I THE REWARD OF COLUMBUS. To Christ he crlrd tnqnrtl Prntlil ilrnfmlnf Sung hjr tho (toria to DtMUiriiimiicliiM'tleM Brn; To Christ he erlnl for Rliiti pnu tif Kmnn nr troo. When, horurliiR nVr Ihu mini, Dt'iitli watched fit leisure; Anil when ho shonrcil tho mm. nmv ilnxril with plpnsnrn, Fnllh's now world Rlltti'rlnij stnrllko 1111 the Irr, "I trust thnt hy tho help of t'lirist," snld ho, "1 presently slinll lluliton roIiIpii trc-iisure." Whnt trensiiro found he? Clinlni and pnhis mid sorrow Yen, nil tho wealth those nnliln seekers find Wlmso f"Olf lis murk the iimsle of ninnkllicll Twru his to lend life: 'tuns .Mini's to Imrrow; Twos his to niRke, hut nut to Minn, tlio nmr row. Who In Love's memory lives this morn en shrined. Ihcofloro Wstts In L'Midnn AihemiMim, TJIK LOST MAIL HAUS ' It wns evening In Vlutlivotitok. (hit on the harbor the tlnrk waters of the en of Japan reflecteil the twinkling lights; from lmlf a dozen vessels lying smtKly at anchor, and westward Ix-liinil the town the moon shone dimly on the snowclml pining and niggc! slopes of the Sikota mountains, beyond which, across the frozen waters of the Amur, stretched for thousands of leagues the great Siberinn desert. Vladivostok might almost lie called the "jumping off place" of tho world, lying ns it does on the very eastern extremity of tho great Russian empire. ,-' A few years ago It was a barren spit ' of land, uninhabited and forlorn. Now the IiuRsinn drum beats at sunrise, nnd ships of nil nations float their Hags in the harbor. On this particular evening, while In the narrow street of tho town nil was silent save for tho occasional tread of a Russian sentry, sounds of mirth and laughter floated from tho brilliantly lighted windows of the lonr, low gnrri son house, for the commandant of the station was giving n dinner. It was quite a cosmopolitan gathering that filled the long table, for among the guests were Russian, French nnd Eng lish naval officers, and two or three Anglo-Indians who had como up from Shanghai on the mail steamer. The last course had been removed, and the quickened conversation that comes with tho cigars had just commenced, when the commandant was summoned outside, and, when he returned a mo ment or two later, the most observant of the guests detected a faint shadow in his face. The assemblage broko tip at a late hour, and as tho guests passed out on the way to their vessels a young French officer cried out to the commandant: "What is the matter, mon capitainel Von look sad ami depressed." Captain Shanoff laughed. "It is nothing, Lieutenant fJarccnu," he replied "nothing but the onerous burden of official duties. However, if yon have on board your vessel a man with iron nerves nnd the bravery of an African lion yon can send him to mo." The Frenchman, taking this in jest, laughed and passed on with a cheery "an revoir." One young man, who had overheard this brief conversation, purposely lin gered till the last, nnd ns tho command ant held out his hand to bid him good night he said: "Captain Shanoff, pardon my intru sion. I heard your conversation with the Frenchman. 1 saw, though ho did not, that. yon were in earnest, and now ' I offer you my services." The captain looked at him in surprise. "You are one of the passengers by the . mail steamer from Shanghai" he said. r "Vou are correct," said tho man. "My name is Luke Mowbray, of the Indian civil service." "And what is your object in making this proposition" asked the captain. "I am fond of adventure and sport,'' repliod Mowbray. "Since leaving India I have had a dull time of it, and my chance for excitotnent and change will be doubly welcome." The Russian captain stood in hesita tion for a moment, and then leading the way silently to an apartment beyond the. dining hall he motioned Mowbray to a seat and sat down facing him. "Now," said Captain Shanoff, "I will explain my conversation with the Frenchman as briefly as possible. Thirty miles from here, among the Sikota mountains, there is a small de tachuiont of Russians engaged in mining operations. Mail bags are conveyed to them twice a week by a native, who makes the return journey in two days, A month ago the carrier left Vladivo 1 Btok for the encampment. He has not been heard of since. Two weeks ago second carrier started, and he, too, has comp'.otely disappeared. For more than month we have heard nothing of our companions. It is a profound mystery. Tonight I learn that no one can be found who will undertake to carry the mail bag. The natives here are cowards, and what few men I have, while they are good soldiers, are not the men to un ravel a mystery." "What is your theoryT asked Mow bray, "Robbers? Wild beast? Or . could they have lost their way?" "Wild animals are scarce," said the captain. "There are no robbers in this part of Russia, and the path, while dsfloalt, is plain." "When should the mail bag go?" went ob Mowbray. "It came by today's steamer, and should leave early in the morning," replied Shanoff. "Well," said Mowbray, "the ad venture promises welL I will undertake to reach the encampment with the mail bag." Captain Shanoff at first refused to listen to his proposition; but Mowbray Insisted to firmly that he at last gave a reluctant consent. Although he hesitated to Incur the re sponsibility that would assuredly fall on ., bis shoulders in case anything should befall the brave young fellow, he was secretly overjoyed at his good fortune, for the strange disappearance of the twa Rathmet. Our now school building Is about completed. Wm. Lylo has moved Into David Lyons house. . , Dick Hughes went to Adrian mines to wovk on Mommy. (liunt Allen mid Mr. MeCullmigli have moved to our town. Dr. Hiighi-s and L. L. Henry utU'iidcd the runxHittawney fair last week. H. T.. TVif", v ii tv Informed, will n! an early date movo lim family hero. Tin; I) 'tin school I'lmiini'iiccd Monday. Archie Smitten and Miss KcynoUln an; the teachers. , T?ev. tieo. Htntlor on Sunday rvmilng, Sept. 2"ith preached his fiircwcll sermon to his Hook in this place. 1 Mr. Wagget and wife, of Dnltols, stunt Sunday In town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. liolK-rt Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Loading will commence housekeeping in tho himsu of A. V. MulhiMlaii in a short tlino. Sharp Armstrong and family spent last week visiting friends in Armstrong county und attending the fair at Dayton. Our ball players appear to have received no calls slnco they sent tho Hejnoldsvlllo team to the shop for repairs. Wm. and Dr. Henry, of Falls Crock, will movo thoir mercantile business to this place as soon as they can procure a Hiiitnlilo room, so snys report. Dr. K. (). MeHcnry and family will attend the Indiana county fair this week: they will also visit' friends at Hlairsville. They cxeot to bo alwent ten days. H. L. Taafc, our mlno Ws, has his armor on for the person that made tho break in last weeks' Issue of TliK STAR 111 regard to the Increased output of coal at Sprnguo mlno since his administra tion began. Quito a number of now dwelling houses nru In coui-se of rivet ion in town at present. The 11.. L. A- V. '. M. Co. recently surveyed and sold amitlier plot of Very desirable lots which appears to nave aroused ine nuiming liooin. .loiiii uyuiin nas tlio ground broken and foundation laid for a hotel building which when coiiinlctcil will l. ,.n.. .,r tho grandest hotels in this section of tho eotintv. It will, wo ntiiloi-utiiml h.. tltted out with all tho modern Improve ments. II. h. Harton. tho genial clerk In lonu nuuins store, will movo In a short tinm to rntton. Cambria eoiintv where he is engaging in tho mercnntilo misiness. Although sorry to part with Mr. Harton and family nil join In wishing them happiness and prosperity in ineir now noill". Grocery Boomers W nuv wHicnic you can (J KT ANYTHING YOU WANT. F LO UR, Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNKI) (i( ODS. TKAS. COFFKKS AMI Al l. KINDS Of Country Produce FRUITS. CONI'KCTIONKUY, TOHACCO. T AND C1GAHS, Everything- In tho lino of & Fresh Groceries, Feed, f!iHnln ilclircrcil free an if pi are in Town. Call on it ami act price. O N W. 0. Sclmltz & Son. KNOW ME BY MY WORKS A Preventive aud Cure for Cholera and La Grippe. From past history we cannot but expect the Cholera aud La Urlppe In our midst In the near future and In order that everybody may prepare theniwlvea for the emenienry and knowing that I mullet treat you ptiraunally I am having prlnutd a correct and never fulling formula for the prevention and cure of Chulura aud another for the oure of La Grippe which I warrant to do the bast work If uwd In time. In order that everybody may have a chauce to get these formulas, 1 aui having tliuni printed in SOO.UUO UiU, and on and after this date I will have one wrapped around every bottle of Burgoon's Hyatem Renovator that leaves my oflVe or labora tory. Among the many hundreds that have been treated with tlme prescriptions I know of none that bave died. Kvatem Kenovator la a compound of 19 dllfereut roots and herbs that work In harmony on the human system. I will put up ll.WW that It has no eoual as a family luedlelne. My capacity to-day la 10.000 bot tles per month, and you will ttnd It In every wuoluaale and retull drug store at f 1.00 per bottle, or ( for 15.00. Have your druggist get It for you, aud take no other. I will refund Sou the money for every bottle that (loon not o as I say. II la the wurld'a wonder aud will be at the World's Fair In all lu glory. I have cured M pemonaof tapeworms In the laat 41 month, and can ahow niorecurea of cancer, catarrh, scrofula and all blood dUHutaea than all others. , . UU.J. A. HUKOOON, " , 47 Ohio Btreot, Allegheny. Burgoon's remedies for sale at 11. Alex. Btvke'a. v C H U If 3 For Constipation Ayer's Pills For Dyspepsia Ayer's Pills For Biliousness Ayer's Pills For Sick Headache Ayer's Pills For Liver Complaint Ayer's Pills For Jaundice Ayer's Pills For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pills For Rheumatism Ayer's Pills For Colds Ayer's Pills For Fevers Ayer's Pills Frt rared by Ir. .T.C. A yrt k Co., Lowell, Van. Sold by all Drugglili. Every Dose Effective Ed. Goodcp, j E 0 P T L I R 0 N Reynoldsville, Pa. Oppohlto Stoko'n drug Btoro. J.s. -DEALER IN- Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and; Feed. COOD3 DELIVERED FREE. OPERA 1 HOUSE BLOCK , Reynoldsville, Pa. MORROW The Latest Edition. A I ;-: - , r- - - , ' ' ' A STEADFAST i. DETERMINATION to POPULARIZE OURSELVES - In the ESTIMATION And what is more the greatest Struggle of a Lifetime Will lie made to arcoinpliph it. IMween the column rules of all our advertisements you will always find attractions, and above all you will find our advertisements giiogk Full oi Timiifiii Production. Plead for your own future welfare because this is the initial announce ment given to you by BOLGBR BROTHERS It is hona-fide, legitimate, unvarnished, pure and unadulterated facts. Not merely words put in print to mislead the unthinking THE SPOTLESS REPUTATION Of the above firm is sutlicient assurance of its reliability, straightforward business prin ciples without schemes to entrap the public combined with being TIIK ORIGINATORS OF TIIK SMALL PROFIT SYSTEM BOLGBR MeirliniiKTiulorsXlotliiers, Reynoldsville, Pa. We're Winning New Friends Don't Forget To Remember r-r,.iat we ,' nea per , lieynoldsville, - has been a Great Revolution Our Prices Are the LowestI We extend a cordial Invitation to one i 1 . and all to visit our Btore, see our : goods, and learn our prices, whether ' ' ' you wish to buy or not Suppose you try us Just once, for luck. You'll ; come back again. We guarantee all our goods to give satisfaction.' 'I I'- I' .: , .,.', Tie New miiaaeiplila Cheap In the Bee Hive of the PUBLIC. HAS MADE US POPULAR WITH TIIK PEOPLE. BROS., (.outs Furnishers and Hatters, and making money by making big sales instead of big profits. We're alive to all the new things the late styles, tho new colors, everything that will make our good clothing show to the best advantage, and wear well. Quick trade is the keynote, and our bright goods and low prices the music, at our store. can afford to sell goods than any other store in consequently there in the price of clothing, &c, since we came to this town. Laboring men are saving almost one half by buying their goods from us. We have a full and complete line of Clothing, Boots, Shoes, all kinds of Underwear, ladies favorite wool Underwear, fine Linens, Table Cloths, handkerchiefs, Shawls and Jackets for winter, Trunks and valises, in fact everthing kept in a first class clothing house; Silver ware, Razors, &c. A No. 1 Razor for 50 cents. Store. . : ; Block, Opposite PosMlce. McKce Warnick IIEAIigi!A!tTKRH FOR Fancy and Staple GROCERIES, Oil, Flour 1 Feed, An elegant line con sisting of sour, sweet and mixed pickles. Onions, chow chow, olives, cauliflowers and others too liiimer-. ous to mention. C An endless variety on nand; always fresh. Try our fruit and chocolate cakes. "Washburne's Best" leads the list; it's a dandy. Try it. We have in stock, "Our Best," "Straight," "Imperial," "N. W. Patent," "Pilgrim" and others. We have no oil wagon on the road but we deliver you ..a 5 gal. best 150 oil for 50 f-rT ?1 "S cents, uet our rates i on oil by the barrel. A Fl'LL STOCK of fomln In our line ahrai) on ha ml. MatteM market iirlre paid for country 1 1 roil nee. : innns m:ci:ivi:i ' UAihY. yo OLD HOODS rHl SALE. MeKee & Warnick, Cor. lith ami Main St . . . JteimihlMi itlc, 1'cnna. INSI barga I want to close out my sum mer goods to make room for fall stock, and will sell r AT COST! Outing Cloth, f.J cents, Sold lief ore for 8 cents. Outing Cloth, 8 cents, Sold before for 10 cents. Outing Cloth 12 cents, Sold before for 12 . J cents. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 12 i cents. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Sateen, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Indigo Blue prints 6 cents per yard. Men's Seersucker Coat and Vest at 65 cents, Sold before for $1.00. Men's and Boys' Outing Shirts At 19 cents apiece. Men's suits at $3.60, . Sold before for $5.00. All Men's suits reduced From $2.00 to $3.00 per suit. Chidren's Suits $i.do Now is your ! time to save money. ... These goods are all new. . .. j.. M ,;, ... ., i SUMB GOOOQS ; !N". Hanau.