The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 07, 1892, Image 7

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R Wm Noted Both in Literature and
Politic. Bit itch of Hi Llfa.
tlporfie Wllllnm Curtis ilion" Thursday nt
Ills home In Livingston, f. I. Hp sins Con
dons to the Inst ami suffered no rmln. Dr.
Krntik Q. Oirlls his son, wns In iittrnitnnrii
and Mrs. and Miss Cnrlis were irosfnt,
Mr. Cnrlis was sick nlmut 2 months from
ome unknown iliscn of the stnnim-h.
Ho sulTercd much nliiupto two or three
days before his death.
The funeral was held in I'rld.iv and was
private. At the linusi- t'reat privacy wns
liuiiiilniiii'il. Tlicre was no crape upon the
iloor and the usual sins of moiiniin were
CilOTtnlt W. ITRTta,
Oeortre William Curtis was horn nt Provi
dence, II. I., IVlirunry '-'t, ls'-'l. After leav
ing school lie was for a vear clerk ill a mer
cantile house in New York, and in Wi
went, together with ail cider hro'hcr. to the
Uronk l-'arni Socialistic instittilinn at Hiv
hury, Mass. In lst( he went to l-'.nroH.
Heturnini! to America in ls'si, he pnhlishcil
"Nile Notes of a llowndli." This was fol
lowed in l.s.')l' liy the llowmlji i ;i Syria."
In the meantime lie hail connected hini'cK
with the New York Trilmnr and had heroine
one of theelilors of I'ntimm's Mtmthhj.
The failure of this magizinn in l"7. in
volved Mr. Cnrlis in financial ilillicnlties
from which he was l'i years in i-learini?
liims'df. He heeainn a contributor t'V Har
per's MaL'azine." to which ho has, iince
1H.V4, f ii rnislml a ninn'lily paper under the
title of the "Kditor's 1' Cliair." In IW
"Harper's Weekly" was established, nut
Mr. Curtis soon became its principal editor,
a position which he held at thu time of his
Mr. Curtis took an active part in politics,
though never aspiring to oflloc. He was a
delente to the New York constitutional
convention. was a presidential elector on the
llepublican ticket in liH, and was a mem
ber of tho commission to frame civil service
ru es. Itorently he had become what iscill
td a "Mugwump" Viopiiblic in. He was
president of the National Civil Service He
form l-enijuo In ls.s he supported Mr.
Cleveland for president in opposition to Mr.
The General Improvement in Business
Becdvea a Check.
' R. 0. Dun A Co.'s weekly review of trade
'"while Industry and business wero lm.
proviiiR daily snil prescl8 were brighter
than ever, the sudden iilarm about cholera
came to rause some hesitation. It Is even
said that buyers from the South who had
started for this city turned back because
they were nf raid of detention by quaran
tine hero. In nil other respects nearly all
accounts show actual increase in business
over last year. Crop prospects are better,
money Is in greater demand, with an ample
supply everywhere, and industries are pro
ducing more than ever.
Fear that the exports may he curtailed by
jK'stiltmce in K.urope, has depressed the
market. Wheat has dropped to "Nkc, tho
lowest point sincu 1 ssi, and recovered only
to fall oft two cents for the week. Corn has
dropped OJ cents for tho week, with better
Western repo ts. Cutton rose a shade, but
has i alien to k cents attain with sates of
UbUnno bales, tints have declined i cent;
Kirk .'si cents ier barrel; lard 117 cents and
logs Isi cents ier 10U pounds, and o;ls live
eights lower.
1 lie greater part of these changes come
from the unnatural condition of the mar
kets for Home time held up in spite of the
extraordinary stocks in sights. Wheat re
ceipts in four dnvs were OoiSisj bushels,
but cxorlM ..nly !Kt,4l.. Stocks of cotton
on hand in this country equal two months'
consumption, and in Kurope about three
months consumption of American, while
current esu mates of the coming crop are
constantly rising. It lias been evident
that Kurope will take less of our products
this year than last, hut s'stilence there will
not greatly diminish the need of food or
Muimliic.turen in this country hnve never
be n in butler condition on the whole than
that which reports now indicates. The iron
and atee! industry rapidly resumes full pro
duction, though tome nulls arc yet delayed
by repairs. '1 he demand for pig is very
good, while mills are pushed for bar, plates,
sheets ami structural iron. Strikes no long
er prevent production except at J'iitshurg.
