NO MU ABDULS. VHAT VAST AREAS OF LAND !N TORRID COUNTRIES LACK. lorn DUtHfiU In Which There An No Willi Animal of Cimalileralila l. llaml of the Writ I ml Inn Arrhlprl mfo Called "lmrl 4'onnlrj." A llnnHlnn nntnrnllHl, I'rofpssnr Mu tiny, who punned sovnrnl years In I tin In terior of PupiiA, iliwrihcs tilt) IiIkIiIiiiiiI district of tlm grout IhIiiiiiI mi n ri'Klun M remarkable for It m rticry ami jiro dticUvenpsa nn for lis salubrious crlimitn a perpetual May In t lie ti'irnce twills, with March niul April pliitcmm Imro nml there in the highest liioimlainii. The area of tlm whole IhIiiiiiI pxcwiIa Hint of Texan, but itn Hipiilnlion hnrilly SKgrpKittt'S n million, tiinn-toiitlis of the nlKirinlnen Itolnu; lowlnml nottlera, black lillern gorged with the yam rMitn ami wild hog steaks of the const pliilti. The uplands, too, nlNiiiml with game nml fish, nod the only concelvalilo renin m why the natives should limit their hunting grounds to the sweltering coast jungles U their preference for a climate that enable! them to dispense with dry goods the year round. In the Torres range there nrn summits towering to the height of lt,(HK) feet, but the clone proximity of the equator tins covered the highlnndn with a lnxiirinnt vegetation. Know in hurdly ever Been, but chill nlghtn light front even occur now and then, nnd the frizzle, haired const dwellers avoid the moiiiitninn ns the Indion Mnnnon of the Mexican low lands avoid the tierrn fria. I'lipua in n paradise of birdn, lint tho kingdom of mammals in represented only by a few marsupials (ground kangaroos, tree kangaroos nnd opossums), liesiden the wild hogs of the river jungles. A much stranger country in regard to the nlisence of wild nuimaln is found in the near neighborhood of our own con tinent. The West Indian nrehlielngo, with itn four magnificent islands ami countless islets, linn been justly termed the "gnmeless country," a region of more than n hundred thousnnd square miles, monopolized nlmost entirely by birds and insectn (oven reptiles lieing scarce), an if the archipelago had been somehow overlooked on llio hint two days of creation, nnd left to be settled by such creatures ns could rench itn coasts swimming or flying. There are forests teeming with spontaneous fruit, bnt no monkeys, no wild hogs, no bears or raccoons. Tho larger ciernivora aro not represented by a single species. No piiinns or jaguars (though both nro found on tho coasts of the neighboring mainland), no panthers, lynx or wildcat. Foxes, wolves and jackals, ton. nro con spicuous by their nlisence. The caves of the limestone Hierra would seem to be admirably adapted to marmots and woodclmcka, but they are tenanted only by bats. On the fine highland pastures there are no bisons, no deer, no antelopes, and, strange to say, not even rabbits. Sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, cows, hogs nnd even dogs were introduced after tho Spanish conquest, nnd the only domostio mammal kept by tho natives at the time of discovery wits a small kind of wolf (prairie wolf) imported from Mexico, nnd a few specie of squir rels, which tho Cubans fattened for cnlinary purposes without knowing any i thing about a classin precedent the gliraria (rat kennels) of the ancient Romans, who preferred dormouse on toast to the liest Syrian pheasant pies. Dogs and cats wore unknown, and that lack of household Mils seems to have driven the aborigines to strange expedients, for in "Ogilvy's Voyages" there is an account of a San Domingo cacique who kept a tame manatee that made its headquarters in an artificial pond and was so well tamed that "when called by its nnma, Matoora, it would come out of the water and go directly to the cacique's house, where, being fed, it returned to the pond, accompanied by men and boys, who seomed to charm the manatee by their singing, and it often carried two children at a time on its back. Being once, however, struck by pike in .the hands of a Spaniard it would never after come out of the water if a clothed, man were near. Manatees have become rather scarce on the coast of San Domingo, bnt art often seen aear the Island of Pinos, northwest of Cuba, where shoals of tha strange creatures may be seen sporting about the rest like the tea lions below the Cliff House. Of all aqnatio mam mals the manatee, however, can claim tha championship in the art of dodging a sudden attack; a leveled harpoon U enough to make them plunge under with a "no you dont" snort, and then pop up again at unexpected times and places, waving their flippers in derision, and ready to disappear for good at tha first auspicious motion, Tha luxury of the Dominican caciqua was therefore