The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 10, 1892, Image 4

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    STItc Star
Sulmeriptinn $t.M per year, in advance.
An Imli'iwndi'tit lix-nl nnncr, puMUhwl eviTjr
WiflniMiiliiy nt Ki'Vnolnxvllli'. .IctTrrwin t'o.,
ilrviiinl to llu tnli'rpKtn of KrvnitlifevHU'
Mia .IffTrnmn roiinty. Non-polltlriil. will t re-Hi
till with fnlrnfn, find will 1h i'tolilly friend
ly tottitl-ris tin' liittorlnK iIiim.
HiilHM'Hptlon !i'l'efl.:V)tMryfnr,lii nflvniirp.
('ommiinli'ntlxna liiit'iiilvd for piihllrntlon
mut be iHN-ontpiinU'd by the writer' mime,
not for rmhltniilnn, hut nn ft giinrnnti'e of
jiood fnllli. 1 mere! Inn nrw Item willelted.
Advertialntr rule mnde known on iipillin
tlon nt the ottVe In Arnold?' lllock.
Lentflity ronimiinlriitlon mid elmniro of
dvertlJM'mentn nlmuld renrh till. ofhYe by
Mondny noon.
Addre nil rommunlriillonn to C. A. pteph
nfton, ItevnoUNvllle, Vn.
Kntered nt the poMolflre nt Heynoldvllle,
Vn.. an nt'cond elns mnll mntter.
C. A. HTKPIIKNKON, Kdltor nilri Pub.
of Clnyvllle borough, mibjert to the deeMon
of the lVmocnitlf voter of .Telferfwm roiinty
mtthe ensulnir prlmury elortlon.
H. H. BROSIUS, Esq.,
of Rrookvllle, .unjert to the derMon of tho
Itemorrntlr voter of .TefTerrum roiinty tit the
etiRuinii primary flection.
of Riff Run borouith, .uhjort to the derMon
of the IVmnenit lr voter, of Jefferwin roiinty
at the entiling primary elertlon.
of Wlnslow townohlp, .uhleet to the division
of the lirmorriitlr voter, of JeflVmon county
nt the enduing primary elortlon
CongreBS ad jnurned Friday night until
Monday, December 5th 1S02.
The day come and go like muffled
figures dent from a diHtant frlendlyparty:
but thoy nay nothing, and If we do not
nse the gift thoy bring, they carry
them m silently away. Emersmi.
"Work, sayg one who is accustomed to
It, Is the true philosopher's stone.wheth
er you handle a pick or a shovel, a wheel
barrow or a pen. a set of books, digging,
ditching, or editing a newspaper."
The Republicans of Maine will opon
tho campaign next Wednesday, Aug.
17th. James G. Blaine, ex-Sccrotary,
will take the stump. Arrangements are
now being made for times and places for
his speech-making.
Why Is It so many women delight In
gossip, in relating choice bits of scandal,
and hinting knowingly about the short
comings of their acquaintances? Simply
because there is nothing else In the
uncultivated convolutions ot their
brains. Educated women women who
delight in good literature, who devote
part of their leisure to the perusal of
books and periodicals which elevate
their thoughts above the petty gossip
of the neighborhood, can find little
entertainment In tearing reputation to
tatters. Punxsutawnoy Spirit.
The year of 1892 will be the most
noted of any in the annals of time for
Its storms, extreme heat, disasters, on
sea and land, labor troubles, blood
curdling deeds, four political parties
that are seeking to fill the presidential
chair, and political contentions. Not
only for the above reasons, but for tho
fact that some of the old "sleepy towns"
have "rolled over In their beds," so to
speak, and are making an effort to get
awake. Brookville is to have a furni
ture and wagon factory, Lock Haven Is
Indulging in a little "boomlet" and Is to
hove an electrlo street car line. Tho
fire clny near Clinton county's capital
promises to give the town animation
for sometime if it is worked. Indiana is
having a glass plant put up there, and
last week some Pittsburg capitalists
visited Indiana's county seat and were
favorably Impressed with the prospect
of making It a summer resort. Is It
any wonder that this yoar pass down to
posterity as a famous one? Yea, verily,
nol Is the millennium about to dawn,
or does all this come about on account
of the nearness of the planet Mars to us?
