m Star- Subscription $t.M Jrr tear, in adranre. An liKlrncndpnt lornl on per, piihlUhrd evprjr WcdiioKliiy lit Ki-jrniililHVtllc, .MTi'i-wii Co.. P., rirv.itod to Hie IiiIi-iwIh of KryniiMsvllle nilJeirenMinrmimy. Non-polltlrnl. will trvHt all wit h fnlrnp-w, itml will he pwliilly f rli'iicl ly towuril the liihorln rliiw. fHibwrlptlon prlifll.snniTyenr.ln ticlviim-c. rnmniiiiilcntlim IntiMidfd for pulilli'iitloii DiUKt he HiTompiinli'fl ly llio wrfliT's imnip, not for piihllnillon. hut r n diiiirniitfc of nod fultli. lnti!itlnii news Itrnvtnollr ti'il. Alvii tlnliiK niton nmdi' known on upplli'n tlon Rt tin-ofilcn In Arnolds llhH'k. Lcntthty romniiinlriilloiw nnd chimtto of rtvprllM-nii'iitH Mhonld rench this offli'O liy Mondiiy noon. Addrpwiall rommiiiili'tttlmm tol'. A.Clppn imn, RpynoldsvHlp, I'll. Kntvn-if M Hip piwlofllcp nt ItpynoldnvlllK. Pa., b Bprond rlnw mull ninttpr. C. A. HTKPHKI'IMVU Filllor and Pub. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24. 1802. "Bo not haHty to rawt off evory nuppr ation that In cunt upon you. Lot tln-m alone for awhile, and then, like mud on your clothon, they will rub off of them selves." Wm. C. Bond, Jefferson county's can didate (or ConnrosH, during the semdons of conference has acquitted himself like a gentleman, and carried out the wish of his constituents as well as the wish of the Republicans of the county. The Phllosophor of the Bradford Era ays: "Lots of follows think thoy are gelf made men, when thoy are only tho victims of lucky strikes In oll,roal estate booms, political accidents or something of a similar kind. A fool can bo struck by lightning as easily as a sago." The Falls Creek Herald Is now a yearling and a sprightly one too. Bangert Is a thorougbrod "hustlor." He gives his readers the news rcgardloss of tho rath he may thoreby Invite to bo exploded for his especial benefit. Tho Herald of to-day Is a vast Improvement over the Herald of one year ago. The effects of the switchmen's strike at Buffalo, N. Y., Is not confined to that state alone, but Is felt in other 'states. 'The miners here are making Just about half time on account of tho scarcity of cars. How long this will last is a question of some magnitude It Is to bo hoped that tho matter will soon be amicably settled. March 7th, 181)3, the original patent for the electrical telephone granted to Alexander Bell, of Salem, Mass., will expire and thoreaftor all persons will be at liberty to manufacture and use the telephones as they see fit, without paying an extortionate price for them. Telephones perhaps will not be such an expensive convenience after that date. The Star may be able to be attached onto the line then. It is worth evory man's while to study the Important art of living happily. Even the poorest man by this means extract an increased amount of Joy and Messing from life. The world need not be a "vale of tears," unless we ourselves will it to be bo. We have the command, to a groat extent, over our own lot. At all event our mind is our own poses Ion; we can cherish happy thoughts there; we can regulate and control our tempers and dispositions to a considera ble extent. We can educate ourselves and bring out the better part of our nature which in most men is allowed to sleep a deep sleep we can read good books, cherish pure thoughts, and lead lives of peace, temperance, and virtue, so as to secure the respect of good men, and transmit the blessing of a faithful example to our successors. True courtesy strikes its roots far below the surface, deep in the heart, and blossoms out in all the little acts of life. He whose pulse beats in time with the great pulse of humanity, who feels that "every human heart Is human," bears about within him the very elemental soil from which true oourtesy spontaneously springs. Among the manifestations of its presence are perfectly simplicity of mannor, entire absence of all acting for effect, and unconsciousness of self. We see these in persons who have traveled extensively In our owu and other countries, and who have thus been thrown into sympathetic relations with people of various nation alities and civilizations that their oltizenship is consciously cosmopolitan. We see it in philanthropists who may all their lives have lived in the narrow precincts of a single