The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 27, 1892, Image 5

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    ffific Stan
HuhttrrifiUim tl.M per year, in advance,
:. A. KTKPH KNitOKI, Kdltor and Pub.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 181)2.
Provrltr' OTutbt.
I'nmi'iiirpr trains arrive lit the Ki-ynnlds-vlllc
station hk follows:
A'udlirdiif. Wert ward.
Tmlti 9, - - s.M m.lTmln 0, -7.211a,. m.
Train I, - - 1 on p. m. Train J, - 1.42 p.m.
- Train a. - - S.m p. m.lTrnln in. - - t.ix p. m.
HrYsoi.iwrn.i.r rosT-orrica.
Malta arrive nnd nnd leave tint prat -office a
Arrive. Depart.
moM tiir wiwt. rim tii east.
I. 1(1 p. m. - - 7. no p. m.m.10 n. m. - - 12.30 p. m.
roiiM tiik r aht. ron TltS W1WT.
T.OO a. ni. - - 2.IHI p. m. 17.(10 a. m. - - MS p. m.
Arrlvm from Knthmt'l and I'rosrottvlllo
II. ima. m.
Arrives from Pnnh Tuesdays, Thiirdny
nnd siiturdiiy at 2. nil p. m.
Depart for Prrsrottvllle, Hnthmrl, Punic
8.ID p. m.
Omen hour 7.00 n. m. toa.00 p. m.
Money order ofHre open from 7.00n.m. to
7.:p. m. Ki'iilxtiT office open from 7.U0 a. m.
toH.nn p. m.
I.i'Siil llolldny from 7.00 to 8.00 a. m. nnd
from 12.00 to II.KI p. m.
omVo oMn Sunday from 11.00 a. m. to 10.00
a.m. .1. W.Koitht, 1. M.
We aro now In the midst of "dn)(
a ays."
Ladles' flne shoes all solid $1.50 at
The piunlo and excursion season Is
now In full bloom.
The hay crop is not as good this
season as it was last.
M. J. Coyl will open his now store to
the public this week.
W. S. Ross has been doing some re
pairing about the Ross House.
The Jefferson County Medical associa
tion mot at Brookvllle last Friday.
C. J. Swartz has resigned his position
as cashier of the bank at Big Run.
The prosects are favorable for a null
and tack plant being located at Falls
The Frescottvllle band picnic held at
Sykesville last Friday was quite a
Raspberries are plentiful this year,
but the price of the berries Is not cor
respondingly low.
Noah Syphrit and sons are among the
number roaming over the huckleberry
mountain this week.
Thos. W. Jenkins, of Lindsey, finds
Reynoldsville a "Lulu" of a place to
spend Sunday occasionally.
The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E.
church netted a snug little sum at the
lawn festival Saturday evening.
About fifteen passengers boarded the
excursion train that left here at noon
yesterday for Niagara Falls.
William Buzzard, the young man
who cut his windpipe last week by
falling upon an axe, Is getting along
It is estimated that there are almost
eight hundred children in Jefferson
county between 6 and 18 years of age
who do not attend school.
Rev. W. P. Murray, pastor of the
M. E. church, will be present and
occupy his pulpit next Sunday, July
31st, morning and evening.
It is reported that the chestnut
crop will be a good one this year. Not
the wormy journalistic chestnut, but
the bright brown fruit of the tree.
JohnL. Sliffer, of Big Run, has a
hankering for this section. He is a
great Reed-er and consequently has had
his name placed on The Star list.
A man whoso mental faculties are
somewhat deranged caused quite a com
motion among some of the fomales on
East Main street Monday afternoon.
Prof. E. C. Shields, formerly a teachor
in this borough, has been chosen assist
ant principal of the Clearfield public
schools, at a salary of $70 per month.
A. J. Cressman's physique will no
longer be seen around J. C. William's
photograph gallery, as the young man
has called it "quits" and will go else
where. Fred Miller had his left thumb ripped
up the middle by pick in the hands
of his "pard" lost Friday morning while
at work in Big Soldier. It was an
The Punxsutawney agricultural and
driving park association has awakened
from its lethargy and will give an exhi
bition on its grounds the latter part
of September.
Will Schultze's hand accidently came
in contact with a window In Butler's
barber shop last evening. A broken
window and an ugly cut in the wrist
was the result.
A little eight-year old girl of Luth-
orsburg is suffering from a swollen arm
wmcn tno jjuhois uourur says may
result seriously. She attended a picnic
and was bitten by a big bug
.Aaron Rodgers, the marble cutter,
done some very neat work on a marble
slab to be placed at the head of Laura
Stiver's grave, daughter of John T.
Stiver of West Reynoldsville.
On account of the repairs going on at
the Lutheran church it will be closed
next Sunday and the Sunday school and
the morning services will be held in the
Odd Fellows hull on Main street.
A street soup fakir was the center of
attraction on Main street Saturday
evening. The gentleman was a fluent
talker and gave or- interesting lecture on
the fllthlness of all other soups but the
one he handle.
The members of the M. E. Sunday
school who have not already got tholr
tickets for the picnic Friday, can get
thom at this office between one and
five o'clock Thursday afternoon.
Frank Ruster, who moved to Middles
borough, Kentucky, few weeks ago,
soon got tired of that state and has
moved back to Pennsylvania. He is
now a rosldent of East Stroudsburg,
Monroe county, Pa.
A Jolly party started for the hucklo
borry ridge last evonlng, composed of
tho following: Lulu E. Faust, Susie
Reynolds, Lllllo McCrelght, Daniel
StroiiHO and wife, Will, Mabel, John,
Stella, Charley and Annie Strouse.
Frank J. Muck, proprietor of Hotel
McConnell, originated a novel plan last
week for keeping tho flys off his guests
whilo they succumb to the wooing
Influence of nmrpheus during daylight
hours. Nothing slow about Fftmk.
David Wheeler's team created some
excitement on Hill street early Monday
morning by taking a little whirl around
tho square without a driver. The
buggy was upset and tho top thereof
demolished, otherwise no damage done.
David Stauffor, a groceryman of West
Reynoldsville, has returned from a visit
to Altoona, Creston, Ehensburg, Johns
town, New Florence and a dozen other
places. He took the jaunt for the bene
fit of his health and feels greatly recup
erated. Young James Butler, of Grant street,
is quite a genius. He is continually
getting up something new to ride on.
The same material, with the necessary
re-arrangemont, will be turned into a
cart, wagon, voloclied or byclcle. He
has othor contrivances.
A howl has gone up from the DuBols
Courier because their water works are
not a success. During wot weather
thoy have no trouble, but in the dry
season their supply Is limited. Reyn
oldsville people have reason to rejoice
because we are blessed with a good
water supply.
Reverend Jcnkln, the man of color
who Is holding campmeeting at differ
ent places in this section, is giving
Reynoldsville the "go-by." The night
his meetings closed at DuBols,after the
services, the floor was cleared, Roscoe's
orchestra was on hand and the young
folks engaged in a dance.
John Gold, a man employed as a brake
man at the Jefferson mine, Coal Glen,
met with an accident Monday after
noon that cost him his life. He was
engaged In polling cars and had his leg
crushed from four Inches below the
knee to about six or seven Inches above
the knee. The man died Monday eve
ning. E. W. McMillan, the gentleman who
has a saw mill on A. D. Deemer's land
near Reynoldsville and who Is having
an immense amount of bark delivered
to the tannery here, narrowly escaped
one day lust week from being ground
under the wheels of a heavy lumber
wagon, loaded with bark, by being
thrown from the wagon. A few bruIsoB
were tho only results.
Mrs. Charles Arnold, whom we men
tioned lost week as being near the
portals of death, died Saturday after
noon and was bulled In the Catholic
cemetery at Brookvllle Monday after
noon beside the little grave of her baby,
that hod been burled the week before.
A husband and three children mourn
the loss of an affectionate wife and
loving mother.
Rev. A. B. Philips, of Forestvlllo, N.