At I'l.iladelpliiii iron mills are full of or
ders, wood consumption is greater than
ever and improvement is seen in tub icco,
chemiculs, jewelry ami groceries. At Haiti
more groceries and the clothing trade ure
active, dry goods in lair demand, and nuvul
(ores steady, but canned goods dull.
At Cleveland trade is good in rolled prod
ucts, dry goutls, hardware and groceries,
and at ( inciiimi:!. machine shops uudfouu
Unites ure pushed to their full cspucily, ex
ceeding lust year a production,
Hotter demand for money is seen at Mil
waukee and no injury to corn or tobacco re-
Sirted. Trade increases at St i'aul and
inncapo is, with tine crop prospects, lum
ber very uctive and strong.
The business failures occurring through
out the count y ouriug the past seven days
number for the United Stales 14H, and lor
Canada 28, a total of 170, against 10 last
week and 11)7 the week previous to last, and
217 lor the corresponding week of lust
An Inorsaa. or Over 400 New Oases and
DOO Deaths in Day-No Signs of
The official returns of cholera throughout
Russia for August SO, are: New coses, 5,723,
deaths 2,722. Compared with the figures of
August 29, this is an increase of 414 new
eases aud IDS deaths.
The oitv rotuins for Saturday ulv. a total
of 144 cases and 64 deaths. Th is is an increase
of 21 new cases and 14 deaths compared with
At Moscow tin death rate from cholera Is
Increasing, owing to the increasing beat.
The uumber of deaths has doubled within
General Condition of the Orowin
Products In the Different
States of the Union.
Following In the weather-crop bulletin la.
ued by the weather bureau at Washing
ton, D. V.:
New Kngland Hnin, with high winds no
ronipanviiig, did slight damage to corn, po
tatoes, tobacco, fruit, etc. Cranberries re
ported half crop In Plymouth county, Mas
sachusetts, a few Holds of potatoes rusting
and rotting.
New York Closo of the week ioo wot for
corn and grapes, latter rotting; potatoes
dainnu'eil by rain.
New .lerey Heavy showers have greatly
benefited all crops, especially in southern
enmities, where evervthing has suflered
from drought.
Pennsylvania llains have greatly bene
fited all crops, which, though not seriously
injured by Drought, will hot he above thu
Maryland and I'elaware How ine com
menced, hut rain needed to soften ground:
corn ami tobacco cutting begun In southern
seciinti and yield will be below average: po
tatoes are a indium crop in Western Mary
land. Virginia l.ate corn, tobacco, grasses and
Vegetable, improved where ram fell.
North Carolina Prouglit broken by co
pious rains. Cotton opening rapidly; large
crops of turnips sowed.
South Carolina lint little change In cot
ton crop and that unfavorable, turned yel
low and Is shedding fruit; rust reporled;'im
mattire bolls opening.
l eorgia Cotton picking begun in north
ern counties, crop Is below the average ill
all directions.
Florida Hainfall badly distributed, ox
cossive ill western, injuring crops, and ilili
elent In eastern portion, injuring plants and
groves: thnnderstoi ms freipiciit; truckers
preparing ground for fall crops.
Alabama t 'omlition of crops slightly Im
proved, cotton bolls rotting, miicli fodoer
decayed in fields, public roads in sections
greatly injured by wet weather,
Tennessee Kains greatly hcnclltcd tur
nips, late crops ami tall plowing, but ilsm
aged cotton in western counties and also re
tarded havmaking and fodder saving.
Kentucky Crops generilly suffering for
rain, serious injury in some sections, corn
will he short, tobacco begun cutting.
Missouri leneral rain needed to facilitate
plowing, crops and meadows.
Illinois Threshing Hearing completion,
early crop ripening fast, fruit almost n fail
ure. Indiana Corn has improved, is maturing,
fast, hut ms'ds rain as well as other crops;
much fall plowing done.
West Virginia Itaiiiftill and temperature
henelicial; cattle in good condition; fruit
crop light: full plowing progressing slowly.
Ohio Karlv corn and otutoos maturing;
buckwheat doing well; tall plowing delay
ed: ground dry and hard: grapes rotting and
falling oil; rain needed badly.
Michigan In southern tier of cinties
drought continues; hat vesting and threshing
progressing; ground being prepared for fall
Wisconsin Threshing began; ;.leld below
expectation; cranberries small crop; tobacco
excellent; some cutting.
Minnesota Harvest about completed;
stacking and threshing dclavcd, and wheat
ill shock badly damaged liy heavy rains;
corn am) potatoes doing well; flax will ben
pood crop.
