VOLWIE 1. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JULY 0, 1H!L. NUMIJEIl 9. lltrrllitttrou. Q MITCHKLL, ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. Office on Vot Main street, npiwwlle the t'ommctvliil llotfl, KeynoliNvlllc, Ph. jjh. a e. iioovkk! R K V NOLI )S V I I,I,E. l'A. lleilrtent dentist. In hnlMInc near Methn flW .rhuri'h, opposite Arnold muck, lictitle npw In npfrntliis:. tfotrlo. J JOTEL McCONNKLL, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. FRAXKJ. BLACK, I'rojmHnr. The It'Siling hotel of Hie town. Ileitdtinr tern for romnietrlnl men. Htenm In-lit, five bus, bnth room mid elnsets on every floor, sample rooniH, htlllitrd room, telephone con nections, u JJOTEL 13ELNA1, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. aiiEEX&fVXHElt, Pmprirtom. First class In every particular. Talented In the very centre of the h"tltiiiwpiirt of town. Free 'bus to and from i nuns and commodious sumple rooms for commercial travelers. ERICA N HOTEL. BROOKVILLE, PA. JiUFFlXOTOX I.OXO, Vi'n. Omnibus to mid from nil trains. F.iimpenn restaurant. House licutcd urid livlitcd Ity gas. Hot find fold water. Western t'nlon Telegraph iiIHi'p In building. The hotel In titled with Hll the modern conveniences. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE. PA., JAS. 11. CLOVEH, Piiiilm: Hample room on the ground floor. House heated liy nut uinl tin. Omnibus to und from Hll tntlnM. B UFFALO. ROCHESTER & PITTS BURG RAILWAY. Tho tdiort line between 1iiIIoIh, Klilgway, Hradford, Hiilmiinnca, Huftiilo, Kis'licsler, Niagara Falls and polntii In the upper oil region. On nd after May 22d, 1N2, passen ger trains will Hrtive Hiid depart from Falls Creek station, dully, except Holiday, hh fol lows: TilO A. M. Mrudford Accommodation For Pilnts North between Falls t'reek Hnd rndford. 7:1. h. m. nilxed train for l'unxsutnwiicy. 10:0&A.M. Huiriilonnd Rochester mall For Hroekwayvllle, Klilgway, Johnson htirg.Mt. .lewett, Bradford, halamanca, Buffalo and Rochester; connecting Ht JohiiHoithiiru with I'. & F.. train H, for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, Co rry and Krle. 10:oA A. M. Accommodation For Pullola, Hykes, lily Kun and I'uiixsutawiiey. 1:90 1'. M. Ilrailford Accommodation Fur Heeohtreo, Hmckwnyvtllc, Kllmont, Car mon, Klilgway, Jolinsniihurg, Ml. Jewel t and II rail ford. 4:AO 1'. M.-Mall For DuKoIh, Kykes, lllg Kun, I'unxsutawncy and Walston. 7lS5 I'.M. AcconimiMfalion For Ilullolsjllg Kun nnd I'linxsuliiwney. Trains Arrive 7:10 A. H., Accommodation I'linXHUtawneys I0:im A.M., Mall from Will Hton and I'unxsutawney; 10:M A. M.t Ac commodation fnitn Bradford; 1:20 I1. M., Accommodation from I'uiixHinawiiry; 4:.'i l M., Mall from Buffalo and ltochcKter; 7:lto r. M., AccommiMlatlon fnim Bradfoitl. ThoUHHiid mile ticket Ht two centa per mile, irood forpaNNaice lMtwen all atatloiw. J. II. McIntykk, Atfent, KhIIh creek, l'u. Gko. W. Hahti ktt, Job. I. Thomikon General Supt. Uen. 1'na. Atxent Hrndford, l'. Koi'liuxter, N. Y, LLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY (!OMPANY commorKiinfr Sunday, Juno 2ll, 11)2. Low Urado Division. KAHTWARD. HTATIONH. Nl). 1. No.5. No. B. 101 J0H Red Bunk 10 40 ' i LHwaonham .... 10 M 4 44 New Bethlehem U 2 A IN Oak Kldtio 11 X ft 2.1 Millvllle II W A 211 Mayavllle 11 U III Pummervtlle ... 12 Oj 1M KriMikvilln 12 is U t 1.1 Fuller , 12 41 II Si 6 34 Heyitoldtivtlle.. 1 00 INI IK l'ancniutt 1 0 (AN 7 K FullH(!ruck 1 17 7 07 7 10 10 M 1 at PiiBoIk 1 HO 7 i:i 7 17 M OTi 1 4A Hahula 1 42 7 20 Wlnleniliurn... IM 7 40 Penfluld t (in 7 4A Tyler X 10 7 M -TJ lull KiNiier 2 20 Km BciuiEcl te 2 H7 II 22 rnnt 2 4H 8 Hll Driftwood 8 lit 8 00 P. M. p. . A. H.U- M. P. M. WE8TWAIIO. No.2 No. INo.101 106 A. M Driftwood Grunt v Heneiette ' Glen Flalier.,,., ' Tyler.... l'entield Vlntrburn ... flatiula DuHola KhIIh Oreok.... PancouHt Keynoldavllle , Fuller...;.....