r SHte tAt Star. Niiharriptiim f .SO jwr V"r, mwiiir. An Itllleprmlent llM-sl l)UMT, lllMlti''TITjr Wcilm"iliiy fit Hi'ynnlMHVllh, .IcfTtTHtm Co., I'll., ileviilerl In I hi lnlnMln of Ki'TMiiIiIkvIIIii nml JiITinMiriroiitily. Noii-Millllnl, will treat nil with fntrtiem. nml will lHi4iiflHlly friend If tuwnnla the Inlmrlm vtno. Hiilwrliitliin irti'ffl.WHr viMir.ln nilvRnee, 4 otmiiiiim li iif l nx liiteiiilerf for iiiililli'iillini IttiiHi lin iKvnmtmiili'tl Ityllin writer's ntitne, not fur iiiihlli'iillmi, hut tm n mmnintee of Hinf fnl tli. liili-rvNiliiK new lli-ni milli'lli'il. Ailvcrf Mlim rules iiiiiiIk known mi Hiillrn tlon nt tliiofllfc In ArimliU' lllm'k. Lenirlity riiininiiiilfMilloim nnil rlinne of silvertliemeiits should reiu'h this office liy MoiiiIht noon. Aililri'iH till rotimiiiiili'utlmn lo A.Htepli fnHon, ltivnolflsvllli, Vn. Kntereif nt I Ik- poxtoflli'i- nt lti'ytiolilvllli, Ph., hi im'onil rliisi mull niiitlir. V. A. NTKIIIKNOf. Hilllor nml Vuh. WICDNKKDAY, OCTOIIKIt I1, W2. It I I'llliltK'll tllllt, there will III! Iltl Inrreuso of eoko in tho Connellsvillo region of 2,ihki,ikhi tons this yenr nvor tlml of lust, your. Tim ilrntli rntn In I'ittsburir Ih lower now lliiin It li'w l'-'i '"f I'liflilooti months. Tlio eholorn senrn deserves rtvillt. fur t lit roilni'tliiii In uVnths. Tli" rlty wns relieved (if Homo nf Its filth. Mow ninny men will ttilW of thn i!iirniitlnn of imlitlrnl prtrtlc who will Boll tlii'lr own votes nnil liiflnoncii In tli highest bidder. Purity In polities Hhotilil Is-jrln wltti tlio voter. Tin- wny to tret (timmI. cOc-hii men Into oftlen Ih to plvii sueh iiioti your honest support nt the polln nml resent, wit li Indiiruiitloti any attempt to Inlhioneo your judgment, by Improper motives. An lioni-Ht putrlotle nml hlh-mlnded ennstltueney will elect only such tnon to oflleo, anil Hit) ts-st wny to nmkn poll Ileal reforms Ih to bcjfln rllit nt home. l'unxsu- tnwncy tSjiiril. Tim followlnif article from the Illjf Run Krhn Is n truth which no onn will attempt to KiiliiHity: M'-n.v parents allow thor chiltlrcn to (frow up in Idleness. TIiIh In n nml mlHtnkn which thousands of fond fathom nnil mothers hnvo found out too late. (!lvo your boys somcthinir to do, teach them that honast work In not n disgrace. Homo kind of ll(fht work has boon thn making of pood and tmeftil men out of hundreds and thousands of boys. Thn reason tlio country boys surpass tlio city tsiys, la because they hnvo learned to work and hnvo had to undoi'Ko hardships In many lllHtlUieoH. Tlio question, "who In our best cltlenV" In answered by thn TIa.clton Plain Siietikrr ns follows: "Plainly It la ho who bcBt HorvtiH tho city. If audi a man, ut tho same time, servos hlniHelf well, ho Ih doubly a hnro. If nny mnn la a bod citizen, bocatiHo most of all, and porhnptiall tho tlmo, he servos himself, ho deserves publlo condomnatlon and generally receives It In good measure. To he a good cltizon In this Bonne, a man noeds not great wealth, or evert moderate means. Poor mon are often the bevt cltlzona. Rich mnn are oometlmea more loochoR on tho community neoklng whom they may dovour." Not many yoa ago tho moans of travel were slow and tod loan, but the dayH of canal-boat and atago-coach are ' becoming dimly In the archives of time. ' Truly we are living in a font age no far oa travol la connernod. Fifty miles an hour ia too alow for many poople to-day. Ninety miles an hour ta aald to have been tho fastest time made which was run on the New York division of tho Reading. The Pennsylvania Railway company have had an engine built "which la believed to bo good for one "hundred mlloe an hour with tho heaviest passenger train scheduled on the Pennsylvania system. The man who would not be satisfied with that Bpeod la lndood hard to please. Progress In the construction of engines is the secret of the progress in travel I and transportation. Boys may forgot promises made to their mother, but a kindness shown them may bloom afresh In after years. Douglass Jerrold wrote thus pleasantly of child life: "Blossed be the hand that provides for a child, for there 1b no saying when or whore It may again bloom forth. Does not almost every body remember some klnd-hoartod man who showed him a kindness In tho days of his childhood? The writer of this recollects himself, at this moment, as a barefooted lad, standing at the wooden fence of a poor little garden in his native vlllage,where,wlth loving eyes he gazed at the flowers which were blooming there quietly in the brightness of a "Sunday morning. The possessor came , forth from his little oottage; he was a wood outter by trade, and spent the whole day at work in the woods. He was coming into the garden to gather flowers to stick in his coat when he went to church. He eaw the boy, and breaking off the most beautiful of hia carnations, which was streaked with red and white, ho gave It to him. Nolther " . i 1 1 . i j vne giver or receiver mmu a wu, uu with boundinir stews the boy ran borne. And now here at a distance from that home, after so many evonts of so many years, tho feeling of gratitude whloh ffltatnd the breast of that boy ' expresses itself on paper, The carnation . .. . t...x ii baa long since wiinereu, out i uuw Voma ttreeh." In certain localities of large cities yott will sen walls stuMiorn and grim, windows barred, nil fences high, and along that ndjolnlng the street orliaH n sentinel walks. It Is a stone and Iron cngn for the safe keepltiK mid miro punishment of offenders who aro cm i if lit. It niltfht astonish tm If wo knew how many go to prison for crimes, In somo form, nnliist property alone. A check Is forged, a letter Is stolen, a house Is entered anil ioIiImmI, mi ai lli'lii on tlio street is npproprlated, n storn Is plundered, nml then HomclHiriy arrested, nml the offender gis'S to prison. There he Is, shut out from society, and, In the meantime, he is disciplined by theolllci-rs and Instructed by the chaplain, that he may appreciate the illlTerelico between honesty anil dishonesty. It Is well that this work Inside the prison-linrs lie emphnt Icnlly pushed. Would It not bo still better if outside the liars honesty were more seriously nnd persistently emphnsi.eil Sometimes to client someoiie.or a lit 1 1 lie, us it Is teruieil. or a small theft, lire the h t ' 1 1 i 1 1 u -h t 1 1 1 1 s that lead to the peiiili'iiliary. The boy who wants to bo a mail In this world must, be upright, nnd honest In nil his i. alines with his fellow men. Children, until Ui.y are twelve or thirteen years old, should have at least ten hours sleep, eleven Is Is'tter; until eighteen or nineteen, nine hours U none too much, writes Mrs. Keovil In her valuable department, "Mot hers't 'orncr," in the October Ijiitim' Ihmir Jiiiiriml. In this country our children Inherit nervous temperaments. No hygienic measure soothes, ipiiets and strengthens the nerves like plenty of sleep. Children should never Isi wakened In the inorniiii;. Yet the demands of hoiishold convenience and tho claims of school make It. necessary that they should be out of Im at u certain hour usually not later than seven. To make this possible, ami give them their fair share of sleep so that they will Imi ready to waken of their own accord, they must 1st In Is'd between eight and ten, according to their ages. If Is ilt linn is miide pleasant to them, as mother-love can make It, with a story, a little talk over Hie events of the day, with loving words and ministrations, Hie hard-ships of banishment to bed will ls roblicd of most of Its bitterness. The Oil City Fuel Supply company aro laying lines of six-inch pipe from each of their Millstone gas wells to connect with thn main Hue at the old Wynktsip homestead, from where they have lines to Dullols, Heyiiolilsvllle, Ilrookvillo and other points. They have fifty or sixty men ut work grading, ditching nnd laying pipe. This company bus six or eight good gnssers in Millstone township now and Is putting down several others. The rig Is up for a new well on the southwest corner of Wnrrnnt No. ii'iOH, one-half mllo west of Kaughts. If the company should happen to strike gas it would mako that section boom. Brookvlllo Hrub licit n. List of Letters. The following letters remain uncalled for nt tho poatofllce in Reynoldsvlllc, Pa., Oct. 15th, 1H2: I.ADIKS Miss MiiitkIk lliirkn. Miss Mlmilo Itnlilnwm, MlHsMllllren, Mis Sudlo Itoniilds, Miss I'lnk Dunsliiic, Mrs. Diinro. Oenti.rmkn Alox. Reynold, David Whorl, W. W. Plukull, Will Warner, Uwi. Klrkmnn, Frank Oultor, J. J. Dugun, Kent. Cnmptwll, E. V.nyilo, E. I-.Mofflu. When calling for tho above letters please say they were advertised. J. W. Foust, P. M. Revolver Exploded. ClIlK Hun Weekly Echo. A sad accident occurred at Panic last Saturday. Two of the jubilee singers wore practicing shooting whon the revolver exploded and Prof. Harris hod hia hand badly injured. He was taken to the DeLancey hospital without delay and there had the wound dressed and cared for. He will bo unable to leave DoLancy for a week. To Our Patrons. Having dissolved partnership, it is necessary that all outstanding accounts be settled before the 1st of November, 1802, to save trouble thereafter. People knowing thomsolvos Indebted to us, will please respond to the above notice. Thomas Bros. Wanted. Everybody to buy $10.00 worth of goods and get the Qonfimn Mugtuine for a year free as it Is full of useful reading matter on many subjects of interest to the old and young. Call and see a copy. J. C. KlNQ & Co. For Bale. A well finished house, suitable for a boarding house, in Prescottville. For further particulars, Inquire at Cam, Mitchell's offloe, or at the office of the secretary of the Reynoldsville Building and Loan Association. Valuable Heal Kstate for Bale. Tho ' Baptist church and grounds containing several lota situated in Prescottville is now offered for aalo. Very desirable for resident lota. For terms and particulars enquire of M. M, Davis, Reynoldsville, Pa. Lost Last Friday evening, between the hose rooms and Cold Spring Hollow, a hub cap to a wheel of the nook and ladder truok. The finder will be re warded by returning same to l J. Black. ForSalb One car load No. 118-Inch pine shingles. 8. Shafftgr. Rathmel. Mrs. HenJ. Pierce wns tnken suddeuly 111 cm Hnturdny evening. Miss Phenle DuPont suffered for tho past week with a severe case of qttlnzy, but Is better now. August Stenglo and L. A. Hays were on thn sick list a few days last week but havo recovered. Several of our townfolks attended tho funeral of Mrs. Robert Cameron's sister at Clarion Mines on Sunday. Hoblnson Bros., marble cutters, of Punxsiitawney, set up a monument on Saturday at thn grave of Sloan Hays In the I "rospect cemetery. Dr. K. i. Meltotiry nnd family who attended the fair and visited relatives In Indiana returned home W'cdnowlay after n ten days absence. A enve In of some of the old rismis In Sprii'oo mine has mndo a break In the road along the old Seeloy farm that makes the road almost, unsure to travel. Andrew Sutner, quite an old man who works In Sprague mine, was severely, although not, dangerously, injured by a fall of coal Saturday last. Our former townsman, .f.C.Thnmpsoti, has moved his family and cITects back to Itathmel from Dullols. He Intends building himself a residence In our town. John Ditch, who for the past eight months has been alllieted with n dead Ismo in one of Ills feet, has thus far recovered as to Isi able to resume light work at the mine. (i. W. Mohney, who has been on the sick list for over two years, we are pleased to state is getting well. He says he feels as though he would 1st able to commence work ere long again. Alsiut twcnty-flvn mcmls'i's of Camp No. 1102 P. O. S. of A. attended Divine services ut tho West Liberty church on Sunday nt 2.."I0 o'clock P. M. Rev. J. R. Dean delivered nil excellent discourse. Alsiut twelve members of Camp No. 2 P. O. of A. also attended the services. Unlit. Adams, Mr. McCollough, Mr. Hocking, Robt (iulmey, Mr. Finch, Jos. Kolsirts, Wm. Harris and T. J. Ilroadhead uro building themselves each residences In town. Wo under stand tbero will bo quite a number more built during the fall, if the weather (H-milts. Don't commit suicide on uccount of your "Incurable" bhssl disease. Tho sensible thing for you to do is Ut take Ayer's Sarsnparilla. If that fails, why, then keep on trying, and It will not fall. Tho trouble is, copln get discouraged to soon. "Try, try, try again." WE HAVE FIRED THE FIRST AND THE FIRST SHOT PUT A BIG HOLE IN PRICES ON ALL FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Men'B Good Warm Suits $ 4.00 worth 5.00 Men's Good Serviceable Suits 6.00 worth 8.00 Men's Fine Business Suits 10.00 worth 12.00 Men's Fine Dress Suits 14.00 worth 17.00 These Suits are made in Sacks, Cutaways, Double Breasted Sacks, Three Button Cutaways and Straight Buttons. First snot. Second Shot. Having 2 large stores with big stocks we.can "Ear Up" all our Competitors' in the way of showing you a variety of goods. STORES: Reynoldsville A Smart Ilea1. Mrs. Roberts, of Watorvillo, Mn.,ownf a dog which Is entitled to rank with any nf them In point of intelligence. Dnring an absence of the owner from home thi dog was left in cars of neighbors, who In turn went on a vacation, taking the) animal with them. This wns not agrao ablo to his dogship, and ho started overland from one of ths coast towns in Knox county for home. Night over took him at Liberty, nnd hn went to the San ford House, likn any traveler, to put np. His collar revealed his Idea tity, and he waa properly cared for and In the morning sent on his wny rejoio lug, reaching homo in duo season. Ban gor Commercial. 