The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 31, 1892, Image 5

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    $Tft Stan
Nnhimriptmn $l.SO per year, in udvanct.
V. A. BTEPHRNSO, P.dltor unit Pub.
frtratjelrte' Wle,
PiuwnmT train nrrlvo lit tlie llrynolils
vllle station a follows:
AVtsftrrtrrl. HVrtwfiivf.
Tniln , - - 6.M a m.lTrnln (I, - 7.2H a. m.
Trnln I, - - 1.00 p. m. Tniln J, - 1.4'.' p.m.
Trnlna, - - Mp, m.lTrnln 10, - - n.osp.m.
nr.Txoi.Kovii.i.K rosT-orrics.
Mulls arrive and Mid leave tlir l-ii9rr
Arrive. Depart.
rnosi Ttir whot. mnrnit fast.
I. 1(1 p. m. - p. a. m. - - 1T: p. m.
roiiMTitritAST. roil tiik
T.OOit. m. - - 2.00 p. m, i. m. - - l.ia p. m.
Arrives from Hathmrl nm Presenttvllln
II. ;) . m.
Arrives from Viinlr Tuesdays, Thunliiy
and Hutiirdity nt 2.:) p. m.
Pepurts for I'resoottvllle, ltntlimel, Punlr
S.on n. m.
Office hours 7.00 n. m. to 00 p. m.
Money order omYe open from i.non.m. to
7.:) p. m. Iteirlstcr office. oMn from 7.00 n. m.
Lewd Holiday from 7.00 n. m. nml
from 12.00 to 3.00 p. m.
Offl-t open Siindny from 0.00 ii. m. to 10.00
a.m. .1. W. Foi st, I'.M
Monday, September 5th, is Labor Day.
Waverly school slioes at Robinson'.
Mm. H. A. Stoke has typhoid fever.
Court convene at Brookville next
The Rldgway Aibitcate Is twenty-two
year old.
Newest and neatest hoo out square
toe at Reed' shoe store.
A house for rent In West Reynolds
villo. Inquire at this office.
The llerahl says the Pennsylvania
yards are a sure thing for Falls Creek.
A pugilistic encounter raised quite an
excitement on a back alley Friday
The highest ambition, apparently, of
some people In this world is to mnko
Will Columbus Day, October 21st, be
observed In Reynoldsvllle? Who will
An infant child of Paul Scence was
burled in the Catholic cemetery yester
day afternoon.
A. E. Dunn, the hardware merchant,
Is moving into his new store room next
to his old location.
J"he Inclement weather put a damper
on the G. A. R. bean bake at Brockway
ville last Thursday.
The Reynoldsvllle Cornet band played
same excellent music on Main street
Saturday evening.
The circulation of the DuBois Courier
at this place Is increasing since August
Anderson become agent.
Qulmby.of the Clarion JJrwjfc.bolieves
it is a newspapers business to root out
crime instead of planting it.
Green & Conser, proprietors of Hotel
Bolnap, are making some interior
improvements in their hotel.
A trough at Hotel McConnell con
taining sixteen turtles has considerable
attraction for the small boys.
We have been threatened with libel
suit No. 2, but that seems to be the end
thereof, they do not materalize.
A valuable horse belonging to A. T.
Sprankle, of DuBois, died at Hotel
Me Connell barn Sunday evening.
Arrests are becoming an oft repeated
story here of late and the dispensers of
law are doing a "good" business.
A steam separator made wheat, oats
and rve chaff flv at Ed. D. Soalev's ham
on the hill last Saturday afternoon.
Save money by buyingi Pillsbury and
neynoias .Bros, snoes at Arnold i at
from 33 to 60 per cent less than cost.
Ninety-four orimlnal cases arealready
on the list for the coming session of
court. Six of these are from Reynolds
villo. The Scotch people of this section
picnicked on the hill near Fuller's
farm last Saturday. They had a very
pleasant time.
Don't forget the elocutionary and
musical entertainment to be given in
the Baptist church Tuesday evening,
septemoer utn.
It would be to the credit of Reynolds
vllle to decorate the town for the K.
