LATE TELEGRAPHIC TICKS f ROM MANY POINTS. Important Hews Items Reeelred as Wl So to Prfii. Caiittnl, l.atinr an Initsslrlnt, ' rckif colliery No. 4, Shcnnnlmuh, Pa., tme of the largest of (he Udilgh Valley Coal Company's eollcrle, employing over fits) men, started up after an Idleness of over four month!. The Pultun Holler Works of Itlchmnnd, Ind., employing largo number of bonds, has been compelled to flint down entirely, owing to the labor trouble In the L'al. They are unable to get steel enough to keep their limit In opemtinn. A strlko w inaugurated nt Philadelphia, JPe., among the lathe anil slater ami pin terert) and laborers thnt will affect nenrly nil the firms In the suburban wards o" the city. The strike It strictly against the employ ment of non-union men and In not n ques tion of wages or hour. About HX men lira fleeted in the three organizations. The workmen at the t'ppcr and Lower inilla In Lawreticovlllo (Pittsburg, I'a.) ami at the Heaver Falls, 1'a., mill, both mill owned and operated by the Carnegie Steel Co., Mmited, have itruck because the man geinent refused to enter Into conference or arbitration with the workmen at llonn toad. The men In the Eureka Iron and Steel Works, Pctrolt, Mich., the largest In the West, struck Wednesday. All the strikers re members of the Pittsburg division of the Amalgamated Association. Hovel's branch of the 1'inkertoii agency is employ ing men to send to the works. The strikers rearmed and trouble is fonrcd. Tho Flndlay ltolllng Mill company, of Pindlay, 0., signed the acalo of the Ainut patnated association. This makes 31 signa tures received from Iron and steel mills out tide of those signed in the sheet mill confer ence, which wus37, thus making 08 signa tures in all. The 400 employes of the Eureka Iron and Ptcel Co., Wyandotte, Mich., have struck. They are nicinlwrs of tho Amalgamated Association. No outbreak has yet occur red, but trouble I feared If the company Should attempt to Introduce non-union em ployes. The leaders of the locked-out workmen at Homestead, I'a., Iiavo decided to turn over to the proper authorities all the rifles taken from tho l'inkcrton men that they can re cover. The employes In the print cloth manufac tories at Kail Hi vcr, Mass., huvohad their wages increased !ij p?r cent. All the Covington, Ky., rolling mills have signed tho scule and 2,0t0 men are happy in the prospect of work. Tho mill men and their employers nro under mutual contract to abide by the Pittsburg scale. Telegrams received by MtiJ.-Uon. Scho Held at Washington, I). ('., show that tb labor troubles in the Coenr D'Aletio (Idaho) mining district aroat an end for the present. The rioters have dispersed and tho Statu authorities, nided by federal troops, aro In full possession of tho Held. Iltnnslers, Accidents itiiil Pntulllles, At Portland, Ore., tiro destroyed almost a whole block of buildings. The total loss Is estimated at I2.'ii),0u0. Four persons who were injured by the ex plosion of tho boiler of tho steamer Mont liianc on Lake Geneva Saturday, died tit the hospital, making tho totul of the dead 20. A careful estimate of the total loss by the tire at fit. John, N. F., shows that the amount will reach not loss than t'JO,oon,noo, Kith an Insurance of but fcl.MO.tlut). ltelief is pouring into the burned city. Thousands of homeless peoplo aro sheltered under beds. While Mrs. Carr, aged ISO, and her two lit tle fclrU, aged respectively 0 and 4 years, were walking on the tracks of tho Went Chore Railroad, New York City, they were truck by an express train, which instantly killed the woman and one of the children, oil fatally injured the other. A freight train on the Ontario and West ern Railroad, near Middletown, N. Y., struck a wagou containing 10 persons returning from picnio and killed George Walsh, Castle McCoy and Mr. and Mrs. Frank, all of New York. Three others were injured. A cyclone struck the atcamor Frnnkie Folsora on the Illinois rlvor near 1'eorlu, Ills., and the steamer's boilers exploded. The river was filled with small craft and tho exact loss of life is not known. Following is list of those known to have been lost: Mm. W. O. Wills, 1'ekin, Illinois; Mrs. Fred Fisher, Pckln, and her daughter, Miss Cora Fisher; John Ahrends, Pckln; Miss Mary Fath, Pekin; Mrs. Henry Druisdecker, re kin; Rev. J. H. McMlen, of IJenson, Illinois; unknown body recovered with Initials on bangle, "J. C. M."; Miss Lottie Shade, of Bhelbyville, Ills., and Mrs. Kuto lteebe. of Fekin, and Miss Ueplcr, of Pekin. Somo of the victims were literally cooked to death by the escaping steam. The river is being dragged for more bodies. .eaUlailve. ( ' The Congressional Committee appointed to investigate the labor trouble at Homo atead. Pa., is now in session at Pittsburg, a., taking testimony both from the mill owners and th employees. Their report will be submitted to congress at an early Cyrus W. Field, tne ismoiis promoter ol the Atlantic cable projoct, died at bis coun try home In Arualey Park, N. Y. Mr. Field we associated with many enterpri ses, among v them being the