tilxt Star Niiimrrililinn $tM jwr J""". ''''""' A n linli'ininli'iit turiil iiiit, iiiiIiIMhmI every WimIiii'Iiiy ill HeyimlilMvllle, .lerTerwri i';;.. I'n., ilevnl'eil In I lie liilt'iKHlmtf Heyiiiilitavlllii ....I ...,lv Niiil-lmlll It'll). l II IM'lll oil Willi fiiliww, unit wllllieeMiii'Hiilly friend lir Inward IIib latHirliia cIbiw. Niilwrlntliin nHee ei.ro per yenr.ln advene. ('imimiiiili'itllima Intended fur jnitillealliiii miiHl. In- iiiviiiiiimnli'il liy the wrller nnine, mil fur piildlHilliiii, lull nn a uniiriinlee l imI fiillh. Iiilenwtlmt new. Ileum willr I'll. Ailvertlln Mill") iimile known nil Hppllt'n Inn nl the utile III Arnold.' llltwlc. Leimlilv I'liiiiniiiiiliMill.iim nnil rhiiiiiie f advert lue'tnenl. .limild reneh Ihm utile liy Moniliiy niHin. , , . . .... Aililret. nil riimitiiiiileiilliin. InC A.piepli finum, lleyniild.vlll. I'n. Klltereif III till- HwlllMl'K lit Iteyinililivlll, Ph., h MiM-nnil elii-M mnll tnnlter. V. A. KTf.l'lll'.KIMON, Kdttnr and I'lih, wkdnksda vTTiriTv ";"" "Wtirn you iimkn a inlMliiki-, ilnn't l(H.k lrnck nt It liinit. Tnkntlm reamm of tlm IliliiK Into " 111I111I. niiil tln'ii IcMik fnrwnril. MlHliikt'B nn Ii'mniuih of wiHilmii. Tim mimI citii not Ih I'liiinni'd: Mm futuiii In vi't In your imiwkp." Tlm worlil In full of W'KiiMvii men, men of vnlvety HoflnimH, lenili-r fi-i'llnifn, oxti'iiii'ly "llimnil." Tlm.v "lovi'i-very. IkmI.V," lint lln-y ini' Until!. Tlm.v wmiM HiMinur mirrlllri'jirliirliln limn wninnl n frlonil. Tlioy ulivlnk Imrk from mIiihIiiwh, skulk away from 1 110 lint t in, nml leimt ntlmin to win tlu vli'tory. Tlii-y entry 110 hwoiiIm, Nnr no palnm, wenr no orowtiH. Tlmlr iiHplriillonn ilo not rlm bIkivo tUi'lr Iii'ihIh, anil (ln(r Hvih nrn llvoil I'tinlonlMlly on tlm ili'tiil level nf meilliierlly, fltirli men nrt of IHtln vnlmi to tin' worlil. I''x. TI10 nntiniml eunvtuitlon of tlm IViw jiln Party lm eliweil. Itinrly whhIiiiim woiv ilovotoil to iliinimi'liition of i-xIhI-lnr I'oinlltloim In bihmi'Iiom In wlilrli thorn wiih miii-ti forvor. .IiiiIkk Walter T. (irtwlintn wiih Hio fitvorllo rnnillilntK for lYittlilmit, lint IiIh foiitlnuiMl iffiiHiil nllowi'il tlio nomlniition on tho Hint Iml lot of .IhimchM. Weavnr, lient known nn the old tlmo t-nnillililtoof thi(!riinlmrk party, (ii'iiornl .Ihiiioh II. Kii'lil, of Vir ginia., wnn nnmi'il for Vli'i-l'riHlilent. Tim pint form iliM'Imim for n porH'timl union Tor Mm InUir foiws, ilomnnilH (;ov orntmmt ownoi-Hlilp of nillinmln, tolo- irrnph biiiI toli'plmno llmw, tlm Iiiitkhho of Mm ciirroncy to Till nr nipitn, (fov- orninont Umim ut 2 Nir I'nnt or Ii'hh, frin and unllmlli'il oolimnn of nllvi'r anil ( tfotd nt Mm rutin of III to 1, 1111 Incoino tax nml Mwtnl nnvlnH ImnkH. Thin I'on- ycnllon In Mm fonrtli U) moot MilH.vriir; anil tho ticket, VVnavnr nml Plelil, In Mm fourth boforo Mm Hoplo. Wo nmy look for a fiilr nml niputm tl(fht lxtwiMn now ami NovomlKir. It will Ixi hunl to foru- Ke tho roHiiltn. Tlmro In a MWHlhlllty Mint thorn will lio no oliM'tlon ut tho pollB anil that tho Ttoumi will lio I'ullml iion tonolootoiirchlof oxooutlvo olllcor. TIiIh in roally tho hiiH anil nlm of tho Tooplos Party anlilo from Mm ndvociu'y of tliolr prlnolploM anil Hiipimrt of tholr orpniilzntlon. Hut tlmo will ri'Tonl all jnyHtcrloti anil honl all wouniln pulltlciil anil othorwlno. Olio of tho inont Morloun of recent labor troublon in now fiuilnx tho pooplo of ITomiwtoiul, thin Htto. Tho tllHU;roo mont botwiH'n Carnoglo anil bin em ployed, tho lock-out, tho ori;anlutioii of tho liH'kedout men, tho nomllng of tho armed PlnkortoiiH to piiurd tho workH, tho Hlmildlnif of blood and Iomh of llfo ontAtlod, tho calling out of tho mllltln; all thewi ovontn following qulrkly ono after tho othor havo stirred tho toolings of our pooplo wonderfully. There is a settled conviction In tho minds of dltdntroHted pooplo that tho great blamo is with tho Cnruoglo Co, There is small doubt but that this company Is making vant sums from thoHO works. Why Hhould tho company out down wages twenty por contV Must this cut bo mailo In order that thorn) millionaires can mako a living? It is certain that the men wore barely ablo to mako a living at the old rate. It is equally certain that ovory home In Homestead would bo pinchod by tho out. To most it must scorn that the attitude of tho company in this matter is one in which pure selfishness and greed are the great factors. Then the absolute refusal of those in authority to recognize representatives of labor organizations during the trouble men who came in the interest of peace is a sorry comment upon the sense and humanity of those loaders of capital. No union men need apply. This it seems is, in the future, to be the sign hung out at the Homestead works. Bo labor has no right to organize. We Are to have corporations and trusts and railroad combinations and deals by which the Interests of the capitalists are to be forwarded; but labor has no right to organize. It is about tlmo for capital to realize the rights of labor and to treat labor more respectfully, Publio sentiment is overwhelmingly with the brawn and brain of our land in the struggle being carried on against the "money bags." The militia are at Homestead, how ever, to keep the peace, not in tho Interest of any party to the controversy. They are not there like the Plnkertons to shod blood, but to prevent bloodshed. And we feel sure that wise and moderate councils will ultimately prevail and that the rights of the laboring men, without whom Homestead and Carnegie could never have prospered, will be recognized and properly protected. Let the desire of ail bo peace and justioe not one alone but united as only they can be in a land of democratic principles and practice. Life at Clmumuqus. t'huutiiuipin, tho grent summer resort, In now In full blunt. Tho program for has been prepared with tho iiHiinl earn by thorn) whono IiiihIiiohs It Is to sootnn tlm talent for this world renown educational oniitrn. Anlilivfrom It educational nilvantngen It In arliiiriu lug HHit. Tlm town In built iihui heavily wooded nutiirnl tenncen, which nlepe gently to the shorn of Cliniitnuipia lillke, a lovely sheet of water twenty miles In length. Tlm beautiful undu lating eoiinlry In tlm vicinity offers many tit tractive driven. Tho air In immiI ami Invigorating. TI10 nlreeln and avenues of thin city wind grncefiilly In mid out mining Mm treen, or nt retell like leafy tuiiiieln through Mm fitt'osl.. More than live hundred dwellings lire ncullorctl In orderly nrmugeiiieiit through the groves, about the pnrkn, anil by the InkcHldc. ('hiiiiluiiiuu In not only lienutlful, but Is wife from lire. The witter In pure nml iiliuiiilant. A Inrge reservoir hack among the hills Is n source of protection ngaliiHt lire. A regularity organized lire company Is In service throughout the entire year. The snnltulloil In excellent. l''or niiiiiy yenrn the nlreetn and pin ks hiivo been lighted by arc electric lumps. Though Mm nnnutil life of tlil-iclty Is brief, yet It offers atlmcllvc opportunities to shopHi'H. Kvcry iiioriiing the Chun tutiipin citizens consult tho Ihrnltl or Mm bulletins pouted dally through out Mm grove, to nee wlmt tlm "program" offern. They read a list of lectures, concertn mid entertain ineiils, decide which to attend and then mnke their plnnn accordingly. Tlmn all have a common IntcrcHt in whitt Is going on; talk nt tulile anil elsewhere ileiiln with topics suggested by lectures mid studies, nml thus ( 'hautninpiu life stimulates social Intercourse and good conversation. Tho very nlr is laden with u Humiliation for 11 desire to obtain knowledge. Ilesldes, there lire ample melius of recreation provided. A dozen tenuis courts are lllleil from morning till night, base ball mutches are of freipient occurrence, slx-ourcil crews are In constant training. In Mm twi light while Mm baud plays, scores of boats glide to and fro, Tim bathing Im-hcIi is safe and constantly under t lie eye of a watchful liutblng master. Kvcry evening the great nmpliltheutro Is tilled with citizens listening to mimic or dramatic readings, watching stern oplieon views thrown upon the screen, admiring beautiful tableaux, or eagerly awaiting tlm result of a spelling or pronunciation mutch. ('haiitauiuu life in national, Interesting, elevating, truly ivercntlvo. Liable to Join, the Strikers. HtH'i'lul to DuIIiiIh Courier. PlTTBHUKU, July 12. At a mooting of Carnegie's employes ut tho Twenty ninth and Thirty-third streets and 1 leaver Falls Union mills, this after noon, It was decided thut should Mr. Prick again decline to rooimn negotia tions with tho Amalgamated ussiMdatlon ut Homestead, ovory man In these mills will strike on Thursday. A Chance for Composers. In order to stimulate American com position, l.mlirt' llmne Journal has just made public nn attractive series of lilsiral prizes for tho Isist original musical comiiosltlon by composers resi dents in tho United States and Canada. Tho prizes call for a waltz, a piano comiiosltlon, a pleasing ballad and a popular song, an utithom and tho four liest hymn tunes. Tho eomHtltlon is oKn until November 1st, next. The opM)rtunlty has an additional attract iveness sluco the prize coniHslttons will form purt of a series for which Strauss Is writing an original waltz, and Charles Gounod and Sir Arthur Sullivan ouch an original song. Notice. All pontons having accounts with Messrs Reynolds & Kauchor, lately of the Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co., are requested to settle the same as soon us IXMslble. Accounts not settled before July 15th will bo left in other hands for collection. J. H. Kaucheu. s. T. Reynolds. Teachers Wanted Salaries Paid. Tho school directors of Wlnslow township will moot ut tho Ohiotown school house, on Saturday, July lflth, 181)2, to elect teaohurs for the various schools of tho township. All applica tions with recommendutions,oertliicates, &e., must be handed In before thut time. Tho following salaries will bo paid: Ohiotown schools, No. 1, $45; No. 2, $40; No. 3. $.'15; Presoottvllle, No. 1, $15; No. 2, 3o; Rathmol, No. 1, $4.r; No. 2, $:; Dean, No. 1, $45; No. 2, $1)5; Sykesvllle, No. 1, $45; No. 2, KI5; all schools not graded, $40. O. H. UltOADHEAD, Soo. pro tent. "Be sure you get Ayer's" is an Impor tant caution to all in search of a thor-oughly-relluble blood-purifier. Ayer's Sursaparilla being the ono on which there can be no manner of doubt. It has stood the test of nearly half a century, and has long been considored the standard. Mens shoes all leather for $1.00 at Robinson's, rtftlna rotHi the ff tbe. Wait McGauohey On Monday, July 11, 1892, by E. Neff, J. P., at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Aaron Pry, Sam. E. Walt and Clara M. Mo Gaughey, both of RoynoldsvlUe, Pa. Snndy Vnlley. Tho hay crop Is light this year, com pared with last. John P.Cnx has returned from Oregon. Ilo was absent four years. James Mclllion and nlslnr will start for Mm far went In tlm near future. Tlm Sandy Vnley hand will hold a festival near Puncoont on Prliluy, July trilli. Hiiimicl Steel lias purchiiHcil a driving horse for himself. Ilo Is it lively animal. The Palls Creek Mining Co. havo their bliickninlth In tlm shop at tlm new Hlicrwood mini's. Hist. Deputy C. N. Iicwls, of Iteyn iildsvlllo, Installed Mm nlllcern nf the . U. A. M. Saturday evening, July 2d. MUs Mattln McGheo bun returned from lleechlree, where she bus been teaching hcIiihiI. Hhe closed herselusil on account of seiirlel fever. A number of our citizens al tended the O, II. A. M. iiniilvetHury ut, Puiix sutawney 011 the Sth Inst, They report having liiul u plciixnnt lime. Tho Indies of Mm Methodist church will hold a fcntlviil In thoHundy Vnlley grove on Suluriluy evening, July 2.'lril. Proceeds lo apply on minister's salary. The school directors were ut this place securing grin mil for a new school house. It will lie built III time for Mm winter term. We congratululo our people, for we needed It badly. .lumesunil Alex. Wulto have returned from tlrovn City college. There Is no changes In them except ing I hat .lames lisiks more like Alex. You could not tell them apart when they went iiwuy. Wo would Ihi glad e write a longer letter If we bud lime, but us wo have lo pick potato bugs mid mow grnss lo-duy, we will suy good hyeunil drop our ipilll. Kiitbmrl. Win. I lacy bus been III for neverul days. Miss SI nil zol I Ih visiting friends ut Slinmokln, I'm. Henry ,V Sons ure pushing work rapidly In Mm opening of their new mine. Two of our young neighbors on Sat urday night paid their roHpcels t'l his Honors Court In Keyiioldsvllle. Itonly cost 1 lniii a "V" or forty-eight hours In LIiiiIhi, They were given to under stiinil that owing to overproduction nf uptown "tangle foot" his Honor would have to advance prices oil their next visit to him. One of our young sports went to Illi nois tlm oilier day and under somo provocation proceeded to paint tho town. Ho dumped two men from his buggy Into Mm street, paid a $15.00 lino for the use of (lie town, drove to Itoyu oldsville mid sized up lliitler, the pugi list, mid offered lo try him a Isiut, square up, rough ami tumble or just-us-you-pleuso. The following officers wore publicly Installed on Monday evening by Mm K. of P. Lodge for tho ensuing term; P. C T. J. Hroudbeud; C. !., K. (). Mellenry; V. (',, James Hughes; P., George Hughes; M. nf K., W. A. Iysl- lug; M. of P., Jon. Ilutoson; K. of it. & S., L. A. Hayes: Trustee, S. S. Haines. Hev. Hemingway, of Dill lots, delivered an address on tho occiinlou, Ayer's pills promptly reiuovo the causes of sick and nervous heuduelios. These Pills speedily correct Irregulari ties of tho stomach, liver, undbowols.und ure tlm mildest ami most reliable cuthur tic in use. No one should be without them. List of Letter. The following letters remain uncalled for ut the postollico In Hcyitolilsvillo, Pu., July lith, IMI2: M. I. Hlmirnr, W. A, Hit, Jiih, McKiiIkIiI, Henry llmirli, E. N. Krucler, Atvhy liiiiilap. Koiikiiin. Anient Tiule. When calling for the nlxivu letters, pleuse say they wore advertised. J. W. Pit;sr. P. M. Ayer's Hair Vigor Makes the hair soft and glossy. "I have used Ayor's Hair Vigor for nearly Ave yean, and my hair It molit, glossy, moil Id an excellent state of pres ervation. I am forty yean old, and bavs ridden the plains for twenty-five years." Wro. Henry Ott,q(ai "Mustang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from falling out. "A number of years ago, by recommen dation of a friend, 1 began to use Ayer's llulr Vigor to stop the balr from falling out and prevent Its turning gray. Tho first efteots were most satisfactory. Occasional applications since have kept my hair thick and of a natural color." H. E. Basham, HcKinney, Texas. Ayer's Hair Vigor Restores hair after fevers. "Over a year ago I bad a severe fever, and when I recovered, my hair began to fait out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to use AVer's Balr Vigor, and now my hair Is growing rapidly and la restored to Its original color." Mrs. A. Colllas, Dightou, Mass. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prevents hair from turning gray. "My hair was rapidly turning gray and falling out) one bottle of Ayer's Balr Vigor ha remedied the trouble, and my hair li now Its original eolor and full ness." B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer k Co., Lowell, bvm v i,funni,w nhi nniuuen. A BASE HIT ! Wlien E Strike we Hit Home Every Time. KOMPETITION KOMPLETELY KNOCKED KOLD. Our CIoIIi'iiik in tiding wonderful work. Our piil,ronn ar realizing Our Clothing Ih not only llio ( 'Im-ii m-h1. but 11m lomt in tlm long run. New HtylcHof fiueall-wool hu'iIh in Clmviotn, OaHHiiiiereH, light and dark :olorn AT $10.00. New HtyleH of llomriuiir!, Wornted, Diagonal; fineHuitx, worth $10 AT $12.00. Furnishing Department Our Hpecial oHerH in thin department: Men'w Negligee HhirtH 2.r)f;., 7.r)(!., 1.00, tyl.M), Thogoodrt are alldeHigiiH of thin wuiwm and are iih line 11 h can he hIiowii by city merrJiantrt. Men'H Night Uolen,lent Hln;k,7r(;M$1.00,$l.riO. Hurnnier Neckwear. We have one of the fluent lineH of Neckwear ever shown by iih, and remember we can hIiow you a tie from 5 centu to 2.00 OUR HAT DEPARTMENT. In filled with the choicent ntock of line Fur Durby, fin eFelt Soft and Crunh llJltH. POPULAR PRICES. Straws) straws! straws! straws. We have Htarttid tint Straw I lat Seanon with a boom and "we don't care u straw" for price. It all goen. Yachtn in Canton, Jap Mackinaw and Senate liraidn FANCY VESTS One hucdred ntylen of fine Linen VentH, fawt colom, double or ningle breanted worth from 1.00 to 4.00. LADIES WAISTS. Ladieu we auk of you to call and nee the fine line of walstn we are are allowing. Tricon are very low and they are the fineHt goodti ever put on the market. BELL BROS., ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, I Other More al I lluHoli, Reynoldsville. c