i Star Suhneriptinn $1.60 r yrnr, n ndvnnre. An Inilrjionilrnt Iiht.1 pH-r, pnlilMwd pvrry WwliH'wIny ill. Hi-viiiiIiIhvIIIp. .li-nVrwm .. Ph., ilf-vix'wl to I Iip IntPtwtii of Kcynolilvlll Riiil.tenYi-wmrinintT. Nnn-piilUli-iil, wlllttviit. II with ftilrnpw, anil will lippxiwliilljr friend ly townnm tup Itilmrlti. ( mm. RiilwHiiilnn nrli-..I.NliT ronr. In nnrnnrp tVimmiinli'iitliim IMiMiilwf fur iiillli'nlln milM w m"riiniimiu,Mi iy in,' wmt-i f niinn-. But fur iiiilillriilliin, but it ft mimnntw nf rimkI fiiltlt. liilPMKtin ni-w iirnm wmi-in-n AiIvi-HIaIiik rntpo mil tin known mi Hiillrft- Ujiti nt lltn iiflli! In Armilil)' ItliN'k. Lvnitlily rmniniuilcntlmm unit rhnngp of BflvprtiKuinpnin Milium nni'ii nun iniirw hj MiiiiiIh iiimmi. AiMrpw nil rommimlrntlunn iaV. A. Plppli- nmin, Kpynnltlvrlllp, l'n. Ktitrnif M Hip pmtnnVn nt ni'yimllvllp. la., an HtH'nnu rinwn nmii nuini'r. C. A. NTKPIIKNNOKI, Rdllor and Pub WEDNESDAY, JULY fl, 1W2. It In stated that ll.OOu.noo lH-rwiiiH have jHititlonoil that tho galvtt of tlin World's Fair be vumtl on Siniiliiy. Abjure slang Mornly ami UMin prim plo. If for no other reaaon, hrvauw narrmvit vcnir vocabulary. UN tho Tor'to ri'fnuo of tho slovenly and tho In Hnlnnt. If vi ll l r tlllillL'Ilt does mil dosorvo a neat dress, keep It In some baok closet of your own brain. fa Tho woathor la an old and hackneyed tliemo of conversation. It servos an an introduction for thoso who are hut slightly acquainted, and aids In filling out many a conversation whim mibjiH-ts for talk hoeomo seam?. No mat tor what Its charaetor, whether cold or hot, wot or dry, It I a jood subject; and If there Ih nothing of any siwelal nulo about It, then its very lark of charac ter answers the demand. Sunday closing for tho Columhlan Exposition received an upward lift when the Sonata World's Fair txiimnltteo reported favorably a $i"i,IHl0,OiH) appropri ation bill with a Sunday closing proviso attached. This la a ehriHtlan nation. We are a Sabbath-keeping poople and it would lie a violation of our national spirit and an outrage upon our best eltl toiih to open tlio Columbian ExHltlon on the Sablmth. The demand for such opening comes from other countries and from the worst element in our own land. It is our hopo thatsueh measures will bo taken in tho national appropriation bills as will effectually kill Sabbath desoora' tion at tho World's Fair. Tho report that ex-Chancellor,Prlnco Dlnmark, is in danger of arrest and trial upon tho chargo of slandering tho proscnt Emperor of Germany is one which excites strango thoughts and emotions. The idea of this man "of blood and iron" being hold in arrest by the strutting puppy, who by the graco of Divine right 1b Emoror of Germany, la on abhoi-ant one. Ono feels liko asking somo man like Bismark to go and box William's ears for somo of his fantastic performances; but tho thought of this young clown boxing the ears of the greatest of German statesmen is so ridiculous as to seem Incredible Ono thing 1b evident Germany is seeing time of trial and Is to tie pitied. Such things as these do not occur in our land: "Where pith o' wnw and prldn o' worth A refuge find from rank and birth." bu doi Half tho battle of lifo consists in keep ing up a cheerful spirit. When doprcs' ion comes and the clouds, when the spirit is loaded with deadening pain, all work becomes a drudgery, and lifo is a burden and difficulty. Whatsoever is done is carried on under compulsion, 1th a wish that it could be avoided, d a fooling of ploasure, it so mournful a kind of congratulation can be callod a ploasuro, that it is at last completed. And oven if because there is wlll powor enough to drive It along, and favorable circumstances to make it suc cessful it will afford them but little satisfaction, for tho spirit will bo loaded with forbodlngB, and the mind be full of the prophecies of coming evil. It any good work bo well dono, It must be amid buoyancy and hope. With this experience, no matter how hard tlio task may be or how unpromising, there will be energy given to it, and that facil ity of skill and tact that, unless tlio hindorances are invincible, will carry It through to a good end. Ex. I love old faces; they are always truo, writes Gerald S. Lee In an article entitled "As It is Seen In Our Faces" In the June Laulm'1 Home Journal. The old man's face is his autobiography; it is