-. Brookvllle Hummervtlle... lHyvlll Millvllle OakKldito P. H 10 H 6 HIS 7 ONI 10 40 10 M 7 21 7 41 11 OH 11 10 11 20 11 Ml 7 Alt 8 07 8 1:1 8 27 8 411 li 4: 12 410 1 17 7 00 11 Oft u is 6 80 ft 40 7 10 8 61 1 U 1 42 7 m 8 Ml 7 29 7 4tl 8 ON 8 2N 9 ON 1 60 ii r S 45 2 21 2 ttu 2 IM a 02 s tw 8 61 8 Ml 8 fi New Bethlehem 2 111 a lo i.uwaouiium... lUidBunk 2 47 4.r 4 01 10 oo A. U A. a. a. p. m. Trains dully except Hunduy. OANID McCAUOO.UKM't,. HtrPT., I'lttMbuiw, Pa. JAS. P. ANDEKHON, Gn'l. Pahs. Aut., Pltwburg, Pa DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIRE? If no, and you want a pood fitting and wll mado uuit at a reuHonable tltrure you will re ceive same by placing your ordur with J.C. F roehlich, TJUC AUTISTIC TAILOR, Nextkdoor to Hotel MoConnell, HE y NULDM V ILLS, PA. AN ESOTERIC CLIMAX. WHILE 8PIKET0WN COUNTED SIXTY HOKO PREPARED IT. A rrofemor of th Art of L(erdeniBln enlightens tVhnU Town, at fifty Cents Head, on tho Dltrlcnlt and Es uperntlns ftnhlect of Cooklns;. ody hnd ever heard of thecele umted Hoko Effenrli, bnt the pnbllo curiosity to ee him was no less keen on that account In the little western Illi nois town on which he had alighted like flaming meteor the visit of professor of tnagio was an event All that was known of him was that he had made his appearance about the time the stage coach from Bhacksville came In, and was supposed to have traveled in that conveyance; that he had procured the printing of several hundred small bills at the office of The Blizsard, promising to pay for them the next day. The evening came. The price of ad mission to the entertainment was fifty cents for adults, children half price. The celebrated Hoko Effendi was hi own doorkeeper, and the people of Spike town turned out In large numliers. There were no deadheads except tliu editor of The Blizzard and the dignifii .1 citizen who wore dyed whiskers and n plug hat and announced himself at the door as the mayor. W hen the audience began to show im patience by the customary stamping and whistling the world renowned master of Egyptian magic accepted the proffered services of a leading citizen as door keeper, nnd went back to the other end of the hall, disappearing behind the cur tain that hid the stage from view. In a few moments he reappeared in front of it and made a pleasing little speech, requesting close attention to the performances, as many of them were of a nature bordering on the supernatural, and promising an entertainment such as had never been seen in Spiketown be fore and never would again. After performing some curious tricks with playing cards he announced that the first really difficult feat of the even ing would now lie shown that of baking a cake without a pan of any kind. "The ladies in the audience," he said, "when they bake cakes are compelled to use butter, eggs, flour, sugar, fla voring extract, icing, etc., and put the donga in a hot oven. I do nothing of the kind. By the simple manipulation of flour, sirup and a hat I can produce a cake in five minutes that no lady in this house can equal. 1 will make o cake that a committee, to be selected from the ladies present, will pronounce the best they ever tasted. I will do this or forfeit $100. Will some kind gentle man present oblige me with the loan of a high silk hat? Will you kindly lend it to me? I will take excellent care of it and return it in a few minutes." The mayor demurred. "Your hat will not be injured in the least, sir," the magician assured him. "I will return it to yon without spot, blemish or stain. I have performed this feat thousands of times without the slightest injury to the hat" The mayor of Spiketown, thus ap pealed to, relented aad handed over bis cherished tile. Then the magician produced a pan of &ur, which wan passed through the audience and unanimously declared to be genuine. He poured it into the hat Then a quart measure half filled with New Orleans molasses was produced and banded around in like manner, pro nounced the pure, unadulterated staff, and returned to him. He poured this into the hat likewise and stirred the mixture with a long '.ead pencil. The mayor involuntarily gasped aad half rose in his seat, but the wizard again as sured him, with a wave of the hand, "Your hat will not be injured in the feast, my dear sir," and he proceeded with the performance. "Now, ladies and gentlemen," he said, ws will witness the finale, the denoo mong, as it were, of this nn paralleled feat of illusion. 