Tuesday morning,
Oetolier "th, the spirit of A. M. Klder
looks its flight into the great beyond.
"Yank," us ho was familiarly known,
was a carpenter und has been In Key n-
olilsvllle eighteen years. Ho has had
pi iiir health for ulsiut five years and
had been an intense sufferer for months.
riiolltliof next month ho would have
been sixty-llvo years old. Tho funeral
services will 1h held ut his late resi
dence at 1.00 l. M. Tmirsduy. Rev.
Dorr, tho Baptist minister, will con
duct tho services.
League Convention.
Tho Kpworth League of tho Clarion
District will hold a convention in tho
M. F.. church at this placo on Wednes
day and Thursday, Nov. 2nd nnd 3rd.
Tho first session oHins ut 2.00 1. M. with
devotional service conducted by tho
District President, Rev. J. C. Gillette,
followed by an address of wolcomo by
Miss Vcrnn K. Bing. Second session
7.30 p. M. Leeturo, followed by social.
Third session 8.00 a. M. Thursduy, and
fourth session at 2.00 v. M. About
twenty Chapters will bo represented
and the program indicates that tho
convention will ho an Interesting ono.
Married at Brookvllle.
Hood Knox, who has lieen working
for Deiblo Bros, for a number of years,
and Miss Annie K. Morrison, only
daughter of Joseph Morrison, of Grant
street, left Reynoldsvlllo last Wednes
day morning for Brookvllle whoro they
wero granted license and tho marriago
ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W.
Blaisdoll, pastor of tho M. E. church at
the county seat. They have since boon
enjoying a wedding tour. Mr. Knox Is
a sober and industrious man and his
bride Is a quiet, unassuming lady, both
highly respected by all tholr acquaint
ances. There was not much ado about
tho wedding. The twain quietly hlod
themselves away without making known
their Intention to many peoplo. We
extend congratulations and hope that
as thoy sail life's troublod sea that
contentment may abldo with thorn evor.
. Three Ribs Broken.
Joseph Schreckongost, who lives noar
Grove Summit, hold a note against
George Preston, of Rockdalo Mills, and
as the note was past due, the holdor
of the note thereof went to Rockdalo
Saturday forenoon to see about getting
his money. He found Preston In the
barnyard and stated his business.
Words between thorn were not of a
love-making kind and tho first thing
Mr. Schreckongost knew he was
stretched out on mother earth recoiving
a gonerous application of hard kicks.
Preston hit his man a tremendous blow
on the left side of his head and fell him
to tho ground knocking him Insensible
and was playing mule when his victim
reoovored from tho blow. Schrecken
post's condition was such that Dr.
Cooloy, of Boochtroe, was called and
found his putlont with three broken
ribs and othorwlse badly used up.
Both Formerly of this Place.
Mrs. L. W. Showers, wife of Rov.
Showers, of Sherrett, Armstrong
county, died at her home Tuesday
evening of last week of heart failure.
Rov. Showers with his throe children
and the remains of his wlfo, came to
Reynoldsvlllo Thursday evening, stayed
ovor night with friends and resumed
their journey "to Gratztown, Duuphln
oounty, Pa., Friday morning where the
deceased's parents live and where her
remains will bo interred. The bereft
and the deceased both lived in Reyn
oldsvlllo In tonner years. Rev. L. W.
Showers, who was at one time a school
teacher in this place, is now a
Methodist Episcopal minister statlonod
at Sherrett. Mrs. Showers, whose
maiden name was Clara'Laudunslager,
lived with her parents in the building
that was known as the Gillespie house
on the present site of the Ross House,
Our Schools Celebrated.
Whllo there was no public demon
stration here on Columbus Day, yot the
patrotlo teachers of tho borough
sohools, and no less patriot lo pupils
thereof, did not let tlve day pass Into
the annals of time unnoticed. Tho
rooms of tho school building were nicely
decorated and a careful and appropriate
program was arranged and nil tho
participants wero to good spirits nnd
did their best to mako tho exorcise on
the dny that marked tho four hundredth
anniversary of the grout event In
American history, pnmi to bo a success,
and their efforts wore not In vain.
Whllo tlm Interior nt the temple of
lenrnlng was decorated with stars and
stripes and beautiful pictures and the
grand old Hag Utittered In tho breeze
from tho dome, the Jubilant scholars
miiilo tho halls ring with music and
eloquence ns they sang their thrilling
songs nnd recited tlkoir selection for
tho esM'clal isfaslnn. It was patent
that day that there is talent, if It diss
not remain dormant, In our public
schisils to send out Into tho world
sllvery-tongued orators and elocut ionists
of repute, of which Hcynolilsvtllo might
claim and ho proud of them. We lire
unahlo to give the mimes of all who
took part In the exercises In tho various
rooms, yet wo have been informed that
all, from tho oldest to the youngest, did
exceedingly well, and that all lire
deserving of credit. The program was
so arranged that the exorcises in nil
tho rooms were finished at the same
time und the school dismissed together.
