Star Subscription tt.RO per year, in atlranct. O. A. KTKPHKNMOM, Kdllor and Pnb. "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1812 ttritlr' OTnlbe. . Pnssenifcr trnlns nrrlvc nl the Ucynolds vlllc station a follows! AVinftrrmf. llVslMvm?. TrnlnS, - - (I.Ma m.lTniln (I,- - 7.20 a. m. Trnln 1, - - 1.00 p. tn.lTniln 5.- 1.42 p.m. Train 3, - - p. mlTrnln in, - .lump, m. nr.vsoi.nsvn.i.K posT-orrics. Mails arrive nnd and leave the post -office in follows! Arrive. Dtjxcii. rnoM tii k w rsT. ro tii it r. ast. I. 1(1 p. m. - - 7.nn p. m.llMO a. m. - - it .m p. m. roB rnn hast, ron rnt iwr. 7.(10 m, - - 2-iiQ p. i. m. - - LIS p. m. Arrives from Hathmel nnd Preseottvlllo II. 30 a.m. Arrives from Panic Tucsdnys, Tlutrdnys and Saturdays nt p. m. imparl ror rrcscoiiviue, iminmri, nunc S.OO n. m. Office hours 7.tmn. m. tos.wp. m. Money order office open from T.OOa.m. to T.HOp. m. KcKlster offlcn open from 7.00 a. m. to H.00 p. m. Legal Holiday from 7.00 to S.Ofl a. m. and from 12.00 to 8.00 p. m. Office open Sunday from 0.00 a.m. to 1000 a.m. .1. W. ForsT. P. M LOCAL LACONICS. Democratic primaries Saturday. Men's seamless shoes $1.50 at Robin son's. Monday was a Holy day with the Catholic people. A cheap four day excursion next week to Niagara Falls. One case of diphtheria In Aaron Richards' family. You will find tho best assortment of shoes at Robinson's. House for rent in West Reynoldsville. Enquire at this office. A social party was held in the club rooms Monday evening . fct Is better to talk about the weather than about your notghbors. The "is it hot enough" fiend has been knocked out the past week. Tho Punxsutawney electric stret cai-s are to commence running to-day. A new piano was placed in M. J. McEnteer's home one day last week Don't fall to see the grand street parado at 2 Vreeland's minstrels. If you want to vote for aProsident this fall pou must be registered before tho . 8th of September. Tho colored people in tho grove relieved the streots of corner loafers Sunday evening. Arthur Doming, the unapproachable comodian, will appear with Vreeland's minstrels August 18th. Rev. J as. H. .Telbort, of Emerlekvlllo, preached in the M. E. church at this place Sunday evening. Sheriff Young's real estate sales will take place at the court house in Brook vlllo on Friday, Sopt. 2nd. Six thousand dollars is the amount of premiums to be paid in cash at the Brookvllle fair next month. We are thankful to MIms Cora Rooth for some choice pieces of cake from the Baptist Sunday school picnic. A large congregation attended the re-opening service at tho Presbyterian church last Sunday morning. L. P. Soeloy has purchased a two third Interest in a mill and large tract of timber land in West Virginia. Rov. W. K. Crosby, of Garland, Pa., will preach In the M. E. church next f Sunday, Aug. 21st,raornlng and evening. "Oklahoma Jim," with his wild west museum, showed near the A. V. R'y station on Monday and Tuesday of this weok. All the Prohibitions of Reynoldsville and vicinity are Invited to be present at tho meeting of the club Monday, Aug. 22, at 8 o'clock sharp. Mrs. Jim Butler, the women whose husband left for parts unknown last week, Is now cared for by the poor overseers of this borough. The lust of the Oil City and Tltusville relief fund from this place was sent last Thursday. The entire .amount from Reynoldsville was till. 50. A freight train scattered a few coal cars around promiscuously at Oak Ridge on Monday, delaying east bound mail an hour in consequence thereof. Wm. Loading and Miss Annie Hughes, of Rathmel, will be married at 10:30 a. M. to-morrow, Thursday. They will take a trip to Warren and other places, Friday Fred. Tabor, a Polander, received an ugly out in the forehead, right arm badly bruised and wrist sprained by a fall of ooal in the Big Soldier mine. On account of the inclement weather last Thursday, the Presbyterian Chris tian Endeavor society picnic was post poned until yesterday. They picnicked near Fuller's furm. Vreeland's operatic minstrels will appear in Reynolds opera house, Thurs day, evening, August 18th. Positively ' the best organization of the kind that ever appeared in this town. Dr. Bell and Miss Nellie Ross, vocal soloists, Howard Benslnger, flutist and Harry Moore, violinist, all of DuBois, will assist at the W. R. C. entertain- ' ment next Monday evening. N. Hanau, the merchant, has been confined to his bed several days the past week on account of the familiarity with which rheumatism took hold of his frame. The Senatorial Conference, which has been held at Brookvllle for over a week, adjourned last evening, without mnking a nomination, to meet next Fri day at tho same place. One of the handsomest monuments in the Catholic cemetery has Just been placed to the memory of John Glllesplo nnd fumily. Foley Brothers, monumen tal dealers of Olean, N. Y., completed tho work. There Is a lull in the street car agita tion at present which is caused by waiting to get answers to a few letters in regard to an approximate cost of tho proposed road so that a charter cn bo applied for. Tho A. V. R'y and B.,R. & P. R'y will sell excursion tickets to-day and to morrow, gisnl to return August 20th, to all persons wishing to attend tho soldiers' reunion at Punxsutawney August 18th. Ben Hnugh, of Wlnslow township, has a night blooming cerns, which his wife, deceased, tenderly cared for five or six years but never had the pleasure of seeing it unfold its beauty,that bloomed a few days ago. Alex. Best, who lives at Prlndablo, went to work at the Falls Creek tannery Monday of last week and about the first thing he done was to get his right hand poisoned, which compelled him to idle away several days tho latter part of the week. John McKnight, a book agent, who came to town the latter part of May, had other business in this immediate vicinity that was more pressing than wiling books. He was married to Miss Lomia Womoldurf, of Big Soldier last Friday. A lawn fete was to be held at Noah Strouse's home, near town last Thurs day evening, but on account of tho Inclement weather, it was an enjoyable "house fete." Young people from Reyn oldsville, Sykesvllle and Eleanors were among the merry-makers. W. W. Barc1ay,of Big Run, formerly a citizen of Reynoldsville now an aspir ant for the nomination for Senate on tho Democratic ticket, was looking aftor his political interest in this place yesterday. Mr. Barclay thinks the nomination is his persimmon. Jennie, run down to Barto's and get something for dinner. Ho koeps an immonse line of gard en truck such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes also apples, peaches, bananas, in fact most anything you want. And he keeps a large stock of groceries and flour. Tho Jefferson County Medical associa tion will hold their regular monthly meeting in the DuBois Electric Park on Friday, Augtst 2th. They will invito their wives and frtonds and the DuBois physicians to picnic with them that day. Tho mooting will bo for a twofold purpose. Next Tuosday three dollars and fifty cents will take any who may desire to go to Niagara Falls and tho Mammoth International exposition at Buffalo, N. Y., and return. Train will leavo Reynoldsville at 12 o'clock, noon, Aug. 23rd. Tickets good to return until Saturday, 27th. The Republican marching club met in Centennial hall last Friday evening and selected their new suits. The coat and pants are mado out of white ducking and are trimmed in red and blue flannel and thoir pheir pates will bo covered with a white holmet. A number of suits were ordered. Twentystovon morabers of the Daugh ters of America, Martha Washington Camp, No. 1, the first one organized in Pennsylvania, wont to Rathmel last Friday evening to be present at the Installation of a similar camp at that place. The new one is Martha Wash' ington Camp No. 2. ' The school directors of Wlnslow township mot last Saturday and let the contracts for building three new school houses. J. B. Young Is to build two for following amounts: Rathmel, $1X13.00; Kline, $-115.00. Hannibal Hutchinson is to eroct the Sandy Valley house for $474.00. The directors bought their new school furniture from W.S.Tralnor, of Brookvllle. M. J. Farrell's little boy was having some fun with matches Sunday after noon and came very nearly giving himself quite a roasting. He light a match just as his mother came into the room and on seeing her he quickly threw his little hand, holding the fire, behind him, in an instant his waist ignited and it took quick work to save the boy from a severe burning. A number of illegal liquor sellers were arrested in Washington township on Wednesday of last week. There is a law and order league in that section which is composed oi citizens who are banded together for the purpose of doing away with illegal dispensers of the cup .that Intoxicates. It is said that some of the offenders will have to answer to the government for violating the revenue law In addition to the state law. 3"he requisite bail was put up and he law-breakers bound over to uuura. "A Dwop of the Bun." A Reynoldsville boy of about throe summers, while looking at Mars, which has called forth much comment recently, said: "Aunt Katie, do you see that bright star? It is ad wop of the sun." ' There two Years. LoHt Thursday Dr. J. B. Neale re moved a ploce of gloss from t'hos. A. Grubbs right shoulder where It had been lodged for nearly two years. Mr. Grubbs aecldently broke a window with his shoulder, is how tho gloss found way into his flesh. "All that Run May Read" That If you are looking for a neat store, where everything is fresh nnd of the liest quality, don't pass Barto's by, for ho keeps a large stoek of fresh staple and fancy groceries in great variety. Confectioneries and fruits are to bo found in his store in abundance. Fresh vegetables a specialty. Why Not do Likewise? IPunxsiitnwncy News. The borough Is going to continue the planking of tho streets until we can get through the streets without draglng through mud. They will issue $."i,IW0 of borough bonds payable in ten years with a moderate Interest. This will give abundant time to pay the indebtedness and no one will be burdened with the debt. $100.00 Side. A championship game of foot ball between the Eleanoraand Adrian clulw, for one hundred dollars a side, this be ing the third game, each club having won one. Tho game will be played at Sykesvllle on Saturday, August 27th. There will also bo picnic, foot race, mulo race, jumping match, etc., at tho same place. A Benumed Thumb. Several weeks ago Ezra Ilartman received an injury In his left wrist which benumbed his thumb. The wound healed up but the thumb remained torpid and the nerves of that member began to shrivel. Di-s. Reynolds and Ncalo operated on the wrist last Thurs day and found a small steel lmbeiled in it which was doing the mischief. The Grangers. To-mormw,August 18th, the Grangers of Jefferson county will hold a meeting In tho grove near the Paradise Grange hall. This will bo the first annual meeting of tho Grangers of this county, and it bids fair to bo an Interesting mooting for our fitrmor friends. Good speakers are expected to l present. If the day is a pleasant ono Paradise will have tho largest gathering of tillers of tho soil that has ever been in that neck o' woods. Clsrioniles. Three lads in their teens, who seem to have a hankering after gipsy life, camed in Wost Roynoldsvlllo several days last week. They started on a camping-out tour through Jefferson and Clearfield counties, but on account of tho disagreeable weather while here they came very nearly hoisting the white (lag and seoklng tho comforts to bo found under their parental roofs In tho town of Clarion where Frank Arnold, Arthur Woldner and W. R. Heichhold aro not strangers. Who Carried the Clock? Two domestics of a hotel in Reynolds ville hied themselves to the borry patch the othor day to seo If they were adapt in blackberry picking. They did not want to be detained in the woods until the noon horn', so they took with them a clock, not one of tho largest in tho universe which 1b conceded to bo ono of the eight wonders of tho world, but one of goodly size which must have boon a burden to the one who took the tank of carrying said timepiece. They, of course, arrived in time for dinner. Gone to a Hospital. Matthew Phillips, one of our best citizens, who has boon subject to epileptic fits for nearly five years, which are becoming more frequent and severe, went to Philadelphia yesterday morn' ing to visit his two daughters who reside there and also with the expecta tion of entering a hospital of that city with hopes of being cured from the affliction that has caused him so much trouble and worry. We hope he may not be disappointed, but will receive the help hoped for and be able to return to his family and friends with a now hold upon life. Nomade Band. A baud of gipsies came to Reynolds ville last week and "done the town" as professional horse jockeys. Their forte seemed to be more for horse trading than fortune-telling. They trade old "plugs" until they get fairly good horses and then they sell the good ones. All who have any dealings with such chaps find they are "totrick" for honest people to meddle with. One ot the men is on the eve of being a centen arlan. A war cloud hovered over the camp aftor their arrival here and in consequence thereof one wagon load folded their tent and "went it alone" from this place. Lost A moonstone scarf pin between Cold Spring Hollow watering trough and Tenth st. Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this office. Guiding Star Picnic. Wednesday, August 10th, a nuralier of mombers of the Guiding Star, with a few Invited friends, went to Sandy Valley to picnic on the beautiful grounds of a sister member, Mrs. W. T. Cox. Unfortunately tho heavy rain prevented the program being parried out In full and the supior that was to have been eaten under the orchard trees, was eaten elsewhere. Through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Cox their house and barn wore thrown open and tho freedom of the place extended to tho visitors. A luxuriant supper was spread on improvised tables in the barn and the smell of new mown hoy only added zest to the apstlte. A freezer of delicious ice cream was pre pared and served by the kind host to the guests. Just before boarding the train for home the village brims bond serenaded the ludles. This courtesy was duly appreciated ami everyone left with a feeling of gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Cox, each member of the band and withal carrying away very pleasant memories ot a few horn's spent in the social little town of Sherwood. A Visitor. A Bear, Alias a Hog. One day last week Robert L. Miles and Willis Boon, a lad of ten or twelve summers, went to the berry patch near Hopkins mill. A lunch and basket and bucket of berries were left In what was suposed to le a safe place nnd the pickers continued plucking the delicious blackberries. Willis went to look for his bucket of berries and he found that the berries and lunch had been eaten and the basket badly demoralized. The lad could conceive of nothing less than a lienr in that wild looking place and he lingered not to Inform Mr. Miles of bruins presence, but thought he would rather he hugged by his mother than a bear, and the little hero of the berry patch made a quick retreat from the bear's playground, expecting every jump to lie his last. It was only a friendly hog that had dined uninvited. A Piano Surprise. Miss Lulu Crelghton, who makes her home with her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Weed, received a most agreeable surprise last Wednesday evening. She has been longing for a piano for sometime. Mr. Weed sent her to Weedvlllo on a short visit for the solo purpose of having a piano placed In the house during her alsence, just for a surprise. There is no one In this or adjoining towns who gets more enjoyment out of playing a joke or surprising the people than ho, and ho generally succeeds In such attempts, and this was no exception, in fact it worked like a charm. When she saw tho piano her vocabulary was Inad equate for tho occasion, she just looked in glad astonishment. Broke His Neck. Reynoldsvllfo pooplo wore surprised and shocked to hear of tho death of Valentino Smith, a former citizen of this placo. Ho hns for several years been a resident of Guylurd, Mich., and in company with several others had been hueklelierrlng. He was on his way homo on a hand car and In some way fell off breaking his neck. His body was taken back to his old homo in Andover, Ohio, where the funeral took place Monday, August 1st. Mr. Smith came to this place when a boy of five in the year 1835 and resided here till 18(10. Ho was a brother of J. L. Smith, Mrs. Francis DeLarmo, Mrs. Juliana Royn- olds, deceased, and Mrs.Orlonda Groy,Sr. Makes a Vast Difference. A Reynoldsville damsel remarked not long ago that sho thought a mustache "a horrid thing!" A fortnight had scarcely rolled around until she met a young man whom she hod not soon for some time who, when lasb' seen had a smooth up)sr lip, now has hirsute under his nose. The qucstlou was asked her again what she thought of a mustache and she said: "Oh, my! I think it is awful nice!" Prohibitions. The Prohibitions held a County Con vention in the Court House at Brook' ville yesterday afternoon. E. L. Groblo, of Westmoreland county, was endorsed by the Convention for Congress. An executive committee of three, Solomon Shaffer, A. D. Deemerand J. Van Reed, was appointed tp selected the candidates for Senate, Surveyor and Corornor. Registration of Votera. Monday and Tuosday, Sept. 7 and 8, are the last days for the registration of votes for the fall election. Walter Spry, borough assessor, will sit at the Burns House on those days for that purpose, when all who desire to exercise the privilege of voting this fall, should call and be registered. Amputation Necessary. The doctors have decided that It will be necessary to amputate Charley Hart man's finger. It will be remembered that the lad came very nearly severing the index finger off of his left hand some weeks ago with an axe, which the doctors tried to save, but have failed. Miss May Iseman will slng"No Tongue Can Toll" at the entertainment Monday evening. Don't fall to hear her. Waverly school shoes for sale at Robinson's. Died at Niagara Falls. The death of little Charley Schwem, which occurred at Niagara Falls lost Wednesday afternoon, was a great sur prise to the people of this place. 'Chad," as he was called by his play mates, was an orphan boy, his father, George Schwem, died on New Years day of 1888, and his mother died In May of tho following year. Ho and on older brothor, James, were the only survivors of the family. Charley lived with his mother's brother, Dr. W. B. Alexander, at this place. He was an affectionate boy with a sweet disposition and in consequence not only won the love of his uncle Will and family, but In a magic way found a tender place in tho hearts of the boys with whom he played, and men and women who become acquainted with the little chap. Being a delicate boy he had tin) sympathy of all who knew him, which gave him the first foothold In their esteem and in his quiet unassuming way he did nothing to betray the confidence his acquaintances had in him. He was a bright, honorable boy, only thirteen years old last February, yet he seemed to fully comprehend some of the stubborn realities of this life. He was member of the Junior Christian Endeavor of the Presbyterian church. After joining tho Endeavor the little follow never went to lied without read ing a chapter in the bible. He went to DuBois a few weeks ago to visit his brother, and from there went to Niagara Falls with his cousins to visit an aunt. Ills illness was of short dura tion. Peritonitis, which was the cause of his early demise, laid hold of his frail body Sunday evening. His remains were brought to DuBois Thursday and on Friday were covered beneath the sod In the Rumbarger cemetery beside his father and mother. The funeral services were held in the M. E. church at DuBois, conducted by Revs. J. V. Boll and Harvey Gra'ine Furbay. Nine boys of the Junior Endeavor of this place attended the funeral. It is seldom, if ever, that brothers manifest so great love for one another as Jim and "Chad." Jim, who is only nineteen years old, has had more than a double portion of llfo's sorrows crossing his pathway. First he stood by the new made grave of his father, then tho disastrous Are of '88 at DuBois destroyed most of their earthly INsisesslons; then his mother's namo was entered on the death roll of '811, and now he is tho only ono left to mourn for fathor, mother and brothor. Ten Cent Entertainment. An unusually attractive program has boon prepared for an entertainment to bo held In tho Reynolds opera houso on Monday evening, August 22nd, under tho auspices of tho Women's Relief Corp of this place. Price of admission is put at tho nominal sum of ten cents. Program Is as follows: Part I. Music by the Orchestra. Itei-ltiitliin Mlsa Mills IMrCrHxht "A INIKht on a iinm limit. ' Duct CharllcTund Mamie ('mil Selected. Itccltiitlon ftriiro Morley mi' i ry or i o-iiuy. Holo MIsgMuy Isciiinn "io loiiKuei mi i i'ii. ItOCltlltloil MISS lll'IIIC ItCMT Selected. Solo Dr. V. II. Hell To Do Selected. Tableau and Music by the Orchestra. Part II. Itccll lit Ion John Ewlntf nciectcu. Holo Alex. Dunsmore Selected. Punt Hell and Green es. There Is Hope." Recitation Miss Ethel Wlnslow Selected. - Duet Ilr. K. II- Dell and Miss Nellie Hons Sl'IOCU'U. Character Honir E. Will Green "The Young Ola Mali." Herltatlon Irene Phllllppl wiecieu. Final Tableau and Music Manager Mrs. Miinriiret Oorsllne Musical Director K. Will (ireen Accompanist Miss Mlnnlo KwIhk plute Howard HenslnKer Violin Harry Moore Was You Down ? Rov. Jenkins, the highly colored man who poses as a preacher, but Is not tho most eloquent one in the world, in fact those who have heard him say he is not a glowing success as a divine, with his five assistants, are holding a camp meeting in the grove. He said Sunday evening that he would talk awhile just to give the choir a rest. They seem more interested in dimes than in sinners, although they generally have a large following of- sinners to work on. Such meetings are not very beneficial to a community. Thanks. The members of tho Reynoldsville Baptist Sunday school desire to return hearty thanks to Hon. S. B. Elliott and Supt. Mellinger for their kindness in giving free transportation to Falls Creek and return on the occasion of thoir annual plcnlo August 0th, and also to Supt. Bostwlck, of the Electric Car line1, DuBois, for the free use of the Electrio Park and its accommodations, W. S. Stone, Ass't. Supt, A Surprise. A number of Lyman Scott's gentle men friends, mostly G. A. R. men, met at his residence Saturday evening on account ot that being his fifty-second birthday. Refreshments were served and a good time in generally was the verdict of all who attended. A purse containing fifteen dollars and other presents were left as tokens of their evening's enjoyment Advertise in The Star. PER SON K 14. Father MeUlveney, of DuBois, was In town Friday. I. M. Swortz went to Punxsutawney last evening. Miss Sue Reynolds visited friends In DuBois lost week. Miss Jennlo Mutter is visiting friends at Patton Station. Rev. J. C. Mclntlre and wife spent Sunday in Clarion. Miss Jennie Barto is visiting her brother, J. C. Barto. . Mm. W. Ford Is visiting at Apollo, Armstrong county, Pa. Miss Llu Crelghton is visiting at Punxsutawney this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Robb went to Chau tauqua yesterday morning. Prof. E. C. Shields, of Ponflekl, was In Reynoldsville Saturday. Solomon Shaffer Sundayed at the Cherry Run campmeeting. Jnmes Schwem, of DuBois, is visiting . his uncle, W. B. Alexander. Joseph' Cathurs and Curt Strotise are In Buffalo, N. Y., this week. A. G. Brown, tho miller, was in DuBois Saturday on business. Mrs. Will Ake, of Olean, N. Y., Is visiting Mrs. Honry A. Reed. II. H. Mincer and wife spent Sunday at the Cherry Run campmeeting. Miss Adda Brown, of Lewlsburg, Pa., is the guest of Miss Althea Davis. Mrs. L. M. Simmons has been visiting her sister at Clarion the past week. W. C. Helmbold, of Curwensvllle, visited Dr. W. B. Alexander this week. Mrs. Nancy Foloy, of East Brady, visited friends In town since our last issue. I. F. Dempsey, telegraph operator at Benezette, Is visiting his parents at this place. Senator S. R. Pealo, of Lock Haven, registered at Hotel McConnell last Friday. David Ilartman is in Pittsburg this week attending the Grand Lodge of the K. of P. C. M. Powers, a DuBois jowolery, was numbered among the visitors here Friday. Mr M. Wise and wife and Miss Amy Taylor, of DuBois, drove to this plaee Sunday. Will and Miss Grace McClain.of Pitts burg, are visiting at Lawyer Cam. Mitchell's. Mrs. J. C. Stewart, of Apollo, Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. L. Ewlng, on Hill street. Mrs. J. S. Morley, of Andover, Ohio, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ab. Reynolds, at this place. Misses Mary and Flora Rew, of Franklin, Pa., are visiting relatives in Ileynoldvlllo. Mrs. David 'Blakoly and family, of East Brady, are visiting friends in Reynoldsville. E. R. Jennings and wife spent Sunday at DuBois with Mrs. Jennings' brother, .Tosiuh Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haney and daugh ter, Jennie, of Pittsburg, are guests at D. B. Stauffer's. Miss Pansy Woodward, of New Bethlehem, Pa., is visiting her brother, A. M. Woodward. Mrs. Chas. Montgomery, of Sllgo, Pa., visited her mother, Mrs. Wood Reynolds, during tho past week. A. T. Bing left this morning for a weeks' visit with his mother at Unlon villo, Centre county, Pa. Misses Britta and Maggie Butler went toGazzam, Pa., last Friday morning for a weeks' visit with relatives. Mrs. W. S. Stone and daughters, Agnes and Florence, are visiting at Ookmont and Allegheny City. Mrs. Archie McDonald and daughter, Agnes, of Driftwood, were the guests ot Mrs. J. T. Guthrie over Sunday. Spencer Ru msey, who ha been visit ing his uncle, S. B. Rumsey, returned to his home at Berlin, Wis., this morn, ing. R. W. Porterfield, of Oil City, presi dent of the Oil City Fuel Supply Co., was in Reynoldsville several days last week. G. J. Corwin, the photographer, left Tuesday for a trip through New York state. He will be absent about four weeks. Miss Mamie Harding, of Summervllle, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elijah Trudgen, for a week, returned home yesterday. Mrs. John Frazier and daughter, Carrie, of Punxsutawney, formerly of this place, were visitors at A. B. Weed's during the post week. Miss Ella McKeen.of the Beeohwoods, one of the school marms engaged to instruct the youth of Reynoldsville this winter, was in town over Sunday. Andrew Cant, of the firm of Cant Bros. & Co., of Buffalo, N. Y., who own the Standard mine at this place was In Reynoldsville several days last week. Miss Maggie bchuitze is visiting friends at St. Marys and from there aha will accompany an aunt.Mrs. Fisher, who has been sorely afflicted, to Erie for medical treatment. ' Aaron Richards went to Pittsburg Monday as a delegate from Valient lodge No.401, K. of P., of this place, to attend the Grand Lodge in the Smoky City, which convened yesterday.