elevated railroads of New York City. He accumulated a big fortune, but owing to a aeries of misfortune in recent years he died comparatively poor. Congressman Gillespie is at work on the draft of a bill to be Introduced in the next Pennsylvania Legislature, having for its bject the prohibition of armed forces, other than regular soldiers or militia, pa. trolmg the streets or entering the State. The nkertonsere aimed at, but til bill will also apply to armed secret organisations ol any kind. t rim cad Peaalttee. At Pittsburgh In a discussion over the Homestead (Pa.)trlke, Hurry Floyd, a horsedenler, was shot and mortally wounded by John llradford, tin amalgamated mill man. William Harley beat.Annle Goodwin to dentil with A club In Memphis, Trim., while a crowd watched him, powerless to Interfere. While an excursion boat was coming tip the river near Gadsden, Ala., a political row started between two brothers nsmeil Ulllard and three other brothers named Green, during which Witt Hlllard was fatally tabbed, one of the Greens received a mortal wound and another brother lost a Anger and an eye. Sheriff K. L. IWnbiich, of Clayton, Mo., shot and Instantly killed Major S. P. Smith, ex-Assessor of that plac". The shooting was the result of apolitical ipiarrel. .tlnrtanrr. 1imic, July II. William Waldorf Astor. the head ofthe fatuous Astor family, died here to-day. The death of Kate Castleton, the well known nctrc, Is reported from Providence, II. I. Huron Wlumarlcigli, nged!), died In Lon don. He was Chief Secretary for Ireland In l"liS. Mlscellnneon. Three prisoners In the county Jail at Marshalltown, In., sawed their way through the roof, due made good his escape. An other dangerously stashed with n run ir one of his pursuers. Two American lepersone barely living mid the other dead have been found on a ranch near lloise City, Idaho. Their dwell ing was alive w ith vermin. The President has signed the Ind an and Postotllce appropriation bills. I'ullilcnl. The Kansas State Prohibition Convention nominated for Governor I. . Pick ring, of Ol.ithe, law partner of ex-Governor St. John. The ticket named by the People's parly of Minnesota Is ns follows: For Governor, Ig natiis Donnelly: Lieutenant Governor, Kit tle Hal vorsen; Secretary of State, H. II. .Martin; Treasurer, P. M. Iliugilal. I'nnaresialnnnl Sioiiilnntlnn. II. Clay Snodgrass w& renominated fur Congress in the Third Tennessee Congres sional district. The convention Indorsed "free silver." Captain H. II. IVivonor, of Wheeling, was nominated by acclamation for Congress by tlie First district Republicans in Wheeling, W. Vu. tVnslililalnn News. The President has signed the River find Harbor and tjio Pension appropriation bills. I Ires A school building was burned nt llerk hainstead, F.ngland, and eight children perished. hnntliirr. Thirty-five death from Inllnenzn occur td ut Valparaiso on Wednesday. ('reii. Heavy rains have damaged Tennessee wheat. IIKYONII Ol' It IIOItllKII-S. The English election returns up to Tues day evening stands: Cousei vatives, KM; Liberal-UuiotiiHts, '.7; total aiitl-llome Rule, 2-1; Liberals, Hl'lj Labor, 8; iiuti-l'ariirliilcs, ; Parncllitcs, 5. A French Captain and ten soldiers were killed in a Chinese ambuscado In Touquin. Smnllpox Is epidemic ut Victoria, II. C. Cholera lias practically depopulated Dak u. . The yellow fever epidemic Is getting bad at Vera Crux. A torpedo boat named the Rosalia ha foundered In a storm off the coast of Uru guay. All the oflicera were saved, but the crew of 70 men are missing and while somo of tbem may have escaped most are sup posed to have been drowne 1. The Argen tine ironclad Almlrunte Ilrown and the cruiser Ycinticinto, en route to Spain, are missing, and it la believed they are lost. The latest dispatch from St. Gervais says that 125 bodies have been recovered. The number of bodies recovered nt St.Ger vais Lcs Blainesi LSI, Guides ascended up the mountain and discovered that another glacier had collated, wrecking several buildings and killing 15 persons. CROP REPORTS NOT SO GOOD. If They Were Better ThouKb, Trads Would Be Worse. R. 0. Hun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Crop reports promise results not equal to last year's, which would be disastrous, but beyond expectations. With the decrease of only 0 per cent tho wheat yield would be fur beyond the quantity consumed and ex ported in any year except the lust, and nearly equal to lust year's consumption and exports. The price dropped below 81 cents, but has since been stronger. Western re celpts are large 1,800,000 bushels in three days, and exports 771.000 in the same time. Corn acreage shows a decrease of 4.4 er cent. Oats have declined 2 cents, while hog pro ducts are stronger, pork 3" conts per barrel higher and coffee and oil unchanged The cotton report shows a condition only 2 per cent below lost year, and on any estimate of acreage the yield, with the surplus still in sight, will more than meet all Uemunds for the year. At Ilaltlmore exports of cattle are large and manufacturers make fuvorable reports, the packers