his life in miniature. A face Is the scenery of the soul, the camera of our thoughts; although we have not really aoen a face until our hearts have followed the whole repertoire of its expressions, yet each man's habitual face, as a fair general expression of himself, is as if a composite had been taken, and the oul had had a thousand sittings, each negative differing in its wav. but all ombined resulting In this one. Why jhould a man be ashamed of his wrink les? It Is being ashamed not of what I seems, but of what he la. Wrinkles y. man's face, are a kind of orthog- Jhy, nature's handwriting, tbjj short- d of toatur-es, in which the main i of a man's life are set down with- his knowing it, and In spite of him- md In the very midst of bis denials. U language without a grammar, and r.ho vaguest sort of a lexicon, but man can read it. It Is German to urman, and Indian to the Indian; lversal language of the globe, tho t IT..1 J 1 I . . 1 uva v uiujiuK ui mauiuuu. The Prohibition party met in National Convention last week In Cincinnati and placed tho third presl denttal ticket In nomination. It reads Hidwoll and Cranfoll. General nidwoll Is a native of Chautauqua county, N. Y., and for many years has been a resident of California. Ho is a man of excellent record and his nomination is one credit able to the party. The platform of tho party, In of course, chiefly concerned with tho prohibition of the manufacture and nalo of alcoholic liquors, but also declares In favor of woman's nuffragn, and tariff for revenue only. A strong bid is made for tho votes of latiorlng men, farmers, etc., with whom tho party Iioms to form an alliance. Tlio Free Silver plank, though ably cham pioned, failed to pass. The Prohibition party is doing a good work In agitating the question of doing away with tho cmne of strong drink. It has within its ranks earnest, able and sincere advocate of its principles. For many years, now, these have liecn laboring persistently 'for tho suppression of tho traffic In Intoxicants. They nro enter ing UHin the present cnmpnlgn as determined and ?.enlous as ever. Thero is no question but that the majority of Christian iooplo and of moral and phil anthropic men and women nro with them at heart In their chief principles, Those who, for what they consider good reasons, do not vote their ticket, though endorsing their theory, cannot help admiring their courage and devo tion and honoring them for their prill ciples. They will, no doubt, poll an Increased vote this year and wo may say that none who deHislt a ballot representing conviction of right and truth ever throw awnv a vote. President Harrison lias appointed and tho Senate approved anew secretary of state. Less than three hours were taken to complete tho work of mnklng John W. Foster secretary of state, the quickest time on record. Mr. Foster is a skilled diplomat. Ho has lieen U. S Minister to Mexico, Spain and Hussla and has filled many Important special diplomatic missions. The present ad ministration has already prollted by his advlco and efforts and ho stands very dono to President Hun-lson. The appointment Is another indication that the present administration Is lieing run on a business not a political basis, not to servo partisan pi ill Ileal ends but to forward tho liest Interest of the conn try. Mr. Foster will not Ikj an advocate of "jingoism," nor will ho bo a groat political flguro head, but Americans will find in him a secretary who knows his buslnoss and discharges his import ant duties faithfully and ably. Our foreign interests will not suffer in his hands. Had tho President, as many expected, appointed Dopow secretary of state, ho would have given an able and popular business man and politician new and unknown duties. Thero would have attached to tho apiiointmont con sldcrablo eclat, but thoughtful ruon would have asked: "Is ho really quail fled for this work? This question does not arlso In Mr. Foster's case. Tlio apiiointmont is not so isipular as Dopew's would havo boon but it is a better ono. Tho strike at tho Carnegie steel works at Homestead, In which nearly 4000 men are participants, Is looked upon with great Interest by tho masses. Tho ministers of Homestead gave advice from their pulpits last Sunday. We clip tho following from Monday's Pitts burgh Jinn: Tho Itov. J. J. Mcllyar, of tho first Methodist Episcopal