The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 21, 1892, Image 7

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    "Keeping; Company."
-Bweet homely phrase, to often spti
Among the kinder country folk. .
When youthful Inva they mils to see
"'Those two are 'keeping company.' "
In fuller and In higher sense,
Through years of rich experience.
Jicar love, 'tis true of you and me
We've kept each other company.
In Joe we've sought each other's eyes
To share the gladness and surprise.
In pain, life's utmost tet of III,
Our hearts have clung together stilt.
In absence word with anguish fraught
Vie hsve kept company in thought,
And learned that l.-aguea ofdistance may
Serve but to spur love on Its way.
In death I pause with bsted breath
Before the mystery of death.
Vet love Is great ! I seem to know
That where thou goest I shall go:
And in God's great eternity
Our souls shall still keep company.
A wild sen was running high In tho
open harbor of Madras. The sea at
ways t uns high there, and tho last two
tnilns must always bo made in surf
boats. The morning when the steam
ehlp Tigress dropped anchor and ran
jp her signal for the boats, great an
gry waves wore blowing along before
fresh monsoon, and evon the surf
fconts found It hard to keep dry.
Among our passengers from Ceylon
tor Madras we had a dapper young
follow, who was ns good a judge of
pearls ns I ever saw. lis had been to
Ceylon buying for au English house,
and was now on his way to tho Pcr
sjisu Utilf to complete his stock. He
'was to leave us at Madras and go over
laud to Bombay.
Ho knew how to buy pcaris, but lie
liil not know how to take care of
llicin. Ucfore ho had been on board
day be had told mo all about bis
luck in Cevlou aud had showed mo his
entire assortment. One of the pearls
was simply gorgeous. Had it not been
for a faint dot of blue upon one side
it would have bcon worth a small for
tune. Ho was dolightod with my appreci
ation and enj lyniont of the atones,
and he showed me hi treasures sev
eral times during tho short voyage.
Twice ho loft me nlone with them. It
Was not, however, through any pat.
licular conlldunce in me, for I suspoct
lie made quite as free with bis treas
ures among several of the passengers.
One was a Parsce, who was forever
going betweeu Ceylon aud Madras;
for what purpose I could never dis
cover, though I bad met him several
Whatever else be was I was sure
(hat ibo Parsee was a great rascal and
was surprised Mid sorry for the young
pearl man to find blin making a most
intimate friend of the follow.
Togoiher they stepped down tho
ladder to enter a surf-boat a we
tioat'ed Madras. The young mau went
down first with his case of precious
poa'rl in bit band. The Parsee was
topping into tho boat, when he paused
and spoke to lit black captain.
"I have forgotten something," ho
aid, laming to the younger man. "I
tuuet come by another boat. I will
meet you at tho hotel."
Ho gave the surf-boat a push with
iiis foot aud began to climb the lad
A sailor who was staudlng by me
tii uttered:
''There's a shark in the aurf yon
der." But instoad of looklug away
over Ihe water be looked directly down
upon the Parsee aud then at the youug
pearl man.
Of courso there was a shark in the
aurf. There are always sharks in that
tirf, but to mo the sailor's seutenuo
tneant something more than that.
The Pursee simply waited behind
ihe suloou-bonso, stood there two or
three minutes, thou left the steamer
by another boat. My curiosity was
thoroughly aroused. Glass in band I
watched the two boats, a quarter of a
tulle apart, atlll wondering what the
ailor meant by a shark in the surf."
Presently one of the great waves
lifted the flitsurf-boal,but .Instead of
taking the usual advantage of it to dip
their oars and pull, I noticed the boat
uien sitting like statues. The almost
nuked fellow standing iu the stem,
with a long oar to guide the craft,
suddenly leaned upon the oar aud the
boat turned, was caught broadside on
the wave and the next instant was
capsized. I saw the passenger, with
the pearl ease still hi bia hand, plunge
bead first into the water.