One of the essential factors in making
a success of this life is earnestness. That
which does the work is not simply the
piston in the engine, or the shot in the
gun, or the arrow on the bow-string.
It is the steam behind the piston, the
explosive back of the shot, the muscle
in the rear of the arrow. It Is not
enough to possess ability. There
must bo enthusiastio desire to set your
powers In motion. A man's ability may
be great, and yet If their Is not the
earnest, longing ambition to act In the
living present, it will be useless to him.
Because you cannot welld as great
influence and be as useful as other men,
do not sit down and fold your arms and
say because I cannot do great things I
will simply be a drone in the hive of
human possibilities. A "dinky" engine
might refuse to do its work because it
is not us powerful as one of the grout
engines that speed along with a long
train of cars, and yet the "dinky" is
appreciated fur the work it dose. So is
overyone that meets the responsibilities
of lite with an earnest desire to sur
mount nil obstuelos. Thoi-efore, whut
over muy be your sphere in life, be In
earnest. An amiable desire must be
heated up into flaming necessity.
, Rathmrl at "Observer" Sees it.
It has been snld that while the sun
shono that It was the only protection
for women but this falls to he tho caso
In Rnthmel. There Is a gang of boys
and young men. or nt least they call
themselves men. but they full to show
manly principles, who congregate at
tho crossings and wherever people have
to pass In going to the store or post
office, and tnnke nil kinds of remarks
about young ladles and married women
who chance to pass by tho gmig. On
Sunday a dozen or two can be seen
along the roads playing cards. Hut
who is tho ono that will reveal to the
public whether or no they play for
money? The ono who would reveal
this fiiet would gain the respect of the
citizens. And. ngain. they go tochmvh
and talk and whisper so that the
preacher cannot preach and the inviplo
who go to church to hear ant grcntly
annoyed, yet there Is no effort nuiilo to
have such work stopjx'd. Shame on
the citizens who own proerty here mid
exeetto tnnke this their future home.
There are boys whom their parents
think are at night school, hut let the
parents take a walk around to some ol
tho "resorts" and see if they will not
find them there. The writer thinks
tho parents ought to know where there
boys are and see if they cannot keep
them in their places. I trust this hint
may ho sufficient to make a radical
change in such matters as referred to.
As a hair dressing and for the preven
tion of baldness, Ayer's Hair Vigor has
no equal In merit and efficiency. It
eradicates dundruf, keeps the scalp
moist, clean, and healthy, and gltes
vitality and color to week, faded, and
grey hair. The most M)pulur of toilet
A Boy Kills His Sister.
Brook villc JeftY monliui.
A distressing accident occurred at
West Millville, Clarion county.on Mon
day of last week, by which a boy aged
about 14 years killed his little sister
aged i years. They were playing with
their father's revolver, and while the
weapon was in the boy's hands was
accidentally discharged, the bullet a .'18
caliber missile, striking the little girl
in the abdomen and passing clear
through her laxly. This Is another sad
comment on the folly of allowing revol
vers a place in a house and permitting
children to handle them.
Like a ship without a rudder Is a man
or a women without health and tho
necessary strength to perform the ordi
nary duties of life. When the apetite
fails, when debility, and a disordered
condition of stomach, liver, kidneys. and
bowels assail you, take Ayer's Sursa
parllla. for ftale.
Celebrated Caledonia sand. Nuslftlng
required. Tom McKernan, Drayman.
Great Man No Always Tall.
Louis the Great, less his high heeled
shoes and towering wig, dwindles so
about 8 feet S, but even thai pared down
to the inches nature gave him he was a
giant compared with Sir Francis Drake
and with Admiral Keppel "Little Kep
pel," as every sailor in the fleet fondly
dabbed him from pure love and admira
tion, Gentleman's Magazine.