not apt to be shared by many of his subjects. Puppies and kit tens were never seen lu their cabins, and the largest land animal of the island waa an overgrown rat, known as the hntia, and measuring about eighteen inches without the tail. Its caudal appendage is a compromise between that of the true rat and the California gopher, whom it resembles in its fondness (or grain and In its burrowing mania, one pair owning often as many as fonr different dens, more or less connected by subterranean tunnels. With the exception of that shy rodent, Cuba, San Domingo, Jamaica and Costa Rica have no land creatures deserving tha name of a game animal, for even the omnivorous appetite of the Haytian darkies drawa the line at the musk scented giant rats of the coast forests. Ban Francisco Chronicle. Tbs Stoat Co.tljf Book. The most costly book in the world is declared to be a Hebrew Bible now in the Vatican. It Is said that in 1513 Pope Jules H refused to sell the Bible for its weight in gold, which wonld amount to $103,000. That is the great . est price ever offered for a book, New York Sun, Dart's Reaearrhe. fflr Humphry Davy was so much In terested In electricity that lie made tunny experiments which hnvo become historical In their utility. Mis brilliant discoveries so excited him t lint lin could With difficulty lenve them for needed repose. Itn wonld have killed himself Vy his constant experiments nnd sternly application to the science lind he not liecome prostrated nnd his life endan gered thereby. Ilin remarkable expert meiils, brilliant mid triumphant, nre yet to lie outdone by morn modern philoso phers. Sir Humphry Davy's groat bat tery, composed of 8,(HHI cells, liecninn World wide nnd hlstorlcnlty honored. It wan the origin of the first Hashes of what is now termed the electric arc. That wan eighty years ngo, and notn the grand discoveries since then: The idea of two pieces of clinrcoiil, one about nn inch long and one less thun a Sixteenth pnrt of an inch In diameter, being brought near to each other, till they produce a bright spark, for so they did. One pnrt of the ronl wnn imme diately ignited to a whiteness, and by removing them npnrt Davy found a con stant discharge of electricity look place sufficiently strong to lient the air In a given space three times their slr.e. lie caught the idea In a moment and studied out the mystery which the two pieces of conl had produced, a grand scheme and discovery. Ho saw the most bril liant ascending light, like a glowing arch, broad and perfectly conical In tho middle. The philosopher exieriineiited to his heart's content, each day bringing forth new discoveries, nml there is now no higher scientific nnme known to men or more honored for tils great works nnd discoveries than Davy, who, like Krnuk lin, lived In his scientific exierimeiils nnd for humanity. He, too, snw glorious discoveries to lie ninile, nnd hoped to livo to witness tho result of many of his own discoveries. New York Telegram. Mlrntig Indian Heatl. Among the Indians of Nortli America many strange beliefs nro held resiecting demon liendH that wander alxiut, some times harmlessly nnd at other times for malignant purposes. Home of them are of gignutio sizo, with wings, while oth ers have faces of fire. There used to bo a society among tho tho Iroquois organized for the purpose of propitiating these extraordinary ter rors. The latter, according to popular conception, most commonly moved nhout from tree to tree in solitary places, where they were apt to lie encountered, much to the discomfort of hunters and women who chanced to be alone in the forest, Few things can lie imagined more disngreeablo than to meet unex pectedly in the woods a great head nix feet high, without legs, arms or body. Occasionally these remarkablo crea tures would talk, but it was chiefly at night that they had a fiery aspect, their favorite nocturnal haunts being marshes and pools. Members of the exercising socioty wore masks in imitation of the heads when they performed ceremonies for the purpose of driving such demons away. Of course the lire fnces were invented to account for the jnck-o'-lan-tornsor4ignesfntni" which haunt moist places. Washington Star. Kltehea Work a Proud Occupation. Kitchening seems to be the only spe cies of work that no ono noed blush for, and, after all, does not hunger justify the means? In the midst of that teriod of the French revolution known an the reign of terror, did not the ex-Capucine monk, Chabot (nn expert in the science of good living) invent the "omelette truffee anx pointeg d'asperges," and also "a la puree de piutadoH?" Did you know that it was to the elector of Bavaria