efqieciallv realizing large proliti. Window glass is fairly active at Pittsburgh, but the iron mills generally are closed Home improvements is seen In groceries at Cincinnati, and at Cleveland dry goods, hardware, groceries, clothing and cloaks are active, and trade is fair in other lines. Bus iness is good for the season at Detroit, with crop prospects favorable. Wool is quite active, with price unchang ed. Business is active in dry goods for the season. Cottons are strong. Money markets are abundantly supplied. Bunks nave been refusing certificates to gold exporters, and redemption of notes has drawn ouin from the treasury which, nevertheless, holds as much gold as a week ago. 1 The business failures occurring throughout the country during the last seven days num ber 100, as compared with 170 last week. For the corresponding week of last year the figures were 274. ALL PET AT HOMESTEAD- WAITER GIRLS ALSO 8TRIKS. The Company is Firing up Its Furnaces. Hon Union Stn Eapsoted Soon. The sight of steam escaping from pipes In three department ofthe Homestead (I'a.) Steel works, and smoke Issuing from a couple of stack in another portion of the plant, caused some excitement among the steel workers ami was the only event out side of the military ramp that caused any talk In the borough Saturday. The steam came from the armor plate machine shop, the armor-plate press shop and the electric light plant. These are the places In which work will he resumed first, because In the machine and pre shni there Is three or four mouths' work on hand. These de partments wefe that much behind the other armor plate mills when the lock-out occur red. The fire in the open hearth mill are un der the lime furnaces, where the "bottom" of the other furnaces is prepared. It I neccstnry to keep these warm, the same as blast furnaces, pud till Is probably why the lire have been lighted, though it would not seem to bo necessary after they had been cold unless the intention is to start the mill soon. A OVC, STHIKK. The guardsmen nre still on duty through out the borough, ami particularly about the mill, one company being detailed for doty within the famous fence. The men of tho proviusiiiniil brigade, encamped across the river, will, hcitiiiniug today, take their share of the patrol work. Early Friday tho h lp at the Carnegie Hotel. 'hear the works, struck against serv ing any one but the regular boarder. This action was due to the excitement about the coming of non union men. The girls did not want to give aid. sustenance or comfort to anyone who would oiler pr toetinu to the new workmen. They sympathize Willi the locked out men, as 'souie of them have fathers, brothers, lovers or something of llio Sort among the idle one, Iteiicrnl Snnwilen and statl it ere caught in the strike breakfast less, hut they soon had a meal prepared for them by Battery li s cook. A number of civilians wcro'ulso forced to seek other uuarters and pence now reigns. PRICK WILL NOT BEND. The Mills, Whf re the Mm Oo Out In Bympatny with the Homestead Men, Will Be Run Non Union H. C. Frick, chairmen of the Carnegie Steel Company, Pittsburg, I'a., received from his workinginen nt the Heaver Fall mill the following telegram, signed by Arthur Thornton, chairman of the committee : We, tlie Aninlustntitftl .Iswtelnllnn workmen tn the rtsl mill, wlte mill Hiel null mill nt Heaver Kill It-. hitt t-finite It, tin mi'i-inn Unit we will refHM. to work ntilll surd time us II. i '. t'rli-k. eltnlrmnii of lite t'liriii'Ule Slci'l Ciiiiii:iiiv, Llliiiteil. Is wIUIiik to eon fer wlllt tin- Atiifilwioii.-itt'tl AMttiitlloli III unler to iw.llle I he llojtii'Mlfiiil na.ilr. Mr. Frick at once sent the telegram to Joseph Wrlgley, the superintendent ofthe Reaver Fulls mills, adding : Yon will ilense nv to Mr. Tlmrntnn. chiilriiinn of III,. foiMinllte.'. ritttl ti-k dim to so miltr.v the Inch, Hint U tlit'V, fomitonlliif lite AIMItlirilllinlftl AstHtHn Hon nt hfitvt.r Kitll- mills, ninl who HlMiie'l nil Auree incut wltli tin for one eitr, lo not ui to work en .M.itiiltty next, or wtit'ti oti nro reinl.v to stnrl, we III eoitslilt.r lln-lr mlhire It, tlo so a entic'thillon of lite Huret'lnent e. Istltlll Itetween Us. nil'l Wllt'll Hinse works tlo retinue li will In hs mm union, mnl roi-nier emiilovfs, Hittl-rncnirv In lis, who tle'lm to wtirk llt.-re will Imve lo Hily Its I tit 1 1 v It I tin Ih. Ynll cull snv Unit nnili-r no t'li'iMitiiHitinet-K will we ennri-r with the ineti nt ItumeMleiiil its members (if tin AlnnlK'iliintfil AHS'N'liillon. The only mills that have so far decided to quit work are the city mills and the workers at Heaver Falls. The largest works those ut llraddock ami ltuqtiesnc, do not seem he in sympathy with tho locked-out men nt Homestead, ami being satisfactorily paid propose to continue ut work us long us the mill runs. LOOKS LIKE MARTIAL LAW. The Homestead, Pa., High Constable Arrested by the Military and Marched . to Headquartera at Point of Bayonet. Homestead peoplo are waiting and watch ing for something that did not come. Ru mors and reports from a hundred sources that non-union men were en route to the Carnegie mill caused a flutter of - ex citement, but nothing more, for the town is practically under murtlul law, und demon strations of any kind were prevented by the sight of the shining bayonets and the 'glit ter of gold luce. But the steel workers nre linessy. Though tho filling of tho mill with non union men seems to he inevitable the locked-out men lire not prepared to bow to it, nor will they until their last lioe bus been shuttered. The first arrest of a civilian by the pro vost gtinril ill Homestead was made Thurs day night. Amos Stewart, the high constu bin of the borough, came in conlhct with the Soldiers and wus ordered home. Being an oflicerof the borough he resented the action of the guard. After some warm won Is ho was ordered to bo arrested, nod at bayonet riolnt was ortlered to the Provost Msrshnl's icudquarters, where he was detained fur un investigation. This evidently means thut the boiough is under luaitiul luw. BRIDGES BLOWN UP. The Rule of the Military in Idaho Doean't Stop the Diaorder. Wallace, Idaho, July 10. Two ruilroad bridges near Mullan were blown up last night, and with them several telegraph poles. The striken also cut down s number of poles, thus shutting off communication by that route for a time. The Gem and Uraqito mines are all right. The rumor thut the Granite mine bad been blown up probably started from the report of the ex plosion when the bridges were destroyed. The military investment of the towns is complete. No one Is allowed to go out with out a pas. It is probable that many union miners will be arrested to morrow. G. R. Smith, who was sent to this city by the Executive Committee of the Wallace Millers' Union to prevent the importation into that section of non-union men, said that while the origin of the present trouble could be indirectly traced to a demand for increase of wages, which wus unsuccessful lust year, the direct cause of trouble was the revolt by the men against a hospital tax'of 11 per month levied by the company, which the miners claimed was not productive of as sistance to them when needed. The unions built a hospital at Wullucs and adopted a rule that the II per month, instead of being puid to the company, should be paid tn the hospital. Tho Bunker Hill and Sullivan Company refused to recogniie the Justice of this rule, and the strike nwulted in favor of tho miners. Smith claims the reduction in wages then followed. The Twelfth Body Recovered. Peohia, III., July 10. The body of Mrs. Kate Beebe was found floating in the river bore. She makes the twelfth victim of the Frankls Folsom disaster and is believed to be the last SNUBBED BY SNOW DEW. An Offer ef Aid In Maintaining; Order Made by the Steelworkere Was Curtly Refused by the Oommandlnv Offloer. Dramatlo Sesne at Headquarters, Homestead had three sensations Tuesday, none of them, however, being attended by violence. The first was the arrival of two brigades of the State militia. Then came the refusal of MaJ ir General George R. Snowilen to permit of a public demonstra tion In reception ofthe troops. Later In the day not n little interest was aroused by the circumstance that a rather large nninlier of the mill! lumen became too convivial and an order was Issued that ail so found be taken to their respective company quarters by de tails sent nut for that purise. At the topof a till) overlooking a fair a valley as ever the sun shone on, the Division headquarter of the National Guard of Penn sylvania were yesterday established. The work of 0,0(10 men of soldierly Inuring, hut who t ame to Homestead In preserve peace, not to make war, will be directed from that point. The sople of Homestead, who de sire n?rfoct security, are happy, and the few turbulent spirits, that would stir up strife, are overawed. Unjnr Grnmil (Irnryr II. Snnmtrn fn Com Tnnnil of fir A'titirp (hmrtl. A dramatic scene occurred ut the division headquarter of the military between Major ( Snowilen and a ifelegiuioii repre aetiliug the Amalgamated Association and the citizens of Homestead. It was the first lorimil meeting of the workmen mnl those who succeeileil them in authority, ami its iaterest wns heightened by tho Hhsnliila re fusal of General Snowileii to recognize the Amalgamated Association or any other body. A 'meeting of leaders of the Amalgamated AsS'kriatioii and prominent citizen was held at the headquarters of the workinginen shortly before noon and n committee of citizens and Amalgamated Association men was appointed tocull on Ocueral Wiley, of the Second Brigade, mid tender him the good wislns and co-otcratiin of the Amal gamated Association nntl the (teopio of Homestead and u'so to request that the mil itary receive (lie workmen of the town in a bisly headed by brass hands. General Wiley was named betaus't it was thought General Hunwileii was lint on the ground. The memlter of the ctmmitteo nptmlntcd went iniiiietli itely to the headquarter of the Second Brigade, but upon tendering their oiler. General Wiley iliiecteil them to tieu eral Snowilen, who was quartered ut the Carnegio school house tin Slianty hill. Gen eral Wiley and SheriH' McCleary were there ninl Kulm, an cx-militiu oflicer, act ing as spokesman, told the General that tho delegation retircM-nlcd the citizens of Home stead ami tlio Amalgamated Association, who wished to iis'iirc the state nutl.ority of their desire to co operate with it in maintain ing order. tieueral Fnowden curtly Interrupted Cap tain K ii li n to say that lie' did not recognize the A malgamatiil Assis isl till or any other authority except that of the Governor of Pennsylvania, and the Sheriff of Allegheny county. The jieoplc of Homestead, he said, could best cti-ojternto witli the State troops by behaving themselves. Captain Kulm w ent ou to lender all assistance in the power of the citizens and the Amalgamated As ptH'iiition, but the General again cut hi in short with the remark thut lie could not ac cent any such tenders. Hugh O'Dntinell stepped forward at this point mid saiil that in the name of the pco plc of Homestead nntl the Amalgamated As stH.'iutiou, the delegation wishes to submit to the legal authority of the State ufter having refused to submit to the illegul authority (meaning the Piiikertons.) "The gentleman behind you Is the one to whom you should submit," said General Snowilen. indicating Sheriff McCleary. "We always have submitted to his author ity," suid Mr. O'llonnell. ""I beg your pardon," said the General, "but you did not do so at the mill." "I leave It to the Shcrill if we have not submitted," said Mr. O'llonnell. "No, you did not," was Sheriff McCIeary's renly. "You didn't allow luy deputies' to take charge ofthe works." This rather nonplussed thedelegstion.and for a lniiiuto there was silence. Then Mr. O'llonnell went on to say that the tenders of oo-operntion grew out ol a mass meeting of workiiigmeii and citizens of Homestead and were luuile in their nume, anil not in Hint of the Amalgamated Association, tieueral Snowilen said tie recognized no citizens but those of Allegheny county. "Then, as citizens of Allegheny county," said Mr. U'Domiell, "wo come here to see you." "Then I'm glad to see you, gentlemen," was the General's reply. "1 am glad that our position hero is welcomed by the citi scn of Allegheny comity." This gave Mr. O'llonnell his opportunity to say that the men of the town wished to form in a hotly with four brass bands and Eh si in review before the troops, hut General iiowden refused to consider the proiosl tion. He did not want a reception, he said. He was there to carry out the command of theStateof Pennsylvania, and not to have any formality. "If I were in my personal cufiacity," he said, "it would be very Halter ing, but I am not." Tills concluded the Interview, and after some moments of embarrassed silence, the delegation withdrew in anything but a good humor. The situation was truly dramatic. Gen eral Snowilen ref using at first to even accept the self-introduction of tiie leaders. Sheriff McCleary refusing to introduce them, their assumed humility, and the final dignified declaration of the Major General of the division that he was master of the situation, formed a picture of the supremacy of order worthy to set opposite the bloodiest scene of last Wednesday in a comparative display of the power of opposite forces. The Leasee Ueeord. The following table shows the standing of the various base bull clubs : Tost- Tor Won. Iost. poued. C'eut. Brooklyn 2.... 0 0 1.000 New York 1.... 0 1 1.00) Baltimore 1.... 1 0 5U) Boston.. 1... 1 o fioo St. Louis 1.... 1 0 MS) Philadelphia 1.... 1 0 500 Cleveland 1.... 1 0 500 ! Cincinnati I.... 1 0 500 I Louisville 1.... 1 0 500 Washington 1.... 1 0 500 Pittsburgh 0.... 1 1 000 nt.i..n ..... o ... a ....0 001 THE BAKER BALLOT LAW. PROVISIONS OF THE NEW SYSTEM THAT DEMAND ATTENTION. tome ef the Important Changes Which It Inueeuratea How Nominations May Be Invalldatsd-A Review ef the Law. In tho discussion relative to th Rakpf ballot law. the attention of the voter ha been principally directed Inward the cluinee wrought In the method by which the indi vidual voter register hi will lit the ballot box, and the fact that the new law complete Iv the manner in which the voters, In their aggregate capacity a mem. Iters of txilitical orirniiizilioiis, conduct nntl determine the preliminary matters nceessnry for united party nctloii. apppear to have been, by the general public, at least, in a rreat measure overlooked. The importance nf these clinnue Is ancli, that brief review of them at this time seem pertinent. a HAT Tllf sK I IMtniM r. An examination of the law show that Ibese Innovation relate to the following matter: First The method of certifying nninliia I'on to the proter oflicer chsri'ed bv th" law witli determining their validity, and. in turn, certifying them to the other olllcer whose dole It is to prepare ami issue the OfhYial ballots to be used at all elections. Second The manner of testing anil deter mining their validity, the somewhat extra ordinary powers conferred uimiii those who sre aiitliorir.etl to decide all qticMliitn ari ing. ami the apparently irremediable com plication which may result from an atlverse lecision. Third The diflleultle w hich mav beset Ibese olllcer. owing to the peculiar pro visions of the law, In the prompt and printer preparing of the lists of candidate und certifying tbem to the siihonlinatn Mllolnls, who must prepare and distribute the official ballot. Tin: 111 nth to tiK cnvstncnni. In this discussion attention i only called fo I hose noni illations required tn lie i ci tilled 'o the Secretary of the Commonwealtli by political organ!, itiotis recognized by the law political parlies, the proceedings in the :tise of nominations madn bv nomination papers for tliesn olllce being the same, while in the case, of county, municipal. Imr Hugh ami township officers tliey ore practi cally the same, the difference being in the ntl'ii crs tn whom they nre certified nod who ball determine their validity nntl in the n tl in tier of days prior to the tlnv of election within wincb'tliey must be liletl. Section 2 of the Baker law read. In part, Is follows: A ny convention of delegate, or primary meeting of electors, or caucus ncld under the rule of a Hililiel party, or any hoard liithitri.tsl to certify nomination repre enting a political party, w hich, at the elec tion next preceding. ptlPedat least three per :entiim of the larirest entire vote for any of llce cast in the Stale, or in the rlectorial dis trict or division thereof, for which such pri mary meeting, caucus, convention or board flesire lo make or certify !ininitiatinn,mav nominate one Cfinilida'o for each ollico which is to lie filled In the State, or in saitl district or division, at tho next ensuing elec tion, by causiiigacnrtilicafe of nomination lo Im drawn up and liletl a hereinafter pro vided. rnl.tTII'st. PABTIr. AIIF NOW IIEI 'KiVIZKIt. 'I'he striking feature of this clause, and which works a radical change, I that, for practically the first time in our history, the lection law recognize political parlie. Heretofore the policy of the State ha tieeu lo recognize the unit, the individual nt ting tponlaneoiisly through the instrumentality f the ballot, tint theory being being Hint a majority of these political unit, or individ nal voters, acting spontaneously, have ebos n our rulers, t if course, this has been but j me ineory, mr since ino very organ'rnion f our Govn niiient tlio representative of I the individual voter, or of a part of them, . have elts tei tlieeaniliilates, ami their clec i lion bus been the result, not of spontaneous, tint. concerted action of individual voter. oui nie ciccutiii law mis nercioi'iru ttiiiy recognize I the Individual. Wow it not only recognizes the pnrfy. but prescribes the indispensable requisition for that re.iiguition that it shall have, at the lection next preceding, ollcd at least three tier centum of the largest entire vote for any Mllco cast in the State' ami also lay down :ne methtsls by which the pre'iuiinury deps necessary for concerted ujtion at the tolls shall be taken. This action also make another radical ieparliire from previous iiolii-y. It pructi a'ly incorKirates the rules of the s-veral aolitical parlies into the jurisdiction of tho State. Ail nomination nitnln and tiled for I place on the oflieial ballot by certificates of riomination mint be made ami certified by inventions, primary meeting, caucuses or boards "held under the rules of a iiilif nl tiarty." If not so made, or if made in vio lation of these rules, they may. a will be ihown disdared invalid by thoj official having prtqier cognizance thereof. WHAT rrilTIKICATK MCST BIT FORTH. Thesn certificates of nomination, and this year they include Presidential electors. Con gressmen. State officer. Judge, State Se nutor und Assemblymen, shall set forth ipecitically "the party or policy which such 'fimlitlate represents; the name of each can lidnte nominated thereon, his profession, business, or occupation, if any, and hi place of residence, with street aiid itumher thereon, if any: ami the olllce for which inch candidate Is nominated," and shall be ligned by the presiding olllcer and the se cretary or secretaries of the body making or certifying the nomination, who shall add thereto their place of re-idence. and shall ne sworn or affirmed to by tbem before an uftlccr qualified to administer osths, to be true ami correct to the best of their know ledge and belief. They shall then be tiled with the Secretary of the Commonwealth at least ftti day before the day of election. These are the sH?cillc requirement. of the law as to the form, certification and tiling cf certificates of nnminut'on, and the im portance of a strict compliance witli every provision becomes very apparent when, as a further perusal of the statute shows, the lightest informality or fuilure to so comply might re. ult in the nominations being do lured invalid. HOW OIUrcTIONS ARK TO BF. MAM!. Objection to certificates of nomination, of which there are two clase, must be only mutlein writing within :io days alter the last day for their riling with the Secretary of the Commonwealth. The first class aro "objtctions as to form or apparent conform ity or non-conformity to hw." These must be considered by the Secretary nf the Cum. monwealth," conjointly with the Auditor General and Attorney Generul, and ahull be decitted finally by majority of these Ctrl cers." From this it appeura that on any failure to comply with any requirements of the law relative to the form of these certifi cates two of these tlir-e officers may declare the nomination invalid, ami from this de cision there is no appeal. Nor is there any provision for amendment, so that the error muy be rectified. Neither is there oppor tunity for new nominations, for tlie certifi cate of nomination must be filed at least M days before the day of election, except when a candidate dies or withdraws. Thus the mere failure to give "the business, profes sion or occupation" of any cantlidate or "his place of resilience, with the street and number thereon," or the place of residence of the presiding officer or secretary of the body nominating him. might, at tiie discre tion of two State officers, invalidate in whole or in part the nominations of either or both ot the leading parties, and deprive their can didates of a place upon the olltciul ha Hot. It is true thut the voters should "insert" their names upon theblunk space required lo be provided on the ballot, either by writ ing them, or, under the recent decision of the Uupr tune Court, by the use of stickers, but when a half million voters had to do this trouble must necessarily lollovr. pisri TKs ovsa rAurv hclks. The second class of objections, which, in the esse nf officers for the Stats st large, are to be liletl and determined In tlio Court of Common Pleas of Paunhln county, and in' all other cases In the courts In the districts for which such nominations are made, arr "as to the validity of certificates of nomina tion or papers of nomination other than ob Jectionsss to form or apparent conformity as hereln-before described." The questions to be determined by these tribunals will, to a large extent, be thoss arising from dispute relative to party role. When the number of parties now existing, or that may la formed, I remembered, aniP the various rule relating to State, con gressliiniil. Judicial, senatorial anil leglslallve iiomliiiitiiin are considered, the almost In finite variety of dispute thai may arise will bo plainly apparent. Anil while It I but reasonable tu supte (bat the court will hec Inclined to ronstriio these rule liberally It I not easy to see, In view of the fact that their decision an- lltial, ninl not subject Pi review by the Supreme Court bow any uniform construction can be hail or uniform praetie rstiihlished. I'he law seem also faulty In Unit it provide no method of olficinlly notifying the Secretary of tho Common wealth nf the court's decision in any case in hearing. I oMri.lcsTlox WHICH MW ARtsr. As objections of either class neod not be llied until todays after the last day for tiling the -ertillcatos, nntl as Section 0 require ther Seerelarv of thefoinuinn wealth to transmit,, at least todays before the day of election, "to the County Commissioner und Sheriff" of each county, duplicate official lists tinting the names ami resilience of ami parties or Hilitiis represented by all candidate whose nomination certificate have been tiled with, him," there are thus only 17 day In which the Secretary of the Commonwealth, An ditnr General ami Attorney General, the liauphiii county court ami the several County courts shall bear nntl determine all contenions which mav arise. There are 07 counties in the State, ami the certificate of lit mi i lint it ill this year embrace Presidential ICIeetors, State nominees, 2H Congressmen, 'i't State Senators, and 201 Assemblymen for the two lending parties, and in addition sncli nominations as may be made by Prohibition, anil Peoples' parties. There i yet another provision of the law which might still further complicate mat ter. Section 7 provides that any candidate may withdraw by tiling with tho Secretary of the t 'ommonwealih, l.'i dav previous tc. the election, a request in writing, properly signed anil uknnwlcdgcil. Consequently the duplicate list to be transmitted to the County Commissioner cannot lie closed un til this limit ha expired, which practi cally leaves hut live tliivs for their prepare--tion. AN Olist I II K I'linVlslllX OF THH l,tV. Confusion may also arise tin ler tiie' further provision's of Section tl. directing Hie "secretary of the Commonwealtli to Iran mit, at least 10 day before tlie dav of elec tion, to tlie Commissioner ninl Sherifl "duplicate olflcial list stating tlio nam" ml residence of ami parties policies represented by all candidates whose nomina tion fcrlilicalc or puters have been liletl' with him. and have not been found and tle f laretl to be invalid, and to have been voted, for at each voting place in each such county,, respectively, substantially in the form of lie ballots to be used (herein." This provis ion seem somewhat obscure. In many of the counties no one list of candidates can be "voted for ot each voting placo" In the roiuily. Notably i this tlie case in Phila delphia and Allegheny counties. Tho voter, nf Allegheny county take part this full in the election of three Congressmen, two Senators and HI Assemblymen, the latter being from eight district. Kitlier the Secretary of tlie Com moll wealt'i must Iriinsiiiit list properly covering all these-mil-division, or lie intist send a mere list ol ill the candidates, ami leave their distribu tion to tint County Commissioner under 'bat provision of 'Section l.'l, whiclj says) Unit they "shall ascertain the offices to he I'll led and shall lie responsible for the accu rate printing of the bullo's in accordance, ivi'b ('-! ti'-t." 'Ibc.c.'ue Kline, of the feature of tho linker law which demand die careful atten tion of tlie voters, and especially those who ire charged by their respective pailic witli die very responsible duty of attending to 'ho'e preliminary proceedings pertaining 't t tie ntiiiiiiuitio i end certification of can litlate in (inter that their numiti may he oroperly anil legally place I upon the olllcial. itallot. While it is prohahle i lint m my of 'he complication piinted out as possible 'ititlei- tlie provision of ttio law may not iris-, yet prinhncn wn-ild indicate that It very requirement be observed. Hkxky. H ii,!,, in I'itttburg Time. ASKED TO RETURN TO WORK. rbs Homestead 'Pa.) Men Recsiva For mil Notlo to Take Their Old Plaoes. Sat unlay was a quiet day in Ifomastead' for soldiers and civilians alike. Tiie most important event unions tho mill men was I mass meeting at Duquesne in the after soon. The expected notice to ret jrn to work were received by the men by mail., riiey read as follows: Thk t'Ansrtii:-: t'Trn, Coarssv. fTft. HoMl.MTK4li, Pa., July l iwrj. Ties Sin Repulrs will tie resnmetl oft, Montis?, mnriilnic. July I . Isy' We invite ynu to letiirn lt. your ulti pi sllliiu, work ttteinnttii'iiee ut tne n-tml Uinrf. Ke-ptKMfinly, J. A. furrsH. ( ortlew. This notice wus supplemented in the af ternoon by the posting of the follow. ir cir cular on walls and fences: NoTicrr-lnillvltlnnt opiil't-ailons for employment line Hinne'tlettil Sle.l WerliS will utt reeel.ett tty On. Oent-ral Mis'rliilentlenl. elllier hy teller or in person, until t-in., Tltiinttliiy, July Is'tJ. it I unr tleHire to is-tnln la our Mttrvlee tail of nur ottl eni pl.pyes whose mi.t ri-enfil ts .litlttfiu-ttiry anil wha illtl let Ulte purl In tin, nttemut, whlt-b hsvn tiei-n nm-lf to Itilerlere will our I Itfllts to lilttiuiK nnr -Inl-lnewi. Klleh of ttnroltl ettltlt,.ves Mt (lit tint ttpply hy the llnteiilttive niiinitil will be cints,il ri'fl an linvlnK notleslre u re-eiuer our einidovnient, uml tlie position wlilch lliev tifl.l will Int given fo other men, ami lite first Hpplylii will navtt tlis eholes of UlilUleil po-ltloli. rtn wlilell lllt-y are Hllltaltle, Tins nolle.! will ho tlie lust sivt-n i the pinplovesor tint works. Ami after nun ffimiiUnhca Willi tins, I'Uives will ls Itlletl with uon-iiiitou uittu. Curuegle Slettl I'd., I. tin., Jt. C Khicx, Clialrinnn. Tn these notices the men paid slight . heed. A large mass meeting of the mechanics snd laborers of the Homestead mill was held Sunday morning ut Homestead to take action regarding the invitation of the com uiy for them to resume their positions in. the mill. There were several addresses made, and everybody was allowed a free expression of opinion. U had been rumored and publish ed in some of tlie newspapers thut when the gates opened Monday morning un ier mili tary protection a lurge number of the work men who ure not menu, era of the Amulga muted Association would go to work. Ttie sense of this meeting, however, was decided ly to the contrary. A committer drafted and reported a set of resolutions, ami when a rising vote was culled every man stoo t ou bis feet, it was a unanimous vote in favor of remaining out. The following is a copy of" the resolutions : Whereas, We, the employes of the merhsa'eal tie partmeut autl day lutjorer. nf thtt lurmMle rteel i works ut lloniitsteati, lu insttiiua u-uteinuivti, tlo iim-r ihe It.llowmii hs unr views lu ragtu-u to Uie labor trnnblt extjiiliitf nt prt-M-ut: ! Kewilveil, Thai w are lu avtnpalhy with the Ama.1-tutiisu-d ASMM-latltm suU pltsltfe ountelvtM lu Maud i W illi them to l:ie eutl. HeuilviMt. That wit eoDshter ! an ttijustlrn to the -nits-Uauieui uVimrtnieui anil day lubottir 4111I an lu ault tu their uiuuiiimm! tt uk ihm lo work uutler liuar,, t we beiivtt llial tu tuut laud uf Um trtat ait men kltould be f lee. I A copy of these resolutions was forwarded, to the advisory commutes and another givenv to the preas. After the passage of the reso lutions a committee of twenty was appoint ed to tuke a copy tu Superiulent f otter and inform him thai they would notcotuo back, to w rk until the trouble had been sutiafao- torily settled. WHEAT IN 8T0CK DECREASES. , The "Northwestern Miller," Minneapolis,. Minn., reports the stock in private elevators at l,07tt,000 bushels, decrease for tut wsela of 23,000 bushels.