The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 31, 1892, Image 3

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Tlie ftepulillean conference of Oi Pit
taentli I'm. Congressional district met at
Iwkbaren and nominated A. 0. Hopkins
for (.'(ingress.
The Uemocrnlle convention for Jefferson
county met nt Hrookville, I'a. For Con
press, lliiiiniliul K. Hloan was nominated.
Tlie Hetnocrntle County convention at
Mum I) Chunk. I'n., nnnieri Hon. Allen
Craig, of Mnui'h Clnink. as tlie county's
choice for Congress in the. Klghtli Congr'es
ional district.
The Democratic county convention held
nt I'nnvllle. I n , nnmcil Million Wolvertun
fot Congress.
The I'emocrnts of the First Minnesota
Congressional district Dominated Congress
man llurris by arclaimition.
The I'einoerntic county convention at
lx khavcn, I'n., nominated H. 8. J'eale for
The Democratic county convention of
1 arkawnnna county, l a., renominated. Iy
acclamation, I-emnel Amertnnti. the present
Congressman from the KleventU Congres
lion nl district.
Hon. Jf. N. Cot was renominated for
Congress liv the Democrats of the Heventh
Tennessee district.
Cteorge I,. Yaole. of Mendon. Miili., wn
nominated by the Kourth district I'emo
craiic Congressional convention. He was
,also noinimileil by the I'eople s parly some
days nit".
Kelliunr Storer and John A. Caldwell
were nominated for Congress by tne He
publicans of the Kirst and Second Ohio (lis
trill. ticortre T. Krihln, of Clarion, was nomi
nated for Congress by the DeiiKH ratic eon
lereesofthe i'wenty eighth i'eiitisylvania
The Seventh tleorgla distrlrt Democrats
have chosen John W. Madilox for Congres..
Congressman C. It. Kilgorehas been nom
inated by the Third Texite district Demo
crats. Thomas O. I.awson has been renominated
for Congress by the Kighth (ieorgia district
The Tenth district Itepiihlieans of Wisron
lin notuinated Ne!s. '. lluugeii for Con
gress. The Fourth Mississippi district l'eople's
party convention has nominated Frank
liurkit t for Congress.
The Democrats of the Fourth Missouri
district hiive nominated D. Hums, a son of
the hue Congressman! Hums, for Congress.
The Democrats of the Kighth Michigan
Congressional district have nomimtieit
Congressman Henry M. Yoiitnans, who is
also the 1'eople'a party nominee.
The Democrats of the Fourth district of
Iowa nominated Walter H. Ilutler for Con
press. The licpublicans of the same district
nominated Thomas I'pdegruff.
The Democrats of Ducks and Montgomery
counties. I'n., renominated Congressman
Kdwin N.IInllowell for the Heventli district.
The Democrats of the F.leventh Iowa dis
trict have nominated Daniel Ciitnpliell for
Congress. He is also the nominee of the
l'eople's party.
Hon. W. C. Itrcckinriilge xvns declared the
Democratic nominee lor Congress from the
Seventh district, Kentucky,
The I'rohihition State convention at
Washington non.inated Judge Kodiier F.
(Jreene. of battle, for (iovernor; A.K. Dick
inson, of Walla WaPa, ani K. I'. Newherry,
Island county, were nominated for Coii
gres. The Twentv-seventhl'a. Senatorial District
nominated William II. Hackenhurg, lie
pnlilican. Hugh Dlnsmore has been named for Con
gress by the Democrats of First Arkansas
Samuel Alsi'bnler has been nominated
for Congress bv the Democrats of the Filth
Illinois tlistrict.
The People's party convention of the
Sixth Louisiana district nominated P. J,
Unite for 'ongress.
David Culberson has been renominated
for Congress by acclamation by the Demo
crats of his district in Texas.
The Ninth Iowa district I'eople'i partv
convention has chosen A. F. Myers, of Har
rison county, lor ( 'ongress.
The l'eople's party convention of the
Third Arkansus district has chosen J. U.
liusli, of l'rescott, tor Congress.
Hon. (laston A. K.ibins. of Helms, Ala .,
has been nominated for Congress by the
Democratic convention of the Fourth Ala
bama district.
The People's Party Convention, at I.aiv
rater. Pa., nominated A. L. Camp
bell, editor of the Muuliein Sun for Con
gress. The RepuMicans of the Twenty-third
Pennsylvania Senatorial district have nomi
nated 11. H. Mitchell, of Troy.
