The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 03, 1892, Image 4

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    ftt &tav.
Suburriptinn fl.M prr year, in nrfiiinrr.
An hn)i),mlciit Iih-hI lmpcr, pulilHird every
WiHliirwIiiy nt Kcynnlilsvlllt', .li'lTcmon Co.,
Ph.. ili'vntcd to the Interests of Kryniiltlsvllln
BiKl.Ii-ircrwitx'nunty. Nmi-nolltlciil, will trvnt.
nil with f iilrnvw, mid will he xiwliilly f rlr-nd-ly
townrdK the InlKirlim cIhiw.
KiihM'rlitlon price II. (Ml iff jreitr.ln nilvmice,
Conimunli'Htlonn Inlendeii for imhllcntlon
must, Iw Bccomimnli'il hy the writer' name,
not for ptihlli'iiUon, hut na n minrntitee of
Hcxxl fill tl. Interentlim new Itenw willrlteil.
AilvertlKlng rtitex mmle known on hiiIIi -tlon
Bt . thnnfHev In Arnolds' Blin'k.
l.ciinlily romniunlciitlonH mill rhnnRfl of
trtvertlwnientu kIioiiIiI renrh this nfhVe hy
Momlny noon. . .
Aililrt'M nil rommunli'Btloim to ('. A. fleph
nmin, HeynolilKvllle. I'n.
Kiilnntl at the postnllli'K nt Keynol(lvllle,
Pa., ns weoiid cIiikm mull mutter.
C. A., Editor and Vnb.
There are blt'sslngs In adversllli' If
wo but look for them. Adllctlon often
brings out strength of elmrnrtor novor
before iimn. "Thoro must bo nmmontx
of sadness to act an tho shading to the
picture, which they oompleto with
their contrast."
A word, or the want of a word, I a
little thing; hut Into the momentary
wound or m ho nnulo or left throng
circumstances: these thrust wider and
wider asunder, till the whole round
bulk of the world may He between two
lives. Whitney.
TheCity Council of Sioux Falls, S. D.,
have decided to open nix municipal
saloons. Deer will be sold for Ave cents
and whiskey for 2ft a gloss, to dis
courage the consumption of the latter.
There will not be much discouragement
In that when the drinker has "the
The Islands in rivers between states
usually belongs to one stuto or the other,
and are thus included in the state's juris
diction. If not, they are under the laws
of the United States. Rivers within tho
limits of any HtatcB are within the
jurisdiction of the state, and crimes
committed on them are punished by the
state. The phrase, "high seas," includes
the entire open sea, the highway of all
Education is the true liberator. As
the brain of man expnnds his shackles
full. Ignorance has more power to
hold the spirit of man in bondage than
prison walls and links of steel. Know
ledge sets us five. It emancipates us
from the grovelling terroi-s of supersti
tion. It banishes the ghosts and golv
lins from the dark caves of Intellectual
night. It lifts tho mind abovo the
aottishness of beastly sensuality, and
teaches self-respect. Knowledge Is the
true panacea for the ills of life. It Is
the Elixer Vltw and the Philosopher's
Stone. Therefore, oh syboritic Bon of
Adam, with all your getting, get
wisdom. Punxsutawney fyririt.
Judge Oates, chairman of the Home
stead Investigating committee, says
congress is not vested with powor to
Interfere with individual rights and
that the employer and employees must
settle the Homostead question them
selves. This has been a sensational and
expensive strike, having already cost
1,000.000. The lodges of tho Amalga
mated association of tho wostern district
are now voting on the question of
accepting the proKltion to arbitrate,
made by the iron manufacturers, which
is being awaited with great interest.
A number of lodges have voted on the
proposition, but nothing will bo mode
public by the association on the way the
votes are cast until all are In.
Two buildings are going up. Behind
one is a plan, carefully thought out,
perseveringly executed. What a splen
did structure result! The other follows,
not a thoughtful plan, only an lndiflnlte
purpose. The builder continues to put
together beams and joists and boards.
He persistently runs his saw, shoves
Ills plane, and pounds with his hammer.
He has something of a building to Bhow
for his pains. What a difference,
though, between it and the other build
ing! What makes tho difference?