G. E. re-union to be held here on the
13th of September.
A brass band from Coal Glen, on their
way to the Scotch pionlo near Fuller's
on Saturday, made music in Reynolds
vllle for a short time.
The ladies of the Daughters of Ameri
ca will give an ice cream and cake festi
val in the lower part of Centennial hall
Saturday evening, Sept. 3rd.
Mrs. C. C. Hunt, wife of Rev. Hunt,
the C. N. U. teacher who is well known
here, died at her home in Russell;
Warren county, Pa., on the 17th Inst.
The fourth quarterly meeting of the
Grange of Jefferson oounty will be held
at the Union Grange In Warsaw town
ship on Saturday, October 1st, 1892.
A broken pleoe of , machinery at
Hopkins mill was the means of putting
t stop to the muslo el the saw, etc.,
Thursday and Friday of last week.
David Roll, the genial attache of
Hotel Belnap, has a linger ring that
ecllpcs anything ot the kind from Dun
to Reersheba. It was presented to him
by an agent.
The Son of Temxranee will hold a
necktie social in Centennial Hall Satur
day evening, Sept. 3rd, to which all are
invited to attend. Ice cream, cake and
lemonade will be served.
Tho Salvation Army advertise that
they will lie at Dullol on the 3rd of
September to "make war against the
devil." They certainly will attack one
hi majesty's strongholds.
The Knights of Lalxr of Rathmel are
making preparation to have a jolly
time there on Lalxir Day. The people
of thut village generally succeed In
their efforts to have a good time.
Volume 1, No. 3, of tho Dayton Artr,
Armstrong county, found its way to our
exchange tablo last week. It is pub
lished by Marshall, Hoover Si Co. We
wish them success In the enterprise.
The fifty-seventh session of the Erio
Annual Confereni'o, of the M. E. church,
will be held at Warren, Pa., commenc
ing on Wednesday, September 7th.
Bishop John P. Newman will preside.
We were given a curiosity tho other
day by Mrs. Elijah Trudgen. It wa
twin apples, both having grown from
the same parent stem. Thoy were so
perfect that you could not tell one
from the other.
Two Rathmelttes bunked in tho lock
up one night last iweek and paid well
for their lodging when brought before
tho Mayor tn the morning. The whys
and wherefores leading to tho arrests
might Ik? a good subject for tho officer
to meditate upon.
Mm. W. M. Foster, who has been at
Pittsburg for two weeks receiving
treatment from Mrs. Dr. McGranor of
350 Wyllo avenue, returned homo
Thursday afternoon much Improved in
health. She speaks very highly of
Mrs. McGranor' treatment.
The pedagogues and the. pupils will
assemble at the temple of learning in
this borough one week from next
Monday for the purpose of mastering
the difficult lessons that will confront
them five days out of every week during
the prospective school term they will
that day enter.
Policeman Mincer has not received
his new blue suit yet and there seems
to bo no effort mado towards getting
him one. Surely Reynoldsvllle has
sufficient pride to want to see our police
look as if tho town means business. A
blue coat and star go better together
than common citizen attire.
F. F. Hoffman, the veterinarian of
Brookville, was called here last week
to prescribe for ono of Frank J. Black's
'buB horses that had been showing indi
cations of becoming carrion and lotting
the maggots feast on his flesh, but tho
beast reconsidered the matter and is
now on tho convalescent list.
The street railway is doing an immonso
business. On Friday last 2,000 passen
gers wore carried, and on the day of
the re-unlon the number was more than
three times that amount. Tho owners
of the line are highly pleased at the
liberal patronage it receives by our
people. Punxsutawnoy XeiM.
Alfred Boll, of Rochester, N. Y., a
well known lumberman in Jefferson
county, after whom Bolls mill, near
Brook villo, on the A. V. R'y was named,
died at his homo last Wednesday
evening, aged eighty-two years. He
was father of Mr. Fred Boll, of the
Bell, Lewis & Yates, Coal Mining Co.
The Jefferson County Medical asso
ciation picnic held at the DuBois
Electrio Park last Friday was an
enjoyable outing for the participants.
