A DETROIT MIBAOLE. Y cukat Tnn mni for Canadian MtUH l, HCIH(t. fABTICCLAKB Ot ONI OP TBS MOST aaUe Altl. COS ON HinonO DSSCRIBtD BT TBI DBTROIT SBWS A STOUT WOMB A CABirVL rsnusAU (Detroit New.) The fnllowln- psraeraph, wtaloh snnaarasl In Ui New short time aao, furnishes! tha bunt of this Information ram that w an wonderfully remrluitle that It iteraanifol further eplntlon. It la of ii(tlnlmt Im rortanee to the News' reailar to report It to them full. It wna an lmortnt than that It attracted consMernhla attention at tha tlmt. Tha following It tha paragraph in question: T. B. Nortliron, for 4S Tr one of tha hat known merehanta on Woodward ara titie, who km iinoeil to ba rtvin lt prlnu of locomotor ataxia, or rraopliiAj paralyirla, haa aeeiired a new lea of Ufa ami returned to work at hia store. Tha illamaa has always lieen enppoael to ha luetirable, tut Mr. Nnrtiirop'a oomlltlnn la BTentlr lm riron', and it tank now a If tha gravs W( uld lie cheated of Its prer." Wnoe that time Mr. Northrop haa steadily1 Improved, not only In looks, hut In nmidit.lon, till he haa regained hla old-time strength. It had hern hinted to the writer of tlila article, who wna nnpininted with Mr, Northrop, that thia miraculous change hl been wroURhr by a very aiuiple remedy called IT. Williams rink Villa for Tale Peo ple. Whan asked about it Mr. Northron fully verified tha statement, and Dot only an, but ha had taken wins to Inform any ona who waa suffering In a atmilar hianimr when he heard of any audi case. Mr. Northrop waa enthtifiiattio at thrrosult in hi own raaa of Dr. Williams' rink Pills. It wna a remedy that ha had heard of after he had tried everything ha could bops to give him relief. He hail bean In the cere of the heat ph ysicians who did all they could to alleviate tlila terrible malady, Iwt without any avail. He had given up hope, when a friend In Lockport, N. Y wrote him of the caae of a perron there who bad been rural In similar eircmnstanos by I. William' Pink 1'illa (or I'ale People. The purport cured at Lockport had obtained hla information respecting Dr. Wllliami' Pink Pilla from an article rmhllahed in the Hamilton, OnU, Time. The caae waa called "I'll Hamilton Miracle and told the atory of a man In that city who, after almoat incredible atilToring, waa pro nounced by tha mort eminent physicians to betnrurahla and iiermanontly disahled. Ha had apent hundred of dollar in all aorta of treatment and appliance only to be told In the end that (here waa no hope fur him, and that cure waa Impoeallile. Tha person al luded to (Mr. John Marehall, of ItS Utile William Ht, Hamilton, Ont,l waa mem ber of the Royal Templara of Temperance, nd after having been pronounced perma nently disabled and incurable by ths physi cians, was paid tha l(WOdibllUy Inauranca provided by tha order for It member in euch caae. For yean Mr, Marehal! bad been utterly holple, and waa barely able to drag bitnreif arotmd bia hotiae with tha aid of crutches. Ilia ngonlea were almoat unbear able and life was a burden to him, when at laat relief came, Bome month after be had been paid the disability claim h heard of Dr. Williamt' rink 1'illa nd waa Induced to try thnin. The result waj mirncnloua; almoat from the outset an Improvement wit noticed, and In a few month the mtia whom medical exptrl lad aid waa Incurable, wo going about tha city healthier and atrongerthen before. Mr. Marshall waa an well known in Hamilton that all the city nenapancr wrote up hia wonderful recovery In detail, nod It was thus, a before stated, that Mr. Northrop came into poaaeaaion of the information that led to hia equally marvelou recovery. Ona eruld scarcely conceive a caae more hopeless than that of Mr. Northrop. Hia injury came about In this wsy: One day, nearly four yenra ago, lie stumbled and tell the complete length of a steep flight of stairs which were at the rear of his store, Hi head and spine were severely injured. He was picked up and taken to hla home. Creep ing paralysi very toon developed iteelf, and In aplte of the moat strenuous efforts of friends and physicians the ter rible affliction fastened itself upon him. For nearly two years he was perfectly helpless. He could do nothing to up port bis strength in the least effort. He bail to be whoeled about in an invalid's chair. He was weak, pale and fast sinking when bis timely information came that veritably snatched his life from the jaw of death. Those who at that time