mm VOIJIMK 1. KKYNOIJKSVIIJiK. I'KNN'A, WKDNMSDAY, NKITKMItKIl II, MIL NUMKKR R itHerrllititraite, (i miiviiku,. j ATTOIlNKY-AT-l.AW. OnVe on Wet Mule ptrcet, iiiuwiille Ihe I'miiliiirrhil lliilcl, li'.vliiililvlllc, Pti. JJIt. 1. K. IIOOVI'.U, HKYNOl.DSVlM.K. I'A. Itcnlili'iil ilentM. In luilMIng ticnr Mctlin llt eliuri'li. iiimiI1c Arnulil liluck. (leiHle nees In operating. 11 DTKli Men NNKI.I., UKYNOMIHVIMJ:, PA. Fit A XK J. HLACh Vnyrictor. Tin l-n(llii(C holflnf lliMlimn. Ilpii1ttinr ivm for riitniiipn'lttl mi'ii. Himtn lirttl, frru hw, bnth timniii nnil rlmi', m PYvry ttMtr, hhihi)) rtHiuiN, lillltunl rmtiti, tcli-plmm rm nrrtlim., & jjp)TKl7"l tKIiN A I 1UOYNOUSV1U.K, PA. UHKKS if- COXSKtt, I'mn i lorn. Vitnt v)nm Ini'Vvry itit-tlriiltir. LimmiIimI In 11m very rrnt h if llii IiiihIim'sh (tiirt tif town. Frv 'Ihii In nml fiiMii triilim hihI t'onimiMlloiiH tmniiti DMttim fort'omnii'i-i'ltil tnivHri.. KKU 'A N 1 lo'l'KIi, HUOOKVIM.i:, l'A. Itri'FIMiTOX ( I.OXd, l',,;,-,. OnittlliUN tiinuil frtuulill tl'nln. r-'.urimcfitl rest mi runt. Iluuve heinco mill llirlileil hy Ullx. Ilul mill rnlil wilier. Wcslcin I'lllnit Ti'li'trnipli nlllee In liiiHillntr. The lintel Is mien nun nil me iuihiciu convenience. jQOMMI'.lM'lAL 1IOTK1,, HKOOKVII.I.K. l'A.. JAS. II. cmVEH, 'ropii.for. ramiuc nstnip im me irtiuiuu Hour, limine lienieil hy niiliiml huh. OiuiiIIiu to Mini (ruin all irillllH. TJUFKAIA KOTIIKHTKU ft I'lTTH- HUUli RAILWAY. The short line ln'lwwn HuII.iIh. Hliluniiy, .nullum, riiiiiinmirn, milium, K.iclicHtcr, Minima KiilU unit ihiIiiIh In the iiiht oil On Hiid after Mnv 22il. lw). imti icertrnllie will nrllvt nml fnim I'lilln t nr HiHinin, tinny, ekccpi rummy, hh (nl lows: TtIO A. M. Hniilfonl Ai-commiHlmlun- Knr nnlnts Niirlh lictwceii l'iill rnvk nml llriiilfiml. ?:!. n. in. mixed tniln for runxKuiiiwucv. lO llftA M - lliilliilomiil Itm'tienicr mull- For llliM'kwnv villi'. Klilu wti v..liiliriuitliurK. M t . Jewell, lii'iiilfiiiil, Miilliiiiiiliru. lliilliilii nml Kmiicntcr: coiiuci'iluir ill .luliiiMiiiliiirv Willi I'. A K. I mill a, for Wllinx, Kmii', W iirrrn. 1'iin-y nml Krli. 10:AA A. M.- A iniiiiiiiliii Inn --For HiiIIhIh, Sylii-M, Itln Hun nml l'liiiMn1liwiiiy. I'. M.- Hi iiiircinl A niiiiniliitliin-For iii'i'iniit'i', itiiM'h n ii v v 1 1 H-. I'.iiniiiiii, 'iir- iniin, Khluwny, .1 1 li n h. in tin 1 1;, Ml. .Irwi'lt mill Hi'iiilliiiil. 4 :..() I. M.- Mull For Hull. .Is. Syki-H, IIIk liun, INiiiXHiitiiwiii'v mill Wnlsin'ii. lift I'.M.- Ai'i'iiiiimiHliiilnii For IIiiIIiiIh.IIIk Kun nml I'tinvMiiiiuiii'y. Trnliio Arrlvi' Mil A. Si., A iniiniHliitliin I'unXKiiiiiwni'y; ii:Hi A.M. .Mull riinnWiil- Kton mill Tun VMilimni.y ; III: .w A. Ai'- ooiiiiihhIiii Inn fllllll Itiinlrni'il ! I "III l M ArriiniiniHliiiliiii fiiiin FiiiixMiitiiwni'y; 4 :.M i . .ii.. .iiiiii mini nullum nml lio. In-,lci ; 7:.VI I1, M.t Ai'i'iiniiiiiHliitlou from Itrmlfiiril TIioiimiiiiI inlli llrki'lH nt io ri-iilH mt lllllf, KliOfl Hr IIIMIKI IN'IHiyil HH HlllllllllH. .1. II. McIntyhk, Aiti'til, FiillHi-nvk, I'n. Gr.n. W. Hahti.ktt K. .'kv. liVIII'I'lll S. (icu. I'llH. AKI'lll. HnulfiiKl, I'n. K.H hi'Mt.'r, N. V. LLKC I KS V ALLK Y U A I LW A Y tX)Ml'ANY comnioni'iii Siiiulny July 10, 18112. Um irmlo DiviHion. KAHTWAIIO. HTATIIINK. KM Kminnnk LawHouhnni Nrw lli'thli'liom Oiik Klilno Mlllvlllu MiiyMvllln SuninmrvlUo ... HriHik vlllo Fiillnr Ui'yiiolclvllln .. Viinooimt FhIIh I'lwk IIuHoIh HllllUlH AVIuliirnbum... ronHold Tyler Olvn Flnlmr Hi'iiHEetio