11-11 Than 'r-l-ntll. Summer 1 eauty Couni C'umsoo Is a ronl count, 1 sen. Kival Hello How did you find out? Hummer entity I noticed that you did not introduce inn. Now York Weekly. What Is lining Kens. She Is It to shorten tho time between New York and Huston Ho Not at nil, dearest. Whatthoy'ro trying to do is to shorten tho timo be tween Boston and New York. Life. In 1HW) 12.53 ,H,r rnt, ,,f tlio whole number of foreign born (lersotiH were engaged in agriculture, while 18.89, per cent, of tiie foreign born were engaged in manufactures. The stability of electric locomotives nt high speed is much greater than that of steam locomotives, and therefore there Is lms chance of derailment. it is only within the last ten years that thn great part that dust plays in weather making has come to 1st properly under stood. The colors of sunrise and sunset aro largely, perhaps mainly duo to thn presence of invisible dust in the atmos phere. The wind and tho temperature of the nir arn also affected by tlio dust. i'overty is hard, but debt is horrible. A man might an well have a smoky house and a scolding wife, which are said to be the two worst evils of our life. Spnrgoon. Vitelliua was murdered in his own palace by his own guards, and his dead body was dragged naked through the streets of Home and thrown into thn TiW. If you wish to sec uro a certain and Ss-edy result, when using Ayer's Sarsnparilla, bo careful in observing tho rules of health, or the benefit may Is) retarded. A fair and persistent trial of this medicine never fails, when tho directions are followed. for Wale. Celebrated Caledonia sand. Noslfting required. Tom McKoman, Drayman. CftAFftlGN NOW OPEN ftT BELL BROS. Boy's Good Suits $1. 00 worth $1.50 Boy's Heavy Suits 1.50 worth 2.00 Boy's Fine Suits - 3.00 worth 4.00 Boy's Dress Suits 5.00 worth 6.00 These Suits aro Double or single Breasted with long or knee pants, ages from 3 years to 19 years. Tiiird Shot. Men's Servicable Overcoats from $2.5oupto$ Men's Lightweight Overcoats from 5.oo up to Men's Fine Dress Overcoats from 8.oo up to Men's Heavy Storm Overcoats from 7.oo up to All sizes from a 34 up to heavyweights 44. Fourtn snot. DuBois. Good News. IKrook.lllii lieiniienit.) Kvery Indication isilntlng toward tho building of the railroad between Dullols nnd Franklin Is hailed by our Mioplo as gissl news. Wn understand A. B. Melanin and I). O. Oourlcy aro about closing out tho sale of fi.OOO acres of coal Innds In Union township, Jefferson county and Clarion township, Clarion county, on tho linn of this prossted road, to parties Interested In Its construction. This sale, If made, will 1st a strong Indication that tho road will hn built. The coal lands will bn worthless Ui tho purchasers without an outlet for thn coal. The building of this road will Isi a great, ndvnntage to the N-oplo of Hrisikville, and should be encouraged In every wissible way by our people. It would Isi a vast, advantage to the 'ople of Corsica and vicinity, also. We Iiomi to see the road built Inside of the next two years. Can You Drat It? IVnfl. lil Weekly I'ri'is. John H. liadebncli Invites any one to Ik nt, this. He dug III potatoes which II I led a half bushel, one weighed 2 pounds 1 1 ounces. He gathered over III bushels from one third of his lot. Foil Runt Two store nsims 20x80 feet opsisito Hotel Holriap. Knqiiire of J. H. Corbetl. Grocery Boomers HIj'Y WHKKK YOU CAN w i . I n, i i n i. m YOU WANT. FLOUR, Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNKDOOODS, TKAS, COFFKKS AMI Al l. ki.vos or H U 1 IT IV T FRUITS, CONFKCTIONKRY, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS, Kverytblng In tho lino of Fr!sh Groceries, Feed, Etc UihhIh tlellrertnl fre (in) plum In town. Coll tm Hit titi'l yet price. W. C. Schnltz & Son. & N GUN Suit of Uuderwear, all A Good Stiff Hat for A Good Soft Hat for A Good Servicable Pair I Aiinii AM II0A uuuiun IUUUIU Bell Bros Ed, Gooder, j E 0 P T I L I R I 0 N Reynoldsville, Pa, Opposite Stoko's drug store. 5.oo lo.oo 2o.oo 18. oo wool for $l.oo worth $1.5o 1.25 worth 1.75 75 cents worth l.oo of Gloves 5o cents worth 75