The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 31, 1892, Image 2

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    So Wit Urow Old.
A broken toy; tnsk that held away
A yearning child hcsrl from an hour of
plav. .
A Christmas tliat no Christmas Idols
A tangled Ininii i (till of tangled tlionnlit t
A homesick hoy) a senior Bimncd ami wise;
A glimpse nf life, when lot (lie uurtnlns
Fold over folil.
And hangs the picture, like a lioundlcsa
The world, all action and reality
Ho we nrow oM.
A wedding, and a tender wife' cares;
A prattling babe Ilia parcnta' life to liless;
A home of Joys and rare In iial part ;
A dreary watching with a heavy lirarl;
And death's drrnd angi'l knocking at the
And hope and ronraKO bidding sorrow
Or her hold ;
A new-made grave, ami then a brave re
turn To win re the lltn of life triumphant
Ho we grow old.
A fortune and a generous meed of fame,
Or direful ruin and a tnrnlidied mini';
A allpplnir offof week and inonlli ami year,
Fiiater and fuller in the clone draw neari
A grief today, and with tomorrow' Unlit
A pleasure that transforms the aullrn
From lead to gold ;
A chilling winter of inn hanging storm;
A spring replete with dawns and siiusrta
Ho wc grow old.
Old to ourselves, hut clilldren yet to he
In the strange cities of eternity.
bho was ono of tlioso attractive
girl who, na If by some niiatnke, uio
occasionally born inl a family of
clorka. She hint neither expectation,
menus nor dowry. Slio married a
littlo clerk at the Ministry of Public
Instruction. Slio drcssod pluinly nuil
ho waa very miserable, a if alio had
fallen from her proper station.
Slio lint) no gowns, no Jewel, notli.
lug of tho kind, and alio loved only
Uno evening tier husband rcltirncil
lionio with a triumphant nil- und hold
injf n lingo onvulopo in hi linnd.
Tliorc," laid ho, "it somolhiiig for
Slio toro tho lottcr sharply nnd drovv
out printed curd which boro theso
words! "The Minialor of Public: In.
I ruction and Madnnio Georges lUtn
poiiiionu request tlio honor of M. mid
Mmo. Lolsol's company nt the purloin
of tho Ministry on Monday evening,
Ian. 28."
Instead of being dolightod, at Iior
husband expected, aim throw tho invi
tation on tho tublo with (ligust, mur
muring, "What ahull I do with Hint?"
"But, my dear, I thought you would
be glud. I had a lot of trouble get
ting it." She looked at him with u
flashing eye.
What shall I wear?"
"How much would n euitablo dross
coal P"
Slio reflected several aoconda, figur
ing out tho amount, and wondering
also what sum alio could auk without
drawing on horsolf an iutmcdialo re
v Filially tho said doubtfully:
"1 think I could niaiingo with 400
Ho grew a little palo became that
was Just the amount that ho had laid
asido to treat himself to a littlo vucu
tlon. However, ho said: "All right, I
Will give you the 400 francs."
Iior husband aakod her ono ovoning,
What is the matter? Why have you
been so queer those last three days I'
Slio answered: "It annoys mo not
to have t, single jewel, not a single
stone, nothing to put on."
But her husband exclaimed : "How
stupiu you are. ui look to your
friend, Mine. Forestlor, and ask her
to loud you sorao Jewels."
She uttered a cry of Joy. "It's true,
I never thought of It"
The next day she went to her friend
ud told of her distress.
lime, Foreatier got a large jewel
box and said to Mine. Loisel, "Choose,
my dear,"
She saw first of all bracelets, and
then a pearl necklace, then a Venetian
W KVIU MHU Ml i: I. Ill 11 I.I 1 1 1 1' II I
- i.i i . .
jlsw workmanship.
f I All of a sudden she discovered, in a
I block satin box, a superb diamond
necklace, and ber heart beat with ex
treme desire. Her hands trembled as
sha took it. She fastened it around
ber throat, outside her bigu-ucekod
drew, and remained lost in ecstacy at
ight of bersolf.
a she asked, hesitating, filled
n yon lend me that only that?"
by, yes; oortalnly."
'sprang upon the neck of her
I kUaed her paoslouately, then
lb her treasure.
lay of the ball came. Mate.
nade great success. 8he was
prettier than tliem all elegant,
gracious, smiling and wild with joy.
All tho m nn looked at her, asked
her iiiimo and tried to be prcseuted to
She went nwsy about four In the
morning. Her husband threw over
hnr shoulders the clonk he had brought,
a modest clonk of common life whose
poverty contrasted wltli the elegance
of the Imll-room.
Mio fell this and wanted to escape,
ao that she might not bo remarked by
tlio other women, who were envelop
ing themselves In cosily furs.
1dscl held her buck.
"Wtilt a bit. You will catch cold
outside. I will go and cull n cab."
At hoinn ahe removed tho wrap
which covered her shoulder before
the glii, an a onro morn to aeo her
self In nil her glory. Hut auddeiily
ho uttered a cry. Slio hud no longer
tin) ncckluco around hnr neck I
They looked In tlio fold of hnr
dies, in her pocket, everywhere
They did not llud it.
'I ahull go buck on fool," aniil lie,
"over the wholn routo which wo Imvu
taken, to aen If I can't And it."
Ho camo buck about 7 o'clock. Ho
hud found notSihig.
"You must wrlto to your friond,"
anld he, "that you have broken the
clasp of her uecklaco nnd that you nro
having It mnnded. Thai will give us
time to act."
At tho end of a week they had lost
all hope.
Tho next day Ihor took the jewel
box to the jewoller whoso niinio wus
Inside. Ho consulted his book. "It
was not 1, Madame, who aold that
necklaces; 1 must simply have fur
uialinil tho box." They found in a
ahop in tho l'uliiis Itoyal a string of
diamonds which aeemed to them ex
actly llkn tho one they hud looked for.
It was worth 40,000 fraucs. They
could liavo it for 3H.0O0.
Loisel hail 18,000 frillies which his
father had left him. Ho would bor
row the rest '
He gnvo notes, look up ruinous ob
ligations, dealt with iiaurcrs and all tho
rnce of lenders. Ho compromised all
the rest of his life, risked Ills signa
ture without oven knowing If he could
meet it; ho wont to get tlio new neck
lace, putting down upon tlio mor
chant's counter .Hi, 000 francs.
Mmo. Loisel now knew the horribio
existence of tho needy. She took her
pnrt with heroism. Tlio debt must be
paid. Sho cami) to know what heavy
housework meant and tho odious euros
of tho kitchen. Slio dressed liko a
woman of tho pooplc.
ICnch month they bud to meet somo
nolos, renew olhors, get more time.
And (Ills life lasted ten years.
At tlio end of ton your tlioy had
paid everything.
Mmo. Iioisnl lookod old now. Slio
had become tlio woman of impover
ished households .strong and hard
and rough. With frowsy hair and
skirts askew, and red hands, alio
lalkod loud while washing tho floor
with great apiaries of wator.
Ono Sunday having gone to take a
walk in tho Chumps Klysces to rcfrosh
horsolf from tho labor of tho wcck
Mine. Loisel suddenly perceived a
woman who was lending a child. It
was Mmo. Forestlor, still young, still
beautiful, still charming.
Slio wont up. "Good-day, Jeanne."
Tlio othor, surprised, did not recog.
uizo her, and stammered: Hut
madam! I do not know you must be
"No, I am Mnthllde Loisel."
Her friond uttered a cry, "Oh, my
poor Mnthlldo, how you have
changed 1"
"Yos, I havo had days hard enough
since I havo seon ysu, days wretched
enough, and that because of you."
"Of mo I How so?"
"Do you remember tho diamond
necklace which you lent me to wear
at the Minister's ball?"
"Yes. Well?"
"Well, I lost it."
'What do yoa mean? You brought
it back."
"I brought you back another just
like it. And for this we have been
ton years paying. You can under
stand that it was not easy for us, us
who had nothing. At last it is ended,
and I am very glad"
Mate. Fore. tier bad stopped.
"You say that you bought a nock
lace of diamond to replace mine?"
"Yes. You never noticed it, then I
They were very like."
And she smilod with a joy which
was proud and naive at once.
Mme. Forestlor, strongly moved,
took her two bands.
"Ob, my poor Mathlldel Why,
my nocklaoe was pasto, It was worth
at most 600 i fruiiesl" From the
French of Guy do Maupassant.
Ono pouud of Iudian tea will make
170 oups of strong tea.
Cry Ion Maake Stones.
The so-culled "snake atones" of
Ceylon nre colebraled for tho efficacy
which llioy are supposed to havo in
curing the bites of venomous serpents.
Secrecy Is maintained n to tho method
of thutr tnuiiufiictiira, which Is a Inc.
ratlvo business carried on by monks,
who supply tho merchants of India
with them. Very high price nro de.
mniidod for them. They are employed
n the fiimlliiir muuiier by being placed
on tlio wound, their absorbent miter
lal sucking up tho blood and inciden
tally tho venom, as is claimed. There
I plenty of authentic ovhleueo of re.
miirkahlo euros per formed by audi
auako stones, though science Is as ycl
rnliielnnt to place any belief In them.
Sir .1. L. 'leu ne nt, to whoso work
on l'ey-.ii tho wi lier I indebted, toll
of nn occasion when bo was riding
along a Jungle path on tho island, mid
he saw one or two natives who wero
approichlng sitddonly dart oil' from
tho road ami return Immediately with
a eolira, the most deadly of all ser
pents, grasped by tlio bond and lull
The man trlod to place tlio snnko In s
covered basket, but hamllod It ao in
expertly that it seized til lit by tho lin
ger and retained It hold for a few
seconds. I H ood flowed mil Intonse
pain appeared to follow. As quickly
as possible the other iialivo undid his
own walat-clotli and took from it two
snako stones, each tho size of a small
almond, inloiiscly black and highly
polished, though extremely light.
These ho applied ono to each wound
Inflicted by tho teoth of tlio cobra.
They attached thoinselves closely,
the blood that oozed from the bite
being rapidly Imbibed by tlio porus
substance. After tbroo or four min
utes they dropped oil' and the sudor
lug of tho man seemed lo have sub
sided. Ho twlstod his lingers until
the Joints cracked and went on hi
way without concorti. It has been as
certained with certainty (hat tlioso
snako atonos aro usually nothing moro
than pleees of burned bono. The
Mexican recipo for making a snako
stone I to tako a fragmotit of doer's
horn of nny convenient sl.o and shapo,
cover it with grass, Inclose both in a
pioce of sheet coppor and plnco the
parcel In u charcoal 11 ro until the bone
Is well charred. When cold romovo
tho calcined horn from its euvolopo,
when it will bo found to bo a solid
black llbrous substance It will thou
bo ready for Immediate liso. Wash
ington .Star.
Silenced Urn Hells.
The Mayor of tho town of Arzioro,
Italy, being of anorvous temperament,
wus greatly annoyed by tho const nut
ringing of tho chimes In tho church
tower, and issued an order that tho
bells should only bo rung at special
Union, and for a very fow moments.
The farmers of the neighborhood,
who used to enjoy tlio 'cliimo during
their long stroll to church through the
fields and gardens, wore very much
surprlned und annoyed at tlio cessation
of tho sacred concert. When they
woro told who had been so arbitrary
as to stop the bells and deprive them
of their traditional fonst, they grow
angry, nnd 500 of them invaded Arzi
oro and surrounded tho clock tower.
They began tolling the bolls, going at
it in roluys, somo tweuty of thorn at a
tin.o. They kept the bolls ringing
until the poor Mayor could stand it no
lougor. In despair he inuatered all
tho available police, and sent them to
oust the noisy farmers. All tlioso
standing around tho tower took to
their heels when they saw the offlcor
approaching; thoso oil duly inside,
uumborlug twenty-one, were arrested,
and sentonced by the Mayor; acting a
accuser, Slato's attoruoy and judge in
one person, to Imprisonment lasting
from ono week to six weeks. And
the bell were not tolled at all on the
following Sunday. New Orleans
A (ilgantio Saw.
A 110-lon saw Is calculated to cut
through almost anything, even
through a nickol steel armor plate;
and for just this use bas the gigantio
saw been in ado for the Homestead
mill, Pittsburg, at a cost of $35,000.
The blade of the saw is 7 1-3 feet la
diamotor, being geared from above
and revolving horizontally. After
one has gazed upon the hugo steel car
penter's tool, he wondors to see it
alico off an angular slab of cold ulckel
steel, weighing about a dozeu tons, as
easy as a carving knife clips on a
crisp turkey wing. Philadelphia
She Knew Him Too Well.
Young Husband 1 waut you
love and trust me, Mabel.
Mabel I can lore you, Charlie, bul
I can't trust you.
(He bad married bit tailor's daugu
tor.) Puck.
imii foil KVKIHU1KKN TItKK.
There Is a use for the ovnrgroeii
trees aronud the farmhouse that man
farmer do not remember. They are
nuiong the best ami most frocjiiouily
chosen tiestltig.plncos of somo of the
lineel-enllng bird. They desire to
bo near the dwellings, and yet they
must try to conceal themselves from
hawks, owls and crows, nnd what
(jive so good an opportunity as nn
evergreen hedge. Boston Culti
vator. tiik rMNinri" v M.fcWM.
Wool of iinyth li else should catch
tin. eyo of the liuver favorably a'. Ilrst
I nice. It xb iitl I be ir every posslblo
Inspection of tin b iycr. . If L'ood
wools, lioneitly put up, attractive to
the buyer ami manufacturer, with a
trai hi mark, the nam') and add res of
tho grower, they will sell for moro
money, and be sought for in Ilio mar
ket ni-iro and moro overy year. This
a tho top shelf, nnd not many try lo
et up there. There Is lota of room
for lionel-ttiukltig wnol.grownrs
along this lino. American Farmer.
(iieatly improved results In road
building or repairing may bo attained
by any devices that will provont earth
and wator from mixing oil tho road
bod, and much may bo douo In tho
way of Improvement by a proper ad
mlxturo of suitable earthy materials.
1'ho requirement of the material,
nys Knginoer llaupt, arc that it shall
not bo readily affected by moisture,
temperature or pressure, which aro
three principal destructive agencies.
Clay is vary sensitive lo wuter and
temperature and ha a high ratio of ab
solution. Ninil has littlo coherence
sud ylolds readily to prcuro. (travel
has grout mobility, duo to its
tphnroldal form, but by mixing tlioso
tu tho proportion of sixteen part of
clay, twenty-two of sand and sixty
two of gravel, an Impervious rooting
limy bo laid, which, if under drulnod,
will iniiko an excellent earth road.
I'ho macadam and Telford roads, when
orroetly made, aro excellent, but as
oullt by most supervisor In this conn-
ry, tlioy aro unworthy of their
When in the march of selouco the
.lino comes for segregating tho alum
inium contained In tho clay road into
hard, smooth, resisting medium
lovoring its surface wo will thou have
l road metal, both in fact and naino,
which will solvo tho problem of the
lay pit and givo it a medium of
;ruusportatioii w hich will surpass oven
.ho rullroad iu cheapnos and con veil
4i nee.
Thoro is a largo room, probubly 25
,o !)') by 40 to 50 feet, in tho comino-
llou Minnesota Experiment Station
jarn. In that room or space was a
rot no stall or any other articto of
furniture," suvo u watortrough about
tlx foot long. On tho flior, presum
tuiy or oartli, a depth of a foot or
iioro of straw and manure, but so
argo a proportion of tlio Ilrst to tlio
lust that tlio appouriiuco of tidinos
tnd absence of unpleasant odor wus
striking. "Hero," said the professor,
Is my idea of kooping cow. A
place like this can ho cheaply provldod
in any farm whero straw is abundant.
A straw-covored, straw-sided place
will do. Arrange places for feod
ing, dehorn tlio cattle, and turn them
loose. No stanchions, no discomfort
to tho cows' liberty to move about,
warmth, shelter, tho bost conditions
in all respects aro provided, aud at
Hie minimum of expense."
"How ofton would you clean this
placo out?" was asked. "About
once in ihreOvmoiiths," was the reply.
Use plenty of straw, that is all the re
quirement. All the liquid manure is
absorbed, and the proportion of straw
to mauuro i so large that the effect Is
as you see it here; aud what is the
matter with this?" The profossor
conftauod: How to utilize their
straw is a problem with many far
mors; here it Is solved to a very largo
extent." The plan looked all right.
and tho reporter fervently ejaculated a
moulal prayer that it would prove
all right, and eventually release cattlo
from the cruel thraldom of stanchions
and close confinement to tho narrow
limits of a stall, consummations that
he for years has ardently hoped for.
Farm, Stock aud Home.
In many countries what Is called
hot-fitting that Is to say, aftor the
horse's foot has beon trimmed aud
levolod, momentarily applying the
shoe at a red heat to the foot ia geu
orally practised to the almost entire
exclusion of any other method, and
the system Is not only fonud to an
swer, but rocolves the Indorsement, of
tho most competent authorities. The
climatic condition which render the
practice open to objection In this
hemisphere fortunately enable us to)
dispense with a proenduro against
which there exists In tlio minds of
many horso-ownors a not unreasonable
prejudice, which, howover, I direct.
cd at tho abuse ratlior than tho Intelli
gent application of a procoedlug not
necess arily hurtful in Itiolf. The nil-
VMitago conferred by hot-llltlng con
sists In tho fact that a moro accurate
accommodation Is by this means more
readily obtained than by any other
trxihoit, and the contact between
hoof and shoo can bo mada inorj In
llinalo and enduring. In most climates
it Is only by means of hot-llltlng that
a set of shoo can bo got to remain on
for any reasonable length of ti mo ;
but In no part of this country have I
found any ilillictilty of this nature.
Indeed, on tho contrary, shoes nre
usually allowed to remain on too
long, especially In tho agricultural
listrlcta. It hai f ieiiieutly occurred to
me, when In tlio discharge of my
d ii lie at veterinarian lo Ibo Farmers'
Institute of Minnesota I hnvo re
monstrated . with somo local black
smith at tlio gigantic nails ha em
ployed In alllxiug a shoe, that I have
been assured that did the shoe not re
main on for several months hi em
ployer would be dissallslled and would
transfer bis custom else where. Noth
ing could bo moro sliorl-slghteil nor
m 're linreasonablo than such con-
The hoof of tho horse Is In shape a
truncated cono with tlio baso down
ward; as it grows the circumference
of the baso consequently Increases,
and tho shoo fitted when It was newly
put on aftor a llmo bocomns too small.
It would bo Just as reasonable for a
horse-owner to buy his little boy a
pair of shoos, which just flltod him
when he was six year old, and then
expect hi m to wear them until he was
12, as it is for him to require his
dumb servant, who cannot protest
against tho Infliction, to wear his shoes
for month in aiiccnsaion without ro-
sotting. A badly-lilting shoo is to a
horse as painful as a light boot la to
his owner, and undor no circumstances
should shoes bo pcrmliteil to remain
on moro than a month or tlvo weeks at
tho outside. Many animals require lo
bo reshod ovon moro frequently. It
is only when an owner lot his parsi
mony overcome hi reason that ho sub
scribes himself to a penny-wise and
pound foo llsh policy, which can only
esult, as such policies Invariably do,
In a toss to tholr exponent. Ameri
can Farmer.
Tlio young turkey should bo Uopt
Food a moulting lien a few sun
flower seeds twice a weok.
Until well feathorod voting ducks
should be kept out of cold water.
Wood ashes und bono moal are
specific fertilizers for vinos and trees.
Stono fruits, such s tlio cherry,
peach, and plum, need vory littlo
A quart of copporu to tlio rod,
scattered around tho grapovlnos, will
prevent rot
In shipping fowl in warm weather
care must bo taken to water them well
and not to crowd thorn In the coops.
Lot the evorgroon grow around
tho farmhouse. They serve as a nest
ing place for many inseot-eatlng birds.
Wliou It can bo done without too
much Incouvonionco, it Is always best
'lo ship hens and chickens lu separate
coops; they will soli better.
Fruit will not keep where the tem
perature varies. This should bo low,
aud there must bo fresh air, without
a current passing over tho fruit.
If your grapevines have been neg.
lecled and untralnod, it is well to cul
them down to the ground in the fall,
allowing one or two new shoots to
spring up, thus obtaining a good now
vine to work on.
Early varieties of sugar corn, so
popular In the North, are of little value
south of the Potomac. Corn must be
acclimated to the latitude, aud it Is
useless to plant weed from Northern
gardons in Southern soil.
Tho lady apple Is highly esteemed
for the table, on account of its small
size and its beautiful red color on a
yellow ground. It also keeps well,
and can be found in good condition
from early winter until May or June.
The grapevino flea-beetles often
cause great injury to the vines by eat
ing out the buds aud devouring the
blossoms as they appear. A good
way to destroy them Is to spray tho
Tines with Loudou purple, oue pound
to 800 gallons of water. -
to poach ogg III a ball Is a knack
known to clever cooks. The water It
heated to boiling and then rapidly
stirred till a small whirlpool Is pro
duced, In Iho hollow heart of which
maelstrom tho egg Is clevorly dropped.
The motion of (ho water sets the
whlto Instantly Into n circular cover
ing for the iiubrokoii yolk. New
Vork World.
There Is a great difference in the
space of limn used by housewives III
milking Jam. Twenty minutes Is Hie
averugo time for mot fruits, but
olhors prefer lo cook Ihelr fruit half
an hour, or even an hour, and, as the
old Scotch servant declared, "To boll
(he very judgment ont o' It." Long
cooking certainly destroy tho natural
fl ivor of any fruit, and In many cases
render It mucilaginous or candled,
lu other cases, a delicious and dis
tinctive flavor I certainly developed
by tho process of long cooking, a in
the enso of Hie quince, which only
thus attain its red. rich color and
flavor. fNuw York Tribune.
Select peas that havo green, crisp
pods. Do not shell (hi-m many hour
before cooking, l'litlliem In a sauce
pan with enough boiling water to
cover them, and one teaspooiiful euch
of salt and sugar for each quart of
pea, and simmer gontly for halt an
hour longer tho time depending upon
tho freshness and age of tho peus. A
perfect pea will, when done, be ten
der anil look a littlo wrinkled. Should
they bo hard, because of ago or hav
ing been picked a long time, it may
require nn hour to cook them. About
ten minutes before they aro done add
a saltspoouftil of baking lodato ovory
quart of pea. This will help to make
thorn tender. I)j not drain off all the
water. Sooson wltli a taaspoo:iful of
suit and two tablespoon fuls of butter
for ovory quart of peas
I'.omembcr that rapid cooking or
cooking too long will spoil any kind
of peas. Now Yoik Itocordcr.
ii' hint.
Two thicknesses of nowspnpor
makes a good lining for applo bar.
To clean a black silk dres use a
apongo dippod lu sirong black tea
cold. Lemon juice helps u cake to rise
and doc not In lor fore with tho othor
A tiny scrap of cucumber rind left
in tho salad adds a peculiar piingoucy
to It fluvor.
Headache yield to the simultaneous1
application of hot water to tho feel
and the back of tlio head.
Itar soap when first bought should
be cut in square pieces and put in a
dry placo. It last bettor aftor shrink
The jiilco of half a lomou In a tea
eup of strong bla-sk coffee, without
sugar, will oftou cure a sick head
It is claimed that white spots on
varnished furnituro will disappear If
a hot plate from the stovo is hold over
Finger marks may bo removed front
varnished furniture by rubbing well
with a very littlo swoct oil upon a
soft rug.
To prevent colored stockings from
fading put a tablcspoonful of black
pepper into tho water in which they
are rinsed.
Fine shavings from soft pine wood
make a ploasaut pillow. They have
special curative virtues for coughs
and lung trouble.
Tine may be made to look like some)
beautiful wood by giving repeated
coats of hot liusved oil and rubbluj
hard after each coat.
For chafing, try fuller's earth pul
verized; moisten tho surface first
when applying It Oxido of ziue
ointment is also excellent.
A chemist advises that canned fruit
be opened an hour or two before it is
used. It is far richer after the oxygen
of the air has beou restored to lL
It is said that if the woodwork ia
the kitchen is kept constantly scrubbed
with wuter lu which potash has been
dissolved roaches aud aula will speed
ily disappear.
Lay shiny silk upon a table, and.
with a spongo wet with elder vinegar,
rub the shiny places until they disap
pear. Then hang np in a shady place
until dry, aud the silk will look almost
as good a new. The same treatment
may be used upon fine black diagonal