1 can bake the cake just as well on a piece of ice as on a store; bat as there happens to be a good fire in this stove near the stage 1 will bake it on top of that Again, I assure yon, Mr. Mayor, that your hat will not suffer the slightest Injury." Stepping briskly down, he placed the hat on the stove. "Now, good people," he said, "keep your eye on that hat till yon CAn count sixty. I will retire and prepare the esoterio climax." He mounted the stage and stepped be hind the curtain. In a moment a smoke went up from the hat on the stove, and the odor of something scorching filled the air. The mayor of Spiketown jumped from his seat, and with one bound cleared the distance that lay between him and the stove. Be lifted his precious hat The bottom, or rather the top, fell out The sizzing batter spread out over the stove. It hissed and sputtered and flew. And even asthe mayor held up the hideous ruin of his once glorious hat and locked through it some of the yel lowish mixture trickled on his vest and ran in sad, discouraged, bilious looking streams down bis trousors. His honor spoke a few words briefly, but emphatically through his hat and broke for the stage, followed by several of the leading citizens of Spiketown. Behind the curtain were several empty barrels and boxes. And tltf bap( window was up. Somewhere in this wide, wide world the wizard of the Orient is still wander ing about, happily unaware doubtless that a standing reward of fifty dollars and no questions asked is offered by the mayor of Spiketown, Ills., for informa tion that will lead to the arrest and con viction for the crimes of grand larceny, malicious injury and obtaining money under false pretenses, of one Hoko Ef endl, master of Egyptian maglo and so called eighth wonder of the world. Chicago Tribune. A Rod Headed Girl Talks. Many people in Chicago are familiar with the sight of a red headed girl wh(J sometimes rides a spirited white horse through the principal streets of the city, and sometimes drives a team of whites attached to a chariot. The writer hailed her and brought her to and axked her of her mission. She asked if public opinion was to the effect that she was making a fool of herself. The answer to her query has no connection with the story i "I am making an honest living," she said. "1 am not more conspicuous in my manner of doing Hint than are some others of my own sex in what they da I know, and so do you, that if 1 put on a snbdued gnrb anil went front house to house with the articles I have to sell I would not mnke enough to earn a cracker. I must do something that has in it an attempt at originality in order to make people talk. When one suc ceeds in doing that an entering wedge has been found. It is a hard world to please. If I pursued some beaten path and failed the world would trim me away when I Waine an object of char ity. I would lie a burden to society. As it is I make my own living. I sup pose 1 am severely criticised for the show I make of myself. In addition to the conspicuous part I play, that which I have to offer is meritorious and con tributes to health. Am I as big a fool as some think me?" And with that she clucked to her gray steed, which cantered away, carrying on its bock philosophy as well as red hair. Chicago Tribune. tlennlno Bay Rum, Genuine bay rum is always imported. There are few bar tier shops where the genuine article is used. Genuine bay rum is manufactured only in the West Indies. It is the distillation of the reen leaves and berries of the bayberry tree, mixed with absolutely pure rum, St Croix being used in the very best quality of the preparation. There is but one true bayberry, but there are many varieties of it in the West Indies, and so closely do they re semble the Primemia oeris, or true bay, that great care is necessary in gathering the leaves, for the presence of a small quantity of the leaves of any other vari ety is sufficient to destroy the entire product of a still. Ripe berries are mixed in the still with the leaves. The best bay is distilled by steam in copper pipes, but the ordinary commercial spirit, such as bay rum is made from here, is distilled over an open fire. The genuine steam distilled bay spirit is not only many times stronger than he other, but the refreshing odor that characterizes it is ten times as lasting. The West Indians find the true bay rum so necessary to their comfort among the numerous discomforts attending a life in the climate of their country that they use about all that is made, and hence its scarcity in this and -other countries. Interview in New York Evening Sun. Twenty-flva llundrad Peopla at Dinner. Some time ago the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour was entertained at a big ban quet in the Waverley market, Edin burgh. Two thousand five hundred guests sat down at table. There were 860 waiters, sixty wine butlers and fifty four superintendents engaged to wait opon them. Two kitchens were specially erected in the market in which to prepare the banquet One kitchen had fifty-four Bunsen (burners, representing one for each table. There were (four large steam boilers if or heating puddings, seven tores far the boiling of sauces and for frying purposes, and three boilers of large siae, each with a capacity of about seventy gallons, for dealing with the plum puddings which lormed part of the dessert. - The quantities of viands were 160 turkeys, 200 fowls, 400 same pies, 2,504 oyster patties, 800 gallons of turtle soup, about half a ton of sirloin of beef, and jelly and cream -shapes to the number of 600. There were 20,000 plates required and 80,000 pieces of silver, including spoons, knives and forks; 10,000 wine glasses and about a thousand pieces of decorative ware for the tables. London Tit-Bits. The Indigestible Banana, "Next to pork," soys a physician, 'the banana is the most indigestible thing a person can eat, and if you will notice t on will see them touched very sparingly by people with weak stomachs. If you jan digest them, however, and dont nind the offensive odor, they are very aourishing and one can make a meal on Ihem that is in every way equal to a mbstautiul lunch of bread and moat" Kew York Tribune. . . The Art of Conversation. "Conversation," says a brilliant Amer ican humorist, "is, in this generation, a lost art." It was an art which our grandfathers studied perhaps more than any other. A gentleman, in trie beginning of this century, was usually more ambitious to tell a story well or to state bin argument clearly than to understand science or itateoraft Youth'i Companion. CHINESE SWOIIDS. 80ME VERY REMARKABLE PRODUCTS OF WONDERFUL 8KILL. Two Bladed Swords That An Valiinnla Cariosities Weapons Thnt Dlsnlny High Degree of Workmanship Terri ble Looking Daggers. Though Dr. Bedloe, the United States control to Amoy, China, has started back to his pot after his leave of absence, yet through the delays incident to the shipping of goods from such far off lands and In getting them through the custom house, some of his most inter esting and valuable relics arrived only a few days ngo. In his room at the Bellevne a reporter found the genial consul resting content edly after his breakfast, as his eye roved contemplatively over a number of the most deadly and awful weapons ever conceived or executed by man. When asked about these curiously ugly swords the doctor said: "I was asked to execute a commission for the Rev. Dr. C. M. Shep ?rd, the distinguished Nebraska divine, a gentle man, who though a man of pence, has one of the finest, if not the very liest, collections of swords and other weapons in the world. This led to my etnmining several hundred rare and curious weap ons sent me for inspection nnd approval, and these are a few of those I selected. No two are alike, and not one but what displays rare skill and inventive power on the part of the Chinese swordsmith. "The handsomest of all is a general's saber, about ii feet long, slightly Jap anese in style, with an edge like a razor and a point that would extort admira tion from Colonel Jack Chin, of Louis ville. Unlike our own, the thickest part of the blade is the center. This gives great weight to the weapon, joined to the apiiearonce of extreme lightness. The scabbard is muds of hard, tough wood, lacquered to represent block Iron incrusted with mother-of-pearl. The hilt is of black iron, molded in the form of a full blown rose, the petals of which have been drilled with small holes and these filled with bright brass bars. "The most curious of the lot to my eye is the so called warrior's two bladed sword from Ho-nan. It Is only about two feet long and In the scabbard looks very like the sword bayonet of our own army. Tho scabbard In plnin but very neat and covered with white shagreen or sharkskin and trimmed with brass mountings. When you draw It the blade divides Into two, each a fucsimile of the other, double edged and spear pointed. The twin blades have a re markable decoration made by drilling seven holes about an inch and a half and put in a zigzag line from hilt to point These are filled with pure cop per, which is ground down to form a smooth surface HubIi with the steel and polished to brightness. "These seven stars, as they are called, are found in nearly all the martial weapons of Ho-nan and ore rolics of the old astrologio faith that still prevails in many parts of China. Its hold is so strong that if the copper falls out of one f the sword holes it is accepted as a ure precursor of death, and tho luckless fielder of the blade usually commits auidde to escape further trouble. "The short stabbing daggers which find favorchiefly with pirates and revo lutionists, form a strong contrast with the weapons described. They are gen erally so ugly that they would be ludi crous were it not for the purposes to which they are applied. I have one which looks like a queerly made ace of spades fastened into a wire bound han dle. To increase the rtistio effect of the weapon, the armorer has hollowed out a shallow, spoon shaped concavity on either side of the blade and filled it in with blood red lacquer, the effect of which when suddenly drawn from a black sheath is very startling. Spades are not the only suit in the pack that la popular in the Mongolian mind. I have another weapon whose blade is a perfect ace of diamonds. "Still another dagger is about the clumsiest affair of the kind I ver han dled. The blade is a foot long, about three inches wide and half an indh thick. With its heavy brass hilt and gigantio guard it weighs over three pounds. If set with a long handle it could be used as an ax. It ia used chief ly by the Black Flags and other Celes tial outlaws, who, in addition to using it in the ordinary manner, throw it with fatal precision. "The ex-resident of Tonquin told me that .during the late war he had known instances in which the knives were thrown with such force that they would go through a man's body and show two inches of bloody steel beyond his back. The handles of many of these instru ments of death are finished with what we call pistol grips. "The most dreadful looking weapon of all was the executioner's sword used by the lute headsman of Amoy. It is of Manchuriun type, being long, almost straight, very heavy and keenly edged. It ia used with one hand and is shaped and wound so as to give the executioner a powerful hold upon his weapon. Upon the blade near tho hilt are Chinese char acters recording the tragio events in which it has taken active part. - My in terpreter told me that they record no less than 108 human lives which It has taken out of this world. This record fnhances its value. A new sword of the same kind could be bought for ten or twelve dollars, but for this sword with its ghastly history the thrifty broker wonted (200 cash. "He evidently thought, although It came high, 1 must have it, and accord ingly raised the ante. He was a very heartbroken creature when I returned It with the editorial line so familiar to the spring poet, 'Declined with thanks.' A word of caution as to these oriental swords and daggers. Very many of them are poisoned, so that a mere scratch will cause death. The venom Is produced by sleeping me uinae in aecsyea numan blood, and is one of the deadliest known to physiological science." Philadelphia Times. , Her One Wish. Most people who go to Europe have their minds set upon at least one place or thing which they are particularly anxious to see. This was the case with a philanthropic spinster who had lived in Boston for nearly sixty years. She was to make her first trip abroad with her brother's family. Her sister-in-law and her nieces were mapping out the route for the six months' travel and presently one of them said to her: "Now you must tell where you want to go, Aunt Martha; we're all choosing our favorite place, you see." "I've heard yon all agree on Italy," replied Aunt Martha, "and that's the only country I have any special desire to visit." "Why, how nice!" said the niece, in a tone of pleased surprise. "We were talking it over the other day, and innm ma said she was afraid yon wouldn't care to go to Italy. You're so fastidious; and though Italy is lovely of course there are drawbacks, yon know." "I presume there are drawbacks," said Miss Martha, shivering, a little. "I've heard of them. But you mustn't think I want to lie sitting aliout on cathedral steps or damp walls, my dear. All I wish is to see some organ grinders in their native land. That has been my de sire for a good many years. The men we see here look so poor and ill fed! "I thought perhaps," added Miss Mar tha, "if I could learn enough Italian to make myself understood by those men it would be a good thing for me to ad rise them not to come to America." "I think it would!" said her listeners in chorus, but Miss Martha never under stood why they laughed. Youth's Com panion. Ills Famous Cook. Last week two men each looking for a cook met on Woodward avenue and hod a talk on hired help, This week they met again. "Did yon find a cook?" asked the first. "No. Did your' "Yes, I've got one." "Any good?' "Best I ever had In the house." "Nol Where did you find her?" "Down in Ohio." "Have to go after her yourself?" "Yes." "How did you happen to hear of her?" "A friend of mine told me about her first, and 1 wrote to her on a venture.' "How did you ever persuade her to cotuo so far from home? "Blessed if 1 know, but she seems per fectly well satisfied now." "Do yon think 1 could get a mate to ber at the same placer "Well, no. I think not." "Why?" "There isn't another like her, I should ay." "Who is she?" "My wife." "Oh," said the other man, and when he came home he went right out into his kitchen and kissed the cook four times, and his wife really seemed to think he was doing the proper thing. uotrau r ree tress. Good tho Earthworm Does. "The earthworm performs a very im portant part in the economy of nature," said Professor Ernest Parker, of Nosh rille. "The little creature is the worst despised of all animal life, but from dis coveries of mv own. after Ion ir and nn. tiont investigation, he has gained my respect, ana I want to extend to him assurances of my most distinguished consideration. I have fonnd nnt that but Cor the earthworm's indefatigable tou rery mue or vegetation would grow except by irrigation. He is the greatest producer of moisture and heat in the world. "He does more than the plowshare to disturb the latent heat and moisture of the earth and bring them to the top soil to vitalize and invigorate the struggling roots of the grasses, grains and other forms of vegetation. But for him great stretches of the western agricultural lands would become vast deserts. There fore, all hail to the earthworm and bad luck to the man who thinks he is fit only for fish bait!" St Lnnls ftlnKa-TV,. crat. The Color of Chameleons. As chameleons become Iaiim tViev change color less rapidly, showing the habit is protective and to render itself less conspicuous. Indeed the power of assuming tne color or its surroundings is the oulv protection thmn h creatures possess. Mr. S. D. Buirstow iniorms me tnat be was watching a cha meleon on a shrub when a wild bee or two came out of a nest chum bv a nil In- mediately the chameloon doffed its bright green drees and became nearly black, and. therefore inconspicuous. Their turning white at mVht II1AV flml roason in the predominance of shining toiiage in ine ooutn Atrisan trees. Tho leaves Of most trees and shrnlts ollufn under the bright stars and the. moon light and so appear white. A chameleon, without reasoning on cause and effect, sees brisrht white laavaa . " ----- MUtVHWQ themACor, Forest and Stream, HOW 8HE EARNED HER CAR FARE. A Woman's Ingenious Itovloa for Making Money When She Was Hard I p. A woman who is now one of the most promising artists in this city, and was lucky enough to get two of her pictures accepted by the Academy, told this story of how she earned her first few eniiies in this big towni 'When I came here five years ago I had just twenty-five dollars in my pock et I got a room or rather a cubby bole next to the roof in a boarding house on Fourth arenne. It was three weeks before I got anything to do. Then a place was offered to me as a primary teacher in a private school. The salary when yon got it was fair enough in amount. But unfortunately yon didnt get it until the end of the month. "By this time there was such a tre mendous hole in my twenty-five dollars that I couldn't afford to move up town. The expressage alone would have made a bankrupt of me, for I had absolutely come to such a pass that I hadn't enough money to pay my car fare to the school and back. I explained the situation to the landlady. She really was a dear old thing. She told me I wasn't to worry about my board bill. She was perfectly willing to wait for her money until the end of the month. "That was one weight off my tiiind of course, but I had still to grapple with the car fare problem. I was in a dread ful picklo really. For four days 1 walked every Inch of the way iH miles each journey. I used to leave the house at 7 in the morning so as to reach the school promptly at 9. "Then I found that my French heels were beginning to give out, so I saw that my efforts to save money by pedes triatiisin would only get me into deeper water. Suddenly I had an inspiration. "1 here were three old maiden sisters who occupied the double bedded room on the second floor. They were with out exception the fattest women I ever saw. The most etherial of the three weighed 800 if she weighed a pound. They were all saleswomen ia one of the big Sixth avenue stores. They used to scramble down to breakfast in the morn ing in a fluster at the lost moment "One of them confided to me that it was their shoes which always delayed them. They almost expired eve) v morn-' ing in their attempts to button them. She told me in a tone of the utmost resignation that eventually sho expected their shoes would be the death of all three of them. Well, what do you sup pose 1 did? I took that woman aside and I suid to her: 'Now look here, I'll make a bargain with you. I want to make a little extra money jnst now, for I am dreadfully hard up. If you and . i . i . . twenty cents a week I'll come and buV ' ton your shoes for you every morning "The poor old things fairly jumped at the offer. Thoy insisted on paying my first week's salary sixty cents in ad-, vance. It left me ten cents to the good', vou see. because on Saturdav there was. . no school. After the first week they in sisted on raising my salary to an even quarter from each. Well, I buttoned their shoes regularly for two months. Then I had to resign my position, as X was moving to a boarding house up, town. "When 1 bude them goodby the peor old things actually cried over me, and: presented me with the loveliest little silver buttonhook you ever saw. I sent them tickets for the private view the other night. They all came, fatter than ever, and went into ecstacies over my pictures, The eldest one told me with tears in her eyes that ever since 1 left them they had been obliged to abandon button shoes. 'Now, my dear,' she said with a huge sigh of regret, 'we can wear nothing but elastio sides.' "New-York. Evening Sun. Breaking Cp Witness. In no way can barristers better display their acuteness than by seeing at a glance the character of the witnesses they are about to examine and by treating them accordingly. Ersklne was famous at this. In a case in which he was en gaged a commercial traveler came into the witness box dressed in the height of fashion and wearinir a eta nnnlrtia tcAAoA In UA X, , . , . - w ."a uiiuuuua XOlu. IA an instant Erskine knewbis man, though he had never seen him before, and said to him. with an air nf aMla ment, "You were born and bred ia Man- cnesier, l perceive." Greatly as ton. ished at this oneninu- mmsrir h. admitted that he was. "Exactly," ob- great cross examiner, ia a conversational tone; "I knew it from the absurd tie of your neckcloth." The roars of lauehtar mmln. every person in the court, with the sin gle exception of the unfortunate witness which followed this rejoinder com pletely effected Erokhin's - i-Bainisi W UltU was to put the witness in a state of agi tation and confusion before touching on the facts concerning which he had come to give evidence. London Illustrated News. Theories and Children. The very children of todav with theories. "Hurrv. mammn aul.i a seven-year-old youngster passing an auey wnence issueu a Dad smell, "we'll get a disease." If the little folks have taken to a knowledge of ami iirumi microbes and bacteria life must be a ouruen to them. It takes all the adult philosophy one has to bear up against the horrors which, according rn tMuu,i that authority, are ever lying in wait for us. It is a pity that the children Should walk Hurler the Hilt It a ohailAn - MWW aiMIUVWiS Bw Point of Mew in New York Timet, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers