VOLUME 1. REYNOLDSYILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JULY 13, 12. NUMBEIl 10. t1errtlitnrotte Q MITCHELL, ATTOnNEY-AT-LAW. Office on Wet Main street, opposite the Commercial Hotel, lt'ynldvlllc Ph. jya. B. E. HOOVKH, HEYNOLDifVILLE, PA. Rnlr1pnt rienllKf . In hiiltrllnff near Mntho- dint chun-n, opposite Ariunii moth, uimiuih - --- ---v.r . .. dcm In operating 4)ottl. JOTEL McCONNELL, UEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRANK J. BLACK, rrietor. The lending hotel of the town, Headquar ters for rommeivlal men. Hteam heat, five 'bus, hath room and rliet on every floor, umiilK rooms, billiard room, ti'leplione con nections, Ac. JJOTEL BELNAP, RE Y NOLDS VI LLE, PA. ORE EX ct COXHER, Proprirtnm. First fins In every particular. Located In the very centre of the hiilnopart of town. Free 'him to and from train and commodious sample room for commercial traveler. MEBICAN HOTEL, BHOOKVILLE, PA. IiUFFIXUTO d- LUXG, iV p Omnlbti to and from all train. European restaurant. Ilouie heated and limited hy ga. Hot and eold waiter. Western I'nloii Telegraph office In building. The hotel I Httcd Willi nil the modern convenience. QOM.MEKC'IAL HOTEL, BHOOKVILLE, PA., JAS. 11. CLOVER, l'mpmtor. Hamnle room on the ground floor. loue heated hy natural gas. Onmlliu to and from all train. B UFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTS- BUltG RAILWAY. The short line between DiiHoIh, Ridgway, Bradford, Nalamanca, Huflalo. Kochmter. Niagara Fall und point In tho upper oil region. tan aad after May 22d, 1H02, pnen ger train will arrive and depart from Fall Creek station, dally, except Hundny, aa fol low: TtlO A. M. Bradford Accommodation For point North l)ctweeo Fall Creek and Bradford. 7:1 a. nt. mixed train for INinxniitawney. 10:OA.M. BulTalonnd Rochester mall For Hrockwiiyvllle, Uldgway..lohnwmhurg,Mt.. Jewett, Bradford, hiiUinunra, Buffalo and Rochester! connect Inn at Johnnonhurg with 1'. ft F.. train 1, for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, t'orry and Krle. 10:56 A. M. Accommodation For Dullol, Nykea, HlgKtin andl'iinxHtitawney. 1:0 1'. II. Bradford Accommodation For Heeeotroe, Broekwayvllle, Kllniont, far mon, KUIgway, Jobnitonhurg, Mt. Jewett and Bradford. 4:80 1'. M. Mall For Pnltols, flykes, Big Run, I'unXNUtiiwney and Wnlaton. luin, I'unXNUtiiwney and WalKton. 7166 P.M. Accommodation For HuHol,Hlg KlIIIMiifl lii,itruiituwa..iv v. rain Arrive 7: in A. M., Accommodation I'unxKiitawneyi l(l:i A.M., Mall from Wal Htoa and I'unxMiitnwticy; :M A. M., Ac commodation from Bradford; 1:30 P.M., Accommodation from I'unxMitawney; 4:M P. M., Mall from Buffalo and Kochcter; 7:M P.M., Accommodation (mm Bradford. ThmiMand mile ticket at two cent per mile, good for pnwnge hetwccn all Htatlon. J. li. MoIhtyiib, Agent, Fall creek. Pa. Gso. W. Bahti.ktt, ,1ok. p. Thompson General Kupt. Oen. l'aa. Agent. Bradford, Pa. Uochenter, N. V. A LLKGHEN Y VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commencing Sunday July 10, ll2. Low Grado Diviitlon. AMTWAKD. 101 10B Red Bank Lawxonliam.... New Bethlehem Oak Hldge Mlllvllle Mayavllle Hummervllle . .. Brookvllle Fuller Keynoldvllle.. f'ancoaat Fall Uroek lhillol Hahula Wlntornburn ... PnnHuld....... Tyler Olen Flnher Henesette Grant Driftwood 10 Aft 11 Oft 1 in 1 4A WESTWARD. No.l. No.. No.. A. M. P. H. A. M. JO 4(1 4 an 10 M 4 44 11 2 6 IN II Ut A 2ft 11 Ml A 21) 11 4 A It) 12 05 AM 12 2A 6 14 lit 12 4:1 It! Ill 1 on e mi a k 1 Oil a AH 7 03 1 17 7 07 7 10 1 DO III 7 17 1 4:1 7 2H 1 AA 7 40 2 01 7 4ft 111 7 Aft t 23 ft Oft 2 il II 22 t ao 11 ;ti 8 20 a 00 110 ThMftwood Grant Renetette Cilen Flnher.... Tyler Pen Meld Wlnterburn ... flabula DuBol Fall Creek.... Puncoat UeynoldavUle. Fuller Brookvllle Hummervllle... Mayavllle Mlllvllle OttkKldire P. M 12 OA A 80 640 U Id New Bethlehem lawaonhain. lied Bank.... P. H.A. M.P. M. Train daily exuent Hundav. DAMU McCAHOO, Oem'l. Ritpt., llttMhunr Pa JAB. P. ANDERSON, 0N'L. Panh. Aut., Plttaburg, Pa DO YOU. NEED A NEW ATTIIIE? If so, and you want a gtxxl fitting and woll made suit at a reasonable figure you will re ceive name by plaulng your order with J.C. F roehlich, THE ARTISTIC TAILOR, Next door to Hotel MoConnull, KKVNOLDbVU.LE, pa. No.2 No.S No.10 A. H. A. M. P. H. 10 10 1 aft 10 40 7 ON 10 Al 