The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 06, 1892, Image 7

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BiMtrlml root Mark
Mayer of the deductive (tame o!
fxwl often Hnd It desirable, especially
on private turtle, to dispense with
the services of the attendant whoa
duty It ) to mark the score. To
meet such conditions an electrical
rpRlster has been devised by which
the process of I lip Riuno can bo ac
curately recorded. Contact buttons,
are so ni ranged In front of the pock
ets that when a ball Is holed It strike
the button, nnd the point Is regis
tered by an nnnunciator tin the wall
of the room. The sanio principle
has been applied to a pin-pool table,
l'ush burtons are fixed in place of
pins on an ordinary pool table, and
the balls passing over the buttons
mako n connection which Is shown on
the annunciator, s that when the
player has finished grot-inn t lie total
number of points made arc automatl
enllv recorded.
RiiMlnn Devotion.
The Rnsslan Is a very religious man.
Whenever he leaves his cottage or
inters It he will bow before the lni,i;o
f a saint that Invariably has Its
laeo In a corner at the window, and
efore which n lamp is constantly
tept burning. Never will ho toucii
my food or drink until he has mado
Jie sln of the holy ctws; that takes
ihe place of prayer and Is not done
lthout thinking of tlio Creator.
A nnoKKV railway bridge that is
ebullt of the bones of its victims
eldom breaks down a second time.
"My hoy li:ut Se.irlet
Fever w lien t win olil.
leaving Mm very weuk
niul ulooil poison
ed with canker. Ills
eyes lice ime liiMnmeil.lils
Hitrerlnira turn Intense,
. tinil for 7 wk lie l onld
Zunt even open Ills eyes. I
HUnuij BARS A-
PARILLA, hleli souu eiireil Mm. I knuw
" saved hia siirht. If nm lil vcr Hiv." am.
Iiik K., WaliliiKtim Htrvef,
Boston. Muss.
"HOOD'S PIIXS iitvYne"iiet nrter filmier
Pills, assist Uiueotion, cure hotolnelie.
Regis lvcblauc is a French Cana
dian store keeper at Notre Dame dc
Stanbridge, Quebec, Can., who was
cured of a severe attack of Congest
ion of the Lungs by Boschee's Ger
man Syrup. lie has sold many a
bottle of (Jcrman Syrup on his per
sonal recommendation. If you drop
him a line he'll give you the full
facts of the case direct, as he did us,
and that Boschee's German Syrup
brought him through nicely. It
always will. It is a good medicine
and thorough in its work.
Kidney, Liver and BladderCure.
Iximhftpn. pn In Joints or hack, brick dust la
urine, frciiont culls. Irritation, In tlitinut loo,
pro vol, ulouratlon or catarrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver,
tmrmlred rllsrostlnn. (rout, hllllot1s-hos.rtnrh.e4
J W 4 ni-ltC4T runn klilney (IIIUi'iiHUa,
JjaGrlpitt, urinary truulilo, bright'! diauuau.
Impure Itlood.
Scrofula, malaria, (ron'l woaknoM or debility
OtjarnHtre TTw content of One Bnttlo, If nn boa
VAted, In-UKKlsts will ruluiul to you prif muU
At Druffdatu, SOc. ftlzo, f 1 .00 Slifl,
terml(fl' Quid to Hnlth''froConiiulUtlon fr,
1A. KlLJiER Si, CO. lilNOHAUTONt N. Ya
tii hittula IiiIiim tint Iron. unfl hltril off
Tho Ulilntr Hun Btove 1'olbU U lirl Want, Odor
less, DurulilH, mud the emuutner pays lur Uu Uu
or glut, package will, vvury purrbasa.
Ot..h r&ii. O
, iuiis i my nits,
The (tret Uimm nften aatoulalM-a tl. i... 1
The Orel diw nfta-n astonlsliea the lu-
Onallrt, Riving aluatloity of mliiil, hlluy.
uxiy of IxMly, rood Uiie.tli.ii, revulur O
, Hoets.