Like so many eels the black boat
men wiggled about iu the water till
they righted their boat, then clambered
' var the aide and began to bail it oat
-. f than teemed to giro a
r - "ttiC rtetz.
The next moment a piercing shriek
sounded even as far as our steamer,
and to my horror I saw Ihe young fel.
low's body lifted out of the water not
10 feet from the surf-boat. It mnlo
one whirl In the air, disclosing lli"
head of a shark holding It across Hut
back, thon sank again.
As the next boat pasted the plnce I
saw the Parsee throw something over
board that left a white spot on Ihe
water, which romatned as long as 1
walchod it, convinced me that It wns a
buoy of tome sort set for some pur
pose. A few days inter we were anchored
in the Hoogly Itiver, off Calcutta.
'I was walking dowu the principal
English thoroughfare when I saw the
Par-ee emerge from the door of a
lapidary. He evidently recognized
me, but he turned quickly in the oppo
site direct ion and walked away.
A shark In the surf," I muttered,
and with only a vague idea half
formed iu my mind 1 entered the shop
and inquired of tho dealer If he had
an assortment of pearls on hand.
"How fortunate!'' he exclaimed.
'I was never so low as this morning.
Penrls are In very great demand. Hut
I have Just purchased a large lot ol
the finest pearls I ever saw. 1 pur
chased them very low, for cash, and 1
can not only give you tho first choice
of this magnificent collection, but a
great bargain beside. They are
beauties I Vcs."
"Yes," I replied, "they are bentitie-.
Especially this huge one with a dot of
blue on ono siJe. Too bad that It li
the flaw."
1 knew then why the Pursoe went
down to tho surf. boat and spoke lo
the captain, but went a-liore by an
other boat. I knew why he left ihe
whito buoy tu the water. I knew why
ho continually journeyed between
Ceylon and Madras, and 1 kuew what
the sa lor meant when he walcluil
him and muttered: "There's a shark
'lit the surf." St. Louis Republic.
Hard to Counterfeit.
"Tho paper money of the United
Stales is Ihe least hiitulsome in the
world," suid Ihe proprietor of a money
exchange. "That is because this gov
ernment depends entirely up m the
intricacy aud elaborateness of the de
signs on its notes and certificates for
protection against counterfeiters. Iu
forelgu countries, on the othor linntl,
much effort is directed to making
their currency beautiful with picttno
and arabesques Iu tho classical style.
Not only are the results pretty to look
at, but they servo their chief purposo
better, tot any engraver will tell you
that real art work on a bill is far
more difficult to imitate than any
purely mechanical eftVct, no matter
how complicated tho hit tor may be
made by the geometric lathe and othor
"Most beautiful of all paper notes
are those Issued in France and Prus
sia. Here is a pretty Austrian bill for
100 florins, printed in blue ink, with
the design mainly cotnposod of two
large staudlng figures of cherubic
children aud an oval of children'
heads. That seems a queer notion
from our point of view for tho orna
mentation of currency, but it ia cer
tainly both interesting and liuudsoru .
This is a Russian bill for 100 rubles,
done in pink and green. Here you
have a Scotch note, issued by the Brit
ish Llnon Compauy, which promises
to pay 3 oil demand. In Great Brit
ain tho privilege of issuing paper
money can be obtained by corpora
tions other than batiks from the gov
ernment. "You will need a magnifying glass
to examine this note with. It is Irish.
The words oue pound' are printed
across it iu big letters, bu,t this broad
stripe extending from one end to the
other of the document is a curiosity.
To the naked eye, even upon scrutiny,
it seems to have no significance, but
when magnified you will perceive that
it is wholly made np of the words
one pound' in microscopic lettors.
From the superficial appoarance of the
Bank of England notes you would
auppote that they could be readily
imitated by photography or otherwise,
inasmuch as their designs consist of
very little more thau lettering in
black that Is almost severely simple.