Decayed Bone Removed.
William Nugent, son of Michael
Nugent of tills place, returned homo a
few days afo from New York where ho
had lieon to undergo an operation to
save his right arm. Mr. Nugent had
his arm injured when u lucre lad and
has lieen troubled more or less with it
for ten your. Lust fall ho went to
tho West 1 Vim hospital ut I'lttsburg
for trout niont. A portion of tho bono
Is'twoen tho elbow and shoulder was
found to bo decayed. After three
o)' rations ho was informed at tho West
I 'elm that amputation of the arm was
tho only remedy, which ho would not
submit to. IIo enmo homo und tho
latter part of Juno went to tho
Belloviow hospital at New York. An
oHratlon was thoro performed which
will doubtless prove a success. Tho
elbow joint ami four inches of Initio
above it wero taken out. Mr. Nugent
has a good grip In tho right hand and
ci in stoop down and lift ono hundred
and fifty pounds. Ho cannot raise his
hand much higher than his hip without
getting his arm In a swinging motion
and then he can raise It to his fuco
nnd has control of It after getting it
up. Tho urrn is worth mora to him
than a dozen wooden arms. Tho doctor
tells him his arm will got stronger ufter
being used for awhile.
Mr. Nugent says ho has heard muny
peoplo oompluln about the treatment
received at hospltuls. IIo has only kind
words to say for such places.
Death of Two Infants.
Ruth, llttlo daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
D. R. Cochran, took sick Friday
morning of last wook and died at 11.40
P. M. Saturday, Oct. 22, 1802. The
silicon tnroad or life was brokon after an
earthly existanco of three months and
three days. Rev. E. T. Dorr conducted
tho funeral services at the home of the
bereaved parents Monday afternoon and
tho little remains were burled in the
new cemetery. Tho following lines
were handod us from the mother
with a request that they be added to
this notice:
Our sweet flower has drooped nd faded,
OurHweet Infant's voice has tied.
Our fair brow tho Knive has shadowed,
Our Uuur little loved imu la dead.
Yot we feel no thmiKlit of simIiiom
V'nr our durllnii In nufe above
BlniflriK with the glorious unicels
In ttiut happy land of love.
Adeline, a little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Chambers, aged eight
months and nineteen days, diod of
cholera lnfuntura at 1.00 a. M. Thursday,
Oct. 20th, and was burr led in the
Syphrlt cemetery Friday forenoon.
Rev. P. J. Slattery conducted tho
funeral services.
You Can't Afford It. ,
The Exprcmi, a bright, newsy evening
paper of Lock Haven, truthfully says:
"You can't afford to go away from
home to buy when your wants can be
supplied as cheaply and well by your
neighbors and friends. If you need a
llttlo favor you can't afford to go away
from homo, and can't expect some one
you simply know to gratify your desire.
In case you engage in an enterprise you
can't afford to go out of town to have
it sustained. Get what you can
encouraged to the extent of your ability,
and do all In your power for home
enterprise, development and comfort,
and enjoy profitable and gratifying
Railway Notice.
The stockholders of the Roynoldsvllle
& Rathmel Electric, Railway company
will please pay in ten por cent, of their
stock subscribed to E. Noff, treasurer,
and thus comply with the act of
assembly. By ordor of the Directors.
F. K, Arnold, Pres.
For Runt Two store rooms 20x80
feet opposite Hotel Belnap. Enquire
of J. H. Corbett
Flag Raising, Patriotic Speaking;, National
Songs, Ac, Ae.
Tho four hundredth anniversary of
the discovery of America was celebrated
by tho patriotic citizens of Rathmel In
a belltttiig manner, Nat tiro approved
of the celebration by giving ono of
her beautiful autumnal dnys. A stiff
breeze blow wh ich made the stars nnd
stripes that wero unfurled show off In
all their splendor. Tho Patriotic Order
Sons of America, No. fll)2, of Rathmel,
did honor to itself by being tho
Instigator of tho grand demonstration
and presenting tho Dean nnd Rathmel
schools each with a beautiful flag. The
Camp had prepared for tho day's
exercises nn excellent program which
was enjoyed by n largo crowd of people.
Three lodges of Kcynotdsvillo swelled
tho ranks. Tlm Sr. O. U. A. M., Jr. ().
U. A. M. and ii. A. It. Post formed In
lino here nod marched to Sarah's
crossing, at tho suburlm of Katlitnel,
and was thoro met by the Hathinel
Camp and school children nnd all
marched to tho Dean school house
where tho days doing's commenced.
Following is a program of the exercises
of the forenoon: Singing, "Red, White
and Blue:" reading the President's
message: raising ling; three cheers;
firing salute by (. A. .; saluting Hag
by tho school and singing "America;"
prayer by Rev. . D. Still lor; song by
choir, "Four Hundred Iff ars Ago;"
patriotic address by W. W. Ames, Esq.,
of Brookvllle; response by Prof. A. T.
Smitten. The lino was again formed
und marched to tho Kuthmcl school
house where an excellent dinner had
Is'cii provided sufficient to appease tho
apMitltes of almost seven hundred
hungry men, women and children.
Tho afternoon exercises nt Hatlimel
o)Hned with u song by tho school, "Red,
Whllo and Blue," then a bountiful flag
was rulsed over tho school house and
fluttered in tho stiff breeze while a
lurgo crowd gazed upon it with
admiration. Tho O. A. R. men fired a
salute anil the throng joined In singing
"Sweet Lund of Liberty;" prayer was
offered by Rov. Dean: tho choir sung
"Columbia, Our Columbia," und Rev. J.
J. Kerr, of Jirookvlllo, delivered nn
eloquent und appropriate address. John
W. Philllppl, Democratic candidate for
Assembly, in bohulf of the school
directors of Winslow township, thanked
tho Camp for tho flag and tho coplo
for their manifestations of enthusiasm.
The choir sang a closing piece and thn
people turned their faces homeward
weary after tho day's pleasure, yet
rejoicing because they live in the
"Lund of tho Free." Tho Rathmol
Cornet band furnished music for tho
Birthday Surprise.
Mrs. D. M. Dunsmoro, who Is an
active member in throe lodges of Reyn
oldsvlllo, tho Guiding Star, W.R.C. and
Daughters of Liberty, and has numerous
friends outside of these lodges, was
honored with a birthday surprise party
Monday evening. She was duped into
spending tho afternoon and taking
supper with Mrs. John Trudgen. Mr.
Trudgen wanted to see Mr. Dunsmoro
about some musio matters that evening
and proposed to his wlfo that she go
along and they would accompany Mrs.
Dunsmoro homo. Mrs. Trudgen played
her part well, but was finally persuaded
to go. Mrs. Dunsmoro was so decoyed
that her house was crowded with
friends before she could comprehend
the situation. Tho ladles carried
baskets with them, and cake, coffee,
fruit, &o., wore served before the party
disbanded. A birthday party implies
tokens of friendship and this one was
no exception to the rule, for Mrs.
Dunsmore Is now tho happy possessor
of a beatlful silver tea set, silver butter
dish, silk umbrella, linen table cloth
and a linen dolly. The number present
were eighty-one. A representative of
The Star called at an early hour the
morning after the party and found Mrs.
Dunsmore greatly elated over the
surprise and presents from hor host of
An Old Patriarch Cone.
Sharp McCreight, who was born In
Armstrong county, Pa., and at about
the age of thirty-two came to Jefferson
county and for sixty years has been a
farmer of Wipslow township, died at
Marlon, Indiana county, Pa., Saturday
morning, Oct. 22nd, at the advanced age
of seventy-eight years. The deceased
become a' resident of Paradise Settle
ment in 1832 where he resided until
last fall when he moved to Marten.
Mr. McCreight was one of a family of
seven boys and six girls. Two brothers,
Thomas and John McCreight, are now
highly respected farmers of Paradise
Settlement. Four brothers, four sisters,
four sons, two daughters, and his widow
survive him. Mr. McCreight was an
honest, upright gentleman and bad
many friends In this vicinity where he
spent so many years. James A.
and William McCreight and Mrs. Geo.
Warnlck, of this place, are his chil
dren. The deceased was a member of
the United Presbyterian church. The
remains of the old patriarch were laid
beneath the sod at Elderton, Pa.,
yesterday to await the resurrection
We will sell lime by the load at 10
cents a bushel. J. C. King & Co.
J. L. Ewlng was In I'lttsburg last
Rev. T. Brady wont to Plttaburg this
Dr. B. E. Hoovor was In ritltihurg
lust week.
