The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 24, 1892, Image 1

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tifnre n Vt'et Mnlii street. tMiiHwIte tlir
t'nniini'ivliil Hotel, l(i-yinllvllli, I'll.
,U. H. K. 1I(K)VKH.
UK Y NOLI )SV 1 LLK, 1 'A.
tlealiletit ileiitM. tn Imllillnii m iir Metliii
rllnt rlittrrli, niinilte Aninlil lilork. tli-nlle-ni'wt
111 niieratliiK.
FHAXK J. It LACK, 'mjuiYMr.
Tlic lenilltiK lintel of the town. lli'Hliiuir
tern for riiniinin,ltil men. Pti-uni lieat, five
lm, lint 1i rimnm nml clmi'l mi iiTy tliMir,
SHmiilr mom, Iillllitril renin. Ieleilimie im-
UKEEXtt- COXSEH, I'miiit'n.
First Hiihh III every imrtletiliir. I,nmteil In
the very renin of the liunlne llil t of tnwn.
Kreo 'him titHliil fiiini Irnlli iiihI eiiinmiMllnim
stittilile nioiiiM fiireiiiiiineirliil tmvelei-.
IH'FFIXUTOX f- .O.YtV, 'iiiiV.
Omnllitm to mill from till triilns. Fiimiietiii
reMuilitint. Mouse Itenleil nml lluliteii ly
itH. Ilol mill eolil ttlller. W.'Melll I'ltloll
Teleirnipli ottlre In litillillltir. The hotel In
Hltell allll llllthe liMMlen itvetlleliee.
imooKVUXK. PA..
J AS. II. CLO VEIL l'fi,rittm:
Hiitiiiile ronniM on the irmniifl floor. Iloime
lieiiled hy nut in ill n. UiiuiIImih to nml frmn
Mil tt-UlllH.
Tlieahiirt line hetween HiiIIoIn, ttlilirwiiy,
llrililfonl, Halltlllltlirll, IIiiIIjiIii, l(tM'lieter.
Nhimiru Fulls unit imiIiiIh Ii the upper nil
(in nml lifter Mmv 21, Isti, piisnen
tzer triiltiH will iirrlvemMl ilepitrt from Fulls
t'reek Hliitlou, dully, except HillMluy, hm fol
low: TilO A. M. Ht-tiilfonl Aerommoilittlon r'nr
points Ninth lietwet-u Fulls Creek nml
lfiwriforri. 7:15 h. m. miked triiln for
10:0,VVM.-lliiHilonnl Hm'lirvter mull- For
lliviekwiivvllle, ilirwiiy.,lihiiMonliuric,Mt.
.lewelt, Ifriidfoiil, Kiilmiuineii, Itntliilii mid
Kncliester: eoniieettntf at .lohiiHoiihiiitf
with I'. & K. I in In ;i. for IVilcnx, Kline,
Wiirren, l'orry mid Krle.
1U:AA A. M. AoeommiHliitfoM For lliillnls,
HyUes, Itlir Itun mid I'liiixsutuwiiey.
1:110 1'. M. Ilriiilfnril Ai'i'mtnnodalloii For
Heeehiree, llroekwny vIIIh, Kllmnnt, far
mou, lililifway, ,lohiiNoiiluii'u, Mt.Jewett
ami llruilfoi'd.
1:50 I', M. -Mull-For IliilMs. Hyki-H, lllu
Hnu, IMinNHiitawney mid Wwlhtiin.
Tl55 P.M. Ai'i'ommiHrmlon-4'or HuIIoIh.IIIk
Kti -uiid I'litiXHiittiuney.
TrHlna Arrive-7:1" A. Si., A inimiHliitliin
l'unHiiliiwni'v: ln:itt A M . l h 1 1 from ttul
Nton nnd I'lllixmif awtiey; il:;Vt A. M., Ar
nimiiMHlailon from Hrndforili l:ill I. M.,
A nvmtHlalion fimn I'liuxstitawney:
1'. M . Mull fiiim llillfalo mtnl lloehexler;
7:AA I. M., Ai'i'oinmodalliMi roni llradfoiil.