7 21 11 OH 7 41 11 Hi 7 Aft 11 211 ft 07 11 Sft ft U 11 47 ft 27 12 00 7 on a 43 1 17 7 10 ft Al 1 at 7 20 8 ah 1 42 7 an oh 1 AU 7 411 2ft S 21 8 U 0 43 S an a ao 1 AN ft Al 8 02 8 Aft 8 Oil 8 All 8 1.1 10 8 47 II 4ft 4 00 10 00 A. U. A. H. P. H. rrayer tTnanawered. A misoionnry bnd taken hi", wife with him to India. There (the died, ond the brokenhearted widower received permin lion from the niisnionnry bonrd of his church to come home. Here he promptly consoled hlnmelf, and with his second upotuie returned to the field of his former labor. Bnt fate was still nnkind and at the end of a year he was once more be reaved. Again he besought the permis sion of the board to return home, bnt this time they gently but firmly de clined, saying that they did not feel justified in the expense of giving him two vacations within two years. They suggested, delicately, however, that if his desire was to recoup himself for his recent loss it was possible for him to deputize a friend to secure for him new partner of his joys and sorrows. This he accordingly did. The day the steamer was signaled the bridegroom elect went down to meet it, accompanied by amarried friend. When the latter returned he was pounced upon by his own wife, who demanded all the particulars of the meeting. "Did Dr. Smith seem much overcome when he saw Miss Brown?" was the first ques tion. "Well yes- little." "Wasn't he overjoyed?" "Well overjoyed is not Just the word, perhaps." "Why, didn't he say he was delighted?' "Well no not exactly." "But, at least, he seemed pleasedr "Well I don't quite know." "For mercy's sake, tell me just what he did say and do." "Well" with evi dent reluctance. "When he saw her she was at the other end of the deck and she was pointed out to him by the friend she had traveled with. Smith looked at her for a minute, and then he passed his hand over his eyes and I heard him murmur, 'Red hair for the third time and after so much prayer!' "Pittsburg Dispatch. ITU Rebnke. Much of the music sung in city churches would scarcely be character ized as "sacred" if it were heard any where except in the house of God. And there are some odd people who even in this age of progress consider that such music belongs rather to the concert room than to the church. Parson Snow was one of these people, and when he "exchanged" one Sunday with an old college friend who was set tled over a large city parish he was both amazed and shocked by the vocal dis playthe anthem with which the members of the choir electrified the con gregation. "They had fine voices, my dear," he explained to his little wifo when he was safely back in his own home, "and 1 presume they wanted to show them off, and so took advantage of a time whea their pastor wae away. I thought at first of rising and requesting them to desist. Then I felt that perhaps it would be my duty to report the matter to Doctor Green. "But I finally concluded that, aa it was undoubtedly a first offense and caused by an almost pardonable vanity, I would deal gently with them. So I waited until they had finished, and then I rose and said, 'We will now begin the religious services of the morning.' "And I feel sure," concluded the sim ple minded pastor, "that they felt iny rebuke and will not let such a thing occur again !" Youth's Companion. The "Flrat Kditlon" Graa. Is this hankering after first editions bnt a mere craze or fashion? in which case I would venture to predict that when the book loving and book buying publio once begins to consider seriously what it is that really constitutes the value of any first edition the ridiculous and artificially enhanced prices of such issues will fall. Upon this publio weakness, whether fostered by sentimental or any other feeling, the booksellers are now trading and are in the habit of calling attention in Roman capitals in their catalogues to first editions of almost every conceiv able book of course at the same time adding a correspondingly increased price to books which are hardly worth purchasing in any edition. For the present great demand for first editions the keen competition among English, speaking peoples from abroad for any book of special value now offered for sale maybe in a great de gree responsible, aided by a large class of unreasoning beings who bny books merely