saw a feeble old man wheeled into his store on an invalid's chair would not recognixo the man now, so great Is the change that Dr. Williams' rink Pilla have wrought. When Mr. Northrop learned of the remedy that had cured Mi. Atarshall in Hamilton, and the person In Lockport, h procured supply ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through Messrs. Dassett & L' Homme ttieu, M Woodward avenue, and from tha outset lound an improvement. He fnithftillj adhered to the use of the remedy until now be ia completely restored. Mr. Northrop declares that there can be no doubt as to Fink Pills being the causa of bis restoration to health, as ail other remedies and medical treatment loll him in a condition rapidly go ing from bad to worse, until at last It was declared there was no hope for him and he waa pronounced Incurable. He was in this terrible condition when ha began to ui Dr. W illiams' Pink Pills, and they have restored bim to health. Mr. Northrop was asked what was claimed for this wonderful remedy, nod replied that be understood that the proprietors elaiui it to be a blood Luilder aud nerve reitomr; supplying iu a condensed form all the ele ments necaasary to enrich the blood, restore shattered nerve an I drive out disease. It la claimed by the proprietors that Pink Pills will cure para ly sin, rheumatism, sciatica, palpitation of the h-art, headache, and all diseases peculiar to females, law of appetite, dizsineas, lseplessnesi,'losi of memory, aud ail diseases arising- from overwork, mental worry, loss of vital force, etc. "1 want to say, said Mr. Northrop, "that I don't have much faith '4 patent medicines, but I oaunot say too i-iach In favor ot Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The proprietor, hot -ever, claim that they are not a patent med icine iu the aenae in whioii that term la used, but highly acionUflo preparation, the re ault of years of careful etuly and experi ment on the part of the proprietors, and tha pilla were suooassfully used in private practice for year before being plaoed for general sals. Mr. Northrop declares that he is living ex ample that there ia nothing to equtl these pills as a cure for nerve disoasea. On inquiry the writer fouud that these pills were man ufactured by Dr. Williami" Medicine Co., Bonanectady, N. Y., aud Brackvills, Ont., and the pills are sold in boxes (never in bulk , by the hundred), at SO oenta a box, and may be had ot all drmrgiaU or direct by mail from Or. Williams' Medicine Co., from either bore addressee. The price at which these plus are sold makes a course of treatment with them comparatively Inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medioal treatment. This oase is one of the moat re markable on reoord. an I a it ia one right here in Detroit, ana not thousand mils, way, it osn be easily verlHed. Mr. North trap I very well known to the people of Detroit, and be aays he if only too glad to testify of toe marvelous good wrought In bis ease. lie aaye he consider; It hia duty to help all who are similarly afflicted by any vara as can aey in oeuau oc ute woaoonui ffiuaoj of Dr. Williams' Pink PUU. tpetaeh. Analysis thowt that while mort than balf the potaah 1 lost from tai bark, but a small Quantity of tb phosphoric acid la lost. Tanner ashes are worth considerably . mort tban leached wood asbss, and an always worth hauling away; stll) aucb ashes contain eonslderabli doUsb. ' SERVICE IN THE BIG MILL A SEASON Of WORSHIP TJNDRR Meat Peculiar Conditions. Incidents and Devrlopmsnta In the Homestead Struggle. Pumlny mnrnltiR at II o'clock Cliitplnin Clarence A. Ailnina, of the Hlxleeiitli fegl inent, delivered an Interesting tloapel talk lo the men Inaiile the Cirnegla works at llnincteml. The services were held 111 the big beiim mill. Hcrmona Imve been deliver ed in many strange phicca nnd under pecul iar conditions, but it Is a iiitinii whether a niinWiT ever before addressed a roncre giitinn under audi ronililiotia aa tboe cmi frinilliig I'unpliilti Adams. The naacnibliigo numbered about mm, ami iiirliiili d work men, wnli'limen and tin whiwc duty it Is to provide fur the aualc mine anil eonifort of (he other. Hiipi-rintctiilniit Potter nml many of his nMtniita were also Included among the IMencr. Itwii'iiti Inlere-ting iiclure In study. The bright light of 11 perlert ilny wn md softened I'V rote-tinted window nor sluid nwetl by (iotble an liea nml column", but at reiiini'd in boldly