it Star Sulmeriptinn tl.50 r tenr, in ailrn ncr. An liirtop-n1int IixmiI nnper, iuMUhrd nvcrjr Wrrttipwiiiy lit. Hi'Vnililvllli, .li'lTi-i-win Co., Ph., dnvirtod tr tlir tnti'ro-it nf Hiyno1iNvlll'lTiTHOiK'ouiily. Ncm-ixilltlciil, will Irt'iit nil with fiilriii'M. nml will IxMpcHiill y frlvnil ly townrris ll liilxirlni i-1iiw. Pulwcrlpllim prior l..iTjriiir.hi ndvnnoc t'ninmunlrntlonK tnti'iiileil for piihlli'iillon miiKt tin nccompnnled liy tlin wrltor'n numo, not few ptiWIi-ntlon. hut nn n minninloo nf ii)od fill I". IntortMtlnn nvwn Itonw willrltnl. Artvprtlln rnttm nindf known nn iippllcn Won at the oftirr In ArnnlilV Hlnok. Ii'imlity romniiinlriilloin nml oliiiniro nf nlvir1lv'mr-nt nhoiiHl roach till" onion ly Monday noon, i Addro-w nil onmnuinlontloiis to 0. A. Hlopn non. Hiiynoldvllli, Pn. Emi-rod nt. the postoftlcp nt Hoynolilnvlllc, Ph., m MH'ond oliuw mull mutter. C. A. TlilHKfliSO. Kdllor mid Pub. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1!2. There i now about 7.()00,(X) In tho state treasury. Thin nmotint will ho considerably rt'iliuvd the next few months when the school warrants will be presented for payment. Great preparations are belntf mado for the encampment at Washington noxt month. On the occasions of the grand review at the close of the war,a body of volunteer tnxips muivhed alonjr historic Pennsylvania avenue, Washlnif ton, D. C, the like of which the people of the capltol never expected to eAs atfain. In SepttfmW.motv than twenty five years after that vl prions host lai wieu the broad thorouKMare.another great body of sold tern will inarch along It, repi-esentinfr the servhors of all tho Union forces. It Is expected that 50,000 G. A. R. men will participate In the re-union. Something like one hun dred and fifty thousand dollars will bo expended In entertaining the old soldiers and others who will take advantage of the opportunity afforded by the encamp ment to visit the capitol. Nothing will be left undone to make Washington appear in Its most attractive form. The miners of the Clearfield district, which represents three thousand men, declare they will strike on September 1st unless an advance Is made In tho price of low grade coal mining and a change mado in the checkwelghman system. A resolution was adopted calling on tho men In Punxustawney district, which adjoins the Clearfield district, to stand firm for demands of the same character, which they have presented to the operators. In Funx utawney district alone there are over throe thousand men. It is claimed that the men in both districts have submitted a number of grievances and will go out as one man, as they are thoroughly organized and pledged to act In unison. The Borwind White Company, which will be principally affected, is known to have an order to supply tho Now York Cental railroad with 2,500,000 tons of coal within a specified time and leads the minors to think they will have an easy victory, while the company declares it will hold out against any advances or change. Character, one of tho grandest things tae human family is heir to, Is something we all must havo, none can avoid It. There is a world's wide difference between a good character and a bad one. They are just what we make thorn. What Is more sublime than a beautiful ripe character. A ripe character is known first by Its beauty. Hipo fruit has Its own perfect beauty. As the fruit ripens, the sun tints it with sur passing loveliness, and the colors deepen till the beauty of the fruit Is equal to the beauty of the blossom, and in some respects superior. So a pure ripe character Is known by Its beauty. Another mark of ripeness is sweetness. The unripe fruit Is sour, and perhaps it ought to be, or else we would eat all the fruit while they are yet green. So Is an unripe character very sour. Ofton times the worm of an unbridled appetite naughs at the core until the character drops from the mother stem before it ripens, or perhaps It will decay from the effects of unoontrollublo passions before It is ripe. Beauty, sweetness anri tenderness, are sure marks of a ripe character. The ghost which question whether woman will not lose her womanly qualities In the process of higher education will not down, writes Mrs. Lyman Abbott In the August LudM Home Journal. It appears not only In the quiet and the shade of midnight, when ghosts have a right to appear, but it stalks abroad in open daylight. The innocent have always borne the penalty , Of the guilty, and the clamorous women who parade on public, platforms, and who make themselves obnoxious In publio conveyances, who give their families peace at home by going abroad wrrttrVhelr debates, these are they who throw dncredit on their innocent Bisier. I wish I might picture the homes in which I am so happy as to bo a welcome guest, where highest education for man and for woman comblnd to make high' est happiness and highest usefulness Woman may dwarf hor best powers by cultivating only her emotions, she may do it by cultivating only hor body, and, of course, she may do it by cultivating only her mind; but that is not higher education and wherever a young woman has found a place whore she may obtuln knowledge and also the other fruits ' whioh a perfected character should bear, she oannoot be hurt by that pursuit. I've Changed My Mind. It Is easy to resolve to do a thing, but when the resolution requires action Is the time that trys one. A temptation, which has come before, Is pi-esented. Good resolutions have been made only to bo broken Into smithereens when the temptation comes. One of the easy resolutions to fracture Is that of Brining early in tho morning. "Yes, I nm going to get up early to-morrow morn ing," has been reiniated time nnd tlmo again, but how easily put olT until some other morning. The following Is an illustration of how easy a gtxxl resolu tion Is broken: 'I'm goin' to be a soldier, ma, when I grow u)," said Bobby, as ho crawled Into bed, "and fight in wars and battles." "All right, Bobby; now go to sloe)." In the morning she sluxik him for the fourth time nnd said: "Bobby, you must get tip; tho Idea of a soldier lying In bed at this hour!" "Well, ma," said Bobby, "I've changed my mind alxmt being a soldier." Just so it Is with many older people. They huvo a task to perform nnd It is given up Ix'cause at that hour in the morning when they should get out of Ix'd they have "changed their mind." Those women who devote the least time to the study of the Important question "how to manage a husband" are the most successful In that line. Woman who want to manage their husbands, and men who are ambitious to manage their wives ought all to lxs sent to a lunatic asylum nt once to save further trouble. l'nnxsutawney Npirit. What is News? Under the heading of "what Is news" In AcirojKx nlom for July, Bill Nye says: 'News is fresh Information of some thing that has recently taken place; nnd yet there Is a kind of news that is not news, aside from names and dates. For instance: Henry Stanley Panirborn blew down the barivl of an old musket yesterday, to see if It was loaded. As the old nre-nrm blew iwck, and new-laid thoughts of Henry's were found spat tered on tho celling, he no doubt apiwased his morbid curiosity. This sort of accident has been recorded so often now that it is hardly nows.cxeept Ing as to nnmes." Two Youthful Horse Thieves. A special from New Bethlehem to the DoBols Cnnrirr Saturday says: "Thomas and James Ness, of Oak Bidgo. were arrested at Corsica last evening for stealing a horse and buggy. Tho culprits are mora lads, aged l.'i and 11 years, and committed the crime last Sunday evening during church services at West Millvlllo. W.A.Shelly.of Sugar Grove, was attending church and whilo inside of tho bullldiug the boys drove away with tho horse and buggy. They are now in Clarion jail. About two years ago the sumo boys stole a horse and buggy and when their pursuers came close upon thorn they abandoned tho rig ana iook to tno wtxxls. Tney were afterwards captured and released on acount of their ages, but for this lost offence they will bo punished to full extent of the law. Want a Street Railway. IPiuiXHiitnwni'y Hplrlt.l Some of tho leading business men of Keynoldsvillo ai-o seriously contemplat ing the construction of an electric tit rout