J 9 r LATER NEWS WAIFS. Perrelnry of War Klklns In resting at Wheeling. W. Vs. He tins not yet fully re roveml from the ' mini k of illness with which he w as seized tome wwki nun. and fur thnt reason did not attend the t'ultinilms demonstration In Chicago. At rincervllle, CI., nn entire hlock was humeri. AmonR the property di-strnyed is n two-story hotel owned by A. Miersou; o two-story Inline building owned by Louis luusi. eontiilninu two saloons, thn livery edible of ,1. t'. (tei'hi'lii and tmtili other lnierty. During a TtrptililiRin rally at Kmnoria, Kan., b I inn lit ii tni rt ntid I'utiilly Injured two lin n, John Kownlskl, who lind both Html Mown olT, ami I nn Ailnir, who hud hi riRlit linnil blown off. A notiro Inn been pitted In tlie(!rm mine tunml, Wiiliiiee. Idaho, ly n b ind of nrmed 1:1' ii, to tl.c i n,".t 1 1 1 lit 1..VHI pound of .lant poivd"r, already in the mine, would he ex ploded before the end of the monili. The notice eoneiuiliil: "If wn inn't work in ttie mint t no one else shall." (.'oliferi nie by wire between the chief of the teleuraplieM and the nlllrliils of Hi Atchison and Topikn Mint, has reunited ill a settlement , and the strike Is I'lided. I' ivo iliiye hud cost the railroad company 1 .VI,. tKK. The Missouri, Kansas und Texas railroad Company hns (jlven em:!i family of tb miirdHred ritizensof l.'oflevvllle. Knn., H, UrO and divided t 1,000 amoiii; live other de fenders ol the town against C'C Dnllnti Kiu.fr. A dispatch from i 'alcntta says Hint the present U'B crop in Hie Assam valley Is the (honest on record. The decrease in the out-tarn, compared with thnt of 1MH, Is up ward of 3,01X1,000 pounds. linin is much wanted. At Vancouver, )t. P.. all the newspapers have suspended p'lb'icntion tenipoiiii ily. in consequence of an arbitrary demand on the part of the printers for an inrrtusn of w.ices, l'onr children of ,Toh Matthews, near riaremont. S. ('., were burned to a crisp. The parents had been at church and had locked the children in the house, which Caught Cic. Hio 11101 in Itvi.y. According to a re port on the Italian harvest, all the crops are above the average with the exception of bar ley, which is slightly below tho average. The yield of w heat is 12,."in,tslii busels, the average yield beiim IiJi.iss),Oi) binhfls. The fruit crops uro all uiiove the average in yield. The weather has been wintry throughout the midland and northiveteru of (ireal I Itritain. Hnow fell in the central part. The many deaths from diphtheria in ! Tllifiiln IJnni I l.nrn lij l.t nn in val! t. i, ! by the State lloiird ol Health. Dr. Kl.-hir has found that the ice used in the city con tains Impurities to an nlnriiiing decree. Owing to the lack of a sewerage system the lute rains in Secetres, Texas, have been followed by a vis tutiou of typhoid lever. One hundred and thirty people have died there from the lever within a week, and it chows no sign of uhatement. Fifty-three bodies have been recovered from the wreck of the steamer llokhaia on the Pescadores islands. A granary on a (J rent Ford T.liicolnshire farm (near London) collapsed and killed four persons. While Mrs. Micheal llane was attending the Columbus exercises at Savannah, Minn., her house was burned to the ground with two children, one four years old, whom she had locked in. While crossing Klliot's Ferry, near Mar (hall, Texas the rope broke i nd tcven ne groes were thro an into the river and drown ed. At HL Joseph, Mo., J. 1 Park had his bead rut off by an engine wliirli ran him down in the switch yard-. I'urk was a well-known horseman of Aver, la. Fire destroyed the Hamburg-American J'acket Company's warehouse at Hamburg. The loss is 580,000 mirks with an insur ance of uVkO.ouil murks. Wharf steamers nd docks were damaged to the extent of 80,000 murks. Five Villages Wlpsd