through big skylight, alMrply ilellning liir hiigh steel briuiia and girders anppiirling the big structure, and i-ieiirly lighting up the face of the men. They were inli llUenl fm-ea, the majority of them , mid pluinly rt Heeled the Miry inn emotion" that stirred them 11" they eiifneed in the service of song and prsl-e. An oreheitra rendered "Nearer My foil to Thee" a n voluntary, and llien evety on stiHid up nml anng the IIoiiiiIoil'.v ill a nay tlmt IliHile the linineni' building ring like a mounter music box. 1 hi wna followed hy Hie Lord's prayer repented In tniioii, 'Unit good old hymn. ".Mv fnitli look tip to Thee, i'lioii l.mnli of Calvary" wa then finig. and nguiu thephire reaoiimled Willi a rich, lull liarnii.ny, aucb 11 can only be prndiiiwd by the singing of n large IhhIv of men. A abort rending id the Scripture nml prayer followed bv allot her lirmn, "Stiiiul up.Vt.ind up for .lcnis, ye Hol'ilier ol the t ri," prci eeiled the sermon. A Sti MKII COM MIT IS 1MK Mil l.. Htitnlny hfterno.in the in hetra whieli bad furnished nn iieinmpnuimeiit to the singing during the religion service in the tnoriiing gnve 11 concert in the bentn mill. The oignniznlioii wna c mipooeil of nine pieivs, anil renilereil a program of sacred, eliiHial mid xipnlnr solections in a milliner that was greatly enjoyed by the men. jnd iriiig lroni the repented rounds of applause, i his Himday nfternmin concert differed from tnot entertainment Of that iinmo in that there wu no bur attachment, The concert wna in a way a atrnuge event fully as strange a the" cireuinntnuci1 surrounding the rt'ligioii exercises of the morning, and una commented mi a such by many in the crowd who vi'iled the cninp on the bill nliove nml listened to the sweet strains as they were wnfted upward on the cooling breeze. Mere, In a free country, were men prat tlcallv prisoner, guarded by the omit of over l,.viisi of the State militia, enjoying a diversion as though in some popular park. nvnniaai mkn at woiik. More men were received at the wnrka on Hutiinluy and Sunday. The number of men who were nt work Monday morning was over ism. l ive bunk hou are already built and occupied, another is about com pleted nml more w ill be built. The number of men now in the mill exceeds the lunik bouse rapacity Jnit nt present and scone have to pluce their rota in the ililli rent mill building alter work is over. The company I preparing to cure for lis new force for several month to conic, till ttii h time, ill fact, ns thev shall be recog nized liv other H'opli!iit ilomesteail and he able to buy anil sell undisturbed by anv boy cotting measure. To thia end, lit addition to the I'm new bouses to be built on the Carnegie iiilditlon oil the otbersidc of Light h uvenne, 11 number of temporary dwelling' houses will he built inside the null yurd. MIL I'ltICK ON HIS KKKT. TUT I IIMKMA1 SAT t r AMI WtLKKD Allol't st'MiAV roil sivniAi. iiot iis. Chnirman H. 0. Krlck, of the Carnegie Pticl Company, was able to ait up nml walk about Sunday lor the lirst time since hi narrow escntw fiom death by the bullet and knife of Anarchist llerkmiiu. Hi wound iu the back are entirely henled on the sur face, and cause bim littlu if any pain. The bullet won mis In bin neck are entirely heal ed. Mr. Krlck wanted to go to hi office tdlny but the physician would not Ttnit it. Mr. Knok will be out. however, tiy Thursday or Kriday. Arrangements have been made at hia home to enable the chairman to attend to considerable of li ia regular business this Week. THK DUljlTrlSNK STRIKE. The eleventh duy of the l)iiiUesue strike ended Monday witli but little change in the situation. Siipt. Morrison issued a notice to the strikers to the c fleet that the mill would be started up iu one week in nil depart ment, and that former employes who did not return to their Jobs by that time might consider themselves out of the company's service. The men amy that if non-union men ave taken to the mill there will be no trouble, a only moral suasion will be used on them. AN A KC1 1 ISTS H ELD. SAt'l R AND Mot. 11 UIVK.N A HK A It! Ml AND SENT TO JAII. TOM A COl'KT TIIIAI,. Henry llnuer and Charle Nold.tlie pair of narchist who were arrested by detective at i'ituburg, l'a lust week, were given hearing belore Police Magistrate Uripp, They were charged with ronspiracv and being uccessory before the fact to the at tempted murder o' H. C. Krick. They were held for trial at court In the sum of