The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 29, 1892, Image 7

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Following l th fliitfttrtn adopted by lb
Aatltmal llemorratic tHjiiYentioii:
fircriosj 1 The representative of the
Demmratic party of the rnited Wtates, In
National convention assembled, lo renin mi
Ibeir allegiance to the principles of tlia
piirtr aa rurmulatetl by Jefferson and exe m
t'litiwl by tliat long and Illustrious line of
ni Successor in Ueinwrat leadership from
Marhson to Cleveland. We believe the
public welfnre demands that thesa princi
ples he applied to the conduct of the
Federal Uti'erntiient through the accession
tn power of the party that votes them, and
ire solemnly dec are that the need of a re
turn to these fundamental principle of free
popular r.overniiii'iit, bawl on tiotue rule
and individual liberty, was never more
tirpent than now, w hin the tendency to
retitralire all power at the Federal Capital
liaa become a menace to the reserved rights
of the Htates that strikes at the very Mots of
our Government and tinder the Constitution
as framed by the lathers of the Hi-iuiblic.
Harriot! il We warn the people of our
common country. Jealous for the preser
vation of their rew institutions, tliut the
polirt of the Federal control of elections to
which the hepuhllcan party has committed
itself, is friitiKht with the gravest dangers,
scarcely less momeiitmms than would result
from a revolution practically establishing
monarchy on the ruins of the Republic. It
strike at the North aa well as the Booth,
and inlured the colored citizen even mora
than the white: It means a horde of deputy
marshals at every polling place, armed with
Federal power, returning boards appointed
and controlled by Federal authority, the
outrage of the electoral rights of the people
ih the several States, the subjugation of the
colored people to the control of the party in
power anil the reviving of race antagonisms,
now happily stinted, of the utmost peril to
the safety anil happiness of all; a measure
deliberately ami justly described by a
leading KcpuhlieanHenator as "the most in
famous bill that ever crossed the threshold
of the Hennte.'1 Huch a policy, if sanctioned
by law. would mean the dominance of a
vir-erpetunting oligarchy of otllee-holilera,
and the party llrst entrusted with its ma
chinery could be dislodged from power only
by an appeal to the reserved right of the
people lo resist oppression, which is inherent
In all rclf-goveriiinff comiiiunites. 'J wo
years Kgn this revolutionary polioy was
emphatically condemned bv'the people at
the hIIs; but in contempt of tliut verdict the
hepublican party bus defiantly declared in
its latest authoritative utterance that ill
success in the coming elections will mean
the enactment of the Force bill and the
usurpation of despotic control over elections
in all the States.
lelieving that the preservetion of re
publican government In the I'nited States
is dependent on the defeat of this policy
of legalized force and fraud, we invite the
assistance of all citizens who desire to see
the Constitution maintained in its integ
rity, with the laws pursuant thereto, which
liave given our country u hundred years of
tineiampled prosperity; and we ple'dge the
llciuocratiu party, If "it be entrusted with
1ower, not only to the defeat of the Force
lill, but also tore lcntless opposition to the
lirpubhean policy of prolligate expenditure,
which, in the short space of two years, Inn
squandered an enormous surplus and emp
tied an overturning treasury, after piling
new burdens of taxation upon the already
overtaxed labor of the country.
Samoa 3. We denounce the Republican
protection policy as a fraud the labor of
the great majority of the American ople
for the benefit of the few. We declare it to
be a fundamental principle of the liemo
cratic party that the Fedral (ioveriniient ha
Do cons'itutional ier to impose and col
lect tun? duties except for the purpose of
revenue only, and we demand that the col
lection of auch taxes shall be limited to the
necessities of the Government when honest
ly and economically administered.
We denounce the' MoKinley tariff law en
acted by the Fifty-first Conitress as the cul
minating atrocity of class legislation; we in
dorse the efforts made by the Democrats of
the present Collar, as to modify its most op
pressive features in the direction of free raw
material and cheaper miinufactuted goods
that enter into home consumption, and we
propose its repeal as one of the benetirent
results tbat will follow the action of the
jeople in trusting power to the Democratic
Since the McKinley tariff went into opera
tion there Lave been 10 reductions of waxes
f laboring men to one increase. We deny
that there has been any increase of pros
perity to the country since that tariff went
Into operation, and we point to the dullness
and distress, the aage reductions and strikes
in the iron trade as the best possible evi
dently that no such prosperity baa resulted
from the McKinley ait.