Iowa A favorable week for maturing
unharvosted crops.
North Dakota K.xcesslve rain caused
lunch damage; harvesting nearly finished
and some threshing being done.
South Hakota Harvesting of all small
grams about c mplctcd; threshing general.
Kansas Weather favorable to com and
pastures: corn excellent in central and
northern part and fair in southern portion.
. .
Celebration of His Eighty Third
The genial Autocrat of the Breakfast
Table, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, cele
brated his eighty-third birthday at Beverly
Farms, Mass, bis summer residence, a few
days a?o. It was a busy day for the aged
poet, yet a day of happiness and content
ment. "It is the pleasantest event of this
sort I have had in resent years," he said.
He bad a chance to rest in the morning, but
in the afternoon his tims was fully taun up
with visitors. His health is gonerally good,
but his eyesight is failing a little and it in
terferes somewhat with his reading anl cor
respondence. That is the only evidence of
advancing years.
He had several presents and an avalanche
of letters and telegrams, Ex-Secretary
Bsyard was among the guostr, an 1 the
venerable Robert C. Wiutlirop called upon
him a duy or two ago to present; his eorj
gratulatious. Among the gilts were a
beautitul brisket of flowers Ironl his pu!
lisbers; set of Charles Lamb's works, lieauti
fully bound, the gift of two lady friends,
and a nautilus shell mounted ou solid siivsr.
It was indeed a very pretty conceit.
The large nautilus shell of exquisite tints
and coloring had been set on a standard of
stiver. Uuou the silver case was inscribed
in script the opening line from Dr. Hjlms's
well known poem, "The Chambered Nuu
tilus," the opening line, which ruus thus:
"Thanks fur the Heaveuly message brought
by thee."
The delicate and exquisite gift was from
Jdrs. William H. Moore, of Chicago, who
was one of the early call ;rs. There was a
large frosted cake, hearing the letters "O.
W. H." upon the top, wreathed with a
delicate green vine, and surmouutiug it were
twelve tiuy candles. This was from a young
miss in t . neighborhood, Amelia Calif, who
claims desceut from Robert Calif of the days
of Cotton Mather.
Still another gift was a smsll brons
piece, representing three corner pillars of a
umpleiu th Koiusn Forum. There was a
pincushion, done iu dainty fauoy work,
from a lady admirer, aud there were sprays
and bouquets of flowers fro n mauy others.
One gut wbiob be prists very muuh cams
from a friend in BuotUud, wno sent 4 fac
simile o( th Urst edition Of th work of
Hubert Burns, which bar now become ex
ceedingly rsr. It is dated
v7sshins;ton Gets th Encampment.
The next biennial session of the Buprems
Lodge and Encampment of th Kuigbta of
Pythias will b held In Washington, P. 0.
Washington roWd 63 votes and Louis-vUUSO.
rv, -.'-sv V f t, v.a
.A daring adteniiueiu
Captain William A. Andrews, alrevle
famous for bis daring advtnture In small
boats on th stormy Atlantic, has again set
tall on a novel and Interesting voyage.
He crossed the ocean twice before, first In
(he ."Nautilus,1 when h was acompanlsl
by his broth-r, will ha slues died, anl
again In the "Mnrnial.l," both of these trips
being made to Ltiid's Kn I, Kngland, A
few years ago he again attempt)! the par
sage In a boat eallel tin "Park Se-ret,"
but, after battling with eintrarv win l,
high seas and terrific storm-, he reluctantly
consented to give up bis elf irts after a
struggle of slxtyt.wo days,' anl returned ti
America on a bsrlt which kin liy cons Mitel
to take him and his s -a -beaten bnt bc'.t t i
New York. '
The captain Is a v.ry lnUrastinz char.ii
ter. He Is a man of llxel purposes, very
hard to turn from the object he hs in view.
Hellas made the subject of small bolt s-l'-lng
tuch a stuly that he is pro;mrol ti
meet every argument against tin risks
which spring to fie minds of his critics, yet
the New York mild put the nts hi a nut
shell when it said: "The filet tint Cant.