Why tha Negro Stands Heat.
The African is better protected against
the evil effects of the excessive heat than
his white brother in two ways. The
texture of his cuticle is exceptionally
well adapted to encourage free perspira
tion and his natural temperament does
not incline him to borrow trouble large
ly. Chicago Herald.
Carious South American Ant
There is a species of ant in South
America that plant and cultivate a kind
of grass called ant rice, and are so ad
vanced in civilization that malting is
understood by them. Then there are
mushroom growing ants, who cultivate
fungus, and others again who nse um
brellas. Everything Big.
Mr. Gotham Is your home in a good
action for farming?
Western Man I ih'd say so. Every
thing grows like mad. Why, I've seen
hailstones as big ai hen's eggs. New
York Weekly.
In spraying with arsenicals against
the coating moth, the safe proportions
are one pound of poison, either parts
green or London purple, to 150 gallons
of water. When this is properly done
but little harm is possible.
A Frenchman has succeeded, it is said,'
in producing an excellent driving belt
by parchmenting the leather instead of
tanning it The belts have greater
durability and do not stretch.
The most expensive legislature in the
world is that of France, which costs an.
anally $3,800,000,000. The Italian parlia
ment costs 480,000 a year.
The Greeks sometimes buried their
dead in the ground, but more generally
cremated them in imitation of tha
One Day's Liberty.
Mr. Neater I wish you wouldn't let
little Dot play with such a dirty raga
muffin as that boy she is with out there
on the street.
Mrs. Neater Why, that's little Dick,
your own son. I've been away all day
and he's been doing as be pleasddy
Good News.
Experiments on Animals.
For seven years I have been making
almost daily experiments upon the in
ternal organs of dead animals in order
to increase my knowledge of compara
tive pathology. The postmortem ex
aminations were made for the most part
at the Lamparter Glue works, in th
suburbs of Lancaster, Pa. Here of
course were the bodies of large numbers
of animals which afforded tne an abun
dant supply of subjects for examination.
1 lie vicinity of the works swarmed with
rats. Many of those, the workmen told
me, sickened and died from time to time,
snd I became curious to know something
about the disease that carried so many
of the rodents off.
I conld find next to nothing about the
rat in books, so the thought growing
npon me thnt the disease so fatal to the
rat might be made dnngerons to the
rat's nearest neighbor, man himself, I
undertook a series of experiments. My
first rat subject was a nlckjne which I
captured In the yard of the glue works
without any exertion. The animal
crawled about, made no effort to escape
from me and when picked up offered no
resistance. Its appearance indicated that
It was dying of general debility. Its
body was greatly emaciated. Its back
was arched and its face bore an expres
sion of distress. It refused food, was
racked with a constant cough and in a
few hours after being captured was
fonnd dead in the comfortable prison in
which I had placed it.
My next subject was a healthier and
more active rat. I caught him only to
mark him and then gave him his free
dom. He came into the yard regularly
for his rations of flesh from various ani
mals, but gradually showed the same
symptoms that marked the condition of
my first subject, and in fourteen days
after capture he, too, was dead. Tne
postmortem examination of these two
cases developed the fact that the lungs
were badly diseased. Tuberculosis had
destroyed the right lung of each and
only a part of the left remained. Dr.
8. E. Weber's Lecture.
Changea In an Kngllih School.
In 1824 Mr. Milnes Gaskell writes
from Eton that an upper boy "got spurs
and rode some of us (lower boys) over a
leap positively impossible to be leaped
over with a person on your back, and
every time (which is every time) we can
not accomplish it he spnrs us violently,
and my thigh is quite sore with the in
roads made by those dreadful spurs; my
new coat is completely ruined." In the
next year Ashley minor, a son of Lord
Shaftesbury, died in consequence of a
fight which lasted two hours and a quar
ter on the same evening. The quarrel
originated about a seat in the upper
Dr. Eeate spoke about the sad event
to the school three days later; be blamed
the boys for letting the fight go on so
long, but was not to be "seduced into
any namby pamby peace-at-any-prlce
sentimentalism." He said: "Not that I
object to all fighting in itself; on the
contrary, I like to see a boy return a
blow." Such a state of things has for
tunately entirely disappeared; a clergy
man, a bead master, a doctor of divini
ty, however much he might feel that the
meek acceptance of injuries was not the
sign of a keen and generous character,
yet would now hesitate to mark fighting
with his approval before an audience of
boys whom he was bound by statute to
instruct in Christian principles. Na
tional Review.