railroad. They are now investigating tho matter and if it should to thorn to bo a paying Investment the road will bo built. A road from Ruth mel to the railroad doM)t is tho thing contemplated. If an olectrto street railroad is a gotx thing for UuBols and Punxsutawnoy, we seo no reason why It should not be a good thing for Hoyn oldsvillo. Tlmo will determino tho whole matter. W. C. T. U. Booming Suffrage. Mrs. Lizzie Hill Mills, president of the Orange county (Cal.) W. C. T. U., writes: "We are 'booming suffrage. Our local W. C. T. U. meets every week, and has given this last month entirely to suffrage and will give the coming one to the same topic. We are taking up the United States constitution and state laws. We send out written invitations to those who are not members of the union, and people are getting aroused and enthusiastic." List of Letters. The following lot tors remain uncalled for at the postofttce in Reynoldsvllle, Pa., Aug. 13th, ISH2: Ladies. MIhm MiuhI Vounir, MIhh Corn HlmrTtir, MIhh .Nitltlu Knupp. Mm. J. 1)1 Counora, liKNTl.EMKN. Edward lMdraon. ('Iiim. W. Mi-PhIIm. j. KlhlM, Jimvpli Brown, FOHKION. Ernst Anderson. MIhh PvterhurR. When calling for the above letters please say they were advertised. J. W. FOUBT, P. M.' Be sure and put a box of Ayer's Pills In your satchel bofore traveling, either by land or sea. You will find thein con venlent, efficacious, and safe. The best remedy for oostivenuus, Indigestion, and sick headache, and adapted. to any climate. tttrayed or Btolon. About the 2uth of July, a roan cow. with large horns, strayed or was stolen from our premises. A liberal reward will be paid for return. . Green & Conseh, A crochet shoulder cape of saxony yarn was lost last Saturday. The finder will pluase leave It at this office. Fob Rent Two store rooms 20x80 feet opposite Hotel Bolnap. Enquire of J. H. Corbett. For Male, Celebrated Caledonia sand. No sifting required. Tom McKernan, Drayman PRAIRIE FIREMEN. Umlr Engln la a Prenhly Slaughtered Cow Iri(ed Over the of Flame. Whoever heard of killing a horse or an ox as the first tep to be taken toward putting out a prairie fire? What dweller in the Dakotas has not heard of it? For it is frequently done by the settlers of Hie new northwest, where prnirie fires are a greatly dreaded mennce to life and property. Every dweller of the great northwest Is more or less familiar with prairie fires. They have often at nightfall seen their lurid lights in the distant horizon, or by day their huge volumes of smoke rising and bending with the clouds, and many are even familiar with the consuming march of the flames themselves. Prob ably the first intimation the settler re ceives of an approaching lire comes from the falling of burned particles of grass that have been carried long distances by strong air currents. Later on smoke may be seen on the distant horizon, which increases in vol ume and blackness nntil tho whole sky may be darkened, or if the night be coming on the flames will light np the whole landscape and their glow will lie reflected above. The wise Dakotan has his farm or ranch protected by fire breaks. These are usually made by plowing two strips a few furrows wide and several rods apart and burning the grass between. There is but little likelihood of put ting out a Dakota prairie fire during the day, as the wind, which is almost in variably blowing, and which the fire seems to greatly increase In force, never lulls nntil the coming of night. Then, though there is no dewfall in that re gion, the fire burns less fiercely and may be at times entirely extinguished. The most successful method of putting out a fire, and one frequently employed, ii to kill a horse or cow and, splitting the carenss, drag it along the fire line and over the flames, which are thus ex tinguished. This is done by attaching long wire ropes to two limbs of the carcass, to each of which is hitched a horse, on which is an experienced rider. One of these horsemen rides on either side of the line of fire, and by skillful reining they draw the body of the dead animal directly over the flames. Sometimes a fresh hide, weighted down with pieces of iron fastened to it, is used instead of the carcass of an animal. By this method a line of fire twenty miles in length may be extinguished in one night. Men on foot usually follow after the horsemen and put out any fire that may remain after they have passed. The scene presented by such a com pany of fire fighters is extremely weird and one which a beholder is not likely to forget. Fortunate it is if those in terested complete their work before the coming of dawn, for if they do not the rising of the wind may send the fire leaping over the area of country they have labored to save, and blackened plains and smoldering heaps that mark the sites of former ranches and home steads will tell the oft told story of the Dakota prairie fire. Chicago Herald. Rathmel. Win. Daey is suffering with a felon on one of his fingers. Hpruguo minors enjoyed a half holiday on Friday and Saturday afternoons. Ball playing is at present ono of tho amusements which our young men tvxort to. Blackberries are an abundant crop this year without any apparent scarcity of harvest hands. Dr. K. Q. Mellonry is again able to Ixs around visiting his patients after a week's illness with cholera morbus. Geo. Hugjies is attending tho susslon of tho Grand Lodge of K. of P. as ivpro- sentatlve from No. 344, which Is being hold In Pittsburg this wook. A. L. Mayhew's family of boys become increased from three to four Friday night. There has boon no unpleasant smiles visible on his countenance since. Win. A. Loading has again concluded that it is not good for mun to be alone and has decided to undergo that terrlblo ordeal of gotting married. Miss Annie Hughes has coine to a like decision and will also get married on the same duy, which will bo to-morrow, August 18th, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. A camp of Daughters of America was instituted In Kalfelt's hall, Ruthmol, on Friday night by District President Jap Mclntiro. Tho camp starts out with forty-two charter tnemliers and the officers eloctod for tho ensuing term an) as follows: P. P., Mrs. C. Cameron: Pros., Miss Mortloi Dean; V. P., Miss Maggie Johnston; M. of C, William Mohney; Recording Sec., Iris Johnston; F. S., Mrs. H. E. Barton; Treas., Mrs. A.J.Eisonhuth; Conductor, Miss Maggie London; Guardien, Mrs. M. A. Smith; Guard, Miss Maggie Mohney; Chaplain, Mrs. H. J. Mllliren; Associate Conduc tor, Miss Dorthy Henry; Asst. R. S., Miss Ella Mohney; Trustees, Mrs. S. Wyant, Miss Dortha Henry and Mrs. Maud Bowser. The Chinese pay their doctor only so long as he keeps them in health. They believe In preventing rather than curing disease. This is sound sense, and one of the strongest recommendations of Ayer's Sursaparilla, a medicine which not only cures diseases but prevents them. Barto's new store, in the Nolan block, is an attractive place for people who are looking for green truck. A fresh and large supply always to be found where the bust peanut roaster in town is In operation. See the new styles of ladies' shoes at Robinson's. . iittnititrrmrttte. tVm STATE SENATE, J. U. GILLESPIE, of rtsy vllle hnrowrli, sulijwt to the derNlon ofthn lltmxx-rntk' voters of .Teirnrxon enmity nt Hie enxiiliin pilninry eli'i'llon, JjVlIl STATE SENATE, H. II. BROSIUS, ESQ., of flnxikvllle, xiihjeot to the derision of the lit'imxTnllc volrrxof .tcnVrxon enmity Ht the pnRtilng primary elertlon. Jj'on STATE SENATE, W. W. BARCLAY, of lllii Him lxiroiiKh, snhjivt to the decision of the llfinocrntli' voters of Jetfrixon enmity nt the ensuing primary election. JpOR ASSEMBLY, JOHN W. PHILLIPPI, of Wlnslnw township, subject to the decision of the lpimx'rnlle voters of .lelferson comity nt thei'tisi 1 1 tig primary elect Ion HOItOI Ull OIIIII'NAMt KN. HOItoruil OHIMNANCF. ItKOt'l.ATINO IIAVt KKUS AMI I'r IIHI.KKS Or KF.VS- OI,lHVII,l,F. itoitoriiii. lie It ordntned nnd enncti'd hr the Htirucss nnd Town Council of the Horough of Kcyn nldsvllle. Pit., ntid It Is hereby ordnlucd nnd eniicted fiy authority of the same. Skc. 1. Kverv person cnnviisslnir from house to house In thn boroii-ib of Kcynoldsvlllu, for the pmXHe of sclllnu or solicit lug orders for IxMikH, pictures. iiliotoKrnnli nlbunis. cltM'ks, watches, pocket knives, silver pbited knives, forks or sixxins.sixs-tHcles. eye glasses, enrpet sweex-rs, linking puns, 1mm! springs, pntetit medicine, plaster purls gixxls, hrnne nnd plain, soup, ten, rotree, nnd spices, tlnwnre, gents shirts, furnishing goods or clothing by sample, corsets, hosery, linndkerchlcfs, laces, needles nnd thread, embroidery, blankets, rugs, stiitlonnry, groceries to private houses, liv wholesale or retail, peddlers nf wagons, sleighs and carriages, whether selling by sample or otherwise, shall take nut n license from the lliirgessnnil pay the fees hereinafter rcttitred lxfore doing or otTerlng to do any nusiness in inesniu nomugn. Skc. 2. The fees for license under this ordinance shall he three dollars per day ror each and every uny so engage a. rrovineu thitt this nrdtnnnce shnll not npply tntliose holding mercantile license within the Itoroimh. nor to ix'rsons resident In the county selling their own farm pnsluce. :KC. .1. ir liny person sunn im1 gtiiiiy 01 vlolntlng nnv of tho provisions nf the fore going ordinance and shall tx convicted of the same tx-rore me mirgess or jusiice or ine Pence of the count v. he shall lie ttned n sum not less than Ave ikMMi dollars nor more than twenty ifiiumi dollars with all costs of suit. ?KC. 1. I Hill tile foregoing oroiniince sunn lx enforced ns other hnrniiirli ordlnnnces are bv hiw enforced, and the Hues and iM-llllllltfe aforesaid shall Ihi collected ns other Hues and xnaltles are now aiithorinsl by law to Im collected. All ordlnnnces or pnrts of ordi nances Inconsistent herewith be nml the Hiime lire hereby repealed. in witness wnereoi iiih lown oiincii have this first day of August A.I). Isaj.cniised this nrdliianca to be signed by the llurgess, nttested by the Secret nry nnd the seal of the iiorouga amxeu tnereio JOHN .11. 11 ays, iitirgoss. Attest : Tlios. Scott, Hccrctnry. AN OHDINANt E HKtll'LATINO TRANS IENT HI HI N FHS IN THE HUUOI Uli Or KKYNOl.DHVII.I.K. Hue. 1. He It ordained liv the llurgess nnd Town Council of the Horougli of Iteynolds vlllc mid II Is hereby ordnltied by anything of the slime, that, hereafter every person whether principal or ngetit. not engaged In a pcrmnneut. business In said Horougli, hut entering into, la-glnnlng or dcsl,-ttig to Ix'gln ii transient retail business In said Horougli for the sale of any gixxls, wares or merchan dise, wlmtsix-ver, whether the same shall lie represented or held forth to be hnukriipt, assignees or nlxiut to quit business or of r:,xids damaged by tire, water or otherwise or ly any at tractive or conspicuous advert Ish ment. whatsiH'ver shall take out u license for thesame from the chief of Hm-gcss or Presi dent of the Council of said Homtigh and pay to said otllcer for I lie use of xnld Horougli a sum not less than twenty five dollars per niotitn or more tiiiin one niiuurcfi uoiuirs n month lit the discretion of the chief llurgess or President of the Council suid license to be renewed mont hly during t he corn Immure of said sale, and iiimiii failure of said person or icrxons so to secure license ne or iney snail e lined In a sum not less limn one hundred dollars to lie collected as nil other fines are by law colhvtahlc in a ndiiiicv with the ptiivislons of the Acts of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relating thereto and regulating the snme. Skc. i. Any ihtsoii failing to take nut a license or refusing to pay the license tux required by this ordinance or who shall violate in) v of the urovlslons thereof, shall on conviction be lined not less than one hundred dollars In accordance with the provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania relalliig thereto and regu lating the same. In witness whereof the Town Council have this II CM t day of August. A. l. Ixirj.causcd "'Is ordinance to Is' signed by the Hiirgess, uttested by the Secretary nnd the seal of the iiorougu ninxeu tnereio. John M. Hays, llurgess. Attest: Tlios. II. Scott, Secretary. HOHOl'flll ORDINANCE HEI.ATIMO TO THE ERECTION OK WOOUKN lU'lM) INU t'NIIKll THE PROVISIONS OK THE ACT OK ASSFMHI.V OK THE COMMON WEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA AP PRO V El ) TH E 3rd HAY OF J I' N E ISS.V He It. ordained and enacted bvthu llurgess and Town Council of the Horougli of Reyn uldsvllle, Pennsylvania, and It Is hereby nrd alncd and enacted by nutliorlty nf the same. Skc. I. That. Iverearicr It. shall not lie law ful for any ixrN4Hi or persons to nut uu. erect nr liulld any wixxlen dwelling house, shop, ware house, store, carriage house, stable or irt her tenements nn Mala street, between Urd street and Colo alley. All Inick, stone or Iron building must be covered or roofed with slate, tin or liou. Provided, that this ordi nance shall not prevent the erection of privies or coal houses along said street not nearer than 11(0 feet from the line thereof. Sko. 2. If any person nr persons shall put up, erect or build any wooden dwelling house, stable or other frame tenement on Main street Ix'twccu :trd sti-eet and Colo alley In said Horougli of Reynoldsvllle, he.she or they so intending shall forfeit and pay a Hue or pciinllyof three hundred dollars, for the uso of saldlxirotigh nf Reynoldsvllln. Sko. a. That t lie foregoing ordinance shnll ho enforced nnd the Hue nr penalty aforesaid shall ha collected as other fines and penalties are now authorized by law tn Ihi collis'ted. All ordlnnnces or parts nf ordinances Incon sistent herewith he u nil t lie snme are hereby repealed. In witness whereof the Town Council havo this first, day of August A. I. Islti, caused tills ordinance to Ihi signed by the llurgess, attested by the Secretary and the seal of tho Ixirougli affixed thereto. John M, Hays, llurgess. Attest: Thos. H. Scott, Secretary. Flemminq MoGhee On Wednesday, August 10th, 1h2, at tho home of the bride's parents, by ltov. G. H. Hill, of Boechwoods, David Flemming, of Beechtree, and Miss Martha McGheo, of Sundy Valley. McKniuht Womeldukp On Friday, August 12th, 18112, at tho homo of tho bride's parents, near Big Soldier, by Kov.H.G.Furbay, John W. McKnlght, of Cunnonsburg, and Miss Lomlu S. Womoldurf, of Big Soldier, Pa. Weston La wson On Saturday, Aug. l.'tili lH!r at Hotel Hoi nut) bv Esa. E. T. McGaw, Charles Woston and Miss Amanda Lawson, both of uioanora, Pa. DIED. Spencer On Thursduy, August 11th, 1892, Luolndn, .daughter of George Spunoor, of Itoymildsvlllo, aged fl weeks and six days. Burled on tho afternoon of the 12th at 2 P. M. in the Baptist cemetery. Dailey On Thursday, Aug. 11th, 181)2, daughter of Dunlol Dulloy, of Hoyn oldsvlllo, uged 4 months and 15 days. Burlod in Catholic cemetery on after noon of tho 12th. Anderson On Friday, August 11th, 1892, daughter of L. Anderson, of Eleannra, aged n months. Hurled ' Aug. 13th, Kov. E. ' Grossman con ducted funeral services. THEY ARB -AND- POPULAR WITH LEGITIMATE, STRAIGHTFORWARD, BUSINESS PRINCIPLES Without pchenies to entrap the public combined with being The Originators -OF Small Profit System -HAS BObGBR BROS. Famous throughout Ileynoldsville and surrounding country. Here is another Slice . PROTECTION Against Outrageous Profits And our well known reputation for dealing upright with the people will prove the assertion. WE HAVE BEEN FORTUNATE Enough to close out certain lots of TAILOR MADE SUITS at such prices that will encourage you to buy whether you wish to or not. All we ask is For You to Call at Once And the prices that we will let these suits go at will certainly cause you to adver tise our lucky purchase. BOLGER BROS., Merchant, Tailors, Clothiers, Gents Furnishers and Hatters reyn-olcis'vill, Pa. One! Two! Bread Knife. ip Cake Knife. Pearing Knife. AH for One At C. F. HOOFMAN'S, The Reynoldsville Jeweler. Just What Every Lady Wants. roceryBoomers W BUY WHEHK YOU CAN GET ANYTHING YOU WANT. FLOUR, Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AND ALL KINUM Of Country Produce FRUITS. CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, AND CIGARS, Everything In the Una of Fresh Groceries, Feed, Btc GmmIh delivered free any place in town. Call on uu and yet prlven. W. C. Schultz & Son. H U T N HUSTLERS THE PEOPLE. THE - MADE - Three! Dollar, $1.00 IN- Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. I S. MORROW,