Andrews ran cross the oca:i In a cxi'xU
shell merely proves thnt small bolts are sif
when a C'apt. Andre s sails them. Ama
teurs should remember this when the wind
begins to sin.'.'1
The Captain himself says that "h ilf the
people who are drowned lose their lives be-cau-
thoy do not renlixe that a boat cinn it
sink . An Iron vessel might, or a ship los led
with a heavy cargo, but a row bciar, siil
boat or ordinary woo-leu vessel may cupsis ,
but will, nevertheless, fl.vit. The passengers
on the great ocean steamers run some risk
w hen they go to sen, but all around the deck
they see wooden fl ints hung up on which
they are taught to depend for their live if
the big steamer goes down, Thesj bjats
are often crushed against the great vesssl or
are enpsised in lowering. I am alone in a
wooden boat entirely under my own con
trot, and, in my opinion, far safer than
others." An ingeuiom theory but hardly a
fair one.
Capt. Andrews is by trade a piano mker.
He built the "Sapolio" at Atlantlo City in
thepreseiio of bun lie Is of people, anl ex
hibited it on the i)ag Tier for several
weeks. It is a canvas folding boat line!
with half inch cellar and decked over with
the same. In order to fold it there must be
three long canvas hinges fro n stem to stern,
and the dariug Captain writes by an incom
ing ship (when he is hundreds of miles fro u
bore) that he finds tho " 'Saollo' in a sea
way is a scrubber but very leaky." No hot
ter proof of bis coolness and pluck could be
The start was made at 4:10 Wednesday,
July - Hh, the destination beiug i'alus,
Spain. Captain Andrews has instru -tlous
to S--our the seas until be discovers that port
and the starting point of Columbus. It i
believed that, saillug In a fourteen foot boat
without sj muoli as a hot cup of ojITjc to
vary his dbt of biscuit and cinnsl goods,
he will, siule-hun lei, eelipu tin record of
that Spanish Itiliao a lvjnturjr wh ahnoit
f aile I to croat the great ocitn with thraj
ships, 15) inon, after suurin; th Queen'4
i. to pawn aud hav.n; tin btestiu; of
the Church thrown in. Tin' Columbus It
sailing In a boat whloli ha I never been it
the water uutil the hour wiien he started
mi his 4000 mile trip. Ha has b 3311 spoken
in mid-ocean sjveral timet, scorning all
assistance an I confident of u'timit) suocass.
His effort sinu'd interest all A iierienn a
a test of pluck, enluraiioi anl good sea
manship. That it is not a foolhardy affiir
is proved by hit formsr suo3 s? and by th
notable trip in which he bittlid for sixty,
two days without rsaihing tin other si l.
Thousands of people saw thu Btirt, hit
presence at different points on the 00111
has been noted by large numbers of vanels,
and bis landing on the other sill will no
cioubt be mad a matter of pu'ilio de noi
stration and rejoicing. As be sillel from
the pier he said, "In sixty dayj I will be in
Spain," aud up to the last reports h ha I
made better time than he antlclpttel.
Every day during the voyage a bottl will
b thrown overboard notlni t'10 lojttioa
and other information about th trip.
If Capt. Andrews succeeds in rsachln
Bpaln and joining in th Qjtobsr oils'jrt
lions which will be held in honor of th
discovery of America, be will then return
in qne of the great stea tiers nl arraafe t
exhibit bis boat and tin log wbloh b writ!
up day by day, at the Horl 1's Fair in Col
ago, where be will b on of til features of
th magnificent displsy which the manu
facturer of Sapolio ar now psrfeetluj.
Th assurance, wo might almost sir tuslm
pudenoe, of these a'greeiv in tuufaotursrs
in securing a Co'u uhus of their own Is
probably wit'iout prscs Isut in sdvartUiug,
' Tb Hest Ckstte,
The best cheese 1 thnt made from
the whole rullk. When a brand ot
cheese In put on the market that In
known to be of the best quality 1
eelli readily. When the market I'l
overstocked with cbeeae It ia of the
poorer kinds.
r p KJ-JtJ mT
A (Irons Af flood Things. '
It la a Rood thing to wear clothe that
feel comfortable as well an look stylish.
To change the socks from one foot to
the other unices you wear anatomical
To keep mi re, umbrellas on hand than
Just barely enough.
To dreea your boy a comfortably as
you dr"a yotirnelf.
To wear" a blgh-gt ndo underclothes
as you can iitTord to.
To respect Ihn rights of your foot.
To have a pair or two of frvxli gloves
In reserve.
To llml the collar thnt milt you nnd
then buy n doren or two of thnt kind.
To turn the point) of your collars (If
?rou wenrtlnit sort 1 na soon 11 thry romn
mine from tho liuindry na It may savo
time) some morning when you are in o
To wear whnt Is becoming to yon, !r
roapec tlvo of whether It would beautify
any other human being.
To have night gnrmonta thnt will In
sure tho Utmost deglooof repose pro.
vhled. of course, that bedding nnd ven
tilation lire also properly arranged.
To keep the heml moist while exposed
to tho sun on hot dnya. "A rnhhngn
leaf In tho lint'' was tho old-tlnui pro
scription, and It was a good one, but
our gilded youth can eulwtltuto roso
loaves nnd do as well, If only thoy hnvo
enough of them.
To hnvo all tho clothing looao
light under tho fcrvmt hentaof summer.
To walk slowly, keep In tho shndo,
carry a sun umbrella, nvohl exciting
drinks nnd boated discussions. ull ou
olnoty-dogron dny.
Hallway Ktatlotis In l.nniton.
A Londoner recently In this country,
having hoard that Chicago greater
number of railroad stations within Its
limit than any other city in tho world,
decided to Investigate. Ilo declares
that tho nsi rtlon is ridiculous; thnt
I hero Is no city that can iniika such a
showing oh London, with lt 4'K stations.
Ihn reason for I ondon's extraordinary
prominence In (ho mat tor ot depots is
not altogether on account of Its onor
mous population: tho large number of
station: Iscniised quite, ns mncii by tho
rofusnl of rnrlliimenl to allow street
cars to run w Ithln tho old city limits, or
tho diHlrlet hounded by tho old London
witll, nnd nlo to 11 How rapid transit of
tiny Kind In London or nny part of It.
There is only nbout n mile of cable
rond In the groat, city, nnd, although
there nro right or ten miles of what urn
known as el cum tramw ays, tho terminals
of these roods nic four miles from tho
Hunk of Lnglnnd, and each oar has to
bo lit tod with 1111 automatic brake, which
applies Itself thn moment tho Sliced ox
coeds eight miles nil hour. Theso re
strictions compel the bulk of tho Inhab
itants to go to nnd from business In
underground or overhond railroads, nnd
Hourly every suburban district is lutcr
ecctcd by three or four roads.
Night Lamps.
Xo hoiHp should he wit limit a glim
mer of light nt night ,1 light sitlll
clout tn prevent groping nnd stum
bling about in Kgyptlaii dnrkncKs if
one Is obliged to rlsp. This Is espe
cially true of hollies where there ure
little children. The Idea that chil
dren lire In nny way henellttetl by be
ing made to sleep In absolutely dark
rooms Is untenable. It the light he
ulllclently subdued ami of 11 sort to
leave the air quite pure, It Is hard to
see any harm In It. (ins 1 111 noil low
Is never sale, as the Ions In
the meter may make it go out. An
ordinary kerosene lamp turned low Is
nt all times an abomination. Little
night lamps, costing 25 cents, with
(uarter-lm h wicks, tilled with pure
oil nnd carefully trimmed, can ho
turned tip It) their full height with
out giving too much light or emitting
any odor.
AiiIiiiiiIs Tremlna'.
In n recent case tried before Judge,
Flnletter, In which u person was
charged with an offense in killing 11
neighbor's cat which annoyed htm, it,
was decided that this was perfectly
lawful; that In any cane where ani
mals trespassed to tho annoyance ol
any one, and there was no possible
chance of catching ami holding them,
tho person so annoyed was Jusiilleil
In shooting us his only prolecliou
against annoyance.
Simply Awful
" 1 nail what the noc
ture called tho worst
case o f Scrofula
thoy ever aaw. It
was on my arms, face nnd
neck and was simply aw
ful! Klvo years ago 1 he
gun to take Hood's
Barsaparilla and
Ueo. W. Turner. f''"d t he 1 sores gradual.
IV IlI'LfUII tfl Itt'ftL 1 Iflillt
10bottlriinl wm perfectly riireil.Kur the pftt
4 yearn I have hn good health and no
ores." U W.Tuu.Nk.11, larmt-r, liulway, N. V.
Hood's Pills ours liver iUs,constlpatlon, bil
iousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion
HmIiIm in wiiKt nur
ture with runt uii
tier all t-'irciHiiMmirt'si,
J AIM I hT M r .SI',
New I'Kt lni.ropmn
i:t i'riit. ictnii,)ti) t
fin sH-ir uieiiMir ihiiiimu
I'tiiKly fttitltil. !.. Haw
Utf InwpNiiys 144 Hrutut
w,iy, New vrk Cily.