because they are first editions, and who by dint of their long purses are able to "rush in where angels fear to tread." These are they upon whom ordinary book lovers look with dread, and the booksellers not always with approval. Notes and Queries. How He Came to Write Book. How Professor E. A. Freeman came to be the author of the famous work on the Norman Conquest is curiously in teresting to those taking part in com petitions. That subject was selected for an English prize essay at Oxford, but the essay that he sent in did not win. He went on studying the matter, wrote the foregoing standard book and was, in consequence, afterward elected by the university to the lucrative post of professor of history. London Tit Hits. Mother Afraid of BUrllUod Milk. Sterilizod milk in bottles, one for each feeding, can be procured in almost all large cities, but it is generally beyond the reach of the really poor. One of the greatest difficulties, however, to be en countered in establishing the general use of tliis milk will lie in the effort to convince mother of it desirability. Lippinootf a. THE NOBLER LOVER, if h be a nobler lover, take him! Yon In yon I seek, and not myaelfi Love with men's what women choots to make him, Peraph strong to soar, or fawn eyed elf All 1 am or can, your bonuty gave It. Lifting me a moment nigh to yon. And my bit of heaven, 1 fain would tavs It Mine I thought it was, I never knew. What yon take of me Is yours to serve yon. All 1 give, yon gave to me before; Let htm win you! If 1 bnt deserve yon, I keep all yon grant to him and no morei ITon shall make me dare what others dare not. Ton shall keep my nature pure as snow, And a light from yon that others share not 8ball t ran figure me where'er I go. Let me be yonr thrall! However lowly Be the bondsman's service I can do. Loyalty shall make It high and holyt Naught can be nnworthy. done for yon. Men shall say. "A lover of this fashion Such an Icy mistress well beseems." Women say, "Oonld we deserve such passion. We might be the marvel that be dreams." -James Russell Lowell. Cats of Long; Ago. The piercing and cutting teeth of some of the cats of long ago are the most per fectly adapted instruments for cutting purposes that ever were seen, being un equalled by any manufactured tools for such uses. For example, there was the "gompuo dus," which was as big as the largest panther and had two teeth in its upper jaw resembling daggers, each five inches in length. As weapons for penetrating flesh they are unrivaled among carniv orous animals, recent or extinct. They are rather like the teeth of some huge flesh eating dinosaurs, the "terrible rep tiles" of the Mesozoio epoch, which had cutting teeth that nothing could resist Doubtless this creature was inconceiva bly bloodthirsty. Quite as fierce, how ever, and even more formidable by rea son of its greater size, was the contem porary "pogonodon," which was as large as the biggest jaguar. There were two species of this animal, which held the field in Oregon during the period I speak of against all rivals. It was undoubtedly a great destroyer of life among the herbivorous beasts. In terview in Washington Star. Carrier Pigeons In Franee. Englishmen, it appears, enjoy in France a curious privilege, which is rig idly withheld from Germans and Bel gians. It is that of flying carrier pig eons. This, however, as explained by Mr. Tegetmeier in his curious lecture on this subject, is on the strict condition that both the birds and the senders are English. In Belgium alone, according to this authority, thore are 600,000 racing birds, which in case of a war would be put at the disposal of the government, and every one of these is a trained bird. They used, it is stated, to train them over the south of France, but that is now interdicted, and no bird from Bel gium or Germany is allowed to be trained in France. The fear of course is that in the event of a war these trained pigeons would be smuggled into the in terior, and thus information could be carried out. London News. How tho Englishman Likes His Game. One fad I noticed among the English I am unable to express my contempt for. The Britisher, you know, is nothing if not outre, and this is aa true of his eat ing as others of his affairs. What would you think of the restaurant or hotel that would serve you duck or other bird that smelled like a dead mule that the buzzards wouldn't cat? And yet that's the way the Englishman has his bird served, and he is bull headed enough to wear that he loves game meat only when it is tainted. I hope that form of Anglomania will never run riot in this country. Interview in St Louis Globe Democrat Walters oa Horseback. In great French houses dinner was announced by the blowing of hunting horns, and it is on record that at certain gala feasts the dishes were brought in by servants in full armor, mounted apon caparisoned horses, a practice we could only look for during the reign of chiv alry. Of the attendente at dinner Che tarver and server took precedence over all the others; they stood probably on each side of their lord. The server, it may be mentioned, was the officer who placed the dishes on the table. London Cor. Chicago Herald. A Ceodult Eleetrle tlallway. A conduit railway system bus been de vised in which the current is transmit ted to the car by induction. It requires no overhead wires, storage batteries or sur face or underground conduits, the ar rangement of the trausfurmers being snoh that the primary circuit is underneath the roadbed, while the secondary is car ried on the oar, so that there is no metal lic connection between the car and the main circuit from which the current is lerived. New York World. Entirely Satisfied. A suit had gone against the defendant, who arose and gave his opinion of the judgment and was fined (10 for con tempt of court. A bill was handed r. the clerk which proved to be 20, "I nave no cnange," said the clerk, tender ing it to the offender. "Never mind about the other $!0," was the retort "K.eep it; I'll Hike it out in contempt." Black and White. Out of Data. Housewife Marie, these fowls are de cidedly too tough again, you cannot have put them into the stewpan early nought Cook Right you are, mum) they should haw been pat In three years ago I -Parll Figaro. Captain Dave Silver. Everybody who took a trip on tho Missouri a dozen or twenty years ago remembers Captain Dave Silver, one of the handsomest men that ever guided the destinies of those old timers. Cap tain Silver is still alive he is some where in the south, 1 think. But wher ever he is, he is still the courtly, stately figure that used to stand forward and bow to the passengers leaving the boat at Jefferson Ci, St. Joe, Omaha or Kansas City Westport Landing it was then. They all knew young, handsome Dave Silver they all liked to ride on his boat It was the Lucas, I think, one of the fastest that ever rode the river. She wore the champion's deer horns on the pilot house for years. It was hard on Captain Silver for all of the floating palaces to pass out of tho river forever, but he had another mis fortune. He had a brother. How he loved him I They were inseparable. One day they were standing near the rail of a big boat just as she was pushing off. The brother leaned forward a bit, the rail broke, and before Captain Dave could catch him the man had fallen into the water. The boat swung around at that instant and poor Silver was dragged under the wheel. "It's Joe!" gasped Captain Dave. That was all he said. He had seen his broth er go tinder the vicious paddles, and he fell into a partial faint. That was one of the reasons that this tall, handsome man, with the elegant manner and gray hair and beard, left the Missouri for the low banked streams of the far south. Detroit Free Press. Auroras Forty Miles High. The scientists of the Royal Danish academy have made publio the results of some interesting experiments, which were conducted for the sole purpose of ascertaining the exact, or at any rate the approximate, height of the aurora boreal is. At Godthaab M. Adam Paul sen, with two theodolites situated only four miles apart, found that the height of different auroral displays varied from one to forty miles! Near Cape Fare well, with a base line of three-fourths of a mile in length, the best calcula tions obtainable placed different aurora) attorn one to ten miles in height; at Spitsbergen it was shown that they range from a height of one-third of a mile to eighteen miles. In this case it will not provo uninter esting to mention some of the remark ble opinions entertained