Out. ..Five villages mar Kutais in Transcau casia have been destroyed by an earth quake. Many lives are reported to have been lost. No fur the bodies of 'J7 persons have been recovered from the ruins of dwellings and other buildings. It is lieliev ad that uiuny more bodies will be found. THE NATIONAL GAME. Kew York his rjleasej Tiernan, Fuller od Muiie. Emxa has about ontUvoi bis usefulness In Near York. Th indoor baseball season has openej at Ht. faul, Mian.. . . lit thaseconi season Clevsland tbrasheJ Ciaainaati tiva times. Dotlc playei during ths last hilt in six positions tor the Near Yorkv Mc'Cartht was the only Boston player who play si in every gam this year. Kelly has been relucad to ths ranks and ItcC .irtoy now captains the Bo.tou. All Northern Ohio is rsjjiolng witb Cleveland ovjr tbe ;iiders' " tuoooai. Tn ourUilmeat of the p'arlni siason next year was a move in tbs nzbt diraotioit. Oanzel wai tbs only Boston plavsr who made a oatting avarage of .UJJ in tus sjo oni season. Battin, after twenty-flvi years on thi ball tield, has gone back to bit old trade as a bricklayer. Yorjjto pitchel wondsrful ball for ths Cleve aud. iu tbe escjai union. His work was of tua siuis regular orJor day attar day. AK80K says baseball will list as Ions ai Aiueriou, auJ no otber soorc can sjp.uaut it. He also loon for a renewal iu inturst Uext aeaaon. Frcsiocnf Evnxc comiivn Daly, ol Brooklyn, tus bc all-round player on ta diamond to-lay. Uebas bia playinj seojud Lass lua rjjuiar. I'm Brat game ot ths championship saris, between ttie tioitont, victors in tbe first bait, an 1 tkia Cleveland, winner, in ths raconl half, resulted in alevsa-luulu di-aw. BxcKLtr, ot fittsburg, hid qussr ex perwno. He tried to hunt a ball ua Brir ostein and fouled it in'atowu faos. lis bad his iipcutso ba.tr No bs.swei nn. Tebeau bad bis u la lu ltiJJ la , prteMuy tbs ssviua ui HWSEY GLEANINGS. 1 nt potato crop Is not up to the ataodr.r.1. Kansas it having another plajus of grass popperr, 'l rkrc nrj r.X) charitable cr;unir.atlons in II w York City. Hot-sin Washington hart been Injured by tent caterpillar. ISTAHironrj, Conn., has Just celebrated Uer 2'. 111! anniversary. Hxl-onr ma'te it appear that gooJ cimb boiidy will bj scaro. Thb fruit crop of Bonthem Cslifccnls. Is estimated this year at tHJilJ.OU). A mm iron shattered ft tritilnilU near tllnrkpolnr, Col., a tew days rigo. Tim ear fauilns contlnins In the West mvin to the linniensj grata crop, TliF.ne hire been 1T.W1 caesnf cholera In It miiMiiy, Uermaiiy, Willi l.VJs deatiis. A ikw livinnal hn bn a lopted by the F.piwojiat (ioneral Couveu'.loii at Ualtiuiore, Ml. r- ini'RKs fr im Huron In llosta the grain yiel i auuiic tltteeu p.-r cent, uUer than lasc 5 ear. 1'LRcriAsKr.a have ten found for man v at tun .Mauacau-ettJ turuis leiioit.l a sunn lone I. 1 UK llrst dl-covery of a comt by photor rnpny has liecu lunile at L.cic (iotrvatoryt tu California. Homk of the new s'ilp of ths ITnlteil States Navy are to Lava three euiotfestacai, eacti 10J leer. Di;b. Ax epic Kitic of midn?ss has sslcd large heels Ok ctttlt iu tluines To'Vu-hio, Iowa, in 1 many liave died. 'fnu tax collector of New York City toois In .",isni,( I in iw.i Ii mrs aiu a hall on the lost nay tor payment. Twit storage battery system Is to be adopie 1 on the Hec aid avenue striet ran lo in, New York C.tv . POSTMASTKR UKNKHAt. WAXAMAKKR has furim'le Kst nasters tu turuisii uaiues aiu adriressei to advertiser'. Tiik Unite I Ktat?s cruiser Boston has ben nileiel to reinniii at Honolulu until tils iiawuiiau trouble Is setticJ. SkwYom;- Board or Rstlmates tl(ture out tuat it will cost ItO.UOn.oju to cany on the city goveruinsnt III lM:t. (tnt.o Im been found near Frankenber, In Hssse, IVustia, near the old got I mines tv.iicu were in operation a ttiousaud years ugo. AosKon tin t'n.t'l Statos e-uls ir New Vor hns lieen iHsyed ty tlie lai.iic ot tna Uainegie Co.upnny lloiue-tad, I'euu., to iifliTr tlu eijiit'jea-iuuj armor lor hjr barbettes. Amkricax interests in tin (lllturt Islanis nn mill' -ring sine the raisin r oi tlu Hntis i Mu.