n Patlrnt with the Living. Bweet friend, when thou and I art gout lloyond e artb'a weary labor, When small shall be our need of (trace Krom comrade or from neighbor; ruri all the strife, tho loll, the ore, And iloue with nil the alghlna; What tender truth shall we bavo gained, Altai by tI in 11 ilylngT Then Dpi too clmry of (lie praise Will tell our inrritn over. And eyra loo awift our fault to too Khali ilo defect (Uncover; Then hand that would nut lift a aloud When si on el were thick to cumber Our ateep hill path will trailer (lower r A hove our pillowed similiter. Bweet frlrml, prrrhaius hotti you and I, Ere iiivc la past forgiving, tShmild take the earnest leMon homo He patient with the llvlngl Today's repressed rebuke may sava Our blinding liars tomorrow; Tin-it patience r'i'ii when keetict edc Jfay whet a iininrlesi aurrow. 'Tla e;iy In he gentle when lleath slleniT shnmca our clamor, And easy todlsccrn the best Through meuiory'a mystic glamour; But wise It were for thee and me, Kre love in p.i-t forgiving. To tnke the tender lesson home lie patient with thu living! v i loud I'liei-r. A BOX OF CHOCOLATES. BY IIKI.KN KOItltKIT (lltWIH. I "Why," cricil Klcnnor (joodo, "It's xifei t paliioo?'' "Isn't It?" tvhood Mirinm Kaason. "I wish, doni', 1 could ask you to atny nil spnnd tho day, Imt I dura not; I'm too miidi of a stranger liaro to take nny liberties." "Oil, I ahnulilu't oxpoot Itt" nutit Klcaiiol, looking mound al tho doco. raloil ceilings, palo blua nil k drapurios end lovoly bits of Inndscnpo on tho walls. "I know exactly how you'ro itu.ktod, Milly. Hut can't yon como hopping with mo? Hob lint given Bio ft five-dollar-hill to buy a nun gown with, nml thoro aro toiiia of (ho ewcotoat old-bluo ginghams ut Tuck & Kipp's." Alias Knaaoti nhook licr homl. 'Impossible!" anhl alio. "You aco tho family hnvo gopo to Harrington to ft fnnoinl, nml I nut loft In charge. And you don't know," aha nddud with comical lltilo pursing up of Iho lips, "how afraid I mil of Mrs. Yorkos, tlio housekeeper, or how my Iiourl bcnla wvheu I fool myself ooulpotlod to gtvo d order to Iho billion" "I w!h 1 wero you I" crlod Elcan. or. "It would bo audi fun I ' 'Ono l.unlly know," airbed Mir lam, "whothcr one i a lady or a nor want I" -'Oil, thero can't bo much doubt of that J" tnid Klcnnor. "Look at your melt in tho miiToi-, '.dear. Wouldn't you any that you balitld a princess lit dltguiic?" 'Nonsoiiio! Hut at least lot mo got you glan of cool wut or, Noll; you Jook to iluahcd with your long walk." She slipped away, while Klennor bogullcd tho timo of her absence by a longlhanod turvcy of liorsolf In the mirror. Yea, it wa no unsatisfactory view - dimpled, rosy young Venus, with sparkling hazel oyes, rod lips and a complexion of purest pink and wliito. And then Uood giuclous! ono of tho ribbon loops of hor airy sutnntor dross had como looso. 8ho looked frantically around for a plu to ropuir damages; but no pin was to bo soon. "They'ro In tho bureau drawer," aid . she to liorsolf. "Milly always was too distressingly neat for any thing. Oh, hero they are I" grasping at ft paper of pins. "And hero, too bh, tho dollcious llttlo glutton 1 hero's box of chocolate caramols, tied with pink ribbon. I'll tench her to hide her sweeties away from met How ho will staio when she Hilda them gone!" It was tho act of a moment to whlak tho bonbon box into hor II tt Id shop ping-bag, and nppoar deeply absorbed to repairing tho dumagos to hor ward robe, when Miss Cation came in. bringing a gluts of wator And some faucy crackors, on a small Japanese tray By the timo she roached the famous emporium of Mesrs. Tuck & Mpp the "bargains" In old-blue Jgitiglmma trero gone, and nothing romained "lit to be seen" at any price to which she could venture to aiplro, aud so she bo' took bertelf sorrowfully to the protty Hat which sbo callod home. Aud none too soon ; for a telegram waited her there, announcing that her mother, iu Orange County, was vary