The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 27, 1892, Image 4

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    tinlmrriptitm $1.S0 )wr irnr, in tidmnce.
An ImlppemltMit lornl pnppr, pulillshcd every
Wi'dm-wliiy nt HcynolcNvllle, .IrlTiMnon l'o.,
Pn.. dovoU'd to the InloreHl of HeynoldHvllle
and .Ti'tTi'ition county. Non-polltlrnl, will treat
all Willi fnlrnewt, nnd will hi' ennwtiilly friend
ly tiiwnrdH the lnlmrtns cliww.
Hubwrlptlnn price fl.SOporyrnr, In nrtvnnro.
C'ommiinlcHtlirtiR Intended for publication
Biunt be accompunlcd by tlio writer' name,
not for publication, but a guarantee of
good fall h. lnteretlnu new Item willclted.
Advertlln rate made known on applica
tion at the ortlce In Arnolds' ltlock.
Lenxhly commutilcatlonii and change of
advertldementH should reach thla offlco by
Monday noon.
Address all communication to 0. A. Steph
enson, Keynoldsvllle. Va.
Entered at the postofflco at Heynolasvlllo,
Pa., as second class mall matter.
. A. NTKPIIKNMON. Kdllor and Pnb.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 18112.
Goo. Shiran, jr., has been nominated
by President Harrison for tho Associate
Justice of tho Supremo Bench of tho
United States, made vaeant by tho re
cont doath of Justice Bradley.
It is unnecessary to devote much
space in tellinjr our readers that tho
thermometers havo boon maliciously
lingering in tho nineties tho past few
days. Tho extreme heat tells the story.
The conferees composing tho judicial
conference of the seventeenth district
aro holding fruitless sessions In their
endeavor to make a nomination. Tho
conference adjoined at Butler on tho
21t Inst, to meet at Ellwood Thursday,
August Oth.
"If any speak ill of theo floe home to
thy own conscience, and cxamlno thy
heart; if thou be guilty, it is a Just
correction; if not guilty, it is a fair
instruction; make use of both; so shalt
thou distill honey out of gall, and out
of an open enemy create a secret friend."
A. W. Brungard, district attorney of
Clinton county, who has made himself
obnoxious with tho pcoplo of that
county, tendered his resignation to
Judge Mayer and it was accepted. The
offlco is now vacant and no appointment
will be made until the 29th of August.
Tho district attorney become enamored
with anothor man's wife and tho twain
took a trip to Williamsport whore the
socret was unfolded.
The Homestead afTair, which is the top
icof tho day, a decisive conflict between
capital and labor, is still in the balance.
The attempt to assassinate H. C. Frlck
last Saturday by an Anarchist named
Borkman, is a new chapter in tho long
list of startling events connected with
the strike. Considerable space on an
other page of this issue is devoted to
the oncounter in Frick's private office
last Saturday afternoon.
A philanthropist of wide experience
declares that the male criminal of
London have nearly all entered upon
their career ol crime betweon the ages
of eight and sixteen years; and that if
a young man lives an honest life up to
the age of twenty, there are forty-nine
chances in favor, and only one against
him as to an upright life thereafter.
The above statement is worthy the
attention of parents who are careless
with their boys allowing them to run
the streets, paying little attention as to
the company they keep or the places
where there evenings are spent. It is
also worthy the careful consideration
of the boys who talk about sowing their
"wild oates." While the plant is tender
and pliant is the time to commence
preparing for the days of manhood.
Get a Bolid foundation for your charac
ter. If you sow to the wind you are
ure to reap the "whirl wind."
The Republican Congressional con
ferees of the twenty-first district, who
met at Saltsburg Tuesday of last week,
adjournod Friday afternoon to meet at
Punxsutawney on Wednesday, August
10th. No nomination was made and it
is believed the conferees were no nearer
a choice when they adjournod than
when they commenced. The Indiana
and Jefferson county delegates wore
agreed to vote for either Nesblt or
Bond. All they needed was the support
of one' Armstrong delegate to make a
nomination, but the Armstrong con'
forees refused to desert their man
Heiner. The candidates will all make
a determined fight, and the indications
are that there will be no nomination
made at Punxsutawney, and it would
not be improbable but that the selection
of a candidate will go to the state
committee. We predict that Hon. Goo,
F. Huff will be the candidate for con'
grese on the Republican ticket this fall.
Friday, October 21st, 1892, will be
the four-hundredth anniversary of
the discovery of America by Columbus.
Last Thursday President Harrison
issued a proclamation making that a
' general holiday for the people of the
United States. The President advises
that day, so far as possible, the people
cease from toil and devote themselves
to such exercises as may best express
honor to the discoverer and their appre
elation of the great achlevments of the
lour completed oenturies of American
life. Furthermore, let tho national
flag float over every school house in the
i country, and impress upon our youth
the patriotic duties of American cltl-
x zenship.: Also in the churches and In
the other places of assembly of the
people let there be expressions of grati
, tude to Divine Providence for the
devout faith of the discoverer' and for
the Dlvino care and guidance which has
directed our history and so abundantly
blessed our people.
The English Classic as Rendered by a
Great Artiste, Well Supported.
We congratulate Managor Reynolds
upon a notable engagement, that of
Miss Jane Coombs, one of the world's
greatest actresses, who will appear
here next season (September 27th) in
hor marvelous creations of Iady Dodlock
and Hortenso In Charles Dickons mas
terpiece, Bleak House. ThoCIncInnattl
VmnrnmUtl OiizetUe says of the per
TP1UU... nl 1t..kt .mnL tl 1..H
and the sullen rainfall upon tho roof of
the UH't-a House was a tit accompani
ment of tho grand play, founded upon
the fiction of one of the masters a
fiction that is true to life. Its charac
ters will never be forgotten, and thoro
they wore last night, real presence in
ftosh nnd blood tho qunlnt.tho curious,
tho comic and the tragic all inter
mingled. The rain fell without ceasing
on the tiles, but tho miserable weather
had not limited the audience nor did
it limit tho power of tho players. Miss
Jane Ciximlis in the dual role of Lady
Deadlock and Hortenso achieved tho
greatest triumph of her life. She was
a living representation, and the auditor
soon loses consclousnojs of tho fact that
he is witnessing a play, and feels that
the living scenes aro being enacted
before his eyes. Tulklnghorn, Swoet
Ksther Summerson, and "L.lttle Jo,"
who must "move on" in every city from
pillar to post, until he can move no
more! Tho characters DickcnB por
trayed, the peoplo on tho boards last
night presented. Those who havo not
read Bleak House should do so at once.
It Is a work necessary to a complete
education. It Is fascinating from fron
tispiece to finish, and impresses itself
beyond the reach of the chisel of effac
ing tlmo. Krook, his rag and bottle
don, tho ghost's wnlk, the flight, the
death, and the falling snow, the misery
of after-life gazing back at tho skeleton,
tho dignity, the grandeur, the squalor,
and the burning years of youth flung
back, with disgrace stalking and the
commonplace mingled with the infinite
monk House has it all. it is a wonder
ful play, perfectly acted.
One thing is certain A man must
pay for his whistle in this world.
Everything has its compensations.
Extreme joy is followed by a season of
heartrending penance. Sorrow and
pain enable, us to appreciate small
blessings. Llfo Is made up of sunshine
and cloud, of calm and storm. Every
pleasure has a sting nt the bottom of
it, and he who makes a violent effort
to rille llfo of its sweets will end in
despair or suicide. Pain follows in the
wake of pleasure as a shadow. "Amid
the roses fierce repentance reared on
snaky crest." Therefore, my son, go
not in pursuit of phantoms, lest you be
torn to pieces by the sirens of passion.
Seek not pleasure in the beer mug nor
happiness in the tents of the wicked.
Be virtuous and saw wood. Punxsut
awney Spirit.
The man who uses the overcheck rein
on his horse is guilty of Inflicting a most
cruel torture upon the animal. It robs
the horse of its beauty by destroying the
natural graceful curvature of the neck
and causes great suffering. It is not
necessary to go to other towns to see
such things. Reynoldsville horses are
not all free from the overcheck rein.
The Horticultural Department of the
Columbian Exposition is planning to
have a magnificent rose garden in which
will be fully 50,000 plants, besides large
groupes In special areas. The garden
will be of classic design with temples,
arbors, archways and trellises.
County Superintendent's Lord, of
Venango, ' Eckles, of McKean, and Mo
Nutt, of Clarion, and Prof. Chas. Rugh,
late of Indiana State University, Miss
Whitsett, late Noas, Sweden, will assist
the faculty at the Summer Terra of the
Normal, commencing August 3. Total
expenses for 4 weeks, $16.
Railroad Expansion.
tuflols Courlor.
Tho Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburg
railroad Is not only pushing work on the
Clearfield and Mahoning division and
the Big Shanty hill loop but is rapidly
increasing It equipments so as to bo
ready to operate these branches as soon
as thoy aro ready for traffic. Four
comKiund locomotives of the consolida
tion pattern have recently been recolvod
from tho Baldwin Locomotive Works
and are now being set up in tho Brad
ford shops. The company has 111
locomotive and over 7,000 cars in
Borvlce and has placed orders for 500
more cars. The net earnings for the
second week of this month wore $04,116.
33 an increase of nearly $13,000 over tho
corresponding week of last year.
A lady, whose hair came out with every
combing, was Induced to give Ayer's
Hair Vigor a faithful trial. She did so,
and not only was the loss of hair
checked, but a new and vigorous growth
soon succeeded that which had gone.
A Sad Accidentt.
(llrookvllle JefferMonlaii-Pcniocrat.
On last Friday a fifteen year-old
daughter of William Himes, a farmer
residing In Porter township, Clarion
county, about a mile from Now Bothlo-
hom had both her legs cut off and was
otherwise injured by falling in front of
the blades of a mowing machine which
she was driving. It is not known how
she came to fall from her seat, as no
one saw her when the accident hap
pened. It Is thought she cannot live.
Tho valuable of a good name was well
exemplified tho other day whon a man
asked one ol our druggists for a home oi
Sarsapnrilla. "Whoso?" inquired the
clerk. "Whoso? why, Ayer's, of course.
1U uuil (i Biiiitme i ui H;nif w run unjr
risks with Hannah, do ye?"
For Male.
Celebrated Caledonia sand. No sifting
required. Tom McKernan, Drayman.
You will save money by dealing at
uoninson s snoe store.
Owing to a scarcety of cars Sprague
mine was idle on Saturday.
Rev. Hemmingway, DuBois, preached
in the M. E. church Sunday night.
Camp No. 602 P. O. S. of A. will
attend divine services in the M. E,
church next Sunday at 3:30 o'clock P. M.
Rev. Manchester, of Borkloville,
Venango county, lectured in the Church
of God on Friday evening. While in
town he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Dyke.
There was an lee cream fostival at
the K. of L. hall on Saturday evening
for the benefit of the Cadets of Tom
perance. Result, an enjoyable time and
the treasury liberally replenished.
During the past woek quite a number
of our citizens have been in the Clear
field mountains picking huckleberries.
It is needless to say that the whooping
big berry picking stories have been
numerous. Thus far Morgan Thomas
is champion, but the oourt has withheld
a decision until John Wylara and Con
stable Ed. McKee reports.
James Rodgers and Ed. McKee, we
understand are organizing a new society
in our town. What the name and
objects of the order are, we are as yet
unable to learn, but we are led to
understand that only the"goody goodys"
can belong as the names of some of our
oldest citizens such as F. M. Lucas,
G. H.-Llnderman, Pat McCloskey, Ed,
Moore and others have been ignored
Best $1.25 mining shoe in the county
at Robinson's.
House and lot on North street for sale
by M. M. Davis. ' ',
Tho Summer Term of Clarion Normal
which begins August 3, offers not only
vigorous and beneficial mental training,
but also a delightful vacation term, lust
the thing for teachers seeking a relax
ation from tho irksome duties of tho
school room, and who wish to retain the
attitudo of students.
Lost Dark brown Spaniel dog, six
months old, answerlmr name of Itose.
Reward paid for information leading to
ner wnoreanouts. uoo..uiott,c.icanora.
Baby's fancy slippers twenty-fl ve cents
at Koblnson s.
'A Confmimio'i Great Hpeeea.
The other day I was listening to a con
rressman relating to a small circle his
experience at a recent convention. I
will make a secret or his name, as I pro
pose to live long and uninterruptedly in
the land which the Lord elected, and in
no wise crave to be cut off in the blush
ing morning of my days. The fact is,
this statesman is a very broad, athletic
one, of a shifty and uncertain temper.
"Yez should have heard me speech,'
he said. "It was a lulu. And I paid
me respects to Congresh, too, me boy.
I toold 'em the way matters had been
niishmanaged we wouldn't have the
money to meet the expinses of the pris-
int physical year. Thin I bore down on
the hypnotizin prachticed in this house."
"The hypnotism?' queried a listener,
"Yis, the hypnotizin. The appint
mint of all thim sons and ree-latives of
congreshmin to loocrative stipinds.
Here's the b'ys of three congreshmin on
the page's roll naw, be hlvins, earnln
their seventy-five dollars a month the
year 'round and them b'ys, mind yes,
only nine and tin years old, and the legs
of thim no bigger than sphindles. I
should say it was hypnotizin.
"Anil thin," continued the congress
man, "whin our man wint through all
right I jumped up and moved to make
his nomination ceremonious, and thin
the foon began."
"Unanimous, you mean," corrected an
"Well, pbwativer it is, 1 done it, but
they voted it down. All the same he's
nomenated, which is what we were
after." Washington Cor. Kansas City
Balnmaklns; Bombs.
A company engaged in the manufac
ture of explosives in this city has for
sale now small bombs about the size of
frankfurter sausages, with which it is
said the farmer can bring down small
showers of rain wheuever he sees clouds
over his land.
The constituents of one bomb are dl
vided into two parts, liquid and solid,
which are both separately nonexplosive.
These can lie1 kept separate until the
time comes to use them, when they are
mixed. t
The solid part is about an inch in di
ameter and eight inches in length, and
is wrapped in cotton. These bombs are
placed in grooved tin boxes, each hold'
ing ten. A small tin measure, contain
ing the liquid part, accompanies each
box. It is graduated to show the quan
tity needed to saturate the bomb to the
exploding point.
Five or fifty bombs may be used, ao
cording to the amount of rain needed
or the detonation required. How the
farmer is to know how much detonation
is needed is a dubious matter. The
bombs are tied in a bundle, a time fuse
is attached and the whole lot discharged
from a mortar and at the passing cloud,
In hilly countries clouds often pass
over the valleys and discharge their
contents on the barren mountain sides.
In such regions, it is said, the bombs
will be particularly useful. New York
IPvtfttna with tits flrifcs.
MoCay Delaney On Monday, July
25, 1892, at 6 A. M., at the Catholic
church, bv Father Brady, James
MoCay ana Mary Delaney.
When we strike we Hit, Home Everu Time.
Our Clothing is doing wonderful work. Our patronB are realizing
Our Clothing ia not only the Cheapest but the beat in the
long run. New styles of fine all-wool suits in Cheviots,
Caasimeres, light and dark colors
AT $10.00.
New styles of Homespuns, Worsted, Diagonala; fine Suits, worth
AT $12.00.
Furnishing Department
Our special offers in this department: Men's Negligee Shirts 25c,
75c, 1.00, $1.50. The goods are all designs of this season and
are as fine as can be shown by city merchants. Men's Night stock,75c,$1.00,$1.50. Summer Neckwear.
We have one of the finest lines of Neckwear ever
shown by us, and remember we can show you
a tie from 5 cents to $2.00
Is filled with the choicest stock of fine Fur Durby, fin eFelt Soft and
Crush hats.
Straws I straws I straws! straws.
We have started the Straw Hat Season with a boom and "we don't
care a straw" for price. It all goes. Yachts in Canton, Jap
Mackinaw and Senate Braids
One hundred styles of fine Linen Vests, fast colors, double or single
breasted worth from 1.00 to 4.00.
Ladies we ask of you to call and see the fine line of waists we are
are showing. Prices are very low and they are the
finest goods ever put on the market.
""ff.ssar"! Reynoldsville.