Crnnt Drift wimkI 10 M 11 on 1 ; 1 4.1 WK8TWAHD. UTATIONII. No. I. NO..V No. 9. A. M. I. M. A. M. Ill 411 4 :i 10 .4 4 44 H i" A IN 11 : rt & II :m ft 2 11 4:1 ftxi 12 IVi ft V, 11 l tt 14 M 1.1 13 4:1 II If.' 4 I (Ml H ,10 A M 1 mi 7 irj II? 7 17 7 10 1 ; 7 lil 7 17 1 4:1 7 20 1 rv. 7 411 2 01 7 4.1 2ii ;i 2 W M K, 2 :m h 2: 2 VI h ;n an 11 (m P. M. P. M. A. II. 110 Hrlftwood (rant BcnuKette (ili n Flulier Tyler I'enflcld Wlnuirburn .... HklmU KuHoIh Fulliil'reek 1'ancoanl. Hrynoldiivllla.. Futlnr Brookville Pummxrvllle..,. MuMvllle Mlllvllls tiakKldre New Hetulehem LawBonham.... UodBank 12 Oft 12 1.1 ft 80 S 40 Trains dally except Sunday. DANID MoOAltOO, Out Si-pt., JAS. P. ANDERSON. Otn'u. rltAai' l'ltuburg, Pa DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIRE? If to, and you want a good fitting and well made suit at a reasonable figure you will re ceive same by placing your order with J. C. Froehlich, THE AUTISTIC TAILOR, Next door to Hotel MoConnell. KEYNOLDBV1LLE, PA. No.2 Nn.8 Nn.10 A. M. A. M. P. H. to in :u 10 411 7 ON 10 ftl 7 21 HON 7 41 11 1U 7 M 11 2li 8 07 11 tr 8 i;i 11 47 8 27 12 00 7 00 8 4.1 1 17 7 10 8 III 1 D4 7 20 m 1 42 7 an t ON 1 IW 1 4 9 2.1 1 21 8 11 9 4.1 2 89 a DO 2 68 8 SI I 02 8 IW 1 OS 8 IW I lft 9 10 I 47 9 4.1 4 00 10 00 A. M. A. M P. M. fle-trlllnR a (lonil Juki. A Pliilmlrlpliirt 1 rummer rnMntcroil Into n clutliliiH utoro In I'.liiilrn tlm other liny, nml finil 1ik tlm liiiiprirtor busy With n niBtoiner ho leminl nRiiitiRt a iiln nf rlothlnn nml wuiteil. Hinhlenly lh nilo tnppieil ovi-r nml Ml to tho floor. Thn ilriinininr hastily Ih'kuii to renr rnnpn thn gooiln, reninrkiiiK iih ho iliil ), "Well, Mr. Hmith, you neo rlnlhliiK hnn hml nuitn a fall." An hn kept tin Work Inn he mlileil, "Ami my ImMneim in liirkitiK p. Cotiiinotiplnen nil tho remnrk wnn. It mmln a Rrent imprrnnlini upon nn IriNh limn who hnpiM'iioil to 1m ntnnillnn liy. "HeKorrn," ho miittereil, "thnl'n n folno Joko. (M'll get thototT 011 8imie onn liefore night." HI ill with thn jnkn frenh In hi ininil tin imnntereil over to Levy' ilry gmxla Morn, rhurkliiig a lie went alniiK. "Aim, Mr. Iicvy, It'a a folno Joke l do Im nfter liparing," hit anid. "Walt till ()i ahow yei." Keizing a piln of flue drMR giMMU Im throw them on tho floor, whieh wna Imnn of tho rlennont. Lovy Ih'ciiiho Indignniit. "Yot'a dor nmttor mill yon, nnyhow? you grnxy?" ho ahnuteil. "No; it'ailo jnkn Oi'd lw nfter tlltt thrntin, hut Oi'll lie lilefne.l If It ain't clean riu-npeil nie." Levy piled the rooiM lahorioimly upon thn tiililo, aweuring 1 I thn time, whiln Put atood roKitntiiig. Hiidileiilv ho rrled, "Ho JiiIiImth, t)l hnv It now I" With n vigoroua imnh ho pent tho goodH to thn floor a pen mil time, crying. "Ol hev ill (MothinK'a dinper than It lined tor bo and Imninesn in getting a dernod ito better, llow'a tlmt for n Joker I'at wonderod why ho waa ejected with aueh rapidity, mid Levy hasn't aeen tho point of the joke to thin day. Phil adelphia Time. Kngllali and Other Langnaa-va. As a languago Engliiili la rertnlnly di rect, in thn way that it in not given to the tine of xilito paraphrase. We re tnoinber a uotK o in three langiiagiii af fixed to the door of a anloon on hoard a mail ateitmer. In Eugliah, thn piiHnen gera were forbidden Ut do aomething wo forget the pun t nature of thn veto, but it wax curt to thn limt ilenree. In Hpanlah, "Senorea tho paaxengerN wern reiiiii'nti'il ' not to commit tho Piiinn of- feiiHO. In PortugueNe, "The