We cull the attention of thoughtful Amer
icans to the fact that after 30 years of re
strictive taxes against the importation of
foreign wealth in exchange for our agricul
tural qurplus, the homes and farms of our
country have become burdened with a real
relate mortgage debt of over $2 Nm.uoo.OUO.ex
cluive of other forms of Indebtedness; that
in one of the chief agricultural States of the
West there appears u real estato mortgage
debt averaging IW5 per capita of the popu
lation; and that similar conditions and ten
dencies are shown toexist in the other agri
cultural exporting Status. We denounce a
policy which fosters no industry so much aa
It docs that of the sheriff.
8r.i 4 Trade interchange on the basis of
reciprocal advantages to the countries par
ticipating Is a time-honored doctrine of the
Democratic faith, but we denounce the
ham reciprocity which Jupglci with the
people's desire for enlarged foreign markets
id freer exchanges by pretending to estab
lish closer relations for a country whose
articles ofexport are almost exclusively ag
ricultural product with other countries'that
re alao agricultural, while erecting a cus
torn hous barrier of prohibitive tariff taxes
against the rich and the countries of the
world tbat stand ready to take our entire
surplus 01 product' and to exchange therefor
commodities which are necessaries and com
forts of life among our own people.
8r.c. b We recognize in the trusts and
Combination, which are designed to enable
capital to secure more than its Just share of
the Joint product of capital and labor, a na
tural consequence of the prohibitive taxes
which prevent the free competition which
I the life of honest trade but we beljeve
their worst evils can be abated bv luw, and
we demand the rigid enforcement of the
laws made to prevent and control them, to
gether with such further legislation In re
triant ol their abuses at experience may
how to be necessary.
Sic. 6. The Republican party, whl'e
firofessing a policy of reserving the public
and for small holdings bv actual settlers,
baa given away the people's heritage till
dow a few rich and non-resident aliens. In
individual and corporate, possess a larger
area than that of all our farms between 1 tie
two seat. The last Democratic adminiatra
tion reversed the. improvident and unwise
policy of the Hepublican party touching the
public domain, and reclaimed from corpora
tions and syndicates, alien and domestic,
and restored to the people nearly 1U0,KK),000
acres of taluable land to be sacredly belt as
homesteads for our citizens, and we pledge
Ourselves to continue this policy until every
acre of land so unlawfully held shall be re
claimed and restored to the people.
Sro. 7. We denounce the Republican
legislation known as the Sherman act oi
ltiHO as a cowardly make-shift, fruught with
possibilities of danger in the future, which
should make all of ita supporters, aa well at
its author, anxious for its aiwedv repeal.
We hold to the use of both gold and silver
as the standard money of the country, and
lo the coinage of both gold and silver with
out discr niiiiHt ng against either metal, or
charge for coinage, but the dollar unit ol
coinage of both metals must be of equal in
trinsic aud exchangeable value, or be ad-
t usted through international agreement or
iy such safeguards of legislation as shall in
Sure the maintenance of the purity of these
metals, and tue equal power of every dollar
tall times in the markets and in toe pay
luBt of debt. W demand that all pa par
correnry shall be kept at par with and re
deemable in such coin. We Insist opon tbii
policy as especially necessary for the pro
jection of the farmers and laboring classes,
the first and most defenseless victims of un
stable money and a fluctuating currency.
Hrr. H We recommend that the prohib
itory 10 per cent, tax on bank issue be re
pealed. Hrc n Public office Isa rmbllrtrnst. Wa
realllrm the declaration ofthe Democratic!
convention of 187(1 lor the reform of the
civil service, and we call for the honest en
forcement of all laws regulating the asm
The nomination of a president, as in the rv
cent Republican convention, by delegation
composed largely of his appointees, holding
office at his pleasure, is a scandalous satire
tipon free popular institutions, and a start
ling Illustration ofthe methods by which a
president may gratify his ambition. W
demand a policy under which federal office
holder shall not usurp control of party
convention in the States, and we pledge the
liernocratlc party to the reform of these and
II other abuses which threaten individual
liberty and local self government.
Sro. 10 The Democratic party is the only
party that has ever given the country a for
eign policy consistent and vigorous, compi
ling resect abroad and inspiring confidence
at home. While avoiding entangling alli
ances, it has alined to cultivate friendly re
lations with other nations, and escially
with our neighbors on the American conti
nent, whose destiny is closely linked with
our own, and we view w ith alarm the ten
dency to a policy of irratation and bluster
which Jk liable at any time to confront us
with the alternative of humiliation or war.
We favor the maintenance of a navy strong
enough for all purposes of national defense,
and to properly maintain tint honor and
dignity of the country abroad.
Sac. 11 This country bus always been the
refuge of the oppressed of every' lurid ex
iles for conscience sake and in the spirit of
the the founders of our government we con
demn the oppression practiced by the Rus
sian government upon its Lutheran and
Jewish subjects, and we call upon our na
tional government ior tne interest or justice
and humanity, by all Jtlt and proper means,
to use Its prompt and best elliirts to bring
about a cesatioii of these cruel prosecution
in the dominions of the cinr, and to secure
to the oppressed equal rights.
We tender our profound and earnest sym
pathy to those lovers of freedom who' are
struggling for home rule ami the great
cause of local self government in Ireland.
Sro. 12 We heartily approve all legiti
mate efforts to prevent the I'nited States
from being used as a dumping ground for
the known criminals and professional pau
pers of Kuroie, and we demand the rigid
enforcement of the laws against Chinese
Immigration or the importation of foreign
workmen under contract to degrade Ameri
can labor and lessen II wages, but we con
demn ami denounce any and all attemps to
restrict the Immigration of 'the industrious
and worthy of foreign lands.
Src. lit The convention hereby renew
the expression of appreciation of the patri
otism of the soldiers and sailors of the
I'liion in the war for it preservation, and
we favor lust aud liberal pensions for all
disabled Cnion soldiers, their widows anil
dependents, but we demand that the work
of the pension ollice shall be done indus
triously, impartially and honestly. We de
nounce the present administration of th at
office as lncoinietetit, corrupt, disgraceful
and di-hunest.
Sac. 14 The federal government should
care for and improve the .Mississippi rivet
and other great waterways of the republic,
so as to secure for the interior States easy
aud cheap transportation to the tidewater.
When any waterway of the republic is ol
sutlicient importance to demand the aid of
the government, that such aid should be
extended by a definite plan of continuous
work until permanent improvement is se
cured. Sue. IS For the purposes of national de
fence and the promotion of commerce be
tween the States, we recognize the early
construction of the Nicaragua canal and its
protection against foreign control as of great
importance to the I'nited States.
Skc. 10. Recognizing the World's Colum
bian Kxpositiou as a national undertaking
of vast importance, in which the general
government has invited the co-operation of
all the powers of the world, and appreciating
the acceptance by many of such powers of
the invitation extended and the broad,
liberal efforts being made by them to con
tribute to the grandeur of the undertaking,
we are of opinion that congress should make
such necessary linnnciul provision as shall
be requisite to the maintenance of the
national honor and public faith.
Sec. 17, Popular education being th
only safe basis of iopu)ar suffrage, we rec
ommend to the several States most liberal
appropriations for the public schools. Free
common schools are the nursery of good
government, and they have always received
the fostering care of the Democratic party,
which lavors every means of increasing in
tilligence. Freedom of education being an
essential of civil and religious liberty, as
well as a necessity for the development of
intelligence, must not be interlerud with
under any pretext whatever. Wo are op
posed to State inteference with parental
rights, and rights of cons Hence in the educa
tion of children is an infringement of the
fundamental Democratic doctrine that the
largest individual liberty consistent with the
rights of others insures the highest type of
American citizenship and the best govern
ment. S to. 18 We approve the action of tin
present house of representatives in
pasting bills fur the admission into the
I'nion as States of the Territories of New
Mexico and Arizona, and we favor the early
admission of all the Territories having
necessary population and resource to entT
lie 1 linn to statehood, and while they re
main Territories we hold that the ohicials
appointed to administer the government of
anv Territory, together with the Districts of
Columbia and Alaska, should be bonafide
residents of the Territory or district in which
their duties are to de performed. The Demo
cratic party believes in home rule, and tin
control of their owu affairs by the people of
the vicinage.
Sic. ltt We favor legislation by congres"
snd State legislatures to protect the live, and
limbs of railway employes, and those of
ether hazardous transportation companies,
and denounce the inactivity of the Republi
can party, and particularly the Republican
Semite, for causing the defeat of measure!
beneficial and protective to this class of wagt
Sue. 20 We are in favor of the enactment
by the States of laws fur abolishing the no
tarious sweating system, for abolishing con
tract eon vict labor, anJ for prohibiting tin
employment In factories of childien under
IS year of age.
' feRo. 21 Vt e re opposed to all sumptuary
laws a an Interference with the individual
right of the citizen.
Sic. 22 Upon this statement of principle!
and policies ih Democratic party askitb
Intelligent Judgment of the American peo
ple. It ask a change of administration and
a change of party, in order that there may
be a change of system and a change of
methods, thu assuring the maintenance
unimpaired or institution under which tut
republic baa grown great and powerful.
British Lw.
The protection which British Jurlct
afford to men who abime their wives
ia extraordinary, and this la a strik
ing case: At Leeds a man named
Knight, whose wife bad deserted hlio
on account of his violence and Intem
perance, went to see her to ask her tc
return home, and because she refused
be fired three shots at her, hlttlnu
her each time, wounding- her In th
arm, back and ear. The jury found
tbat the prisoner fired only with tin
Intent to "frighten his wife," ant, thi
man bad to be discharged.
Following I tbe detailed ballot cast at (he
Democratic National Convention at Chi
cago, nominating Urover Cleveland for
Dis. of Columbia
New Hampshire
ew Jersey
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
West Virginia
New .Mexico
Indian Territory. . .
1 I 1
Maine cast one vote for W. C. Whitney.
Massachusetts one for (lovernor Russell.
West Virginiuone for (lovernor I'uttisoti.
North Carolina lTJ for A. K. Stevenson, I
for Croker and 1 for Morrison, Alabama;
forCampbell, Florida .'t lor Carlisle. Ken
lucky ti for Carlisle, and l liio 5 for (V
Cleveland 51 T
Hill 114
lloies ltl'l
iorinan Btij
Morrison 3
Campbell 2
Car. isle 14
Stevenson i'i
Russell, f 1
I'attison 1
Whitney 1
No. f.f votesVast fKH'J
Neceasory to' a choice. . . .007
Democratic National Commutes.
Ala., H. D. Clayton.
Alaska. A K.Delaney
Ariz., C. M. Shannon
Arkansas. N. M. Rose!
C'al., M. F. Tarpey
Colorado, C.H.Thoiiias
Conn., Cbas. French
1). U-, J.I,. Norris
Del., L. C. Vandegrift
Kla., Sen Haml I'asco
(la., Clark Howell
Idaho, F. W. Reane
Illinois, It. Cable
ml., 8. P. Sheerin
Inp.Ter., K.N. Allen
Iowa. J.J.Richardson
Mont., A.J. Davidson
Neb., Tobias Castor
Nevada, R. M. Clark
N. II., A.W.tialloway
iN. J., Miles Ross
'N. M., N R. Ferguson
IN. ('., W.M.Ransom
'N. Y., W. F. Sheehan
N. I)., W.C.I.istekow
Ohio, Calvin S. Ilrice
Okla., N. Richardson
Pen 11,. W.K.IInrrity
R. I., S. R. Honey
S. C, W.I.Donelson
S. D undecided
Tenn., II. Cummins
Texas, O. T. Holt
Utah, A Merritt
VI . It P. Hnmlley
Kansas, C. W. lllair
Kentucky, undecided
l.a., James Jeffreys
Maine, Arthur Ht-well
Md., A. 1. tiorman
Muss.. .Install Oliiricv
!'a., Basil B. ("union
Wash., Jl.tJ. Wallace
W. Va., Jno.Sheridan
Wis., K. (J. Wahl
Minn., Michael Doran
Mich., D. J.Campau
Mo., J. t). I'ratlier
Miss., 0. II. Henry
Carelessness of aa Opsrator Cause a
Serious Disaster. 18 Killed
and Many Injured.
jI.Mimsiit'Hii, l'A., June 27. The most dis
astrous wre k that lias ever occurred in
ilarri.ilmrg took plaxi Saturday morning at
12:33 o'clock at Dock street. The sc.-ond
ection of the wiMtcrn express ran Into the
first section, completely telescoping two
Following Is a list of dead :
Richard Adams, Harrisburg; Miss I.iznii
lllair, Philadelphia; Robert 8. Raymond.
Columbus. (.; K. M. Whitlock, Cleveland
Daniel Mason, Hagerstown, Md.: Rey- Dt
Costa Poiuerene, Philadelphia: Mrs. Urinli
Heebner, Norristown; Wintield lleebner,
her son, aged 17 years; John llluck, Altoona;
Prof. h. li. Smith, Baltimore.
The llrst section of the train wus stopied
at Dock street tower for orders and when it
was about to start the second section crash,
ed into it. wrecking live cars aud the loco
motive of the second section.
The operator at Hteelton is alleged to have
been responsible for the accident in having
given Kugineer Kelly of Philadelphia the
wrong signal. The sharp curve at Dock
street also made the disaster more seriout
than it would otherwise have been. The
baggage car was the only one in the second
section wrecked. None of the trainmen
were hurt.
II. 8. Hays, the telegraph operator, is in
Jail to await the action ofthe Coroner's Jury
in the in(iiest on the bodies of those killed
Hays was on duty at Steelton tower and II
wan his first night there. According to bis
own confession he allowed the second sec
tion of the express to enter the block be
tween Steelton and Dock street towers, be
fore the first section had left it. which I in
violation ot the rules of the railroad com
pany. The operator at Dock street saw the
danger and tried to stop the approaching
train, but his signal was seen too lute.
Ferdinand Colberg, of Brooklyn, who wai
injured in tbe wreck, died at the Harrisburg
hospital this morning at 8 o'clock. Thu
makes the twelfth life lost by this railroad
horror. He wus in a dangerous condition
when removed to the hospital and hi death
was expected from '.lie start. Colberg ia sa
por ted to have bat'. StUKX) in his pocket,
which was tak;n in charge by tbe hospital
The fact that he was on the ill-fated train
I said to have been due to a quarrel he bad
with his wife on Friday afternoon last. Mrs.
Colberg say he left her in anger and declar
ed his purptwe U go far away from home,
and ns to returning would consult his own
wishes. According to her story he hud been
drinking for days, to which hobit she as
cribed their domentie infelicities.
BTUt WKIs Sorasthln;.
' This bit of dialogue from the New1
York Weekly may explain bow so
many uncharitable things get into
the newspapers:
Space lleporter Can't you give me
something to write up to-day?"
City Editor "Haven't a thing.
Space Reporter "Well, then, give
me some thing to write down."
Op by Ike Twm Tom.
Years ago, when It was known that
the supply of copper tn tbe Lake Su
perior region wns very large, and the
uses of tbat metal in the art were
confined to certain well-established
limits, no doubt there were people
who foresaw a glut of tbe copper
market, and looked for the time, not
far removed, when copper mining
would scarcely pay expenses, for want
of sufficient demand for the article.
But in the period, say twenty years,
which has since elnpsed, many
things have happened, one of which
Is tbe Invention of the telephone. It
Is a remarkable device, and one of
never-ieaalrig Interest as well as util
ity; but It would not at first glanoo
appear to have any special relation to
tbe copper-mining industry. One of
lbs recent phases, however, has a
very material bearing upon that In
terest. It Is stated that the Ameri
can Hell Telephone Company has
fifty lines of long-dlRtance telephone
in process of construction from Chica
go to New Yotk, and that each will
require two lines of wire, making 100
llns of single wire. The distance
from New York to Chicago being but
a trifle less thnn 1,000 miles, here Is,
approximately, a total of 100,000
miles of Copper wire. Its weight Is
174 pounds to the mile, giving an ag
gregate of more than 17,000,000
pounds, or over 8.R00 tons. This Is
alKitit l.fioo tons more, It Is said, than
the entire production of the Tama
rack, one of the leading copper mines
of the Lake Stijierlor region, for the
year 1800. Twenty years ago, or
even ten years ago, the most far-seeing
observer could not have antici
pated this demand upon the copper
producing resources of tbe country.
And whet her In electrical science or
In any other department of human
effort, It Is Just as liiiwsilile at this
moment to iiiuke a forecast of the
situation which will exlut InlliOOor
1H10 as It wns in 1870 or 1P80 to pre
dict the advances which have been
made between ihoso dates and the
present. It Is difllcult to reall.e, as
regards the progress of Invention,
that the future Is a sealed book pre
cisely as the past has been. Hut It is
a reasonable liellef that the wonders
of the future will surpass those of the
past; for the work of one decade only
broadens the foundation for the next,
Mechanical News.
What Fort
The enlisted men of the army are
to be furnished with cravats, the
first they have had since the days
when the military wore stocks.
Catarrh C'ant be fared
With lKAl. APfiJCATioNS. as they cannot
reach tbe scat of the disease. ( atnrrti Is a
blood or constitutional dim-ase, and in order to
cure It you have lo lake Intornal remedies.
Hall's Catarrh Core In take-i internally, and
acts dlrectiv on ttie IiIimhI and mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quick medi
cine. It was iirtwerlbed by one of the best
physicians In this t-ouutry for years, aud Is a
regular prescription. Jt Is conipiwcd of the
lN-et tonics known, combined with tbe best
blood imrUlers, acting directly nn tbe mucous
surface. Tbe iierfi-cl combination of tbe two
liigredle-ttts is what produces such wonderful
results iu curlug catarrh, riend for teatiuioiii
aU free.
F. J. Cncsicy A Co.. Prora., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druguista. wrlce 7tk
Two Italian savants believe they have
discovered the germs of lockjaw.
The Ladles.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety with,
wble' 'adies may use the California liquid
laxative, Kyrup of Figs, under all conditions,
makes It their favorite remedy. To get the
true and genuine article, look for tbe name of
the California Fig Syrup Co., prln ted near the
bottom of the package.
In Southern Kuiope.SX,Wi0 oranges have
been picked from one tree,
Oa Meaainln Tap.
CrnnrPneiiinnnla, Inflamed I,rynx,Tlckllng
or Hacking Cough may attack tbe sojourner.
No rt-medy known will strike at ttie root of
these diseiiMs and reiM'r rveru trnc-6 t"n
us will Dr. Iloxslu's Cert tin Croup 1 'lire. No
opium. Hold by promine-it drunrit. ftsi.
Manufactured by A. P. lloxale, llulfalo, N. X.
There is only one sudden death among
women to every eight among men.
A Coinplele Newspaper fur One C'eai.
77ir i'i(('ut0i Vhrimklt-Ti Uurtiph is sold by
all News As-ent and delivered by Carriers
every where, tor One Crnt a copy or Sir ft t a
week. It contains dnily, tbe news of tbe
world, receiving aa it does, the reisirts of both
the Associated Press and tbe United rr. No
other paper which sells for One. f'erif receives
both of ttiese reports. Its Kportlng, Financial.
Kasbloii, and Household Departments are un
equaled, tlrder It from your News Agent.
?.',),w,,,'.bn,",d Hradycrotlne for liead ache
with the best Imaginable result. I ,tuw this
without solicitation. .1. W. Miwdiburu. Abbe
ville, Ua. All druggists, fifty eeiOa.
Wno wom.i. he free from earthly Ills must
tray a box of Iteecbuio PiUs. 2I tenia a box.
V orth a guinea.
If afflicted with soreeyesuse lir. Isaac Thomp.
son's Kv- water. Drugglstsiwillata'io per hot fie.
rilENEVER I see
Hood's Haraai arilla
1 want to how and say
'Thavnk Ton.' I waa
bad ly affected with Ec
xema and Scrofula
Sore, covering almost
the whole of one aide of
my face.aearly to tb top
of my head. Kunnlng
Mrs. Paiilsy. sore discharged from
bntbeara. My eyes were very bad. For nearly
a year I was deaf. J took HOOD'S BAK8A.
P ARILLA aud tbe sores 011 my eyt i,T in
my rum ueuied. 1 can now bear and see aa well
as ever." Mo. Amanda Faulky, 1,u Laudur
fcttreet, Newhurgh, N. Y.
HOOD'S PILLS cure all Liver Ills, Jaun
dice, sick headache, bdiousnesa sour stomach.
feboold Hav II In The Houe
Jiropptd on Mugur, Children Lore
n take JoHw'AMODTUmMiT for Omnp.Colrlt,
Gore Ttmwt, TuusUltla, Colli1, Craiupa anil Falu. Hf
livvtstall HtainRifr CtiirplatulACuutanti I?niJrs like
tuairlo. Bold every when. I'rlf Sfk. by mail; 6 hotiiet
fcxprvM itaiU, K isb.JOHNbONCO.,Wro,aUl.
Olfynu have no appetite. Indigestion,
Flatulence, rilck-iieailuclie, "ll ruu A
dowu" or losiug llesh, tuka
?TuH's Tiny Pills?
UThry tou up the wk atuniach Miid Q
build up the UNhtfKluir energ, ttAo.
Gk St. Louis, Mo.
vstastsu mn nxcw. sri
ftt! rt.v.rTw.r Am, mm I list
w im m NMksM m am
copyright laai
ThereU a vide difference
between the help that's talked of
and the help that's guaranteed.
Which do you want, when you're
buying medicine?
If you're satisfied with words, you
pet them with every blood-purifier
but one. That one is Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery. With
that, yon (jet a guarantee. If it
doesn't help you, you have your
money back. On this plan, a medi
cine that promises help is pretty
sure to give it.
But it's because the medicine is
different, that it's sold differently.
It's not like the sarsaparillas, which
are said to be good for the blood
in March, April, and May. At all
seasons and in all cases, it cures
permanently, as nothing clue can,
all the diseases arising from a tor
pid liver or from impure blood.
It's the bent blood -purifier, and
it's the cheapest, no matter how
many doses are offered for a dollar.
With this, you pay only for the
good you get.
Can you ask more?
Kidney, Liver and Bladder Cure,
Lnmriflfro. p,n In ofntorbn-k, brlrk durt la
urin f rpfiint ciillft, IrrttHtion, tnilRmHtlon,
frrnvrl, ulce ration or catarrh of bladder.
Disordered Liver,
Impaired digestion, font, Mlllmia-heariarheb
RWA.tlP-HCT euros kidney illWrultlea,
JjaUriwit, urinary trouble), bright' diseans.
Impure Blood,
Scrofula, malaria, jren'l weakness or debility.
Gaerasf contents of One llottte. If not hea
eflted, brugtflrts will rtlund to you .lie pries (jaSU
At Druggists, SOe. Klze, 1 .00 Sllie.
"Isrsllds' Quids to HMlth"frf-.roniltalloa treat
Da. Kiuiaa It Co.. IIinoh amtom. N. Y.
Miss C. G. McClavk, School
teacher, 753 Park Place, Klmira, N.
Y. "This Spring while away from
home teaching my first term in a
country school I was perfectly
wretched with that human agony
called dyspepsia. After dieting for
two weeks and getting no better, a
friend wrote me, suggesting that I
take August Flower. The very next
day I purchased a bottle. I am de
lighted to say that August Flower
helped me so that I have quite re
covered from my indisposition." 6
Tr the firs. JO who ssB!la this paper and ask
for free pint of our A lots on it monthly pnr
Dients In oaiFFITst-4'''""'" '"" ruelo
ry Habarti we will lend s receipt furila, stsst
fm any lots berssftor bouirhl of u; lo llis nest 111 a
Ires Mdailaslosi to His World's Fair. Try III
jai iwa4ui a co. sue rhiwtir sr, vuuss.
IATF.WTM t Pr.1iION- f-Sornt for Tnrent
or's (lulite or How 10 (ihiHtti s fsien'. s-ol fur
tilfrsstof I'KNMIOW aad HW STV l. lWs,
IT 1st A It TV yon awe your,
elf aud famllr lo gel lb" be.t
salae la your footwear by mm
run. Ins V. I Itaadna IShoes, .
whlrb represent I be beat yoltio AtftA 4
rorrlee..sked. M tbousaeaa QZ 9
tr take' no ernsTiTiTE. Sf
vaiae ior soar saoney. kcoiio.
afy to wulk
QiO 5
Tbev are mado
fJ9 rud direct ta Factary, alatlnc kind, i
wanted. free. Ml ilvr rarluive aula la t-kee dealer an
chauta where 1 bava b a acuta. Vrlie for 1 atalou W, I Owuvlua, B
- - imu
For Ladloo and
rn.,m.n wHtnion ares woiio Tlroa,
u.anwno riunt.
Tubmf . Adiuitaol
. ?5r U
lota tC tit at,
JQMM etovitt aawia co..Mfr., w; w.Magto, boston, mass-
Swift's Specific
n tenet! Remedy
For All
g Dlood and Skin
s uuaasQS
A rellsbl ear for Centsrlotnt
Blood Poison, Inherited Scro
fula and 8sln Cancer.
As a tonle for delicate Women
ana Children it has no equal.
Being partly vegetable, '.i harm.
Icsa tn Ita effects.
A trestles oa Dlood nnrt Ssln Diss
taw mailed rats on application.
ItntgoWl Belt it.
Drawer, Atlanta, Qa.
Young t.lofhorG !
IT Offtr Tou m Remtif
vhleh Intura faely ta
ilt ofMotHT and Child.
Set Confinmt of ifa
fmin, Horror mndBUk.
Aft-rastnf onrtsiltlcof " mother's Friend" t
SutTrred but little psln.snd Ulil uot nxperlencs tbaf
wenko-ss afterward usual lo suoh easts. aire.
aksii oos, Lamar, Ho., Jan. I'tli, ltfl.
Bent lit txprest. ensure s r-repsM, on receipt of
frier, ! .60 (H-r bottlo. Book to ktuthorl mtlltd fTttk
eot.o BV am. n?'"i-iiSTSl
rn NnT rp nrcFivro
nifh rriftti . IvimiueT, ni palntt which ttoio
tlir hiiniii. Injure the Iron, ami I turn off.
Tbe ItiMnB Hun 8tove Poltih In Brllllnnt, Otfm-.
IfKH. lnrHlilf,anrJ the coniitriier payi lor itu Ita
or Rlawt iiackane with every pui-mate.
mm an at:, art Kirk H0.iflsB.rliM
A Bamp:o taus or soapano isa
Sw 1'nt i.f'ofcini Lt-i iiinittioK'
BF JlMirtli MnrkM, Molr.
U.iMii-jrrtiti. IiKlla Ink anti
pi'r(1inu Hulr, I' tuploa.
jWLJohii If. Wotiririurr
PiK- .:N Vork City.
lt vy ic.ter.
I1VIT tll'1 WlVfiP i
rf rr rymMom or dWiM roatiitinir mrm Tmvoi1
t.lw-rl, (.'raravllur bjth $tema -h, Uyer or tetanrttoe
11 i-f-rfni-m ihrtr proper nmctl'in. forvonf jriren tuj
'Trr-rattQff are hDmi Inr Uk intra T A Hi T.t. after I
rfni-iTj ihrtr propri
h'f-fat tntr art- hnme
, 1 tfrt:t il irtoiiir inc. itu- ai
thah a lit:;,
Itithcr'a Fly Klllor larertiiin tit-nth. Filet are
trm'ifKl to It auU killed at imce. Thiy d not live t
Kot awnv, t'ae It freely, dHtroy tlielr w and pre
vent reproduction. Always aaU fur DmcUur'a aimI.
gi beat r'u1t. r
Hr. Ar.HAWir, TK
Ita srearln qualities art unsurpassed, aofnany
ooilsstlns f hreo bose of surothnr brand. Not
afltetrd ,j best. l-fJET TUB (IKM'INB.
C miAC QI'ICK t-R'rs adrsneln win
Will C doiilils vlut. flu timber sua
rk-b soil underlaid wlih Well ad spied fur
I'oultrr.VrKrtubles, Krult. SA.Ottn cns lands, lots
111 an iiniraii towns. ( I tl I! MCI. A Ml ri.A-
TEAI I. AMI lll'tm, Koaliu f. O.. Hat.
Ken 1
Park, Teuu,
Flao'a Remedy fbr Catarrh ia tb
Beet. Fjwleet to Ve, and rTiPapeet.
Sold by druKKiita or aeu by mail,
ktc IL T. UueUlaa, Warraa Fa.
1 nnnni ac
atSJb, VftB
nfl ' "
a. yttf wo uvi iiinioitrxr
Na. aiul llt iiuty; IlltiftrHttHi:
X. oilskin, StBlp. Ntrvnn
At'tl liltKMlUiPrt?.rMIlt
ssl-niftil fllP ItTaM.t Aim
ifc liunry Uic bwxvl, are aura ami f
a T"ZjI""iiH'Jlrlne known tor biliottautw.
f 'i.M.itrtCy Cootlpatnn, PTPPda tm,'w
a ZoUVy Froalb, Hrotlarhe, HoartDuiD, Iort
JT of Amm, Miutal iX'prvMlon.f
apaat PaJnfiil Diirettion, I'unpic, ftaitow
i'ViinrilcTLin TiMrl Fislini. (anil W
A venntneaewrd ako, that will not Hp, tin calf, team lea
muuib luaitue, flexible, ntr comfitrtable.atyiub and durablw Uiat)
any other auu ever aold At Um prlca, fcuuaU cuutoai hi ad a ihu
eovtlim frr.m 64 to $
4, Andi-l llAu4-wd. flnecajf itaoe. Tb moet atyltab,
.yauddiUAL.eaLuM ever auld at Uteatiprlctfa. I bey euuJ
fine lmpirt4-f ihotacf- ttnij from M to fix
CO AO Police Hktu. worn by farmers and all othera who
a ieoou ut-uTycair, lureeaoteu, exieDaloa eOue atuML
lo, acitl will ko-p the feet dry and warm.
'o C ulf, r J.'S.laud 0i Worklnyatten'a Shoas
Ktven.ore waarfortbe muuey tlma any oilier miki
for M-rrlee. The lnarHiuLinj aiaIm ahA tw. a...a,
tnprmrn have found tbla out
hOYS' " Vaain caool Rhae. arw
- v w wurn by tbe boy w hem. i'Ua moat arloa
able ahoea sold at theae prWa,
LAniPQ' Haod-ftwwad, i.ffO, J and
"wl bhoeafur MlHaaaare uiudeuf the beat Luu-
fnianr nneCair, aa dealred. Ttiey am very my I lib, cauhv
urtatle and durable. The A3 ahoa equal custom mude
Mhoea coftln frum 4 to)0. Ladlea whtwltk tu euoao
nilae In tbelr footwear are finding- thla out.
CA I TION. bewnreof dvaleraaubUtutlna;hOM wltb
cut W. L. loutf lea' an me and tbe price atsuuped on bottunu
u""ulona are fraudulent and aubjeut to pfuaavia
uy in w itr uuiAuuinif money unaor preietiora.
alaa anal width
id aTwMiwtrml an atrial
Brovkiaa Alawu
6anta. Mia .yi.
tin Dra. .,...
Ball Btaiins, to all mn... .....
swlutinf Podtla. SJiptntien SsOdla.
Strictly BIQlt OXACM ia Xrorr PutieuluK
tU"B t?r " IllittraUJ aala.1
aUltot, tUrtlrtrt. tpurtlaa- tlooat.tTI