The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 28, 1892, Image 7

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Bat No More New Cases Are Reported -Confidence
Restored and No Further
Trouble Ezpected-Tbe FUiui Dying
Oat in Hsmburr.
Imis Wrinlmpen, of No. 14 First street.
New York, who was tnlcen rick few ilnys
fif o with Asiatic cholera mid removed to (lie
reception hospital, died in that institution
(tatiinlny morning.
The barti.r!nlolu of the health deport
ment reported this afternoon the rnsult it
their eiiiminntiiins l'i the cases nf the I'linia
mon, l'p Joe Wall, who died at I t .Molt
street, and Mury Murphy, of Rl Cherry
ttnet, who is In the reception hospital.
They found that the t'hlnamiin did not die
of Asiatic cholera and that the woman was
not BulTfrinp from that disease.
Mil I llol.KIH IK Sl:1V YOllK.
The 10 o'clock Saturday bulletin issued by
the hoard of health reads i,s follows: "No
rusts of cholera have uppcorcd in this city
since the hist bulletin."
Troidcnt Wilson of the New York Hoard
of Health, sinus to he of the Opinion that
th license lias been nipped In thchuil.
'J liereare now only sovm houses in the city
under cpiarontlite, hut that, as Dr. Wlllson
rays, is merely ns u precaution. Those ill'
dcr suspicion are all doing well.
Hatunlay's otllcial heultli report from
Camp Low shows the duy's record to he as
No new cases of cholera: In hospital '.'S: I
new case of diarrhea; total, 'JO; died 1 (the
infant which died from starvation); cssis of
sickness reported cured and discharged, 7;
total on tWk li-t to-ni;ht, '.'I and 4 ciocs in
the hospital, one of whom expects to be
confined during the night.
The following steamers are anchored in
tipper nuiirnntiiie: liuuia. NornniiiniH, Mo
ravia, ruevin, Hermann, Adriatic. Heligo
land, ticrmanic am! Mate of .Nevada. In
tiriivesemt bay is the Wyomiuir. and in the
lower hay the Bohemian umi Scandia. The
Oeriuauic arrived from ,lverpol only t his
lnrning.briui:int -'Kl saloon pisenir'rs. all
well, among w ho tu-e Kev. Ir. I'arkhurst.
llowland J'cll. (ieorire Munlev r'iske and
l!ev. K. Walpole Warren. The steamer
will probably leave imarjntine iute this af
ternoon. The steamboat Ophein left Fire Island at
7:30 a. M., for this city with the cabin pas
eengers of the Wyoming. (she proi ceiled to
the tiiilon line pier, and discliar cd her
passengers. On leaving quarantine the.
passengers of tho Wyoming gave thrcj
groins for "Mr. .leiikius."
The steamer Sucviu s crew were carefully
insectrd and the sbip allowed to proceed
to tier dork at lOi.'to a. in. The steamer
Kugis commenced this morning to discharge,
cargo in lighters at iuarantiue.
Won't lN.tlHK MUli IMMMSr.
Pr. Jenkins in course of n reply to
questions by the lisniler of commerce,
ays that merchandise arriving from noii
infected ports does not require lisinlection
unless it lias heen first sliippH from an in
fected port and transhipped from u tion iii
fected port; that he cannot consider a bill
of health coining ironi ports known to he
infected ns of any value; that the method
ot (tinfection must depend on the nature of
the cargo, and that it is the Intention of this
department not to use any nit I hod of disin
fection that will destroy men hiiuilise.
lr. Walser ictiirnecl irom Sw inhume 8ml
Ilofl man islands and leports all well, lie
said lie had seiit the day disinfecting the
Ki.l.emis, on Oourilof which there are still
a number of cases ot the measles.
The number of fresh cases at Hnmlmrg
On (Saturday was S:l, Kt fewer than thednv
previous; the number of deaths 144.1.) fewer
than previous day; the interments uiitii
heied 241. AO fewer than Friday; the hos
titals coutuiu J.AKi patients, 1M fewer thai!
'riday. .
At Vienna there, wero five deaths from
cholera Friday; at Havre there were two
deaths and eight new cases: at Antwerp two
I resb rases appeared, and at Cracow, seven,
Tlie disease is now raging worst in Hum
tnerbrook, a new suburb of Hamburg.
The cno era has disupearcl at Nijnl
Kovgorial: the annual fair is closed.
The lttissian (iovernmeiit has sent iloctors
torniratott, wlie:u the epiuemic is still
Secretury of Htate Foster has been Inform
ed by Flitted Unites Minister I'm hero to
Guatemala that the tiovcriinient of (iuiita
mula bus issued a decree closing absolutely
from tiute (September ft!) all Atlantic ports
if that country us a quarantine ugu.nst
One case of Asiutio cholera was reported
at llerlin. Six suserted rases were also re
ported. The North tiermuii Gazette calls
upon the citizens of Berlin to redouble their
Recent regulations coiuimH all shi pings
from the I nited States to any ltruiiiun
port to go first to the qurrunt ine station at
Kio lieJunerio. The I nited Slates Minister
has made due rtmonstration against the
measure. Ouulviuula has taken siiuilur ac
It Is officially announced that there Is no
cholera in Mexico.
St. John. N. F will quarantine oil ves
sels from infected ports lor I'l days.
Berlin authorities blame the flies for car
rying the cholera bacilli, und have ordeied
the beer saloou keepers to go into the fly
catching business.
Prof. Koch has written a latter in which
lie savs he does not believe cholera can be
transmitted through the Kt by means ol
letters or printed mutter. .
In Paris 28 new cases ore reported and su
The Em peror of (term any has donated
10,000 murks to the fund.
Thirty-four new case are reported at Ht.
Petersburg and niue deaths.
A Hamburg correspondent denies that
Prof. Koch said cholera would uppeur again
in the spring.
Despite some foolish stories, there is no
case of the Asiatic scoiiruge la Cincinnati,
J., and tho health officer has relaxed the
vigor of quarantine, only immigrant trains
now bring examined.
Cholera Jia lost its grip In England,
and the iubfehitauu apprehend no f urthet
trouble. s-,
Gov. Hogg, of Texas, Issued n prnclamn
itm. in, ,.r,.,,ti, .,,. against. "New ork and
other places where ijiolera now prevails or
may hereafter appeu
(Pleuropneumonia, ftualf ntlna Rused.
Secretary Husk, of the lJiartiuent ot
Agriculture, has issued procu'ntt,ion -Moving
the quarantine iu Kings an sWue,n'
counties, New York, for the BuppreeJP" '
contagious pleuro-pneumouia amongvat'
tie. lie savs there has been no nu nf nhe
jteast in New York for four years.
At New York the cholera outlook grows
more satisfactory every day. There has
not only been no new cases, hut not even a
suspeci si nee Tuesday last. All the Patients
nre out or danger anil It looks very much a
though the last name of any victim of tlx
disease has been recorded.
The Hohemin and Hcnndia, now it
lower quarantine, wi I remain there for
some tune. Their cabin passengers, now
aboard the New Hampshire, were released
Monday. The steerage people of the Mean
ilia were runted to the Sew Hampshire on
Tuesday ami those of the Hohemin will siih
violently follow Ihrni to Hoffman Island.
The Stouingtoii has been turned into s
meas es hospital ami there are about forty
people on bcmnl of her. though there are
some who have not got the dWease.
I Irs luilletln was issued by the health
board at 4 p. in. Monday:
"No eases ot cholera in this city since
Hcpt. Ill, on whirl date I.oins Weinhageu.
situ. dead, was removed to the hospital.
No sus ected cases now under examination
by the hacteriolotiists of this department.
"The health of the city is unusually good
The death rate for the week ending at noon
to itav was 21.117.
"For the corresponding week last vear It
was -. 'the total deaths for the week were
7-M; for the corresponding week Inst year.
ll. Average for the corresponding weeks
for HI year" past. it's.
"Deaths from diarrhocal diseases. IIS in
lilimlter, were less than in any correspond
ing week since 170, although' the popula
tion nearly doubled since that yiar.
The 7U1 steerage passengers (if the Nor
inaiuiia were landed at Kills island Hunilav
evenine. Mondii." those of the Adriatic
were transferred, to the island. There uru
I UMlofthe latter.
tiik bixoiid or
The lievivnl of hope and courage was ap
iareiit everywhere on Sunday at 1 1 am burg,
ronieiiailes. churches, theaters and cates
were tilled with such cmwds as have not
been seen before since the plague began.
There were but 101 fresh cases Sunday, hs
je.iths and Jn7 burials. 2. Il.'t patients are
ltuler treatment in the hospital. The total
lumber of cholera cises up to date has been
l!l.U!7. Of these ,7ts) have been fatal. The
olltcial llgures, however, concede only 7.;tiKJ hs.
18,603 Cases In the Flavae Center and
0 764 Deatna.
There were rrporteii in Hamburg on
Wednesday Hill new cases of cholera and 81
deaths, n decrease of 117 cuses and t.tde.itin
compared witli the returns of Saturday
The returns of removals to the hospital ar
ilso decreasing. So much less is the demand
for hospital acc iimiiodation that many ve
hiclcs iHcd to tinnsport hospital patientj
were dispensed with to-day. The total re
turns up to Saturday gave the number ol
persons attacked by cholera as 15,UG3 one
the deaths as H.7HI.
Never before In the history of Ilatiiliurg
have there been so maiiv "corpse-curriers'1
on duty as at present. Temporary quarters
have been built for them in t lit: n iinterv.
Thee qusrters are simply wooden huts, tar
red black. On nails which are stuck in tin
boards inside und outside hang the ollicial
f'armeius of the "corpse-carriers." On an
mproviseil table i n nook, ink bottle and
pens. A man sits at the table; ha is very
busy; he is putting numbers in the hook.
Kach number represents a cho era vicim.
He tries to put all the numbers down.
Son-etUins the freight arrives too rapidly
and he simply dots the be-t hecan.
Outside ol the wooden hut, on the grotmrl
there art1 a dozen lanterns. These are used
hv the night "corpse carriers." Also out
side the huts are two buckets. One of tin
buckets is ti lien with wa'erthat has been
dis-nfected. The other contains a liquiu
disinfectant. Whenever the "corise uirrl
Tiers'' return from duty to tbc hut ihey in
rxperted to wash the'r hands and ilisinrecl
tl e;r frock coats. These buckets unit thi
K placards tliat keep them company uie to b
lounii ai every uirii. in ine iiuny nun con-fits-oil
iiimiy of t his victims have been
flesignh:ed by puuiticis that lo nut luree
rith th- i.'.iti'lieis painted on tho stikot
stuck in ti-e crour.d tneneud of the corpse
in the trencp, hiiiI many people will never
know exactly v. here t lib remains of then
love 1 C'is.s arc buried.
For President In 1889, and ths Numbir
of Electors Under the New
Apportionment Act.
Fopuiur Vote IKIe -tor'l
1 c J
p o k a Elg
STATES. 'j a' i. a
a 0 s C
Alabama .... tu 107 117 HSi . 10 11
Arkansas.... ftfi 7.V.' MfHlJ... 7 X
California.... 121 . 117 72lt M .. .
Colorado ftl 7!IH; .17 010 ) .... 4
Connecticut.. 74 W4 74 Ulii .... II 0
Delaware.... 12 07.1 10 414.... 8 H
Forida 20 twi 1 .... 4 4
tieorgiu 40 45,'t; 100 472 . . . . 12 13
Idaho I a
Illinois .170 47.1; 84H 272 22 .... 24
Indiana 20.1 .Kill 201 nl.1 l.'i .... 15
Iowa 211 , 170 K77 H .... M
Kansas 12 l'4l 102 Ml ().... 10
Kentucky.... 1M M4i 1M.1 MSI .... 13 13
1-ouisiana.... HO 7011 Mail'.... 8 K
Maine 73 7.14! M 4s u .... 0
Murvlaud.... (KHIWiMISI IDs .... 8 8
Mass IMS Kl2: H,V. 14 .... IS
Michigan.... 230 .17; 213 404 13 .... 14
Minnesota... 142 4!2i KU .-, 7 .... H
Mississippi... 30 Out tc471.... 1
Missouri 2.1U 2-VJ, 201 U.r4 .... Ill 17
Moiituna 1 3
Nebraska...- ltW 4A Nl .ffi 6 .... 8
Nevada 7 23 R 820 8 .... 3
N.Hamiwhire 45 73 43 4M1 4 .... 4
New Jersey... 144 844; 1M 4I .... 0 10
New York .... 0-W KM CM m 30 .... 30
N.Carolina.. 1,14 781, 147 Ho2 .... 11 11
N. Dakota. 3
Ohio 41fl 0.", 300 4.V 23 .... 23
Oregon 83 2IW 20 B24 3 .... 4
Pennsvlvania A20 lll 44H 03.1 30 .... 32
Khode Islund 21 H0!i 17 Mo 4...- 4
B. Carolina... 13 740i 05 82r. .... 0 0
8.1akota 1 4
Tennessee 138 Us 1 158 787 .... 12 12
'J'exus 88 2Hil 2,14 HKt .... 13 15
Vermont 45 ll; 11178 4 .... 4
Virginia 150 43H 151 1)77 ... . 12 12
Washington 1 4
W. Virginia.. 78 S 78 MO .... 6 6
Wisconsin.... 170 155 282 11 .... 12
Wyoming 1 3
Totals.... 5 444 053 5 53H Wgtt !l08 444
The Great Oranlte Strike Ended.
The last act lu the troubled granite in.
dustry ocourred at Barre, Vt., Saturday,
when the representatives of the Union and
the Association signed the hill of the prices
and agreement, thus ending long, bittel
contest of live mouths' duration
Cards and Woman Did It.
John U. Bhotwell, cashier of the Colorado
Hammer Brick Company, Denver, la de
faulter in 25,0U0. Bhotwell left a wife and
two children In destitute circumstances.
The money be atole was squandered at the
gam bile ratable and on woman.
Homestead Steel Kin Brine a Lot of
rhara-ea Acatnst earner e Officials and
Pinkertons. The Troops Will Remain
After a long contemplation the Home
stead strikers and their advisorsoti 'f Intra
dsy executed their sec md promised retalia
tory lnove against the olllclals of the Carne
gie Hteel Company and the I'ltikerton Detec
tlve Agency. All the persons previously
charged with murder were accused of riot
and conspiracy in separate Informations
made by Ilurgess John Mcl.iii kie before
Alderman K. M. King, and most of them
were put under bail for court.
The informations are against If. V. Krlck,
(leorge Lauder. Ilenrv M. Cprrv, John ).
A. I.eishman. Otis Chllds. Francis T. F.
l.oveioy, Lawrence C. I'hipps. John A. Pot
ter U. A. Co'cv. J. F. Dovev. Nevin MH'oli
fiell, Win. l'lnkerton, Hubert I'inkerton,
John Cooir. C. W. Hedell, Frederick Prim
er, W. II. Hurt Frcderirk W. ilinile and
The information makes this rec'til:
"That in the township of Millliu and else
where in the county of Allegheny and else
where on .hi'y 0. last, umi prior thereto,
the lefeuiliinis and other unknow n, did un
lawfully coin hi tie. con federate, conspire and
agree together to depress the wages of labor
ill that county, mid elsewhere, to incite riot
and the disturbance of the public peace,
mid cause public disallection, and produce
violence, disorder and breeches r.t tlie pub
lic peace by emploviug and fetching an
nrmeii hodv of ueiiriv .list men from other
States, amfdid unlawfully combine to bring
Into the Stute of Pennsylvania a large num
ber of men. who were not citizens, and
armed these!mported men and have I he in
embarked on a steamboat and transported
to Millliu towushiii 11 nder the disguise of
watchman when In tact they were unlaw
fully urineil with Winchester repealing
ritle's and uniformed as of an army, ami
that these men belonging to an agency
called the Tlnkertotis,' did Incite r.ot.
commit murder, produce ili-aflection and
create breeches of the public peai. and de
press wuin s in the said coiintv of Allegheny
and elsewhere by the said combination,
conspiracy una confederation, contrary to
The Information is made on Information
received, and a warrant for the defendants
is prayed for on the charge of conspiracy.
The other information charges that the
defendants d d unlawfully, riotously mid
titiiiiiltuotislv assemble iii'the township of
.Millliu. and did nlth loud noise tumult und
riot c'ischarge lirearms und other mis-les,
and did kid. slay 1111 1 wound divers g oil
citizens of this 1 niiimonweuli h and did dis
turn the public peuce to the terror of diver
good citizens of the 0111 nionnralth.
The bail in each rase was f2,iNinn the
two charges, ami was furnished by -Mr. Mel
lon. Hail was given lor court in each case.
Militia Officers Indicted for the lama
The I'it'sbiirg grand jury handed down a
large hutch of business, including a number
of impoiSiiht cases. Among tlie most i lilt
poiiniit was that of Lieutenant I olonel J. II,
It. Streaior, Colonel A. I.. Han kins and As
sistant Surgeon Win. Simpson tirim of the
Tentn llegiment. Nutmual Hoard of l'cnn
M hania. charged with aggravated assault
und batlcrv, in coiiiieelioii with the case of
Wm. I., lams, a private in Company K.
True hills were found in each cue. anil the
right of National liiiard olllclals to iuhV.
mil a punishment will now be tested
'There is ul. a true bill found against Col
n .-I Hawkins on a charge of utsuult und
Win It Cos'.
It Is estimated that the State will
huveah lito fisit iigcreguling 400,imi.
Warrants have already been drawn 011 the
Suite Ireusury.ou account of the great labor
outbreak, amounting to 282.8H!i.!l3. Fleveu
days piiv Is yet due the Fifteenth regiment
an t the Sixteenth is entitled to pay from
September It. The hill of the 1'enu-y Ivalliu
Kailroad company for transporting' troops,
tents, etc . is, w hich remains to bo
paid. Fifteen thousand dollars will be re
quired to pay other railroad compuules fur
Adjutant (ienerul W. W. (ireenlana,
HriuaOier tieuerul John A. Wiley und Col
onel C. MrKihbeii held a rnnferetico Satur
lay at Homestead, relative to the with
drawal of the Sixteenth Itegiuiftit, (ienerul
Wilev guve it us his opinion that the time
had not yet arrival when the militia could
with safety he withdrawn. Oenerul tirecn
land deferrc.l to the judgment of (ienerul
Wiley, and it was decided to continue the
Sixteenth in service ut Hnniestcud until
Ocneral Wiley is satisfied ti a', conditions
lustily tlie removal of the militia, lieucml
Wiley is cimvinceil that the lion union men
would leave tlie works in fear of their lives
were the troops to be withdrawn.
Ho Talked Too Much and It Tails
Aaalnst Him Otoe Mare.
Hugh O Donnel!, former leader of the
Homestead striker will have to remuin in
Jail until the time of his trial. Jiulgi Por
ter handed down a decision at Pittsburg re
fusing to release him on buil on the charge
of murdering ("apt. J. W. Kline, leader of
the I'inkerton detectives on the day of the
riot at Homestead.
Judge Porter reviews the case from the
time that the advisory hoard was in full
operation until the day of the riot In which
Captuin Kl'no was killed. The visits of the
sheriff to Homestead and their results prior
to the riot are also narrated. Speuklng of
the riot the court said: "The defendant re
mnitied on the ground the greater part of
the day, counseling, assisting und directing
those engaved in the d udlv attack on the
men on tlie boat, though there is no evi
dence that the defendant wus armed.
Continuing the court lead: "That night
the defendant, speaking of the conflict, suui:
'Me huve u glorious victory, we killed six
of them.' During the afternoon, while the
attack on the burg, s wus in progress, und
dynamite was befiig thrown on them, und
preparations were being made to bum them
witu oil, he ssid, - We are going to win.' All
this testimony is liable to he contradicted,
explained or impeached on a triul, but in
this us iu ull preliminary hearings we must
accept the testimony offered by the com
mon we It b us true. It indicates that the
killing was done in a riot by a body of men
who had a common understanding' or agree
ment 1 hut they should resist all who op
osed them, to the extent of taking life, if
necessary to accomplish their purpose; thut
the defendant wus a parly to this combina
tion; thut he wu' present on the ground with
full knowledge of the proceedings ol the
rioters and giving them encouragement.
We iiiu-t. therefore, refuse the application
to admit the defendant to hail."
The Leasee Ueeerd.
The following table s'.iowa the standing of
the various buse bull clubs 1
Post. Per
Won. Lost, poned. Cent.
Cleveland 48..., 17 0 717
Hoslon Stl. ...28 0 010
Pittsburgh 84.. ..27 0 557
ftrooklvn 84. ...27 0 ...M7
New York 81.. ..28 1., 525
Cincinnati 81. ...28 0 525
Philadelphia !!0.;...H0 0 MSI
Chicago 20. ...81 1 41
Louisville 25. ...84 0 414
Baltimore 28. ...83 1 411
St. Louis 20....3U 0 330
Washington 20. ...30, 1 m
Tliey Wonld Take the name.
Thrt tail, thin missionary with a
tmltl head anil red noic wus Impressed
with the looks tif the two Indians
who hud liccn Hitting- unit Ionics la
I ho mm fur three hours, any the I)e
trolt Tribune. "Here," declared th
missionary, "Is the raw material oT
useful iimiiliofKl. It only nerds to b
reclaimed ty the hiinil of religion.'
With a triumphant nttd I no (Tub' 7
tweet smile, as If the victory
were nlreudy his, he turned to the
nlxirlgines. "How!" ho observed.
The noble red men opened their eyes,
but made no nudlhlc reply. "Come,
ye who tiro wearv." urired the itils
iliuiarv. "Huh " The Indlanoseemed
quite contented with their present
position. Tho Inducements held out
by the bald-headed party with a red
nose wero not sufficiently powerful to
arouse within their breasts any eon
stl tn I ntr desire for a chang-e. "He
men!" exclaimed the man of Ood.
"Huh!'' The denizens of the forest
evidently preferred to be Indians.
Possibly it was tiinro fun, but they
didn't say. "Ilefore vott are two
roads," explained the missionary.
"Tho one leads to ruin end useless
lies, the other to salvation and
jflory." Tito native, looked puzzled.
Which will you take''" the tall, thltt
exhoiter Impressively demanded, lit
stantly tho Indians were uuun their
leet, Ihelr eyes kindled with Intelli
gence. Tim missionary was almost
overeotno with delight. "I say,"
thundered ho in his deepest tones,
"which will you take?" Ho listened
eagerly, rapturously, for tho reply.
"A little of the same!" thev cordially
declared. Almost before they knew
It the missionary was go tie.
tow Chinese atthtters are laM.
The Chinese soldier receives his pay
once a month only, and Chinese
months, It may be remembered, are
much lai'irer than those wo are iircus
tinned to reckon bv. On the eve of the
pay-day the captain of a company, to
gether with his sergctint-ninjor, (roes
und receives the amount of money
requisite to pay his company from his
next superior officer.
This is not paid to him in Jingling
coins, but In pure silver, which, how
ever, lias been broken Into somewhat
irregular jileces. The whole of tho
night preceding pay-day Is occupied
in weighing out for each man the re
quired quantity of silver, und this
occupation, as may be imagined, is a
very tedious one, and only success
fully accomplished by In II til to care,
for hero a pleco the size of n jiln'u
head lias to be chipped off, and thero
a piece of larger dimensions has to bo
11 tided to make up weight, and uny
deviation one way or the other means
t he loss of perhaps a day's pay or more
to some poor defender ol the celestial
When tho process of met Inn out Is
accomplished, tlie silver is carefully
wrapped In paper, upon which is
written tho name of tho Intended
recipient. On tho follow intr after
noon the company Is mitstored, and
the seiveant'tnajor divides the 1110110)
commencing with tho first man in
tho company, and going on to the
last When this division is con
cluded, the question Is usked in sten
torian tones "Has any one else it
claim?" und tho customary "No"
having been promptly given tho men
arc then dismissed.
Kach 0110 now repairs to the near
est tradesman's shop, where ho ex
changes his sliver. For 0110 teal he
receives 1,(100 small coins called cash,
pcrforatcti In tho center so as to al
low of being threaded on a string,
and, having received the proper
amount, turns homeward with a
cheerful mien but nearly sinking be
neath Ills burden.
Tho privato receives three nnd a
half teals, equal to about nineteen
shillings, monthly, out of which he
has to provide himself with clothes
nnd food, lint ho lives on rice, and
Ills clothes cost but n tritle.
Mlstukmi Kcommiy.
Pr. Gustavo Pchlegel has called at
tcntion to tho necessity of merchants
Undying tho custc.ius nnd prejudices
it tho Cninoso in rcfereneo to com
mercial undertakings, nnd relates
the following Incident, which bhowi
Iho strong practical sense and fru
gality which pervado the Chinese:
Tho native pots aro very thin, and
burn through quickly, nnd some En
glish firms thought it would bo a
very good thing to make boilers In
Lngland nnd send them to China.
Accordingly, a ship loud was sent to
Hong-Kong. They were cheaper and
itrougcr than the nutivo boilers, and
1 few hundred wero sold, but the na
tives would buy no more, though
thev admitted tho boilers were
:heapcr than their own, but to make
them boll they had to use much more
fuel becauso they were so thick. They
ipent much in the way of fuel before
they could get their rice Uilled than
it would cost to renew the boilers
every two or threo months.
At Coney islanu.
Mr Long Thev aro talking about
Introducing balloon traveling on
Coney Island.
Mr. Short Good gracious! I hope
not. Traveling is about the only
thing that Isn't high down here, .
No Wonder
PeopU Speak Well
of HOOD'S. " For a
lung time 1 was troubled
with weak stomach, la.
dbjrestion and Dya
Mnsls. I beican taking
III sid's iarsrtlla and
1 hsvs not fait so well all
Mr.ll.J.Hraueai. over for years. My food
seldom troubles in now. My sister also took
Hood's tisiwistrllla wlih vsry .lMlnoMults.
I duu't w.mder people aimk well of Hood's
(aavparllla. lui'i see how tlity caubtup
It." H.J. HapaoAOa.Xi.rwalk.Ct.
M.B. Me sure to get llmst's riawpariua-
Beod'.PtlUeleasllr, r prompt) 1
tBeUBtlr os tbe Ursr aui twwela.
reaacist lei- a Panerv t llr.
"Four nor a belt line, anil two fuel,
all ptiH-.lhicr ar sure t" msk" a nlc 1 it v here,"
said Jay A. Ilwigiciti;' Ar Co.. of Chlrng.i, when
they fmmrUvl Ol illltli. They wen- tv til . Kmir
taririr? Imaled at imcc, new tmnsr uuu stores golin: u-.i ilaib . ('h!csiri Newc
Fish hov some discomforts, but thev
mausgeto escape he annoyance of being
culled: '-too fresh." Texas Sittings.
J. A. Jnhnsnn, Medina, N. Y., snysi "Hall's
Cnlarru Cure iuiiU uie." Sold by Druggists,
A W11ms.11 is never sonnxiousto acknow
ledge man s stinrrinritv as when her lead-
pencil gets dull. Texas Sittings.
Mr. Janes le Mrs. R .
Mrs. J -" I wnniler why. w hen Croup, Whoop
ing faugh and IM,htneria were epf iterate, roar
ebilriren alone eM-Hiel an attack; "
Mrs. B -"The rea-iMi Is plain. Dr. Hmsle's
Certain Crn.ii I lire asm wsfil if th' u tii
niirr n' fie ssl nmiM'nn. It l a wonderful
rirevenllvr. ' Wevntuur druggist to seud fur
t. V is only due.''
It is 1,0 use to fret about the Inevitable,
but sometimes It helps to passowuy the time.
-- Texas Sittings.
AsrvciNr. would tie Justified In rcmmmfndlne
ttcechnm's I'llls for all alTectiuiisof the hvur
and olber vital organs.
.4 I'fliiiplele Ssirspspsr e'er tine Cent.
77ir I'lttthitiyh ( 7o-niOclr-7V Irtfntv.i is sold bv
all News Atfeuls nnd delivered by C'arrlert
everywliere. Inr thir 1 VmI a copy or sir tViils 11
week. II eontii ns daily, tlie news of the
world, n-eel.-linr 1 s I", does, tlie reiairt of botii
the Assrs-latnl I'ren and tll I 'lllle I Press. No
other pap-r which sells fur On cvt renetves
both of these resirts. Its SMirtliur, Klnsiieliil,
Ksshlfin, and littiiiehiild liejeirtiiietits are uu
eimled. lirder It fi-mn your News Auent.
Both tlie method and results when
Byrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, nnd acts
cently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Pvrttp of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tnsto and ac
ceptable to the efomnch, prompt in
its actiou nnd truly lieiielicinl in its
effects, prepnred only from the most
healthy and agrcenlilo substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all nnd have made it the most
popular remedy known.
8yrup of Figs is for sale In 50o
and (1 bottles by all lending drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wi.-ucs iu try iu uit 001 accept any
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure.
lumbairn, pain In Jnlntsor back, brick dust In
urine, frequent, culls, IrrltHtinu, ItitlumHtlnn,
ravel, ulceration or catarrh of blaUUcr.
Disordered Liver,
Impaired digestion, stout, billions-headache.
SUVA JIP-llcroT cures kidney illfrictiltlva,
XoOnip. urinary truuhl", bright sdlscfcsa.
Impure Illood,
florof ula, malaria, gen'l weakness or debility
Guarnut- Vf ronfpnts nfOiw Bottle. If not tea
eAlwd, irustftU sill i vIulMl to yok .La prl paid.
At Drtiicglste, SOr. ftlae, $1.00 Mao,
.lBTliiit' bind to !!eslth"fr-ConulutlMl rise,
' i KlMISa&l'O.. DlNUHAUTOM.N. Y.
Tills Trad Vsrk Is 00 tlx best
world 1
IT I si A II'TV roil ewe rsur.
i-iraiiil I'ltnitly lu sec the best
value for ur uionei-. Keoiio
nitwe In your fsmwrsr by pun
rbHstiltf W. 1,. Iluustil Sihfies.
vt-lili-a resreeul Ibe bi-c
value for erlrea ake4, as
IbuuanniU will lesllly.
fin lmHirirtl
rusv to walk
.10 l
1 will
1 I $2
1 vrv
ASK F0r W. L D0U6LAS' 8H0ES. lU.u by U for oblalnlus mon.y B.ler UIm irelrus.
If ael fer sale ta rear alar sra4 illreet le reentry, uailua klast, , alae s4 ll
wealed, f.sla.. free. Will atve esela.lre sale le ltfler. as 4 I aser.
okaais wkere I lave se aeeais. Write (er talaleaae. V. I- lieualas, Srecklea, Mas.
William McKcekan, Druggist at
Hlootnltigdalc, Mich. "I have had
t'.ieViMlkma badly ever aince I came
out of the army nnd though I have
been in the drug business for fifteen
years, and have tried nearly every-.
thing on the market, nothing boa
given me the slightest relief until a
few months ago, when I used Bo
Fchee'a German Syrup. I nm now
glad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and at night go to
sleco without the least trouble."' D
an unr ut nrr.ctvrn
" ill" fnsies, hiisniels. end Pnlnt which Stain
tlie lintiils. Inliire tha Iron, surf liiirti oft.
TlmKlslnsMiin Bnise Polish Is Bllllsnt,Odn
1rs, Iiiiniiiie. mid His eoiisntiisr ihs lor autla
or ulass parktute with ssery iiin-hss.
r n t) 3
Its Origin and History
An Interesting Pamphlet mailed to any ad.
dress on receiot ot Btnmn,
Dr. L H. HARRIS, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
or tmed tn the
repartition of
W. BAKER & (0S
irhlcS I tthirlutety
pur and foluMt
I tt han more thnnth ret ttm
J tkeitrenyth of Owna inlxefj
with Ktarch. Arrowroot or
mip(rf pu ia tar niuit rtiF
nomlcal, co ting Uf$ than on cent a nip.
It I delicious, nourish I ng, nU BASiirr
Kold byUrorm rr7 where
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mail,
Wo . 1 1- - .
CoBsamiiitTc and pnpi
wbo h? wftk Mini's or Atb
ms. shonld ns IMso iOsm fr
Cunaumpuon. It ba arl
tbowamBda. It has not Injur
tl one. It is Dot bad to lata,
tl is tba bast conttb afrup.
ft (.Id avarrwbrra. .
ft wearing quailrtM ara naiurpaasad, ajetnally
oailAmiiif ihrru bnis of anvnthr hraod. Not
aflactrd V hoNt. ir-JKT THE VINB
XjXJ1JX Yotm
1 a mi uw-rrM Kma HTinxAKr
pubhshMl.atuw nmmtluMr row prto9
tain4 a rlasrlv pruitai pmtm ot clMr
m aicailnat pMr n 1 Is hts.l
suuiulr tat aarvtfleaiiljr botin l in eloth.
litci'M fcncluli worJ with Um (tormaa
atitilvaimtf m1 prouaonliujati, mnl
Uannaii w trxla with KmrM'ti tUrtaltloni.
li u iuvkIuUI 10 ( arm tut whn mr ao
IliomtiirbJj famflaar wtUx Kitaltab, or Co
AiiivrifAfu wiu wiob i kswu uartnaa
uuu rCa. u0V4 Ut LaMsritw Um lrhuu
vortw. aim-psa book. rWiifa off
a priftifsl imtiUry ruwr diirina; m
.voars. It tftarlM how lo Artct aii4
rtllfl dlnara: la fiteil for emm avn
-.(m ffttum.oir; whW. lowli toaavato
HBThtfl mi.Att IMiIim
BOOK ft m Uotiafc, iH tu, N. ff. CMy.
KiniOl Wll Unathliiulon, !.-
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lt IVlnrip! Examlnar U S. Tenaion Buraau.
Jisiu Jt war, lsVaJjtMiuUugi:lwiui attjr ju,
IV V lC'IY i!.C rVnrtft-r'ift Kriaonn
ll Ij I J J whv an InvcMtment with
iiH will prot1tall. MdVKY HF(?UKK.-U rrornl
illvldi-niU AtldrtMi THAI. HAN Hr'U. CO., 141.
liuliliuont 8trt-t. 11ALT1MOHK, MO.
-) 1 ltuslnrM 4 Hit I rhri
y f hHitil Ht-bttAl, t'lnvvlaml, (.
ruiideil in inn 2MNi former
sis Knilrhflrlil Hi.. (Mtl.tiirg. Pa. Muirlhsnil ami
lvH-wrlniis s-r nionlb, S4..'si per quaiur, $ii
six uiiaita-, SJi- Wrllo fur culatntf as.
1ATK.STIS rF-NsilOMsl t-Honil for InssnS.
or's lluhl or lliiw lo oliiuln a I'utnur. Srn4 foe
lilsmlof -t.lIIIN Utll'NTV LAWS.
fV Cfll If nstut-ral I lb', a mnnita.anr ae
I V U Lnv rn make remedy. Halv moU sum
partivutars 'A..
Vox H U. SC. Lou!., Mo.
1 i rpr,s-TrT,i! W. T, VliEer
aM 40-euse keels I
, ...
A teoNia arwed aaas 'lar WJ not rip, Hum calf, ifomlrw,
smooth lulua, Mf iiliv. mora itinfrtabie.styliab and duraMa tbaa
aujr otbt-r stoiw ner aoi4 ai 1111 pric. jLquala iuium mmim abwa
ttmftnuT frtiiit Mi iu BVi.
iiauti-awai. on rtur snoaa. in mot atynmaj,
aud Uuraol .bo vtr auld at Uua pf Tb auuai
shors C4ntiutf from to flit.
.)J I'Olirt BSSV W(ri4 VJ iMJ-invra MU mn nurwwnw
a wunt a kum1 bvavy ralf. Itir Mlrd. aaivusMiii a slioa.
In. aul will kwp th fwl dry and warm.
- .ua 'alf, J.'t aud 94 trkmaifii i unoan
viva imtr wvar fur tua mouay tiiau any other maku.
They ara made for iwrviw . Tba lucrvuauiK wilaa sbow Uiut wora
Inmnen bava founil this out.
nWC J ana YoHlha l.Tft (clioal Hbaaa aro
U le 1 w worn by tba Ua avrwbur, 'Jbatuokbaarvico
able sboes im.W at tha prk-M.
1 nl 1TC' U llaa.-Sowed, t J-flO, S'J ami ..'
mmf aVf I mm W kboaa lor ,ltaaa aro mada of tba Wib l)ou
gola or nna rair, aa ucsirra, isr r ary yiin, wm
loriabla aud Unrabla. Tba amw trtjuais cuaiom mail
anoaa coiuu, f mm 9 to $&. ldtaa bo wuOa uiouviio
intsa In their footwear are bad lug ibla out.
VA I'TION. Bawara of uaataratuDailtutlnf shoaawltku
outW. U m.unlaa' us ma and tiiaprUsumNNlouboua
h.....s ssm 1 miiiiilatafc si nil auhkvt't lei limtki-Ui