gmcn of aenliorea thn pnMNi'ngera wero iiriived not to," etc. After all tho inclining wiih much thn panic, and thn KiikIihIi vcrxion bud lit IciiMt thu uilvantago of being the Hhorttwt. It In thin peremptory tonn which Iihm perhiipn given KiiIihIi its pluco In tho provcrliiiil rliixMlicntion iih tho langmiKO of diKH. "SpaniKh," Hiiya tho proverb, "one talks to thn goiln;" in truth, it Ih iilmoKt higli Down oiioiikIi for thn upper rcgioiiH, but wo nmy nolo that Hie proverb wna Spauixh inTrrigin. "Italian, onn talks to oiio'h friends." Ono can Im cffiiHively warm in Italian and yet lmvti a ring of aincerity. French Ih capabln of kucIi infinito variety of cndcarmenU and rajolementa that the wanting ain oerity ia never lniRHod. "German, to oiid'm horKC." and if ho ncigliH in an wer ho annwci-H, wo aupjioan, in k'h1 German. "And EngliHh, to a dogl" Well, it is a fart that dogs undnrataud EngliHh hotter than any other tongue We are not dinpoaed to quarrel with that proverb. London Spectator. Japaneaa In America. There is a strong desire on the part of young Japanese to come to tho United States to acquire or perfect themselves in tho English language and complete their educatiou. The welcome given to earlier students has led many who have entirely insufficient means to undertako the journey to como, indeed, with scarcely uioro than enough to pay their passage to this country. Others, better provided for, have no idea of tho in creased cost of living here, while many hope to receive aid from persons who may become interested in them here er to find some employment while thoy are carrying on their studies. The practical results are not always fortunate, and many of the students re ferred to would be better off at home. The reputation of having been educated in Europe or America has a certain value at present in Japan, however, and the Japanese students are, almost with out a single exception, a credit to theii native country. Philadelphia Ledger. What the Death Mack Shews. The value of a plaster cast as a por trait of the dead or living face cannot for a moment be questioned. It must f necessity be absolutely true to nature. It cannot flatter) it cannot caricature. It shows the subject as he was or is, not only as others saw him in the actual flesh, but as ha saw himself. And in the case of the death mask particularly, it shows the subject often as he permit ted no one but himself to see himself. He does not pose; he does not "try to look pleasant." In his mask he is seen, as it were, with his mask offl Laurence) Button in Harper's. The Summer Yoaaf Xaa. Primarily sneak In sr. the anmmev man Ii not a fool by any means. He is boil hur over with bnaineaa. tmt wu hm known to have done a day's work in his ue. Fortunately he has Inherited con- naeraoie money ana is there to add an additional sum to' that alreaA nn hanA ty marrying one of those western young women with pretty face, musical laugh ind a rich father. This kind nf nun renerally become very corpulent as age ncreaaes, and as good natured as well, ina wny snoman i tnoyf Exchange, CONTKNTMKNT IN NATURK. I would nut rlinnan 111 lev fur Dime Of rmpernni nml kliu;-. What ha my Kctitto fiii-ml, the mun, Titld tlirin, If auirlil, itn ymi miiMMe The rue Hint ti'lln me llitnicft? What nerrnln have they hpil with treeivT What rumm wild p-raiwv Harnf Wltnl knew they uf lite luvNterh'S Of liutlerlllifl anil hnnry Ihipii, Whn whlnHr In my enrpf What havp the nitiilienin unto Ihpmr What