IIATKNT t I'KNMIO.NM t-Nra,l for Invent.
or'M liilltle or llmv 11, ol, mill a l'utelll. Semi (ur
young Wives
Who are for the first time to
undergo woman's severest trial
we offer
"Mothers Friend"
A remedy which, If used as directed a few
weeks before confinement, robs it of its
of both mother and child, as thousands who
bavs used it testify,
"lined two bottles nf Mothfbs FaisNnwIth
marvelous results, end wish tvery woman
who lias to pass tliioua h the ordeal of cliild-birth 10
kaow if they will use SloTlltat l-'aiSNuforafew
weeks It will robconAnenient of end stiff mug,
aud iH3mrt tajtty It Itfi mother mod ekiU."
Mas. Sam Uamuion, Uomgoiuaiy City, Mo.
Bent bv express, charges pre'-sld, on receipt of
price. SI.DOperliottle buld by all druggist. Jlook
l Mothers mailed free. . , .
SsAcriSLO HaoULATOB Co-, Atwata, Ca.
( rtTtsTsa
The Tree f.asatlse Prlarlple
Of ttie plants used In manufacturing the
pleasant remedy. Syrup nf Klgi, has a perma
nently henelicial effect on the human system,
while thn cheap vegetable extracts and min
eral tnlutlnns, usually sold as medicines, are
permanently Injurious. Hclagwell Informed,
yon will use the true remedy only. Manufao.
tured by the California Fig Sjrnp Co.
A farmer living near Kurlong, I'a., dug ni
1 10 stone knives 111 his gtirdeii the other da;.
A. M. Priest, DniiraUt, Hbelbyvllle, Ind.,
enys: "tlnlt's Cularrb Cure irlves the best, ot
sulisfartlon. Can gel iilentvof testlinoiilnls,
as It cures every one who takes it." Druggists
sell It, i.Tc.
It tiifcea 2" seconds for the blood to make
lie entire rltvtilnlion of the system.
fluirfnw-a t.rse l.niiser.
And the -tilll evening r-rniltice Ifoane
TlKbt Hurkilig Coiiirli-. Inlfnineil Tlmmls and
III kiii bills. 1 beck nil thcseiillackN by pnimiit,
use n'' Dr. Mossie"s Cerliiin Crouii Cure, the
one lelneilv for cnMsmnl collifb- Mint ni'iMtlli
i-i milium 01 iniij o,ri. Snlil by prulnlnent,
ilniLitbt". .'". MiinulacSureil by A.t". lloile,
I'.iifliilo, N. .
Apph-swere worth from Xi cents to .Ml
cents eoch in the reign of Henry VII.
Hel'PVV and scorbutic alTectloiis, pimples,
and blub lies on Hie skin ure ciiii-ed by Impure
bbsid which M duim's fills cure.
The bronze cents, such ns are In circula
tion iiow, wero lirst coined ill s(il.
One Cent n Hull Wall I'nprr
Plncr, rN'ts., 'icts.j Hold, :t-ts.; KmlHtssed
Silbl tlolit, 4ets
K I -tump ror lil Snmples. Itrmi, Wall
t'aper Jobber, llocliestur, I'll.
The silver dollar of ISnl Is worth ifi,
If atlllcted with sure eyes nn Mr. lsnar Tbomn
sen's K ye-wilier, llrilguislssell nt 'i mi ier bnttlH.
IMli 011 Id If five It In Tim UtonnOt
Hroppttt m fitifftir, 1 lttitrrn .r
tofnkf.!'iii,'4ii,' AfnnYfF!.iviHr.Tf"r-"r'iip,s' iMn,
Kstr. Thr tilt, ToifillllH, i 'ttlli, 'nitiii dih! I'titn-t. Ill
lli'voi nil siimitir roii'itifitnt-t, fui-itinil !rtiti' llki
nifiirl'- Anlili'vcrvwlHTn. I'ritu :vkv y ninll; ft tttl'4
Kxr"tiapalti,$. I. M. JOHNsttN &i.'( IkntToH, Hash,
" I am ready to testify vtntler oath
that if it had not been for August
Flower I should have died before
this. Kight years ago I was taken
sick, and suffered ns no one but
a dyspeptic can. I employed three
of our best doctors and received
no benefit. They told nic that 1 had
heart, kidney, and liver trouble.
Everything I ate distressed me so
that I hail to throw it tip. August
Flower cured me. There is no med
icine equal to it." Lorenzo F.
Suceper, Appleton, Maine.
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cures
t.nmtiao. nibi In (olntsorbnck, lirlr k dust In
urine, t'liMpient. culls, irrltiitloii.inlbiiuiitioii,
gravel, iiIim rut inn or catarrh of bludder.
Disordered Liver,
Iiiipnimd illaestlon. gout, rillllous-hendncho,
is XV A nl'-KI OT cures ki.lnev illllii nltl.-s,
LtUtrliiiie, lli lnuiy trouble, bright'sdlscuiiu.
Inipoirc Itlood,
Borofiilo, -nuihirlannM wrtikneMordi liillts
OMnrttnlf av- 1'r iNntcntM nt Ono Ilotlt, If nt ttrit
M1II, DruKtfUU tl( nluiid to you Jit) pri. piU
At DriitfulntN, fiOr. Slic, $1.00 Mxo.
lcvnll.!!' (Ml. to to llerlth''frf-(ViniijltJitlfin fro
Diu K11.MEU& Co., tliNunAMTOtr.N. V
sk h, Hii.ijiiirh. cv ami it'. 'Ik, Z
imrify tlif IiI'mmI. ar" wife ami i t
'' ssser p u'a 'mij
iiUHltriiu bfiu q for rlilHUdlut
l.'onMtliial jin, liv-ii'a. Kiml
Bruuth, Mfaulaw h, llartburn. Ijh-o
f AniMlil'. Men tul It'niVtitUn.s)
asTa I'liliiriil I'lyt -itlnti, l iinr!', baltm i
0 (Sinp'il(.n. Tirr-il F'fliiitf, oihIJ
rvftr-f nymptom or ili-n-am" iTPitltiinr fnon iinpim
VhlixHl, oi-inrulhi-po by lht htiuU, Uvrr or Inn tiiitv
ttu iMtrfornt thlr itrtnwr fmn tliiw. Irm;iit Kb'' t I
I'ivT-int(iiifftri-nt-lltelb rklnvraT Mlt f.F.aftt i T
Tiru-tnii.'-.l Pi1i..bvmiUt,lirt.J.rJi 1 trnttlf IM. Ad I
Xdnm TIIK KIPANH(:nr,WICrALCO.,1ii8rowSt..V. Y.J
1 ARtuta I- 1 4. II I V i.r.ritt fiiuHl. i
tta warliit( qualltloa are unMtrpot), AotunUjp
OUilnn(li)ic ilirru boxHN of auvthir liran-l. Nut
atTtx-U'.l iiy ZtTUV.T TIIK (.KM IMi.
liiMlltiiin of hhnrtlinml.
No. 101 Kiftli nveniio, I'ittstiurtf, I'u. C ; ra
ti ii in nml rittiiin HHiHin. lriiiU mid mufl
liiMlrurl 1(1114, SH'cial Hpot'il elnfH (oral, writ
ith, (hmhI Hmitiitim for -.mttHtit HtiuliMitH,
TAITTION, "n-wwiiri of drnlrra aob.
tltutlutx mIiu-rn wiiliout . Is. Hoiiuiua
immn ami ilio pi'lrv atutupi'tl on tioiium.
turli aulisiiltuiistiisi nr I ra Ufl U It ill a!id
ubjaci ii pt-omM-utiou by lav iur ob
iiuiiii'tl aiiouty uu
(lor lulae pretuuee.
A kt
to a it
,.assss ArfSV 1
M 1
Will sly. .xolaslv. sal M 4al.r. a.d .oeral sssnhajit. wish I h
istesls; Writ, f.r c.ia.A... lT..t r.r ..I.Ja .lac. Ma2?'rMt ".''"
cuT Vlisi. atM mmd wUiVsraMwI. rwlttas VvX Us.slMa BrwktSBt BS.M.
S'f.nnV.l'.!:s,UP."s,, sr. p.tnni.hM stain
tlin hatMlt. lnttr thf Iron, anl burn off.
Tim lllxliiff Hun Hf'vo PnlHh H Brilliant, Orlnf
1pii, Ditriiliii. nnd thn rnnmnifr pay lor Do tin
fl Hiiiaist iiisbh.i ts.hs .... . j f .
renovating th
entire system, eliminating
all I'oisons from tlieHlcStf,
whether vf scrcfttlout or
malarial origin, tin's treP
oration lias no equal. .
"Fur tithtctti mcntht t hint an
entinr we en my trnxiie. I vnit
trrottit h test hen! fliyskian;
l;rl rltiiiiictt no relief; !:t tore
cradttaHy preiv worse. I finally
fi'flt X S. A'., and u-ris entirely
tured irler tishiff a few tattles?1
C. 11. McI.rMorr,
itenderson, J'cx.
TRF.ATlSEon Itlmd and Skin
i'ise i?es mailed tree.
'iiinSwivT Srucii'ir Co.,
Atlanta, Oa,
Going to Buy
A Dictionary?
Tally Anressi. ol tho Times.
A Choice Clft.
A Grand Family Educator.
Tho Etandorrl Authority.
Ruccsstor nf the r.utheiitls "tins-
.bridped " Ten venrs spent In rnvlslnft.
loo editors employed, over Saoo.uou 4,
4exiende(t. VX At 1, ihhikskm.khs.
A lm li'.t l-iis r,,'. i.f i.Mnll eftlllnn". 4
A S' tiil r,-rt liiunl'l.t' t ''"iiti-llilliK Msnaurll a
T millrs IIN.I H If. CMIIK I I. A Its. T
4 O. & C. MKRRtAM CO.. ruhlishers.
s Bpringileld, Mass., IT. 8. A. s
Plso's Kemsdjr
for Catarrh la th ft
tlisl, Fflle.t to
Holtl by ilru-ratKta
at or wni by mail, 1 I
it Int. Warrao, Fa. JJj
60c K. T H.iii Htnt,
Vpt of Itntl Mf Infcirnr-aa Hlrk lltir h
rrtortat nmplfi ion ;rurraC'nHtlpnf loiu
au rt 9m iMHfk u mit -wik ums imi uv.
Til EM TO-
vr a v
errn If ymi rnrrely kfppthro aaa dlvera-on. In
tUr to haii'llft KiiwU JudlrloUMly, you niimt know
smmeitiUiK ulftilt thfm. io ratt Itiii want w ar
ai-ikui a ."wit Rivlnir tha rxprinr OhIh 9Ka
itt n prartivnl poultry raiwr for lUIIIJ 90f
iwi-nty-flvo your. It wn written by ft man who put
all lilt mini), and time, and money to in a kin it a uo-t-rnNof
rhl-'stfii rniHiiifr not an pantlmt. but a a
lm. Irion anrt If you will profit hv Mb twrntty rlv
ytttJa' work, yott van aava many Chlcka Annually,
ftaUtno Ct1cken.n
and fnnka your FowU ram rllara for yon, Tha
polnMn, that you nuiH liable to lftHt troubla la
thn Poultry Yard ai ao-m a It ujpr, aui kuow
bow to n-mnlv ii. 'Ihl4 r xk will tavh you.
It how fo di'tsN't anrt cura UUfaw; to 1I foa
Kk'HunilaUororruitctiiBR; wktrhfowla lonvnN
brersium puritonpn; ami vtrylftlna;, lndiml, yuil
aiiim rt know on this nub J art to maka It pruiliabl.
B.-nt putst)aia tor lwt-uty Hv tauti ia 1c. or lo
Book Publishing House.
Ukunaho tT.. N. X, City.
- nnlne irwid a hot-1 hut wiU not rip i fluaCalf.
aeumli'Ha, kutoivih lui-iae, flvxibif, oiur comforiablo, atylUa
aud Utirtiitle than any other a.1 too ever auld at, Uui yrlcaw
l-i limit. iisLlitm-timilis HnfafkK'oiitiiitr fntiu to aA.
only 9:1.00 ("lioe mmlo wli6 wa ciplP'ta
nt furcly kwci at thetiutltloi(uthown In out).
KivcH aouuio iu wuur oc citfup wcji aaovaaiua at tuo
prn;, ioraucntBiiy rip, naving ouiy oimavjio wwwi
arrow atrtp of k'Htuur ua bho vcbio, (u4 wixea oucta
thmuRli ara worttili'tu).
inetwo aui(aortnu w , i4 lfl JiAa,-i.ono
whin worn throuKh can bo rciturv.l u many tlraea aa
notxaaary, aa they will n vtr rip ur looaeu from tho upper.
iiirt-iiaMra ot footwear Ut-mrm-f to k'juu
aUiMiaiiouKleouiililitr thaauprlor quaiiilea
ut ttuis Khoua. anil uot ba lnnuautwtl
to buycht-aii wettihoaaatlii at lW.
havluK only appfaraui.'O to coaunautt
S3 aud . Fluu tatf, Haul
rl S'40 iua Calf i
liova Ssl.AO and outh-J
bcnutii BUoai Lauiua
1.91 Htm'
1.7,1 Bom Oosarula,
H CM? thm cunM BltfU Ot SUClb