by the early ex perimenters in this line. Flogel esti mated the height of the various aurorro observed by him at from 90 to 810 miles above the earth; Reimann found that one observed by him was at least 500 miles high, and Nordenskjold's earlier deductions gave such phenomena an av erage height of 125 miles. Then Leem stromecame forward with the announce ment that be had taken notes and ob servations on an auroral display that was not separated from the earth by more than 1,000 feet, while Hildebrand son concurred to the extent of declaring that many of the displays were below the clouds. St. Louis Republic Dr. Maekensle's Kindness. Here is a story about Sir Morell Mac kenzie which gives a typical instance of his kindness to nonpaying patients. A wretched girl tried to commit sui cide by drinking carbolic acid. She in jured her throat fearfully, and in hospi tal came under the notice of Sir Morell for a few weeks. She lingered on ( being mortally injured) for fifteen months, and when lying dying in her miserable home longed and longed to see ' her doc tor' again. At last, persuaded by her entreaties, I said I would go to Harley street and ask him if he would visit her, though I could not reasonably hope for any success. "Can I help her?" he asked. "Not physically, bnt it would give her untold comfort." "All right, Til go," and go he did that very evening, and, at the farthest verge of an east end slum, sat by the girl, suggested one or two simple alleviations, called her "my dear," and left her with two sovereigns squeezed up in her hand. She died next day, but she had seen "her doctor." London Tit-Bita. True to His Word. There is an unfortunate relio of sena torial greatness who hangs around the Capitol during the winters. On one oc casion he applied to Senator Jones for relief. "Say, Jones," said he, lend me fifty dollars, won't you? I've got to go home and I haven't the money. I can't pay you till I come back in six months?" "No," said Jones promptly, "I won't let you have fifty dollars for six months." The old man's jaw fell. "But I'll tell you what I will do. Fillet you have $100 for twelve months if you'll stay away that long." The wreck was tickled, and, strange to relate, turned up exactly twelve months afterward to a day and paid back the hundred. Kate Field's Washington. Ventilation by Windows. It is always proper to resort to window ventilation if no other means of ventila tion is attainable. Lower the windows from the top; if possible open one win dow from the bottom, but choose a win dow the opening of which will not croate a draft Heated air rises and will escape through the lowered windows, while the fresh air will enter through the raised windows. New York Sun. Professional Frlde. "Why do you children wear such dreadfully long hair?" "How are folks to know that our father Uanartistr-Ulk, THE BELLBUOY. Like a restless, troubled spirit, Celt acensed beyond excusing. Decking rest where none Is offered. Vainly striving for release 1 Writhes the bellbuoy In the ocean As each wave In mad commotion Bnffeta It without relenting. Or a whispered word of peace. gnnbeams may each day caress It, Or the storm king howl above It, To each ooe the wall goes npward In a never ending moan. And the glistening sea gulls bear It As they hover and pass near It, And the rocky shores repeat It In a mottled undertone. Oh, the pathos of Its life song. Changing not as years roll onward Its one note of weary wailing Outward borne unceasingly! Prisoner In Neptune's clasping. Chafing under eord and hasping Angel thou of mercyl warning Countless sails that pass thee by. -Katharine H. Terry In Uood Housekeeping. Polite Photographers. The knack which French photogra phers, and especially those of Paris, possess in relieving their sitters of a constrained and distressed look while sitting for their portraits has long been the envy and perplexity of photogra phers of other nations. An American photographer, on a recent visit to Paris, took pains to study the means by which this very desirable result was reached. He reports that it all lies in a very simple device, which well illustrates the nature of the Frenchuiaa When a lady, for Instance, Is sitting to a photographer for a portrait the operator does not, in a perfunctory mnimer, coldly request her to "Look pleasant now, ma'am!" He says to her. in the most natural and graceful man ner in the world: "It's quite unnecessary to ask madam to look pleasant; she could not look otherwise!" The lady of course acknowledges the compliment with her most gracious and highbred smile. "Click!" goes the camera and the picture is obtained, re vealing the sitter at her highwater mark, as it were. Youth's Companion How Prisoner Xseaped. If we will only rightly use little things it is surprising how mnch may some times be done with them. A vizier, hav ing offended his royal master, was con demned to lifelong imprisonment in a high tower, and every night his wife used to come and weep at its foot "Go home," said the husband, "and find a black beetle, and then bring a bit of butter and three strings one of fine silk, one of stout twine, another of whipcord and a strong rope." When she came provided with every thing he told her to put a touch of but ter on the beetle's head, tie the silk thread around him and place him on the wall of the tower. Deceived by the smell of butter, which he supposed was above him, the insect continued to as cend till he reached the top, and thus the vizier secured the silk thread. By it he pulled up the twine, then the whip cord, and then'a strong rope, by which he finally escaped. Detroit Free Press. The Earth to Bo Like tho Moon. j The water of the earth is all destined to disappear from the surface of the globe by being absorbed by subterranean rocks, with which it will form chemical combinations. The heavenly spheres exhibit sufficiently striking examples of such an evolution. The planet Mars shows what will become of the earth in some thousands of centuries. Its seas are only shallow Mediterraneans of less surface than the continents, and these do not appear to be very high; and in the appearance of the moon, all cracked and dried np, we have a view of the final state of the earth for the absorp tion of the water by the solid nucleus will be followed by that of the atmos phere. Popular Science Monthly. Appearances Are Deceptive. He looked every inch the hoar, but he wasn't He sat inside a Cottage Grove avenue car, while two women and a man stood just in front of him. One woman held on to a strap, while the other wabbled about in a manner very disconcerting to man who was sitting. Glancing rip uneasily he discovered the cause. The man who was standing was grasping two straps in one hand. The man who was sitting may have resembled the street car hog, but, as we have said, he wasn't, not by a long shot Reaching up, he touched the man on the shoulder. "I beg pardon, but won't you let this lady have one of those straps?" Then he drew his pet corn from under the seat and realmed hitniuil s Ma paper. Chicago News Record. A Growing Industry. inventive inirenuitv of the hio-heat order is constantly at work to diannvA uses for paper, while the manufacturer and the inventor of papermaking ma chinery are straining every energy to improve the quality of the product, to cheapen production or to provide speoiol grades for new uses. Judging from the till undiminished flood of inventions, it would appear that the industry is yet in Its Infancy as compared with the influ ence it is dostined to exert on the coui fort, Intelligence and advancement of the human race. Engineering Maga cine. Oil for Heavy Machinery. For lubricating the journals of heavy machinery, either rape oil or sperm oil is the best to use in mixture with min eral oil. as tliev have tha lxaat affiwr. nn brass and Iron, which two metals gen erally constitute the bearing surfaces of an engine, Age of Steel, A Rroona Speculation. A 6-foot Yankee, seated upon a load of brooms, drove his team np before the door of an establishment whero he ex pected to find a purchaser. Jumping from his seat he entered the store and the following colloquy took place: Yankee Can't I sell you a load of brooms today, mister? Dealer No; don't want any. Yankee Better take 'em soli 'em dog heap. Dealer Don't want 'em; got enough brooms. Yankee 111 tell yon what I'll do. If you'll take the lot I'll let 'em go for one dollar a dozen. You know they're wuth double that The dealer stroked his chin for mo ment, aa if in deep thought, and then re plied: "Well, I don't want any brooms, as 1 told you, but I don't mind making trade with you." Yankee What sort of a trade? Dealer Well. I'll take yonr whole load at one dollar a dozen and pay you one half cash, you to take the other half in trade. Yankee No you don't mister! You'll charge me such an all fired profit on the other half that I might come out at the little end of the horn. Dealer Oh, no; I promise you that you shall have the goods just at what they cost me. Yankee Wall, mister, that's what 1 call square dealin. It's a bargain. And he commenced to unload the brooms in a pile on the sidewalk. When he got through he walked into the store. "There you are, mister; fourteen dozen, which I calcnrlate makes just seven dollars comln to me." Dealer Yes. that's right; there's the money. Now what goods do you want for the other seven dollars? Yankee Wall, I dnnno. You see, mister, I hain't much posted in your other truck, so I guess I'll take brooms. House Furnishing Review. Unpleasantly Affectionate. An English traveler in Persia had ar rived at Abadeh, where a European tele graph official, Mr. G , welcomed him hospitably and invited him to remain for the night. He says; An hour later I was comfortably set tled upon the sofa when my rest was suddenly disturbed by a loud bang at the sitting room door, which, flying open, admitted two enormous animals, which I at first took for dogs. Both of them made at once for my sofa, and while the larger one curled comfortably around my feet and corn posed Itself to sleep, the smaller qm.' evidently of a more affectionate disposi tion, seated itself on the floor and com menced licking my face and hands, an . operation which, had I dared, I should . strongly have resented. Bnt the white, gleaming teeth and . cruel looking green eyes inspired me . with respect, to use no stronger term; for I had by this time discovered that these domestic pets were panthers! To my great relief, Mr. G entered at this juncture. "Making friends with the panthers, I see," he remarked pleasantly. "They are nice, companionable beasts." That may have been true at the time. The fact remains, however, that three months afterward tho "affectionate one" half devoured a native child! The neighborhood of Abadeh, Mr. G in formed me, swarms with these animals. Pets of English Regiments. It may not be generally known that there is a special reason why the Royal Welsh Fusiliers should have a goat. They are a very ancient corps, and at an early period of their existence it was the custom to have a goat with a shield and garland on its horns to march at the head of the drums. Every 1st of March being the anniversary of their tutelary saint, David, the officers used to give an' entertainment, and after the cloth was taken away a bumper was filled around! to the Prince of Wales, and the goat, richly caparisoned for the occasion, waa led thrice around the table in procession by the drum major. In 1884 the then regimental goat of the Welsh Fusiliers died and her maj esty presented the regiment with two of the finest goats from a flock the gift of the shah of Persia in Windsor park,.' and since that date the queen has con tinued to supply the Welsh Fusiliers with goats as occasion required. The pet of the Second battalion Derbyshire regiment used to be a ram; that of the Eighth King's Royal Irish light dra goons, now hussars, horse; the Royal Warwickshire had aif antelope, the Roe shire Buffs a deer and the Fifteenth lancers a tiger. Pall Mall Gazette. Long Service la Wales. In Wales the Sunday evening services generally last two hours. Now there can be little doubt that a service lasting two hours on a summer evening is con sidered too long by working men and women who have been hard at work sis days running. If our chapels are to re turn their hold, especially in English towns, the services must be made shorter. I have seen an advertisement from which it appeared that in one Non conformist ohapel the servioes are "brief, ongnt, Drotneriy." Hut that was not in Wales. Liverpool Mercury. Left Luggage. ' Irate passenger, as train is moving off ! Why didn't yon put my luggage in as ! I told you? . Porter Eh, mon; yer luggaga la no I sio a fule as yersel'. Ye're i' tho wranf train! London Tit-Bits. j .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers