mt it Star. Subscription per V'lr, in mtrnnre. An tnrirpetulrnt lrv-nl nnprr, imWIslii-drvi-rT Wt'(lnt-.luy Hi KoyimlOHVIHc, .IrfTcrsott To., Hevntort Id tilt- IntcN-'ttn of ItcynoltWvMH' rum .lpfT'rmi county. Noti-iNilltlcal. will trcut All nllh fnlrni'H. imil will lc i--H('lulljr fHrml ly tnwnril flip hilHirlriff rlii-. Hutwrtpllnn prliM-l..'wtM,rv)Miiln mlvnncn. t'lmimiiiilciitUinH liilvriilcil for tiulilli'iilloti mut Ih nrcoinpmilcd hy tin wntT' nitnn-, not for piililli'iillott, hut n- n ffitimutfri- of rchkI fnlth. lim-n-MInt tli'wn Mi-mi -uillclti-il. Advi-ri Islnir riit(i nmilc known oti applli-ii-tlon nt tin ottli-i- In AuioM-r Itlock. 1.1-nirlity foniniutilciitloni mill Hitmen of nilvi-rtln-im-ntM hIiouIiI u-hi'Ii Ihli otlk-i- Ity Mondny niHin. Adilri-si nil fornniimli-iitlnMH toC. A.HIcpli lnon, l(ivnoliivllli. KiiIi-iimI nt tin- poitomVr nt Hcvtiolilsvlllc, ni.. n -M-.-OII.I cImmk mull nint tt-r. 4'- A. HTf:i'lll:SO, i:lllir mid Pub. WEDNESDAY . x TOIlKli "sTii- Tho world luw luid iit!.ili7.IJ.2:i7. H7"i.2i!il InhiililtiititM hIik-p tin- 1 'fjlmilnu if timo. Tt U sulci tlmt tin- L:rns-ili pt-i-M lmvo drstniyod w-iu-ly SIM) jminif tipple troi'A on tho fm-in of John Wiitlx. In I-Yvkiimoii township, t'.-:rl!i,-ld finnty. Tin- tr -i-.s wimh phmt.'il only lust nprin;r. ('hl-ii:o llvi-ryini-n iii-i- cli'iimixiiiiir I ho ninth'st. jirlt'i! of fwctily-lwo dollars n day fur tho imutIhjjos noodod for tho tlitlii(rnlHhi-d Ktu-HtH In tho World'M Fair dedication ptiriulo this month. Tho man who hmchs (x-cnwlomilly will find llfo an nwfnl lot i-nnli-r to pot through nlthoittrh tho follow who don't lnnih hi the olio who should r-t through tho fuMiiu-Ht. Jollity puts u pneimuitli' tiro "on tho wheels of time. Bradford Em. Tho country is rhl of one moro notori ous chuiacter. Frank Cooley, tho leader of tho CooU'j' Kanp;, who has lM-en l-L-fognlzed as an outlaw for uliout threo yours, hut who has Ix-en notod as a toiiRh slnca his youthful days, was shot and killed hy an olllcer of Fayotto coun ty hint Sunday afternoon. Cooley llred tsevoral times at tho ollleer with a Wlnt-hester, hut tho outlaw's hullots mlH-u.-d their mark, and a bullet from tho ofllccr'tf gun i)loreed C'ooIov'h heart. A late sclent Itlei - investl(fator has como to tho ronolnslon that tho venom of Horponts Is used hy thorn fordlostlvo purposes, aotlnir as tho jfiwtrle juices of tho.Hlomach do in other animals. It may bo therefore that ntir prejudice nsfainst tho rattlesnake Is unjust. Tho general Impression has always prevailed that he kept his envenomed fanjrs for tho solo purpose of jahlnp thorn Into his enemies hut tho fact that ho does not know they aro loaded ouht to lie regarded as an exteiiuatin"; circum stances. Punxsutawney Spirit. According to the latest and most reliable estimates the jHipulatlon of the Dark Continent is placed at 1:!,0(M),(MK) or fourteen inhabitants to tho square inilo, while tho population of the Three Americas is glwn at 12.'I,71.J,0!H), or eight inhabitants to the jquaro nillo. It must bo roiuemlx-red that while explor ers tell us of large districts in Africa that aro scantily populated, there aro also vast regions densely populated, of which but fow jiei'sons have ever heard. It may in fact lie. said that only tho fringe of tho Dark Continent has as yet been reached after 1000 yeuin of inter uiltten exploration. We are born: wo grow to manhood and womanhood; wo marry; wo work; we dio. Tho generat ions como and go, and they como with call and go with sig nificance, if there bo not a confident liopo and expectation of something to follow, so grand, so sweet so beautiful, that wo can look upon it all without misgiving or pain. Faith draws tho poison from every grief, takes tho sting from every loss, and quenches tho tiro of every pain, and only faith can do this. "Wisdom, science, power, learning," all theso aro blind and Impotent before tho great problem of life as ignorance tuid week nesB. Tho feeblest girl, believing in In (Jod and a hereafter, is au arch-angel by tho side of tho strongest man who questions her simple faith. K.