O'o ooooeooo
Contains uiup ur Chlenyo itaiT KjpuiUitin iiruuiiiSj
andplolur and deurlpllua of alllUtt K(r build
IntfS. AmhAiiUo Kud aayKxl wt til DM told fur5UotA
w Mndl t truMlX yua hii-iUuh thla pnr sad Mk
(urfrMDlatntanr 1AU lut oa M niontlilr pf
mnuliUSirriTH, Clkltiviio'a cailnr fae
Wry foualaopniuilaaloaliuw Ibaplal
toHreoMierparaoM. Will ruu do ItT Wrlwlu-lar.
aUl IMWUM k tU, U Hiaar al UamiMi, talma, 1U.
who ! wiik I unci or Attj
bi, liouM uh fioiCur fur
OoosMMpUon. It hu NIWl
bMMMta. Utau not injur
ed on. It li not bad to tk.
It to ta b-Mt ooucb yrup,
old vforrwhor.
A Btyllnh Mnk TJp for Sown of Woolen
Materlnl for Out Door Wear
Other Btyllih Deaisni.
$p""T" UK ,"l,,nl ni,",rfl-
TA? I lln jilrtunun vrry
I xi.vli'h innke-ii
)t jl for nn nut -'iloor
riifliiini" in wmnVn
inntcrlnl. T h o
liiMiipnre "nnoil
mi to I ho wniKt niul
ii r e in ii l e Willi
)hi:iti, lint not
jiilluri'il nt tliS
"iMiisl. Tiny llur
lit tin' lia'k nm
flmw I lie foliN of
tin- klrt.
Tlic riirHK
frinit'i itiiv n In-
I ' i Ur , .li. attil. Tlii-rn
I li' nuiy !' of
l rati. r lii'ii(!iill
f Ml-
ni T-nnon cosTfMi!. In n Ir.'hlcr fliune.
tt is srt off llh a Ixittrrlly knot.
In tlie IliiiNlrnlloii i jnvw-nti"! niMtlier
very prettily ilcij.'iiril tljinn-'l funlunl Willi
n tlt'op lore flmiiu'e niul it lur hm-iini1, rih
lion roropt nnd nniri'il ali-pvi", nlso li:miloil
with rililion. Tliio irown limy ha maile up
very stylishly In luHctit uliu-c. I M-e nine
vory tnstily ili'sitrncil suruli Mnii'', niul
At,rK mntI!I.i:t.
tlioro will, no doubt, he n poml nrrav ol
them at thn miiiinier ri':rt. Tln-y nr.! m
expi'iisivc unil ilivisy. l'ule lilun i a fuvnr-
AfPvi W'AW
A rr.rTTV iwi.inn rnirsn.
Ite color, with vory Blinrt l.nsqiics, nnd
oithiT a lii'lt of 1'ii'xnnie material or onoof
tho fancy hclin now ko ino.liih. The turn
ilnwn collar mul iliip cpimlrH nro in ecru
Ince. Such a lilnuxe nlmuKI button In front
with pohl
The morning costumes nt the fasliionnhla
mniincr plarin have a great ileal of dash
ihout them. In fact, that is tho study of
modish maiden. She doinn't care so much
A pnirrrv morkino nowi.
for u pretty face as for a fine figure, good
carriaKC nnd a Ctrl a in air of sureness of self.
Kverytliing ohout liur is Bcriipiilously well
nude. Phe uhliora slouchinuHs as natur
does a vacumu. Take lu-r In her blue some:
from beneath ber skirt peep out ber dainty
russets, while her Kton tits her like a glove,
Its left lupel set off with boutoiinlcre,
genuine ruan-fushlon. liur vest, in soma
perfectly becoming oolor, Is set off with
deep chevron of guipure, and her neat leath
er belt, fawn olor, accentuates tba small,
round, supple waist, while from the flaring,
projecting brim of tier Hogurtb falls hoi
dotted veil, drawn In graceful folds under
her chin and tied at the back with iU long
ends fluttering In the morning krceise. Such
la the dashing girl at the Hprings, out for
walk on the public promenade. She knows
ISill 1
xSi: Urn . i
A .rirM.iT hat.
she I", perfection, nnd ulic ha no difficulty In
making you think so, too. The illuit rat ion
shows n simple tint nlwnjs iMipulnr summer
pown. the muslin delaine. The bodice
sinitilatM n jacket nnd appear to open on a
pleated front. At the wnlst there is a large
liow with long end".. The bottom of the
skirt ! set off with pleated flounces.
The lace mantelet with lielge cloth talis,
shown In the drawing Is a showy but refined
garment, original In mnkc-np. Tlietnhs nnd
yoke arc repeated nt the hack, being filled,
n Indicated, with long penrled fringe. The
ribs nro embroidered with Jet nnd edged
Willi pearl bendi. A Vnlois collar nnd bows
of ribbon on the shoulder complete this
lininl-onie garment.
