The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 21, 1892, Image 1

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OrtVo on West Main stteet, opposite)
t'onimeivlitl Motel. Ki-yniii'lhvllli-, I'll.
jyll. H. E. HOOVKU,
Hosldent dentist. Tn hulldlrm near Metho
dist clunvli, opiMwIlo Arnold block, (icnlli'
tifflrt in oporiit loir .
MAM J. JlLACK, Proprietor.
The IrnrtliiK hotel of the town. Headquar
ter for rommcirlnl mm. Weam heat, free
him, Imih rooms nndoloseta on every Hour,
sample rooms, hilllnrd room, telephone con
nections, Ac.
(1 HE EX f- COXitElt, I'mimvtor.
First clns In evrrv pnrllenliir. T.nented In
1lw very centre of tlio business part of town.
I r'ree 'lius to mill fmm trains and commodious
snmplc rooms forconittictvlnl travelers.
M'FFixarox a- loxu, rv.
Otntiltm to and fit. m nil trains. Kiiroiienn
rOMlutiriiiil . IIoiim' heated itmi llulited hy
uim. Hot mill cold wilier. Western I'nloii
Tcleirrneh olMec In liulldlllir. The hotel In
lltti'll V fill III! till' tlMHllTII eoilVeilteili.'CS.
JAS. U. CLOVER, PmprUtor.
Hamplo rooms on the iiround Hisir. House
lien I rd liy natiiml tins, omtillitis to mill from
nil tniliiM.
The short line between Unllols. ltlditway,
Bradford. Piilaniiiucn, HulTitlo, Kis'hcstor.
KliiKarn Kails mid points In the upper oil
On nnd nftrr May C-'d, 1W2, passen
ger trains will arrive and depart from KiiIIh
t'reek statton, dully, except hundny, as fol
lows: THO A. M. llnidford Accommodation For
points North iMMween Falls t'rrok and
Bradford. 7:1ft a. m. mixed truln for
lO.Oft A.M. Hull ii lo nnd Kis-hcstcr mull For
llns'kw iiy vtlle, Hldirwiiy..lohiiKoiiliurit.Mt.
.lewett, Itrndford, hiilaniam-n, liulTalo mid
Korhester; coniuvtltiK Ht JohiisonhiirK
with P. .V E. I in In . for Wilcox, Kline,
Warren, t'orry mid Krlo.
10:A& A. M. Accommodation For llultols,
Hykes, HIk Hun mid rillixslltawncy.
1:211 I'. M. ltrudfoi-d AceomtiiiMluilou For
Kecrhti'eo, ItiiM'kwuy vllle, Kllitiont, t'lir
mon, Kii!wuy, JiiIiiisoiiIiiuk. .Ml. Jewel t
mid lit-iiilfiird.
4:60 I'. M.-Mnll-For Pnllnls, Sykes, HIk
ICiiii, I'linxsiiinwiiey mid W tilston.
7t6Ji l'..M.A ininiiKliiilon l'or hiillolsjllic
Kim nnd riiiixM.ttiu'iiey.
Triilns Arrive 7-.IH A. H., AeeonimiHlntlon
I'liiiMMitiittiii y: linn". A.M. ..Mull finm Wiil
hlon mid FilnxMiliiwiiey; lll:.V". A. M., Ar
i'onirniMliitloii from linuUm-d; l:'ll P. St.,
Aeeoniniodnl Inn fitim I'liiixsiitiiwney; 4 : M
I'. M., Mull from HulViiln and llis'liexter;
Ti.Vil1. M., Ai'i'omniiNlitlion finm llrndford.
Tlioiisund mile llekeis at. twoeents tier
mile. Hood for p.'iHHiiKe Immwwii nil siatlons.
J. II. McIntviik, Agent, 1'iiIIn ereek, I'a.
OHO. V. HAIiri.KTT. K. ('. l.AfKV,
delternl Kupt. Oen. 1'ns. Alfent
Hi iidfoid, I'a. KiH'hester, N. Y.
COMPANY' commoneinjj Stimlny
July 111, 1HD2. Low (iriulo UiviHion.
No. l.iNo.ft.lNo.fl,
A. M
'. M.
Ked Rank....
LnWHonliam .
P. M,
10 411
4 l
10 Ml
11 'is,
li in
n ;m
4 44
New Iteililehum
ft IN
dak Itldxn
Hiunniervtllo ..
Keynoldsvlllo .
Fulls (:rvuk....
Dii Hols
Hu I mi In
AVllltel'tlliuiil ..
filen Flslior. ...
ft 2.1
ft 211
ft :ti
1 1 4:il
VI 111
is av
ft v.
n k,
ii 4:1
n m
7 n-2
1 in
1 mi
1 17
1 :m
H Mil
H fts
J 07
7 in
10 .Vi
11 (11
1 :n
1 4T
7 i;i
7 1
1 -1.(1
7 211
7 40
1 ft.
2 01
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7 4.i
7 V.
H II")
2 .Ml
a 211
P. M.
A. l
No.2 I Ko.lll NolOI KM I no
PHftW(K)U ....
Henezetle ....
(ilen l'lshur...
Winterliurn . .
D11 Hols
Fulls Creelt...
M. A.
P. M.
7 (IN
7 St I
7 41
7 K
8 07
8 II
8 37
8 4.i
8 HI
12 ml
Vi J.'il
11 :in
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New llellilellum
mi 10
P. M.'A. M.lP. M.
Trains dully exeept Puudtiy.
DANrt) Mc('AUUC), Ukn'l. Kitit.,
JAS. I'.ANDE IiSON, tlitN'i.. V'AiS! A.f'1,
1'lllsbui'K, I'll
J Mho, und you wunt a good
Jlttiniir mid woll mmlo Biilt at a
ro'Knouubltt llrufe you will re
cuivu BHiuo by jAucitiy youp
ordur with
J. C. Froehlich,
'FA I LOU, .
Next floi "Si Hotol MoCunnell,
An Illnstrntlnn Hhnwlnn Thnt the Solar 1
ftynlrm Will Innvltalily Fxplre. I
Consldor a flywheel or Wockwork ns ,
driven ly a wcilit nnd the hent goner- j
nted by friction numst tlio inotion or
whenln and iiotiilulum nnd by itniwcts
of teeth iiKitiiiHt the pallet of nti cncnpn
ment. Our knowleilgo of jirojifrticn of
matter and of modes of iiropitKntion of
heat by radiation or conduction, and of
the efficiency of heat m a motor, discov
ered by eeveral thousand years of td
ervation and several hundred yennt of
experiment and dynamical theory, suf
fices to show that when the weight is
rnn down and the potential energy (or
capacity to do work) which it had in the
beginning has been all spent In the hent,
this heat is not available for raising the
weight and giving the clockwork a re
newed lease of motivity.
The solar system, according to the
best modern scientific lielief, is dy
namically analogous to tlio clockwork
in all the essentials of our consideration.
Not going back in thought to a begin
ning of which science knows nothing,
let ns compare the solar system as it
was 8,000 years ago with the solar sys
tem as it is now. Let our analogue he
a clockwork which three hours ago was
known to be going with its weight par
tially run down, and which is still go
ing with its weight not yet wholly run
During those 11,000 yenrs tlio sun has
been giving out radiant heat (light be
ing included in the dcHignntion "radiant
heat") in all directions, propagated at
the rate of alxiut nine a'nd a half million
million kilometers per year, and there
fore twenty-eight nnd a half thousand
million million kilometers in 3,000 years.
We do not know whet her the light which
left the sun 8,000 years ago is still travel
ing outward with almost undiminished
energy or whether nearly all is already
dissipated in heat, warming the lumlni
ferous ether or ponderable bodies which
have obstructed its course. We may, 1
think, feel sure that it is partly still
traveling outward as radiant heat, and
partly spent (or dissipated) in warming
ponderable matter (or ponderable mat
ter and the lnminiferous ether).
The running down of the weight in
the clockwork has its perfect analogue,
as Holmholts was, 1 believe, in reality
the very first to point out in tlio shrink
age of the sun from century to century
under the influence of the mutual grav
itational attractions between its parts.
The heat producing efficiency of the fire
which there would Ira if the sun were a
globe of gunpowder or guncolton burn,
ing from its outward surface luwiird
that is to say, the work done by tile po
tcntial energy of the chomical afllnity
between uncombined oxygen and citYbou
and hydrocarbons, attractive forces as
truly forces and subject to dynamic law,
as is the force of gravity itself, is abso
lutely infinitesimal in comparison wit'li
the work done by the gravitational at
traction on the shrinking mass adduced
by Ilelmholtz as the real source of the
sun's heat.
The whole story of energy now in the
sun, whether of actual heat correspond
ing to the sun's high temperature or of
potential energy (as of the not run down
weight of the clockwork) potential en
ergy of gravitation depending on the
extent of future shrinkage which the
sun is destined to experience is essen
tially finite, and there is much less of it
now than there was 800,000 years ago.
Similar considerations of action on a
vastly smaller scale are of course appli
cable to terrcstial plutonio energy, and
thoroughly dispose of the terrestial "per
petual inotion" by which Lyell and other
followers of Mutton, on as sound prin
ciples as those of the hnmblest mechan
ical perpetual motionist, tried to find
that the earth can go on forever as it is,
illuminated by the sun from infinity of
time past to infinity of time future, al
ways a habitation for race after race of
plants and animals, built on the ruins of
the habitations of preceding races of
plants and animals.
The doctrine of the "dissipation ener
gy" forces upon us the conclusion thnt
within a finite period of time past the
earth must have been, and within a fin
ite period of time to come must again
be, unfit for the habitation of man as at
present constituted unless operations
have been and are to bo performed
which are impossible under the laws
governing the known operations going
on at present in the materiul world.
Fortnightly Keview.
Ioei That Hatha Regularly.
It is only the petted and pampered ca
nines who have such a dreud of the surf.
The democratio curs of the town and the
sensible old house dogs who have lived
hero long enough to feel thoroughly at
home and who feel equal to the task of
looking out for themselves under any
and all circumstances are of an en
tirely different frame of mind, so fur as
that is concerned. Plenty of them go in
for their duily swita'as regularly and as
unconcernedly as the most enthusiastic
and inveterate bathers the town con
tains, aud plenty more wuit only for tlio
burest invitation to go plunging in after
a stick or bull, to bring it out on the
straud, triumphant at the victory over
the watery element. Philadelphia
Au anticancer Jeagt ,veu organ
ized in Paris, its purpiir ' VwtiJg to sock
uieuns of rolioviug u -.unity of
its most dreadful scourges.
It is stated that in the lust six months
ISO people have been killed by pars in
Chicago, and 430 porsons were perma
nently disabled from the tame cause.
' Rlllvil hjr Wringing Mnrhln.
Martha Davenport, colored, twonty
three years old, wns killed, nnd Daisy
Miiy Brown, nlso colored, aged eighteen
years, was injured, by tlio Imnvritfi; of a
wringer in the bnspinrnt of the I'mpire
Laundry company's lmiM'.ti,','. The
wringer had been in use about three
years, but wns overhntiW nnd a new.
ropper "basket" put in about Ion "lays
ago. This is said to be the first occa
sion when any accident has happened to
a wringer since the laundry wns started,
twenty yenrs ago, and there are several
wringers in tlio place which have been
in constant use for over ten years.
The constrnction of a wringer is not
intricate, and ns no steam rnn enter it
there seems to be considerable mystery
as to how it wns possihln for it to ex
plode. It consists of a jacket ninde of
cost iron, about i inch thick, 4 feet
high nnd 20 inches in diameter. The
copper basket is about 18 inches in
diameter nnd nearly the same height as
the jacket, and so placed ns to revolve
inside the Intter. Small holes in the
basket permit the water from the clothes
to pass out into tlio jackcUttnd thenco
by a spigot to a pipe, through which it
Bows off. The basket and jacket were
burst into a thousand pieces, but the
post which was meant to hold thorn in
place was left standing, and although
the pieces flow all over the room and into
the yard none of the other machinery
was struck.
Slnrtha Davenport, the, woman who
was killed, was about fifteen feet from
the machine when it burst. Baltimore
A I'lonerr on Kra Hathlng.
As an old balhman my father and
brothers having kept the "New York
3alt Water Floating Baths" at the Bat
tery and at the foot of Desbroeses street
for half a century, and being myself one
of the first superintendents of the pub
lic baths of New York city I cannot
refrain from adding a few words of ad
vice not only to surf bathers, but to all
who bathe, either at the seashore, in the
pond or even the bathtub, as there is
danger in all toan inexperienced person.
In the first place, never bathe after a
hearty meal; always beforo, and early
in the morning or late in the evening if
possible. Never go in the water while
perspiring freely; cool off a little and lie
sure to wet tho head fii-Bt. Dive in
head first if you know how and tho place
is snitablo for so doing. If not, wet a
towel and use that on the head, as it
drives the blood down and not to the
brain, and alxive all do not stay in the
water over twenty minutes, and your
bath will do yon good aud not weaken
you, as it will if you stay in too long.
As you truly Bay, the good swimmer
is apt to bo reckless and careless, for
getting tho treacherous "undertows,"
''sea pusses" and tho fatal crumps, but
lio niiui should go in bathing while in
liquor. Every one ought to learn how
to swim, for it is an accomplishment
and very handy to have with you as you
Journey through lifo either by wind or
by wave. C'or. New York Herald.
Advantage of Living In a Desert.
A blessed country is tho arid region.
From nearly every portion of it where
the land is irrigated coma reports of fine
crops of fruit and grain. In a few coses
only are there reports of less than an av
erage crop, and theso tales are few and
far between. In one portion of eastoir
Washingtot fears were felt for the
wheat crop, but it was soon discovered
that although tho straw showed the ef
fects of warm, dry weather, tho hoada
were filled with plump berries and the
crop was safe.
Clwoering reports como from Arizona
and New Mexico. Tho former territory
comes to tho front in great form as a
fruit producer, and promises to rival
California hereafter both ns tho earliest
producer and iii tho quality of its prod
ucts. Colorado grown berries of all
kinds would seem to bo without a peer
in tho world, yet eastom Washington,
Idaho and Montnna.havo produced simi
lar fruit gigantic in sizo aud luscious in
flavor. Arid Region.
filaiora Dlo on the Rama Day.
Sirs. Ann Scott Mnnlsby, of Washing
ton, widow of George Manlsby, medical
director United States navy, died nt El
beron, N. J., whejo she had gone for the
jumuier, Saturday. On tho same day
occurred the death at her home, at
Mount Airy, near Philadelphia, of her
tister, Mrs. Emma Lovett Breese, widow
sf Commodore Brceso, United States
navy. Mrs. Maulsby und Mrs. Breese
were the daughters of tho late Colonel
Lovett. the purchaser, of what ia now
tho Kolorama Heights property from the
Bowford estate. Ho lived thero with his
Family beforo tho war and until tho time
iiis property was confiscated by tho gov
jru'.uent fur hospital purposes. Ho then
removed to Philadelphia, whero tho
family, except Mrs. Maulsby, has sinco
resided. Washington Post.
Odd Kl mil in with II It'll Valuea.
, Many stamps attuiu a fictitious value
on account of somo uccidont in their
printing or publication. Tho story i:i
told that wu one ocension a number of
stamps were sont into Wales without tin
customary perforation. Thoy were of
the penny brick variety, common enough
in all conscience, but it is said because the
240 of them which composed the prized
pound's worth were tho only specimens
ever sent out in such a manner thoy are
now worih two pounds each, aud the
ame queer enthusiasm exists in France,
where the stamps used in connection
with the balloon post of the great war
oL1870 are considered worth their weight
la gold.-MiUion.
There all Is waste and wild and dark anil
The deepest sllencs-aiill In dentin
No flying wliiu, no wlndlnit call -the ear
Hears not tlio sllitlitest hrenth.
All, all la wild: no sunshine fall. Alone,
The very innnntnlus aeein to sleep.
No pine trees rock In wavy lireere. No moan
Cornea from that alienee of the deep.
From Tyeho's hrnad chaotic waste to where
(lassondrs crater spreads.
There Inrld, darksome mountains catch lh
Eternal o'er their heads.
Where are the souls that once those rale did
That poured their hearts shove
Once Rushing stream, now dried up, wasted
Once music soft aa lover
Oh, that deserted world shove! who knows
What hand hath made It nor
What eplo strain could ewerp In song Its woes.
Divine what cause hath Inld It low?
Oh, nay, 'tis nut for humnn nrt to soar
That vast chaotic deep!
When time Mil place and art shall be no
Twill muse from mystlo sleep.
K. T. O'lxuiKhlln In (lodcy's tally's Honk.
An tiid Time Hallway ticket.
Among the various exhibits secured
by Chief Smith, of the transportation
department of tho World's fair, during
his recent visit to Europe, is a small brass
pocket piece, resembling an ordinary
bnggago check, which is worth a great
deal mora than its weight in gold. It is
of octagon shape, and on one sido is
stamped the inscription, "L. & B. Rail
way, Biigworth, No. Si)." On the op
posite side the number is repeated. The
relic represents the kind and form of
tickets in uso in UitiS for "opeu carriage
passengers" on the Leicester and Hwan
ington railway. Tho distance covered
by the main line was a trifle over nix
teen miles, and the passenger fares
charged were Vi pence a mile. There
was one class only, and the passengers
stood up in an open carriago, generally
known as a tub, which was nothing bet
ter than a high sided goods wagon, hav
ing no top, no seats, no spring buffer.
These brass tickets wore used to the
various stations, the gnard of the train
carrying a letter bag something in the
stylo of a collection box, having eight
separate divisions, one for each station.
At the end of each passenger's journey
his ticket wns taken up, nnd placed in
the bug by the guard, to bo returned,
recorded on the books and again used.
Now York Recorder.
VndeiuriiuiKl Wlrea Made I'selcss.
The Chesapeake and Potomac Tele
phone company is meeting with consider
able trouble with its uudcrgrottuil system
in various parts of tho city, aud have lost
a great many wires. Tho principal
trouble lies in the grounding of the
wires, that is, tho wires become bared,
tho insulation lieiug penetrated in some
way or other, and the dampness causes
tho current to leak into tho earth, caus
ing what is known in electric parlance
ns a "ground.'" This provents the use
of the wires beyond tlio point where the
ground occurs. Six or seven cables,
containing from 120 to loll wires, have
been affected within the past few weeks.
All of the cables affected have been re
placed with new ones without the sub
scribers discovering that there was any
thing wrong. Baltimore American.
Thai Preventing) of Smoke.
Tho latest system of smoke prevention
Involves the use of tho combined appa
ratus of two inventors. One invention
consists of fireclay arches ' !i rough which
the combined air awl giucs nre paused,
and which, becoming incandescent,
cause the smoke to be consumed. The
other principle is tho induction of a low
pressure current ! v.iv by means of
steam jets, nnd tho two devices com
bined give a very fiv.-d, more espe
cially when applied to sham boilero.
New York Telegram.
Cottages t liar Harbor.
Bar Harbor is rapidly becoming a
colony of cottagers. Throo of tho larg
est hotels aud several of tho smaller
public houses are closed this season,
while cottages are-springing upon every
bnnd and there nre none to spare. Two
weeks ugo one large hotel hnd forty-two
guests and uiuety-six omployoesj an
ther twenty-two guests and ninety-two
employees, Lifo in private housos is en
joyable for somo people at Mount Desert,
but tho hotels us a mlo are wretched
places in which to pass the summer.
Bar Harbor Letter.
Uuy Fever from tlia Ooldcurod.
You who are lovers of flowers possibly
do not know that you can bo poisoned
by goldenrod, but it is so despite tho
fact that it enmo near being the state
flower. Any ono olllictod with hay fever
(that is, a species of catarrh,) should be
very careful how they handle this flower
when covered with pollen dust. Al
bany Journal.
Au Interrupted FlRllt.
Burt Revier and Charles Lemont, of
Dundee, Minu., were both in love with
the same girl, and they a;;reed to settle
the matter of rivalry by a fight iu the
presence of tho young woman. She was
watching the battle from a buggy, when
the horse took fright and ran, throwing
her out and causing fatal injuries.
l'rodiclous Fall of Ituln.
In the twenty -four hours from S a.m.,
July 80, to 5 a.m., July 27, tho rainfall at
Minneapolis was 7. HO inches the great
est fail of water ever recorded by the
weather bureau, aud probably the heav
iest over known here. Minneapolis
A Washington Hear tVtint.
Early one morning not long ngo a
Mack boy going to his work was pass
ing tilling the Pierce's Mlil road, near
Wellington. Paying Hello intention to
what wns lieforo him ho suddenly found
himself confronted by a largo grizzly
benr, Tho boy did what almost any ono
would have done under llto sumo cir
cumstances ho turned and ran ns fast
M his legs could carry him. Luckily
the bear did not follow, and he reached
a house nnd gave nn nlarm.
The news soon spread thnt a grizzly
liear had escaped from the zoological
garden. It would bo hard to toll how
the news got abroad, because every one
was afraid to go out of doors. Peoplo
barricaded their doom nnd windows and
kept their children in the house. Tho
schools in the neighborhood were with
out pupils.
The superintendent of the zoological
garden heard, at any rate, that his lost
bear bad been seen on tho Pierce's Mill
road, nnd accompanied by several well
armed volunteers he started in pursuit
of the animal.
They canto npon him not far from
the place where tho boy had seen hhn.
The bear regarded bis pursuers indif
ferently. The sujicrinteiident was led
to hope that he might bo captured alive.
"Let's surround him," said the chief
of tho hunters.
They proceeded to form a ring alxmt
tho grizzly. This proceeding infuriated
him at onco, aud he made a feroclotm
attack upon ono of tho hunters.
But before ho could reach the man all
tho other hunters rushed bravely to tho
assistance of their threatened comrade,
whereupon tho grizzly, seeing himsolf
outnumbered, turned tail with a growl
and ran to a tree near by.
Once moio tho crowd crept upon the
bear, and then the animal rttjlicd va
liantly at them all. This time several
men fired at once, and tho yonng bear's
brief period of lilierty was brought to
an end. Washington Letter.
"Old Sport" Cam pan a In Tears.
There were traces of sorrow mingling
with those of hardship and age on the
face of "Old Sport" Campaua as ho
niado his customary rounds of the Clark
street resorts yesterday. Ho did not
push the snlo of his stock of chewing
gnm with his wonted activity and per
sistency. Occasionally he brushed away
a tear from his oyes with his rough and
wrinkled hands. Tears are not rare
with "Old Sport," but it was evident
that those ho was brushing back yester
day were sincere
"What's tho matter, 'Old Sport!"
muro than ono of his customers asked.
"Old Sport" placed his stock of gum
on tho sidownlk. Ho drew a littlo bun
dlo of papt r from ono of his pockets,
nnd carefully unrolling it drew from its
foldn a bit of yellow paper a clipping
from an eastern police journal. It told
of tho sudden death in Bridgeport,
Conn., of Alexander Campuna, sixty
fivo years old. Ho was "Old Sport's"
brother. Of his death tho veteran pe
destriau know nothing until he was
handed the clipping yesterday.
No grave was ever dampened by
warmer or more loving tears than those
shed over the bit of yellow paper that
conveyed tho message of sorrow to poor
"Old Sport." Chicago Tribune.
Vlseaae Germe In Taper Money.
The possibility of infection being con
voyed to a largo number of persons by
moans of paper money has often been
suggested, and an examination of the
notes of tho Bank of Spain curront in
Cuba shows that this form of currency
is indeed liable to contain septio germs.
The notes chosen for their experiments
were some that had been in use for a
good whilo, and were such as repre
sented values of a few ponce only. It
was estimated that two notes, weighing
altogether alxmt fifteen grains, con
tained more than 19,000 germs of vari
ous kinds.
Cultures were mudo in broth, gelatino
and agar, and theso were injected into
tho peritonicnl cavity of rats and guinea
pigs, most of which died within twenty
four hours, tho post mortem examina
tion showing signs of peritonitis and
congestion of the liver and kidneys.
Tho blood of the heart and peritoneum
was inndo uso of to inoculate solid
media, in which colonies developed so
rapidly ttiat it was impossible to deter
inino their precise nature, many diffor
ent forms being intermingled. London
The Hop Crop in Washington.
Washington hops are of a high grade.
nnd the yield, averaging 1,000 pounds to
tlio acre, is almost threefold that of tho
fields of England, Germany and New
Y'ork stato. The hop louse has now
made its devastating presence felt in
western Washington, and . must be
fought there us it has long been fought
elsewhere. On account of this pest tho
Puyalhip yield was reduced to 00 per
cout. of what hnd been expected last
year, and since the price was low, it
was thought that tho revenue from hops
would not bo above ( 1, 000,000. Hops
bavo fetched more than a dollar a pound
in tho past; of late tho prices have rnn
rrom twenty cunts to thirty cents. To
produce them costs less than ten cents a
pound in Washington.. Julian Ralph
hi Harper's,
Mlstakea Oveur.
George Suppose a fellow's best girl
gets mod when yon ask for a kiss?
Henry Take it without asking.
George Suppose she gets mod then?
Honry Theu you've got some other
follow' tfirll New York Weekly.
Brothers Shoes
To be pold for tho next few
weeks nt from
Ladles now is your chanca as
this is the greatest slaugh
ter ever made in Reyu
oldflvillo on Shoes.
T. 15. AltNOLD.
New York
I Iu iiuom Lttaly I
Main St. lleynolilsville, Pa.
No old sholf-worn goods, but all new,
cloan, salable Btock and. more of them
for tho amu money than you can buy
ut any othor store in the town. ' If you
aro looking for" something you cannot
find ut any othor store, "como to
The Racket Store
and you will most likely got it, and you
will be surprised how cheap. I'oople
wonder how I can pay rent aud other
expenses, soil so cheap and live Eauily
explained, my friends, Just like this:
Huy for cash, soil for cash; I soil for
nut spot cash and I got bai'uins by
paying not sxt cash for what I buy,
consequently I am enabled to givo you
bargains for your cah. Como Irl antj
look over my stock; no trouhlo to show
Ifixids whether you buy or not. Goods
b.iught from mo and not satisfactory,
und returned in good ordur, and reas
onable time, money will bo cheerfully
refunded if desired. Romembor,I posit
ively stato that I have no old sholf- '
worn goods, no shinldy goods, but en
clean cut a lino of ev.n-y day gijode as
you will find in any store inJofforson
county, und oh, how cheap. C.'omo in
Ladies and take a look at my lino of
lK-autiful Lacos, Wrappers, Waists,
Aprons, Gloves, Mltta, Night IUilx-s,
Stockings, Baby Carriage Kolx.'s.C'ulie,
Rolms, Shirting.bloached and unbleach
ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning
tho lots of bargains but would taku too
long, step in nnd tako u look for your
selves. Gontlomeij, emtio in and buy
ono of our beautiful paintings, .'!0x:it,
gilt framo, only $1.00, aro goinj,' like
hot cakes; if you want ono como quick.
I ulso bavo men's IIcso, Slih-t.i, ITu.!,
Under Shirt, White
Shirts, Liuon Collars und Cuffs, Glows
and an eudlo.'is number of uthor things 1
for gentlemen. Como in anil hxilc fop
yourselves. I will only bo to glad lo
show you my stock. I have In stock
hundreds of urtlcles for Ladies, Gtullo
meti and Children, Hoys, Girls and
Buby's that would till our town paperto
mention thorn ull. This advertisement
is written in tho plain American A.U.C.
language so everybody that Vua road
can understand every word of it.
M. J. C0YLE,
The Racket Store.