Not a Nourishing Diet,
An old Scotch servant attached to
the household of the famous British
logician, Sir William Hamilton, was as
proud of his master's fame as if it had
been his own, and, having picked up a
few of Sir William's technical words
and phrases, brought thorn into play on
(very possible occasion.
One day a gentleman who was fond
ot drawing out old John for the amuse
ment of the company said to him, with
sn engaging air:
"I suppose, John, now that you've
lived so long with such a great reasoner
as Sir William, you are quite able to
conduct an argument yourself?"
"Weel, I winna say sae tuuckle as
that," replied the old Scotchman, with
the modesty of true genius, "but if I
canna conduct an airgyinent, I'm think
In I could draw an inference."
"Could you? Let us see, thon? There's
an Eastern proverb, you know, about
the wild ass snuffing up the east wind.
Now what inference would you draw
from that?"
For a moment old John looked non
plussed, as well he might, and then a
gleam of sly humor twinkled in the cor
ner of bis dark gray eye, and he an
swered, with a grim chuckle:
"Aweel, the inference that I wad
draw from that wad be that he might
snuff a lang time before he grew fat!"
David Ker in Harper's.
roily Saved the Valuables.
We had moved into a newly built
house, which had all the modern im
provements, the electric bell being one
of them.
It was a cold winter's night. Mr. and
Mrs. J. were traveling in Europe and
the servants were all gathered about the
kitchen fire. Polly was also near the
fire, but in the dining room, which was
up stairs.
She used to see our mistress ring the
bell for the servants to enter, and, like
a elever bird, studied on this for a long
Ou this night Polly was all alone,
when suddenly the door opened and
two men entered. The room being
dark they could not see the bird and
begun searching for valuables, for they
were burglars.
Polly now proved hor worth. She put
out her claw and pressed the button of
the electric bell.
It brought the servants to the dining
room, where, after a short struggle, they
secured the burglars, who were about to
make way with much of the valuable
silver in the dining room.
Polly was fed on dainties for some
time as a reward for her valuable as
sistance. Cor. New York Recorder.
He It oriliiliii'd and ennetrd by the Htinren
nnd Town I '! rit-ll of tho Horoiurh of Heyn
oldnrllle. I'n., and It la hereby ordained nnd
imni'teil by authority of the Mime
tr authority or tneMnme.
Every nerwon rntivnlntr f rom houie
Hue. I.
to hottte In tho noroiiKn of iteynnldMvllle, for
the piirpoHo of nelHim or wilirTtlnjr order for
hookn, pictures, pliotoirrnph nlhiiina, clock,
tvntrhcft, pocket kiiIvca, nilver plnted knlvt,
forknov HMMnt.'pi'CliicleM, evpjrlnmo!, curpet
iwecix-rH, Imklntr piiiin, 1hcI Kfirlnir, pntent
medicine, plimtrr purl poods. bronr.H nnd
pliiln. iop. ten, conNf, nnd mimcp, tlnwnro,
Itcnts shirts, furnUhina poods by Mimpln, cor
sets, hosery, hiindkerctilcfs.hiccs, needfr nnd
t ht-c nd, embroidery, hliinkets.riiifs, stnt lonnry,
groceries to prlvnte houses, by wholesnle or
retnll, peddlers of wnirnns, slelitlis nnd enr
rlimes, tvhelher selllnx by Hiutipie or other
wise, hhnll tnke out it license from tho
lluritess nnd pny the fees herolmiftpr required
before dolus or oltc rlnK to do nny business In
the siild boroilKh.
Hre. 2. Tho fees for license tinder this
ordlnnnceshiill be three dnlbirs perdnr
for ench nnd every dnr o cntfiiirfd. Provided
thnt this ordliinnce shnll not iipply tothose
holding meri-nnllle license within the
lloroiiuh, nor to persons resident In the
Sue. .1. If nnv person shnll be Kullty of
violating nny of the provisions of the fore
going ordlnnnce nnd sbtitl he convicted of the
snnie before the Hurgess or Justice of the
I'ence of the county, be shnll Is-Hned nsiim
not less thiiii Ave (Avnill dollnrs nor more tbun
twenty (f'.Uiini dollars with all costs of suit.
Sue. 4. Thnt the foregoing onlliuitice slmll
It, enforced ns other iMiiiHigh ordlnnnces sit
by Inw enforced, nnd the tlncsnnd peniiltles
llforfsitld slilill Is rollerled lis other flues
nnil peniiltles me now itiitborlredhy Inw to he
collected. All otiltiiiinces or purls of ordl
nnnces Inconsistent Itrrewlth be nnd the
some lire hereby rcpciiled.
in witness wncrroi tne Town fonncii
hnve this first ilny of August A. II, lwr.cniised
this onlliiiincn to lie signed by the Hurgess,
attested by the Secretary nnd the sen I of the
Horough ntttxed thereto
.Ion M. Hats, Iturgcs.
Attestt-Tttos. Scott, Secretary.
tin!. I. ft. It nrdiiltierl Kw Ikn R. nnrl
Town Council of the lloroiiuh of Keyuolds
vllle and It Is hereby ordained by anything of
the tuime that hereafter every wrson
whether principal or iigent not engaged In a
permanent business In snld Hummii hut
entering Into, beginning or desiring to begin
a transient retail business In mild Horough
for the sale of any goods, wurcsor merchan
dise, whatsoever, whether the same shall be
represented or belli forth to be bankrupt,
itsslgnees or ntxiiit to iilt business or of
giMKls ilnmnged by Hrc, wnterur otherwise or
by any attnictlve or eotisplcaotis advertise
ment whatsoever slmll take out a license for
the itnme from the chief nf llitrirwss it .r.,ul.
dent of the Council of snldj KoroiMrh nnd pay
to said otlleer fertile use of snld llnroiuihn
sum not less than twenty Ave dollars per ,.r ni.frvT iiiiin ono niiniirefi iioiuirM a
mOlltll nt till discretion of tit chief Unt-tfeus
or President of the I'oiiticll snld license to lie
renewed monthly during the cuattniinnce ot
snld aale, nnd timn failure, of said person or
m-muiis so ii, secure license ne ortney snail
be lined In a sum not less than one hundred
dollars to be collected lis nil oilier Hues am
by luw collectable In accordance Willi the
provisions of the Acts of Assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, relating
uirrviu uuu rcKuniung me same.
Rao. 2. Any person fulling to take out a
license or refusing to pity the license tax
required by this ordinance or who shall
violate anv of the nrovlslons therefif slmll itn
conviction be lined not less than one hundred
dollars In accordance with the provisions of
the Acts of Assembly of the CiHiimonwenltli
of IVnnsylvniilii relating thereto nnd regu-
ii.i mik tiiv mtnif.
In witness whereof the Town Council have
this first dav of Ainnist. A. II. isirt ci.useH ii.u
ordliinnce to be signed by the Hurgess,
intestfii ny the tecretary and the seal of the
Horough utllxedi thereto.
Jons; M. Hats, Hurgess.
Attest: Thos. II. Scott, Secretary.
He It ordained snd enacted by the Hurgess
nnd Town Council of the lloruugh of Heyn
oldsvllle. Pennavlvanlu.. nnd it Is l,i.n.l,u
ordained and enacted by authority of the
Hue. I. That hereafter It shall not be law
ful for any iiersou or persons to put up, erect
or build any wooden dwelling house, shop,
ware house store, carriage house, stable or
other tenements on Main street, between 3rd
street and Cole alley. All brick, stone or
Iron building must lie covered or roofed with
slate, tin or Iron. Provided, that tills ordi
nance shall not prevent the erection of
prlvlesor awl bouses along snld street not
nearer than UK) feet from the Hue thereof.
Hwi. i. If any person or persons shnll put
up, erect or build any wooden dwelling house,
stable or other frame tenement on Main
street Is'tween :ird slreot and Cole alley In
snld Horough of Ruynoldsville, he.she or they
so otremllng shall forfeit mid pay a Hue or
IH'tinltysif three hundred dollars, for the use
of snld borough of Keynoldsvllle.
Hsc. s. That tho foregoing ordinance shall
tie enforced and the line or penally aforesaid
shall be collected as other Hues nnd penalties
are now nuthorticd by law to lie collected.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances Incon
sistent herewith he nnd the same are hereby
In witness whereof the Town Council have
this first day of August A. 11. lsltt, caused this
ordinance to bo signed by tho Hurgess,
attested by the Heorctnry anil the seal of the
borough aillxed thereto.
John M, Hays, Hurgess.
Attests Titos. II. Hum, Heeretnry.
Tho Wlnslow Township school Hoard
will meet In Oblotown school house August
lath, at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of letting
contracts for the building three new school
houses, ono at Handy Valley, one at or near
Hen. Kline's, and ono nt Rittlimel. The house
at Sandy Valley to he 8HXM4, and 12 feet lilglu
one nt h line's iKxiCi, and U feet high, and the
one at Rathmel Is to he an addition to the one
already built, aix:M and 24 feet high, all of
studding frames 2xr, Plans and siiecillcn
tloncanho seen at Hotel McCoiinell or by
apiilylng to John W. Phllllppt. The Hoard
will receive proposals until 4.00 p H., August
i;li, with the right to reject any bids.
HknbtHtkvknson, President.
J. W. Phii.i.ii-i-i, Secretary.
IIouso and lot on North street for salo
by M. M. Davis.
Ladies' slippers 2o cunts at Robinson's.
Buy the best $2.00 shoo at Robinson's
shoo store.
Advertise in The Star. ,
Robinson's shoes are the best.
Twenty difiorent styles of $2.00 shoes
at Rood's shoe store.
An eye opener shoes lor men at
Robinson's at 91.00.
Reed's are selling tho "crock" $2.00
shoes. Call and sue it.
Go to Schultze & Son's (or melons,
cabbage, &c.
A new shoe for boys that has no seams
In front vamp, at Reed's shoe store.
The girl who tries to improve on the
work of the Lord In endeavoring to im
prove on hor complexion, by use of paint
and other cosmetics, generally makes a
dismal failure of It and frequently loaves
a bud Impression for hor rroublo. Falls
Crock Herald.
IIkthick On Tuesday, August ilth,
1802, at 1 P. M., son of J. T. Hotrlck,
of Uuth inol, aged 2 years and .1 weeks.
Funeral this afternoon at 3.00 o'clock.
Without wheuies to entrap the public combined with being
The Originators
Small Profit System
Famous throughout Heynoldsville and
surrounding country.
Here is another Slice
Against Outrageous Profits
And our well known reputation for dealing
upright with the people will prove
the assertion.
Enough to close out certain lots of TAILOR
MADE SUITS at such priceH that will
encourage you to buy whether you
wish to or not. All we ask is
For You to Call at Once
And the prices that we will let these suits
go at will certainly cause you to adver
tise our lucky purchase.
Merchants, Tailors, Clothiers, Gents Furnishers and Hatters
ReynoldBville, Pa.
One! Two!
Bread Knife.
Cake Knife.
Pearing Knife.
AH for One
At C. F. HOOFMAN'S, The Reynotdsville Jeweler.
Just What Every Lady Wants.
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
Everything In tho lino of
Fresh Groceries, Feed,
UwmH delivered free any
place in town.
C'ttll on u and yet prlcen.
W. C. Sehultz & Son.
Country Produce
Dollar, $1.00
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa. . ,