ill, and It was necessary for her to go thither at one. At tbo end of two woeks alia brought ber inothor borne, uearly re covered Little Sarah, the youngest sister, re ceived ber joyfully, It's been so lonesome without you, Veil." said (be. "I've kept bouse beautifully, only Uiddy has scorched the oatmeal every morning and tho oolToe hain't tasted Just right, and Hob has hoe a to buay ho couldn't flud time to go walking with me." "Husyl" satirically echood Kloanor. "Ob, but ho really wail lie's got a roal earns, Hob haa; and it's awful lulm-ostlug, loo. The Judge aaaignnd It to him bocauie tho defoiidiktil I think that's thn proper law phraao,'' with A pretty llttlo wrinkling of Iho eyobrowa "hadn't any mnnna to pro vldo ono for lioraolf. And alio'a ever so protty, Hob aaya, ami bo's qttllo aura alio lau't guilty ; and wouldn't It bo strnngo," noaillug hor curly head ny ilnit hor inothor'a ahoubler, "If Hob ahotild fall In lova with Ills llrat clicuil ?" Kloanor looked ilialrnaaml. Motbor," aabl alio, "didn't I toll you what would como of your allow, lug Small lo rond ao many novnta? In love, Indeed! Moat likely tho woman la nil advonturoaa." "All tho sumo," pora!a(od Sarah, "Hob says it's a vary interos Ing rao, and it's iu all the papers headed, 'llio (Sreat Iliiiiiiond U tlibery.' " "Tho i bild haa bean reading thnao horrid daily papera, tool" groaned Klcanor. "And It haa advortiaad Hob mora Ihnii a doznn ordinary titlo caaea, or breiiuhoa of contraol, or lluil aort of thing," inaiidud S.irah. "Ilo says so h I lined f." "Wei!, I declare!" said Mia. Ooodo, who ahared tho romantic proclivit.ioa of hor young dnughtor. "A dltiuioud robbery and a beautiful girl! Of couna aha didn't do it." "Oli," cried Kioanor,' Impatiently, slnmplng her fool, "how inipractica- bio you all nro! Why shoublu't aha bo guilty if Can't a pretty girl bo wirkod us well aa a plain ono? Aa If looks mittlerodt Hut all thn aamo, I'm glad Hob has had a good opening in tho courta. And now, inumma, vou must hnvo a cup of tea, aud lia down awbllo boforo dldiior." "I'd wnger my existence;," suld Mr Iloborl Ooode, inaklug a doaperato at tack on tho cold ham and radishos that garnished tho breakfast tablo, "that aho'k innocent. Only, lie to cotnea up this qucation: Wlioro are tlio Jew els?" "Yes," said Kloanor, Innreduloualy, "that's tho very question where are the jowela? How you man nro uiz r.Iod by a pair of bright oves!" Mr. (ioodo had given Ills aister a long account of the legul tangle, coin nlicatimr It still further by loamed technicalities aud a cnaauluas repeti tion of my client," "tlio defendant" and "tho complainant," to all of which lo had givon but a half nttmi tlon. and at tho ond of tho meal alio rose liurriudly. "I'll go out for a liltlo," said alio "I want to soo a dear friend of inino, who must think I'm r.ojrloctiug bor shockingly." And iu the soft July suuaot sho went to the big house on Fifty-aev entli street, and timidly pressing (lie oloclrio button, inquired for Miss Kasaon. Tho tall butlor froze bar with glance. "Ain't boon 'ere for a long time," said ho, and shut tho door uuceio munlously in hor faca. Aud sho returned homo iu great aiimzemoiit. . In hor absence Mr. Robert Goodo had boon "turning the place upsldo down," as llttlo Sarah expressed It, in soaruh of a bag to cirry his papers in. "Tho lock of mine It out of ordor," said ho, "and I ciu't got it back until Wednesday, Any ono of your bags will do. Nonsense! Dj you think I want a Saratoga trunk?" as Sarah pro duced hor mothor's travelling case "Or a doll baby's satchel?" as she reached down her own from the top shelf. "Is this all you have got?" "There's Nell's shopping bag," said tho little girl. "It's littler than moth' er's and bigger than mine." "(Jet it then quick! there's a dear llttlo dot! Oil, don't stop to dust it! "Hut I must," plead tho housewifely little thing. "It was on top of the wardrobe, wlioro Nell put It before sho went to Orango county to brother home. And its aw-fully dusty I Aud I think there'f something in it, too." She was fumbling at the catch when Robert caught it from her. "Pshaw!" said he, impatldutly. "A box of candy I" Ilo tore the pink ribbon kuot ftp'jgt, tbe lid droppod off, aud llttlo Saruh, standing on tiptoe to look into the bag, stepped back with a shriok. Something from the Insido seemed to flash up iuto tbeir eyes like iraprls onod Are. At the same time Eleanor came Into tbe room, flinging her bat and aoarf wearily down "So," orlod Robert, looking up with faoo whloli would have furulshod study to any physiognomist, "roa are tho one who stole the Orafton dia monds!" "If The Grafton diamonds?" What do you mean, Hob? Have you gono ory?" gasped Eleanor. Whoro did you got thoie jowola? What aro you lotnir In my room?" "We found tho diamonds horo In a box In your leather bug," said her brother. "The diamond iioeklaen for Iho thnfl of which poor Mias Kaason Is on tilall" "Miaa Kaason ! You never mean that it Is Miriam Kmson my frlond, Miriam." "Didn't I toll rou so thievery day?" ried (ioodc. You uevor inonllonoil hor nntno nt till. You kept aavinif my 'lillent' tlio defendant.' Hut, oh Hob, I know It all now! I was tliero at tho big houao on Fifty-seventh street, tbo day boforo I wont lo Orange-County for mollier. I was In Miriam's room, and I opennd her bureau drawer to Hud a plu, ami I thought It would bo a Joko to take her box of candy away. I never opened it. I never dreamed what was in it, and whan I got homo and found tho telegram from Aunt Iviiirii, I Juit Hung thn bag down and thought no moro of tho wholo thing. Oh, poor, poor, darling Millyl Hut how ramo tlio diamonds In Imr possess- on?" "Iion't you know? Hut liow should you?" said Mr. Ooode. "Tho neck. I aco was put in hor special charge to bo delivered to tho Jewelur who was lo call for it At tin oo o'clock. And when bo callod, it was gone. Hut It's all rMit now. Great H.:oUl Nell! who would aupposa that you woro the thief?" ICleauor mado a hystorie grasp at her brother's arm. "Will they arrest ma, Hob?" stam mered alio. "Will they put mo in prison? Hut I don't euro, so long as Milly it no longer unjustly suspected. Yes, I am a thiaf t Hut but I didn't know it. And I nevor meant it!" And alio burst Into a storm of minglod tears and laughter. v Tliero was a rather unusual scone in court that day whun thu nuckluco itself was proseuted in ovidoiioo before the legal luminaries. The complaint was withdrawn, the prisoner was honorubly discharged. Tho composed and aristocratic Mrs. Gonorul Grafton was greatly moved, and mudo many uiiologlos to Miss Kaason for the poaitlon alio had tiikon. Tho nowapapor reporters got a great many "points" for tho evening editions, ami Mr. Goodo, the "rising young lawyer," left court, with Miss Kasion loaning on his arm, amid a tompeat of npplamo. "Lucky dog, - that!" said his com peers. "After this his furtuuo Is mudo!" "AuJ all bocauso of my foolish lit. tlo practical Joke," said Kloanor. "After this, I uevor shall want to look at a chocoluto agaiu. Hut, Milly. darling, why didn't you to send to mo iu your trouble?" "Could I boar to have my doarost frlond kuow that I wut suspoctod of theft?" sighed Miriam. "Aud wliou I knew the name of tho oouuiel as signed to mo by tho court, my lips wore more tightly soalod than over. Oh, Nell, bo bus boon so good so noble! Ho has uevor doubtod me for a inomont, even whou uppcarauces were most against mo! No, I shall not go back to Mrs. tiruftou's, al though sho has beggod uie to do so." "You will como borne with me," said Kleauor, caresslugly. "Yos, you must you ahall!" "I will stay with you," she said, "uutil I got anothor situation." But she nover took another situ ation. Auy one could have guessed tho outcjiuo of It all. Even little Sarah guotsed it, whou she said: "I do believe that our Bob has falleu iu love with Miss Kassou!" I'ngranuiiatical, Dut to the Folnt. There are strango chambermaids at Shopbord's Hotel in Cairo, Egypt. A lady doctarod that the oue who waited ou bor room and attended to all tbe duties of the calling, ovou to making the beds, was a Frenchman, dressed as if for a dinner party, with white waistcoat and dressooat, and having the air of a reflnod and educated gen tleman. It was really embarasslug to aoiept bis services iu such a capacity, Oue lady, ou arriving at tbe hotel, rang for tho chambermaid, aud this goutleman pretontod himself. Sup posing biui to be tbe proprietor at tho very least, she (aid: "I wish to see tbe chambermaid." "Madame," eald he, politely, in the very best English be ejuld muter. -Madame, she am II" roil FAB A 3D UARDE. COVKMHfl POTATO PI.ANTt. , Tho praotlce of going through the potato Hold at soon as the plants are fairly up, and throwing ft ridge of soil ovor the row, lias Itt dlaadvan tngns If wot weather follows. On hoary land the potato loaves are apt to bo muddled, aud this obstruction is apparently often Iho Inciting canto of blight and rot. Cultivate, if you will, bofore the plants ore up ovor tho wholo surface, but nflor potato rows ran bo seen, bntwoeu tho rows la tho propor plauo to cultivate Hoston Cultivator. To MANAoKita ok aiir.Ki1 am auinus. If thoso who manage shcep-shearlng festivals would Inaugurate tyatatnt of doing up wool properly It might bo a real bonellt to wool-growers. Tho great neod of practical Information And reforms on this subject should tuggost Illustrations on skirting fleocos and Iho fairest munagomnut of wools. In this latitudo shearing comos only once a year and Is burrlad'y dono. Hesldot, nobody practices thoso methods nor Is tho thing duly re garded. Let this be a foature of pub lic s!ioariugt ami It will bo uioful to others. r A moricati Farmer. TIIlT I f THK I AIIM. Iii traveling through the country, when a tidy-looking farm it paatad, with fauces in good ordor, buildings looking neat and trim, treot trimmed and clean, wa know thu resident Is a porson who takes pi ldo nud Intoreat in bis farming, and dial it pays him to dolt. It takes but a few days each year to keep tin brush cut away from tho fences, lo nail up aboard bore and there that may hnvo become loosened, to keep the fences up straight, with no weak placot to tempt stock to press through Into tho owner's or neighbors' Hold of grain or grass, to put tho Im plements iindor shelter when not Iu tio, to pick up boards lying about tho burn und houso, to trim tho fruit trees und cut out all dead or dying brauuhos, to mow Iho lawn at least once each yoar, to arrange ull gates to that they will freely awing on their hinges, to have a well-kept garden, a good sup ply of smull fruit, tlio pump In good working ordor, a good supply of dry wood iindor shelter, to kcop tho road tides mowed and bushes cut down, to kaop tbo outlet of cxpenaivo under drains opou, to clean out all opnn ditchoa, to look after tho stock fro quoutly. All thoso things lako but a littlo time and they Increase tbo cash value of the farm. If you havo in the past neglected those things, resolve that you will reform, and that strsngcrs in passing your door inny at least men tally say, "A good farmer resides tliero!" Possibly It will not allow as many lolsuro hours at the corner gro cory, but othora will lako your place there, and you are adding to the worth of your earthly possessions, and to your standing as a mau. American Agriculturist. TO IMIMIOVE A MAltSt!. A marsh field, such as tbo bottom of an old millpond on the bordora of stream, requires first, as a preparation for a meadow, to bo thoroughly drained. Good grass will not grow ou wet land that is sour from long flooding with water. Wbon the laud has boon drained cither by sufflciont opon ditches or by covotod drains mado of stones or tiles, it will then require thorough plowing and ft lib eral dressing of liino, at least forty bushels to tho aero. The land Is then well harrowed and sown. The kluds of grass mott suitable for such laud aro timothy, red top, fowl nioadow, aud alsike clover. Six pounds of the first and ten pound of each of the others will be the proper quantity of seed per acre. The sprouts should be thoroughly grubbed out, as if loft they wilt Interfere more with the cut ting of tho grass than would pay for the work of their extermination. It will not pay to half do a job of this kind. New York Times. DRAUUIIT HOUSES FOR FARMERS. In all the European couutries tbe draught borse is the farm borse known as the agricultural borse or curt borse. Bell's Messeuger gives tbe following: Tbe draught borse is the best borse for the farmer for several reasons. 1 He does the work on the farm most satisfactorily and with less expense and worry. S. Ho tells for a higher average price than any othor breed. and toll more readily. The farmer cau always find ready sale for a good sized and woll put up draught horse or colt. 3. It cost less to raise and get him ready for market. The ser vice fee, aa rule, la less. It costs leu and takee lest time to break and got hi in ready for market. Tin draught bone will pay for hli keep after he Is two yean old, and by the lime be Is old enough for the city mar. kot he Is fully broken aud the farmor lias lost no timo, but Ins been going right along doing his work with team that had bean growing Into money, and will tell at a bettor profit and more readily than a toain of auy other breod uudor tbo sun. , stR ok nr.p.mvM. Opinions UIITor a to tho size of bee hives, says the Now Y'ork World, though It Is vary generally agreed that before clover harvest it Is desir able to have plonty of room for tho qitoon to lay all aha can, so there may bo a strong force for tho main har vest, and tlinro aro queens that need all of the ten frames. Hut whou the tinin of main storing begins there aro inaiiy of our 'best beckoepors who want tho brood-nest contracted to ft good deal smallor apace. They say that ten frames nro tnoro than It noeded for a brood-nasi, and so a largo apace moroly gives room for the boet to store there the nice, white honoy that ought to go Into tbo tur. plus apartment. )r. Millor, lo whom tho foregoing theory sonms reason able, says In tho National .Stockman l "1 prallcod contraction to a rail leal extent, reducing Iho brood-cbumber from ton Langstroth frames down lo eight, six, five and less. I am obliged to say that I could not loll for certniu whether I gained anything by such contraction. I think I got just at largo erupt with ten framut iu tho brood chamber, but then there are so many things to bo coiiHjdorod, Iho different seasons among others, Hint It Is bard to be certain. Try It for yourself. By moans of a division-board you can contract down to any number of framos you choose, and uao tho same supers above. At prosent I use eight frames all tho year around, but I do not know whothor It it best.". AN AI'I'I.K OIK IIAIII). Home vuluublo suggestions mado by Professor Lnzonby at an Ohio llortl cultural mooting were at follows: Never plant dcepor than the tree stood In tho nursery row. Never omit applying a mulch to young trees if thoro Is tho slightest danger of drouth. Nevor forget that low, stout (not stunted) tices are preferable to tali, slander ones. Nover forget that a hardy, vigorous, productive varioty, of medium quality, It infinitely more desirable than a faoble-growlng, thy-bearlng varioty of much bailor quality. Never buy a largo number of vo- rietlct for a strictly commorclal or chard. This it a common and tnrioiit mistake. Five varieties are usually too many ; three aro bettor, and a tlnglo ono may prove to bo the best of all. i-Ji Nevor fail to have a succession of apples for home use. For this pur pose ft fow trees each of somewhat larger list of varieties may bo se lected. FAHM AND OAltKKV K0TK5. ' Japanese pinks are popular gardon plants. The doublo varieties of portu!aca look like tiny roses. --" The star phlox makes a brave show iu the flower garden. - - " It is claimed for the honey straw berry that it is ft good all-purpose berry. 'rc - Under average conditions It requires nearly three months for a ben to moult. "Tf.y In nearly all caies fowls that are confined will fatten faster than if given a free range. Always keep a good ben as long at she is profitable, and soli a poor oue as soon at pottible. There is nothing pays better than neatness. Wash the eggs and have them clean before marketing. Columbus is the name selected for a promising new American seedling gooseberry of the English type. So far as it is possible arnnge the poultry-house with two rooms, one for the roosts aud the other for the nests. The profits are all the greater when the exponsut are low. Keep down by not keeping or feeding unprofitable fowls. One advantage is given a good varioty of food to poultry Is that it materially leuens the necessity for giving stimulants. - If hogs are put suddenly on green corn, after having had poor feed all summer, It may prove too much for them. This it the sort of "cholera" with which tonus men's hogt are troubled svory autumn. : "-- BREAKING UP OF THE CAMP. SOLD'MS LEAVING HOMESTEAD. 8 Realmanta, Battery B and htrldaa Troop Remain, Mr. Frlok t Condition. Oaneral Strike Maws. The lame fore of troopt that has leen 1 maintained at llouieateml, I'a , dnrlnil the past two weeks, Is baluR rapidly reduced. Following the departure of the Kitfhth Itciilmenl and Ilia riilladelphia I'lty Troop on Tuesday afternoon, tho Fourteenth willed haa lit en etiratned at Camp f'.oivlny, on the hilltop aeroaa the river from Home stead, forming a part t the provisional brixade, broke ramp Wednosday, and by noon all Unit was left (o mark its presoncs , was a well trimiied apace of ground and a ainoiildorlnx heap of straw and othor ( amp Itihhldi, from which there rote up atr.tlilit In the heated nir of another aultry day a liuith column of white smoke that hunf over the river like an omen of ponco. While the Fourteenth was striking it tents and prepsroiK to move, orders wer is.ud from division he olipiarters for the withdrawal of thn Thini-ciitli end the liovcrnor's troop. The nmn yelled and shou'e I, and other men envie I thorn their fKd link. orum uroiMr.sTs onnrncn to Irwa. Wlnlo the Thirteenth -m leaving, ramp final orders were sent out from dlvleoii liesd'piarti'rs. These orders provided f r the wiidiiiK home on Thursday of the Fourth reiriiiieiit mid Itatlery I,', of the pro visional hriad'. commanded by Colonel Hawkins. hotvi,l now return lo tho com mand of his own regiment, tho Tenth, and alo the sendina: home of the Ninth and Itvollih retriiiiont. which have lieen ipinr lereil nt 'amp lllsck. Those orders clour not ii 1 1 the trH)rs oaropt those lielonnllitf to the Hecoinl llrl.Mdo, nml with this reduction of lnrcis the divi-ioit headquarters will hfl di-coiitinuod and the e mtrol of tho camp pass into the hand of lieneral Wiley. Tile moor imn wn.i. Humi. With the Kixliteeiith and Tenth or lererl home the forces on the tfroun I will consist of Hi" Fifth, Fifteenth and Hixtoentli regi ments. Mattery It and Hhor dan Troop, Thn Infan'rv nien'will Ui necled for provtrit Kuurd d'ltv, in rav of a row, th probability of which is now so remote that it cannot Imi discovered, though the military commanders ilein it hc-t to no ou the sa'e side, those latlin4 of the lljittery would ho wanted. Miii.r.il Snow leu i ,tiiie an admirer of the i-ivalrv firm of thn service; heiire it it that Sheridan troon is hlt on the ground. 'I he three Pa!iiiiotils nam-I. the Mattery and Shi'ridan Troop ii'reiiie aleiut l..il men. end with (ieocnl Wiliv In command will form tt verv neat brigade and ono that ran tie i ottuled ou for any service. Just how InuK those troops will remain is not yet de- tunuiiied. AOAIV NO KKTTI.KMKNT. A I'liiK-drawn-'Kir conference on the Iron S', i lew. is held Wedm d iy At I'ittstturtfii. I'a.. Ix-tweeii iron niniu ucttirers and Otti lia, s of the Amalgam Hod Association. Tlio meeting lontinued without interruption from o'c.I'M'k In the attertnein until I') n clock at highland nothing was acotu plKlic'j. The conference wut continue J. Tin: offii:ksTi:a i!ii:r. rine the ntiempted ii'siisslnation of If. O. Frn k the ll'i.scy building. Fifth avenue, I'lttshurg. where the ' urneie o:tiei are hti ated, have hen guarded by ieoral special olllcers. A private detect ive is con stant.lv on tmird during ttie day time at thn hairrnan s otln e. is:tors ir not Known are carefully scru'ltuzed. The placing of the social officers is -aid to be iner-ly a precmt onarv measure us there are no leara ot attempts on the lives of too company oHIualj. THK MKN l:Ut OFF. INIltt TIOM4 t,r A I.O.VO SlltT-IKlWN Of TIIS RKIVKIt KMI.S MII.IH. All the salaried men. sued as bosaee, rlerks and other employes of thef 'arnegie Ktcol Company in llcaver Falls. I'a.. ut whom uiouev was due. were paid off in full Thursday. Hupemiteiident U'riglev states that the company will make no effort to tart the works soon, nnd the inditution beurout his assertion. The strikers main tain that same hoietf jl view that they hud on the first day of the strike, and are ap parently as firm a ever. The o!T':ts of the ilmt-down of the mills here is heuij fell al ready in many lines of business. can kt tiTfTmon K V. HOMESTEAD WOKKMF. TOt.ll TO WITIIDBAW Til KI II IlKPOHITS. The Carnegie .Steel Company sent the fol lowing notice to those of its discbsrgxl Homestead workmen who have not ((one back to work in the mill : "Tiik (,'akmkoik Htkkl Co., I.im., lirNKRif. Orn r.s. r PiTTsm iioii, I'a., July Z!, rl. I 'DkarHik: As provided in the agreement covering the srweial deposit of money made by you with Carnegie. I'hips it Co., I. mut ed, you are now hereby notitieil that hav ing left the employ of this company, you are no longer entitled to receive interest on said depoeit. "Interest 'eaes at this dat. and the prin. eipal will be paid you on demand at the gnerai omnes, or on oim oay wmtcu uv tice sent in from the workn. "Hy order of the board of managers, TiiaC'ABNKuir .Srrr.!. Com., I.im., "H. C. Fiiick, Chairman." MORE STRIKERS ARRESTED far Wilfull Murder and Aggravate Riot. Constable Morris, of Alderman Mc Mas ter's ottic?, 'Pittsburgh) was In Homestead Thursday with warrants for 30 men. wlifl are charged by Secretary V. T. F. I-oveJoy, of the Carnegie Company, with asravato-i riot. Tbe constable arrested six men, all of whom were brought to Pittsburgh. Tue men were all released on i0; bail being furnished In each case. Tho rest of the warrants will be served just as soon as tbe men can be found. Dut few, if any, are In hidinn, but they aro not throwing them !ir in the wav of the constable, prefer ring to let him earn his fee. Uail will be forthcoming In each case, excepting where proof of first decree murder is established. CBITCIItOW KKri'SKD BAIL. Bviirester Critiihlow. one of tht Home. ttead striken, who is charged with murder before Alderman McMasten, walked Into tbe Alderman's oilice aud gave himself up. U was reman led to iail at I'ittsburz without bail, to await trial at the September term of court on tbe charge of murder. Crttch low is the tint of thu Homestead men for whom the court haa reftued to take bail. Judge Mattee said: Tbisca.se is a verv different case from 0' Donneifs case. Here you have a man with a gun. who stood behind a barricails and tired his gun and a man Is killed in front of tbe barricade. I mink I did no harm in permitting U' Donned and Knaa to fo ou ball. It haa taught mem a lesion, lere is a case where lam very much dis inclined lo take bail. When you get men with guns on their shoulders, shooting from ba'it.'adesand men are killed, it cornea close to murder in the first degree. Mr. O DonneU's policy alt the lime was for peace. This man's caea was all the time for war and bloodshed. Any man who stood by and saw tbe men shoot and did not try 0 atop it is equally guilty.