J. C. McAllister fif Perry county. Pa., has
Mcnred the Democratic nomination in the
alitUiu-Juniatu-l'erry senatorial district.
A London dispatch states that 43 of the
men imprisoned by the explosion In the
Park Slip mine at Aberkentlg were found,
to be alive. Thirty -five of them have been
taken out. The other eight were too weak
to be moved and are still below. Of these
'.wo have since died. For the remaining
too there i no hope.
My Wife
Waa miserable all
the time witb kidney
complaint but began
Improving when she bad
taken Hood's faraapar
illa one week, anil after
Inking three bottles was
perfectly cured. I had
Mr. Klcaardaau. Heart failure, IS
tarrh and Liver
Complaint. Could uulaluep, tiloaUU badly.
era Hood's p.raariii vi
weneM. sound sleep and vA iiealth." 11. U.
Khhakokon, Siliiain,
is. .
Sood' Pills cure Nausea. Sick Headache,
igualiou. Biliousness and ail Liver iruublua.
PN V ill
Mr. Albert Hartley of Hudson,
N. C, was taken with Pneumonia.
His brother had just died from it.
When he found his doctor could not
rally him be took one bottle of Ger
man Syrup and came out sound and
well. Mr. S. B. Gardiner, Clerk
with Druggist J. E. Barr, Aurora,
Texas, prevented a bad attack of
pneumonia by taking German Syrup
in time. He was in the business
and knew the danger. He used the
great remedy Boschee'a German
(Syrup for lung disease. 9
aT B
Costumes Will Hold Onto Oauiy Effects
to the Los.,
OIN'l, going, all but
gone! Such it thecry
ol fashion's auction
ter, now engaged in
selling off the few
remnants of time in
which the devotee of
modes may display
any gowns of her
summer outfit yet
remaining unseen.
With the end
month will coins
thoughts of autumn
styles, and visions of
theater and opera
costumes. Hut opto
the last moment.cos
tumes will preserve
their delightful
gamy effects. Sleeves
will continue to
swell, while lace,
e draped, pendant, ft
tooned and cascaded,
will cover the bodice,
and ribbons wound around and around the
figure will give the fair ladies of fashion the
look or latter-day mummies, swathed up in
gossamer tissues, tied with ribbons and en
wrapped In lace. In the initial cut you see
one of the latest styles of scallod lace
berthas, surmounted by a chiffon collarette.
The gown Is a pink mauve crepe de chine.
The sleeves are of mauve silk muslin, ac
cordion pleated, ending at the elbow with a
ribbon band. Lace flgaro In old Irish gul
pure are very modish. They must lit tin
figure and there slioiild be a broad ribbni
belt in Scotch ribbon, cream, pink unc
green. In many cases sleeves are men
Spaulcts, below which there is a lace sleeve
run with a ribbon at the elbow, l.aci
berthas are double, the first reaching to tin
bust line, and tlio second almost to the bel
or corselet. Corselets seem quite as populo,
as ever. A new style is foliate the skirt
corselet and sleeves of one material, and tin
entire top of a plain bodice closely coveret
with lace or guipure, with a deep frill o
lace over the sleeve. The newest tailor
msdes have cutaway coats, curving grace
fully at the hips an J falling to a ruoderuti
length In square tails. The swallow-taili
reaching almost to the ground are merely i
passing agony, and will not be seen this ful
in town.
There will be no end of lawn parties ai
the season draws to a close, llutlste is large
ly used for lawn party dresses, either stump
ed or embroidered. Mauve and white an
favorite colors, and Irish guipure the Inei
most used. The dress la usually cut in oni
piece, the folds being held at the waist by i
ribbon belt, tied In front. At the top, tht
corsage is composed of a crossed fichu it
pluin batiste ami the front of the dress is m
trimmed with luce as to make the flchu look
like a yoke. The epaulets are of the em
broidered batiste, and the lower sleeves ol
the plain. Thecuffsareoftheguipnre. Tht
costume pictured in the illustration is in
pink crepon. Tlie skirt Is finished witb
two rows of broad galoon, through which
you pass moss green ribbon as indicated
lietween the rows of galoon is placed verti
cal fancy stitching. The corsage has the
same scheme of jrnuiiientution. The broad
ribbon belt has a band of the galoon at the
top. The puffed sleeves are also encircled
by a band of tha galoon; below they are
The illustration depicts a tasteful after,
noon toiletto. The feature of the costume
is the flguro corsage over a silk blouse, belt
ed in with a corselet which, like the collar
is either embroidered or covered witb passe,
In the matter of headgear there is appar.
ent at times, an inclination to run to the
highly picturesque, but the persistence with
which the broad-brimmed sailor hat has held
place hot reull.r qtille disconcerted the
summer girl. Bhe bos considerable courage
but she does not care to stand up like Ar
nold Winklerled, one ngulnst s thousand.
For those longing for something picturesque
the large white chip bat, trimmed witb
long whit ostrich featben has come In very
A OAttPEs! It AT.
opportunely, iiray hats in the mine lint
are likewise becoming, there being two long
gray feathers fastened In front with a small
white wing and a crystul buckle. Instead
of the wing you may substitute pointed
bow of gray velvet ribbon. The picture
shows a very pretty garden hat. The trim
ming is of pleated crepe set off with lace,
and surmounted by a twisted roll of the
cree with a crest of the same material orna
mented with a sprig of roses.
The Convict Miners Returned.
Miners Arrested-
The latest news from Coal Creek is that
quiet prevails. Supplies and clothing are
being rushed forward Irom this city to tht
soldiers, ns their stuv Is Indefinite, and es
pecially since the Indications are that the
convicts will be returned to the mini in
a few days. (Jenerul Carries, in the ex
amination of the dispatches in the telegraph
olllce at Coal Creek, has found many
dispatches of an incriminating nature
ami throwing much light upon the con
spiracy. Assistant Commissioner of Labor Alle
mini left for Nashville, it is umlcrstivHl in
obedience to a request from (intend Carries
that be was "wanted." Alleman savs he
will lie able tnslmw in any court that lie has
hud no part in inciting the riot and attacks.
The Kourth Keglment of Volunteers was
organized at Colonel Hunter
Smith commanding, and will ask to lie
swcirn In ut once, subject to tliecallof the
icivernor. No further trouble Is feared be
f ure Labor I lay. September .', or unless the
troops are removed from the valley.
A special to the Memphis l.'iniiiiici'coil
from Coul Creek savs it mountaineer arriv
ed there bringing Information of the dis
covery of n hospital in tlie uniuntains. a
few miles trout Coal Creek., which tlie
miners have improvised in a cave. He says
he saw 'i dead bodies there and u large
number of wounded.
The Itno convicts recently sent back to
Nashville from Oliver Springs,
Trucy Citv and Inman by
rioters, were formally ordered returned
to these branch prisons. They will be pro
tected bv numerous guards.
A squad of soldiers from Coal Creek, un
der command of Lieutenunt l'litterson. sud
denly apK-ared at Oliver Springs, Tenn..
and began making arrests. They returned
with ninety prisoners to Coal Creek, having
succeeded in urrestiiiR every man they
wanted. In and around Oliver Springs the
insurrection is a thing of the past.
1'eHce prevails and the majority of the
miners clutin they were diiven into insur
rection by miners who cuwe to Coul Creek
and overawed them.
The Tenntesee Miners Threaten an Ins
vasion of Oeorsla-The Adjutant Oen'
eral Order Soldier to the Front.
A messenger from Whiteside. Tenn., says
that it is rumored that miners from White
side will attack the Coal City, (ieorgia,
stockade, (ieorgia's Adjutant-denerul has
ordered troos to be in readiness to move to
the front.
The invasion of (ieorgia by Tennessee
miners will provoke a serious row. (Ieorgia
can put l.lKKimen in the Held on short notice,
being the best Southern State with respect
to militia. Superintendent Cannon, at Cole
City, has axked (ieorgia for military aid.
Estimated That Over 87,000 People
Have Already Died of the Cholera
Hamburg' Alarming Diatb Rate,
A special cablegram to the X. Y. rimes
from London says: Insuperable difficulties
attend the tusk of trying to get at the mor
tality statistics of this year's visitation of
cholera. Since the Russian Government
bus admitted the existence of cholera in the
Kuroieun part of the empire, and lias begun
to furnish otHcial bulletins, its figures have
shown in round numbers 75,000 deaths.