ThoiiHiind mile lleketH ut 4 wo eentH per
mlln, kikmJ for ptiNHiiire lHtwim nil NtatlotiH.
J. II. MclNTVHK, Atfenl, l'llereek, I'll.
Gko. W. Haiiti.kit. K. 4-i'KV.
llenei H l Hnpt. Uen. 'iim. A Kent
Kriulford, I'n. liorhexter, N. Y.
Allk.(;hkny vallky uailnva y
(X)MPANY omnii' Sunduy
July 10, 18112. Low (Jiado DlviHion.
BTATIONK. No. I. No.S. No.U. Ill) KM
, A. U. P. M. A. It V. M. P. M
lied Hank Ill 411 4 :)
LiiwMnhnni 10 M 4 44
New Bethlehem II 2m II In
Oak Kliliie 11 ; S Vi
Millvllle 111 ft 211
Maynvllle II 4:1 A ;m
fiimmervlllo ... 12 in AM
Itrookvllle 12 25 a 14 It
Fuller 12 41 :t! II :I4
Ueynoldsvllle.. Km Ni tt M
rmiroBHt 1 nil tf ftN 7 02
KalUCreuk 1 17 7 (17 7 10 M MS 1 at
ItuHnlH 1 ;m 7 l; 7 i; j 4
fHhuIn 1 4:1 7 211
Wlnternbum ... 1 l 7 40
1'enHuld 2 01 7 4
Tyler 11 7 M
GUmi Klxhur t 22 H Ift
Heaemtte t mi N 22
(rant I AO H XI
Driftwood 8 ft) II (10
P. H. P. M. A. U. A. M. P. II.
STATIONS. No.2 N0.6 No.10 10t) 110
Driftwood 1010 ' "e m
Orttiit 1040 7 On
Henemtte 10 Al 7 21
(ilen FlHlivr 11 On 7 41
Tyler 11 111 7 A.1
I'ennnld 11 29 8 07
Wlnterbum .... II- 3A Bill
fahultt 11 4" 8 27 .
DuBold 12 00 7 00 8 1 12 OA A 30
alls Creek, 1 17 7 10 8 Al 12 1A ft 40
I'nncouHt 1 H4 7 20 8 AD
Keynoldtivllle.. 1 42 7 Wl DON
Fuller 1 AH 7 4H 9 2A
Hrookvlllfl 2 21 8 11 II 4.1
Hummervillu.... 2 ail 8 0
MiiVHvllle 2 AN 8 Al
Mlllville 8 02 8 l
OukKldk-c 8 06 8 All
New IA U 10
I.ttWHonliam.... 8 47 Hi
led Bank 4 (HI 10 00
. A. M. A. M P. M. A. M. P. II.
Tmlim dully exreut Hundav.
IMttrihurv Ph.
J AS. P.ANDERSON. Gkk. 1ahh. Aot..
I'lttHburic, Pa
If no, and you want a good
fitting and well made suit at a
reasonable figure you will re
ceive name by placing your
order with
J. C. Froehlich,
Next door to Holl MoConnoll,
Tho J nilgai on tlnard an Ocean Steamer,
When Near Home, Trlla About an In
tcHMtlng War ICiperlenra Whleh Wa.
After All. IIUapiMilntltig.
Fire lHlnml would be rightoi! tlui nt-xl
flay if all went well, Biid tlin grnitt
utedtner rnnhed tlirongti tlio water a if
nh wpre m anxiotiN to rench her pier as
those whom she bore were to bo nt homo
again. A little put ty of turn sttt by a
nmkentark telling stories. Tlio piny of
the uioonlight oil the wares htul turned
the narratives into rnthi-r sentiiuentnl
channels, and the judge, giving way to
the influence of tho "lovers' liunp," told
the following story.
"Yon know I was a colonel in tho
Union army In the war. Well, enrly in
the struggle I wnsordered to Louisville,
where I reported to Oeneral Don Carlos
Illicit. Instruction were given me to
go into camp with my regiment about
si.i miles south of tho city. Tlio place
' '.'en for the fiicnmpuicnt was tho
..tvniif a fine country plnce, the homo of
one of Kentucky s bliielilooded old fam
ilies. The owners wero known to lie in
strong sympathy with the south, so we
had no compunctious ntiout disfiguring
the grounds by making our temporary
home on them.
"On arriving tit tho farm I and some
of my officers rode up to the house to
arrnnge for such food as we could get.
We found two young women, pretty as
pictures, awniting us on tiie broad ve
randa. They had seen the preparations
for pitching tho tents, and were evi
dently not pleased. I dismounted, made
my liest bow and explained that the exi
gencies of war coniiicllcd us to camp on
their lawn. I assured them that tho
soliliers would inconvenience them as
littJe as possible.
"The two listened to my little speech
with looks of anger, and the taller one
snapped out: 'You shall not ennip on
our place. The last time Union soldiers
were here we didn't Lave cream tor our
coffee for two weeks and we don't pro
pose to stand it again.'
"We soldiers, accustomed to pretty
rough fare, could not help laughing at
this, and the flush on the faces of tlin
women grew hotter. I hastened to
apologize and to say again that wo
would bo as consideTate;as the necessi
ties tif war iieriiiitted. TThen wo nslo to
our tents.
"The next morning Wisited the house
again to see aboi getting some provi
sions. The young wnmeu were still
haughty, but I did lny best to soften
their antipathy. I did .save them much
annoyance ami they could not help lieiiig
grateful. Somehow I found occanion to
visit the house dally, .and sometimes I
managed to conjure up second pretext
before bedtime. At the end of a week
tlte sisters regarded meinore as an indi
vidual and less as a Union officer, for I
studiously avoided referring to the war.
Once or twice the elder one told mo
with flashing eyes what would happen
to our men when they met a Confederate
force on the battlefield. Her brother
was a captain in lienor al Humphrey
Marshall's army, and aha warned me
against getting within rifle shot of his
"We got on swimmingly on the whole,
however, and I confess I grew more
than a little fond of the spirited girl.
In a little while the order came to move
on to eastern Kentucky, and I felt un
commonly sad when I rode np .to the
house to tell the young ladies goodby.
I imagined there was a slight sign of
emotion in the elder's pretty face when
I told the news, but it disappeared al
most instantly. Holding out her hand
to me she said frankly: 'Goodby, colo
nel. I am really sorry to sea you go.
Yon are not so bad for a Yankee.
Please avoid my brother. You might
get into trouble.'
"I laughed. 'Would you like to see
your brother I asked.
'"Oh, yea. Why do yon ask? aba said,
I " 'Well, I'll aend him to see yon then.'
It was her turn to laugh, and she said
mockingly, 'You'd better look out when
he's in the same county with you.' I
rode away, the tonea, but not the words,
ringing in my ears.
"Not long afterward my regiment was
in eastern Kentucky. One night two of
our men brought in a prisoner. He had
carelessly wandered outside his lines
and been captured. A handsome young
fellow he certainly was, with the bear
ing of a cavalier. 'What is yonr name?
I asked him.
" 'Captain , of the Kentucky,'
he replied.
"I was all excitement, but I tried to
speak in calm tones. 'Do you live about
six miles south 01 Liouisvlller 1 asked,
to mako assurance doubly sure. He
said with some surprise that ho did,
The next day I arranged that the pris
oner should be paroled. I said that I
knew his family and wonld vouch for
his honor. He was allowed to go homo
after giving the usual pledge. I merely
explained to him that I had met his sis
ters, and asked him to tell, them that
Colonel , of the Minnesota, had
sent him. He said he would, and started
for Louisville."
There was silence for a' ttitne.' Finally
some one said, "Well?"
The judge had been looking out over
the ocean. He turned toward the speaker,
"I suppose you married tho sister?" went
on the man.
"It's odd that every one who hears the
story should ask t hut," the judge snid.
"No; I never went buck to Kentucky
and never saw any of the family ngaiti.
I married a Minnesota girl."
There was silence again for a time,
bnt all thought, "What a disapKiinting
end for a romance!" New York Trib
une. ,
Whora Hnl of t'n Ara Allka.
Every one has a secret hope that would
cause him to be laughed out of town if
he told it. Atchison Ulolie.
Pretty I'nnr tMrhlngil.
findings are popularly supposed to lie
liing to the sweeper, but one of tho
street sweepers of l'lirtliind observes that
liis is a very disappointing job. He lias
found only a one cent piece and a short
lead pencil during his term of utiles and
is diognsted with politics. Lewiston
Perilous Rlilliis nn tha Iron Hum.
"Did you ever rido on a locomotive?"
asked O. (). Hanking. "I tried it once
and have no desire to repeat the exjieri
ment. It was out in Colorado, where
you sometimes run so close to bottom
less chasms that you could drop your
hat into them, and moke turns so short
and sudden that it nearly ilisjolnt your
spinal vertehrit'. Tho muster niecliatiic
Was nn old friend of mine mid gave me
permission to ride over the road on the
eugino of the lightning express. The
engineer did not tipiear to fancy toy
presence much, lint treated me civilly.
We were behind time, the niizbt was
black its Krelms, mid a terrilic tliumler
storm was raging. The engineer was
determined to go in on time, and the
way ho rushed nround those curves nml
across canyons wiA enough to make a
man's hair turn gray.
"The peculiar thing about these moun
tain engines is that they do mil take a
curve liko any other vehicle. They go
plunging straight ahead until you feel
sure that they are clear of the track nml
suspended in midair, and then shout
around and leave yon to wonder by what
miracle you have been saved. The
trucks take the curve in the orthodox
manner, but the sttierstrnctnre Is so ar
ranged that it consumes more time in
making the turn. With tho lightning
playing alxiut the mountain peaks and
half disclosing the frightful gorges and
swollen torrents, the great if in leviathan
swaying and plunging along that slip
pery, serpentine truck, I (first realized
the perils of railway travel and tlm re
sponsibility of tho sullen man whn kept
his baud on the throttlo and his eye on
the track. I stood with my heart in my
throat, admiring his nerve, but notnvy
ing him his job. At tire first stop I
clambered buck into the roach an staid
there,'1' St. Louis Ololio-Dcmomt.
Bright Old Men In Kmi Couaty.
Essex county, Mass., has lieen noted
not only for its legal llif hts like Riifus
Cboate, Caleb Cushing, Judge Story
and others, but also If or its deputy
sheriffs, soino of whom have served
many years.
Of one of theso mint, Duuhd Putter,
many amusing stories have been told.
At one time he entered a newspaper
office in Salem, and addressing the only
scribe who was in sight aaid:
"I thought I would toll yofc that to
morrow ( shall go wTiore I never went
before and can never go ngain."
The scrilio, knowing his caller,
promptly "gave it np," and then Mr.
"It is into my eightieth yeartr
Some years ago these old deputies had
a gathering at the home of a certain ono
of their umber in Gloucester. While
they were roaming about the honso the
host called the attention of his guests to
an old clock, a great favorite oT his.
He told his friends of hie great attach
ment to this ancient timepiece and grew
quite pathetic at certain points in his
remarks, which he brought to close
by saying in voice full of emotion:
"Gentlemen, I have wonnd tip that
clock every night for more than forty
He had evidently made an impression
on his visitors, when one old deputy,
who had been carefully examining the
clock, turned the tide of feeling evokod
by the story by saying dryly:
"Well, I always did think you were
something of an idiott That's an eight
day clock I" Youth's Companion.
Religions Differences.
In the greater concerns of life there
are wonderful illustrations of the con
flicts of opinions. There are something
over 1,200,000,000 of human beings in
the world. Among these are six va
rieties of religious belief; three of these
are said by one class to be false, and by
others three are said to be the true re
ligion. And yet every religionist, every
sectarian claims that he and she alone
are right. What our Chinese neighbors
say is "true" we say is "fake." We call
thorn "heathens" they class us as "out
side barbarians."
What we English speaking people
think is the right and the true religion
is in a startling minority in human bo
lief or religious creed for there are
only some 850,000,000 Christians in all
the world. There are some 6,000,000
J ws, and thoy have clung with singular
persistency in all agos to their religious
belief; it is seldom a Jew renonnces his
faith; it is more seldom that a Chris
tian embraces Judaism, There are
more than 100,000,000 people who are
pagans and Mohammedans. Detroit
Free Press.
WHY Hfc LIKES 1)1)1)1$
Beeanaa Ha Had White Manila and Wore
Clean Collars He Wan fluhord "Mmh
and Molaaaea" He Shewed What lie
Waa Made nl hj Serin a Ranger's l.lfo.
We had topied at a railroad station
on the Tecos river, and tunny of the
passengers were walking tip and down
the long platform. Among them was a
dndlsh young man who excited con
siderable ridicule from tho dozen rough
fellows hanging about. One of them
Anally said something aliont "chawing
in np," when an old man In the gang
raised his hand and said:
'"That's 'nongh, boys; don't go any
"What's it to you?" demanded the
'A heap, I reckon! It'sso much tome
that I'll do a leetle shootin on that fel
low's account if needs lie."
The two men looked menacingly nt
each other, and for twnty seconds I ex
pected to see them draw nml fire. Then
the younger one walked away, growling
as ho went, leaving the field to the old
"Would you have fought for the dude?"
I asked when tho strain had been re
lieved. "Kartinl" he grimly Btiswered.
"Hut you don't know him."
"No, and probably never shall, bnt
he sort o' reminds mn of a leetle sar
enmstanen that happened seven or eight
years ago. I had a ranch up on the
Pecos plains, and a dudn came out from
Now York city to visit a iiaybnr o'
mine. Ho was jest sich a beanstalk as
this chap. Ho had soft hands, a woman's
way of talkin, anil I looked him over
and miulo tip my mind tlint a Texas
baby three years old could give him
pointers. Why, dnru it, if he didn't
wear white shirts and collars and piny
the planner! I tried to tie civil to liiin,
'canae he was a stranger, but it 'liont
made me sick. I never looked at him
without thinkin o' mnsh and lasses."
"Waal, arter he'd bin out thar 'bout
three mouths, Jim and nm went out our.
day to look tipsouiestray mustangs. The
fust thing wo knew we got a volley from
a lot of Injuns who had hroko loose from
the reservation. Jim was hit in the
shoulder, but fortunately carried off by
his hoss, who was a flier. I headed for
a sink I kmiwed of and reached it with
out a scrnbdi. Then, you see, my caper
waa to stand 'em off till Jim could send
help. I had a Winchester and plmty of
cartridges, and durin the fust hour I
wounded tine cuss aud killed another.
Then I got a chunk o' lend through this
right arm and lie gun to feel a bit
narvons as to how it would turn out. I
swiiied a bullet into another, and in re
turn I got this rake along the skull. It
wasn't ten minutes arter that befo' I be
gun to feel powerful sick and weak, and
I jest 'reckoned that my scalp was goin
to make an ornament on some red crit
ter's lielt."
"Bat yon still stood them off?"
"As well as able, but the end would
hev come in about fifteen minntes more.
The last three or four shots I fired I was
so blind I couldn't aee a rod. The reds
was shoutin to each other and makin
ready to close in when I heard a white
man yellin. I couldn't see what took
place, 4n t I know how it waa jest the
sumo. That mush and lasses dude was
ont on a hoss hnntin jackass rabbit)
ana Jim run across htm and told htm
how I was fixed and axed him to ride
fur bolp. What do ye think the dnrned
cuss did?"
"Rode for home?"
"Not much! He rode fur me! He'd
never seen a war InjJin in his life, and
Jim told him thar waa a full dozen ar
ter me, bnt it made r difference. He
comes up on a dead run, yellin and
shootin, and I'll chaw my hat if he didn't
lay out two of the critters and kill a
pony afore they could git away. He
sailed right in so mighty hard that they
thought be had a big crowd behind him.
That thar leetle dude with soft hands
and puny arms lifted me onto his Loss
and rode to my ranch and then heads a
crowd back and runs them reds 'leven
miles and kills another.
"Why, dam me! he got two ponies
out of that scrap, and he gathered up
more wampum, bows, arrers, toma
hawks, knives and sich than any six of
us had collected in five years. When I
got about I helped him to box and ship
'em to some club in New York. 'Pears
to me it was sumthin like the Manhattan
club. Leastwise, it bad a 'tarnal longish
name, and the feller was a member. "
"And you came to like him?"
"Say! He kin hev all I've got in this
world any time he axes for it. I made
a big mistake sizin him up. He could
beat any of us with the pistol, and the
feller who took hold of him for a rassle
was throwed sky high before he could
bite his terbacker. He could run like a
ieer, outjump a kangaroo and we
touldn't find a broncho who could buck
him off."
"And that's why you interfered, is it?'
"Exactly. Show me a dude and I'll
back him. These boys hain't learned
the difference between a dude and a
fulo yit, bnt I hev and I don't want no
better chaps behind me in a pinch than
dudes, 'specially New York dudes."
New York Herald.
To Take Off Old Paint.
It is very seldom , now that you see a
painter burn off old paint with a spirit
lamp or torch, though there are still a
few who stick to the old method. The
easiest way to clean paint off wood, or
even metal, is to mix limn and aalsoda
pretty thickly in water and then npply
freely with a brush. After a short time
the paint can lie scraped off withont dun
culty. Any amateur can use this recipe;
only little care Is advisable, as the
mixture will remove skin from the
hands or face even more rapidly than it
will remove paint from wood or metal.
nt. bonis tilobe-IHunocrat.
Ilia Identity U Prored.
Clerk (at country jtostofflee to gentle
man desiring to cash a money order)
Have you any proof of your identity?
Gentleman (searching thrungh his
pockets finally finds his photograph)
Will this do?
Clerk (regarding first the photograph,
then the original) Why, yes, that is
you, That is all right. Harper's Uazar.
lioes Lightning Soar the Mll'kf
It is a well known fact that milk is
specially apt to sour during the preva
lence of a thunderstorm, and from this
it has been surmised that the electric
discharge held some mysterious sway
over the lacteal fluid. An Italian ex
perimenter, one Professor G. Tolomel,
Las been making trlnls of various sorts,
the object being to throw some light on
electric influence over milk molecules.
In his first experience he passed an elec
tric discharge from a Holtz machine he
tween two bulls of platinum hanging
two inches apart in n lmt tie containing
a quart of fresh milk; secondly, by send
ing a current iM-twecn two slriM of
platinum at the bottom of a V tube
filled with the same flu: thirdly, by
subjecting milk In a test till to the ac
tion of a strong battery current through
a silk covered copper wire wound spi
rally around the tulie.
In each one of these exieriment,
which were ns thorough as any lover of
science could wish, it was proved that
acidulation of the milk was dolayed in
stead of hastened, as had been expected.
Three equal portions of milk from the
samo milking thus treated began to
grow acid on the seventh, the ninth and
the sixth days, respectively, while other
portions of it which had not been treated
with electricity was rankly acid on the
evening of the third day. Having thns
disproved the popular theory of lightning
being the direct canse of the acidifica
tion of milk. Professor Tolomei tried
ozone and found therein the mystio
agent of milk souring. In his second
trial of ozone he brought the surface of
a nnnntity of milk close to the two halls
of the machine nsed, and the fluid al
most instantly became acid in conse
quence. Here at lost a mystery that has puz
zled professors and peasants alike has
been made plain. St. Lonis Republic.
fthoea for the Dead.
Among Chicago's industries is a fac
tory where the manufacture of shoes for
corpses is carried on exclusively.
Out of five neat black boxes a repre
sentative of the firm yesterday took as
many different sizes. These were adults'
and children's shoes. The material cor
responds with the purpose of their nse.
The shoes are certainly nice to took at.
The soles are cnt out of pasteboard and
are covered with grained paper. The
uppers are a combination of quilted
satin and crochet work. A ribbon, in
serted at the top and tied in a neat bow
knot, holds the shoe to the foot.
"Men's shoes are always black," it
was said. "Occasionally we turn ont a
lot of brown ones. We have had special
orders for men's white shoes, bnt only
in a few instances. Shoes for women
and children are always white. They
are not expensive; five to fifteen dollars
will purchase a dozen pairs."
The burial shoe is a patented article.
It was designed by a Joliet (Ills.) woman
milliner, who now enjoys the profits of
her idea. The Chicago company has
been in existence for nearly a decade,
and is catering to an ever increasing de
mand. The firm employs a traveling
man, who covers all the territory be
tween Maine and California. It takes
ten girls and several machines to keep
up with his orders. The average month
ly output is 15,000 pairs during the dull
season. It is increased to 25,000 during
a busy period. Chicago Tribune.
The Gold Cure Is Vary Old.
The precious metal has been employed
both externally and internally, in the
metallio state, in solution and by sym
pathy, for a great variety of the ills that
flesh is heir to, for over 8,000 years. The
train of thought which led the ancients
to employ this highly prized material
can be well told in the qnaint language
of the distinguished Dutch physician and
chemist, Hermann Boerhaave; writing
bout 1735, he says: "The alchemists
will have this metal contain I know not
what radical balm of life capable of re
storing health and continuing it to the
longest period.
"What led the early physicians to
imagine such wonderful virtue in gold
was that they perceived certain qualities
therein which they fancied must b
conveyed thereby into the body; gold,
for instance, is not capable of being de
stroyed; hence they concluded it must
be very proper to preserve animal sub
stances and save them from putrefac
tion, which is a method of reasoning
very much like that of some fanciful
physicians who sought for an assuaging
remedy in the blood of an ass' ear by
reason the ass is a very calm beast t"
Professor H. Carrington Bolton in Pop
ular Science Monthly,
Shoe Department
'nrry only reliable
trinket", and wo could fill
the 0110 nido of this inHue
with tentimoninls in re
fflird to the wearing junl
itieHof our Blioen. . What
in tunned among nhoe
denlern an cheap phoen,
" f 1 r 1 1 1 nt an e,e, " hIi oes tl 1 at
pell for one dollar a pair,
we do not handle, for
the simple reawm that
goodrt of that kind will
not build up our nhoo de
partment. We buy no
nhoeH from what in called
"Jobbern," but place our
ordern three and four,
montliH in advance, with
the bent nhoo manufac
turer n in the country.
C 3iir dry goods depart
ment in full of Hpring
fabrics at priceH lower
than the lowest, and all
we ask in that you give .
uh a call and Compare
Prices and Quality, don't
forget the quality, as
that goes a long ways as
regards price. Quality .
first, price second.
New York
I Is Imb UUIr OmuiI! 1
I ty B0L8IE BaOB. StOW
Main St., Reynoldsville, Pa.
No old sholf-worn goods, but all new,
clean, salable stock and more of thera
for the same money than you can buy
at any other store In the town. If you
are looking for something you cannot
find at any other store, come to
The Racket Store
and you will most likuly get it, and you
will bo surprised how cheap. People
wondor how I can pay rent and other
expenses, sell so cheap and live. Easily
explained, my friends, just like this:
Uuy for cash, sell for cash; I soil for
not spot cash and I got bargains by
paying net spot cash for what I buy,
consequently I am enabled to give you
bargains for your cash. Come in and
look over my stock; no trouble to show
goods whether you buy or not. Goods
bought from me and not satisfactory,
and returned in good order, and reas
onable time, money will be cheerfully
refunded if desired. Remember,I posit
ively state that I have no old shelf
worn goods, no shoddy goods, but as
clean cut a line of every day goods as
you will find in any store in Jefferson
county, and oh, how cheap. Come in
Ladles and take a look at my line of
beautiful Laces, Wrappers, Waists,
Aprons, Gloves, MitU, Night Robes,
Stockings, Baby Carriage Robes.CaUco,
Robes, Shlrting,bleached and unbleach
ed Muslin. I might go on mentioning
the lots of bargains but would take too
long, step in and take a look for your
selves. Gentlemen, come in and buy
one of our beautiful paintings, 30'M,
gilt frame, only 91.00, are going like
hot cakes; if you want one come quick.
I also have men's Hose, Shirt, Hand
kerchiefs, Drawers, Under Shirts, White
Shirts, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Gloves
and an endless number of other things
for gentlemen. Come in and look for
yourselves. I will only be to glad to
show you my stock. I have in stock
hundreds of articles for Ladies, Gentle
men and Children, Boys, Girls and
Baby's that would till our town paper to
mention them all. This advertisement
is written in the plain American A.Ii.C.
language so everybody that can road
can understand every word of it.
M. J. C0YLE,
The Racket Store,