Mrs. D. M. Dunsnsnro wr in Pitts
burg lost wock. V
Miss Llzcin Bono visited friends at
Dullois last woekv
Mrs. R. L. Miles' visited friends at
I )u Mills last wenkv
Thomas Tapper- took In the racoa at
I Uil g way lust week.
J. I Jones, of Fhlls Crook, was In
Reynoldsvlllo Saturday.
Thus. W; Jl nkins, of Lindsey, Pa.,
spent Sunday in this placo.
Mrs. Harry Wulson is visiting friends
at Clarion and other places.
(1. W. Fuller, tho wag, made a
business trip to Coal (!len last week.
Edward Sehultze, tho heavy-weight
butcher, was in Pittsburg lost wock.
Miss Lydln Fotist, of Brookvllle,
visited friends in this plneo loft week.
Mrs. Win. F. Schultzo visited hor
brother nt DuBols during tho past
J. S. Ross, postmaster nt Richmond,
I'a., visited friends hero during the
Mrs. E. C; Honour ssint Sunday In
Dullois with her sister, Mrs. A. ' P.
Miss Lizzie Rottc, of Pansy, Pa., has
boon visiting her sister, Mrs. M.
Miss Ethel Bonney, of I'linxsutawney,
visited friends In Roynoldsvillo during
tho past week.
Mrs. W. P. Vising, of Clarendon, Pa.,
Is visiting her purents, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Isaac Cochran.
Mr. nnd Mrs. nurry Ktuuffor, of
'iinxsutuwney, wero visitors at D. B.
Stuuffer's Sunday.
D. B. Helnor, of Klttanuing, Repub
lican candidate for Congress, was in
town last evening.
Mrs. C. W. Brumbaugh Is visiting
friends and relatives in Clarion and
Armstrong counties.
Mrs. Lester Myors, of Punxsutawney,
was tho guest of Mrs. C. Mitchell
several days last wock.
Miss Maggie Buzzard, of Now Bethle
hem, was tho guest of Mrs. David Roll
several days last week.
Miss Blancho Emery, of Brookvllle,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. U. G.
Schcafnocker, at this place.
Miss Myrtle Bloom, who Is attending
schisil ut Punxsutawney, was at home a
few days during tho post week.
Walter Scott, of Portland Mills, Elk
county, circulated among his numerous
Itoyuoldtfvlllo friends lost week.
Wm. Sch worn and wife, of DuBols,
visited his brother, Jacob Eehvem, at
his farm borne near thi.i plaoe yester
Mrs. John M. Hays returnod Monday
from a two wooks' visit with Mr. Hays'
mother at Rural Valley, Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. H. Plyler, a newly
married couple of Brookvllle, were
guests at Wesloy Mutter's several days
lost week.
Rov. J. L. Ewlng, r,f the Allegheny
Seminary, preached at Cool Spring
Sunday and visited relatives at this
plaoe Monday.
Mrs. Weed, of Weedville, Pc, mother
of A. B.Wood, the trait dispatcher, and
M. E. Weed, clerk In superintendent
Rumsey's office, is visiting ter sens.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Eauni of Lmrlck
ville, tarried In Reynoldsvllle over
Sunday on their return trip from
Philadelphia and other eaaiei-n cities.
Joseph Wilt, who intended going to
Beebe, Station, White county, Ark., on
Thursday of last week, postponed hi
journey until Monday of this v.eek on
account of being very 111 the day he
was to have gone.
Victor Westlngburg, rrho has been a
resident of Reynoldsvllle for sometime,
has moved his family to Kane. Mrs.
Westlngburg and children left here
lost Wednesday afternoon. The town
has lost an industrious man.
Rufus Kirk, M. J. Farrell and wife,
Miss Mabel Sutter, Samuel Sutter and
daughter, Miss Mamie, were at Punx
sutawney Monday evening attending
the bauquet given by the Royal
Arcanum lodge of that place.
John C. Consor and Tom Green,
proprietors of Hotel Belnap, and Alex.
Riston, the cigar manufacturer, were in
the deep, dense forest tear Deguan &
McDonald's lumber camp at Green
Briar last Friday on a hunting expedi
tion. E. E. Dunn, a train dispatcher of
Susquehanna, with his family, is visiting
his brother-in-law, A. P. Haruman.
Mr. Dunn and Mr. Kardman went to
Degnan & McDonalb's camp at Green
Briar, on the North Fork, Monday
morning for a few days' hunting.
C. R. Hall, of Brookvllle, at one time
engaged In the planing mill business
at this place in the mill that stood on
the corner of Main and First Sts., de
stroyed by fire a number of years ago,
was in Reynoldsvllle yesterday. This
was his first visit to this town in many
years and he notes a great change lo
the place,