The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 27, 1892, Image 8

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Our Grandmother Vnrd to ftpnrt Blnrfi
Tim Spinning, XTurlnj, Knitting, Nut
ting noil KmbrlltinRThjr Mann
fuctnrod All Their Own Mnth.
In the daya of liomexpun funr onncc
at lint, cotton or a lnilf pound of lock
wool tu a tUy'd stint In spinning,
thongh clever plitmr rouM ensily do
twice an trmch. Wool wbh often colored
before enlnntng dyml lilwk or red, tlien
carded with white. The resultant
thread, eteel or red mixed, waa wonder
fully eoft and harnionlotia in color.
Old ellk carefully raveled, then carded
with white wool or cotton, made the allk
mixed that waa such a favorite for the
long atocklnga worn with knee hreechea,
aa well as for homespun gowns. They
were woven in chocks, atripea and cloud
ings. One of the prettiest waa dice
cloth a kind of basket weave of alter
nate white and black or gray threads,
thirteen to the group. It waa trouble
some to weave a thread too many madt
a balk in the pattern. Children and
servants had aimple checks In bine or
copperas and white. Linseya for winter
wear were gorgeous in green and scar
let and black and blue.
Dyeing was part of the home work, as
well as weaving and spinning. From
walnnt hulls, bark and root came twen
ty shades of brown. Oreen walnuts and
sumach berries gave a leantiful fast
black that did not stain the wearer.
Hickory bark or peach leaves gave a
glowing yellow; swamp maple, a black
ish purple; sugar mnplo, a light leather
tint, and oak bark, set with copperas, a
handsome grayish color. In fact, a
skilled dyer could get twenty colors
from the woods and Holds.
Except for flannels, carpets and
blankets the warp was usually of flux or
cotton. A very pretty carpet had half
the warp of coarse wool doubled a
strand of green and one of brown. In
weaving when the woof came upjier
most a very coarse wool thread was shot
in. When the cotton came up a very
fine thread caught and held it almost in
visibly. Beaten up thick the effect waa
that of a mossy, clouded Turkey fabric.
Other carpeta were woven in stripes or
plain, like webbing, the woolen woof
threads passing over and under the cot
ton warp two at a time.'
Size was estimated by the nnmber of
threads that, laid side by side, made
cloth the regulation yard wide. The
coarsest waa 400. From that it went up
and up with hardly a limit except that
of the spinners' skill and patience. There
was scarcely anything they couldn't
weave on the looms jersey and serge,
and cotton and linsey, house linen, led
linen, blankets and counterpanes. The
counterpane was homespun high water
mark. Woolen ones had usually the
figure in colors skipped up on a white
or blue ground. Those of cotton were
left white and bleached till they dazzled
the eyes. Of some easy patterns a
clever woman could weave eight yards
in a day.
Of honeycomb, huckaback and dia
mond draper three yawls was a good
day's work, Fancy patterns were more
tedious. The crown of skill and patience
was knotted cloth. The weave was per
fectly plain, but at intervals of an inch
a big soft cord was woven in and pulled
up in little knots all along its length.
Over the body of the cloth they formed
regular diamonds. For the center they
made an elaborate arabesque design.
Down one side of the spread the maker
generally drew them np to shape her
initials, with either the dato of making
in roman letters or her husband's name
opposite, to balance her own.
There was room, and to spare. Beds
in those days stood four feet from the
floor. Counterpanes were three yards
by four without the fringe, which was
either woven with dates and initials in
the deep open heading or knitted in
open lozenge pattern to which deep tas
sels were attached. It fell over a val
ance, also homespun, and was either
fringed or edged with netted points at
the bottom.
Weaving was not the sum of house
wifery in that era. The good dames
knew as much of embroidery as their
favored great-granddaughters. One of
them has left behind her a monumental
piece of work, in which can be found no
less than nineteen different stitches,
many of them among the rarest and
most difficult known.
The netting needle and stirrup filled
np many a day. The bed was the piece
de resistance in furnishing then. It was
a tall four poster, and, besides counter
pane and valance, had netted curtains
and netted points, edging the long pil
low and bolster cases. Window cur
tains were netted, too, besides edgings
and fringes for all kinds of household
articles. In particular the "toilets"
that fell over the high square bureaus
had often a netted fall half a yard deep
iound them. In addition, caps, raffles,
parses and fichns were netted. The lat
ter were called dress handkerchiefs, and
folded high about the throat over the
low cut gowns. On them the netter
lavished her choicest art.
Sometimes the mesh was as fine al
most as bobbinet. Netted capes were
high in favor, bnt the square with long
ends was accounted better for young
women. Sometimes they had fringe or
tassels about the edge, or even a ruffle
of the net with a big pattern run in.
The handsomest finish was embroider'.
For that the net was tucked smooth
over cloth, the figures were wrought
tedlsh. both, then the under fubrics
ffere cut away, leaving something
closely approaching old rose point.
The women who practiced these arts
made tatting, knit lace, stockings, mit
tens, tufted gloves, overshoes, comfort
ers; garters, galluses and many things
besides. Before their works follow
them it might be' well if some collector
should gather np and keep safe for later
generations a representative array of
the homespun masterpieces. New York
A Queer Mlitare of Children In One f
New York's lilt Rrhonl Itnllflln;.
tTiitll almnt a vear niro the nrlncinnl
of ward school No. SO, Now York, did
not realize what a queer lot of pupils ho
had, although he had sometimes laughed
over the strange collection of names
UKin the rolls. A year ago he took a
census and carefully traced out the
exact part of the earth from which the
parents of each of his pupils had come.
He found that there wero in his school
no less than twenty-seven different na
tionalities, speaking about twenty-five
languages other than English anil ita
dialects. He found that of these sixteen
were in tho primary department alone.
So not long afterward he arranged a
novel feature to one of the school enter
tainments. At a certain place in the
programme each child arose, holding
in his or her hands two flags. One was
the American flag, the other the Aug of
the nation from which the father had
come. The visitors to the school were
astonished. They recognized half a
dozen flags well known as the banners
of European nations Italian, German,
Spanish, French, Swiss and the like.
Then they saw nearly a dozen others,
recognizable from theirshapes and colors
and designs as the banners of barbaric
or semibarbario countries, known to us
in a vague way as heathen.
When these children, none lieing un
der five years of age, first come to this
school they are foreigners to the very
core. They speak the language of their
fathers, and perhaps have never even
heard the sound of an English word.
They are of the country from which
their parents came both in customs and
ideaa. Their clothing alone leara the
stamp of America, and that so out of ac
cord with their faces and expressions
that they seem ill at ease, and even more
poorly clad than they really are. They
enter the primary department. And
here it may le said that, although the
youngest are five years old, the ages of
many extend upward toward eighteen
and twenty years.
It la the business of Miss Rose O'Neill
and her seven assistants to teach these
children the English language, ami then
fc mako American children out of them.
Go into the school at the beginning of
tho school year, and you will think the
tank hopeless, impossible. Come buck
at tho end of six months, and if you
close your eyes and listen to tho reading
exercises you will not be nlilo to dis
tinguish Chinese child or Arab child or
Tunisian child from the few pure blood
ed Americans who fonn the curiosities
of tho school. Then you will wonder
how the miracle, has been erfoi'iiiod.
Harper's Weekly.
Itdueate Children to High Ideals.
We are too ready to impart instruc
tion to children from low moods and on
a low piano, bwause we do not ourselves
habitually dwell in the latitndo of the
uplands. Motives of policy, of vanity,
of seeming instead of being right, enter
into our own lives and, alas! poison the
lives of the little ones at the fountain.
A grand life, a brave example, a splen
did instance of fortitude, of self abnega
tion, of courage against odds is never in
vain. It is an object lesson that flames
out from the sky, as the planet amid tho
host of lessor stars. Whether it la an
arctic or an African explorer, tho leader
of a forlorn hope, the missionary living
among the island lepers, or the army
nurse, leaving home and luxury to min
ister to tho wounded and soothe tho
dying, the noble ideal is uplifted lieforo
the eyes of those who are yet in tho in
itial stages, and whose characters lire
not yet in the mold of destiny.
This thought of the lofty ideal gives
the chief value of our annuul Decoration
Day, giving us pause amid the pomp and
ease of peace, that we may think not of
the pageantry of wur, bnt of its suffer
ings, ita fever and thirst, its rigors of
cold and furnace heats, its wenry
marches, fierce battles and the patriot
ism which alone condones its bitter woe
and the mourning that follows iu its
track. Harper's Bazar.
How HI Heart Was Won,
When Colonel Van Wyck was run
ning for congress many years ago in the
Fifteenth New York district, there was
a certain Irishman who steadfastly re
fused to give the old soldier any en
couragement. The colonel was greatly
surprised, therefore, when Pat informed
him on election day that he had con
cluded to support him.
"Glad to hear it, glad to hear it," said
the colonel. "I rather thought yon were
against me, Patrick."
"Well, sir," said Patrick, "I wuz, and
whin ye stud by me pigpen and talked
that day fur two hours or worse ye
didn't budge me a hair's breadth, sir;
bnt after ye wuz gone away I got to
thinking now ye reached yer hand over
the fence and scratched the pig on the
back till he laid down wld the pleasure
of it, and I made np me mind that whin
a rale colonel was as sociable as that I
wasn't the man to vote agin him." Ne
braska State Journal.
Row Wade Hampton Vied Cigars.
Wade Hampton never smoked cigars
in a rational way like the rest of man
kind. Instead, he took the cigars as he
bought them and crushed them to pow
der between the palms of his hands and
made use of the fragments as the old
regime use snuff. The coarse bits were
thrown away, and in the military com
mittee room, of which he was so long
an occupant, there was ulways a pile of
cigar shavings on the floor beside his
chuir. The fineut cigars in the market
were none too good to be treated this
way, and more than one genuine cigar
smoker has been moved to expostulation
as he has seen Hampton dispose of a fine
weed in such an unceremonious way.
Kate Field's Washington.
The rapid progress of photography in
the discovery on the ono hand of new
wonders in the heavens, and the revela
tion on the other hand of many hitherto
hidden facts concerning familiar object!
upon the earth, is one of tho most nota
ble phenomena of this distinctively sci
entific age.
Walled Cities In India and China.
The first glimpsb we get of an eastern
walled city unfolds at once memories of
our childhood days, which have perhaps
never been awakened since, and the pic
tures of our childish books, which Im
pressed themselves so vividly npon onr
minds, are reproduced In the bright col
ors of old, when we nre brought face to
face with the quaint battlements and
the dark gateways, with the accessories
of bright, burning sunshine and tur
baned iignres and processions of camels
and the listless calm of tho tropical land.
Such old (rides are still to lie seen in In
dia, still walled in the old fashion and
still peopled by the figures of the Biblical
picture book.
Closely akin to them are those walled
towns standing on the canals of mid
China, passing through which, say at
the close of day, when every tower and
every roof standa out clenrl" cut against
the brilliant western sky and we are
challenged by a grotesque figure, armed
with a spear and probably wearing
armor, the illusion ia complete, and for
the moment we find it hard to realize
that we are traveling at the end of the
Nineteenth century.
Even in much changed Japan there
are old cities which still retain their walls
of the age of feudalism, and In the very
heart of the capital the imperial palace
is surrounded by the same quaint forti
fications which in old tronblons times
mado it an imperinm in imperio, al
though the walls are crumbling and the
gates are never shut, and the moats have
been abandoned to the lotus and to carp
of monstrous size and fabtdons age.
Cor. Chicago Herald.
The A sore.
In 1580 the Azores came nnder the
power of Spain, and in the history of
the next twenty years their name is fre
quent as tho favorite battleground of
the English and Spanish fleets. The
partiality was. Indeed, mainly on the
side of tho former, nnd for a good rea
son. Theso islands lay right in the
track of all vessels sailing to and from
that enchanted region known then to
all men na the Spanish Main. On the
highest peak of Terceira, whence in
clear weather the sea could lie scanned
for leagues around, were raised twocol
nmns, and by them a man watched
night nnd day. When he saw any sails
approaching from the west he set a flag
upon the western column, one for each
sail; if they camo from tho east a simi
lar sign was set up on the eastern col
umn. Hither in those days came np out of
the mysterious western seas the great
argosies laden with gold and silver and
jewels, with silks and spices and rare
woods, wrung at the cost of thousands
of harmless lives and cruelties unspeak
able from the fair lands which lie be
tween the waters of the Caribbean sea
and the giant wall of the Andes. And
hither, when England too began to turn
her eyes to El Dorado, came the great
war galleons of Spain and Portugal U
meet these precious cargoes and convoy
them safe into Liabon or Cadis before
those terrible English sea wolves could
get scent of the prize. Macmillan's
Important Advlee,
A gentleman who behoved that to an
important extent clothes made the man,
even when the man ia a royal personage,
visited the Comte deChambord at Fronw
dorf a few years ago. The Comte do
Chauibord was the grandson of Charles
X, the last Bourbon king of France, and
the French Royaliata called him Henri
V, and hoped, until his death, in 1888, to
restore him to the throne. The mar
quis, of whom this story is told, was a
Parisian, a man of fashion and an ar
dent Royalist. The Comte de Chambord
was glad of an opportunity to talk over
political affairs with a man who must
kuow what was going on in Paris; so
after a few minutes' chat he said: "Mar
quis, it is not often that I have a chance
to talk with any one so well informed
on the signs of the times in Paris as
yourself. Now in case I return to Paris,
what would yon advise me to do?"
He waited for a bit of profound po
litical philosophy. The marquis looked
at "Henri the Fifth" and hesitated.
Should he venture on a great liberty?
But his advice had been asked; as a
loyal subject he would give it frankly.
"Sire monseigneur," he stammered, "I
think yon had better give np your Gar
man tailor and have your trousers made
in Paris." "My tronsersl" "Yes, sire;
pardon me, but your trousers are ont of
fashion." San Francisco Argonaut.
Ayer's Pills
Are compounded with the view to
general usefulness and adaptability.
They are composed of the purest
vegetable aperients. Their delicate
sugar-coating, which readily dis
solves in the stomach, preserves
their full medicinal value and makes
them easy to take, either by old or
young. For constipation, dyspep
sia, biliousness, sick headache, and
the common derangements of the
Stomach, Liver, and Vowels i
also, to check colds and fevers,
Ayer's Pills
Are the Best
Unlike other cathartics, the effect
of Ayer's Pills is to strengthen
the excretory organs and restore to
them their regular and natural ac
tion. Doctors everywhere prescribe
them. In spite of immense compe
tition, they have always maintained
their popularity as a family med
icine, being in greater demand
now than ever before. They are put
up both in vials and boxes, and
whether for home use or travel,
Ayer's Pills are preforablo to any
other, llavo you ever tried thorn?
Ayer's pills
Prepund by Tr. J. O. Ayor fc On., Lowell, Mini,
Bold by sit Di-ukbI.u,
Every Dose Effective ,
Fancy and Staple
Oil, Flour! Feed.
An elegant line con
sisting of Hour, sweet
nnd mixed pickles.
Onions, chow chow,
olives, cauliflowers
and olherfe too numer
our to mention.
C An endlenn variety on
hand; always fresh.
Try our fruit and
chocolate cakes.
"Washburne's Kent"
leads the list; it's a
dandy. Try it. We
have in stock, "Our
Bent," "Straight,"
"Imperial," "N. W.
Patent," "Pilgrim"
and others.
We have no oil wagon
on the road but we
deliver you a. fi gal.
bent 1M) oil for 50
cents, (let our rates
on oil by the barrel.
A Fl'LL STOCK of foatl In our
Hue ultra a on hand. Illaheitt
market prtre paid for roantru
yo o Lit aoints
McKee & Warnick,
The Grocers,
Cor. lith and Main St., , , .
. . . lteynoldm'llle, 1'enna.
$1,000 TO THE MAN
Tlmt hriMikM thin rvmrd. TMh 1m Juno A. and
I Iihvh rwHvt'tl HliH-e May J.t, 1(1 putlrntH
mm. wi uttiif'Ti'fi wiiii 1 11110 worm, i rv
inovt'd eight of tlicm unci liuvo two prrpiirliiK
for trvHtint'iit. Now, winw of tin HiippOHed
bright lltfhtH of Allftfliwiy, IMttMburtc mid
HiihurtM hiiv I buy thtt tiiiw worn ik.. rHiif'crM.
eti, that I exhibit In my window, from the
hoMpltalH. In utiMwer I nlrnply ottVr to (five
9I,nkho any or tmwu hii-wim. (MMiijfM ir uicy
will produce a manor net of men that will
meet and compete with me before the public
on rurcH of tape worm, cancer ratarrh,
A ..II ....It. ..I -II
mentMothe human family. Further, I will
take my Hyatem Renovator and Komi public
exhibition with any or all audi hII-wIho
people, all patent medicine men and all
advertlHliiK quack In the land and take like
CriKefl a they come and beat them and prove
to the public that they do dot know what the
numan uouy in compoHeu 01, or u ineyuo,
tbev do not know how to treat It In nlckneHH.
I treat through the blood with nature's
rememeH, roota anu nerna. rytem iienova
tor 1h a non nee rut, honent preparation, com
noHcdof dandelion. Mavauule.hUfhu.miaHMlii,
cinchona, caacara.aatrrada, gentian, HaHaf ran,
borieet, kidney wort and Haraaparlla.
HyKtem Renovator coat 1.00 per bottle i or
o Dome ior w.w, at n. mex none h or
47 Ohio Ht.. Alleifhenv fitv. Pa,
Office Hour M A. M. to tt P. M. Hour for
CoiiMultution a A. M. to 2 P.M. bunday orHce
Hour ana lor consultation a. .m. to u .n.
$1.50 l'ER YEAR.
: PREE !
Crayon Portrait FREE!
As a compliment to our many patrons,
and public generally, for a, short time we
are going to give to every purchaser of TEN
Fine Three Quarter
. . . Life-Size . . .
Crayon Portrait.
There is not a family hut iH)ssesses some
picture of Father, Mother, Rrother or Sister
which they would like to have reproduced
in a life-like and durable manner. Call at
once and see SPKCLMKN at our store
What more suitable for a present? And
as our liberal oirer will insure immediate
orders in large numbers, your early visit is
To secure one of these portraits, you first
trade TEN DOLLARS worth with us, and
then give us any picture of yourself or
friends that you wish to have enlarged. The
frame (samples of which you will see iu our
store) together with the glass and mounting.
will only cost you 2.75
These portraits are made by the celebrated Acme Copying
Company, 302 and 304 W.
which is a guarantee of quality of work we intend to give
The Merchant Tailors.
GJty Cousins
Or some of your friends will call to spend
a few days with you and you
should have some nice
Or a now Silver Huttcr
G. F.
tSTHas a fine line.
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
Everything In tho line of
Fresh Groceries, Feed,
OootU delivered free any
place in totcu.
t Call on uh omI uet prlee.
Gouatry Produce
W. C. Schultz & Son.
- FREE !
Van liuren St., Chicago, 111.,
. . . .
23TA11 goods warranted.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Keynoldsville, Ta.