Our postmaster, Dr. J. W. Fount says:
"It was the largest congregation of
doctors that has assembled In this
locality for over a thousand years, and
the repast was fit for a king."
The Fair Bulletin, edited and
published by W. L. McCracken, devoted
to the Interest of the Jefferson county
fair to be held at Brookville Sep. 20th
to 23rd, promises that the fair this year
will surpass all previous fairs ever held
in the county. If the business like
manner with which the new manage
ment take hold of the affair is a criterion
it will oertainly be a success.
The Brookville Democrat and Rldgway
Democrat each devoted considerable
space last week to the true statement
about the game of ball that was to be
played at Rldgway on the 19th inst.
The reader who would see just one of
the papers would be convinced that that
was the right version, because it is
presented so plausible, but to read both
papers one is in a dilemma. Suppose
you split the difference, gentlemen.
James W. Stevenson, son of Henry
Stevenson, of Sandy Valley, a young
man of rare ability, Is visiting his
father and Reynoldsvllle friends. Jim
commenced his newspaper career on the
Pittsburg Time, from there he was a
reporter on the Pittsburg Dispatch, and
he ascended the ladder so rapidly that
he' become noted and now furnishes
news for the world New York World.
The young man Is deserving of success
and we are glad to see him make use of
his talent
Injured in the Mine.
Monday forenoon John Watson was
severely Injured in Bl;i Soldier Mine.
Squeezed across the breast, a broken
jaw and a bruised head were the extent
of his injuries, no will be able to
resume work in a few weeks.
A Boy's Answer.
The Sunday school lesson lust Sunday
was about Stephen bring stoned to
death, and a teacher, who hud charge
of an infant class in one of our schools,
was commenting on the good ninn's
conduct and asked tho class what they
would do If some ono stoned them? A
little boy said: "I would jiv 'em udood
kirk." '
A Few Hours of Pleasure.
Miss Lou Fount, the assistant In the
postoflleo, gave a party last Friday
evening at the homo of her father on
Jackson street, which was a very enjoy
able affair and was largely attended,
about one hundred and twenty-five
young people being present. The hours
were whlled away by various game.
Ice creum and cake were served Ix'fore
tho homo-going time arrived.
Charged with Assault and Desertion.
Philip Walker, of Rathmel, was
arrested on a wurrant issued by hi
wife for assault and battery, threatening
to kill her and desertion. He was given
a hearing before Esquire McGaw Thurs
day afternoon and bound over to court.
The bail required for his liberty until
court time was five hundred dollar.
He fulled to get ball and Is know board
ing with tho sheriff at Brookville.
At the Opera House.
"Our German Ward" was tho attrac
tion at the Opera house Monday evening.
The house was packed and the piny
well received. The play wus rendered
by Midduugh's Musical Comedy Co.
Tho appearance of the players and the
band Is a great drawing card for tho
company. Tho band mado the finest
apjieurance of any band that has ever
paraded the streets of Reynoldsvllle.
Stereoptlcan Show.
The stereoptican entertainment in
Centennial hail Saturday evening,under
tho management of B. A. Hays and A.
C. Anderson wus fairly well attended
and wus a good entertainment. Tho
views shown were: Unelo Tom's Cabin,
The Drunkard's Progress or Ten Nights
in a Bur-room, Rip Vim Winkle und
his scolding wife complete, Landing of
Columbus, portraits of leading men of
tho United States, and many other
Interesting views.
An Excursion.
The B., R. & P. R'y will run an
excursion to Ontario Beuch and return
Saturday, September 3rd, tickets good
to return until Soptomlor Oth. Train
will leave Fulls Crock at 10.0T A. M.
Tickets 13.00. On Monday, September
5th, tho international boat race for the
world's championship and a purso of
(",000, between four great oarsmen,
Haitian, O'Connor, Guudnur and Hosmer
will bo rowed at tho Beuch. Ruco will
bo rowed between 4 and 0 P. M.
Quarterly Meeting.