township, yet whose benevolent activities have brought them in dlroct personal contact , with the poor, the Ignorant, the unfort unate, the erring, no less than with the happy, the wealthy, the prosperous, the intelligent. There is no need of cir cumnavigating the earth to acquire the largeness of heart whence true courtesy springs, since nearly every neighbor hood furnishes representatives of all conditions of the race. Those who breathe the high atmosphere of univer sal sympathy, untainted by the narrow prejudices that torment and gangrene and meager souls.ean afford a kind word or glance to all they meet, giving the faithful laborer due recognition on account of the manhood that is in him and the good he rendors society, lighten ing the heart of the humble servant girl who honestly tries to do her duty, and who in her sphere is as indispensable as the sun in his, giving the meed of Just appreciation and due respect to all, however high or low their station or oalling. Walking sticks have their eccentric ities, as hnvo their human companions. Sometimes, when tho summer is but newly ended, and tho garrison in vase and hat rack has been heavily reinforced, tho entire colony will como crashing and rattling down in tho night, and there follows a general eviction the next dny. Weeks afterwai-d I Himnt my days as a tnlo thnt Is told agrcnt ninny times, seeking to discover and collected the scattered remnant thnt Is left. I once hod an alder stick so crooked that every time any ono walked across the lloor, oven In a dlstunt room, this stick would rock and tremble nnd lldget uneasily in its place. This hapMnlng at ail hours of the night nnd day drovo tho whole family Into a nervous fever until at length I labeled the stick and presented It to a college museum. Homo of the sticks come homo all right, but In the process of domestication slowly shed their bark, so thnt the hull carpet is reduced to a stntoj of chronic wood-yard chlpplness. Others, as they dry out, develop a malodorous odor that leuds to tho unanimous dlugnostleutlon Unit they were plclfed before thoy were ripe, and are stulghtway ordered forth to cremation. Some wait until they hnvo been carefully scraped, painted with three or four coats, and varnished with Infinite pains-taking, nnd then calmly split from end to end, curling up at the edges of the split. Others take kindly to steaming, and straighten out until a strnight-edge cannot find a fault In them, and as soon as stulning and polishing is complete, nnd expensive head fitted on, suddenly develop Inflammatory rheu matism and curvature of the spine, legacies of the marsh whence they were taken, doubtless, und hump themselves Into more mtshu)en shapes than a wet clothes-lino, hastily coiled in tho dark by an inexperienced man cun imitate. Itolxrt J. liurdrltr. Rev.T.DeWltt Tnlmugo, although not In favor of horse racing says: "There Is no more virtue In driving slow than In driving fast, any moro thun a freight train going ten miles an hour is better than an express train going fifty. There is a delusion abroad In tho world that a thing must be neccssurlly good and Christian If it Is slow and dull nnd plodding. Thei-o are very good people who seem to lmaglno it is humbly pious to drive a spavined, galled, glnndered, spring-haltered, blind, stuggered jade. There Is not so much virtue in a Rosinante as there is In a Bucephalus. At the pace some people drive, Elljuh, with his horses of fire, would have taken three weeks to get Into heaven. We want swifter horses, and swifter men, and swifter enterprises and the church of God needs to got off its Jog trot. Quick tempest,quick lightnings, quick streams, why not quick horses? In time of war the cavalry service does the most execution; and as the battles of the world are probably not all post, our Christian patriotism demands that we be inter ested in equinal velocity. We might as well have poorer guns in our arsenals, and clumsier ships in our navy-yards, than other nations.os to have under our cavalry saddles, and before our artillery, slower horses." Unreasonable Critics. PiinxHiitnwnpy Spirit. People who are the principals in any act constituting a legitimate news item exhibit very narrow Judgment in taking offense at it. The mission of a news paper is to give the news. It must either do that or throw up the sponge and say It is afraid to, lest it offond somebody. Then it is worthy only of contempt. Legitimate news according to Henry Watorson, is, "anything that the good Lord permits to happen." News is moat and drink to a newspaper. It is as much its business to give the news as for a doctor to attend to his patients or a lawyer to look after the interests of his clients. It Is sometimes a dlsagrooablo task, and one that tho editor would avoid if he could. And news Items cannot be expected to be infallible in all their details. When there are conflicting reports, and both sides are given as nearly correct as possible, thero Is no room for reasonable complaint. City nowspapers make the best of everything and nobody thinks of kicking. But a country newspaper man, even when he tackles a subject in a timid way, and deals gingerly with it, is somotlmes found fault with. Truly this 1b a queer world in which to reside. Fatal Accident. PunXHUtawnvy News. Lawrence Collins, a miner at West Eureka Minos, No. 2, was run over by a trip of cam on Monday evening last and had his right leg crushed at the knoo. Drs. Grover, Campbell and Beyer wore called In and after consultation tho leg was amputated above the knoe. The shock to his system was very great and he did not fully rally from tho effects but died at 7 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Tho deceased leaves a wlfo and six young children with no one to provide for them. Malarial and other atmosphorlo Influ ences are best counteracted by keeping the blood pure and vigorous with Ayer's Sarsaparllla. A little caution in this respect may prevent sorlous illness at this season. Ayer's Sarsaparllla is the best all-the-year-round medicine in existence. . Sandy Valley. Dry, warm and plenty of dust. Our supervisor, A. T. MeClure, 1b on tho sick list. W, J. Boner Is busy extracting stumps from off his farm. Sencnr & Arnold's mill Is Idle on account of tho scarcity of water. Bert Cox, tho junior postmaster at this place, Is taking in the excursion to Niagara Falls. H. J. Hutchinson hns commenced to build the new school house. It Is to bo a largo ono and will hiivo a belfry on it. Our future hopes are blighted as a mining town, as the Shorwood mlno has htm abandoned and everything moved awny excepting a big hole in tho hill. A goodly number of people Intend taking In tho Presbyterian picnic nt tho DuBois Electric Pork Tuesday. August 30th. Tickets will bo on salo at tho Valley. All the miners thut worked In tho mlno hero liavo moved away, but we think thero are still enough pcoplo left here to keep our sidu of the earth from wabbling. The young ladles of Pancoast and Sandy Valley picnicked In W. T. Cox's orchard last Saturday. Thero were visitors from Beynoldsvillo, DuBolsand Philadelphia. Among other amuse ments was a game of base ball. Making a Big Hole. Dulloln I'ourliT.I Monday morning the flint earth was thrown up in the beginning of tho Borwlnd-Whlto shaft. All the other work up to thut time wus work of preparation. Now the grent holo that Is to reach down 300 feet und form an opening lor tho output of millions of tons of coul hus been commenced and will dully grow deeper until completed. It is the beginning of an enterprise that will give DuBois her second growth in population. Fornsiugglsh and torpid liver,nothliig can surpass Ayor's Pills. They contain no calomel, nor any mineral drug, but are composed of the active principles of tho best vegetable enthnrtlcs, and their use always results in marked licncflt to tho patient. Don't miss tho train by having your watch out of order. Take it to C. F. Hoffman and have It put in order and then you can rely on It for time. fttrayrd or Stolen. About the 2!th of July, roan cow, with largo horns, strayed or was stolen from our premises. A lllx-rnl reward will be paid for return. Grkkn tt Conskk. For Rent Two store rooms 20x80 feet opposite Hotel Belnup. Enquire of J. H. Corbett. For Sale. Celebrated Caledonia sand. No sifting required. Tom McKernan, Drayman. Jfor $alr, $ot, QHc. For Sale One car No. 1 lS-lnoh Washington red cedar shingles. s. Shaffer. Found A jacket bookiwlth small amount of money. Same cun bo had by proving property, and paying for this notice, at The Star office. LOST A lady's gold bead necklace was lost Monday evening in the ofiera house or between the opera house, Muln or Grant street. A suitable reward will be paid if left at this office. Lost A large red pocket-book con taining letters, receipts, prescriptions for horse medicine. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the book at my meat shop. Ed. Schultze. Vvtfttna with ttt erik. Loading Huohes Thursday, Aug. 1 8, 18112, at 10.30 A. M., at the home of the bride's parents in Rathmol, Pa., by Rev. H. G. Furbay, Wm. A. Load ing and Miss Annie Hughes. NonLE Sohreokenoost At the resi dence of Mrs. ltepsher, Roynoldsvlllo, Pa., August 22, 18tt2, by Rev. E. T. Dorr, Rev. .Tames G Noble und Mrs. Lydia C. Sehreekongost, both of Punxsutawney, Pa. DIED. Newoome On Sunday. August 21st. 1S!2, of cramp, a six-year-old son of Elsworth Nowcomo, of HormUwn,Pa. Crawford On August 22nd, of pnou monia, Ijiura, a three-year-old daugh ter of Thomas Crawford, of Big Soldier, The remains were burled in tho Baptist comotery yesterday after noon. II ARRIOER Thursday, August 18, 1882, of heart trouble, Mrs. Caroline K. Harrlgor, wlfo of Henry Harrigor, of Emerickvlllo. Funeral services were held in the M. E. church Friday, August 11. conducted by Rov. Jus. II. Jelbert. Remains were interred in Moore cemetery. Try a pulr of Robinson's seumless shoos only $2.00. VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. VA VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV.WAV A VA KINDLY DONE. A Pretty Story of Clerer French Crltl. and HI. Two Prl.tiria. Many odd and amusing stories are told of the clever French critic, Jules Janin, and his friends. ( None is mors pleasing or more to their credit than one in which Jan In, Theodore Burette, the historian, nnd Leon Hatuyps, the composer, author nnd critic, figured. One of Janin's best friends was an old aunt, who sent him to school when he was a boy, kept house for hltn and took good care of him when he, a young man, was making his reputation, but not much money, in literature. It was perhaps in memory of her that he mndo a protege of a poor old woman whom he noticed one day in the street. Ho placed her in a home for nged per sons, and until her death years after ward was her thoughtful and generous friend. The good woman wns very ill once, and when she was convalescing she said: "I want to go and call on M. Janin. I mnst see him once more before I die." One of the women of the institution went with her. Janin was living then in the top of a house which commanded a beautiful view of the garden of the Luxembourg. His "garret" wus filled with books and pictures, but like any othor garret it was reached by climbing great many stairs. Slowly and pain folly the old woman toiled np the long flights. She had to sit down often to rest. It took her nearly two hours to reach the top. Janin was breakfasting with Theodore Burette. He received hnr with great cordiality and affection, and the three had a happy breakfast. The two men devoted them selves to entertaining her. They In quired all about the home, the rules, the diversions, the food, her recent illness, and listened with genial interest to all she had to say. She said goodby, and they made ready to escort her down stairs. "We will return yonr visit soon," they said, and placing themselves on either sido of her they began to descend the stairs. But the effort and excitement had beon too much for the feeble old lady. Her limbs failed her and she could not take a step. Just then Sutayes appeared on the scene. "We must carry her down," he said. So they placed her comfortobly in nn armchair. Janin and Burette, who were small men, took the back, Satayes took the front, nnd they went down flight after flight of the many storied house breathless bnt cheerful. "Well, my good woman," gasped Sa tayes, "I don't know of any queen who has a carriage like yours." The three literary workers were hardly in training for their achievement, bnt they placed her safe and sonnd on the sidewalk, and saw her go awny with her attendant, her old heart deeply tonched and pleased with the attentions she hail received. Youth's Companion. Oond Fellowship Among Ant. anil lie Never among mankind can we find so absolute and complete an absorption et the individual by the social group as in the cities of ants and bees, where indi vidual property has never, it seems been imagined. In these republics what one citizeness has for herself belongs to the others. Does hungry bee meet ono laden with booty returning to a city, she lightly taps her on the head with her antennas and instantly the latter hastens in a sisterly way to dis gorge part of the nutriment provision ally stored in her own stomach. Ants proceed in the same way as bees but in addition the ant thus sustained is very careful to show her gratitude. "The ant who feels the need of food," says Huber, "begins by tapping her two antenns, with a very rapid movement, upon the antennas of the ant from whom she expects succor. Immediately they may be seen approaching one another with open mouth and extended tongue for the communication of the liquid which on passes to the other. During this operation the ant who receives nour ishment does not cease to caress the friend who is feeding her, continuing to move her antenna? with singular ac tivity." "Property; Its Origin and De velopment." Dhowtml Their 1am from Friend. A small boy recently brought a ladies' gold watch into a Lewiston jewelry store and desired to have a broken crys tal replaced. The dealer had repaired the watch a few days before and he had its number and at once recognized it. The rightful owner of the watch, as it happens, lives neighbor to the jeweler, and when he went home to supper that night be called and asked them if they had sent the watch to the shop for re pairs. They said they had not. He asked them if they had lent the watch to any one and the answer was in the negative. They were qnite snre the watch wa in the case where they had left it. At the request of the jeweler they looked and to their great surprise the watch was not there. The jeweler then pro duced the property and told of the boy's coming to the store to have the crystal put in. That was the first intimation the family had of being robbed. Lewis ton Journal. The Blrd.ne.t. Thst Men Knt. The swifts arrive in the Andaman islands toward the end of November, but they take their time in building the nests, which are formed from a gelatin ous secretion from tho salivary glands of those beautiful members of the swallow tribe. If there has been a wet December the first crop of nests is generally a poor one, being soiled by the damp and drip pings from the roofs of the caves. Col lectors, however, begin in January to go around the island to the different caves in an open boat. The best quality re semble pure isinglass, und are worth their weight in silver. Afterward there are two other collections. The caves in which the nests are found are scattered about the islands; some are far inland, others in rocks concealed in mangrove swamps. JjoniqnJJewt. THEY ARE AND- POPULAR WITH LEGITIMATE, STRAIGHTFORWARD, BUSINESS PRINCIPLES Without Hchemes to entrap the public combined with being The Originators OF THE Small Profit System HAS MADE BOLGBR BROS. Famous throughout Reynoldsville and surrounding country. Here is another Slice PROTECTION Against Outrageous Profits And our well known reputation for dealing upright with the people will prove the assertion. WE HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE Enough to close out certain lots of TAILOR MADE SUITS at such prices that will encourage you to buy whether you wish to or not. All we ask is For You to Gall at Once And the prices that we will let these suits go at will certainly cause you to adver tise our lucky purchase. BOLGER BROS., Merchants, Tailors, Clothiers, Gents Furnishers and Hatters Reynoldsville, Pa, One! Two! Bread Knife. '.y?y - Vfc'i;;jl Cake Knife. Pearing Knife. AH for One Dollar, $!L00 At C. F. HOOFMAN'S, The Reynoidsviile Jeweler. Just What Every Lady Wants. rocery Boomers W BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT. Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AND AIX KINDS OF H U T FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS, Everything In the line of Fresh Groceries, Feed, Ejto. GooiIh tlellvereil free any plare in town. Call on uh awl get prlcen. W. C. Schultz & Son. & N Country P odnco HUSTLERS THE PEOPLE. Three! - ''f - jra:? - r. - .. -PEALF.R IS Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynol&sviUe, Pa. 1 S. lOllU I fj 9 X