-. Hu'.inl lilanders arj syst3inaticilv i nvive i ami sol liiit) praciicit s.avory In Houth Aiu?c.ca. The total ciearinsi ot tiis slxtv-ane cities iv'.nc i have I'leai'in h ti lor tits lima liioiirtis eii'iina Sfptj.otiir III lo it n i 4"i, an increase of fl.H)l,:l!';.:i)l us tmi'iai'dl witli ths co.Tetpo.i daj pjrijJ of Vs. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Tames O. Bt..viX3 now tips tbi scales at w pounds. jukTIcb Lamar, of ths 1'nitl States Su preme Court, is ahuist a carjnij invalid. TneEarlof Uunraven.lt is anuoinics-1, will be the next cuallengar for tn Ameri can cup. Kev. Dn. Hosfmav, who owns the Hofl". man House, Nw Yora City, is the ricnesc v eryinan in the world. Kaiher William, of Rwmanv, is only thirty-two year, md, tbou.ii already tue lather of seven clnl Iran. PRF.stnEVT Mcl.K n Insists that every let. terreceiveil at the Kil ling lliilrotd otli.n nail be amwerel on t ie dav its arrival. Miss Louisr Imotex Giixiv has b."i roteii 10(l by the ald-rmen of Hoiton f ir a poem in comiastnoratlonot tieneral William T. Sherman. QrcK llgasxr CHStsTitA, otKpiinhss consent I to stand as go lmotbsi' o.' t ie naiuhter born a sbort tirua ao to ths Im rial House of ijjnujuy. DzWitt, the newiy apooint3l Riitsian Minister of Kinanc, was rlfleen years a; a mere village st ttion master on tne railroad line from KierT to Odessa. The Cur of K isia has reemtly founl time to b'couie iuteretta l in t;i g inn o." cricket, anl has ornnir.ri tw.i elevu amonz tbeynun; men ot bis court. Ji l.ts Vinvc, the Freucb novelist, so far from Iwing an athlete, as hs has bsen cillei, is a cripple and limps sadly. This is the remit ot a shot fru the revo'.vjr ot ail iuiane nepuew. A TOfCHixo fivatura of ths Tennvson fu neral, iu Westminster Ahby, I. mtlon, was the many Horal trihutei from the lowiy, showin; the pjimlsr e.te n in which tue dead poH was held. BRSCKtN'Rtnas, of Ksntuoiy.says Ssnator Hill, ot A'eiv Yor. is the only puolio p:k. er he knows "who is imoatient to beg.n his )ccll who can loik his ou.lienca rquaroly in tlie fucj at tne v,-ry start and open witn out elllbarrassnlent.,, Caid Maclkax, the presmt C'jmman ler-in-Uhif ot the Moorish army, is an Knglisii man. and was fnriuarly a siioa'.tei'n Iu tb. .Sixty-ninth reilment of the llritis i army. which be left some yan a;o t j take serv.c i under tlie K:nperor ai Morocco. Mihs Kosx L'OuvEHruns, a granddaugh ter and the only living dejnmdaut ot tb great Havtian sol Iter, llve in tae village o.' Hoirac, Kraucj. 8 is is sixty-nina years old ani depmdent upon an annual piusiou of M10 oaid bar by tae (iov jrn.nuut. Loin Herscbell, ths new Lor J Cianoe! hr of Great bVitsiu, and inouoibent ot t lat oflloe uuder Oladstoae'a last administration before tbis, is not directly descsndeJ from the great catronomtrs wtio bora that name, but is of the sains family. Tbs Her.cjells are of lieruian or;;iu. PdiNcxa Victoria, of HawsJi, will visit the United States auJ ths World's Fair in 111, r.turniugto Honolulu in time to cele brate ber eighteenth birth lay. Ojtoosr lo, when "lbs will becsins elijibl to nuuuu the duties of her poiition as heir apparent ta tb Uiroas of Hawaii." On Hundred and 8lxty Perished. A Shanghai dispatch to London paper says i60 persons pel isfied when tbe steamship Bokhara wus wrecked. Among the victims were twenty passengers. Dr. Lawson and Lieut. Markhan, two of tbe pa'sengers. were saved. Five commissioned officers and three sergeants who bad been detailed for duty at the British garrison at Hong Kong, were ra'-'nu those who found a watery grave. Franoe'a Cholera R-oord, Dr. Brouursel reports that the outbreak ol cholera in Marseilles resulted from the pol lution ot drinking water with sewerage. Measures have been taken to remedy tb defect. The total number of ileuths from Cholera lu Fiance sinus April Is 3,184. 