Y., preached an able and eloquent
sermon in the Methodist Episcopal
church Sunday morning on "Tho Im
mortality of the Soul." His text was
found in Job xlv: 14, "If a man die Bhall
he live again?" The subject is a
momentous one and the Reverend
handled it in a masterly manner, his
arguments were logical and his thoughts
The Sunday school of the Trinity
Lutheran church will hold Its annual
mission festival on Wednesday, August
8rd in Reynolds' grovo near town.
Rev. D. M. Kemerer, of Pittsburg, and
Rev. A. R. J. Grapple, of Ridgway, are
expected to be present and make
addresses appropriate to the occasion.
All who desire to spend the day profit
ably and pleasantly with said school
are cordially invited to be present.
The base bull nine went over to Big
Run Saturday to play with the nine
of that place. The game was a good
one up to the seventh inning, each nine
having but one score. The Reynolds
ville pitcher went to bat and was hit on
the muscle of the right arm which
settled his pitching for that game.
The Big Run boys got twenty scores in
the last two Innings making the game
21 to 1 In favor of the Big Run nine.
Silver Luke, the place to which the
excursion of the Jr. O. U. A. M. are to
go to on Sunday, July 31st, is a beauti
ful sheet of water three and one-half
miles long and one and one-half miles
wide; situated sixty miles southeast of
Buffalo and fifty miles southwest of
Rochester on a spur of the B., R. & P.
Rullwuy. There is a flne fleet of sail,
steam and row boats; good fishing, buth
ing, &o. The campmeeting is in session
from July 20th to August 20th. It is a
cool, heuthful, restful summor resort
from which tho visitor always loaves
with regret for fear tholr eye may
never again rest on a scene so beautiful.
Cut Hit Leg.
Daniel Hamilton, a woodsman who
was working on David Brumbaugh's
job, Bllpped and fell last Thursday
afternoon with an axe In his hand.
The axe struck him on the left leg,
below tho knee, cutting an ugly wound
throe Inches in length.
A Big Sprout.
Curt Strouse came Into town lost
Friday with a curiosity that he found in
their collar. It was a potato with the
longest sprout attached that we have
ever seen. The sprout measured eight
foot, two nnd one-quarter Inches. There
was another sprout on the same potato
but it was only four feet two inches
Cold Wave and Frost Warnings.
H. Alex. Stoko received a communi
cation a few days ago from the Chief
of the Weather Service Division of the
TJ. S. Department of Agriculture at
Washington, stating that It is proposed
during tho coming autumn of this year
and spring of 18!).') to telegraph warn
ings of anticipated frosts to each
weather signal display station, which
receives forecasts by telegram, at gov
ernment's expense.
Farmer's Day.
Next Friday will be "Farmer's Day"
at tho Clarion Assembly. A large
nilmber of tillers of the soil, with tholr
main stand-bys their wives are ex
pected to attend the Assembly that day.
Three excellent speakors, Mortimer
Whitehead, Leonard Rhone, Master of
the State Grange, and J. T. Allman, are
booked for addresses on that particular
day. All interested In farming should
not miss this opportunity of enjoying
the privileges afforded by the Assembly.
It was the Cat.
Jacob Sutter paraded tlirough his
nice new home one night lost week
with a shot gun in his hand looking for
what he supposed to be robliers who
were making an attempt to rob him of
his earthly ixwsesslons. A careful
search was made but no one found.
Mr. Sutter returned to his room and
soon heard the same noise again. He
went down stairs, opened the pantry
door and there found the secret of the
disturbance. The Tom Cat had been
accidently shut in the pantry and was
making desperate attempts to gain his
Never Could Read.
C. F. Hoffman, the jeweler and opti
cian, may be an expert in fitting glasses
on the eyes, but he has learned by ex
perience that he is unable to furnish
glasses that will enable a man to read
who has sadly neglected his school day
opportunity and cannot distinguish
words and characters. The optician
tried two or three pair of glasses on his
patient, each time handing the gentle
man a card and projioundlng the ques
tion, " can you read now ?" The opti
cian received the same answer every
tlmo, " I can't read." Finally Mr. Hoff
man comprehended the situation and
gave the man glosses with which he
could see, but not read.
8unday Resort.
The swing near the tannery is
becoming a rendezvous for beer guzzlers,
card players and wumen of disrepute.
Profanity, obscene language, fights, &c,
are the amusements of tho day. Some
young mon visit the place who pose as
respectablo ooplo, while the majority
are tho scum of a certain locality. Tho
young man who has so far lost his
respect for doconcy as to be found in
Buch a gang cannot complaint if ho is
classed with them. It would be woll
for tho officers of WinBlow township
to see that such a cankerous spot on
common decency be amputated imme
diately. Dry Weather Republicans.
Announcements wore mode lost week
in both the town papers, and quarter
sheet bills were posted up, stating the
Republicans of Reynoldsville borough
and vicinity would moot in Centennial
hall last Friday evening for the purpose
of organizing a Republican marching
club. The meeting was a complete
fizzle. A friendly shower, lasting about
ten minutes, visited tho town at eight
o'clock, which is accredited for the
non-attendance of the Republicanism
of Reynoldsville. Tho enthusiasm of
the followers of Harrison and Reld must
be at a low ebb during the present hot
Wages of Sin.
Tho good book tells us that "the
wages of sin Is death." A young man
of DuBols came very nearly pushing
tho veil of eternity aside and stepping
behind it on account of his proclivity to
tread in unforbidden paths. Thursday
night of last week James Murnhy and
four or five boon companions were not
seeking their "virtuous couches," but
were following three young ladles whom
they thought were not of good repute.
The young men were warned to retrace
their steps and not follow the girls, who
live several miles from DuBols, but
thoy heedod not the advice given until
two or three whizzing messengers from
a revolver gave warning. James Mur
phy was shot in the head. The girls
were taken to Clearfield Saturday and
placed In jail and were to receive a
hearing yesterday.
Church Repaired.
Repairs have boon going on at tho
Lutheran church for the last three
weeks, inside and outside, which Im
proves its apponianeo very much and
rnakoB It a beautiful little church. It
will bo re-oK-ncd with special services
on the first Sunday in August. Minis
ters from abroad will be in attendance
Rev. D. M. Kemerer, of Plttabvrg. will
preach in the morning and Rev. .1. H.
Rltter, of Shaiihondule, Clarion county,
Is expected to preach In Gorman in tho
afternoon at 3 o'clock and in English
in the evening. Tho general public is
kindly Invited to bo present at all theso
Almost Resulted In Death.
Two Roynoldsvlllo boys, Frederick
Johnston and Chester Holnap, both
about eight years old, found a pint of
whiskey In Hclmtp's cuplsiurd Monday
ufternoon. The boys sampled the liquor
until there was very little left In the
bottle. Both lads become Intoxicated.
Young Johnston must have taken the
lurgost sample, as It was a mutter of
life and death with him for awhile.
Johnston was found UMin tho street
about 4:30 in a pnralizcd condition. A
doctor was called who administered
antidotes, but not until three o'clock
Tuesday morning was tho boy conscious.
The little fellow was in a critical condi
tion for some time. The Belnap boy was
found in the barn, although very drunk,
yet not In a dangerous condition.
Trip to the Mountains.
The huckleberry party lost week
composed of Hays, Mincer, Westenburg,
Dunn, Rhodes, Schultze and Scott had
their first experience at West Liberty
when a "spalpeen" of that place throw
a piece of iron and hit Mr. Dunn on the
head, cutting a hole through his hat
and Into his head. After arriving
at their destination one of the horses
came very nearly going to "homeland."
but was Induced to remain on this
mundane sphere a little longer by hav
ing a quart of rank liquid "snake poison
killer" toured down its throat. The
fellow who had provided so carefully
against the reptile's bite, stood by with
a sad countenance and watched tho"fire
water" disappear. Nothing but the
thoughts of walking home could have
Induced him to part with the liquor.
Only a Lie.
It was rumored on the streets to con
siderable extent that some women were
out In the Big Soldier berry patch last
week and there found a child about two
years old that had cried itself almost
to death and the women could find no
one who claimed the waif, and that one
of them brought the child home with
her. The little fellow could soy "papa,"
"mamma" and "Tommy." There were
other facts that would Indicate that
there was some foundation In the
strange case. An investigation was
made by a representative of this paper
and it was found to have been a "yarn"
splnned by one skilled In that especial
line. The only foundation for the story
was the fact that at least one woman
was at Big Soldier and heard a baby
cry. Our informant thinks the baby
must hove been forsaken by its mother,
but she did not go to see.
We Need It.
A very Important question now storing
the citizens of Reynoldsville In the
face Is that of sewerage, and at no
distant day the people will find It nec
essary to grapple the question In an
earnest manner if we are to become a
flourishing town, and whether we will It
or not, a business boom Is slowly, but
surely creeping In upon us. There are
many reasons why we should have a
good Bewor system here, and there are
no reasons, save an outlay of a little
cash, why we should not be thus pro
tected from filth and disease that
accumulate where sewers are neglected.
Not only the sewer question, but there
are others of Importance to the town
which we expect to devote space In
bringing before the people In the near
future. We do not want to give the
people an overdose of improvements at
one time and will, therefore, take up
one subject at a tlmo.
Wrenched Hit Back.
Even a burgoss gets into "slippery
places" unlessahe is wary. Monday of
last week our worthy magistrate, in
company with H. H. Mincer, the terror
to evil doers, A. E. Dunn, and a few
others, hied himself to the mountain
ous regions of Clearfield county, where
the tempting unsophisticated huckle
berries lure many lovers of exciting ad
ventures, and whilo he was standing
on a rock in the solitude of the "snak
land" meditating upon the responsi
bility that rests on a man who is elected
to act as burgoss of Reynoldsville, his
foot slipped and quicker than he can
say, "five dollars and costs," he thought
about seven hundred Inhabitants of the
nether regions were having a "ho-down"
in the neighborhood of his spinal col
umn. A buggy was procured and Harry
Mincer brought Mr. Hays Into the in
habited part of Jhe county, and word
was sent to Rc$nofdsville and Ed. C.
Burns took a carrluge and went after
the disabled officer. Mr. Hays has since
been spending most of his time reclin
ing on the soft side of a lounge.
About 100 teachers from Clarion and
adjoining oountles are expected to
attend the Summer Term of Clarion
All for Five Dollars.
Tho much talked of McCrelght-Ayres
"false teeth case," which was brought
bo prominently before the public on tho
eve of Miss Ayres' marrlago, was tried
before Esq. E. T. McGaw last Friday.
The participants in this hubbub are Dr.
J. S. McCrelght and Mrs. Llella Snyder,
nee Ayres. The charges against the
dentist wore trespass and debonlsas
portatls, and amount of damage claimed,
2IM.IHt. Almost tho entire day was
spent in giving testimony and hearing
tho attorneys pleas. C.Mitchell appear
ed for the plaintiff and M. M. Davis for
the defendant. Esq. McGaw will with
hold his decision until tho 30th Inst.
Dr. McCrelght done dentist work
for Miss Ayres almost one year ago.
A bill was presented and paid, but
at that time the teeth were on a
temiMirnry plate and wore after
wards placed on a iiormanont plate.
The plaintiff claims tho bill puid In
cluded tho permanent plate, while tho
defendant claims it did not. The
matter was not satisfactorily adjusted
and on the evonlng before Miss Ayres'
marriage tho doctor called on the
young lady, as ho was going away for
a few days, and asked that the account
be settled. The young lady claimed
that as the five dollars was for repair
ing the teeth, that she did not owe it
to him, and, therefore, would not pay
what she did not owe. She .gave the
doctor the teeth to look at. The con
versation waxed warm and the doctor
loft the house with the teeth in his
possession, saying he would leave thom
with a justice and they could be return
ed to the mouth of the soon to be bride
when the "V" was paid. The prospec
tive bride employed another dentist
and before the dawning of the delightful
day a new sot of teeth was ready to
be present at the wedding. Thus
the above case was tho outcome
of a difference of five dollars between
the parties. In all probability the
judge of Jefferson county will hear a
recital of the entire cose before the
ending thereof.
A Rural Chap't Experience.
An unwary youth from the rural dis
trict came into Reynoldsvlllo Saturday
and about noon went. Into tho store of
S. Ellis to look around and perhaps
make a purchase. During his visit in
the store an altercation took place over
a pair of shoos which resulted in the
young man getting a bad looking eye.
The young man's story places all the
blame on the Jews, whilo they claim he
wanted trust and as they would not
grant it, he was going to carry the
shoes away with him without their
permission and for that reason a lump
raised near his loft eye about the size
of a hen egg. The young man got a
warrant out for the merchants which
was placed in the hands of Chlef-of-Pollce
Adolsperger. After the war
rants hod been served the chief-of-police
took the rural chap in charge, for
whom ho hod been looking since the
2nd of July, the young mon hovlng that
night broken a whisky bottle on the
head of an inoffensive Swede. William
Boiloy, the culprit, was locked up for
several hours. The merchants, whom
he hod arrested, Bottled with him for
about twenty dollars, just enough to
get him out of his difficulty. The
young man was thus enabled to square
accounts with the law and return home
with a mournful eye.
Jefferson County Schools.
The following statistics of the publio
schools of Jefferson county, for the
year ending June 6, 18(12, were gleaned
from the Brookvllle Democrat lost week:
School houses In the county, 181, school
rooms, 238; whole seating capacity,
11,870; houses withoutsufficlont seating
capacity, 4; school houses built during
the year, 0; good school houses In the
county, 174; number of rooms with
suitable furnlture,175; number of schools
in the county, 23H; whole number of
pupils enrolled, 11,540; estimated num
ber of children between 0 and 16 years
of age not in schools, 772; number of
graded schools, 81; schools In which
the Bible is reod, 235; number in
which any of the higher branches are
taught, 8; male teachers employed, 123;
female teachers employed, 122; average
age of teachers, 24; schools visited by
the county superintendent, 203; schools
visited by directors, 225; number of
directors constituting school boards,
102; number of provisional certificates
granted, 224; number of professional
certificates granted, 14; number of appli
cants rejected, 95.
Are They Here?
Burgess Hays received a communica
tion from the secretary of the State
Board of Health last week as follows:
Office Board of Health, J
Philadelphia, July 18, '2. f
Dear Sir: The steamship Indiana,
which arrived at the Port of Philadel
phia, July 11th, 181(2, had on board two
cases of small pox. Eight of her immi
grants were destined for your town.
It will, therefore, be for the interest of
the publio health that you should keep
all immigrants arriving at that date by
said steumer under close observation for
a period of two weeks.
Benjamin Lee, M D..
Sec. State Board of Health.
. i . v
A Jersey Lost.
Lost on Wednesday evening between
the Presbyterian church and Fuller's
hill a ludy't block Jersey coat. The
finder will be rewarded by leaving the
same at The Star office.
M. Fred Reed is visiting friends at
Sharon, Pa.
Miss Mlnnlo Smith visited friends in
Ridgway last week.
Mrs. M. 3. McEnteor wont to Pitts
burg Tuesday morning.
Mrs. J. H. Rancher and son, Clifford,
are In Clarion this woek.
Mrs. C. Mitchell was In Brockway
villo several days last week.
Geo. Melllngnr and wife were at
Punxsutawney last Sunday.
Will. H. Bell and bride returned to
Reynoldsville Monday evonlng.
E. Keck, of Baxter, Pa., tarried a
day in Reynoldsville last week.
James Barkley, of Big Run, was in
Reynoldsvlllo Monday afternoon.
Alex. Riston, tho cigar king of Reyn
oldsvlllo, was in Pittsburg last week.
H. O. King, of near Brockwayvllle,
visited Reynoldsville friends last woek.
Mrs. N. Itanau and Miss May Isoman
visited friends In Brockwayvllle lost
Win. Burke, of Pittsburg, visited his
parents at this place during tho part
Mrs. Smith, of Wrlghtsvlllo, Warren
county, N. Y., Is visiting her son, O.F.
Father Desmond, of CoalHrt, Pa.,
was the guest of Father Brady last
Mrs.Honry A Reod Is visiting friends
at Marlon and Greenville, Indiana
Mrs. D. C. Oyster, of Ridgway, was
the guest of Mrs. M. Mohney several
days lost woek.
Miss Ada Hoon and Miss Stella
Roscoe.of DuBols spent Sunday with the
Misses. Butler.
Mrs. Margaret Snell, of DuBols, was
a guest at Samuel Lattlmer's several
days last week.
Copt. Brinkor, of Buffalo, N. Y., was
the guest of Mr. Geo. Mellinger several
days during the past week.
Wm. Copping and wifo,Mrs.Jane Ann
Barkley and Mrs.Koarn drove to Clarion
Assembly Monday evening.
George Hetherington, of DuBols, vis
ited his mother, Mrs. A. E. Hethering
ton, the milliner, lost Thursday.
Rev. J. C. Mclntlre filled several of
Rev. Jos. H. Jelbert's appointments on
the Emerickville charge Sunday.
Mrs. C. E. Andrews, of New Bethle
hem, visited her daughter, Mrs. M. J.
McEntoer, several days last week.
Mrs. Arthur Murray, of Punxsu
tawney, Sunday with her sister Mrs.
Chos. Barry In West Reynoldsville.
Ed. C. Burns, chairman of the Repub
lican county committee, and Esq.E.Neff
were at the county seat yesterday.
S. T. Daugherty was in Clarion county
lost week looking after hit father's
estate, of which he is administrator.
Mrs. Ann Gibson, who has been in
Punxsutawney for some time, returned
to Reynoldsville Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Humphrey, of
Rlchardsvllle, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Humphrey's brother, J. C. Williams.
John R. Elder and wife, of Beech tree,
drove to Reynoldsville Monday evening
and returned home Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Jacob Sutter and daughter,
Lizzie, were at Portland, Elk county,
lost week visiting Mrs. H. P. Thomp
son. John Lord was called to Flemington,
Clinton county, lost week to attend the
funeral of his brother-in-law, Thomas
Mrs.Lyda P. Miller.of Punxsutawney,
who tarried a week in Reynoldsville
after the editorial jaunt, returned home
Mrs. E. J. Weed, of Weedvllle, Pa.,
has been visiting her sons, A. B. and
M. E. Weed, of this place, during the
past week. '
Miss Mary Saxton, who has been in
Clearfield for sometime, engaged as a
clerk in a dry goods store, is at home
on a vacation.
Mrs. J. W. Green, of Brockwayvllle,
was in Reynoldsville last week visiting
her son, E. Will Green, foreman of the
Volunteer office.
Miss Ella Wiant, who has been in
Philadelphia the post year, returned
home Monday evening, and is visiting
her aunt, Mrs. C. S. Armogost.
Prof. W. E. Eshelman, formerly a
teacher In the borough schools, who has
been at New Orleans for some time, was
visiting his Reynoldsville friends lost
Tom Mitchell, who has been in Rich
mond, Ky., for the post nine month, is at
home on a three week's visit. Tom is
well pleased with that section of the
J. F. Alexander and wife went to
Chautauqua lost Friday. They will
enjoy a few days ot that delightful
summer resort and will also visit Mrs.
Alexander's parent ot Joinestown,N. Y.
Mrs. Alice A. Sweet, of Muldrow,
Indian Territory, after a three month's
visit with her mother and brothers, the
Carls, started for her home Monday
morning. This was Mrs. Sweet's first
visit to this section of the country in
thirteen years.
Ralph E. Scott, an erst while Reyn
oldsvlllo boy, now of Portland, Elk
county, was In town several days last
week visiting his former boon compan
ions. Ralph s upper lip Is now covered
with black hirsute, which gives him a
munly appearance.