that we owe the "bavaroise," which was pre pared and made under his own eyes for the first time at the Cafe Procope? Modern history also offers noble ex amples to our admiration. The Empress Elizabeth, of Austria, that accomplished horsewoman, thut sovereign of a court where aristocratic prejudices are of the strongest kind, glories in her talent as a pastry cook. Her daughter, the Arch duchess Valeria, boasts of having pene trated all the secrets of the ancient and modern cuisine. Queen Victoria is very fond of making omelets, and it seems she has several recipes. Her daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales, excels in preparing tea and buttered toast. Paris Intermediaire. The Dalian of a Jewel. The design of a jewel should be such that we can take pleasure in the idea of it permanence. We associate perma nence with a star, and therefore a star form in jewelry is agreeable. But tran sient forms, like flowers or ribbon bows, nnlesa they are much conventionalized, present a disagreeable congruity. They ought to change with time, and they do not. Imitations of such objects may please for a moment the curiosity of the vulgar, but interest in them, even for such, is exhausted as soon as they have been examined, and the cultivated taste finds them intolerable. Interest in an abject of true art, on the contrary, never grows less. Harper's Bazar. When They Became Acquulutvd. "I know that woman when she lived In an attic" "Yes, I can remember that time perfectly. It was when you were living in the basement of the same house." Then there was a silence, and the waves gossiping to the beach had it all to themselves. Boston Saturday Gazette. Sensitive Family. July 16, 1870, Jean Lafargue, his wife and a daughter nineteen years of ago committed suicide by banging them selves in the dining room, all because a neighbor had accused them of stealing vegetables from her garden. This at Oise, France. St. Louis Republic. A paugeruu Question, Little Girl How old are you? Mies Antique I er how old do I look? Little Girl (after rottoctiou) 'Bout a hundred. -rGood News. , Tka Centaaar of Ceal Una. It Is just a hundred years since Wil liam Murdoch discovered that conl gas might be nsed nn nn tllumlnant. In his Cornish home ho hented ronl In nn iron kettlo and applied a light to the end of nn iron tnbe coming from the kettle. How ninny people today hnve ever heard the nnme of this William Murdoch? Wnttn, with hi kettle, discovered the use of steam, which has effected the ftrentest Jieiwe'til revolution tho world i as ever seen. Murdoch, with his ket tle, also made a wonderful discovery, the value of which It is Impossible to overestimate. Electricity ns nn llluinl nnnt is now fast replacing its elder brother, but it in quite young. For sixty years nnd morn gas has been a familiar friend, nnd Its civilizing In fluence lias been enormous. Foeblo as itn flame Is compared with the brilliant arc light, I huso few mining us who re memlier the old wooden posts with their sickly oil lamps that did duty in our streets, nnd served only to make dark ness visible, enn testify to the gratitude we ought to feel to the Cortiishman. Nothing hns helped morn to repress the ruffianism in our streets than this light ing up of dark places. It has In every sense been nn enlightening power, and it is not exactly to our credit that we hnve forgotten the mnn who gave it ns. London Public Opinion. A Wonderful Mdale Itoi. An interesting arrangement of pneu matic mechanism for the production of high clnss music hns recently lieen ex hibited. Tho instrument tins two nnd one-fifth sets of reeds, the regular nction of the nir grooves lieing bs'iited nliove, nnd on top of the Isinrd containing these is a row of small pnnumntlcscorresMind Ing In number to the keys of the Instru ment; underneath this ixiiinl nre four rows of largo pneumatics, one beneath the other, nnd from an arm on each of these pneumatics hangs a wiro attached to a lever opernting on tho coupler but tons on the pitmaus or wooden rods connecting the keys of the instrument with the reed board valves. By means of these levers, ojioriited by pneumatics, tho movement of the valves becomes automatic, subject to the passage over the nir lxiard of jierfo rated paper, A ieculiar chnrncluristio of the motor which operates tho tiiusio roll, which distinguishes it from all other appliances of tho kind, is its adaptability to running to tho right to wind musio mid tho left to rewind, or vice versa. When the instrument is in oMirntiou the keyboard becomes a thing of life, keys dropping with the exact rapidity required by the selection ren dered. Philadelphia