17 A 7-ykau-oi.i) highwayman, Herbert En ben, of Camden, N. J was sent by Judge Miller lo tbe Huts Jtcform school. Tbe boy had made a habit of holding up school children und steuling their wnnics and toys. Two crowds collided on the gangway ol tbesteamablp City of New York atib Liv erpool dock. Many persons were thrown Into tb water, but ouly out Ufa wm lost I THE LABOR WOBLD. TnriCBLE la feareil amonr striking coal miners and glass workers tn France. Thr wage of the CIiIpso Seamen's Union base been ralssd from ft.R ) to H a day, TfiERR are said lo he fewer suicides among miners than among any otber class ot work men Kxnt.AXD bad 3V.) strikes during the lat ten month", mot of them for a reJuctlon of the hours or labor, 8ot;iAMM In Berlin. 0rminv, ars try ing to secure control of ths omnibus and tramway employes, Joiim Kixsella, a locomntlv engineer, ws nominnrd for Assmbly at Uosbeu, Y., by the Democrats. Driveii on Kngllsii stre?t etrs berln nt a little over a dollar a day and conductors at seventy-five cents a day. Labor organisations are to male a strong protest against tin l'.niiisylv.inia Ktilrotid's nttltu le ajaliHt tlii unijtis. The cihint milcrs of Cinclnna', O'.i'n, have minced their hours from t?u to nine per day in several lar. j i factories. The I'iiil i.lpl'ioin le'ter parrlers deinin I a if.lui'tion o: wirkint hour. 'I h?ir locil union has a :ue.no.'i-.uip o.' nboiit four hun dred. Mo:iK nnnns nn I children nre employe I in tliehnl- naUing iu lintrv of liermsny than men, the I'ltler's niiiiiner b-lng 4171, while 4!'.ki women and ciiildivn work at tue trade. Br adopting tie rcferen Imn system the Bi otherhiHil of Mi-iliii v Moulders is now ensblil lo amend Its constitution and elect ofiicers without holdui expensive auiiuil conventions The demsnd for skilled Inbur In the naner. haulers, elsntrio w.rs men. stea-nflller.s roofers and other trades Is very brik, an I there is not ail Ills man in New York City who is a 1400J wji'ltmaii and belongs to it union. At the Llanclly (Wnlesl Conner works em ployers dn.luct oiie eant per wsec tor coffins iiitende.l for the work'iien. but before the relatives or a desd man c in get the cortln they have to pay ahou"; one dollar for trim mings. Til operators In Ilia employment of the Baltimore anIOiil'j telazraphic service have demanded an increase of w itbs on a gradu ated scale tor train dispatchers an Increase of twenty dollars n month; copy operator., tllteen ilollcrs, and statiou operators, ten dollars. Th stagnation In th shipbuilding trad on the Cyde, in Hcotland, is appareurly mosc serioiH. Tue North British Daily M iil estimates tnat there arj at presfiit lieta veil lllasgow mid lireenock over l.l.isi) men out of work, every one of tliim willing to ac cept any ncupation that might orTr al though ssille I workmen at their trades. MAUKhTS. i-irixi'i'iui. TIIH W'llol.rsl I: l l:lrl- AUK 11IVKS IIKI.OW. IIIMN. I U It'll AMI I'I.e.ll. WHKAT-No. i lied ;n 0 I 00 "II 77 ,M M Xi lit r.i fij Cii M :t8 3'i 87 : ;i7 Sa ; an 05 m Hi .IB 4 10 4 75 4 73 0 00 4 30 4 . It ,rXI 8 75 4 110 4 T 1:1 fXI 14 00 1 1 00 12 50 II (Ml U 50 10 (S) IH 00 (I .V) 7 00 ;i h no !l 00 20 0) 17(0 1M01 lo AO 111 00 I I 50 1H 00 SO J5 Ti 11 -a 12 14 H 12 10 K 10 11 14 15 13 14 11 12 I.ES. a 00 2 50 I .vi 2 00 1 1SI 2 00 101 1 70 A 4 1 00 1 50 2 0 J 1 2) I 4.1 73 1 00 frt 70 0 '15 No. 3 Bed Cll!N No. Yellow cur... llii'li Mixed car Mixed ear Miellcd Mixed OAi.S-o. 1 White Vo. 2 W1.il.-. No. While Mixed ItYK-N... 1 I'u .V Ohio.... No. 2 Wctern, New FI.OI'll Fancy winter p..t' Fancy Spring p items Faiii'V Straight winter.... NXX" linker Hve Flour HAY Ikiled No. I limy.. Baled No. '.' Timothy Mixed lover Tiinoiliv from countrv... STIIAW Wheat SO (lats FFKD No. I Wh Md V T lllown Middlings Bran Chop i.aiiiy I'lionrrrs. BCTri'.r. F.lgin t'reumcry Fancy Cicjinery Fiincv country roll Choice country roll J.ow gride .V-'cooking.... CiliF.SK 11 New cr'm mild New York lhslieii Wisconsin Swiss bricKa.. Wisconsin Swc.ter 1 jiiihurger 1 III IT AMI VIOITAIll.CS. Ari'LI-S-Fintcy. V bid... Fair to clioii-e. V bid.... BF.ANS Select. V leu 1'a.V () lleana, V bbl Mini Beans, ONIONS Yellow darners V tin.... Yellow onion, V bid fpxnii.li, V crate rABBAUK New V crate... l'HTATOKS- Fiincy While mt hu Choii o Bed per lui rot'i.riiY Kit. DliSKD CHICK F.NS- V lk Dressed ducks Jtl Dressed turkevs ' II. L1VK l llll Kl'.NS Live Spring chickens if pr Live Ducks V pr..... Live (Iccse V pr Live Turkevs yn F.litiS I'u A Ohio fresh.... FKATlIF.ItS- l.xtra livetiecso V ft. No 1 Kxlra live g.vsc'if lb Mixed . . .. . . MW'M.LtNlOi;. TA LLOW-Counlry, e lb . . . Citv 8KF.DS: W est Meil'iii clo'er Mammoth Clover.; Tiiuuthy prime Timothy choice Blue gruss Orchard gruss Millet Buckwheat KAOS Countrv mixed ... IIONF.Y White clover.... Buckwheat 13 14 12 . 13 17 18 no m 4u m 70 75 IK 14 10 20 50 Is) 4S 50 26 85 4 5 1 50 7 75 1 1M1 1 9.'. 2 00 2 K 1 75 1 no l 40 1 n 1 17 10 12 15 C1MIS.NATI. FLOUR WHKAT-No. Ucd HYK-No. 2 COUX-Mixed OATS KOOS BUTTKIt 12 50(3 3 55 71 M 4N :i2 10 jo I'llll.AUI.I.I'lllA. FLOl'R J3 40(3 i 65 WHKAT-N'cw No. 2. Bed.. Ti 74 CORN No. 2, Mixed 4H 4tt OATS No. 2, White 88 Ml BITTER Creamery F.xtru. 24 25 FPUS l'a Firsts.. 22 KKWVOIIK. FLOl'R-ratcnts 4 50 WHKAT No. 2 Red 77 ltYK Western 04 CORN rngraded Mixed 40 OATS Mixed Western 84 lirn'KR Creamery 15 EUOH State and I'euu 10 6 00 7d (16 50 36 18 I.IVK-STOrK HKlDlir. EAST L1UKKTV, rllTSIIVK'J STOCK VAU1. CATTLE. Prime Steers $ 4 40 to 4 00 Fairtoliood 4 15 to 4 K0 Common 3 25 lo 8 75 Bulls and dry cone INI to 8 25 Veul Calves 1 0)10 U 25 llinvv rough calves 3 60 to 3 50 Fresh" cows, ier head. . . ... 20 00 to 50 00 ' HIIKKl', PrimeO.. to lOft-Ih sheep.... 4 ftl to 4 M Coiiimou 70 10 75 tb sheep... 8 00 to 8 50 IjiiiiIw. 5 00 to 6 00 nous. Philadelphia hogs $ 4 85 to 4 00 Corn Yorkers 4 50 to 4 00 liouglis , I Mto 4 21 Ttie Rpeed nf (he Trotter. Thirty years bro two mlnuto and forty geccfidg was regarded a tho ex treme limit of apeed for a mile in trotting rare. To have ventured the prediction at thnt time that It would be done even In two-twenty, svn.ilfl havn linan t.r rr.fn1vn t..oprll.ai derlsfbn. For a nillo to lie trotted In two minutes, would Imvc sectnrd then I na fanciful ns I lie fainoua flight ol Klylnu Chlldcra In llv dnya when no1 time whs taken In England and fen rvatdica. ex aii'd. and yet It Is not jt',y probable that two tnlriutes will mon be the record, but Unit the trot '.Ing horse tuny eventually rnai'li the ijicetl of tlit! running racer. The time iccord of tho trotter Inn tieen lowered iilinust by rcgiilur Itadittltins, avet'iigln at least a set: )iid a year, while tlr running record, xcept In one or two rare Instance, ruts not change 1 materially since the Jays of lSotui, Fashion and llcnty, sr, If tbo Flying (Tillder mylli be leeeided, It lm vastly deteriorated nriiliiti a hundred mid llfty year. ;f course It Is iiosslblo that the run ning record may undergo as great .banges as that of the trotter, but ;lie urgiinicut I. d"i ldcdly ngainst it. ntintilng bus always been the fast rst gait of the horse, anil tlie best ol these animals have been forhundreds Df .tears trained fur It. and brought to perfection within tho limits ol the knowledge possessed on the sub ject, while trotting lias been taken up recently ns a form of racing, and by careful selection and training tli jtalt has tieen altered until It (I I (Ton is much from that of forty years age is the forced amble of 11 mule from the swinging gallop of a thorough bred horse. The gait Is n new one, ind Is capable of still further lur proveinent. It Is this which dlvestt the splendid effort of recent troltcri it surprise. Hud persons fairly followed the history of the trotting turf thej would Lave seen no grounds for as tonishment In the performances ol licit animals as liexler. St. .lulien, Maud S., Sunol, and the spieudlo hurst of speed of Nancy Hanks. In Iced, there need be no surprise II his new queen of the turf bring! down the record to the two-mlntit mark within a year. SI10 will b followed by others who will beat hef rerord. Just as she has beaten all ol (hose which have been famous here tofore. It Is the Improvement In the new gait, by careful selection and I raining, which accomplishes these wonderful results, and thn limit may not be reachod mil 11 the speed of the trotter equals that of the race horse. rtihtenfiiirnf. Given all the comforts and many if tho luxuries of life, how many eople are discontented solely from t habit of comparing their lot with .hose of more fortunate, acquaint tncesl They do not sp?clally object lo walking they like the cxcrcl-ie ut, whenever their next-door neigh xir'a. carriage dashes by them, they (row suddenly tired about tho knees ind feel a weakness In the back with srhicli pedestrlanlsm does not agree. Woolen gowns would he perfectly tnmfortuble If stlk ones never rustled n front of them. John Smith's brick louse Is belt?r than he ever ex acted to own, and he would be con sent enough with it If Tom Jones, vlio went to school with him when le was a boy, had n it moved Into a toue-frontd mansion with hand ume portico. It Itlnkes a Difference Wbethsr you ilnv a nstlsi.t with a nnaclc no Iruin or a lean Un ite, scientific nrrparniion. One ruins tbe ronatltiitimi, I he other hullili It up. Ur. Hnsle's Corlxln ('mini Cure for nil rente tt"i'lc - Ilirnsl '..! Iihikk 1. a IU lfelfA trlmliHe pi titration, hii'I Is h sure etiiY. Wold l- iJrniP'IslK. fin'. Adilrem A. 1". lloxsir, UiiIThIo. N. V. Wonderful Tr.cob A. Kuiikel, are lliihle farmer nf 01111 1 llnyul, York Co.,Pa',cays thst a ruimtni;snrebroka out 00 tbs leg of bla nephew, Milton A.Kan kel, when be was 0 ysrs old. Ha eou'.d not walk. Mllinn A. Kaiikrl. 'm rMrs ao tljrbe. f an alvlnit him lluatl'M Aj.'i-rt.nrffrtnd a a short 1I111 1 lis ... re l.emed u;., he revalued piirfecl heslth, ai.d he ! no, at IM years, live ! snil riiKueil. Mr. Knnkel wits: "We all con sider bis curs Uttlr mhurt nf a miracle." Hood'm PHI nre liKhltnal rnnstiratlon bf (storing actluu uf the All Jisutar J caiisl. SH BR This Trade Msrk 1. on ths twit WATERPROOF COAT A. J. TOWER. POSTOX. MASS. "German 9) Two bottles of, German Syrup cured nie of Hemorrhage of the Lungs when other remedies failed. I am a married man and, thirty-six years of age, and live- with my wife and two little girls at IJurnam, Mo, I have stated this brief and plain so that all may undcrstaud. My case was a bad one, and I shall be glad to tell anyone about it who will write me. - Philip L. .Schenck, P. O. Box 45. April 2 5. itioo. No man could aslc a more honorable, busi- Syrup oess like statement- I Main U netting Ttier, A country riewspniwrcorreipondrnt .n Maine recently wmr. this rhecrful lilt of hew to hhi imprr: 'Hooks Is t last provided with it nice hrnrse, rind o'.ir rltl.ens can nott Ik conreved to their jrnivM In decent linpe. Thlp Is something that has long bico needed hero." Klevpn niillinn piutit ImtnlrrJ nnd tnrow tlMKcnntllmtfrt ol'crtlon wer hy the wurld lnt your. f Inve Von AMhmit f Tr. n. Pf lilfTirmim, hi. I'mtl, Minn., will mntt Si rial I'm Kiitf.- of m liltlfiihMn'n AmIiimii tiro Irrf 1 liny tmlfiTPr. Olvs'ts hifthinl nvt in ivmi-m itHi'-, ittul rtitt-M win-in others fulL Nuiiio t lilt impi-r himI mMid hiIiIih-hh. Thi' Inrif Htvt Milroad rniiif' rnfh r1 quiri' from )c. to 10 iiI.oih nf oil ypuny fur lubricutinn. To VnunK Vlvrt A dUnnt'tMntMl Itni-liclftr tint (i!fl thnt Dome Him' niter iiuiM'tii.'i' 11 mihii'm u ih icn- lt Im niiriiiM:y ntlrntlv fit liim, Nf-vor wnn n taliM-d ran n'VT Imm- thfit ihitrm ur jrlrld tlwlr fin 11 n Thi' ti"M'rvnt inn of nnr iHi ltr lit tlicir orlifinttl licnUtiV pM fed mil ith'l coffii'llticns tu i Mirr.il linly. KTy oittiir mntliiT win will lafthfiilh tarry ftn 1hi- din' titm tflvi-n witli Midi irnttlo uf "Mutlii'r'n t rifiitl' will iivit ). tlu'tnc nr (oinitlcsioii. Tin tlnftitv Iri'l will tiiitf 11 1 into t In tiirfimfhc rit-M-. nutl old ntv will eml hiT Mi--tii!r titc ilnv flni flrt ii-m " .Motlit r'n it.M l.mdnVM Itctf. Co Al liiutu, tiu. JohI liy nil il i uuiteu Thn 11ni;i'li "rriliro-i' l.riiuc" Utm 51, tM iih thImt. of whom 1 l,0'Ji coinihmu the (iritnd i oiiiicil. A 'tMttli'li NfWNHisr Fnr On (n. 'Ihr filtrhmifti riittiitirir-'t't Utra oh i" wiiltl hf sll Ni-W4 Aut'iiti ntid ilfiivirtt. (y rnrrl Ti every whrri. ror thtr I 'rut h ropy or ' r (Vhj a M-i'k. It ttititnlii fl.tlly, tlir titw( of tlm woilil, rcet'i intf nt ll (Io.-n, the raport of holn tliH Ar"'H'lut( I'rcHtt und lh I'nitM l I'r No iithnr piinr M'hleli fU for ihir i'rut rt'CdVH hotli iif tlicrn ifpirtn. It StMtrtinir, Klii.ttidul, KHfthlon, unti lioiiorlioltl llepirttnMit hth mi tquHled. Ordi-r lt fnun your NVwn Ant. Ill proport'oti to their iiimihorM fcilliht? vcelM are loMt nearly liittf n ficqiicntly ht-ninen. AHiert lhtrrli, Wet Tolrdo, Ohio, wiy "IIhIIV ( utiirrh run Hiei inv life.'' AVrilu bitn (or I'MHinilnr. hold by 1'iuKwlftn, T.'h.', The Mrnt hook Imptirted from Kuropw wn lirnuglit uve r by .loiui I.ubin of i'hiladel- phta. Ton Inflftietstton. nn1 ;pnt inn. ulr lieiid aehe, wtnk Moinueh, dior.htil Itvfr tnkv Hotrchaiu'i I'll a. tot Mile hy alt tlruifKUtn. S1..rM.u,:,eY.. na r.1.1. wh.cn ...is tin- Intnls, In lire Hie Iroe. imn iiiiiii . The lllslnv Stun Hlose V Il I' Brllllstlt.Oftnr. I . I . ass- f.si L'Si llir lis. 111! I ur KIM iiih r DR.KILMCR'S .t-T KIDNEY. LIVER & bcurL Diabetes, Exoesslve iiusntlly and high colored urine. La Grippe, Cures the bud after effects of this trrlnr epl dcmlr and restores lost Tlgor and vitalltjr. Impure lilood, Ecaema, scrofula, malaria, pimples, blotches. General Weakness, Constitution all rim down, lots of ftmbltiou, and a disinclination to nil ivorts of work. (l,mrntst-Mntntof Or DottW. If not b rflitrrt, lru.vl(t will rt-fi ml juii lire price paid. At IruuuUl, iOe. Hl.e, fl.OO Mate, ItivliiJa I. utile to IIitiIiIi' ftw ContuHatton frv. Pit, KlI.Mtli CO., XilNUIIAMTON, h, i. lHalllHler Hhnrlhimrl, No. 101 VII th avenue. Illlshiira'. Pa. fire. bum and 1'iiiiii.n rsi..ins. I'rivHte end msll llllriicllnli. f--c't peii ciHfcB.'B forH'i wru- rrs. (.imhI positions for couiictent sriiuents. Suocossfiilly ProBocutes Claims. I Jj laliU it ur, lUljtsUia.-m llitf sVlUIIU, Mlt ftlUt. 1 a rmi'fHL T. ritKjrrnlil, tuliiirtiiii. il. 1'. J. 'V 1 I J N I VmuiiuIoii, l. I 40-pHtju bunk lr. RooT TABULES are compounded in accordance with a medical formn'.a known and admitted by a'l educated physicians lo be the o'.dcst, most standard, most widely used, mo't frequently prescribed, and by far the most v.'uable of any that the profession bare yet discovered. In the Tabu!ca the in. gradients arc presented in a new form that is gaining favor all over tbe world and becoming the fashion v.iih modern physicians and modern patients. OTlicy are compact, easy to carry, easy to swallow, tasteless Ii taken according to diicction;, end the dose is always accurate. Every one enjoys the method and the result. They act gently but promptly upon the kidneys, liver, stomach nnd Intestine ; cleanse the system effectually; dispel colJs, headaches and fevers ; cure habitual consti. pation, mali enemas unnecessary. Are acceptable to the stomach and truly beueficial in effects. A single Tadi'I.r talcen after the evening meal, er Just before retiring, or, better still, at the moment when the fust Indication U noted of an approaching cold, headache, any symptom of indigestion or depression cf spirits, w ill, in a large majority of cases, remove the whole difficulty in an hour, without th: patient bcinj conscious of any other than a slightly warming; c fleet, and that the expected illness failed to materialize or has disappeared. The. Tabulcs nre put ud in small bottles, each containing six doses, the whole easily can I : J in the vcjt pocket or portemonnaie. There is uo fear vl spilling cr spoiling an;, thing w ith which they come in contact. Sasiplt Bottle, 0 de-nt. 1 1 ssalu, Twelss Bellies. J4 rsss, . II.2B Hi Octll.i, U ro:s, . 7( csats. I Twsaty-fsur BsUIss (ens ,rss.i, I21TJ0 'l'hoe who buy a g-oisand divide with neighbors or friends reduce the cost of the smallest p iciuge nearly one-half, Tho Tubules are not Injured by age. Bent by mail on recc'pt of price aottaje paid er may be ordered through the nearest druggist. FOIt SALE BY 1 RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY, to SPRUCe STREET, NEW YORK. rrr J opji5 KisrjoYa Both tlie mt!ind and results ivlea fcyrtip of Figs in taken, it la pleasant und refrrsliiiifr to the taste, nml acbj KPnlly yet promptly on tlie Kidnr-yi, Jivcr nml Jiowele, clonuses tbe ys tpm encptiinlly, diapnls coldi, nead nches and fevers and cures linliittial constiiintion. Pi-nip of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, plciuiing to the tnsto and ac ceptable to the ntomneli, prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its eflccls, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable subctances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known. Hyrttp of Fips is for sale tn BOo and $1 bottles hy nil lemlinjr drug gists. Any reliable druggist who mny not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it, l)o not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Silt rRAHCISCO, cu, louismu, nr. new york. H.r. net RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA rifiln, common n fit: t'mgm rvlt vn origin, rnucf. nn tnrr, vitrictiff, nronipt ri-lU'f nml illinimf iiifrtilihle riirt,Mnt for Ac. nickel, tin ntnmiiH. f'KfStw JIavrn, Conn. Unlikelhe Dutch Process" Mo Alkalies on Other Clicmlcala or tiwl In the jircjiaration of W. BAKER & CO.'S reakfastCocoa vhlrh it attlultly pure and eo!ti.'fe. 1 fttiismnrefAtnfir'ftifffnra I IhottrrHtjtK of C'Mioa mlxeii .with Htsrclj. Arrowroot or 'Sinrsr. snil Is far more eco nomical, coMtlnrf fess fia.-. one eent a etip. jr. is ueiit'iotis, nourisuirig, ana BAsii-ir massir.t.. Sold bf (Irorers ererjrwhers. W. BAXER & CO., Dorchester, Km. rnn7rn axle GREASE BUT IN TIIK WORLD. Tt wsrlns qiullrlM are Bn.urpam.i, arlu.Hf efjils.tlns tbree bnies r.r inv niner t.rn1. hat tjrwi i.r iMf. irurr tiik tJKMlMt. rOH BALB BY UrALKHS UKNr.KAl.LV. ITIIEE llluatrated Publlcat!ost, WITH S,a, Ml.Mt. HorlS IMtMI. I..IM.. wusi.cm. .b one. ae i:urjD I I slTVTlMBtsAsTViMltwml.QMllUsWiTIV EJrr..JsB.i.Mauaitlsri. MsiImI rttKi-. A44n nmrM.unnrif swsj laasr IMA, m. .AKOMa,taa lmm. r. a. an ms, aaasMs 32EE33BISZ1 ('umtljsa ani pei-plm who htva weak limp or AMi im, fhouldui I)sH aCDr for ronaumptlon. ll btt anrosl thsiiMvidi, Itlm not injur hj on?. It t not h'! 10 It; at, ilistb bum ecu yriip. pfild vrrwhsri, nam. IT TATK'T I I'F.NstlON f-Spnl for Inwn. or', il'il'l. or llitw iniHii.iMii I'.tiriu. in.ir lilss'lnf 1'KNs.KIN ililU HOI' NT V I, A Wis. fA'riUi-'K u'SAIIItKU SAMMI.N.i'f.i.X. U.0, J m I'M 3