The fourth quarterly mooting of tho
M. E. church, for the present confer
ence year, will bo held next Saturday
and Sunday. Rev. Dr. F. II. Beck will
conduct all the services of tho occasion,
which will bo as follows: Preaching
Saturday evening at 7.30, followed by
tho quarterly conference; Sunday school
at 9.45 a. M. Sunday; preaching at 11.00
A. M., followed by tho administration of
tho Lord's Supper; Love Feast at 3.00
P. M.; preaching at 7.45 Sunday evening.
Easy to do.
Fault-finding 1b ono of the easiest
things done that our poor human nature
undertakes. It is so very easy to see
the faults and imperfections of othor
people. It is no trouble in the world to
find motes: but oh, how difficult to see
beams? We find it unpleasant to look
within, but the most agreeable business
In this world is to tear to pieces tho
character of others, by magnifying their
faults while we minify their virtues.
Every reader should pray to bo delivered
from fault-finding. '
A Verification.
Some weeks ago we devoted a little
space in speaking of Miss Ella Seeley's
ability as an artist. We clip the
following from the Indiana Progress of
last week which is a verification of the
statement made by The Star and shows
that the young lady Is getting a
reputation in her chosen profession:
"Miss Ella Evelyn of Reyn
oldsvllle's charming young ladles, spent
several days in town this week. Miss
Sueloy is an artist of genuine worth and
is fust gaining renown In the Art
A Fractured Arm.
Thursday of last week was William
Hollanbaugh's fifteenth birthduy, which
the lad will not soon forget. He came
from Sandy Valley to Reynoldsvlllo
with his father, Solomon Hollanbaugh,
on the day above mentioned and In
getting out of the back in front ot
Dillmon's restaurant he stepped on the
rubber block and bis foot slipped
throwing him in such a manner that he
fell on his right arm, breaking it at
the wrist. Dr. Bowser dressed the arm,
tied it up In shingles and the boy went
home with a sad looking countenance.
How It Originates.
The origin of a slander comes alxmt
in this way: Mother, Ezeklol told me
that ho heard Greatwood's wifo say that
John Hurdstone's aunt mentioned to her
thnt Mrs. Gossip wo present when
widow Wantahushand said Capt. Hart
well's cousin thought Ensign Doollttlc's
sister believed that old Mrs. Nebbor
reckoned that Sam. Rattlebrain' better
hulf tlild Mi-. Hefflellngor that she
heard Hezeklah Knockerbaeker's wo
man say that her mother told her that
she heard her great grandmother say
that Mrs. Lovotoowell had two husbands.
Elocutionary and Musical Entertainment.
An excellent elocutionary and musi
cal entertainment will bo given In the
Baptist church on Tuesday evening,
Septemlx-r Oth at 8 o'clock, by J. J.
Parsons, the reciter and singer. It will
be an evening of entertainment, pleasure
and preflt. It will consist of best selec
tions from best authors, dialectlo rendi
tions, vocal selections, ballads, song
and solo. They will be pathetlo and
humorous. Tho Christian Endeavor,
under whose auspices It Is given, will
send a delegate to the Stato Convention
at Altoona, with the proceeds. Admis
sion 25 cents, children 15 cent.
Not to be Trifled with.
Ed.Fuller.of Iowa Mill, has discovered
that the A. V. R'y is not to lie trifled
with. The above named individual, in
company with a boon companion, got on
the Brookvlllo accommodation at Falls
Creek on the evening of July 10th and
with ghoulish gleo commenced to
ventilate their profane vocabulary In
the ladies car. Conductor Faust stopped
their fun and escorted them to the
smoking cur. When they got off the
train Fuller hurled a rock as largo as a
half brick at tho conductor. Ho was
arrested and given a hearing at Brook
ville Monday morning of this week and
In default of $1, (MM) bull is now peeping
through the Iron bar at tho county
seat awaiting tho coming session of
Broke the Seventh Commandment.
Clarion llreef.e.1
Al. Shoemukor and Tilllo C. SImcox
who were boarders at tho residence of
Mrs. DeLuey, and living in this town as
man and wife since July 4, were arrested
yesterday at the instance of the woman's
real husband, who had been hunting
for them for some tlmo. The churgo
against Tilllo is adultery, and Mr. Shoe
maker's offense was also found to he a
jailahle one. In tho hearing they had
before 'Squire dimming, they pleaded
guilty, and after a brief incarceration
in our own pretty littlo prison, they
were romovod to the Rldgway jail.
