The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 14, 1892, Image 4

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    1Ett Stan
Suborriptiim $1.60 per year, in advance.
An InnYiwmli'nt lopl pnper, putilllird errry
WwliH-mlnjr Iiynnlilvlllw, .liron Co.,
Ph.. ilivototl tn the Intcnnln of Heynnlilavllle
nil .U'trrrHonroiini t. r,on-ioiiiii-iii. imi irrm.
II with fnli-niK. nnil will iM'twwolnlly frlvml-
y townrtl the lulmrlng rlii.
PIIIMfTlllItllll lirH'I'n.iw'lilT vi'nr, in munnrf .
l.'omtntitilriitltm Intiinilftf for imlillrtitlnn
must lie in'roinimnli'd tijr tliii writer' mime,
nut for imhlli'iillmi, lint n n guarantee nf
good fHltli. Intereiitlng new Item willclted.
Advertlnlng rnti'K miule known on iippHm
tlnn lit tnenfnVeln Arnold' Hlork.
I.etitlity eominiinli'iillon uml rnnngn nf
Sri vert luement should rt'iii'h I III nttlre lijr
Moniliiy niKin.
A'lrire nil pitmnitinli'ntlntiK to t A. Steph
enson, Iti'Tiinlilsvllli-, Pit.
Entered nt the ntwIiithVe nt lteyniittlrllte,
Ph., n ii-riiml elii mull mutter.
)... NTKrillOfON, Hill lor nml lnh.
W EDN KHDAY, 8KPTKM HUrt 1 4. 1 !2.
Tho I'ittsburp; I'i"t orli'lirntt'il Its
flftloth Mvtliilnr Sutimliiy.
Tit mutiny, Si'pti'iiilti'r 22tul, In tho tiny
thut uhIum'h In tho Hfbrow Ni-w Yi-iir
thin year.
Junius G. Mlttrlifll.of Perry townxhlp,
rect'ivoil tint nontinntlon tw Hcpiibllfim
camliilittti for Sttittt Senator.
Fortv men who worn born In fotvlirn
lands and have buun in tho United Status
for fivo years, received naturalization
paers at Urookvlllu lat week.
The question In the minds of the
Young Amor lean to-day la, whether 'tin
nobler to attplre for the presidency of
these United States or to practice for a
pugilistic bull-dog?
America's Quaker poet, John Green
leaf Whlttler, died at Hampton Falls,
New Hampshire, last Wednesday
morning. He was elghty-flTe years
The Republican Congressional confer
ence of the twenty-flrst district, after
taking four hundred and thlrly-one
ballots, succeeded in making a nomina
tion at Saltsburg last Friday which was
accomplished by JolTerson, Indiana and
Armstrong county conferees comblnd
lng. D. B. Holner, of Klttanning, who
has served two terms as district
attorney, was the nominee.
A young lady was inquiring of her
old nurse, the widow of a pensioner,
how she got on.
"Badly enough, darllnt, only the
'Government intends to do something
for us."
"And what's Government, Nora?"
"Is it Joking ye are, Miss? Sure
every child knows what's Government.
Its a half a dozen gentlomen and such
as they, may bo, that meets and thinks
what's best for thimtwlves, and then
they say that's best for us and that's
There Is nothing which so narrows
the heart, shuts up the fountains of
sympathy, quenches aspiration toward
virtue and nobloness, and shrivels all
that is lovoly in character as the vain
endeavor to live for one's self. The
economies of this world are so contrived
that he who truly lives for others reaps
the richest rewards of life for hlmsolf;
and he who lives for hlmsolf alone
receives the most niggardly pittance
given any one from his own revenues.
Unhappy the man, wretched the woman,
who has no objoct upon which to lavlnh
affection, for which to make sacrifices.
For them life loses its significance; for
them death is oblivion Indeed.
The only effective romody for lawless
ness is law, and whoever undertakes to
remedy the defects of the established
system of law and its administration
by taking tho law into its own hands
and killing men who are in the hands
of tho courts and tho officers of the
law, simply makes a bad matter worao,
and defeats the very ends which he
professes to desire to have accomplished.
The noonday butcher is no less foreign
to American civilization than the
midnight assassin, and the sober
"under-current of fooling" of American
citizens of all nationalities will bo found
deprecating all attempts, by whomso
ever made, to correct any wrong by the
perpetration of a much greater one.
There is an innate sense of justice in all
civilized men which sooner or later will
come to the front, and the clvilation of
the many can always be depended upon
to ultimately overcome the barbarism
and lawlessness of the fow.
Tired fathers, weary mothers, when
Is your happy day coming? Long since
you expected it to dawn. It is not here
yet, nor will It ever be so long as you
do not determine that it shall be to-day.
This failure to take comfort as you pass
along life's pathway, but ever looking
forward for all enjoyment, of good, is
throwing away the real sweets of life.
You may as well attempt to store up
summer sunshine to warm in winter, or
bottle moonshine for cloudy nights.
The real and only true way is to find In
the present all the good God gives us,
Our whole lives may be filled with joy
If we are willing to learn that in all
food work there is profit, tn all sorrow
Hre some rays of sunshine, and in all
care some compensation. Make the
moat of to-day, and your future will
grow brighter and brighter as you step
Into it Let the old saying that "Man
sever Is, but always to be, blessed" be
Droven false by your finding in the
present all the fullness of blessing It
Jane Coombs at the Opera Houia
The management of the opora house
takos pleasure in announcing to its
patrons that It has secured for next
Saturday evening otio of the greatest
attractions of the day, that of Miss Jane
Ooomlts, in her favorlto character of
"Lady Dedltx'k" and "Hortenso" In
Charles Dickons' "Bleak House." The
Brooklyn (Htizen In sneaking; of this
performance says:
Tho presentation by tho sumo person
of two entirely dissimilar ami diverse
characters during tho same performance
Is the greatest test of genuine artistic
ability, ami for that rcRson the public
has alwnys manifested an extraordinary
Interest In such exhibitions. This
Interest was apparent last night, and
Miss Coomb stood the test without a
falter. Tint excellence of Miss Coombs'
conception of "Ltttty Dcdtock" and
"Iloi'tense," two characters directly
opjsised to each other Is only equalled
by tint remiirkablit naturalness of the
portrayal. Naturally beautiful antl
stately In nmicnrancn, regal In hearing,
and combining those other qualities of
character anil tllsHisltlon which tend to
make a gentle and amiable woman,
MissCiMimlts gives us an Ideal "Lady
DetlltM'k." In tlm careful guarding of
her secret she displays her wonderful
artistic powers, jinrtletilitrlv In the
scene where the shrewd "Tulklnghorn"
subjects her to a cross-examination to
extort a confession. Her forced com-
Ittwure whllo In the lawyer' presence
all tho whllo making her audience feel
ter true condition) and her assumed
cool indllTerence to his most direct
allusions, while her real agony of soul
battles with her nerved will, are
specimens of true emotional excellence.
As "Hortenso, "the French maid servant,
she is afforded the optMtrtunlty to vent
her terrible passion, and when in the
very heat of exasperation she seems to
attain her greatest strength. Every
word she utters throughout the entire
performance is marked by a careful
modulation, antUier enunciation where
she defies "Tulklnghorn," Is simply
grand, and the jiower of her voice is
simply phenomenal. It would be
diniculty to say In which role she excels,
doing both with equal merit.
Advertise in The Star.
To rise in the morning with a bad
taste in the mouth and no appotite,
indicates that the stomach needs
strengthening. For this purpose, there
is nothing better than an occasional
dose of Ayer's rills taken at bod time.
Twenty-Four of the largest manufacturers of Wall Paper in the United States,
representing a capital of $26,000,000, have formed a combined, or trust, as
you please, and it means higher prices to the consumer next year. Now,
then, if your house needs papering and you "guess you will leave it go
until spring," its money in your pocket to do it now. Again, before the
Wall Paper season of 1893 begins I expect to be in my new building
and if possible I do not want to move a single roll of paper and to
save this trouble, I will make you prices that will induce you to do
the "moving" and put MORE money in your pocket. Nothing
reserved. The entire stock at wonderfully reduced prices.
Always awau up trout in tlic grand mercantile procession,
Keeping step witit tiic rank ana tile in Low Prices and Good value.
Mrs. David Trice is ill.
. Thomas Lord moved to DuBols on
Rov. Mclntlre preachod in tho M. E.
church Sunday night.
Rov. Hemenway preached in the M.
E. church Sunday afternoon.
Thoro will he several new houses
erected in our town in the near future.
M. Kalfults lost, a "V"on the Sullivan
Corbott light and Ed. Monro found It.
Mrs. Win. Walker and Mr. and Mrs,
John Wylam were witnesses at court
at Hrookvtlle all lost week.
Quite a ntmiltor of K. G. E.'s from
this place participated In tho pnrado In
Iloynoldsvllltj on Tuesday.
A certain man In town ato one half of
a large water-melon and four curs of
corn on Saturday. They claimed a
legal excuse for his Itolng absent at
church on Sunday morning.
The 1'resbyterlans of this place organ
ized a congregation on Thursday night.
Rev. Furbay and Rev. Bell, of Dullols,
were the commltteo appointed by the
Clarion Presbytery to srfect the
organization. The congregation starts
with about fifty members. Tho Elders
elected were John Smith, Dr. E. Q.
Mellenry and Gavin Young.
On Columbus Day, October 21st, the
P. O. S. of A. camp at this placo will
plant an emblem of Liberty on each of
our school houses at this place, and
arrangements are being mado to make
the occasion one of the grandest that
Rathmel has ever had, Good shakers
will be secured and a good dinner will
bo served, Not only members of the
order but every loyal American should
take an Interest in having the stars and
stripes floating over our public and
free schools.
In all that goes to strengthen and
build up the system weakened by dis
ease and pain, Ayer's Sarsaparllla Is the
superior medicine. It neutralizes the
poisons left In the system after diphthe
ria and scarlet fever, and restores the
debilitated patient to perfect health
and vigor.
Men's Good 'ear welt shoos 12.50 at
List of Letters.
The following letters remain uncalled
for at the postonice In Reynoldsvlllo,
Pa., Sept. 10th, 1802:
August Pnttmif,
J. II. Smith,
Wllllnm I'nrrol,
Tliontiis llvnr,
M. li. Uonulne,
Hot. A. A. Del.nrme,
N O. I,. Slillltto,
I,eroy Boult,
J limes llennett.
W. O. Ill-own,
Jntnrn Dayton,
0. W. CI 1 1 won,
Wllllnm Parker.
Jtwul Jotltlwlco. Andrea Ciiterlno,
Yurkii MiiIib.
When culling for tho nbovo letters
please say they were advertised.
J. W. Foust, P. M.
Nlrayed or Minimi.
Alxitit the tilth of July, a roan cow,
with largo hums, strayed or was stolen
from our promises. A littoral reward
will bo paid for return.
(Ihkkn ti Covsku.
for Male.
Celebrated Caledonia sand. Noslfting
required. Tom MeKeriitin, Dniyinun.
Foit SALK CllKAP A leather top
"Columbus" buggy In excellent condi
tion. Enquire at Methodist parsonngo.
Foil Runt Two store rtsims 20x80
feet opposite Hotel Bitlnap. Enquire
of J. II . Corbott.
Foil SALE One car No. 1 18-inch
Washington red cedar shingles.
Boys all solid shoos at Robinson's
only $1.00.
Vrtfttna with the 9ttt.
a n.TUii r. ;i r-t L. I. 1. 11 r i lunjr. ck7ii.
Uth, 1892, at the home of the bride's
parents In i'rescottvllle, by itev. ti.
Cressman, assisted by Rev. J. Telleen,
James Tangren and Mary Eklund.
Notice li hrretiy given thut the partnership
existing betwern Hi' 1 1 Bros, and Oeo. W.
etuke. Jr., or KeynolUHTlllH, p,, unilnr the
nsnie of tlell II rem. A Co., on the fan day
of Sent. 1HW2. dlHMilved hv mutual rotiNent.
All delits owing to the sslu partnership are to
he rwelred hy lli-ll Bros, and nil demamlii on
the nnld partnership are to be presented to
iiivDl ior payment.
Geo, W. fTOs, Jr.,
ltll.t, Bhothkhs.
Grocery Boomers
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
ASH !.!. KINIIS or
Country Produce
Everything In tho lino of
Fresh firocei ics, Feed,
kk ilelli'rrnl free any
lUire tn town.
Cull on uh and get jtrlren.
W.CSelmtz & Son.
$1.50 PER YEAR.
have removi'd 341 tntw worm In tint lut.
4lt months, it ml riiii hIiow morn rums of
Ciitnrrli, I'lini'er, Scrofiilii, Ki'r.omii nnil nil
tilmiil dlsi'iiK's tlinn nil iithi-rs. I trt'iit tliroimll
lhi lilootl with Niitnrn'M ri'mpflli", root and
horlm. NyMi'iii lli'tioTnlor, the Wonder
or the World, for mile nl all drug Mtorvs.
Tsi-lt. Il l milking the imti'tit. nii'illclno men
look sick nnil the giiivr yuril griMin, Hond
stump for I'ln'iiliirs inn! Information. Orlti'O
opvii from S A. M. until II p. m.
47 Ohio Street,
Ai.i.siinKNT, PA.
Iwllurgoon's rt'mftlios for iilo hy
II. Ai.kx.Ntokr, the Druggist.
Gitu Meat Market
I buy the bept of cattle and
keep the choicest kinds
of meats, such as
Everything kept neat and
clean, Your patronage
E. J. Schultze, Prop'r.
madeeMy Mnmifaoturlnf
Kubber Btarnpg. Hitndfar
I'rlco l.lnt of Outfits, to
J. . W. Dnrma.ii Co.,
'JIT Balk German Street,
Dliltlmore, Mi., U. 8. A.
really possesses.