The summer hotel veranda Is not the
exclusive kingdom of the modish mnld,
Willi her rttssct shoes, Mother Hubbard lint
, , . V , J
9 Kt --s
- 'J
f iiT'w V
. I I. . .1 ll'.A, .. fVau. .dffl
Mntijlk bloue, cornet skirt, pulTcd sleeves
nnd red sunshade. The clnssic miss, who
understands how to construe I.atln senten
ces better thnn she dots the silly chnt of
college boys, who would rather met a
young man well up In algebra than athletics,
is nlso there, and her great soul is not
above rejoicing nt the prospect of a ball,
nlthoiigh she doesn't dance round dances.
Her only circles arc those found in her geo
metry, but she loves to look on, nnd In my
Illustration I thow you the classic miss In
tulle nnd feathers, as she appears nt the
Haturday night hop. The summer girl may
sneer nt her lnck of modishness, but the
classic miss Is a dangerous rival all the same.
Her powers of fascination may not bo so
swift, hut they lire subtle, slow. She is full
of ijuniiit fancies and her speech has many
tiir classic mm..
moro flowers thnn her gown. And then she
looks well slttiiur down, while the ultra
fashionable girl docs not. She needs move
ment to display her good points. Jtcpose is
dangerous to her, rest faUil. She is like a
butterfly she lacki ber charm when she
A very charming morning gown made np
in flowered woolen stuff with an embroid
ered front, is given in the illustration. At
the back there is an embroidered plastron,
with a Wattcau pleat on each aide. The
loose fronts must be lined with silk. The
lk cuffs have an undersleeve of luce with
an elastic The front may be made of
flowers of muslin chiffon embroidered with
colored flowerets.
Two Victims of Rabies.
Rome six weeks ago Elmer Pickering, a
lit'le boy, and Mrs. Fred Huhman, both of
Philadelphia, Pa., were bitten by . a rabid
dog, The boy died of hydrophobia on Dec
oration Day, but up to Thursday, Mrs.
H ihmau experienced no ill effect). On
Thursday she complained of pain in the
IihiiiI that had been torn. Symptoms of
hydrophobia rapidly doveloped. During the
periods ihat she .was free from paroxisms
she begged with her attendants to shoot
ber. A few days later death came in com
parative peace.
World'e Fair Out of If oney.
Cmc'AQO, July 1 The World'i Columbian
commission has run out of money entirely.
Every cent of the appropriation has been
exhausted, und Secretary Dickinson bos not
enough money left to buy a postage stamp,
unless he draws on hia own 'resources.
Director Geueral Davis has not drawn hi
salary for several months, und Colonel Dick
inson bus gone without pay for the same
period In order that the clerk in his office
could draw their salaries in full.
JJmasd fuUitt Oooaalon. ,
Flrat Suburban Hello, Smith!
You are, got up regardless. Going to
a wedding? ,
Second Suburban No. I'm going
In town to try to engage a cook and
I want to create a good lniprtesloo,
General Manager.
"17 .11
Tnt women compositor of Boston, Mass..
have been organised. ,
iNMAffAPOLt, Inri.. bas eight earpeuters
Unions with about 1400 memtwra.
RrsstA Is rich In coal and Iron, end Its
mines for tbe want of labor remain unde
veloped. Thb extreme heat Is having a fatal effeet
on Munitarlaus working at tbe Pennsylvania
coke oven.
About CM Japanese miners recently left
Kob3 for Mexico, where they will bis em
ployed In copjier mines,
Ni.xt yenrs ago there were only eleven
Rtnte labor buresns In this country, and
now there are twenty-elglit.
TiiKRB were more strikes and demands
for higher wagei In May among tho silk
workers than In the entire year of lti'll.
DEi.r.OATM from fourteen lalwr o.-ganl-rnrions
in Hoston, iMnss., recent It formml a
new AmalgamateJ Building Trades (,'ouu
cil. Th telegraph operator In Rptln rave
struck, on l communleitlon with the prov
inces is misnen le U Tun wire ar being
worked by the military.
Er.noTstciAits report a morn nrent de
mand for appliances thnn ever before
known, and all of the wall mtisUed work
re crowded with contract.
Thb co-operative factory established by
the Clgar-Mr.Kers' Union of lU nburg,
(Germany, employed about paople last
year, and the surplus was tMil.lO.