-t. A young man making a career for himself nowadays, no mutter what profession ho may choose, has a hard row to hoo at It best. Olistaelos uro far more numerous in a young man's path than aro encouragements. It is unfortunate, but It is true, nevertheless, that there are ten people in tills world ready to. pull a young man down whoro there Is ono to help him up. Compe tition In all trades and profession 1m keen; men are alert, and a young uuin, if ho would succeed, cannot afford to loose (ingle point. Now, in this uneven struggle, if there Is one thing the right sort of a young man needs it is homo encouragement. ' In tho outer world ho is buffeted from pwt to pillar, and' he naturally seeks his home at tho close of day thirsting for sympathy in his work which he may not have found outaldo ' If, tljen, at his father's or mothor's fireside, he Is continually made to feel that his struggles are distasteful to his closest kin, and is not only inado to feel so but is told so, the tight is one which only a few can successfully curry to the end. Home love and sympathetic en couragoment Is tho most healing salvo for the wounds of the world, for man as well as for hoy,' and cruel is that paternal doctrine which would withhold It from a son conscientiously struggling for ptiooess ji what he honestly feels to be' the work for which he is best Adapted. Ladies' Home Journal. A Straight Tip in Few Words. t'nrllHlo Volunteer. There is little hoo for the young man who )ionds his time and money In saloons or gambling houses. The young man who drinks and gambles cannot bo trusted in tho employ of responsible firms. Nino out of ten of the hanks that fall can trace their failure to illegitimate sjK-cuIations by tho bank oHlclals with tho bunk's funds. No business Institution can afford to keep In their employ tho young man who takes pride In drinking and getting drunk. Thero are plenty of young men In the country who are solx-r to fill the posit Ions nnd they aro the ones who will bo found there. Young man, look well to your walk in life, fiok well to your associates. Inik well to your habits. Thero can lie no health for clthei mind or body no long as tho blood Is vitiated. Cleanse the vital current from all Impurities hy the use of Ayer's Sarsapnrilla. This medicine recruits tlx- wasted energies, strengthens the nerves, and restores health to the d ' bilitaleil svstm. Notice to Debtors. W. W. Aimes, tho receiver of Tho lelTerson County Mutual Live Stock InstiratKv Association (better kirmvn as tho Itcynoldsvlllo Cow Company), has sent mo tho tmmes of 11 persons owing this company ami the amount of their indebtedness, tho majority of These persons n-slde in Ueynoldsvlllo and vicinity, some at Ihithinel and Siuidy Valley. My Instructions aro to sue these claims and collect them by law. Any jiei-sons knowing themselves indebted to this company would do well to call and pay tho amount claimed and save costs. The receiver writes me he is determined to close up this maltcr. M. M. I)AVW. Notice to Subscribers. A few people who are subscribers to TlIK STAR have neglected to settle for their suliscription. This Is an lmpm-t- ant matter with tho printer and should receive your careful consideration. Vttr Sail-, Celebrated Caledonia sand. Noslftiug required. Tom McKernan, Drayman. MONEY IN Twenty-Four of the largest manufacturers of Wall Paper in the United States, representing a capital of $26,000,000, have formed a combine, or trust, as you please, and it means higher prices to the consumer next year. Now, then, if your house needs papering and you "guess you will leave it go until spring," its money in your pocket to do it now. Again, before the Wall Paper season of 1893 begins I expect to be in my new building and if possible I do not want to move a single roll of paper and to save this trouble, I will make you prices that will induce you to do the "moving" and put MORE money in your pocket. Nothing reserved. The entire stock at wonderfully reduced prices. OUR THE LEADER IN Always away ud I- , .. Resolution, Tho following resolution wore unani mously adopted at a regular stated mooting of Doemer's Cwm Roads Council, No. (VU, Jr. O. U. A. M.: Whereas, The Almighty Father lias removed from our midst our beloved brother, Henry Kroh.and Whereas, While wo do most sincerely deplore his loss, we do submissively bow to tho will of our Father In flenvcn alxjvo, therefore, bo it Umnlvril, That In his death this Council has lieen bereft of a respeetod brother, and the neighborhood of ono of tho best and kindest neighbors. llinnlrnl. That wo tender tho bereaved family our sincere sympathy in this sad hour of their nflliotion, null point them for consolation to a merciful (iol who Is n friend indeed in all our trials and afflictions. Hrmilrul. That as a token of trspi-ct our charter bo drajx-d In mourning for the p"r!od of thirty dnys. Ii xnlml. That those resolutions bo entered on the minutes of tho Council, ami also published In The Star, I'.rook villo Ihiiwriitt nnd Ilrpiihlirnn. and a copv sent to the fnmilv of our l:to brother. F. W. Deemek, ) SehSnviier. -Com. Ami Dkkmek. ) Resolutions. At H special meeting of fiuidlng Star ledge. No. 27. A. V. L. A., the following resolutions were iinar.imoiwly adopted; Whereas. It 1ms ploiwd Almighty (iod in his Divine wisdom to remove from our midst our hehwed sister, Klihelh Sliati'-r. Iliimlml, That while wo bow in humble submission kit hut Di vinodeeroo we deeply mourn tin? loss of one who in tho priino of womanhood has been reiuored from among us. lltwilml. That as a murk of profound respect to her memory our charter be draped lti mourning for tln spueo of thirty days. Iti.ihttl, That a opv of these reso lu! Ioum bo presented to t no family of tho deceased that they may have a lasting evidence of the c-tti-em und love we entertained for her. liimilml, That tl copy of these reso lutions bo placed on the minutes of the lodge. Il.ihvi1, That, a copy of the resolu tion he sent to the ,lin7vn I'rotculunt for publication iitnl also to The Star and lufioifrir of llovnoldsville. ItuM. WYNKUP, 1 .lENNIK BARKI.EV, Com. Kl.f,A Dt'NSMORE. ) For SALE One car load No. 1 lS-inch pine shingles. S. SHAFFER. LINE,, WfLL PfPBR, DRUGS, PfINTS, BOOKS, STATIONERY. front in tne grand Keeping sic u with the rank and tile in Low Prices and Good value. H. ALEX. STOKE, REYNOLDSVILLE, Pf. Lint ol Letters. Tho following firttora remain uncalled for at tho postolHce In Reynoldsville, Po., Oct. 1st, IKH2: Mlis Idn I'Hi-p, ,f. A. Mnrki-t, Miss MiiKirln Hurke, John II. Feltx, Mrs. MihIIo llrlfltfi-s, .liii. Hoffman, Mrs. I.trxte (lerlii-m, ('tins. Knurr, .Mm. Norn J. WHh, Kiifus KlnK. Mm. Helen Mi-(llnty, W. fnsty. Mrs. John Mi''oIIimikIi, -Ins. A. Mi-lonnld, .las. Mi Kny. .fin K Mltehi-ll, .1. (. Shtry, Krnnk K. Thomas, Ui-orirn Fiirlnto, L. I. Loimn. .1. K. Ki-ccl. Anthony Moore. When calling for tho above letters please sav they were advertised. J. W. FoUHT, P. M. The formula of Ayer's SarsapnrlHa Is well known to tho medical profession, and universally approved. Tho reputa tion of tho firm guarantees excellence and uniformity In the m-dicino, and the world's experience for nearly half a century has fully demonstrated its value. To Our Patrons. Huvlw dissolved partnership, it is necessary that ail outstanding accounts bo settl'-d Ix-fore tho 1st of N'oveinbcf, IWJ. to savv trouble f hereafter. People knowing themselves Indebted to us, will please respond to tho alsivo notice. Twm J Dims. WntHi'll. K very body to buy $10.00 worth of goods nnd get the Unnfmm Mmjttzhw for a year free ns It is full of useful reading mutter on many subjects of Interest to tho old and young. (.'all and see a copy. .1. C. Kl.vo '('(. Vuliinble Hvnl Fstalo lor Nnlo. The Baptist church and grounds containing several lots situated in Present tvlllo la now offered for salts Very desirable for resident lots. For terms and particulars enquiry of M. M. Davis, Itoynoldsvillo, Ia. Vnv Rule. A well finished houso, suitnblo for a boarding house, in Prescottvllle. For further particulars, Inquire al Cam, Mitchell's office, or at, tho oflleo of tho secretary of the R-ynoldsvillo I&iilding and Loan Association. For Bent Two storo nxims 20x0 feet opposite Hotol Belnaji. Enqiiiro of .1. II. Corbett. YOUR POCKET ! mercantile procession, Just in IT WILL PAY YOU TO EXAMINK OUR LINK OF STOVES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE AS WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND BEST LINE IN THE fcXi;-;t--;v COUNTY. mmmmmmi Av-j' v-i-.-Vii.ii.'iii- t. rW.w-w-a..-.'. I iffiriwiwiiiifiifftltimisWi In fact anything yem may desire in our line in our mammoth store. The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. V A X V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A SIT.SCKIBE FOR "THE STAR SUO PEK YEAR. V A V .1 V A V A V A V A V V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A V A i irii lc. ;(" Mmiiifitpriirfrif n m er .-Matin'. -tui ur I'rlno Mst of UiitiitiL to I. K. W. l)firm:m .V Cn '-M7 Rnrt OiTitmn Htroca, uniiiillfirr, J s( A, muiiLi Season ! THE OF THE CINDERELLA LESSENS LABOR AND THEIR ECONOMY SAVES YOU MONEY. CALL AN'D SEE "--.Tit OUR STOVES. will be found Gito Meat MarKet I Imy the bent of cattle and keep the choicest kinds of meats, such as MUTTON, VEAL, BEEF, PORK AND SAUSAGE. Everything kept neat and clean, Your patronage solicited. E. J. Sehultze, Prop'r. THE LEADER IN 1