Ledger. Ynmie; Lore' Dream anil Awakening. Harry Hamilton, aged sixteen and Annie Mead, aged fifteen, went to the same school in Philadelphia. Thoy be came attached to each other, and ubout a year ngo liecnmo engaged to lie mar ried. Owing to their youth, however, the engagement wnn kept a secret, and tho parents endeavored to keep thorn apart. Monday Hamilton succeeded in getting a note to Miss Mend in a grocery pack ago. Tho young girl escaped from home and joined Hamilton. Thoy went to Camden and were married. Thoy then took the train for Wilkcsbarre and se cured board nt Mrs. Reeves', on Union street. Hnmiltou had a ten dollar note. He gave it to the landlady, saying, "We are solid for ono week, anyhow, and can spend our honeymoon in peace." The young husband endeavored to se cure employment nn a clerk, but as he was not known he failed. His f athor ar rived and took him home by the ear. The young wife's sister came here on Saturday and inarched her back to Phil adelphia. Wilkesbarre Cor. Philadel phia Record. California's Jelljr 1'alace. The jelly palace which the women of California will prepare for the World's fair exhibit will be 16 by 20 feet and SCi feet high, with two open doors approached by three marblo steps. The framework will bo of wire. On this will be firmly placed aeveral thous and jelly glasses cups, globes, prisma, etc. filled with jolly of many shades of color, arranged in artistio and beautiful designs. The interior will be brilliantly illuminated by electricity. The cost of the framework and glasses alone is esti mated at3,700. Danger In lea Water. Many people owe summer sickness to the too free use of ice water. It is a question if any real ice water is aafe. That which is cold without coming di rectly from the ice is quite aa satisfying and is not dangerous. Strong men have died in fifteen minutes from the eff ecta of drinking copiously of ice water while highly heated by hard work or the sun. New York Press. Feeding Cattle with Aiparagna. It is not often that asparagus, the daintiest and most expensive of vegeta bles, is used as food for cattle, bnt the asparagus crop has been so large all over Brunswick, Germany, that in some Til lages nobody could be found to pay a cent for a pound, and whole basketfuls were given to the cowa and aheep. Chi cago Herald. It la proposed spending $000,000 in en larging the docks at Liverpool. Emi nent shipbuilders recommend that to prepare for the future it will be neces sary to consider that vessels will be 700 feet long and that the docks should be 100 feet wide. What is now North Berwick, Me., was known aa Doughty falls thirty, years ago. A postal clerk says that oo-l casionally letters are even how addressed; to Donghty'a falls, and that he has had' one such in his bands within the last month, In the recent elections In England no fewer than six members of the Society of Friends were candidates for parlia mentary teats in the tract of north; eastern country between the Tees and the Tyto. Testing CaanterfeU Cola. " "Here's the way we tent coins In the lreasnryV' And the expert swiftly poised the dollar piece horizontally on the tip f his forefinger, holding the thumb a quarter of an inch nwny from it nnd gave it a brisk tnp with mint her coin. A clenr silvery ring sounded out. "Good, bnt here) listen;" and he repented the operation with another coin thai gnvn out a dull, heavy clink that censed nl tnost nn soon us It liegnn. "Type metal nnd lead; molded too. That, Is a wretched counterfeit." "How do you tell that It wnn molded?" Ho held the two coins so that tho light struck on their edges. "Just compare the reeding, will you, or milling, an most people call It? In this genuine coin this in very clear and sharp cut, in the counterfeit It in coarse and dull. That is because it Is Inolded instead of being stamped in cold metal like the government coins." "Why do the counterfeiters not use the same cold process?" "It costs too much and makes too much noise. With a mold, you nee, a counterfeiter can carry on his work in a garret and if a ioliccmnn comes In he can shy the wholn outfit ont of the window. lint It takes great power to run a die. Still some high flying counter feiters do use them, and their work Is usually harder to detect, though it In never so perfect as that of the govern ment mint." "What is the surest test for connter felt coin for popular use?" "The looks of tho reading, as I was telling yon the milling, by the way, is on the face of the coin and not on the edge, as most people think. That's the snrest and easiest thing, but of course other tests have to bo used, especially for weight nnd thickness." Hprlnglleld Republi