Chureh, preached last night to a largo cungrogatlun, com posed of mill-workers. His subject was, "The Master Hnil the Man i Mcllyar said in substance: "There should bo more harmony and good fool- lnir het.u-een entilrul ami lulw.t A n - - ' w..u nuui, 4 v nujr- pressed volcano exists among tho Amer ican woramen, ana somo day there will be an unrisinir that will hnei eal. The question is often askoii: Where would Homestead bo without ine muir wny not ask whore would Andrew Carnoglo be without the mill ions he has nuulo from the mllluVi l 'an. italists should remember that raon do not sell their self-respect when thoy sell their labor. The employer can afford to riAV thnilUHnrla tnw A cilnlu rt ground to enlarge his works. $.ri0,000 a vuur iu uuvurusu nis goous or nimself, nut when hard times come he is unable to share his Iommua ivlth rhu nmiilm,a There wagos are cut. Tho employes UlUBb BUtUU M1U 1USS. Teachers Wanted Salaries Paid. The school directors of Wlnslow township will moot at the Ohlotown school house, on Saturday, July 10th, 1892, to oloct tcachors for the various schools of the township. All applica tions with recommeudations.certiilcates. Slo., must be handed in before that time. The following salaries will be paid: Ohlotown schools.No. 1, $45; No. 2, 40; No. 3, $35: Preseottvlllo. No. 1. W5; No. 2, m Itathmel, No. 1, 5; No. 2, $35; Dean, No. 1, $45; No. 2, $35; Sykesvillo, No. 1, $45; No. 2, $35; all schools not graded, $40. O. H. Broadhead, Soo. pro km. In old times It seemed to be thoucht that a medicine must be nauseating to be effective. Now, all is changed. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, one of the most powerful alteratives, is agreeable to most palates, the flavor by no moans medicinal. Oxfords I Oxfords! at Robinson's for ladles and gonts. TEN MEN KILLED! HOMESTEAD TURNED INTO A BAT TLE FIELD. SheclfT McCleary Asks Oov. Pattison for Aid, but the Oov. has not Responded Tho situation at Homestead Is a most deplorable ono. On Wednesday a battle took place Ixitwoon tho lalstrors and Plnkerton's men which resulted In the loss of ten liven and tblrty-tlve men seriously Injured. What to-day will reveal cannot lie conjectured. SherliT McCleary Issued a proclamation In Pittsburg summoning all good citizens to meet at his office at 11 o'clock thin, Thursday morning, to aid him In sup pressing the riot. Five thousand strangers arrived at Homestead Wed nosdny: it Ih intimated that the strikers could command 10,1100 men. Tho hostili ties of Wednesday commenced at the apiH-aranceof two barge from Pittsburg loaded with Plnkerton men. Tl lnlmrors are fully determined to win. while Carnegie Is also determined to gain the day. Gov. Puttlson has refused to send aid, but will doubtless do so to-day. Six Plnkerton men worn among the numlx-r who were killed. P.lectrlrlly for Iaf Mates. One of the recent medical applications of electricity is in the treatment of deaf ness. The apparatus for this purpose comprises a battery, a belt, an electrode supporter on the belt and shaped to rest on the ear, and connections between the electrode and the battery. This pro vide a convenient and efficient mode nf receiving the current, which can be ap plied in tlnely graduated strength. Superintendent Johnson, of the Deaf and Dumb institute at Indianaimlis, is reported as having found in a series nf experiments that the phonograph con centrate the sound at the drum of tho ear in such a way that many of the mi pits, otherwise deaf, are thus enabled to hear. Out of fifty-six boys and girls, only three girls were unable to bear an v thing at all, while forty could hear music and twenty-six could distinguish spoken words. New York Telegram. Snakes Vaed by Charmers Cobras are selocted by the so called snake charmer of both Egypt and India for tlioir performances. The Egyptian charmers sometimes pretend to change the serpent into a rod, and according to Geoffrey St. Hilaire, this appearance tan be induced by giving a strong squeeze to the animal's neck, which in duce a convulsive rigidity from which the animal soon recovers. It need hardly be said that the snake charmers always carefully extract the fangs of the snakes they use. Quarterly Review. Johnny's Mind Dlmatlifled. Mr. Fizzletop was under the painful necessity of administering a severe castl giitiou to his son Johnny. After he had completed his labors he said sternly to the suffering victim: "Now toll me why 1 punished you." "That's it," gobbed Johnny; "yon nearly pound the life out of me and now you don't even know why you did It." Exchange. The All-Important Organ. A man feels pretty badly scared when his heart is in his throat, bnt he feels a (Treat deal more Beared when his stomach Is there. That is one of the signs of iyspepsia. Atchison Globe. Rathmel. Mrs. II. E. Hiirliin visited friends ut lliine mtte on the 41 h. The Church nf Uod Hunduy whiail picnicked In the Kruve near tho Htimdiird mine en July 4th. Miss Lucy Muhew, Mrs. Wm. Wulkor, and Mr. anil Mrs. W. O. Iluys spent I lie 41 li with friends In I'uiixsutawnoy. At tho K. of L. hull on tho 4th there wits an Ice creum festival. In tho evenhiK tho "llKht fantastic trlmiliiK" was dono mid a general KikmI time was the rosult. We understand Unit Doc lluxhes was away di'llvorhiK a 4th of July firatlun In ono of our neliiliborlnir villages, lie was hoard ruhears Inn the Iieclaratliin of Independence (In Her man) standing on a hurrol In the buck yard on tho morning of tho 4th. oOn Monday evening, July dtth, the Knights of l'ytlihis will publicly Install their officers for the ensuing term. A 'Ctirdlnl Invitation Is extended to all. Refreshments will be served In the hull.and a good time Is expected. Tho r. U. B. of A. expect to havo a public Installation on Wendesday evenlng,July 13th, If arrangements can be made. Arrangements are holng made to put the new fence In place around the ProsDOct cemetery. It will he a credit to the citizens of tlio township to have a good fence around the comutery. We think the committee de serve a sevore consuro for tholr action toward Mr. O. Q. Hprague, nppurently on account of some trilling personalities. Mr. Hprague has been a resident and cltlwn of Wlnslow town ship for many years, has never had a contest In law with any ono of his neighbors, has filled about all the Important township offices with credit to himself and party electing blm, has always boon a kind and obliging nolghbnr, and now ut his advanced age tor any one to think or Imagine that he would turn out to be a graveyard rentier, Is ungen erous In the extreme. A soft, fair skin Is the result of pure blood and a healthy liver, to secure which, Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the Super ior Medicine. Ladies who rely upon cosmetics to beautify their complexions, should make a note of this, bearing In mind that they can't improve upon nature. An eye ojionor shoes for men at Robinson's at $1.00. Pvtflina tvttrt th . Hiwillkr Yates On Thursday, June 30, 181)2, by Esq. E. T. MoGaw, at nuuii ueinap, otevon tilwiuor ana Jennie Yates, both of Eleanora. Pa. Henrikbon Madbon On Saturday, July 2, 1892, by Esq. E. T. McGaw, at Hotel Bolnap, Peter Henrikson and Sophia Madson, both of Eleanora, Pa. A BASE HIT ! When we strike we Hit Home Evero Time. KOIVl PETITION KOMPLETELY 1 KNOCKED KOLD. Our Clothing in doing wonderful work. Our patroim are realizing Uur Ulotliing in not only the Cheapen! but tho bent in the long run. New ntyh-H of fine all-wool huUh in Cheviots, CanHiineren, light and dark colorH AT $10.00. NewBtylenof Homespun, Worsted, Diagonals; fine Suits, worth 816 AT $12.00. Furnishing Department Our special oilers in this department: Men's Negligee Shirts 25c, rTF ii iTi -t P t fill - a a 1 . . oi;., uu, tfi.ou. i no goods are ail designs ot this season and are aH fine as can be shown by city merchants. Men's Night Itobes.best stock, 75c, 11.00,1. 50. Summer Neckwear. We have one of the finest lines of Neckwear ever shown by us, and remember we can show you a tie from 5 cents to 2.00 x OUR HAT DEPARTMENT. Is filled with the choicest stock of fine Fur Durby, fin eFelt Soft and urusn nats. POPULAR PRICES. Straws! straws! straws! straws. We have started the Straw Hat Season with a boom and "we don't care a straw" for price. It all goes. Yachts in Canton, Jap Mackinaw and Senate Braids FANCY V T One hucdred styles of fine Linen Vests, fast colors, double or single breasted worth from 1.00 to 4.00. LADIES' WAISTS. Ladies we ask of you to call and see the fine line of waists we are are showing. Prices are very low and they are the finest goods ever put on the market. BELL BROS., ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS, I Other Htore at I It allot.. Reynoldsville.