But that great fiuunclal institution de
pends altogether upon the water
marking of its paper, which is won
derfully elaborate, as you can see by
looking at the light through it. Tills
water marking has been imitated, but
uever with success.'' Washington
A Chlckea-Eatlug Cow.
Mr. Daniel Busb, near Houcksville,
M4-, Is the owner of a cow that bids
fair to rival tho bovine in tho state of
Washington that feeds oa hope and
yiolds boor Instead of milk, says a
tUUtasvava AsMrieaa toteial. Ur.
bush's cow, contrary to the natural
habit of the genius, has deroloped
carnivorous propensities, aud is dis
playing a fondness for spring chick
ens as nn article of diet. Her owner
', tiuill recently, possessed of a flue
lot uf ihe feathered biped, which were
kept In coops, probably as a measure
of protection agatust the peculiar ap
petite of the cow.
In spite of litis precaution, however,
the milk-giving animal recently suc
ceeded In making a feast of a number
of the fowls. She accomplished her
purpose by breaking tho coops with
head and horns, and thou deliberately
devouring tho poultry, feathers and
all. The first coop attacked contained
eleven fine broilers, which were speed
ily transferred, feathers and all, to
the maw of the quadruped, and might
have been regarded ns a good,
square meal for evon a hungry cftw.
But the appetite of Mr. Bush's cow
was not easily satisfied, and she
promptly demolished another coop
and gobblod seven more bipeds.
It Is needless to reiuurk that steps
were immediately taken lo guard the
remaining p tultry from a similar fits,
and since the occurrence related the
ruminant animal has been compelled
lo chew thecal of disappointment and
wait another opportunity. Some curi
ous people are anxious to know what
effect a diot of spring chicken is likely
to havo ou the lacteal fluid of the aul
mill. Some of them read the story of the
ashiugtoii cow eating hops and yield
lug beer Instead of milk, and they
imagine that the least Mr. Bush's
milker can do, under the circum
stances, Is lo supply him with a first
class article of chicken soup.
A Foiir-Mnitt'il llnrk.
On one sido of Pier 11, at the foot
of Wall street, is docked a four-masted
baric, said to be the only vessel of
its kind in the world. Tho vessol is
the Olympic. Her keel was laid lust
January in I lie yard of the New Eng
land Ship Building Compauy at Bath,
Me., and It took a trifle over five
months to complete the ship.
Tho Olympic was built for the lum
ber trade, to ply between this city
and Portland, Oregon, round the
Horn." Her length over all is 310
foot and her registry is 1169 tons
gross. I I'T depth is twenty-one feet.
Tho great features of the Olympic,
usidu from her peculiar rigging, are
the clear space on Ihe main deck be.
tween the fore and aft houses of 130
feet, capable of holding 600,000 feet
of lumber, and the ability of the craft
to sail without a pound of ballast.
When the ship sailed from Hath the
only freight aboard was a kedge
anchor and uino fenders, and she
carried easily" her 8000 feet of
The fore and main masts are square
rigged and tho mlzzon and jigger
masts carry fore ami aft mainsails
mid gall topsails. Tho mala cabin is
furnished in cherry and ash. Tho
captain's room Is a luxurious apart
mout, witli four staterooms opoulng
out. The completed vessel, Including
the copper bottom, cost $70,000
In about five weeks the Olymplo
will suil for rurtluud, Oregon, with a
general cargo, and return with 1,000
000 feet of lumber.
Tho style of craft of which ihe
Olymplo Is the pioneer has been
termed "a sloop chasing a bark."-
Sow York Times.
A Touching Incident of lity Lire.
At high iiooii the other duy I ran
across a woman sitting iu a doorway
in Fulton street. She ,was mumbling
to herself. A crowd guthored. One
man asked:
"What Is It, aunty?"
The woman tired, weary, worn
gnve no heed. She kept mumbling
"What are you doing?" askod a
second by-stuuder.
The woman for years on tho streets
of N.'W York paid no utteiitlon. She
continued her strange task of thumb
ing something iu her handkerchief.
What are yon at, aunty ?" broke in
a third.
Then voice wheezy and rusty
she speaks.
"l';n couutlii' my money."
Poor woman aged, homeless, alone
what is that she has Iu her trembling
Only somo old buttons. Now York
A Juvenile Retort.
Charley, to his papa, who has just
coiuolnto the room Papa, what maUos
you look so eross?
"Because I heard mamma soold you
Just now, so you must bavo been
"But, papa, suppost I looked eross
vsry timo mamma sooU't - yon."
Hew York Health Authorities Publish
Letter ta the People, hawlnar
What Is Bstna- Dons for the
Publlo Safety-.
After a conference with President Wil
ton, of the Hoard of Health Department,
and President Porter, of the Department of
Charities and Correction, on the outbreak
of cholera In New York, Mayor Uraut gave
out the followlnx:
"Mator's orrica, Sept. 15.
"To the Public:
I "The dreaded cholera has appeared in
this city, and the Health Department has so
far shown its ability to arrest the disease
nromntlv. The Health Department and the
Department of Charities ami Correction
are tully equipped to arrest and care for
every cae and stamp it out of the Immedi
ate locality ia which it is discovered. "
The proclamation further declares thst
reception hospitals have been prepared
with tlnrtnr and nurses, all equipped and
remlv to receive and Isolate each rae as it
Is discovered; that physicians are rloseiy
welching the thickly populated tenement
districts; that Federal and Mate authorities
have established quarantine stations for
tho-e coming from abroad; that the ( lum
ber of Commerce Is taking active measures
to lend assistance; that no energy or needed
eiie-tulitnre will be wanting, and that ex
cessive fear on the part of public Is not
Instilled. 'IheMnvor calls for conlidenre
in all there ptovisions to care for the public
weal. The record of the past in stumping
out tvplins and other Infectious diseases,
the proclamation reads, should justify fnlth
In the ability of the Health Department to
check cholera. Cholera, it says, is neither
Infectnus or contaitious thin the common
meaning ol the words, nor Is it, in the
languaite of the eminent authorities, as
dangerous as disensos that are constantly
in our ni'd.t. The public will be intelli
gently advised as to the progress of the di
sease. The paper closes;
"Itest assured that all will be dona by
the authorities to meet every emerueney.
and with the conlldence of the public and
there aid in enforcing: sanitary regulation,
the cholera will be mastered, health restor
ed, and peace, goud order and happiness
What People Must and Must Not Do ta
Ouard Against the Bcourae-
The Instructions given below are those is
sued by the New York board of health, and
are considered the best on the cholera sub
ject that have been sent out.
Healthy persons "catch" cholera by tak
ing Into their systems through the month,
as in their food or drink, or from their
hands, knives, forks, plates, tumblers, cloth
ing, etc., the germs of the d'sease, which
are always present In the discharges from
the stomach and bowels of those sick
with cholera.
Thorough cooking destroys the cholera
germs; therefore: Don't eat raw, uncooked
articles ol any kinil, nut even num.
Don't eat or drink to en-ess. Use plain,
' wholesome, digestible food as indigestion
j snd diarrhiea favor an attack of cholera.
Don't drink unboiled water,
j Don't cat or drink articles unless they
navn ueen immjiiKiiiy aim recently coo Ken
or boiled, and the more recent and hotter
they are the safer.
Don't employ utensils in eating or drink
ing unless they have been recently put iu
boiling water; the more recent the sitter.
Don t eat or handle food or drink with un
washed hands, or receive it from the un
washed hands of others.
i Don't use the hands for any purpose when
' soiled with cholera discharges; thoroughly
I cleanse th- lit at once.
Personal cleanliness, and cleanliness for
I tho living and sleeping rooms and their
; contents, and thorough ventilation should
i lie rigidly enforced. Foul water-closets,
sinks, croion faucets, cellars, etc., should ha
avoided and when present should be refer
red to the health board at once anil remedied.
The success! nl treatment and the proven
I lion of the spread of this disease demand
that its earliest manifestations be promptly
' recognized and treated: therefore:
Don't doctor yourself for bowel complaint,
but go to lied and send for nearest physician
at once. Mend for your family physician;
end to a dispensary or hospitul; send to the
health department; send to the nearest
polios station for medical aid.
Don't wait, but tend at once.
If taken ill in the street, seek the nearest
drugstore, dispensary, hospital or police
station and demand prompt medical atten
tion. Don't ei in it vomit or diarrheal dis
charges to come iu contact with food, drink
or clothing. These discharges should be
received in proper vessels and kept covered
until moved under competent directions.
Pour hot water on them, put u strong solu
tion of carbolic acid iu them (not less thau
one part uf acid to twenty of hot soap-suds
or water.)
Don't wear, handle or tins and articles of
clothing or furniture that are soiled with
cholera discharges. Pour boiling hot water
on them or put tliem into it, anil scrub them
with the carbolic acid solution mentioned
above, ami promptly ro piest the heultb
board lo remove tliem.
Don't be frightened, but do be cautious,
and avoid excesses and unnecessary ex
posures of every kind.
The People's Party Ticket.
Nomination papers, signed by 10,000
members of Ihe Peoples Party of Pennsyl.
i vanla, were II led with the Secretary of the
I Cornmonaeulth at Harrisburg on Friday,
asking that the candidates of the organiza
tion bo printed on the official ballot. State
Chairman Thompson and L. F. Atuburst
and C. A. Burrows, chairmen of the party
in Westmoreland and Allegheny counties
respective! y, filed the papers.
B'xty Years In Prison-
At San Frunclsco, Sidney Bell, the foot
pad, who ucqulred notoriety through the
lensutionul trial resulting in his conviction
for the murder of Sumuel Jiuobeon, the
trunk manufacturer of that city, was sen
tenced on three charges of highway robbery
lo an aggregate of (JO year's imprisonment.
His second trial for the murder of Jacobson,
new criul having boeo granted him, begins
two weeks hence.
The l.encaeftecarit.
The following table shows the standing of
the various boa ball clubs :
Post- Per
Won. Ijo1. poned. Cent.
Cleveland 8....lti 0 70s
Boston 33. ...21 0 till
I'lttaburgh 31. ...24 0 Mi4
Brooklyn ?.... --H 0 K7
Cincinnati M. ...20 1 Mtt
Philadelphia 2S .... 27 0 610
New York 27.. ..27 0 500
Chicago 20... .28 1 4X1
Louisville 24. ...30 0 441
Baltimore 23. ...20 1 442
Washington 10. ...35 0 352
St. Louis 10.;..3O 1 315
A Xsntuoky Community Suturing- From
an Spldsmie of Plus
Reports received (rom Garner, Ky., say
that II in Is raging there to an alarming ex
tent. Twelve deaths occurred during the
pest few duys, and others are hourly ex
pected. Physicians seem unable to cope
tilth the disease. The victims are seized
with horrible pains in the bowels and sub
sequent purging and vomiting, which con
tinue until death, which usually occurs in
from three to Ave days. In some cases tht
wreams or patients can ba heard for half a
Of Interest to Swsllera ta the Keyatoat
oross Rtnf.liitsjrai.
The Jury empaneled to Investigate the ac
cident on the Cambria A Clearfield branch
of the Altoona division, Pennsylvsnla rail
road, by which O. W. Ferry, Raymond
Parrish, W. 8. Rowland, Alexander Oodolla,
reward Abies, fluiseppe Martlno. Martin
Martin. Daniel Rich and Anton Dlnello lost
their lives on the th Inst., met at Uallitsin.
Alter examining seventeen witnesses the
Jury rendered the verdict that the collision
was ruined by groas negligence and dis
obedience of rules governing the operation
of the said railroad by Conductor U. K.Dun
mire and Engineer U. 9. Yoderofths con
struction train.
A "iiMirnii has been caused by the arrest
(U Horace (J. Ilrosdhtirst for harve-ting
crops of peaches on the Sabbath duy. The
arrest was made nt the Instance of Hamuel
C. ltro.iks. Itroadhiirst was arraigned be
fore Justice Kly. He admitted picking 47
baskets of peaches on Sunday last, but
claimed it was work of necessity and com
ing under the act of assembly. Various
witnesses were heard, after which the justice
Imposed the usual line amounting to f50.
GovrnvoK Pathsom has had sent to the
local boards of health and of -r authorities
of cities and towns in the Stnte, 5,000 copies
of his proclamation, urging the Introduction
of proper sanitary measures as a precaution
against the breaking out uf cholera. The
Uovernor expresses conlldence in the abil
ity of the State Board of Health, assisted by
authorities of the cities and towns, to pre
vent cholera from invading I'ennsj Ivania.
"Farmer' George V, Adams, who was
convicted at New Castle for obstructing the
Fort Wayne track at Enon, became a rav
ing maniac. He calls continually to be
protected from Imaginary dateatives, whom
he believes to be after him. He will be
placed In an asylum.
At the christening of a Hungarian baby
near Morrisdale, whisky was as free as
water. One of the drunken Huns, while
walking about the room, stumbled and fell
on the child, crushiug the life out of it.
At New Castle Judge Hazen, in open
court, refused to grant naturalization papers
to an Italian who could neither write or
speak the English language. The Judge
said: "We do not want citizens who are ig
norant." There are said to be 50 cases of typhoid
fever in Washington.
At Morris ballast quarry at Tyrone Forge,
where there has been no bliisting for three
mouths, a mass of rock Wl feet high, lOofcel
long and weighing 10,000 tons, leil without
a moment's warning. Six men we e at
work below, but all escaiied exrept John
Harmody, a I'ohtnder, who ran buck to save
his tools and was killed.
Peter McClarney, a Lcith coke worker,
was struck by a shlftor on the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad near Leitb, and instantly
killed. Accidental deuth was the verdict.
Natural gas, piped from the Morley well
at Blacksviiie, W. Va, 14 miles distant, was
lighted at Wuynesburg for the hist time a
few nights ago.
Fifteen thousand people attended the
Granger interstate fair at Uellefonte, Thurs
day, Tin: Baltimore & Ohio railroad between
Uniontowu and Smithlield has been com
pleted. Freight trains will run this week
and passenger truins on and alter October 1
StiPEniNTKMiENT of Publie Instructions
D. J. Waller, Jr., hss issued a circular to
Pennsylvania school superintendents and
teachers requesting a general observation ol
Columbus day, ami suggesting that a promi
nent feature should be the planting ol trees.
The condition of the river at Johnstown
is suid to be simply terrible, owing to the
amount oi guruue ami nitn uumed wittnu
its bunks by Johnstown and Its suburbs.
j William Morwhsey was fatally injured
' at the Scotttlale brick works by a large
' mass of clay lulling on him.
Joxiiif. Wilson, a miner living near Bra
deusville wus assaulted by an insane man
named John Frown, the maniac cruthing
bia skull with a stone. Wilson is not ex
pected to live.
Peter Mi-Clares crawled under a rail
road car near Uniontown to escape a rain
storm. He fell asleep, and when the cat
was shifted he wss killed.
The diphtheria epidemic has again
broken out at West Newton with great
violence. There are 50 cases in the vicinity,
Reading has recently been flooded wits
spurious silver itollurs, and on Saturday the
police arrested Linda Myer and Annie Mil
ler with 30 bogus dollars in their possession,
Mac Misiiseuu, a switchman at the Con
wav vurds, Rochester, on the Fort Wayne
roa'.l.' was thrown oft au engine and instant
ly killed.
William Rkece wss drowned by ths
sinking of u pumping boat near Monongalia
la City.
Mrs. Jane Potter.of Washington was struck
by a train on the Ft. Wayne railroad at
Lcom-iuy. and sustained serious injuries
from which she died.
At Boiling Springs, the large barn on
the farm of Zach MeixelL together with
the season's crops were burned. Loss,
ti.uoo, purtly insured.
Thomas Garnxr of New Brighton was
killed by a train on the P. Jc L. ut Rock
Point. ,
Grvnt E. Plor, a typhoid fever patient
died at Reading after a desgtcrate struggle
witli his wife. He had gone to the garret
und dashed his head against the wall.
The Everett furnace at Bedford and the
Everett glass works ataried up after under
going repairs. Five huudred men are em
ployed. Tnn man who buys the most ex
pensive books is often the one who
seldom reads them.
A man is never to stupid but that
he can see something to laugh at
when fortune smiles.
A poLira editor wrote to a brother
editor railing htm "an ass," and
signed It "Yours fraternally.
Thi man who tries to be religious
for pay will steal every chanca ha
Attorney Cost Bella to the Oaraeele Csv
89 Dwslllne Houses in Homestead,
Boms of Which sure Ooouplest by
Strikers. A Heretofore
taunoh Amalgamated Htaa
Betarna to Work,
Tht striking Homestead steel workers
wars greatly agitated when It was announc
ed that Attorney John F. Cox bad sold to
tht Carnegie Company hit borough proper
ly, which consisted of tht Mansion House
at the corner of Fourth avenue and Amity
ttreet, which has been vacated since August
t; live frame dwelling houses on Twentieth
avenue, 12 in City Farm lane and four in
the Cox fc Cain plan, on the river front for
The houses In City Farm lans are oceuoiej
by strikers, and as the company want
houes for its new men, the pi - sent occu
pants will be compelled to vacate. Home
stead landlords complain that wbile store
keepers and others nave been getting paid
for Koods obtain-il by strikers, they nave
been entirely overlooked. The determina
tion of the tarneiiie Company o purchase
Homestead projierty will save the oorougti
from going Into a decline, and Is hailed with
delight by men who have their money In
vested there. The families of strikers evict
ed from company houses some time ago
found shelter in Mr. Cox's houses.
There wus consternation also when It be
came known that John Rattigan, a roller in
the 33-Inch mill and a staunch Amalgamat
ed man. had returned to his old position in
the mill. Rattigan Is a borough Council
man. His brother, Nicholas Rattigan, re
turned to work some time ago. John Ratti
gan's desertion Ls regarded as tht severest
blow yet dealt the strikers.
The new mill hands came ont at nsaal for
their meals and a stroll through the town,
but were not interfered witb. Adjutant
General Greenland has decided to gradually
reduce the military force at Homestead by
taking a few men from each company at a
time, but nreserving the battalion forma
tion. Joseph Klbler. a striking steel worker, re
lieved bis mind by denouncing the Car
negie Company, the militia and t lie deputies
hi an Anarchistic manner. He was arrested.
The Pittsburg grand Jury returned the
first true bills found in any of the Home
stead cases. They are against Thomas Bow
en aud Edward Burke for unlawful assem
bly. The men are charged by J. T. Miller
with unlawfully assembling August 8 near
the Carnegie Steel Co.'s works at Munhail.
Kvun fatten, whose homo is In Philadel
phia, died iu tht Homestead works from ty
phoid fever.
John P. Bnh died from Injuries received
at Homestead on Sunday, September 4. He
was a llremun at the Carnegie nulla and was
in the boiler house when a steam pipe burst
and he was scalded. He was 60 years of
Adjutant General Greenland said that the
trooi at Homestead would be withdrawn
by Thursday next.
Six of tht famous Beschsr family are
still living.
Senator Kehja. of West Virginia, it an
entbusiaatio amateur photographer.
Auoust Strinobbro, the Swedish
author, is famous for his hatred of women.
Kx-Govehor Birrt, of Bristol, N. H.,
has reoently observed his ninety -sixth birth- '
day in good health.
Sir Andrew Clark started ths title of
"Grand Old Woman" for Mrs. Olacstone,
and it is going th rounds of the British '
Coninosbt Ralph Disraeli, the nephew
of Benjamin Disraeli, who has just beets
elected to tbe British Parliament, ia only
twenty-bve years of age.
Jon D. Rockefeller, the Standard
Oil magnate, hss given t40,000 to erect s
building in Atlanta, Oa., which will aoooro
coraodate 800 colored students.
Bv the death of ex-Governor Myron H.
Clark, Hamilton Fish ia an Ms the sole
survivor of those distinguished men who
have held the Governorship of New York
prior to 1879.
Da. Pikrsox, of Philadelphia, has ac
cepted the call of tbe Metropolitan Taber
nacle, of London, to beojme tbe suosessor of
the Rev. Charles H. Spureon. and will be
gin his pastoral duties on January 1, 18IM.
Oilmore, tbe New York bandmaster, be
sides being a wonderfully swift inusio pen
man, has tbe largest stock of orchestral sooret
In America. If not the world. The cash value
of his musical library Is estimated at about
Jons Jacob Artor, ths New York mill
ionaire, has invented an automatio sweeper
wblchcan be drawn by one horse and la in
complete control of the driver. It ean be
used to advantage on all village result
scientldealiy laid out.
William Raxac, the pioneer Iron milt
founder of Pennsylvania, who died recently
at Bolivar, Westmoreland County, at tbe
age of lOi years, leaves, It Is said, about 600
descenn'anu. Heveral sons of the dead man
are In business in Mttsburg,
Cran Knar picking has begun.
Good boxwood timber Is scarsa.
Russia continues to seise sea'.er. '
America has 400,000 Bohemians.
Tax condition of the cotton orop is poorer
than since 188.1.
Italy has taken decisive steps to exter
minate brigandage.
Philadelphia haa aporoprlatej 130,000
'-for tlghting the cholera."
Connecticut is the laadlnj peach State
north of Georgia this ysar.
Thc United States has adopted a riOa
known as tbe "Kragjorgensen."
Tax cholera scars benefited the summer
resorts by prolonging the season.
Russia shows remarkable activity in pa
trohug bar portion of the seallnj grounds.
The Minneapolis (Minn.) mills are grind
ing Uour at the rate o! 33,000 barrels a day.
In New Orleans they are eallint for m
popular subscription oc 1 1,1,000 to clean up
the oity.
FAtLtmxaot building societies in England
have swept away $3.1,030,000 of tisa savinga
of poor men.
Germany haa decided ti a-lont th) Ameri
can grapevine, because experiments show it
to be phylloxera proof.
General Miles has reoommendel that
troops be kept on ths (JaerotiM (strip to pre
vent the return of the cattle.
Lnited States exhibitors have beau
allowed to select a large euaos for the Mad
rid (8paiu) Columbus exhiulttou.
Resident of New Hav..-u, Conn., hare
retaiue I oounsal to opposa the ereotlou of a
cheap bust ft Coluuimu by Italians i.l that
Ths deer are so plentiful about Cedar
Grove, Uul., that thoy ooum dowu t) tha
orchards aud gardens to bro ae aud feed oa
fru t and vegetables.
At tbe Pecos Valley Fair in Njw Mexico '
there haa been ounstruotei a "pAlaos" forty
eight feet wide and seventy-two feet ka
built entirety ol baled alfalfa.
"is that a real ostrich feather, do
you think?" 'So,' returned the wo
man who ia not always chartiab),
Ustrlcn feather ia only Ha torn i
plume. TVaahlartoa :.