The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 26, 1892, Image 1

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Offlco on Vot Mnln street, nnjnmlto tho
C'ommiTclnl llim-1, KiymtilMViit, Pn.
jyn. b. K. noovKui
tl.uilflnn. linn I tat 1 rt hill.ll.,tf MnfUiithn.
Wv Cist chnivli, iiiMxistto Arnold block, lientle-
ness In operntlnit.
FRAXKJ. BLACK, Proprietor.
The londinn hotel of the town, llondiiunr
ters for cotnnierclnl men. Htvitm heat, free
bus, nut h rnnms nml rUisr-ts on every floor,
sample dmiitih, billiard room, telephone con
nections, &i
GltEEXit- COXSEIi, Proprietor.
FlrHt i-lnss In every pfirtlf-ulur. T.oented In
t he very rem rt of the ImisIih'sk part of town.
Free 'bus to mid from triiln mid ninimoillims
sample mom for romnieivlul truvelern.
jiUFFixtnxtx & i.oxa, pmp
Omnibus to mid from nil t i-nliis. Kiiropeiin
restaurant. House bi'iited mid llvlitril liy
Kim. Hot mid eold Miner. Western Cnlcm
TelKirrimli iiNti-,. In Inillillnir 'II,.. 1 1 lu
fitted wit h nil 1 he modern convenient''.
JAS. 11. CLOVE It, Proprietor.
dimple rooms on the ground floor. IIoiinii
lieiited by niuurul trim. Omnibus to mid from
till truliiH.
Tbo short line between Hnllols, lilriirwiiy,
Bradford, dihimiineii, llutliilo, Km-lu-ater,
NliiKiuii Fulls and points In ilo upper oil
On and lifter May 22d, IKH2. passen
ger traliiH will arrive and depart from FuIIh
Creek station, dally, except Sunday, iin fol
lows 111 A. M. Bradford Accommodation For
points North between FuIIh Creek and
Bradford. 7:15 a. m. mixed train for
1 unxsutHWiiey.
10:OrA.M. Hiitlaloand Koehcnter nmll for
Hrockwny villi-, Klduway,.lohiisoiiliurif,Mt.
Jewel t, Hradford, Salamanca, HulTalo and
Hochester; eoniiecl Iiik at JohiiNoiihurK
with I'. . K. t in I n a, for Wilcox, Kane,
Varren, Curry mid Ki le.
10:AJV A. M. Aceoiiimodiitlou For lltiltols,
SykeH, HlirKun ami 1'iinxMitiiwney.
l:SO I'. M. Ilradfiiid Ai nimodii lion-For
lleeehtrcc, Himkwiivvlllc, Kllinont, Car
mon, KidKwuy, JoluiKoiiliuiK, Ml,,leweit
and Hradford.
4:50 I'. M. Mall For Dullols, Nykcs, 111k
Kim, I'liiixsulnwiiey and Walston.
4 lihh I'.M. AccommiMlallou For IiiiIIoIh.KIk
Kun and riiiiXMt'.nwnev,
Trains Arrive ;:iu A. M Accominodallon
I'uiiXKiilmnieyi UfM A.M., Mull from W'nl
Htonnud I'unxHiiiHwimy; Im.Vi A. M Ac
commodation fi-oin Hniclforil; 1:2(1 I'.M.,
Ai lumodntlou from I'liiixMiitnwiiey; 4:511
I'.M., Mall from Hu itn lo and Hocliesterj
I'M I'. M A mimodatlon from linidford.
Thoiisiind mile llckeln hi two cents er
nillo. KinhI fur piimiiini between nil Millions.
J. II. McIntvhk, Auenl, Fnl In creek, I'a.
Ounernl Supt. (len. 1'iih. Aifent
Hi lid fol d, Pu. Kochester, N. Y.
COMPANY eommoneimf Sunduy
July 10, 1HI12. Low Grarto Division.
New llethluliom
Oak HIiIku
' Mlllvllli
Huuimervlllu ...
Keynoldsvillu ..
' l'aiicniiHt
Falls Ci.yk
- Wlninriiljuru ...
filen Fluhur
Heue'i to
, (irant
Krlfi wikkI
A. M
HI 411
1 1 an;
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7 AS
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1 45
A. M.I P. U
HTATIONg. I No.2 I NO.6 INlllOl Kill I 110
O'eii FUhcr....
' Wlnliirhurn ...
Fttlla Creek ....
New Bethlehem
A. H
10 111
10 411
10 AI
11 H
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11 211
11 H5
11 47!
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1 17
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Trains dully except Sunduy.
DANID MoOAKUO, Okn'iv. Ritpt.,
JAB. P. ANDEKHON. Obb'i,. V' A,bAoT.r"
t'lttwburg, I'a
Nature hao seen fit to have
changeable weather and why
not have you r poitton garmented
with a neat and nobby suit
made of heavy-weight material
to suit the weather that is now
creeping upon us. You need a
new winter suit and as the cold
waves are verv uncertain you
will be wise if you place your
order now for winter wearing
apparel, so as to have it to dou
when blustering weather is
ushered in. Hucih an immense
. line of winter patterns was
. never displayed in town as can
be seen at (
s J. 6. f ROEHLICH'S,
CXNext door to Hotel MoConnelL
If I wers fnlrl
If I had little hnniln and slender feet:
If to my checks the color rich and sweet
Came at a wnrd and faded nt a frown:
If I had clinging curls of UurnUhcd brown;
If I had dreamy eyes aglow Hh smiles.
And graceful limbs, and pretty girlish wiles
If I were fair. Love would not turn aside.
Life's path, so narrow, would be broad and
If I were fnlrl
If I wcro fnlrl
ferhaps like other maidens I might hold
A true heart's storo of tried and tested gold.
Lor walls en Beauty, though tweet Lov
It seems to me, for naught might well atone.
Bat Beanty's charm Is strong, and Inve obeys
The mystic witchery of her shy ways.
If I were fair my years would seem so few;
Life would unfold sweet pictures lo my view.
If 1 were fairl
If I were fair!
Perhaps the baby, with a scream of joy.
To clasp my neck would throw away Its toy,
And hide Its dimples In my shining hair,
Bewllder'd by the mace of glory there!
But now Oh, shadow of a young Klrl's face:
Uncolor'd Hps that Pain's cold linger tracol
Von will not blame thochild whoso wee hands
Not on the blighted bud, but on the rose
Ho rich and fair.
If I were fair!
Oh, Just a tittlo fair, with some soft touch
About my face to glory It much!
If no one shunn'd my presence or my kiss.
My heart would almost break beneath Ita
Tls said each pilgrim shall attain his goal.
And porfect light shall flood each blinded soul
When day's flush merges into sunset's burs.
And night Is here. And then bevoud the start
I shall be fair!
Kdllu Uuttur lu London Spectator.
A l.lfe Search.
Men in tho ministry are brought into
contact with crunks of nil sorts. Their
name is legion, uinl the subject of re
ligion, which nppeuls strongly to the
imagination and gives full scope to
speculation, 1ms a special fascination for
them. If preachers would write out
their experiences with this cluss of per
sons there would be no scarcity of spicy
reading. It was a harmless kind of
crank that Umhop Thomas Bowman, of
this city, ran against onetime at a camp
meeting. On that occasion ho preached
from the following text: "As Mosec
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
even so must the son of man be lifted
up." The most attentive listener in the
congregation was a tall, lank individual,
with wild, deep Bet eyes and long hair.
At the conclusion of the sermon he
made a bee line for the bishop, nnd the
latter, divininii the character of the
mun, tried to get away from him, but
"Well, now, my brother," said the
bishop, with just a little piqno in his
voico, for ho was very tired and the
weather was hot, "what is it you wish?'
"Bishop," lie replied, with intense ear
nestness, "I have been a student of the
Bible all my life, ami there is one ques
tion that has troubled mo for a 'Jong
time. Perhnps you can throw some
light on it. It is this: What was the
color of the snakes that were sent to
afflict the children of Israel?' St, Louis
Farms fur Kplleptles.
Epilepsy is so largo a cause of en
forced idleness among tho working peo
ple in England that a colony has been
established in a country place within an
hour's ride of London, where they can
porform lucrative labor suited to thoir
condition. The plan is imitated from
one successfully carried out in West
phila, Germany. On a piece of land of
some hundred acres thero will be built
cottages to hold from ten to twenty in
mates. The sexes will be separated,
and also the children from tho adults.
Market gardening, spade and barrow
labor, cow keeping, dairy work and
poultry farming will be the first indus
tries: then gardening uud fruit culture,
and later on will follow bootinaking,
carpentering, bookbinding, printing uud
other industries; and for the women
laundry work, sewing, cooking and vari
ous domestio services. Boston Tran
script. The Lady Trapped.
"Yes," aald the society lady at a swell
affair the other evening, "I've crossed
the Atlantic ocean eleven times."
The smart young man adjusted kit
eyeglass and said, "Ah! Born in Amer
ica, I suppose?'
"No, indeed! Why do you ask?'
"Because if you were born in this
country and had crossed the ocean eleven
times you'd be on the other side now,
The lady figured a moment on the tips
of her pretty fingers, blushed violently
and fled. London Tit-Bits. t
The Indians' Regard for Bnaket.
The North American Indians will not
kill a snake in their path. They bold it
in reverence, and although they select
great numbers of them to use in their
snake dances they never kill them, but
when the ceremony is finished take
them out on the plains and release them.
Borne Zuul Indians from New Mexico
with whom I became acquainted re
fused to repeat their folk lore out of
doors for fear the rattlesnakes would
hear them. St. Nicholas.
Why destroy present happiness by a
distant misery, which may never come
at all, or you may never live to see it,
for every substantial grief has twenty
shadows, and most of them shadows of
your own making. Sydney Smith.
The onion has a virtue to which thou
sands of people will swear. This is its
ability to ward off attacks of malaria in
any form, and to cure ' cases as rapidly
as the strongest doses of quinine.
A Combination Hotel on Wheels In One
Car or a Train of Severnl Cars ir You
Have the Money Yon Can Take Yonr
Rase Linen for Tnlaee Cars,
It costs only flO a day to hire a com
pletely furnished anil palatial dwell
ing house on wheels, containing seven
teen beds. In front is an "observation
room." Next come two drawing rooms,
both fairly spacious. Behind these Is
a dining room twelve feet long. The
middle part of the car is occupied by
berths, which are comfortable sofas
during the day. In the rear arc a good
sized kitchen, a china closet, a pantry,
a bathroom and a cold storage closet.
All linen for table nnd beds, tableware,
crockery and every other necessary are
supplied. Three servants are provided
also without extra charge a skilled
cook, a waiter and a porter, who nre un
der the orders of a tenant. Heating and
lighting are thrown in. After ten days
the rental is five dollars less per diem.
Thus luxuriously housed, the occupant
can travel wherever he wishes all over
the continent by paying the railways
eighteen fares for transportation. How
ever, if nioro than eighteen passengers
are carried in the car, so many extra
fares must be paid, lie can stop nt
whatever points ho desires and have his
car side tracked, making his home in it
during his stay.
If he chooses hu can bring along his
own servants, linen, tableware nnd
wines. He is at liberty to furnish the
commissariat himself, or the company
will supply everything in that way for
him, charging only IB per cent, over nnd
above cost and rendering to him the
bills. The latter is by far tho better
plan, inasmuch as trouble is saved and
affairs are attended to more satisfactori
ly by the company, which understands
the business and can buy food cheaper
besides. The cook is always a capable
person, and, having a time schedule for
a journey across the continent, ho will
telegraph ahead to various points for
such luxuries as may bo obtainable at
the markets in different cities, thus ar
ranging for fresh fruits, butter nnd
eggs, and even for a newly cut bonquet
to be put on the table every morning at
breakfast. All of this is susceptible af
variation. One can engage nil ordinary
Bleeping car for fjll), a sleeping our with
buffet for $1.", or dining and observation
car combined for $: 10. A hunting car,
provided with kennels for dogs, rucks for
guns, fishing tackle, etc., costs only $lft
a day. Service and nil incidentals are
in every case thrown in.
But one can do bettor than this if he
has plenty of money to spare. Ho can
hire a complete traveling hotel for $210
a day, in the shape of an entire train,
consisting of four sleeping cars, a dining
car and a buffet smoker. An obser
vation car may be added at an expense
of f 10 more. The buffet smoker repre
sents in some respects the highest de
velopment f the modern parlor car. It
includes a bar, a burlier shop, a bath
room and a library, wherein can be
found books, writing materials and the
newest magazines mid pictorial and
daily papors.
In short, it is a small dub on wheels.
There is n other country in tho world
where luxury in traveling is so highly
appreciated us it is in the United States.
Abroad it is said that 4iio only people
who go by rail "first class" are the
nobility and the Americans. Of course
the porson who charters a wholo train
must pay the railways for transporta
tion nt least eighteen fares iKir car,
though west of tho Mississippi the
minimum rate is usnully fifteen fares.
No car can bo rented for the prices
above given for loss than three days.
It has recently become the fashion for
actresses to travel in private cars. Now
adays a conspicuous star usually insist
on being provided with such a convey
ance as part of the contract for the tour
which she .signs with her manager.
Bernhardt always carries a small men
agerie with her, which could not very
well be accommodated in a public vehi
cle. Theatrical companies very com
monly hire one or more cars while trav
eling, that being a convenient and
agreeable method of transportation.
Dining cars are usually owned by the
railways and are managed by the palace
car companies. Ordinarily they are run
at a considerable loss, being attached to
trains merely as an attraction to pas
sengers. The expense of conducting
them is enormous.
Arrangements made between the pal
ace car companies and the railways re
garding sleeping cars vary very much.
Sometimes the latter pay as much as two
or three cents a mile for the use of each
sleeper, where, as is particularly apt to
be the case in the south, the passenger
traffic is not sufficient to repay the car
companies. In such cases a railroad is
often obliged to provide the necessary
convenience at a loss to itself. The item
of washing is a very costly one in the
running of sleeping cars, inasmuch as
bo piece of linen is ever used twice with
out going to the laundry. A sleeper, on
leaving New York for Chicago or St.
Louis, receives a "stock" of 120 linen
sheets, 120 pillowslips and 120 towels,
This gives ebange for two nights. Fif
teen or twenty clean towels are always
kept on the washstand. The washing is
done in New York, Boston, Buffalo,
Chicago, St. Louis and other cities, being
given out in great quantities at the low
rate of one dollur per hundred pieces.
An equipment of linen lnsts nbotit one
year, at the end of which it mnst be re
newed. It is purchased by wholesale
150,000 worth at a time. Philadelphia
The Snail's Ryes.
The little black spots on the end of
the snail's horns are the animal's eyes.
He can see with them very little, but
they serve to distinguish for him light
from darkness and enable him to ob
serve objects at a distance of an inch or
two. Exchange.
There are times when men have to be
treated like children, when they are very
ill, for instance, or when they are in im
minent danger which must be averted
first and explained afterwards.
There are not a few who think them
selves lucky If at the dinner hour they
are able to allav the cruel nanm nf bun.
ger with a philosophic pipe.
The harvester wns invented by Cyrus
McUormick in 1881, and has been im
proved by many subsequent inventors.
Matter Out nf Plnee. '
The fierce animosity some ardent
housekeepers exhibit toward dust seems
nmnsingly exaggerated to quieter souls.
To the true dtiRt hater no family trouble
or family joy Is paramount. With her
mouth ( lie may mourn William's sorrow
or exult over Edith's prosperity. Her
eyes are roving. They spy the bit of
fluff upon the enrpet, nnd she check
her sobs to pick it up. Tho recital oi
Edith's happiness is interrupted while
sho walks across the floor to wipe off a
table's edge or to lament the difficulty
of keeping a room clean when the win
dows are so often opened.
Births, deaths or marriages may come
and go in her household. Not one oi
these disturbs her equanimity half sc
much as having her sweeping day post
poned; they are all of loss importance
than the discovery "hat her dreaded
enemy has gained a foothold in some un
suspected corner.
An enthusiast of this sort one evening,
with a tragic nir, requested her husband
to accompnny her to nn upper chamber.
The tired lawyer was impressed by hei
solemn manner, and heavily climbed the
necessary stairs. Tlio lady led him intc
a room and pointed sternly to n table.
"Look ut that," she said indignantly.
"Tin ea times this week I havotold Mary
to dust it. I believo sho neglects il
purposely. I am completely disheart
ened." Tho lawyer looked at tho tulilo and
"My dear," ho replied, "today I have
had to deal with a murderer and two
burglars. 1 have also examined two
wifo beaters and ono child stealer, but
anything liko tho moral depravity of
Mary I confess I nover saw before
And tho lady triumphantly led tho
procession down stairs. Harper's Bazar.
Ills Waterloo.
"Well, sinco you obIc me us u friend
to tell yon frankly what's on my mind.
I may as well confess to you that I am
in deep financial distress," said Johnson
to an acquaintance tho other evening.