Brains, thought, a plan. What kind
of a character are you building, young
man? How are you preparing for the
active duties of life? Are you building
in a hap-hazard way, or have you your
plans all laid and building a character
that will not only be substantial, but
also beautiful.
The Republican Conference of the
Senatorial district composed of Indiana
and Jefferson counties, convened at
Marlon Centre, July 12th, and after
taking forty ballots without a choice,
adjourned to met at the American Hotel,
Brookville, on Tuesday, July 20th.
The convention met at Brookville
Tuesday of last week and up to noon on
Friday no nomination had been made,
the Indiana conferees refused to adjourn
for an afternoon session and then
picked up their hats and walked out and
took the noon train for home. The
Conference met at 9 o'clock Saturday
morning and unanimously nominated
James G. Mitchell, of Jefferson county,
as the Republican candidate for the 37th
; senatorial district of Pennsylvania.
How Indiana will take to the nomination
' will be made known when they are heard
from. It is but justice that Jefferson
.. county have the nominee this time.
itl ....... v.urt u.m
one candidate on the ticket.
Wo hear a groat dent nowadays about
the management of husbands, and the
matter Is discussed as If.llke enilmlinlng
the dead, it was one of the lost arts,
writes Edward W. Bok in "At Homo
With the Editor" in tho August LnrfW
Home Jimrnnl. But I notice that the
women who are agitating the question
are not the gentlewomen of this country.
No, my positive friend, you who will
rise at this and say that these other
women are under the subject of their
husband and nre afraid to sjicak. This
Is not so. These women have found a
warm and tender plaice In tho heart of
their mankind. They have found the
secret of "managing a husband," and
you have not. Prate all you like,
agitate all you wish at cluhmcctlng and
nt women's gathering, but the secret
will not thus be found. The place to
learn how to manage a husband Is not
at the meeting of your club, but In
your home, at the side of your husband
and with your children. "That's the
old-fashioned Idea," said a punitive
woman contemptuously to me the other
day. Yes, thank Clod it Is, iny friend,
and it would lie belter for the happiness
of hundreds of women lo-day if they
would 1x a little more old-fashioned in
this resiiect.
Joshua Ilateson returned homo on
Thursday after a ten days' absence.
John Ditch and (1. W. Mohney, who
have been on tho sick list, are improv
ing slowly.
A. T. Smitten, of DuBols, spent Sun
day In town the guest of our postmaster,
John Smith.
Geo. Hughes attended, as a delegate,
the Labor and Alliance Convention In
Punxsutawney on Friday.
Rev. Hcbcrt Dyke has closed his
school and we understand will go to
Find ley, Ohio, to attend the college at
that place.
Patrick McCloskcy smiles. Its a girl.
He says that he cannot call it Grovcr,
but nothing In tho constitution pro
hibits him from calling it Frank lo.
We feel constrained to call the atten
tion of some of our business houses, that
are kept oien on Sunday and also to the
young and middle aged men who spend
the Sundays under tho shade trees play
ing "ienny Hker," to tho fourth Com
mandment of tho Lord.
John Rutter and Archie Lylo, who
accompanied Win. Lylo to tho coal
fields of Manitoba, returned homo on
Friday. They aro not very deeply Im
pressed with tho advantages of that
country for the mining business. They
found tho free click system in vough
(with tho pick, shovel and whool-bar-row).
A Camp of the Daughters of America
is about to be organized in town with
about forty mombcrs to start with. Dis
trict President Jap Mclntlre, of tho P.
O. S. of P., who is tho organizer, at
tended a preliminary mooting on Sat
urday night in Kallfol's hall to perfect
the organization. Jap is a hustler from
away back, and is purely American.
Tho ico creaut festival for tho benefit
of the M. E. church on Monday eve
ning, the 25th ult., was a financial suc
cess. On account of somo disappoint
mcnt and neglect on tho part of tho
committee thei-e was no speech making.
Speakers whom they extracted could
not attend, and if they had tho com
mittee had no building engaged to
speak in. Of course it would not do to
go in the church, but they might have
secured the uso of the Company's mulo
barn on the occasion.
For Rent Two store rooms 20x80
feet opposite Hotel' Belnap. Enquire
of J. H. Corbett.
Buy Robinson's miners' shoo at $1.2.1.
Can't be beat.
List of Letters.
The following letters remain uncalled
for at the postofflue in Reynoldsvllle,
Pa., July 31st, 18(12:
Mm. Ella Newlierry, Sylvester UulerlinuKli,
Mrs. I.lnie Hwah, lohn Kurrell.
Mrs. Dr. J. H. Turner, W. C. llolowull,
Mrs. Mury Williams, Than, E Johnson,
John Loiik, Dennis McNeills,
W. 11. Moore, (2) Jacob Hwuh,
I). E. Wehntor. Fred. Knupp.
MIhh Annie Anderson.
When calling for the above letters,
please say they were advertised.
J. W. Foubt, P. M.
During the dog-day season the drain
of nervous and vital energy may be
counteracted by the use of Ayer's sarsa
parllla. In purifying the blood, it acts
as a Buperb corrective and tonlo, and
enables the system to defy malaria and
other cllmatio influence,
For Bale.
Celebrated Caledonia sand. No sifting
required. Tom McKernan, Drayman.
A trial of Robinson's $2.00 shoes will
prove they are the best.
The WIiimIow Township Hcliool Hoard
will meet In Ohlolown school hoUHO AllKUHt
Mill, at 1:M) r. H. for the piirpoM) of Iwltlnjf
rout rurU for the hulhllnif three new mcIhmiI
houHcs, one at Nundy Valley, one at or near
Bi n. Kllne'ii, and. one at Kulhninl. The limine
at l-Hiiily valley to be 2x;n, and 12 feet hmhi
one at h line's ixxitl, and 12 feet hlKh, ami the
one at Kuthmel Is to be an addition to the one
alreHdy hullt, WxM and 24 feul Illicit, all of
siuuiunic iraniet tin. rinim ana Hiiet'lllrB
llon can he Keen at Hotel Mctiiinell or hy
Biiplyliiif to John W. I'hlllliinl. The Hoard
will receive proposals until 4.0u p M., August
tain, wiin me riioii 10 reject any nun.
Hknhy Htsvknkom, President.
J. W. I'llll.l.ll-I'l, Secretary.
A Barn at noma In lh Tr. Tops.
Wa hars been told of many ludicrous
scenes and incidents growing ont of the
great flood of Jane 4, and ambitions re
porters have bnsted clonds and mill
dams, and almost rained their imagina
tions in their frantio endeavors to gain
notoriety and fame in reportorial Jour
nalism, bnt the incident we are about to
relate is true and told without hope of
reward. On the Snnday following the
flood, after the waters had subsided, L.
1). Preston, of Tryonvllle, discovered
that he was minus two horses, and of
course search was instituted for the lost
Near the village is a large wild grape
vine that winds affectionately around
tree of good proportions with quite a
large spreading top, the vine, as la fre
quently the case, forming a sort of net
work among the branches! and there,
over ten feet from the ground, in the
protecting embraces of tho tree top and
vine was found one of the lost horses
alive and safe. The animal was rescued
from his lofty quarters, and is now no
torious as a hero and flood relio, If any
one can tell a bigger story and speak the
truth, let him now take the floor or else
forever after hold his tongue. Centre
ville (Pa.) News.
Why the tllrda War Loit.
A pigeon flying experiment at Tours
has ended in a most remarkable man
ner, proving the shocking fact that the
useful birds, in addition to being ex
cessively greedy, are also given to an
overindulgence in strong drinks. Four
hundred and twenty-nine pigeons were
conveyed by train from Tours to La
Bohalle and there let loose. To the as
tonishment of the various societies in
terested in the experiment, only forty
returned home, and these were in
dazed condition, and quite incapable of
finding their respective quarters.
, An inquiry resulted in the discovery
that at a roadside station large con
signment of black currants had been
put into the same van as the birds. The
inebriating qualities of the currant
juice proved too much for the little trav
elers, and they were quickly in inch
condition that only a small proportion
were sober enough to find their way
back to Tours. Exchange.
A Strang Illrd In the Plgaon's Nt,
, Harry Francis, a boy of thirteen
years, living on Pratt street, had a Leg
born hen'a egg given him, which he put
in charge of two male pigeons. The
birds sat upon the egg until within two
days of the time for it to hatch, when
they deserted it. The boy placed it
under another pigeon which was already
sitting on two eggs, and Sunday a little
brown chick burst its shell.
The foster parent fed the little stran
ger pigeon fashion.which method seemed
to puzzle the chicken, making it amus
ing to watch them. The newcomer's
language appears to be a mystery to the
pigeons, but tbey treat the little fellow
well. Provldenee Journal.
A Good In a Kama.
At a benefit performance at Fiume
the other day a farcical piece adapted
from the French was performed with
the title "Lord Mecknolenwordmaleck
menvUlbostrickschedenraeedenolsonn . "
Our own Miles Peter Andrews once
brought out a piece called "The Baron
but the Fiume production probably es
tablishes a record for preposterous
length. London Globe.
An Improved King.
One of the annoyances in playing
checkers is the occasional slipping off of
the top checker whenever a piece is
made a king. To avoid this a New York
man has devised an extensible checker,
consisting of a body and a shell sur
rounding it, and as soon as a piece be
comes a king the extensible portion ts
easily thrust upward and remains in its
place. New York Letter.
An Odd Cateh,
The other day two Rome boys were
fishing in Armuchee creek and caught a
fine yellow cat. When the fish was cut
open they found within it a sight draft
on the Atlanta National bank, duly
signed and indorsed. The draft called
for fifty dollars, and was sent pro tea ta
ble from Buffalo. Rome (Ga.) Tribune,
Nearly Two Thousand Loit Umbrellas.
Fresh evidence of the straying pro
pensities of the umbrella is furnished by
the recent annual sale of unclaimed
goods at a London depot of the Great
Eastern Railway company. No fewer
than 1,897 umbrellas were disposed of,
all of which had been found unattended
in the company's carriages and waiting
The greatest summer danger comes,
as has been said so many thousand
times, from uncloanliness. If people
would insist on breathing pure air and
living in clean houtes and neighbor
hoods the average length of human life
would be increased by ten years.
An exhibition called the "Magio
Maze of Mirrors" has sprung np in
London. As the visitor enters the door
he a crowd beckoning him from a
hundred different angles an effect pro
duced by one stuffed image.
Joe Webb, the seventeen-year-old
giant drum major of the Citizens' band.
of Memphis, when dressed in full uni
form is said to measure 8 feet 7 J inches
to the top of his plume.
Bta MarrUd a Lord,
"What has become of your ulecef
asked Miss Donahue of Mrs. O Rafferty,
"Och, sure, an she's done well wid
1 hersilf. She married a lord."
"Why, yon don't tell met An English
"No; I don't think he's an English
lord. He's a landlord. He kapea a
uininer hotel." Texas Sifting.
Many people, not aware of the danger
of constipation, neglect the proper
remedy till the hublt becomes chronic, or
Inflamed or stoppuge results. A dosu or
two of Ayur's pills In the bughmlng
would have proventod all this.
wiien we strike we Hit Home Evero Time.
Our Clothing is doing wonderful work. Our patrons are realizing
Our Clothing is not only the Cheapest but the best in the
long run. New styles of fine all-wool suits in Cheviots,
Cassimeres, light and dark colors
AT $10.00.
New styles of Homespuns, Worsted, Diagonals; fine Suits, worth $16
AT $12.00.
Furnishing Department
Our special offers in this department: Men's Negligee Shirts 25c,
75c, 91.00, 91.50. The goods are all designs of this season and
are as fine as can be shown by city merchants. Men's Night stock,75c, 91. 00,91.50. Summer Neckwear.
We have one of the finest lines of Neckwear ever
shown by us, and remember we can show you
a tie from 5 cents to 92.00
Is filled with the choicest stock of fine Fur Durby, fin eFelt Soft and
Crush hats.
Straws! Straws! Straws! Straws.
We have started the Straw Hat Season with a boom and "we don't
care a straw" for price. It all goes. Yachts in Canton, Jap
Mackinaw and Senate Braids
One hundred styles of fine Linen Vests, fast colors, double or single
breasted worth from 1.00 to 4.00.
Ladies we ask of you to call and see the fine line of waists we are
are showing. Prices are very low and they are the
finest goods ever put on the market.
""yum"! Reynoldsville.