They hall from Sandy Valley, Jefferson
County, Pa. The name of the Injured
husband tho man who Tilllo say Bhe
does not love is Geo. W. SImcox.
Jail Bird Re-captured.
About throe years ago Charles
Mathlse was arrested in WobI Royn
oldsvlllo for hitting ono of tho Brink
womon on tho head with a club. Ho
was takon to Brookville and put in jail
to await tho decision of the court in tho
matter. At that tlmo throe or four
prisoners escitpod from jail, ho being
ono of tho number. Mathise came
bock to Reynoldsvllle not long ago and
Uvea on Jackson street. He workod on
a mill near Big Soldier. Saturday
morning Sheriff Young came to this
place, hired a horse and buggy and,
accompanied by Mlncor, went to the
mill and requested the escapod prisoner
to go down to Brookvlllo to answer the
chargo of breaking jail. The prisoner
claims that the othor men opened the
way of escape and he walked out because
they had given him a good opportunity
to do so. Whothor he will be excused
from a year's lodging in tho )enlten
tiary on that pica is yet to be found out.
In the Hands of Bishops.
Rev.W.P. Murray, the talented young
pastor of the M. E. church at this
place, returned last Thursday from a
trip to Omaha, Nub., where he had
been by request to preach for a congre
gation of that city who are looking for
a pastor. The people wore well pleased
with Rev. Murray and at a special
meeting of the official board, which was
attended by a large number of othor
members of the church, thoy gave him
a unanimous call. The matter is now
in the hands of Bishops Newman and
Warren and if the transfer is granted
Rev. Murray will accept the call,
although he is giving himself no con
cern about the change. Rev. Murray
thinks Nebraska climate would be
bettor for him. He likes his present
oharge and will, without doubt, return
here for another year if the transfer
into another conference Is not made.
The ofiiclal board of the Reynoldsvllle
church will, doubtless, requost his
return. Various rumors are floating
around on the soaof 'gosslplsm In regard
to the matter that have no foundation,
but are the offsprings of some fertile
imaginary mind.
Attention lkdlea.
We wish to Inform the ladies that we
are selling the best fitting, best wearing
and neatest looking shoe In Reynolds
vllle at $2.50. Reed's Shoe Stork.
People who desire to buy a house or a
lot, will find It to their Interest to
Inquire of Walter Spry.
The Work of Consumption.
Mr. Andy Buum, of DuBois, died
at the McClure homestead at Pancoast
on Wednesday morning, August 24th,
18112. She went to Pancoast on a visit
nine week prior to her demise, not
being In good ho,nlth at the time, and
in a few dnys was compelled to go to
bed where she remained until the icy
finger of death encircled her life giving
power. Margaret McClure, her maiden
name, wus a daughter of Thomas
McClure, docenscd. She was born in
Ireland and came to America with her
purents thirty-nine year ago, she then
being seven year old, and they nettled
at Panconst on what Is now termed
"the old homestead." Sho was married
to Andrew Baura when alxmt twenty
years old. Throe of her children
proceeded her over tho river of death
and four yet remain to mourn for a
loving and thoughtful mother. The
McClure family numbered ten children,
nine girl and one boy. Tho father,
mother and five daughter have yielded
to the monster death, five children still
living. . Mrs. Baum was a member of
the M. E. church at DuBois, and almost
her Inst words wore sxken In an
assurance of tho joy awaiting her
beyond the din of earthly sorrow and
trials. Consumption was the llfo
dostroyer that caused crajxj to flutter
In tho breeze at "the homestead." Tho
funeral services were hold at the
homo In Pancoast, conducted by Rov.
Cearlng Peters, M. E. minister at
DuBois, assisted by Rev. Geo. Hill,
Presbyterian minister of Beechwonds.
Her remain wore interred In the Rum
bargor cemetery.
Frustrated Again.
Amanda Englo, tho lndy of domestic
affairs at Dr. Alexander's, put her hair
up in "tins" Saturday night so that sho
would have curlly lwk on tho Sabbath
day. Her hair was twisted so tightly
that sho could not close her eyes to sleep
.and could not sleep with them open.
The hour passed monotonously by until
after the town clock stuck two and
then there was quite a commotion in the
household for a short tlmo. Tho girl
heard a noise outsldo and she stuck her
head out of the window and to her utter
consternation sho beheld a man at tho
window directly under her's attempting
to guln an entrance Into tho house.
Whether It was tho noise the girl mado
in trying to unlock the door to warn the
other member of the house, or her
head done up in "tins" that frightened
tho mun away, is unknown, but he
lingered not for an invitation to enter
the house. "Shoot him! Will," and
various othor exclamation were glvon
vent, yot tho burglar and his "pard," as
there wore at least two of them,
escnix-d, and no doubt, will borrow The
Star and read this article and chuckle
over the affair. On Monday a small
arsenal was established at the Alex
ander mansion and unless these thieve
want to die in tholr own town thoy hud
better ply their vocations in some othor
locality until tho Alexander family's
scare works off a littlo.
Olad School will Begin.
It is not an unfrequont remark to hear
parents make that they are glad school
will soon begin. Thore are so many
purents in this broad lund who are will
ing that a public school teacher or a
Sunday school teuchor shall have the
roBiMmstbillty of teaching their chil
dren the ways to manhood and woman
hood. The child is dressed and Bent to
day or Sunday school and the parent
feels a great relief, because tho respon
sibility has boon shoved off onto anoth
er's shoulders for a tlmo at least, and
if the teachers have the audacity to
look cross or apply the rod to the child
thoy are severely criticized by the in
dulgent parent who cannot control the
offspring at home.
Sunday School Picnic.
Tho Presbyterian Sunday school,
with a large number of friends, picnicked
at the DuBois Electric Park yesterday.
The day was an exceedingly pleasant
one and the participants were In good
spirits and it was a real plcnlo for all.
A special train ovor tho R. & F. C. R'y
hauled the picnickers. The Reynolds
vllle Cornet band accompanied the
school and furnished music for the
occasion. This mode the third Sunday
school plcnlo from Reynoldsvllle to the
Electrio Park at DuBois this season.
How Ws Increase.
Twelve families have moved Into
Reynoldsvllle during this month and
one family moved away.
Well Liked.
Everybody likes them. Can't help it.
Don't blame them. You'll like them
too when you see them; Reed's $2.50
For Sale 1 cook stove, 1 heating
stove, 1 cupboard, 1 step-ladder, various
household goods, and house plants, at
private sale before the 8th of Sept. Ar
ticles for sale are up stairs in tho Broad
head building, Main street.
Maroaretta Broadhead.
Men's fine shoes every style and all
prices; Goodyear welt laoe and Congress
from $2.75 up. Reed's Shoe Store.
Rooms to Let Four second floor
rooms on Main street for rent. Enquire
at Hotel McConnell;
, i m i i
New goods arriving every day at
Dr. Rusb, of St. Mary, was In town
this week.
Burgess John M. Hays was at East
Brady Monday.
Mr. D. W. Riston went to DuBois
Monday on a visit.
Wesley Motter was in Pottsvllle on
business last wock.
Frank P. Adolsperger, chlef-of-polloo,
Is now grandfather.
. Tom NefT ha gone to New Athens,
Ohlo,.to attend school.
Miss Magglo Jenkins, of Clayvllle, Is
visiting Mis Lou Foust.
F. K. Mullen, of the Racket store,
was in Indiana last week.
James Bond, of Brockwayvllle, was
in Reynoldsvlllo last wock.
William Dougherty, of Wlnslow
township, was at Brookville Monday.
Miss Myrtle Reitz, of Stanton, Pa.,
visited Miss Jennie Motter lost week.
Mrs. Margaret R. Gorsline was at .
Rnndolph, N. Y., a few days last week.
.Tame Wilson, of Klttannlng, Sun
day ed with his cousin, Miss Lulu Foust.
S. A. Plfer, of Bollwood, visited C. F.
Hoffman, the jeweler, during the week.
Mis Frances Brady, of Brookville,
visited Miss Laura Marshall last week.
Mrs. W. W. Barclay, of Big Run,
visiting Reynoldsvllle friends this week.
Ed. Wilson, of Klttannlng, visited
his brother, Will F., at this place last
Mrs. L. A. Jackson, of Allegheny
City, is with her daughter, Mr. H. A.
J. L. Foster and wife are visiting the
homo of Mr. Foster's parents at Putney
vllle, Pa.
Miss .lennlo Harp, of Brookville,
visited Miss Hettio Boer during the
past week.
Miss Agnes Gricks went to Pittsburg
Monday morning where she will remain
for sometime
Robt. Schoflold, of Dunlo, Cambria
county, visited a fair maiden of Reynolds
vlllo last week.
Dr. B. E. Hoover and wlfo spent
Sunday at Wlnslow, Pa., with the
doctor's parents.
F. M. Brown and son, Raymond, are
visiting relatives at Wyaluslng, Brad
ford county, Pa.
Miss Maggie Hoon, of Gazzam, was a
visitor at Mrs. Joseph Butler's several
days the past week.
Mrs. Kohlor, of New Brighton, Pa.,
visited Miss Belle and Lib Robinson a
few day last week.
Held Wilson, who is receiving medi
cal treatment at Pittsburgh, spent Sun
day with his parents.
Misses Katie and Maggie Butler, of
Bradford, visited their cousin, t. C.
McEnteer, last week,
John H. Schoflold, superintendent of
Hopkins mill, made a business trip to
Willlamsport last week.
Charles Kah, the gentlemanly clerk
at Priestor Bros., was in Klttannlng
and Pittsburg lost week.
Charles Davis, son of M. M. Davis,
roturnod to Bethlehem, Pa., Monday
morning to attend school.
Tho. K. Hastings and wife, of Punx
Biituwney.vlsited Mrs. Hastings' brother,
Sum'l Brllhart, lost week.
Mrs. Wilson and son, Homer Smith,
of Punxsutawney, were visitors at the
Ayres' mansion during the post week.
Alex. Riston and M. J. McEnteer,
accompanied by their families, were
fishing on the Slnnemahoning yesterday.
F. W. dimming, of Jamestown, Pa.,
was In Reynoldsvllle yesterday and is
talking of getting up a county directory.
Mrs. William Barkley returned Sat
urday evening from a visit with her
mother, Mrs. Jessie Lowther, at Rim
ersburg. Mrs. R. S. Donaldson, of Pittsburg,
who has been visiting her sister, Mrs.
Alex. Riston, for two months, returned
home last Thursday.
Mrs. G. H. Allls is visiting the home
of her parents at Schoharie county,
N. Y. This is the first visit to her
home In twenty years.
Miss Gale Hudden,of near Covode,Pa.,
who at one time madi her home with
Dr. Neale,has been visiting the doctor's
family the past week.
Ed. McCrelght, of this place, and
cousin, Will McKee, of Indiana county,
who is visiting here, were at Buffalo
and Niagara Falls last week.
Mrs. Ed. Graham, Mrs. Jane Hager
ty and Misses Annie and Katie Blroh
fiuld, all of Clearfield, were guests at
Dr. Alexander's last evening.
J. C. Swartz went to Parson, West Va.,
last Wednesday to take charge of a
tract ot timber and a saw mill for a
company of which L. P. Seeley is a
Mrs. Henry Prlester and daughter,
Lizzie, went to Slzerville, Cameron
county, on Monday to spend a few weeks
at the mineral springs there for Mrs.
Frluster's health.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Fred. Vosburg, of
DuBois, Miss Lulu Bensinger, of Mahon
ing City, and W. R. Bratt, of Pittsburg,
drove from DuBois Sunday and took
dinner at Hotel MoConnell.
Dr. J. W. Foust, George Warnlok,
Scott McClelland, John Kellar and
Bernard McCracken were at Brockway
vllle last Thursday to attend the Grand
Army festivities at that place.