"I am done tips I'm a whipped rooBler,'
I ain't in it; I'm completely knocked out,
and I've got to make a chaugo of some
"Why, I'm nurprised to hear this!"
eaid Iho friend, "I thought you woro
prospering nicely whon I met you last
spring. How did your reverses come
"In this way: Wo moved into a now
flat in May, and another family moved
in just overhead. Wo wero friendly for
a time till tlmy rented a secondhand
piano. We thought wo'd play even and
so we rented one. They began giving
their daughter lessons, and in order to
even up the noise wo followed suit.
They bought their boys a cornet and a
snare drum, and we got ours a trom
bone and a bass drum. Then they bought
a horse fiddlu, an accordeou and a hurdy
gurdy, and that's the way it's been go
ing ever since until I'm done up.
'I've got two wagon loads of noise
making instruments at my house, but
my neighbor goes right on buying every
thing new and noisy that he hears of,
and to make matters worse he's got
cliildren enough to play all the instru
ments at one time. If I had the mouey
I'd drown that man out if I had to buy
Gabriel's trumpet to do it with, but I'm
at the end of my string and I confess
that fTve got to retreat. I'm awful sorry
tbeyever rented that old piano." Chi
cago Times.
Mot Much of an Affair.
The tall Lord Stradbroke served under
Wellington in Spain and afterward
fought at Quatre Bras, but was some
how disabled from being at Waterloo,
He was, moreover, almost the only Tory
landlord whose abilities I ever heard
Charles Austin praise. When he was
staying with my father tho conversation
turned on the extraordinary passage in
which Victor Hugo attributes Napo
leon's fall to the divine jealousy (il
genait Dieu), and in which, so far as he
assigns to human or rather to British
agency, any share in the giant's over
throw, he would have ub believe that
the credit was due to the British army
alone, and not to Napoleon's rival.
"I heard the duke say," remarked
Lord Stradbroke, "that if he had had
his old peninsular army at Waterloo it
would have been an affair of four hours.
These were his words." This is remark
able as being the utterance of one who
was never given to boasting. Fortnight
ly Roview,
Sensible Words About F.ntlnt;.
Perhnps popular medical literature is
partly to blame for tho growing habit of
overnnrsing organs which are quite nbl
to stand ordinary work. Health articles
are written by doctors, nnd these, seeing
people only when they are 111, forget
that the piqiers they write for the
"family journals" are read by men
snd women, especially women, who are
perfectly well. "Avoid pastry," writes
the doctor, thinking of the confirmed
dyspeptic who left his consulting room
half an hour ago, and thereupon a hun
dred folks who were never a whit the
worse for their tarts avoid pastry con
scientiously and take to unending sngo
puddings, whose monotony their weary
palate loathes. If we were to renounce
all that we see or hear condemned as
overstraining or misusing our digestive
apparatus, we should probably take noth
ing but pepsin, with perhaps a littls
milk to exercise it on.
There are times when after a too rigid
dieting the most mature of us longs for
tho green apples and raspberry tarts of
youth, and such a longing is nn honest
rebellion of the digestion against a reg
imen which keeps it weak for lack of
proper exercise. To give a fair and
reasonable consideration to the food we
eat is a matter of common sense, but to
make ourselves mentally the parallels of
the monks of Mount Athos uud concen
trate our attention on all that we should
avoid, is to lay ourselves open to the
chance of indigestion as much as if we
indulged every day in the banquets of a
Lucullus, London Hospital.
Franklin's Kxerelse.
At a time when so much attention is
given to physical education, it is of
interest to remember that Benjnmin
Franklin told John Adams that he
mado it a point of religion to exercise.
When sixty-six years old. Franklin
wrote to his son as follows:
"Exercise to prevent diseases, since
the cure of them by physic is so pre
carious. "The quantum of each kind of exer
cise is to be judged by the degree of
warmth it produces in the body rathei
than by time or distance.
"There is more exercise in one mile's
riding on horseback than five in a coach,
and more in one mile's walking on foot
than in five on horseback; more in
walking one mile up and down stain
than In four on a level floor.
"This last may be had when one if
pinched for time, as containing a great
quantity of exercise in a handful oi
"Tho dumbbell is another exercise ol
the latter compendious kind; by the use
of it I have in forty swings quickened
my pulse from sixty to 100 beats in a
minute, counted by a second watch,
and I suppose tho warmth generally
increases with quickness of pulse."
Youth's Coinnnniom
JewlHii miners.
1 observe ' that American fathers,
whether from tho exaction i of business
or other reasons, do not ordinarily come
to my office with their ailing children.
Tho wholo matter is often left in the
hands of tho wifo or sumo relative. Ger
mans nro more apt to come thau Ameri
cans, nnd Hebrews most of nil; and in
deed I cannot refrain from expressing
my admiration of tho domestio life of
tho better class of Jews in New York,
which so far as I have observed it is in
many respects more nearly what it should
be than that of any class in our commu
nity. Henry L. Taylor, M. D., in Pop
ular Science Monthly.
"SlupiiliiB a Klnrc."
Talleyrand one day, upon entering tho
private study whero father and son wero
together, found the boy upon tho father's
knee, while Napoleon was gently slap
ping him.
"I)o yon know what I am doing?
asked Napoleon.
"No, iiire." said tho diplomatist, who
was fur too wise to guess royul pnzzU:
"I am slumping a king!" was the an
swer. And this trifling and hurmless
pleasantry has been cited by a serious
writer as a proof of in apoleou s "cruelty1
to his child. St. Nicholas.
The Swardflih.
The swordfish caught by the Maine
turning vesst are dressed at sea and
packed in ice. The head is kept and
sold for fifteen cents, and averages as
much profit a pound as the edible part.
The head yields oil which is largely
used about machinery. Bangor Com
mercial. The Prises of Literary Work.
When not long ago a statement wai
mado in The Author that there were
fifty men and women in Great Britain
and the states who were making 1,000
a year and upward by writing novels,
the statement was received with derisive
laughter. Fifty novelists making 1,000
a year? Impossible! Preposterous! The
statement, however, was made by one
who knew what he was saying, It is a
true statement; it represents the real
prizes of the profession.
There are in London alone, it is said,
19,000 people who in some branch oi
other exercise the literary profession.
Fifty of them by writing novels make
over 1 ,000 a year. The number of men
who actually live by the production of
original work, apart from journalism in
any of its branches, is comparatively
mall. There are half a dozen drama
tists; about a hundred novelists; a few
successful writers of educational books,
which are indeed a mine of wealth ii
one can succeed, and a few publishers'
hacks. The greatest priises are those ol
the dramatists, Walter Besant in Fo
rum. ,
Brothers Shoes
To be Bold for the next few
weeks at from
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Ladies now is your chance as
this is the greatest slaugh
ter ever made in Iteyn
oldsville on Shoes.
New York
Main St. Ucynoldsville, Pa.
it Room LsUljr Oeoupled
No old sholf-worn goods, but all r.yr
clean, salable stock and more of thm
for the samo money than you 'jtm nuy v
ut any other store in the tow a. If you
uro looking for something yoti cannot
find at any other st.irn, come to
The Racket Store
and you will moa.'t likely got it, and you .
will bo surprised how cheap. People
wondor how I can puy rent and othor
exponses, soil so cheap and live. Easily
explained, my friends, jint liko this:
Buy for cash, soli for easii. jll for
not spot cash and I get bargains by
paying not sisit cash for what I buy,
uonscquontly I am enabled to give you
bargains for your cash. Como in and
look over my stock-, no trouble to show
goods whether you buy or not. Goods
bought from mo and not satisfactory, "
and returned in good order, and roas-
onablo time, money will be choorfully
refunded if desired. Romomber,I posit
ively stato that I have no old sholf
worn goods, no shoddy goods, but as
clean cut a line of every day goods as
you will find in any store in Jefferson
county, and oh, how cheap. Come In
Ladies and take a look at my line of
beautiful Laces, Wrappers, Waists,
Aprons, Gloves, Mitts, Night Robes,
Stockings, Baby Carriage Robes.Calico,
Robes, Shlrting.bleached and unbleach
ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning
the lots of bargains but would take too
long, step in and take a look for your-
selves. Gentlemen, come in and buy"-
one of our beautiful paintings, 30x36,
gilt frame, only 1.00, are going like
hot cakes; if you want one come quick.
I also have men's Hose, Shirts, Hand
kerchiofs,Drawers, Under Shirts, White
Shirts, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Gloves
and an endless number of other things
for gentlemen. Come in and look for
yourselves. I will only be to glad to
show you my stock. I have In stock,
hundreds of articles for Ladies, Gentle
men and Children, Boys, Girls and
Baby's that would fill our town paper to
mention them all. This advertisement
is written In the plain American A.B.C.
language so everybody that can road
can understand every word of it.
M. J. C0YLE,
The Racket Store.