Those who know Husslu best disagree as
to whether this should be taken to repre
sent a fourth or a third or two-lifibsuf the
actual nuiniier of deaths, luking it even ut
the last would give a total of h7,.Vxi. This
is probably under rather than over the
murk, beciiiiHe le-s than one-third of the
centeis of Russian rural opulation are con
lieetcd by the telerujiliic system, and big
pluees like Kischeiierl are known to have
ocen ravaged for weeks Willi the pest, yet
ate never nientione I in otlicial returns.
I' plot be present there have been some
thing over lloo deutlis in Northern FrHiice
a sixth in I'aris and the rest, in the suburbs
or ut Havre. Death in Hamburg and
Allium combined are otllciully put ut 1,VU0,
uinl the evening bulletins show an ularming
spread of a very virulent kind of epidemic,
'1 here was never known before such a high
ratio of mortality to cusesas the liuiuburg
reports indicate.
Taluable Horea JUurned.
Three rows of stables were burned at the
Bouthside park near Columbia, Tenn.,
causing loss in finely bred horses and prop,
erty umouiitlng to 120,000. Nine well-bred
trotters and pacers were burned to death,
tbe most valuuble and noted being tbe 2-year-old
filly Roan 0., by Duplex, and
could show a better gait than 2:20. Bb was
worth 19,000, witb 12,000 insurance upon
In tbe Chinese, language the same
word may be given several different
meanings by the modulation of tbe
voice. Tbe same thing may happen
to the EngllMh "yes," which may
be pronounced so a to mean "I as
sent to that," or "I am doubtful," or
"Indeodl" Professor Max Muller, in
his "Lectures on the Science of Lan
guage," gives au amusing Illustration
of these modulations In the Anna
mltlc lunguage,a monosyllabic tongue
Spoken by the people of Tonquln and
Cochin China.
In this language tbe syllable "ba,"
pronounced with a grave accent,
means a lady, an ancestor. I'ro
nouueed with the sharp accent, It
means the favorite of a prince. Pro
nounced with the semi-grave accent,
it means what has been thrown away.
Pronounced with thegrave circumflex,
It means what is left of a fruit after
the Juice has been squeezed out. Pro
nounced with no accent, It means
three. Pronounced with the ascend
ing or Interrogation accent, It means
a box on the ear.
Thus "Ha ba baba'Mssaltl tomean,
If properly pronounced, "Three ladies
gave a box on tbe ear to tbe favorite
of the prince."
M. de Sartlnes, at one time chief of
the pollen of the city of Paris, was a
master of his profession. The crimi
nal to whom he gave his nttentlon
was almost sure, sooner or later, to be
brought to Justice.
An Incident which Illustrates tho
thoroughness of his work Is recorded,
reluctantly one may Imagine, In the
Vienna police reports.
Tbe chief of the Vienna police wrote
to him describing a criminal who had
fled from Vienna and taken refuge In
Paris, and rc'iucsting Sartlnes to. dis
cover and scire tho fugitive.
Sart lnes gave his orders for a search
for the man. Two months passed.
Then he wrote tlio Vlrnna officer:
"I have sought the crlmtual you
described on all sides and for a long
time In vain. Kut at last the efforts
of my agents nre rewarded. We hava
found the man.
"Ho Is in Vienna, which city he
has not left nt nil. You will And him
nt Faubtirg X , Number SO. There
Is a flower pot in his window."
F metises vr Would-He nuleliles.
People who want to commit suicide
make curious excuses In order to ob
tain poison without the necessary
formula of obtaining a physician's
prescription. A case occurred In
Chicago some time ngo of a lady who
contemplated killing herself, but
found it difficult to procure the neces
sary drug. She tried to get morphine,
but could not obtain It; then she went
Into a drug store and Invented a story
nliout wishing to buy sufllcient chlor.
ofonn to kill a favorite dog that had
been run over In the street and was
suffering untold agonies. She wanted
to put the dog out of Its pain, nnd
begged the clerk to sell her enough
chloroform totlo It. lie declined to
sell her tho chloroform, but told her
to bring in the dog, and sho went
tway In great disgust.
Vernnila (iosslp
Mrs. A-"That riegirrtrrt cold of Mrs. C- 'sis
telltiiK on her. sin- touirtis morniiii,, noon nrnl
lilylil, Iihh fever and my Ut sweats. She cau't
last long ut this rule."
Mrs. H-"ll she would ffm-f t-W lliosr misrr.
nhte opitifr nntl take fir. Hoxsfe's Certain
Croup Cure tier coukIi would soon disnieHr.
Jf 1 were in her plat e I would ask my druggist
to gel it of any wholesale urtii: bouse."
Crldwater, Mich., has un "old bachelor
girl club."
Evrrvboilr IteHiUlhc I'lllsburs llispalrh.
All the news of the world from day to duy
Rememlier, it contuins all the news, and no
rT of It.
Til princliwl causes of sick headache,
biliousness and cold chills are found In tlie
stomui b miu liver. Cured by lieecbaiu's i'ills.
nn unr ac nrr.rivrn
vJlh fanes, EiuimeTf, and Paints which SttlO
tlie hnnils. Iiinre tha Iron, anrt hurn on.
The Mains Hun 8toa rollsa la Brilliant, Odor
lesi, Uiirnhle, and the consumer nays lor no tui
or glass paekuue with every purchase.
Anodyne Liniment.
i;vry tusv'lr. i'.vtrj fnnill; ntwmUl keep it mt tinml,
for the ciiitnnm iiin of lift- luttilt- u wcur to uny tine.
It if NtHitliiriif. Iliitlifiir 4. ml IVfM-trntlii,r. (inn- uhi- nl-
urn wiwiti-tl. Ht;lijL'VirvM hi lt . l'nc-;i'ic .Hi. i.!. tuli
iMU-ucuisu Irvtu 1. tJ, JttMNSoS C CO., miom, Mitf
Tbe Best
In the
Tl.l I'lSll l;H.SI Kl tCKFH Im warrunli-d water-'
j.Mf. ft i nl will ktr yon ilry in ihu hurtlcM iorm. Tiir
irw 1-unur.ii ttLii Ktu u h tnniritimif coai, ana
cuverithfet-m.reftM.ld.ct, UewHrvui uaiittUoiu. lion il
l uy m coat II Ihu t Mil Urund ) itut on it. IHtWrsV
lul 'il.uliMH- Iff. A.J. 'J'I'WKU. hodlon, Mi..
Its wearing qualities ara unaurpaaiMMt, actually
.nllasllug lure, boxes of anv olher brand. Not
aSwiltd by heat. 1(1 ET TIIK (sUNVlNK.
Fine lllooded Cattle. SheeD. Hoaa. Poulfrv.
Suurtlua Ootoi for Kale. CatMUuiuM with
jwignsTavlusa, free. N. f. buyer Co.,C'oalavUlell'a,
li ohlost ami Ijirio-.t MvenevrlHa
jjSl illuslue.s allrae ami Hhuri
Biiai Heb.ul, l'lt-viauil, o.
tC JrVL) Foununl n IHtK. iuku former
tuiplla. Klasaul catoluKue free.
SIS Smlihneld St. Flllaburs. 1'a. Shorthand ami
tyuewrlilnii iwr mouth, a4.30t ir iiuartar,
ala uuwUk, . Wills for vaialugut.
V.r Sf.alll.t n.a
Many fssopl. bar lsarn.1 by iperlerjes
that Bbsrldan's Condition Powdsf given
dally in food will supply th. tiMd.l
material to strengthen and InTigorats slok
chickens or moulting bras and gut th
young pullet to laying aarlisr than any
thing els on earth.
Mrs. Edwin Brotro, Esst G.-eenwIch. K.
1 sayst "I could not do without Hher
Idan's Powder when hens ars moulting. I
uso it when chickens ar small, as they often
droop and die when young. To plot of
clabbered milk I add teaspoonful of th.
Powder, mis well and let the chicks eat all
they will onoe day; It does seem to be Just
what they need; they soon become vigor
ous I, 8. Johnson ft Co., Boston, Mass., will
send further particulars to any one free.
Oregon has aduiited the blossom of the
wild ra forjts rile flower.
A Complete Newspaper far One lent.
Tlir I'lllrlitiruh f'ftroiifrfrTrh(;riiiin i sold by
all News Airenta and deliver! by Carrier,
everywhere, for toif fVnf a copy or N(.r Oafs a
week. It contains rintly, the news of the
world, receiving as It floos, the reiMirts of both
ttie AssfM-iateil I'resM nlul the Culled I'rss. No
oilier pnnsr which sells for fhir Cruf receives
both of these repirts. lis Spcirtlnir, Kinancial,
Fashion, ami Household Departments are Ull
equaled. Unler It from your News Agent.
Tbediameter of Murs is 4,no miles.
One t ent n Holt Wall Paper
Finer, Sets.. 2H-'t".', iold, ik-ts.; Kmbossed
Soilil Hold, sets
elld stamp for 1(0 Samples. Itsru, Wall
pHer Jobber, rtoitiestur. i'a.
The alphabet was brouirht Into tlreec
from I'hoenkia I i!t:i years H. ('.
We will irtve SHSi reward for any ease of eiu
tnrrb that cannot he cured with Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Taken Internally.
I. J. Ciienky 4 Co., I'roprs., Toledo, O.
The clarionet was invented by a German
in HitNI.
Mt. Pleakt, Texas,
June 20,
FufTcrrd 8 months with
Strain of back; could not
walk straight; used two
bottles of
St. Jacob Oil,
was cured. No uiu in
18 months.
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure.
Iiimhnirn, pnln In Joints or back, brick dust IS
urine. fn'iient culls, irritation, InllnmHtion.
(Travel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver,
Impsireil digestion, (rout, blllloiis-hendache.
KU - n F-H'T cures kidney dinicultkM,
Irfi(ri., urinary trouble, bright disease.
Impure Blood,
Scrofula, malaria, iren'l weakness or debility.
Jamraafe-rr contents of One Bottle. If not bisa
fltl, liniiftfista srlll refuail Ut yuu .lit, prlra paid.
At DruuKlata, BOe. le, (1.00 Maa,
iDrall,!.' oulde to Health"fnsv Oonraltatloa fraa.
lin. KiLMia 4 Co.. Iii.NoiiAMToa.N. Y.
Unlike the Dutch Process
o Alkalies
Other Chemicals
ar. used In tha
lrepaatlon of
uhlfh it ahiolutely
pur and solu6fe.
It haamor(Ain thret timet
I th Hrength of Cocoa mixed
i with Starch. Arrowroot or
'Suirar. snd is far wore eco
nomical, cutting test than on cent a cup.
It la delicious, nourishing, and easiu
Sold ij brorrra evtrjuthsra.
W. BAKER & C0., Dorchester, Mass.
RIPANS TABULt S . nruiau-x
tkif at.ju.acb, liver audi UiWt-l,:
purify Ui hlood. ars f and t-f Z
fL-tnai. Tii bat rentral family 4
lui-dU'iui knuwn for BtUoUMiit-tsfi.)
Coutitintttion, l'yiMusila, oul
Bruitb. lleatltw'lHt, HwsrtDiirn, Lomtft
i"k of Apiiii. MeutAl Hfpn.-ruUon.ii
fill. MUtai IM'pn-rlllJOD.f
Uiirefltlon, Plinil-M. 8ailtwft
aSafafassa rallU'll UltfTI
rrtrj fttnptora or uw-i
rffjultluff frHT Tmnin-f
T UlOsNI , (
fto rf
i-rnTail'in- hy th top-a h. lifer or lutt-trtintntf
rcrtn tlis-ir prifs-r fuiii tlmtsi. Pfnoiin jftvtn ut
.fltiif in heLfnthy tklitfaTARri.F.aftr?
ZnTf r-ft!
0 H4-b mtr.l Hri''f, l'v umJI . Itf riista ( J 1 1 bottle l.V. A'j J
t Aavata U MHlfdt r Kslll V pr rt prufli. I
TjTET t PF.HI for"lnvntr
X or'M iiit'lt or How io in. ml 11 it i'alut. snd tot
Jjlare-tof PtN-ION nuU UOl NTV l-AWS
IT I A ni'TY yontwrroui
aril and lunilly lu ki ihi bat
valtif lor our ntiiiif v. ! no
niixt in your lolwar by pur
rhftttiuv W. I.. Itouv ln btfa
Mblcb rrprt Mrttt Ibr brt
vnlur fur prlrra Hkodt
IbouaftiuU will trailfy.
tf -tmrnW
niii in t.
utiisT iiiiof
nj rrmii
line tin
to wuik
n aTsk X C
U Xaf 1
it 1 la
if ...
fcafcttl. w
W. I.
fr mi
. buch
UUUbLAO onuta tiou
ala im viup
c fra. Will
bar 1
Eotb the metliod and results wbea
Bvrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, hi ad- ,
ar.hes and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Pyrtip of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and to-
ceptahle to tlio stnmnch, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in it ,
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50a
and II bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept acj
PiTTSBrao, Pa..
S02Wylie A vo., Jan. 29,'87
One of my workmen fell
from a ladder, he sprained
and bruised his arni very
badly. He used
8t. Jaoob OH
and was cured in four
t'niuiptlvf and popl
wbo tav wnt hintr or Atth
m. tboald um Piio'iCar for
ronnumptton. It b earetl
IhoaaAOflia (t tin tint In J tir
ed one. It It rot had to tat.
It in tht bout coiigb irup.
811 of(rrwher. 9A,
rftCIldai ",I'' w- won r is
i&ioiiJN ..i.i..i.,, .:
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. ,
Lnto Hrlnt lpitl Kxamlnor b.S. renalon Bureau. V
il r.liilal vur, iutUiidlcalliig claim., atty aluoa.
J I l 1 n nshlngloii. I, (1.
mmhmhmwmm 4li-Mnse book Tree.
"N V3i
irrn If vou merclr kep tbn an ft dlvmwion. I or
dr to baodt fowig judictoualy, you mutt ko"
omeihtuit aiout thm. To nwi Ibla want war)
rlhnff "" kj-'iotr ih exprleBs 1 A.H 9fEn
of practivul poultrr rai-ar for I Will J UHa
iweoty-Ave ymnu It waa wrltun by a roan who putt
all hia mind, and tlina, and monry to making ft iuo
cawiof cb1'-"-n r inn Dot a a pa riot, but a m
bufllnvia and If you will pmflt by hi twanty-flvft
yeora' work, yott cao aara many Cftlcka ftnnviftll
RaUing Chiektmt.
And maka your rowla earn dollar for yon. TM
point I, iftat you niu.t baabla to do wnt tmubla in
tb Poultry Yard aa aoon aa It appa-nra, and know?
how 10 remedy It. ibla nook will traeh you.
It tt lit bow to detect and rura dlituw: to fd ram
VKa and als-n for fattanlngi which fowu to nvm fo
brvtrdiui uuriMea; aud avarytblng., Indaml, yom
abouid know on thu tubjact to maka it prontama.
gent poatpald for twauty-Bv oanta in lo. r
Book Publishing House. j
135 Lao n Attn t.. )t, Y. CUy.j J
aJinilL. ncNTirm
"HSfJH' M tmm Willi SM
ai'wril ah at, that wilt no rip, flna oalf. aoi
. Dfaviiot. uiore jiiif,.rtabl.itiih and durable
i-vrr Mild fti liiu prua, bquaia cutoi utaiiti 1
s4 10 a.i.
la.i iuiijaWflti. nni pair Buora. ini mo-B
and durubir nbut wttr aold at tbuau Driu. TU?y 4
11 k fi attiutf rrom bb to 9 14. 1
rulier UOVa worn vj iirniera ana mi omur
tt stood beuvv calf, thr' aoled. tjxumaion uju'l
in. uuu w in aetip tne imi ury anu warm. 1
Mil ( nil. ri.'sltt wu '4 woraiiiiHinrsi-Ba
tfivu mora wr lor tua money tuau auyoiueri
bey art) madv for rvice. Tba mcri'Uiug auiiia auow uia
ittiiieii have found lb l out. .. I
Si ftud VoutbM' SI. 7.1 He ho I Hkaf
w uoru by ttiubojft vvvry wurj. Ihauoatl
able ftho-B id nt inee pnt-ea.
m m Mar-sot :t llaud.lwd. t'J.AO. f4J m
ICO Hboea for AI kaavM ur mada of th t i
11P ttn Calf, aa dtnlred. Ihvy ar vur atyU
foriadl aud durnbl. Tha )3 boe aquala cuatoi
abooa conung fram ft to ftfl. Ladlea wbo w la I
luisa in tbt'lr foi't wear aiw finding lb la out. I
VA I'TUrN, Baware of dvaiaraaubuituUncat
out W. U iMiuglaa' iiauta and lb tflc turned o
ibatituuoua ar irauumrut ana auujwt io
9r1UL.9. tston uy law for obt.uituj niouay uuuar niaa pratt
ftlmvm a ad dlrvci Kni'ior. Mailac kind, aim mm,
I siv aacUai mml t ab dulr mm4 ara
W witm (r Cftlalc. W. L aualftft Brft.tfta
uy law for outmuiiu niouay uuuar niaa pratt