tnlrn linvn tirmiklctp lulil? la there llliln llirlr diadem A plnitle rlvnl In the arm Thedewr dnlplni tiuldf What pyniiathy have Ihey wllh hlrda, Whnpe RiitiKP are ennnH of mine? tin they e'er hear, ae lliuiiah In wnrda Twaa lpted, the nienpNice nf Ihe herds Of Ktar.lua. Inwln klnet Ah, nnl lllve me tin Infty theune. lint JiipI what Nitture yleldn. It me hut wander nn, ahme If need lie, an Unit all my uwn Are wnoda and rialre and dnlilp. J. K. Ilanini In llaruer'a Weekly rarrnla a flnnree nl rienenre. There wna a time when parrots wore regarded In India and as sacred, and anybody who dared to In jure one of them was regarded as guilty of a dreadful crime. It Is trun that since tlion they have fallen aotnnwhat from their high entute, and that In this mom dcKcncratn bko thn ciimiiioii Anm son parrot has been shot in great num bers in tlm eastern parts of for thn prosaio purMisnof making a particu lar kind of soup to which thn natives am partial, whiln tho naturalist waxes quite eloquent when he sounds thn praises of pnrakeet pin. Hut In our own country, though we do not go either to tho ono ottrenio of holding them sacred or to tho other ex tremo of putting them into pies, parrots still occupy a place of honor In our hnnsnholds, and a well liehavod "protty Poll," who has been duly instructed In the accomplishments of her kind, Is still the source of as great a degree of pleas ure as ever. Strand Magazine Why lie Could Not Attend. An amusing instance of the expedi ents resorted to by men summoned .to attend as common jurymen in order to avoid serving in that capacity occurred recently. One morning a little girl whoso eyes just peered nliove tho desk timidly exclaimed: "Please sir, father can't come: liocnn't put on his boota." Tho jiulgo asked tlm nervous little creature what was thn mutter with her parent. She hesitated. Kvldently alio had nut been instructed fiirtliertlinii tho statement xlm had inmle. nn. I looking straight into the jtuluo's eyes Kiiid: "Well, sir, father don't wear boots; bo's got wooden legs. I wasn't told to say anything else, sir; that's all." Lon don Tit-lWs. The Street llnnd'a ll.-llclil. Olio uf tho delicatu delights of tho Street band is its propensity to scent out household nmsicales. In nothing, ap parently, do thoso wandering musicians so much delight as to spring into blat ant strains before thn house from which Issues the voico nf song or tho modest mimic, of tint pianoforte. They carry the day or rather the night every time; for while thoy can play through and over and above anything, it would take a solf possessed and steady nerved house hold ierformer to hold his own or her own against such rivalry. And then they ring tho bell and extend the hat! Doston Commonwealth. The Namee of Twu Cities. On the principlo of "In Koine do ns the Romans do," I think it a safo rule to pronounce the name of a place 0.' the residonU of that place do. Ifrvnco we should sneak of St. Louis as though it were written "St. Lewis," not "St. Louoe." All good Missourians any "St. Lewis." It is a little difficult to put down in black and white the local pro nunciation of New Orleans, but it is something like this, "New Awl-yins," with the strong accent on the "Awl." Cor. New York Tribune. She Blioald Bin Ileea Olad. She had induced him to swear off on cigarettes, but one hot day he fell from grace. "George," she said severely, as she swept her nose through the atmosphere of his surrounding, "yon have been smoking." "Of