can. Marriage Kperlnr-e. It was tlm lot of a young parson to be embarrassed by the appeals of two young women who wanted to marry the same bridegroom. Tho first comer of these hnd scarcely told how her faithless lover had actually put up the banns in the Knst End parish when the delinquent turned up with an idiotic grin on his face and a gayly nppnrelod young wom an on his arm. What could the parson then a young and bashful curate do but invite the trio into tho vestry room, there to discuss the business. Luckily for him, it speedily leaked ont thnt there had been no legal residence In his par ish, which afforded him at once a suffi cient ground for declining to perform the ceremony. On another occasion the awful dis covery was made that the bride had by accident been described in the marriage license by her et name. It was sug gested that an affidavit of identity sworn at a neighboring police court might re pair the blunder. This was done just In time to complete the ceremony within canonical hours, but the accommodat ing clergyman afterward received a stern admonishment from high quarters "not to do it ngnin." Cornliill Maga zine. Tha Care of Ilruahe. Do not neglect yonr paint brushes. Dip them in an old can containing ben cine, kerosene or turpentine, then wash thoroughly with soap and hot water. Pearline is even better than soap; it re moves the color rapidly and does not in jure the bristles if they are well rinsed in clear water afterward. Pnt your brushes in a jar, handles down, and leave them to dry. One of the oddest sights in an artist's studio is the number of brushes disposed in various artistio Mtn of pottery in nooks and corners. Some painters pride themselves on owning many hundreds of brushes of every possible style and size. Handsome brushes are ruined if leit dirty; it makes the hairs come out, but the large brushes used in common work will not be in jured by being left in water over night if you intend to use them for the same colors next day. Burn yonr paint rags when you have done with them. Oily rags are very in flammable and sometimes take fire spon taneously when left in a heap in some corner. Harper's Young People. King Humbert's Stables. The stables of King Humbert of Italy are exceptionally fine, and contain at present nearly ISO horses, chiefly Eng lish bred. The double row of stalls forma a regular atreet, so beautifully kept that it is a pleasure to walk through it, and each animal has his name printed in large letters ayi a little board above the manger. Among the English horses may be noticed such names aa Flirt, Milord, Lawn Tennis, Epsom and Gentleman. Up stairs arc the state carriagea and those nsed on special occasions. Some of these are magnificently upholstered in white satin. The carriage in which the queen drives every day is very plain, but this simplicity is counteracted by the brilliant scarlet liveries of her coachman and footmen. London Tit Bits. Tha Lad Waa Not the Ghost. An Irish family once had a ghost go troublesome that they sent for detec tives. One of these men late at night fell asleep in his chair. The lady of the house chanced to come into the room and could not resist the temptation to groan and rattle her keys. She had never played sjhost before; it was a mo mentary indiscretion. But the police man did not, and could hardly be ex pected to, believe this. He said it was hardly worth while to bring him from Dublin, and be withdrew in dudgeon. Yet the lady was not really the ghost. He waa sulking in retirement Hence doubt has been cast on the ghosts of haunted nouses, even among reflecting tninds. London Illustrated News. Eclipse Every Day oa Jupiter, Eclipses are everyday affairs on Jupi ter, Three of its satellites are eolipeea at every revolution of that mighty globe, so that a spectator there might witness during the Jovian yoar 4,500 eclipses of moons and about the same number of eclipses of the sun by moons. Providence Journal. Photographic Taper. Photographers were obliged nntll re cently to import from Germany the pa per used In their work, our own manu facturers being uniibln to nssemblo the necessary conditions of material water and workmanship for the production of paper suitable for silver printing. A process hns now been perfected in this country whereby a very ordinary pasr Is coated with a thin surface of sulphate of tmryten and answer, ndinl rably for photographic use, bringing nut In thn finished picture n wenllh of de tail formerly unknown In the nrt, It be ing tost In the texture of lie paper em ployed. Engineering Magazine. A Clever lilt of Workmanship. In a museum of curiosities nt Halem, Mass., there Is