Atiantio Citv (M. J.) waiters are pro
pooinx to estiblisn a gradol tin system
ranging from a ten-esnt tip nt a two-dollar
hotel to fifty cent at a swell bouse.
It Is stated that the average wages paid
machinists In shipyards Is about !(), only
very few men m New York shipyards have
ever received more tban IIS per week.
At Pittsburg, Penn., the demand for
finished iron is good, the prospect of wags
diflieulties stimulating, the workers demand
ing last year's scale aud the manufacturers
a reduction.
Thb guards, or brakemen, on English rail
ways receive, on commencing, eiglity-seven
cents per day, and after a time get a dollar.
The drivers, or engineers, get II.IU, and get
up to 1. aa.
Glasgow, Scotland, has an Industrial
home where women who have come out of
prison get home provided for them and
where they are employed in laundry work,
for which they receive payment.
, Bourn Dur.MAn nnd tbe Kart Indies In.
tend to have a worthy exhibit nt the Ex
position. Japan has applied for spac In the World'i
Fair Mines and Mining building lor a min
eral exhibit.
A coLLECTiva exhibit nt the World's Fair
by the various college fraternities in th?
United States Is well assured.
TnE Indian exhibit at the World's Fair
will include representatives of every tribe
from the extreme north to Terra ilol Kuego.
A SOLID gold brick, weighing BOO pounds
nnd worth .KI,UUU, will be exliilnt 'd in the
Mines and Mining building at the World's
Fair, by a Helena (Montana) mine owner.
Thk Ohio HtHt.i Arcniedogical and His.
torlcal Hnciety will exalliit at the World's
Fair, among mnnyothr interesting articles,
a collection of specimens o" old colonial and
btate bank money.
Tub chair in which Thomas Jeff-rson sit
while writing the Declaration or Indeoend
ence is now owned by the Philosophical
Hociety, Philadelphia. It is reiiortu I tint
this Interesting leliu will bo exliibitei at
the World's Fair.
A Kchoonkr Is now being fPted out nt
Halifax to go to the arctic regii :is to get ten
or twelve K.tpilmo Inaiilios, llfty or sixty
IHM-Hoiis in all, for exhibition at the World's
''air. Dogp, llsliing Implement, uteniils,
nnd everything necessary to Bhuw Ksipumo
lite, will also be procured.
Tiikeb World's Fair Commissioners from
France are now in Chicago, to erect and
decorate tho building which will lie the
headquarters ot France nt the Fulr, and to
coiopieto arrangements tor Inst illing thn
Freuch exhibit. They say that France will
have an exhibit unrivaled by that of any
other Nation.
Thb World' Fair grounds aud buildings,
now uearing completion, are sn renowned
as a most beautiful nnd Intertsting spectacle
that not only do lrom Sihjj to DJ.U'HJ people
a day, at a cot of twenty-Ova cents apiece.
Inspect them, but the great majority of
travelers who pam through Chicago duvotu
a day or more to the sam purpoa?.
Mhh. Potteh I'ai.mkii, President of the
Board of Lady Managers, wiio has recently
returned from a Kuroieaii tour, re.iorU
that the women of Europe, particularly of
Great Hrltain, France, tier in any and rlel
gium, ore deeply interested 111 the World's
Fair, and are working hard to make the
woman's branch of it a splendid success.
An exhibit ot bell will be made at the
World's Fair by a lurgi manufacturing con
cern in ttiis country, and tho firm Is plan
ning to display It In a reproduction of the
Tsar Kolokol (king of bells), the famous
broken bell ot Moscow, which is twenty
two feet in diameter and twenty-one feet
three Inches high, weighs 44a,ii J pounds,
and Is used as a cnapol.
It is probable that a number of genuine
Astrakhan sheep, the fluent specimens living,
will be exhibited at tbe Worlil's Fair. A
doxen ot them have recently arrived in thi
country from Persia, having beeu pur
chased there by United Htales Minister
tieale for Hecretnry Husk, of the Department
of Agriculture, who intends to try tbe ex
periment of raising the species in this coun
try. Tmmr who have been charged with the
fireparation of tbe Turkish exhibit are mak
ng very extensive preparations to have it of
suierior merit and iuturest. They will char
ter a large sulp to transport the exhibit.
Tbey will bring over 4 to native Turns ar
rayed in their National costumes. They will
reproduce at Chicago a street in Constanti
nople with all its peculiar crookedness and
narrowness and lta interesting bazu's aud
restaurants. The bazar will be tilled with
salable articles of T Ornish manufacture.
The Awful Orims of a North Carolina,
Biute, Who Kay Be Lynched.
Li mbkkton, N. C, July 5 Frank Moorse
eon of a prominent man living near thi
place, became enraged because hi wife was
ill and unable to prenare ni dinner. He got
a club aud his wife taking her buhy fled.
When she went back she found iter five
children with their beads battered in. Two
were dead and the others cannot live.
Meares was arrested aud lynching party
bos been organized
Tbe Lensue Record,
The following table shows the standing of
the various base bull club :
Tost- Tar
Won. Ixnt. jKiued. Cent.
Hoston 4(1.... 1H 4 71ft
1'hiladclphia 40.. ..24 S 025
Brooklyn 81). ...24 tt till)
Cincinnati 84.. ..W & IMI7
Cleveland 82. ...28 8 6M
Pittsburgh 32. ...84 3 45
Washington 80. ...84 S 4118
( 'hicut'O 27 .... 82 4 . , . . . , .458
New York 27... .80 4. ,.,,,.4211
Ht. Donis 2(1.... 35 4 42(1
Ixniisville 20.... 811 6..,.., .400
Hultimore 17.. ..40 7 270
It never helps ug to walk any
itralghtcr to watch another man'f
Very Mlmple, f
In part of Itlndostnn tho marrlnpe
ceremony Is short and simple and no
courtlnK precedes It. The arrange
ments nro intulo by tho friends or
relative of the principals. When
the bride and groom nro brought to
gether, In ninny tnej they are ench
other for the first time. Tho brldo
playfully skips towards him nnd sonU
herself beside him. The priest ties a
corner of the bride's veil to tho !
groom's shawl nnd they are man irflfd !
Hew This
WonfTer One Itlltwlrerl Unll&ra mw.,,1 fn
any ra-e of catarrh that CHiillul b cured by '
Inking Hull's Catarrh (.'urc.
K J. Ciiknkv Co., Props , Tolodo. O. I
We. the litiiliirHlgneil, Iihvh known K. .F. '
Cheney for the last Hi years, nnd lielleve him ! henornhln in all imdneas iriiusiu-- !
lions, aim iiiiniieiaiiy nine in curry out any
I'tillL-atlniis nimln hv tlielrtlrm.
Wkht A Tun ax. Wholesale Druggists, Tole
do, O.
Wamhno, KtsiNAS) tt Maiivisi, Wholesale
llrilimlsts, To'edo, O.
Mall's ul orrli l!nre la taken Internnllr, act
ing directly iih n the blno tiind tuueoiis snr
fHccsof tho system. Testimonials wtil free.
1'rlce o'ic. ter hoitle. Hold by all ding-gists.
Wiikm the olllte seeks the man, It is not
reipirtited to "cull around next week".
Sitmmff rotrfa. .
rolds ennelit In warm wrathee are inst ns
eerlaln to nuke slow hut sure destruction of
the lung tissues as any other. Ir. Hossle'a
Certain Croup Curo etitees (a,- mimt d'onifs
r'irrof the Mspiratory organs, and a nilraeti
loiis ellce Is liroiiitilly elfeeted. Ko opium.
Sold by prominent drmrgists. fpie. Mauufao
tured bv A. P. lloi jle. llultalo, N. V.
Oiiksitv Is n curious Tisense but it is very
rnre in times of famine. i'mcAv
The I'ltixhnra lllspntrh
Is nnrpiestlnnntity n great newspaper in every
sense of tlie word. II is fair and w ithout part,
lean bias. It elves all the news and tells the
truth. Everybody should read II.
W. .t. Mellonalil, superintendent Lannenu
Mauufm l ilriiiu I 'o., I Ireeti vllle. H. ( '., snvs "M y
wile has used Mrailverollne for headaelie nnd
II Is the only thing that relieves her suiferlnus."
It you nrv tniuliled with malaria Inks
Pw hani's 1'llls. A iKHtltlvespeclllc, Nothing
like It. lis cents a box.
Flowers! If you are Interested send address
tnH. It. Ioiisnl, this 4WI, Hyracuse, N. Y.
Thn eharlmcs
tliftt fill your llfo, if you'to a feeble,
Buffering woman, can bo taken out
of it. Tho chronic weaknesses,
functional derangements, nnd pain
ful (linordeis peculiar to your sex,
can bo taken away. Tho ono
unfailing remedy for them is Dr.
I'ierec's Favorite Prescription.
It corrects, cures, nnd builds you
np. It improves digestion, enriches
the blood, dispels ache and pfiius,
melancholy and nervousness, brings
refreshing hKcji und restores health
and strength. For periodical pains,
internal inllainniiition and ulcera
tion, weak back, leueorrhea, and all
kindred ailments, it's a positive spe
cific ono that is guaranteed. If
it fails to give satisfaction, in any
ease, tin money paid for it is re
turned. Tho great, grin'mg, old-fashioned
pills tnuko trouble. Dr. Tierce's
Pleasant Pellets prevent it. Their's
is t ho natural way. Sick Headache,
lSiliousness, Constipation, Indiges
tion, and all derangements of the
Liver, Stomach and Vowel are pre
vented, relieved and cured. Small
est, chenpust, easiest to tako.
Anodyne Liniment.
ln:s or m ALxoct a critical.
Kvi-ry linv, k-r, Kvorr family slioiila Imp It athniiil,
!?'" I'."."'"".'!' HN "r 11,0 "Me " nraiur to anv "ii"!
It IsshiIIiIiii. llt'itliMK anil i'erivlrnllnir. lllti-f tl-usl n.
wnvswn L M. l.l. l, r,..l. r.. ITIrr XX ,sli - 1 1 1
Isutluulus Inst I. H. Joll.US 4 (1J., ihamwllau.
Waalllnuloii, It, 4',
TJ?"".'"" Proaeoutoa Claims.
Late Piliicliiil bxainlner U.&. fenalon Huianu.
JjiHlulaot wur, llmlj.iultoliiiiiclulun, utlj aiuca.
ITlMiKIITV yon rnr.
ell mul luiiilly u mil (he bul
vnluo lor your money. Keotia
mlif.o In your luntweur bv pnr
ehiishw W, I.. IIoiiiiIiik rlioe,
Willi Ii repre-enl Ihe best vnluo
for nrlees auked, tt tUouuuuda
will leslily,
--"'ly't.ITi IH1ln,maa !,.
U-. . i i ,)n Uy ,w obtaining money under ful
ino,u . ""'"A." ,out.r,.,r' "en dlres-l la Fnelory. atatlnir kind, al
IVLot. h.'r'l'l!" U 1,1 e' .Hie to .hoe dealer, and
cbuuta whvro I buve as ascnia. Write lor l utitloauo. , L., DoualaaTllr
In naumaioCuKlon and aoll. Tlraa.
I f fS" "
k. -
Bterte (alalaaa IIU,
sunn r. WVI.L ARMI OO..
lOotli the method nnd resultti wlieri
fyrtip of Figs is taken; it ia plensnnl
nnd refreshing to tho tnsto, nnd acW
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
Liver nnd J'owels, cleanses tho syin
tern enectunlly, dispels colds, lieadJ
aches and fevers nnd cures linhiliial
constijintion. Fjrttp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the ttisto nnd ae
ceptahle to the stomach, prompt kt
its action nnd truly beneficial In iM
effects, prepnred only from tho most
healthy nnd ngreeahlo substances, iU
many excellent qualities commend it
to nil aud have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Hyrtip of Figs is for sale in COo
and $1 bottles by nil leading drug'
gists. Any reliable druggist whd
may not have it on huna will dkx
cure it promptly for nny one who1
wishes to try it. Da not accept anj
tauismu, nr. new row. n.r. '
PH 11 J 7
11,100 IN (IOI.I) rOIM TO I5K (ilVEll
Are jrnu pmti-il on roHMesr If ynn nre, wtlie thrf
W'r.KKl.Y t' Jm iisal, f.etilsvllle, K tori
sniiiilie(ijiv trreel, nntl li-urn hnw your ki.iiwii-ilg4
limy lirlnir ,via n forrime. No selieme, but au Uous
est olter. Head nniiie on a itostul card.
Tonnyhnynrtflrl.nFlftv DoMnr ltieycle 'ol,;
who will devote a few hours' time In our em
ploy, l'or further particulars write
rslHltll Mirottlen. 1'lnililiM. Uailuwi:
, 'iripirxion. nnsi ,-ellnn. anu
PtHT ssmrTem or lllwa, nsil ni fr in, Imntin.
IiIihkI, ,.rn fiillnr" hy l he ,lnmnrli. her or liit'.'.,llnes(
wm' rsiurinir rr in Im
i'i i.Tinrm oi.r fn-opf r tunc liens, I i-rynnsiflvi n to
Jei 'eiwntlnit re l-neil l,il by tnUnirA TAIH f, . after
aw.'ll I'U-II. , Tin' ,11., IIIUH. I HTIIMtlSl inlir. AU-
ilre. i ll I; It I NsCH : if ( U, ( 1 1 ,lliR,nim M ,N. V,
S Aretila Witnti-ilt MllllfV nfr e,t prnllt.
PtlVhr Fly KHIrr In frnro rtrath. Krirv ulirot will
kill ii ti.irt of HicK, n ( fruni nnf wlillo vnu t,
dult-t wii.-fi you nwl nnl thn rs.nif.ri of ii imp ml
tiiu uiortil'itt. (set Diitchir'si nnd ttcnirK lttl ulU'
Mfiv5v VTikX
( m. "V't? nVt ABU L t8Ti t,
6 JX-rSb t,H. "ii'ii'wa. liver oml
. lt;p' 'IjS 1'iiil'y tUe I.Um.iI. nre w,r ami flf-X
AVai'laJ&n 'eetfinl. The h. rt vtiu rnl fi.inlljl
. Tj" C I "' 1" " Hiewu er nili'msni rii.Xl
' &lVa.i?7 Constipation, liyiinep-.i'l, J'on I
nr.MT in t
werlnK nnalltlaa are tinaurriawil
llaa ara ti n -n .....
film shell with lihntii. hImi ilew rlntlnni. ,,r sultshla
iteioh Mien liiniiy rlrii niul llnllilsonie. ree.N., ,1 ver.
Iltliill or iiililli-lf.v. Write tf.A..tM ilnl.chleiiip,,lll
I'KN'HIONH t-S,.nl for lnvn.
! il'.'H"'? 'I'."" 'olll'lllin I'aleilt. Kend Jof
f I'iNHION II li a HOI XT V I.A WS, ,
- - - - ' .- K,,MI, f. 1. .
411-pugn bik fre.
nullaatlliK three boxes of niivollinr brrni.t. V S
altectrri ,y ti.nt. tie-IKT THK fil.VI iCV ,r
W, Li
A sen ii Ins sewed shoe, Wiat vlt o Hp, nno calf, seamlem
smctU lul,ie, uYxlblii. uioro eumforcabl,styllsh uml dursblu thZ3
y,l'Ut,h',r,U0lVr'a B"b,""-luu- W 'mudoiS3
RA, nnd (14 lluud-sewed. Bnoeslf ihoes. Th most rtrllih.
i-W eusy ml durable shoeiuver wild st Uunw prices. TUeyuuuij
Una ImtsirtKlahoesoulliig from 8Uia. ' "s
S53.30 Ifhoe. womliyfuriiiors and all others who
p&Sa want M sood heavy eulf. three aeled, exumalon a,lno ,.
ensy to walk tn, and ill keep tho fmtilry nnd warm. '
will wear fur th money tliuu ony other nmsV
? Iiey sre roarta for aerviee. Tli lucrviulutf sales show tUat wurkl
Inioni n have found Uils out.
BOYS Voulhs s1..1 Hehool Hhors sr
shle (lines sold at thaae prices.
LADIES'?,3 yn4-'wed. $ aj nd
bhoea for Bllaaaa ar niadeof the best Doua
r "v J,, ' I -ery aiyiiBO, com- ,
foruble aud durable. The 3 shoo equals custom mada)
altoeacoetluffrom $4 to . Ladlt wlniwlab tu aoouos
xulse In their footwear are llnilluv this out,
VA I'TKIN. Ovwaraof deulerHaubatltutlns shoes with
Kucb aulMtltiitlens are fraiululent aud sobjevt to proawuua,
tlou by law for ohtaltilnit money under t ulsa prataucaa.
n. ooiriaa- aaniaanu taapritsatulniMsJoa bottom.
xe and w I nisi
yre n rn I uh
llrocktau. Blaaa,
win vtui rorvina. aiMi
StnotlT uiqh or Ann: . 'v B
aaw-M - m mmu uimj
tar - lllititraied eata.1
Mfr.. Ml WnUk. ana