course I have," he replied, as he mopped his face, "and yon ought to be thankful that I have not gone further and broken oat into a regular blaxinjr conflagration confound this weather," Detroit Free Press. A Watch with a Long Boa. A debtor down in Madison county. Va., turned over as his only property a gold watch bearing the name of "Extra Billy Smith" and the date 1880. Extra Billy, who died not long since, was once the manager of a stage line between Washington and points in Virsrinia. but later governor of that state, congress man and major general in the Confed erate army. Extra Billy's watch, though it has run for at least sixty-two years. still keeps good time. Pittsburg Dia- paten. Society la Weetera Towns, There is a social equality in western country towns that prevails nowhere else, and the daughters of the blacksmith are quite as prominent as the daughter of the banker, providing tkey behave as well, which they are likely to do, as they all grownup together and are edu cated in the same schools. The only social test in the west is good conduct E. W, Howe in Forum, A Wonderful fine, Bqulre Schwab's ofllco was crowded ihortly near B o'clock yesterday after noon with friends and acqiiainlances of Ihe gonial magistrate, who had been In vited into the squlrn's ofllco to witness thn truly wonderful feats performed by pet dog that had liecn attached by rlpecial Constalilo lliirrouglis In the rnse If A. II. Moorman against Henry Wei thelman for t?l.0ft. Weichelmnn travels for a Now York clothing house, and until recently ha lived at 118 Clark street. Moorman learned that Welchelman was about to remove to Gotham and Immediately brought an attachment suit against him In Squire Schwab's court. When (Jon stable Hitrronnhs went to the Clark street houan to attach Welchelman's ef fects all ho found woe a beautiful dog, for which thn clothing drummer fs al leged to have paid i0. Several children noticed the officer carrying the dog along the street, and told him tho dog ierformed tricks and also smoked cigarettes. When Squire Schwab's nfllcn was reached and tho maKislralo was told of thn dog's won derful instinct ho procured a package of cigarettes, and after summoning a number of friends resolved to tost tho dog's ability as stated above. A lead pencil was tied to thn animal's paw, and upon n sheet of legal rap pa per t he dog wroto Ita name Clnncoy In a very IcKihlo manner. Through a quill holder tho canliio smoked several ciga rettes and astonished tho assembled crowd by expectorating. Tho dog seemed to enjoy thn sport mid thn cigarette smoke seemed to enliven him as he pranced cheerfully about and amused thn crowd by his funny antics. It is alleged that the dog formerly lielongnd to some English nobleman, from whom he was stolen. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Killing Orchard Pepta. Bomo time ago the electrical papers described a device which was success fully used in a park at Munich, Iiava ria, for the destruction of Insects. The Insects were attracted by a powerful electric projector, and then drawn down by an exhaust fan to a kind of grinding mill, and after lieiug crushed in which they wore mixed with flour mid water, linked and used for fending poultry. Pos sibly incited by thn success of this ar rangement, a Washington farmer pro poses to waj;n electrio war on thn insects tlmt nightly play havoc with tho fruit trees in his orchard, His plan is to havo powerful lamps put in at 1111 elevation of a few feet almva the tups of bis upplo trees. Kuril lump or burner is to Imi surmounted liy'u steel wire screen, umbrella, sluiped, each torniito wire beingcharged uud the other grounded. When thn light is turned on in the evening it will attract tlioswarius of winged insects, which will dash against I ho electrically charged screen and bo instantly destroyed. Tho farmer says ho can dispense with the olalxirnto process adopted in Munich for tho prep aration nf food for tho fowls, as ever' memlior of his poultry yard will bo promptly on hand next morning and will help himself. Pittsburg Dispatch, flentliiiental Suleliree. The crop of suicides is larger this year thaa ever before. Hardly a day posses that tho morgue docs not claim snvrrul victims, and the coroners are kept busy issuing permits for the burial of aristocratic suicides who shed their mortal shackles amid wealth and luxury. It is remarkable that those un fortunates should choose tho summer time for their ghastly work, when life seems to offor so much to the weary, the oppressed and the disappointed. I asked one of tho keeiers of the morgue today how he accounted for this. His reply confirmed my own opinion. Said ho: "You notice that most of the 'stiffs' ure women, don't you? Well, them's all 'sentimental suicides.' The gals has been disappointed in love or iuthin o' that kind, and when they sees other folks enjoying life th' singin o' th' birds, th' flowers, an all that sort o' thing, ye know it makes .them feel wusa'n ord'nary, an they go oflTn jumps Into th' river or cuta their throats." New York Cor. St Louis Republic Sup Shot with a Waist F. M. Pitcher and A. L. Beckwith are two farmer who are both well known In Americas. Tuesday they were to gether in a buggy coming here, and when they were near Jo Honey's place chicken hawk lit on the side of the road. "Look at that hawk," said Mr. Beckwith. "Yes, I see him," said Mr. Pitcher. They drove on, and the hawk lidn't move. They drew nearer and nearer and finally war almost np to th bird. Mr. Beckwith took np his whip and as they reached the hawk made a crack at it The blow struck just right and the hawk was struck full in th aeck. The crack was so well made that the full force was executed and th bead was cnt clean off. The gentlemen brought th hawk and its head to town with them. America (Ge.) Times-Re-sorder. Aa Appropriate Test A preacher in Boston was a little fel low, so little that a box had to be hastily brought from the cellar for him to stand on. The services proceeded safely until the sermon, when he mounted the box and announced his text, "A little while ye shall see me, and a little while and ye shall not see me." At this point the box broke, and the prophecy was veri fied amid the smothered laughter of the congregation. New York Evening Bun. IIOPK DP-.t.AYKH. In every emind I llilnk I hear her feet. And ptllt I wend my altered way alone, And pllll I say, "i'uuiurriiw we shall meet." I watrli Ihe phadnwp In the rrnwilfd etreeti F.arli finpiiluif face 1 rnllnw, nne liy nnet In every pound I think I hear her fret. And mnnlha an hy, Mrpk March and Mny day lirati Itarvept Ipnrrr, winter well nluli dune, Ind allll I aay, "Tnmnrrnw we ahall meet." Imnni the rlly eimrea, when flnwera era sweet. With every hreat h a ptf h nf herp leemp hlnwn, In avery Sound I think I hear her feel. Pelfry and rlnck Ihe iinendlna: hour repeat, from twelve to twelve, and allll ehe enmea In none. And atlll I pay, "Tnmnrrnw we ahall meet," Oh. Inns delayed tninnrmwl Itearla that heat Measure the length nf every minute gonei In every sniiiid I think I hear her feet. ftver Ihe ann ripe tardily nr fleet And light the letterann a churchyard atnnai And atlll I pay. 'Tomorrow we ahall meet." And allll from nnt her unknown far retreat Hha liaunta me with her tender undertone. In every pound I think I hear her feet. And allll I pay, "Tomorrow we ahall meet." New Orleana Picayune. Ifnw an Arab f.tvee. An Arab loves as none but nn Arab can love, but ha Is also mightily excit able mid easily won. An Arab sees a girl bearing water or brushwood and in a moment, almost at a glanco, Is as madly in love as If ho had passed years nf courtship. He thinks of nothing else, cares and dreams of nothing else hut the girl ho loves, and not Infrequently, if ho is disappointed in his affection, he f lines and dies. In ordnr to commence ils suit ho sends for a member of the girl's tribe, and first insuring his secrecy by a solemn oath confesses his love and entreats his confidant to arrange an in terview. ' The confidant goes to the girl, gives her a flower or a blade of gross and says: "Swear by him who luiidn this flower and ns also that you will not reveal to sny one that which I am about to un fold to you." If the girl will not accept the pro posal she will not take the oath, but nevertheless keeps the matter perfectly ocret from nil. If she is favorably dis posed to the match she answers: "1 swear by hiin who made tho flower you hold mid us," and tho place and timo of meeting are settled, Tlieseoaths aro never broken, and it is not long be fore thn ardent lover becomes thu happy husband, Million. The tlrrek Htnry nf the Flrpt Wnman, Thn first woman created, according to heathen Greek mythology, was Pandora. BI111 wasmiiilu of clay by Vulcan, at tho request of Jupiter, who wished to punish thu impiety of Prometheus by giving him wife. When this woman of clay had received life all the gmls vied mak ing her present. "enus gave her beauty; the Graces guve her tho power nf captivating; Apollo taught her music. Mercury instructed her in el'iiienco, and Minerva gave her tho most splendid ornaments. From these presents, re ceived from tho gods, the woman was culled Pandora, which intimates that shn had received every necessary gift. Prometheus was too artful to marry this woman and could not bo captivated by her charms, but his brother, Kpi uieUieuN, who was not so prudent, mar ried her instead, and upon opening a box which she presented to liim then is sued from it a multitude of cvil.1, which dispersed themselves over the world and still continue to alllict thn human race. Hope only remained at the bottom to assuaga tho troubles and sorrows of life. Brooklyn Euglo. Turning Tin Hefupe tn l'rullt. For a long time tho owners of sardino factories were at a loss to know what to do with the mounds of tin clippings that accumulated at their docks. Thn clip pings are now collected and sorted ac cording to their shape, those made by the dies which stamp the bottoms and cov ers of tho cans being pounded into suit able shape for handling, while the strips made by the shears in cutting the tin for the sides are bundled and boxed. The clippings are smelted down in a furnace, the tin with which they are coated being melted and drawn off sep arately, while the molten mass of metal which composed the plate is run into molds and formed into window weights and other useful artictea. The bright