ptverved a common cherry seed or stone hollowed und fash ioned like a basket. Within the banket nro twelve tiny silver spoons, the shape nnd lltilsh of which cannot lie distin guished with the naked eye. The namn of the artist who constructed this little wonder hns been lost, but, the nctnal ex istence of the thing Itself will not bo questioned by any one from the old witch headquarters f the Hay State. Chlcngo Herald. A Clever Retort. A legnl dignitary, who hnd risen from an humble rank of life, wnn twitted by an opponeut for "having begun life as a barber'a boy." "It is true that I did so," Was the answer; "and if yon had liegnn in a similar station yon would have re mained there till thn present day." London Standard. Not at Home. Stranger Is your father in? Hoy Nope. Htrangor Where can 1 find him? Boy Dunno. North Polo, I guess. Mom's clennln house. -Good News. For Constipation Ayer's Pills For Dyspepsia Ayer's Pills For Biliousness Ayer's Pills For Sick Headache Ayer's Pills For Liver Complaint Ayer's Pills For Jaundice Ayer's Pills For Loss of Appetite Ayer's Pills For Rheumatism Ayer's Pills For Colds Ayer's Pills For Fevers Ayer's Pills Frepared by IV..T.O. ATrfcOo., Lowell, Mm. Bold by all DruiiliU. Every Dose Effective $1,000 TO THE MAN Thtit hrvHkw thin twor-fl. Thin I June ft, ttnd I litivn rwHvcil hIimv May l. 11 piiilfiit thut wure Htfllftml with tnm worm. I r movwl u I if ht of tlmm mid luive two iirt'imrlnjr for tn'Ktrnciit. Now, wimu of tho Hiipixmcu hritfht IlifhtM of AllcKtM'iiy, ritttthurtr ami HtlhurtM Niiy I buy thn tuptt worm, rttnrertt, t., thttt 1 i'xhlbit In my wlnilow, from thn hoMpltultf. In antwHr I nlmply ofTYr to kIvh tUMHo any of lluw hII-wJm .Mlntfn If thry will procure a manor wt of mn that will meet and comptt with me rw for thn puhlli: on rureM of taiw worm, I'Hiirer mtarrh, wrofula, or all thn ho railed liicnrnhln all niHiitMofthe human family. Kurthcr, I will take my HyMttm Innovator and jfoonpuMU; exhibition with any or all niirh all-wlM4 puopltt, all patent medlrliiH men and all advurt.Hlnt (juarka In the land and take like ratea ant buy omtt and heat them and pnivn to the public that they do dot know what the human body la fuipoed of, or If they do, they do not know how to treat It lu Hii-kne. I treat through the hloiwl with natura'a remedlea, root and herbn, Hyatem lieno va lor In a uon wr ret, hnuewt preparation, com posed of dandelion. Miiyapple.ltui'hu, quala, cinchona, rittw-aru.hUKi'iiilti, Keiithin,natufru-i, boneet, kidney wort and nriipiirll!i. Hytem Kenovator rotn per bottle; or fl bolt leu forfvm, at II. Alex Htoku'aor Mil. ,1. A. l.riti.iM.N. 47 OhloHt., Allegheny City, a. OmVe Houm H A. M. to U l M. Mourn for ('oi.Multatlon-H A. M. to 2 I. M. fMiuduy omVt. houra and forooimultattori a A. M. to U M. VAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAV.WAV.. SUBSCRIBE FOR "THE STAR" $1.50 PER YEAR. mtttUieafty Manufiiuturina' Wiihtjor Maimm. rVn.l for 1'rlce I.Ut of thrtnt. to J. W. Airmail Co., 'JIT Kuti Herman street, lliiltiuioro. Mi, V. B. A. MONEY McKcc ( Warnick IIKAUVtTAKTF.IlX Foil Fancy mid Staph; OKOCEIllEH, Oil, Flour! Feed. An eli-Lcnnt lim; con- nin1lng of Hour, pwwt n nl mixed jiicklt'H. Onion, iliow rliow. olivt-H, canlillowtTHi nnd otlicro too numer oiih to mention. aec; w "AA WO f An endlenH vnriety on hand; n I ways frenli. Try our fruit and chocolate ciiken. "WanJiburne'H Kent" lead the lint; it'n a dandy. Try it. We have in ntock, "Our Bent," "Straight," 'Imperial," "N. W. Patent," ' Pilgrim" and other. We have no oil wagon on the road but we deliver you a. 5 gal. 03 bent 1.11)5 for r)(, cent. Get, our raten on oil by the barrel. A FULL STOCK of llml In our line iiliroiM on howl. Wiliraf nuirliti prlve for roiinfru irmlutr. ItiHHtS UEVEiVEIt ' . ItAILY. AO OLIt tJOOItS ' ran sale. McKee & Warnick, Tho Groccis, dor. fitli ami Main SI lleiinoltlitvllle, I'enim. 'JVSJ IN SI I want to clone out my wu ri mer goodn to make room for fall ntock, and will tel AT COST! Outing Cloth, 64 cents, Sold before for 8 cent. Outing Cloth, 8 cents, Sold before for 10 centn. Outing Cloth 12 cents, Sold before for 124 cent. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 124 cent. Challie, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Sateen, 10 cents, Sold before for 15 cents. Indigo Blue prints H cents per yard. Men's Seersucker Coat and Vest at 65 cents, Sold before for 1.00. Men's and Boys' Outing Shirts At 19 cents apiece. Men's suits at 3.60, Sold before for 5.00. All Men's suits reduced From 2.00 to 3.00 per suit. Children's Suits $i.oo. Now is your time to save money. These goods are all new. UST. Hanati. Gooods net