t-.UuU each on the first charge and committed without buil on the second information. CONGRESSMAN CRAIO DEAD. Representative From the Twenty Fourth (Pa, I Dlatriot Paaaed Away Friday Night. Alexander D. Craig, member of Con gress from the Twenty-fourth (Pa.) district, died at hit home In Clayaville, Washington county, l'a., at 9 o'clock Friday night. Tha deceased had been in delicate health for several weeks. Congressman Craig was a native of Wash ington county. During all his life be waa an active Democrat, but wu little known outside of bis own county until he was nominated for Congress against Colonel An drew Ktewurt two year ago. Mr. Craig has served in Congress since February. He was about (10 year old and but recently announ ced himself as a candidate for re-election. He wo an earnest, conscientious member of Congress, und be was held in nign esteem by all who know him. He wu especially popular iu hi own county. He leave a family. Halifax's Destitute Thousand. Tht condition of the people in the un burned section of Halifax, N. S it about as deplorable as those of the 7,000 homeless en camped on the Held. Case are reported of people In the isred district setting tire to their scanty poeaataiont in order to share In the relief distribution of food, clothing end money.. , , Idaho Itinera Locked TJp. Bout City, Ida., July 80 The 25 prisoners that were brought down from Wallace and Warduer were put In the county Jail bare to await Ute action of the Federal Court, FIR '-SECOND CONGRESS. Monpav. tn the flenale to-day, Mr. Petti prew Introduced a Joint resolution, which referred to the committee on the Quadro ceutenninl. authorizing foreign rihibltor to the World Columbian eipoaitinn to bring to thl country foreign laborer, for the purpose of preparing for nod making their exhibit. Mr. Cullom offered a con current resolution which wna agreed to granting the Indie of Washington per mission to give a reception in the cnpitol nn the l'Mb of September 1H0., to the (.rami Army of the Republic and to the Woman belief Corp. After some further un important business the Senate adjourned. In the lion", after routine business, Mr. IlriMikshire of Indians, from the committee on is-islotlliisi and postrnada, rcorted back adversely n memorial asking for nn Inve-tl- f iition relative to pneumatic postnl service 11 I'hilndelphin. l aid on the table. The House then adjourned. Tt rsmv In spite of the super heated at lnospher in the senate chntuber to day the opening debate In the presidential cnmpiiiiii took plnif. Mr. Aldrich opened it with a declaration that the tariff ipiestlon wn to become by common consent the lending is sue of that campaign. Mr. Vest took lip the r aunt let and announced It I the ileteruiinn urn of the I Vomers! ic party to make that the Issue In every lownvhlp In the Intnl. 'I be debate wn also participated In by Senator Allison, Hale and l'a liner. It lasted be tween four and live hours, and at Ita close tin' resolution on which It wna linked was Inid on the table, to be taken upagnln when Mr. Carlisle shall be ready to answer Mr. Aldrich on the point made by bim. The antl option bill wa taken up, 'but, a the lime tor adjournment wn close ai iinnu, the bill was laid over till to-morrow. The anti-option hill wna laid before the senate a the utillnisheil business, and It went over till to-morrow. The general ilellclency bill pnscil the house bulav. A bill passed to reserve from entry one section Iu each township In I'kla homn so 11 to have in reserve n body of land which nuiv be sold after Oklnhiimn I admitted an a state. The bouse also parsed a bill providing Hint 110 railroad in Okla homa or In the Indian territory shall charge more than three cents per mile for passen gers. Abo, n bill to enable the people of V 'tills to arrange for partii Ipalion in the World' fnir. Adjourned. Whinkpv. In the Sennle lo-dnv. on motion of Mr. Cullom, the senate bill to create a national highway commission and to prescribe ita dutiea was taken from the calendar nml passed. The commission Is to be created for the purpose of a general In (iiiirv into Hie condition ol highway throughout the I'nited Stall's ami the means for their Improvement, especially to the best mi'thisl of securing a proper exhibit nt the World's Columbian exposition or im proved appliances for ronilinaking. The sen ate bill to facilitate the enforcement of the immigration nml contract labor laws of the l ulled State w as taken up on motion of Mr. Chandler and alter explanation and some serhnl amendment wa passed. In the House ull the Senate amendments to the sundry livil appropriation hill were agreed to to-day except the World's Fair ii propriatlon of IfA, (100,000. Ilolman led the iilihustering against this until adjournment. A motion to cut t lie amount to f ." wna lo-t by Til to 111. A I i 1 1 a I adjournment resolu tion will be brought in to-morrow-and H10 fair matter will bu brought to n lest thereby, Titrnsinv The iinti-optimi bill was pass ed to-day In the Semite. The Senate also passed an eight-hour lnw n to public work of the I'nitl-d States nml. of the district of Columbia. The Committee on Contingent Cxpensc reported a resolution for a com mittee of seven to inquire into the Home stead trouble, including the Pinkerton ques tion; also the mining trouble in Idaho Mr. tmny objected to the present consideration of the resolution, and it wn laid over until to-morrow. Adjourned. The proceeding in the House to-dny were Intensely stupid, and Iilihustering motion on the World Knir iipproprintion prevailed nil day. The only motion now in order until the ileadliH k is broken lire for ad journment nml a call of the House. These dilatory luetic were pursued until 4 o'clock, when the House ncljourntd until to morrow. Kmi'AY. In the Senate to-dny, after Some dilliculty In obtaining a quorum ami a brief silver speech by Mr. Stewurl, Mr. Carlisle addressed the Senate on Mr. Hale s resolu tion 11s to the relative merits of "protection" and a "tariff for revenue only," and in re sponse to the speeches of Messrs. Hale and Aldrich. After a short speech by Mr. Al lison in ilctcnse ol the McKiniey mil sir. Hartley obtained Hie door. The llnle reso lution went over till to-morrow and the anti-option bill was luid belore the Senate as the "unfinished business." It wn luid aside Informally, and the President mes sage vetoing the Mcthirrnhnn claim bill wna read ami KistHiued until the second Tues day in December licit. Adjourned. In the House Kepresentative Hutch, from the commltteeoii agriculture submitted to the House, a report prepared by the commit tee on the ellect of the present land law upon agriculture. The world's Pair hill was then taken up and filibustering continu ed until adjournment. Hatihoay. In theSenate, Mr. Quay called up the resolution adopted by the house an nouncing the death of Kepresentative Crulg. At 2 -tJ It adjourned. The cbuir appointed Messrs. Cameron, Curr and (ionium to re present the Hcnnte nt Mr. Craig's funeral. In the House the World's Pair Appropria tion bill was again under consideration, aud no action wa reached when the bouse ad journed on account of the death of t'ou- gresnuuun Craig. ANARCHISTS ALONE TO BLAME for the Shooting of H. 0. Frkk. Several Arraata Made, and More to Follow The Pittsburgh (Pa.) police authorities have placed under arrest Henry Ilauer. a notorious Pittsburgh uniirchist on thecburge of complicity In the attempted murder of H. C. Krick, chairman of the Curnegie Co. by licrkman. The Pittsburgh Chief of Police, O'Marn, alio arrested Fredericb Mollich, a New York anarchist, on same charge, and brought him to Pitts burgh for trial. Johan Most, of New York, is also believed to be in plicated in the plot against Krlck, nd hi arrest i also contemplated. The Pittsburg police are active in searching an archistic headquarters for proof of complic ity in the Krlck assault, and already have secured enough evidence to fully prove that the shooting of H. C. Krlck waa the result of a deeply luid plot of the Anarchists, nd sensational development are expected. These Investigation fully prove that the Homestead striker nor the Amalgamated Association bad nothing whatever to do with the case. The anarchists on several occasion tried to interest the Homestead workmen in their methods, but every time the nun sternly refused their co-operation The !. KeeerS. The following table show the standing of the various base bull clubs: Post- Per Won. Lost, poned. Cent. Philadelphia 0.... 6 1 043 Brooklyn 0.... 6 0 U43 Cleveland 8.... 5 0 043 New York. 8.... 6 0 015 lialtimor 8.... 0 1 671 Boston 8.... 6 0 671 Cincinnati .... 6 0 671 Chicago 6.... 8 0........629 Washington 6.... 8 0 2H PitUburgh A.... 8 1 885 fit. Louis 4. ...10 1 2MI Louisville ., 3....U 0 214 No MAif can hnte hi brother with out also hntltiR God. MA11KET8. rinsm'so. TM wnoi.WAt retcn a ntTis moil OSAtN. Vtnlia AUtlPRfD. vVHRAT No. 3 Ited I M Q No. 8 lied CO COKN-Nn. 2 Yellow ear... f7 High Miied ear M Mixed enr 4H Shelled Mixed M DATS No. 1 While No. 2 While im No. White .' Mixed HII RYIC-No. I Pa A Ohio.... 711 No. 2 Westrrn J r'l.nt'H Pancy winter pat Knncy Spring patent I'nncy St might winter.... XXX linker 4 M 4 M 4 25 4 71 14 m 11 11 on 11 nn 7 M 7 r- HI on 14 (an 13 M) 14 l live I'Totir IIAY-llnleil Nn. 1 Tim'y.. Haled No. 2 Timothy..... Mixed Clover Timothy from country... THAW Wheat fist....-. Pl:i;l-No 1 W'b Md T llrown Middling Ilran (bop PAtriT-riioi'tns. Bt'TTI'.It-F.lgin Creamery Knncy Creamery I'lincy country roll Choice country roll Low grnile A conking.... tTIKKS KO New cr in mild New York (loshen ' . Wisconsin Swiss brick.. Wisconsin Hweitzer i.imhiirger 23 IH It) 12 (I 8. II 13 13 12 nu iT ami vaniTAni.ra. iPPLKS-Kiiiicv. V bid ft (10 3 tat Knir to choice, V bhl.... I) LANS Select, bu l'a itt (I llcans, V hid Lima lleiiu 0MONS Yellow danver V bid.... Yellow onion, f bid Spanish, f crate fAI'.IIAtiK. New derate... I'OTAioiX Knncy Hose per bid Choice ttoeJ!per bid ' " " lOI'l.TllV I If. DM lSKD CHICK KN8 ' 0 . ircssed duck fit' Dressed turkev fl livi; II l KI'.NS I.iveSpring chickens f) pr Live Ducks y pr Live tieese pr Live Turkev IHll E'dtS-l'n iV Uhiu fresh.... f'K.VrilWiH-:- Kxlra liveOeese tl No 1 Kxtra live geese fib Mixed 1 HO 1 m a 2 ri 2 7.1 1 .'ill 2 bu 1 2il 1 40 75 1 0M 2 2'i 2 00 2 J 20 22 15 HI 17 IB W) 70 70 Ml 70 75 13 14 10 IU Ml CO 4s) Ml 25 SO 4 5 7 75 7 H5 1 K'l 1 m 2 n 2 00 1 75 1 00 1 40 1 fiO 1 10 IT 12 15 NISI II I. A K lot a. rALLOW-Couiitry,"..... City Ji:i:ilH West Med III llo er Mammoth Clover Timothy prime Timothy choice lllue grass Orchard grass Millet lliickwheut RA'IS Country mixed ... HON KY White clover .... Iluck'.vhcet CINCINNATI. r'Lorit- IVIIKAT-No. 2 lUd K Y 10 No. 2 :tll Mixed ".ATM KtidM llll'ITKU 12 ir,i tl 20 2 M 47 M HI YA 12 li IH 20 I Illl.Alil-l.l II I A. ri.orn- uxrx&w W II KAT New No, 2. lied.. ei :'OltN-No. 2. Mixed M '.lATH-No. 2. White 7 III VITIOU Creamery Kxtra. 20 21 K(i(iS-Pii., Ki rst ...... . 17 MITlil.I. KLOCK-Pnteiits 6 00 C 00 WH KAT No, 2 Hed e'l 3 KYK Western H I'OltN-t'ngrndcd Mixed t"7 Ml DATS Mixed Western 87 IUHTI0K Creamery 15 20 Ltit.M Kate nml I'cnn 14 15 mvi-stock Hr.eoiiT. sast LinrKTY, 1'irrsiiriio stock vakd. CAT! I.C. Prime Steer - I 4 60 to 4 7.1 Kairtotiood 8 00 to 4 20 Common 8 0(1 to 3 HO Hull and dry cow lwilo Veal Calve 4 60 to 6 60 Heavy rough calve 2 60 to 3 60 Kresh cows, per bead 20 00 to 45 00 SIIKXI'. Prime 5 to 100-11. sheep. ... 4 Mo 6 25 Common 70 to 75 Bi sheep... 8 00 to 3 23 Yearling 5 10 to 5 76 Spring ,nint. 4 60 to 0 25 Philadelphia hog.. Corn Yorker 6 70 to B 00 4 Ml to 6 10 5 00 to 4 00 Hough Scrofula In the Neck. The following I from Mrs. J.W. Tillhrook.wlfa of the Mayor of McKees port, Perm.: " My little ImyWIIIIfl, now 8 years old, 2 year ago hnil a scrofula biiru-b Willi Taik.AAl. llnuer one ear wnu n I lie Willi Tlllbrook. Uo(.ir lanced and It ilis. rhurved for aoine time. We then heuan giving bilu liissl's HHrsapurilla nml the Mini healed up. Ills cure ia due In ITOQD'S SARSA PARILLA. he bus iie.er Is-i-ii very rntmst, Init now soeiim beulthy uud da.ily arrowing tronirer.'J HOOD'S PILLS do not weaken, but nid digest iuu aud toue the atoinai-h- Try tbem. &c FN U .'II 'Hi DflKILMER'S Kidney, Liver and Bladder Curt Rheumatism, Lnmbaa-o, pain In joint or back, brick dust la Urine, f reijueut calls, irritation, Intlnmntlon, gravel, ulceration or catarrh of bladder. Disordered Liver, Impaired digestion, rout, bllltous-headachiw m W A mF-Ht4T cure kidney dlWcultis, Im Uripp, urinary trouble, bright' dlswuss. Impure Blood, Scrofula, malaria. tn1 weakness or debility. Slaaraatov- Pas aoetonla of Oaa Soma. If bsy KmT llnaylaU rul ralusd lo tM. fs-ua ai4, At Dracatala, (Oc. Slaa, 1 .00 aus. vaiwsalkW OuMe Is Haaltb-rraa-Ceawastwa trad 1 Kiutas COh liiauiLAirros. N. T. . WW -P " 1Tk Vila WsasS. The fihsh of Persia has ft totmooo pine worth 1400,000. The better cms or the I'hiitDDine lsUnders smoke clears a foot lotiR. John D. Rockefeller prefers a inlld cigar, costing aliout 40 cents. (JalvlD n. Hrice smokes the iot cigar obtalnnble. He lean Incessant smoker. Cornell!!. VanoVrbllt smokes tery stronif cigars, worth about a quarter apiece. Though Jny Oould never smokes, tie Is wild to be an exrollrnt Jutlge ol a cigar, and tlio briinds lio keeps on hand to give to hlH friends are choice enough for the most captious con nolsiaetir. Last year French smokers consumed 4,(100,000 francs' worth of clgnrs, 10,. 000,000 of cigarettes, Zfl.ooo.ooo ol stiulT, and Bl.ooo.ooo of pipe tobareo. The greatest nu IT takers are old peas, ants and prlexts. The litiruH'NO nutlve delight In huge, loosely rolled cheroots, tnryltig from six to eighteen Inches In length. Among the Anglo-Indians the Trlctv Inopoly cheioot, with a straw down the middle, Is a great fnvorlte. It li made In all sl7.es, from ten luches to tan Kncllah and French Uun. Klve great Engllh warships are now declurcd to have guns which are titillt for service. These range from 110 to 07 tons. The French 75-t'in guns, however, aro salt) to be sails- fuctory. t The article," A Hetrnlt Miracle," taken from a llelniil plter, la illlte ililerestlng rimllTiK. I tells how one of the his-kniiwn inereliniiU of thai city suddenly atis nn-il nt Ida linsliiem with apimretitlv a new lease of lite, when It as supuuaed that be was a very sick uiau. (real llritiiin has :ti-',:l acre of or chards. lull's Catarrh Cure Is liquid and la taken Ititcrinili)-, nml nctn illrei-tly upim the hlissl linil nillci'iis snrrncea of the system. Semi (vr teatiuionials. Iri-e. H.1I1I liv UravuM. lrK, K.J. CHKnrvA Co., Propis., Toledo, t. A smoke-btack A packago of ci garettes. la I'aanlrr Hamlet, Far from a physician, every family ahonhl keep r. llnx-ie t'ertahi Croup (.'lire in the house. This ilisllnguished remeiiy rr lil-ava ! iinrf itlt tmrrs of 1 roup. Whisiplng Cough, llronchllls, lilptherelic Knre I'lirnal, Coughs ami Cnlils. Hi .lit hy proiniiieiit riiugKlsts. fine Manutuu turill ly A. P. lloxsi, huflalo, N. Y. In Japan the women load the veaea. A Cnmplele Sewapnper rnr line Cent. 7Vir I'iittltH ih i'hrtmtrU -Trlrlrniih Is srilil by all New Amenta nml delivered hy Carrier every where, tor Our. IVnf aeop)-or Ntr Crus a week. It contains fhtily, tlui new of the worul, rer-elvintf aa It does, the resirts of botti the Assis-iateil press mid the fulled Prss. No oilier paper which sells for rins I'rttt receives hot h of these rep irts. Its Hpnrtlnir, Kiri'ineinl, K'nHliliiri, ntul Household lii-pai-tiueata nre 1111 eipinleil. Oriler it from your New Agent. Mr. Pnrlus Waterlmuse, Clmttiui'sig, Tenn., anvs: " II cost lm! liltle li, try llriuTycrotlne, mill a trinl is nil tlmt Is necessary toconvthifi tin-tliaiht lag thi'iisftnils llmt It will tura head ache." All lrui:gists, llfl cents. lr dropsy nfter a giswl night' sleep there I liulieesiion nml stiiiiiacn disorder which Itis-chnni's fills will cure. m unf oc ecr.civrn "iili T l-a-fi s. T-iinieH. nd paints whlck (tain lliehsnils.lnuillie Iron, aiiil born nir. Tlie HIMin Hun Htere Polish Is llrllllant.fXInr- less, lliiial.ie.aiid Ilia Tianiimar ys lut Ho IIU ur Blsss sii !' Willi avrry pnri-aasa. JOHNSON'S Anodyne Liniment. 'lllUffiAll1'?1!!! m UHIUIN AT E D IN IrJIU Tnn?s or xti aluoct a csmtubi. rnn7rn axle rnHi.cn GREASE DKHT IN THE WOULD. Tta wearlnir (jusiliiei are unsurpassed, artaatlf fynilastlu ibree toses or aoyi'tner hranil. Not aaacusl T.j lii-ui. IWIJF.T Til K J:N I IMS ton HA1.K KV IiKAl.KllS OLNI KAi.LY. raaCiniUJlv W.TM.HUIS, nrwOlLIN Ua.hlnglon, . Successfully Prospcutca Claims. LatMl-rlncliJfti iLzainlnnr V 8. pmml&n Bureau. B islu las', sw, lCiutjuUii'ttUiicIuiuis, ulty siucm. 1 1 ris f s-vTrsti W. T, Pltxtrrnlil, A 1 J jiN 1 Washlnsioii. I, .'. wMMMHHa 40-iniiie bunk free. I WANT UfSrM-MUstlt tM avth fwesrl -tUn Kt i iir. MOO but tt-ar. hlara ltfr (. '. A- 1 HttMUIH. Ird at MtMakt.ro, CiMatityatL, V,rry linvt-ir. I'.rmrf fkiitilr slioulU k ( It at linmj, fi,r ttifi I'f'ii.nMtn ilU (if lift) tnhi Ut urctif to any on. It tn HdOthli.u. HfMlIntr and Pxiivtrntltiir Oim-o UMtl l vvrtYf wsihUiF Ht.I 1 vi rtu lieri l'rlcr' Vr , ni,$z. Km 11 lektrm-ulaw. fnu. 1. H. JoIINKoN A IhatrroN, Maaa. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES Sor kaaia DitT.ond Strtetlr "Heat S eeat Sll. talalasas f . ! f JOHN P. LOVKLL ARMS CO., Wlfra., Mf Waihlngtsa St., BOSTON, MASS- IT IH A IM'TY raa aw rsar elf aud tanilr la ael the Seal valaa fur rar aaaaey. Kcaua ilaa la roar fattiweur by sura rbaalna tV. I.. Uuualaa ethoe. svhteb repreaeal the beat value for arirra aaked, a Ibeusaada will lesillr. $3 tr TAKE KO Kl BslTITt'TS. 1 Aft if rtm w a nniiAi act tuAre Much aabatttutloae arw fraudat t aad auojact ta ptnaaaa AO rill W, L. UUUULAd OHQtS, iu bf Uw for ottalaiac monej vadatfalMprateaeM ( ' If oat far aala la yaar alaca eeatt 4i ran la Faciary Matter klesm. eiea mm4 width waatvA. Paaiaaa fraa. Will rarluaWa aala tm ekaa daelere aa4 aeaeralpiav ktMita waara 1 aava aa aata w rita far LaiaUtaue. w. Im UaaaiM acaAtaa Maaa OIVI9 UJVJOYO Both tlio mftliod and results svuen tyriip tif Figg is taken; it is pleasant and rorrosliiiifr to the twate, and acU penlly yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and llowels, cleanses the sys tem cfferliially, tlifpels cohls, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Pvrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stnmaeh, prompt io its action and truly heneficinl in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, ita many excellent qualities commend it to all nud have made it the moat popular remedy known. pyrtip of Figs is for sale In 60o and II bottles by nil leading drug gifts. Any rclinble druggist who may not have it on band will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. l)o not accept any lulwtitute. CALIFORNIA FIO SYRUP C01 SAN MAHCISCO, UAL. lOUMIUt. Kf. HtW rout. H.t. PN VAX 'II "German aOi 99 syrup Just a bad cold, and a hack in Z cough. We nil suffer that way some times. How to get rid of them is the Btudy. Listen " I am a Ranch man and Stork Raiser. My life ia rough and exposed. I meet all weathers in the Colorado mountains. I sometimes take colds. Often they are severe. I have used German Syrup five years for these. A few doses will cure them at any stage. The last one I had was stopped in 34 hours. It is infallible." James A. Lee, Jefferson, Col. 9 KILLER. pntrTtn! Fly K.llr ! mr Wrh. Rvnrjr ft,t wfft kill ifiifirt (if flic, aud wciiru ponr writ If juv Ml, quiet ww a you rMMl nnd lh cornf'trM of umi im tbtf moriiiriii. Uct Imtriirr'H ami (! rr bt rMttlMb FRED'S DUTCHES DRDO CO., nr. alsVari Til Ma Cm an MpflYa ana pmpm who h? weak hioor Aith ma, atoonld dn Flao'aGar for Coniampuon. It hu wr4 Uoataadi, It taaa not Injur l on. It ia ont bai lotaa. II la tbt) bat eoagh arrup. fiil4 avarrwkar. . 'TT'T--, 5 I'UflfT Use hKfMl. ar uf aid t-f 7v Jj ?m-I nal. Tli ln ireotiral rsmlryS X y i m-lt in known for Bilionanraw.X. Sf rAy OfiiiRllDntion, 'Ti-pODHU, knmlp &W)Ijtr Brwatli, H ad hit, HeamurB, txw f V of A tip' tit h, MinUJ lMpnMsifiu. r Painful UtafMtlon, i'tippUj, lfaukf - fVwiptriiou. TlrM FMltbf. ' every ymvttm tr dt-aM i-awiltina; from Ttnai Vlilfabd. rrariU)Tirc hy Mm ptomtv li. Uvr or lnttliMB xt. latrffriTi thtlr pf.nr funrtlxiii. r-rmnjft U9 'vrr-fMitiuf ai bmntHlh iklnraTARf fr.afUrrr Z.hii.l Pr1(i.(n.ll lffrip1: lbottieWr. Ad X X tin THK RIP N f :ll F. M V Ah ' .10 Kpmoa l J f T I Agrmf Waalrtli k liiHtV nrrrfal prit. HMOttMMMMMttftMOHlmH O 8 ood,TnrOTivpon. n 6Vi a toa-X r TATKsITH t I'KNsilllVsl t-sn. fnr Invimv X oi 's i. 'ilils nr Ituw 10 ohtutti n I'mnnt. i.uafu Mini i.f l'KNl( nnd HOI NT V I A U s. 'I Mil. K O'S'AKHKU WASH1XUIU.S. D.a and Cant. Su atslea enuoiaiicCunion ana eoiia Tlraa. rraira, Stsa Droa roranaa. Sisal Tubisf Adjualable 8il Ssansf to sit running aarta, including Padala. auipaniibn &adl. HIGH OKADX im livery Particular. la sUaip for ear iofcpwe llfaatraltd aalak tissa, aiaaa, wraiTCra, aueriiag weaaa, af. V. L. DOUGLAS SHOE BENTLEUEn. IHt ItS I aHUc IN THE WURLD run IHt MOXhT. A veoaliisBrwffd ah. that iHU not Hp, fls emit, auilM fmucta liir,iaj, aexlt.i, luunt tttniroibl,atrliab and durabt Umup any utbrr attua ever aoitl at ihm yiiat, iiwtU utuluu maO at.ua antlft Hanifwti flnacaJf ahoaa. Tba noat atgrlli Ijrlla f r vaa sua uurauia Mua avwr auia at toaaa prtoaa. Una lxnt rtwl ahoaaeoaktac frooa AS Ui All. W rinco V m WW wuia vy tx ms na an uivri wia want a good Leu 7 calf, threw autird, axumaion aiifw ifcaa. ra'J hi wms io, uiu wiu u uasv iwiury ut4 w rnraaa. CO 3 ftaa C'airatftdl.and Vrklacaa thmm wt l aivamorawaarft lh munajr tua aoy othsrr Mka. uty are ntaoia fur wrvkra. TUa lnoraaaluj aaiaa alww ttaat ww lutmir'U have found this out nAVQI Vaatha fl.tl Ko.aal Pbaaa mm Ww 1 w worn by tta Ua rwiiara. TU auU aarrfav aUa b(va w14 at tbaaa prlcaa LAUICO fiboM for Mkaaaa ara DiwtUof tkabaallu folaorfinacau. aa aaairiMi, Ttty ara Trw aiyiiaa, aiwa 1 of 1 Lie and durmLle. Taw $3 ahua aquala ouaaom aw4a aaaaa voauBT frum 4 tuftL Ladlaa wko WlaA n apiaa BiUa la tbt ir foot wmt ara Oadlim Uila oak 1 VA I'TIOX. bawaratii Uakianaubatitatlaathaaavlltto cut W. L. IouKa' aaa aad the nttea alaaipa4 aa aottwu