tin strips of various sizes are utilized in sundry ways, forming tin tags for the ornamentation of plug tobacco, button molds, ornamental baskets and dozen of other articles. New York Telegram. Birth, Marriage and Death. A most remarkable case is reported from Kentucky. Rev. O. H. Morrow, prominent Baptist minister of Simpson county, reared a family of six daugh ters. He received all of them into the church, baptized them all, said the mar riage ceremony for each of them, and buried them all. He survived the last daughter several years. Marshall (Mo.) Democrat A Great Pit. The Scotch are great users of snaff. It was a Scotchman who one asked a big nosed stranger if he took snuff, and re ceiving a negative reply remarked, "What a pity; yon have such a grana accommodation." Cincinnati Commer cial Gazette. Flowere That Bloom la Wlator. Cubeb It seems very natural. Scarely What doeaf Cubeb To see a blooming idiot and a society bad together. Kate Field' Washington. , t PILLSBURY REYNOLDS Brothers Shoes To Im Hold for Hit) ntixt few weeks nt from foil :: j O j :Oi ;T3 ! ! O j o I : O ; ! 3 ! O ID 0 o to Lariitw now is your clianoo as Hi ik Sh tliu grcatent Hiaugh tr ev!r iwhIo in Ittiyn ol(lnvillo 011 SliotiH. J. 1$. ARNOLD. New York Branch 1 1. 1... uuiy . j Bargain j y BOLotajxos, 1 Store Main St., JlpynoMsvillft, Pa. No old shelf-worn goods, but all new, clean, Huluhlo stock and moro of them for tho sumo money than you can buy at any other storo In tho town. If your uru looking for something you cannot' find at any other storo, como to The Racket Store and you will rnrwt likely got It, and you will Im Hiirpi'tsod how cheap. People wonder how I can pay rent and other expenses, soil so cheap and Hvo. ftaslly explained, my friends, just llko thin: Huy for cosh, still for cash; I soli for not spot cash und I got bargains by paying not spot cush for what I buy, consequently I am onablod to give you bargains for your !sh. Come In and look over my stock; no troulilo to show gisxls whether you buy or not. Goods bought from mo and not satisfactory, and returned In good order, and reaa onablo timo, money will be cheerfully refunded If desired. Ilemember.I posit ively state that I have no old shelf worn goods, no shoddy goods, but a clean cut a line of every day goods a you will find In any store in Jefferson county, and oh, how cheap. Come in Ladies and take look at my line of beautiful Laces, Wrappers, Walnta, Aprons, Gloves, Mitts, Night Robes, Stockings, Baby Carriage Rohes.Callco, Robes, Shlrtlng,bleached and unbleach ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning the lota of bargains but would take too' long, step in and take a look for your- ' selves. Gentlemen, come in and buy one of our beautiful paintings, 30x36, gilt frame, only (1.00, are going like hot cakes', if you want one come quick. I also have men's Hose, Shirt,' Hand kerchiefs, Drawers, Under Shirt-, White Shirts, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Gloves and an endless number of other thing for gentlemen. Come in and look for yourselves. I will only be to glad to show you my stock. I have in stock hundreds of articles for Ladies, Gentle men and Children, Boys, Girls and Baby's that would fill our town paper to mention them all. This advertisement is written in the plain American A.B.C. languago so everybody that can read can understand every word of it M. J. C0YLE, The Racket Store.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers