The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 29, 1892, Image 5

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    Huhnrrlplinn $t.RO jwr yror, in mlninrr.
V. A. HTKPIIKNMON, Kdllnr and Pub.
mtrtrr' Wnlr.
I'nwnii'r trnlim arrive hi the Kcynnliln
vllln ntitliim x fnllnwxi
Kimlmml. W'rdvNinl.
Trln9, - B !W(i m.lTrnln 8,- -T.OTa. m.
Train I, - - l.nip. ni. Trnln 1, - - I 41 p. in.
Tmln :i. . ,fln p. m.lTrnln III. - Vim p, m,
( nitrHiii.imvii rswT-orrim.
Mnlts nrrlvpnml mill Iiuvi- thr pnl-nniri n
A rriif. Ihfnirl.
rmiM Tim wr.KT. run Tim hast.
' I. tap. m. - - 7 m p. hi Id inn m. - j:ip. m.
miiM Titr rAHT. mn Tim w k.xt.
TOO ii. in. - - ami p. rn.lT.nojr ni. 1.1.1 p. in.
Arrives fmin Itutliincl mill Present tvllln
.Mn. m.
Arrives from I'tinlc Tin'wlnys, Tloirilnys
nnil Hiiluriliiv nl t:.n p. m.
iH'liiirln fur rri'-i'nttvlllc, Kiltlilnrl, I'milr
.1(W. m.
j Office hour 7 (On. in. to H nop, in.
Money order iiftlrn open fliilll 7.110 II . III. In
?.:p. in. Ui kIhIit iilll iiicn finm 7.ini a. ni.
to H imp. in.
1.1'tful flnllilnv from 7.w tns.iw n. in. nnil
from li.m In :i.iai p. in.
Iinii'o iimii Huinliiy fmin "mi n. m. l.iPMKI
n. m. .1. W. r'nrsT. I'. M.
Tim bast No will In' completed iH'fnro
V tlio 4th (i( July.
Don't fall to como to Hcynolilsvilln cm
tlio Fourth of July.
Rov. Cnxsmnn's sohisd will close on
p Wednesday, July llth.
Tim Democratic primaries will lie
hold onn week fmin Hutuiilny.
A Itoynoldsvlllo cigurnmkcr will Iriko
unto himself a wife this evening.
j Tim Utopia Cirol i' lii'lil it social nl
I Dr. H. Iti-y nolin on Moinlny evening.
Coudorsport Ih greatly excited over an
outbreak of hiiiuII pox In Hint, borough.
w Tho employiM1 of Hopkins' mill were
il riving logs in IIiIh vicinity Friday
Tim lli-Ht water-melons of tlm season
npicnivd in the Koynohlsvillo market
liint work.
White A Reynolds tiro cutting 3lKi,MH
foot of logs for Present t Imrk of tlio
Tho Roynoldsvillo Cm-net hand enliv
ened the streets Friday evening with
somo excellent music.
Alex. HlHton not a Htruwlx'rry out of
Ilia garden tlm other day tluit measured
8fr inches In circumference.
Go to W. C. Hchultzo St Hun's for now
potatoes, water-melons, cahhugo Ac.
They havo a largo stock of fire works,
I'M. C. Nlver, of tho Hroekwnyvillo
iJtreonl, wan married to Miss Kuthurino
1 A. Murphy, of Johnsonbiirg, on Wed
nesday last.
k A liase ball nine of miner Imys wont to
Llndxey Saturday to pluy hall. Tho
game stood 10 to 4 In favor of tho
Llndsoy nlno.
Extensive pivparntioim havo iM'en
made for cololiratliiK tho Fourth at thin
place. Wo will havu tho attriictlun
and tho ooplo.
; Ed. Hohiiltms, tho lmti'lmr, killed a
calf the other day that wax four wookH
and throo days old, which wolhod 1 104
pou mix CroHHod.
Tho John C. Connor Tont, CJ. A. It.j
l will glvo a dinner and HupjHir In their
Ilall on July Fourth, for tho uniall mini
of 25 eonU per moal.
' fni t..jv ii i .
luojuiiumnii v ininiy mouicai itHHOOia-
tion hold their monthly mooting at
Duliola lawt Friday. Thoir noxt moot
ing will bo hold at Brookvlllo.
In mentioning the O. U. A. M. anni
versary at PunxHutawnoy, we Htatod
IfcHt week It was to bo hold on the 18th,
but it Is to be on the 8th of July.
Quarterly mooting ttervleoH will bo
held in the M. E. church at Emorlck
vlllo next Saturday and Sunday, con
, ducted by Rev. D. A. Piatt, of Boech
treo. ',
Jefferson county ban a now Agricul
tural Society at Brookvlllo that takes
the place of the defunct one. The now
company expect to hold a fair In Sep
tember. We were given a hen egg the other
' day that measured H Inchon In circum
ference and weighed i of a pound. The
egg wan layed by a hen owned by Jay
The ReynoldtivlUe Hardware Co.'a
lime house was moved on rollers on
Saturday from the alley back of the
U gas company's office to the rear of the
hardware store.
The Lutheran congregation has
L raised money enough to repair their
church. The building will be repainted
insUe and out and repapered. The
woilc will be done in the near future.
R. E. McKee, president of the Endea
vor Society of the Presbyterian church,
was elected as a delegate to the Inter
national Convention of the Y. P. S. C.
E. to be held In Now York next month.
1 .Klsklminltas and Brookvlllo clubs
played a, good game of ball on the
latter's ground Friday afternoon. Alex.
Whltehill of Reynoldsville, pitched for
the Brookvlllo club. Alex, is a good
The n., Ii. Y. C. M. Co. havo more
Black than thoy can make two of nt prud
ent and they are building a largo ntnro
age near the Old Hamilton mine whom
It will lie duiiiM'd until they are ready
to lino It.
Three young school niariim, M Ism's
Julia Htoko, Ijiura Marshall and Kdltli
Clark, who taught a two month's term
and whoso school closed last week,
picnicked with their scholar in Reyn
old grovo Friday.
Three Sunday schools at Bandy Vat
Icy will picnic In tlm grove at, that
placo on tlm Fourth of July and tho
Handy Valley hatiil will hold an Ice
creiun festival at the snmo placo In tho
afternoon nnil evening.
Tlm Pennsylvania Editorial Associa
tion will hold their annual excursion in
tlm week of July llth. Hcranton will
lie the objective Millit, nnil theliee to
IIiiITiiIii, Albany and a slcniiilxiiit ride
down tho Hudson river to Now York
Thomas HntehWen. Sr.,of near Hns-k-wayvlllo,
celebtated his eighty-ninth
birthday on tho IHth Inst. Homo of tlm
Inhabitants of tho northern end of tlm
county lire noted for longevity. An
iM'logcniirinn Is not iiiiooiiiuion with
Tlio liniiso of Jacoli Hykos, nt Hykos
villo, was struck by lightning last Sat
urday morning nnil ilainiigod to the
extent of mm hundred dollars. Mr.
Hykos hail his house Insured. Walter
Spry, of Iteynoldsvlllo, is ngont and tho
Ins w ill lie promptly paid.
Tho Oil City and Tltusvllln relief
committee of this place hud received
something over eighty dollars Is'foro
last Thursday evening. They will meet
to-morrow evening again and what
money has been received will then lie
forwarded to tho iiIhivo places.
The I'liiixsiitawney iS'iriV says: "The
llerwInd WhiteConl Company eomineii
ceil oN'iilng a now mine nt Anita about
two weeks ago. Tho wink is lielng
pushed forward as rapidly as Hssiblo
and when completed will alTord employ
ment for a nmnlier of miners."
A new company has Is-en organized
In Clayvlllo, tho object of which Is to
erect, a largo plant for tho exclusive
manufacture of a device for grinding
tlm knlvcsof mowing machines. .1. C.
Swart., cashier of tlm bank at Itig
Run, Is treasurer of tho concern.
Host MH'ket Map of this State over
made; 7 colors; In strong cover. All
counties, rivers, railroads, post-otlloes.
Correct to date. Fast seller. Agents
wanted. Hoys! girls! make money easy.
Send Illc. for Agent's sample copy to
Tho Caxton Union, Room 7, l.'H Water
St., Pittsburg, Pa.
The morning servlco at tho Metho
dist Episcopal church will Isi Interest
ing and lniHirtant. Preceding tho ser
mon, tho pastor will baptlo all children
presented by their parents. The suIh
jeet of tho sermon will tsi a timely one
for IndeH'nileneo Day: "Tho Preser
vation of MlH.rty in tho U. H."
Tho corner stone of Ht. Petor's Evan
gelical Lutheran church at Paradise
will bo laid with appropriate ceremo
nies on Sunday, July Kith, 1KH2, at lO.IIO
A. M. Rev. J. .1. Kerr, of Brookvlllo,
will preach tho sermon. All neighbor
ing ministers and tho public In general
are most cordially invited to attend.
Prof. W. J. Weaver, tho painter, poet,
&o., who wrote tho alumni ptsjin to lie
read at Lock Haven to-day, was in TllK
STAR ollleo Monday while his poetic
machine wax In working order, and ho
gavo nx tho following llttlu truthful
Tlicrc nm pupors of ttctlnn, of fancy, of fuct,
Mom than wo can nunitHr tiy far,
Itul I Im pitHT that nl vim you lliv now limit ly
Is Kicplit'iiMin' RiiyniildNVllIn Htaii.
Sixty-two excursion tickets woro sold
hero Saturday evonlng for Niagara
Falls. A fow Brookvllloltes took In tho
excursion. Tho train arrived at this
place at 3:30 Monday morning and the
county seat people could not gain admit
tance atiy placo, consequently they
sought the soft sldo of the boards
around the A. V. R'y passenger station
until the 7.30 train arrived to carry
thorn homo.
With ghoulish glee tho gossip gloats
o'er scandlos, false or true, and wags a
jealous, slimy tongue regarding what
the neighbors do. The buzzard Uvob on
putrid fleah, hogs wallow in the mlro,
for the Creator mado thorn low in
nature and dosirel But how, In name
of caramon sonso, can man or lovoly
woman, mado in tho imago of thoir
God, descend to acts Inhuman? Ridg
way Advocate.
Minnehaha Council, No. 77, Daugh
ters of Liberty, elected the following
officers last Saturday evening to serve
for the ensuing six months: Jr. Ex.
Councilor, Jos. McCrelght; Associate
Ex. Councilor, Margaret Gorsllno;
Councilor, Elizabeth Armagost; Associ
ate Counoilor, Annie Hoover; Vice
Councilor, Sallie McCrelght; Asxoclate
Vice Counoilor, Jessie Barkloy; Guide,
Maggie Soloda; Recording Sec., Mlnnlo
Ewing; Asst. Roe. Sec., Jessie Love;
Financial Sec., John Barkloy; Treas.,
Floronce Lowther; Innor Guard, Delia
Sax ton; Outer Guard, Tim Mull; Rep
resentative to National Council, W. J.
Weaver; Trustees, W. J. Weaver, 18
months, R. J. Wiseman, 0 months.
The New Ballot System Wat Tried by
34) People Saturday.
On Saturday, June 2Ath, the citizen
of Roynoldsvillo voted on tho question
of bonding tho borough for tho purponn
of building a now school house. There
are ntllt voter In tho borough, hut only
34f found their way to tho vot ing place
Saturday. Tho veto wa a follow:
For bonding, 2113; against, 25. Tho
result wa tho only wise decision for tho
citizens, of a town with a bright a fu
ture a Roynolttsvltlo has, to make.
Tho bonds are not, to exceed 31,000, but
will not. be over t-Ti.OOO. Tho now ballot,
system wa used and a tlm iiooplo are
not familiar with It, 27 vote were
thrown out, by not being marked prop
erly. Home mado tho x, which desig
nated what they woro voting for, on tho
left band side, while others crossed out
what they did not want, thus making
their ballots of no consequence. Thir
teen booths woro used. It. will Imi no
litter lmNisslblllty for the voters of
Royiiolilsville to cast their votes at one
place under the new system without,
more assistance on the election hoard.
County Commissioner Miilhollan came
up from HriNikvillo Saturday morning
nnd got tho new system in working
A sldo election was hold at, tlm same
place, tho Hum's House, for tlm pur
ls iso of getting an expression from tlm
people In regard to tho hs'iitlon of tho
proHvsed now schiHil building. There
were 313 votes east, for lis at ion as fol
lows: Old location, 2M; Old Sandy
Lick, lit; Corner .lack son nnd Sixth
streets, 13.
Not in a Mottle.
Rather a pleasant fellow, with black
curly hair, who did not want to lie class
ed among the street fakirs who travel
through the country, opened hls"bn,iHi"
and notion Ihix near Hotel Itelnap one
evening last week and done consider
able talking and sold some goods. Re
apologized for his appearance no the
street and said lie had come here to
open a store but was unable to secure a
room, hence his apHariinee on tlm
street to make a little money to keep up
witli his expenses. Ho had a neat, little
street lamp with him that, ho carried to
use incases of emergency. Before talk
ing many minutes ho said ho had lieon
in that business for nlneti-en years. Ho
claimed to have tho genuine old devil In
a Isittlo and has had his majesty there
for seventeen year. Tho people of
Kcynnlilsvillo know that tho fakir is
mistaken In'ciiuso his satiinlc majesty is
raised to often In this place for the citi
zens to Isdlovo ho Is traveling just w'th
this chmm'1ii1 storo-iiNim-huntiiig mer
chant. No one hearing tho fakir talk
a few minutes would dispute his claim of
seventeen year's association with tlio
master of tho infernal regions.
Boy Drowned.
Last Thursday afternoon Roynolds
villo citizens were startled by the
announcortient that a Isiy had boon
drowned In tho Sandy Lick near Soldier
Run. John Francis Dacy, son of David
Dacy, wax tho youthful victim. Ho, In
company with Ooorgo White, a llttlo
lad who makes his homo with his
grandfather, John Cottle, went to
Sandy Lick to paddle around In tho
water, as they could not swim. Tho
creek was high at tlm time and Johnny
got Into a hole than ho had
expected to II nd and tho little chap
sank beneath tho water, ills compan
ion says ho came up three times. Tho
alarm was given and assistance was
him m iiMin the scene but too late to save
tho boy's life. After dragging tho
stream an hour and a half tho body was
recovered. Tho funeral services woro
hold in the Catholic church at I) o'clock
Saturday morning and tho remains
woro Intorrod In tho Catholic como
tery. Tho boy wax 10 years and 8
months old.
This Is another warning to boys who
become reckless about playing along
tho crook, and especially llttlo follows
who cannot swim.
An Axe Dent.
Charles Burkot, of Camp Run, met
with an accident Friday evonlng In
which he very nearly lost all tho Angora
on his right hand. Ho was coming
homo from work carrying an axe with
him and ho tripped and foil, the sharp
tool coming down uon his hand. The
ond of the Index finger was cut off and
the other members of the hand had to
receive some stitches to hold them In
thoir rosj)octlve places. Tho young
man was furtunate in not being loft
with four stubs. Dr. Bowser, who
dressed tho wound, has had four injured
hands to fix up In as many weeks.
Arm Fractured.
Herschel Barry, a lad about eight
years old, while playing with some
other boys Monday evening, attempted
tojumpoffof ashed eight or nine feet
high and fell and broke his loft arm
in two places, at the elbow and wrist.
Cut His Foot.
John Fuller made an ugly gash in his
loft foot with an ax one day last week
while chopping wood. The great toe
was nearly severed from the foot.
Excursion Rates.
The Allegheny Valloy Railway will
soli exourslon tickets on July 2ndv 3rd
and 4th, good for the round trip until
July 6th, Inclusive.
Robbers Frustrated Again.
Three robber attempted to rob ,1a.
H. Arnold's houn oBrly Tuesday mor
ning. About 2 o'clock Jim hoard some
one tlpbHi around on hi front jMirchand
hn got up and looked out, of tho window,
which wa raised, and Just a hn stuck
hi head out ho beard alow whistle and
In a second a revolver wa fired and Jim
discovered a man In his front yard who
was making a rapid exit. Ifo emptied
a I'hamlior of hi revolver just a tho
roblsT IobhiI tlio fence. Polieemnn
Mincer wa the fellow who had fired
the first shot. One man wa stationed
outside while the other two woro pre
paring to ontor the house. The pollen
man noticed tlm man on the corner and
quietly tried to got near him, but, tho
villain was on tho alert and when he
spied Mineer ho gnvo tlm warning whis
tle and Jumped alsnit lo feet, and ran
like a doer. Tho silleeuian shot nt him
twleo but. was not, close enough to hit
his mark. Two of the rohlicrs ran up
(iriint, street, ami the other one ran
through Mutter's and Stoke's gardens
nnd fell headlong In jumping from
Stoke's garden to the street. Mrs.E.C.
Sencor hoard the confusion and got up
III lime to see tlm fidlnw go through tho
giirdciis. A dosn of cold lend some
night, will end the career of some of tho
house breakers who, doubtless, reside
not more than a hundred miles from
Sometime during Monday night an
entrance was mado into tho Methodist
church through a window and the front,
(lisir priori open but, nothing taken.
The following Sunday after the birthday
Imix was robbed tlm Children's Day
exercises wore hold in the church mid a
birthday olTeiiug was asked for from all
members of the Sunday schisil ami
church which, with the collection,
amounted to almost 10. No doubt the
contemptible thieves thought, they
would II nil the money in the birthday
A Pleasant and Profitable Convention.
The nty convention of the V. P. H.
C. E. was held In the HoccIiwimhIs Pres
byterian church last Thursday. The
various siM-letles of the county were ro
rosented. Forty-two Reyiioldsvillo
lles were in attendance, twenty-two
from the Presbyterian Kndeavor, this
Isdiig the largest, delegation from any
one Hocloty, ten from tho Baptist
Endeavor d ton visitors. Notwith
standing the storm Is-fore the morning
light made Its apHarauco over tho
eastern hill tops, the day wax an ideal
onn for such a gathering in a nook of
tlm Hooch woods settlement. The pro
gram prepared for tho occasion was
carried out In detail. The address of
tho day was made by Rev. SMsinor, of
Altoona, In whose church the Endeavor
State Convention will Imi held this fall.
Ridgway and Peiiflold woro admitted
Into the AssiH'Intion. The next conven
tion will Imi held in DuHois in Decemlier.
Tho young sioplo returned homo with
Increased enthusiasm and zeal for their
work. Tho convention was not. only
profitable but also an enjoyable affair.
Dinner and supcr woro served In tho
pretty grovo on tho church property
where over !00 js'iiplo did ample justice
to tho "lay out" whilo tho young jsioplo
mado the welkin ring with thoir shouts
of laughter and glee. The long tables
wore covered with unbleached muslin
and a bountiful supply of gixsl things
woro placed thereon. Visiting dole
gates qurrled baskets with them, but
tho generous pooplo of Boochwoods,
who know how to prepare edibles to
please tho most fastidious epicure, pro
pared tempting supplies of the choicest
kinds. Homo of tho Reynoldsville
people faired so sumptuously that thoy
might Justly bo called gourmands.
Drown the Foggies.
The sprightly Krr.ning Esjirf, of
Lock Haven, got out. a social bisim
edition last Saturday, In which tho
bright prospects for that old staid town
wore portrayed In an excellent manner.
Lock Haven, no doubt, has many advan
tages and should lie a live towji. We
mentioned several weeks ago tho energy
and enterprise of tho Etprfnn, and their
special edition is another proof of the
fact that it means to do its part in
making that town a veritable hive of
Industry. Yet the Expremi may Issue
special editions until their press Is sold
for old iron, tho office yields to tho
ravish ings of time and the editor
becomes as old as Mathuselah, and still
If tho moneyed men koop their vaults
locked and discourage every laudable
enterprise that may come thoir way,
the town will merely be a place where
the inhabitants eke out a miserable
existence A nowspaer is the lifo of a
town, but when it booms the people
must push with their capital, and then
the delightful hum of Industry will
continually be heard In thoir midst.
Tho worst curse to any town's business
outlook Is a lot of old foggies, who are
satisfied with a living, afraid to risk a
penny and utter their benediction of
failure upon any enterprise that may
necessitate an outlay of cash. Deliver
Reynoldsville from any such town
destroyers. We, with our friend In the
eastern valley, want live business men
who are not satisfied with a mere living,
but look well to the future.
An eye opener shoes for men at
Robinson's at $1.00. '
Go to Schultze & Son's for melons,
cabbago, &o.
A Country Boy's Short Experience With
City Business Life,
Robert M. Yonriy, young man who
wa roared on a farm near Hiimmervllle,
and who Is well known In this place, had
an experience with city life during tho
month of rose that ha lend him to
Isdlovo that "all that gilt tor I not
gold." Tho young man saw an adver
tisement In a nowspasr offering $100
sir month, exsuises and 10 per cent, of
sale to any one who had (1,000 to Invest
In tho business of a Issik coninrn.
Rolsirt I an energetic chap and being
anxious to grasp as much filthy lucre,
"tho risit of all evil," as Mwslble, ho
Answered the advertisement and 0s-nod
a communication with Mason A Co., of
Chicago, who worn tho agents for a St.
Louis firm. Inquiry wa made of Dunn'
agency at Plltsbiirg'aiid the Ht. Ixmls
firm was highly recommended by them.
Everything indicated a favorable
impression of Its Isdng a square busi
ness. Robert wont to Chicago, met
Mr. Mason, wax taken to that gentle
man's largo IsMik store, treated very
nicely and entertained at, Mr. Mason's
homo during his stay In Chicago, which
was only over night. Ho gnvo Mason
A 'o. a chock for loo.pald their agent,
wliocaino to i'lttsliurg with him, $100
and wa to pay 92m more when tho
Ixsikx arrived. They asked I,IHK but
as RolsTt was not In a financial condi
tion to pay over 1700, they said they
liked him and accepted the $700, giving
him the Pittsburg agency. Mr. Yoany
and his assistant, rented a room in tho
I'enii building, purchased a typo writer,
some furniture and got their business
In working order, minus the Issikx thoy
were tohandle.whleh were In have boon
shipped by Mason Co. The Yeany
Publishing Co. advertised for agents
who had U00 to Invest, offering to pay
a salary of $H.r( per month and oxmsos.
A gentleman whi had communication
with tho new company looked iimti the
concern with a suspicious eye. He
promised to call on Tuesday of last,
week at, a certain hour, hut Instead of
going himself a detmitlvii called to
transact business with them. Tho
surroundings indicated that it was a
swindling scheme and the young pro
prietor and his assistant woro escorted to
tho station house and placed behind tlm
bars for safe keeping until an investiga
tion was made of their business. Mr.
Yeany thought the business was straight
and that they would sfsm bo released,
but had It not boon for J. Van Rood,
KMik-keeMir for Yeany' uncle, Solomon
Shaffer, or Reynoldsville, tho young
mnn would hnvo rusticated in the work
house for alsmt sixty days. Mr. Reed
was hoard In tho case and Yeany was
released, but his assistant, Who was an
old employee of Mason & Co., was
sentenced to tho work house for 30 days.
Ho paid $."i0 and cost nnd thus gained
his liberty. During their confinement
in tho station house four boxes, weigh
ing 1000 MMinds, arrived In tho city for
tho Yeany Publishing (., and a bill of
lading for $200 sent to a Pittsburg bank.
Yeany did not lift tho hill of lading, but
Is waiting for Mr. Mason to como to
tho Smoky City, get tho bmiks from tho
freight dost and romovotho fraudulent
assict of tho Yonny Publishing (Jo.
There is no doubt but Yeany Is perfectly
Innocent of any swindle Isdng connected
with tho business, and if there Is, he is
certainly one of tho victims.
Surprised Congregations.
Tho pastors of the Mothislixt, Pres
byterian and Baptist churches gavo
thoir congregations quite a surprise
Sunday evening by exchanging pulpits
unannounced. Rev. Murray preached
In tho Presbyterian church, Rev. Fur
bay in tho Baptist and Rov. Dorr in tho
Methodist. It was so arranged that tho
preachers did not enter tho churches
until tho second bell rang. It wax a
complete surprise all around. Homo
pooplo who had friends visiting them
wont to ono church In the morning and
took their friends to another church In
the ovonlng to hear that pastor and
heard tho same man that they hoard in
tho morning. Ono gentleman was re
quested by his wlfo to attend another
church In tho evening from their
accustomed one, hut ho would not go,
and went to his own church and heard
the very man he refused to go with
his wlfo to hear. Such exchanges will
go along way in keeping churches In
harmony with each other.
Cone to Kentucky.
Frank Ruster and wlfo, who have
been In Reynoldsville seven or eight
years, left Tuesday morning for Mid
dlosborough, Ky., where Mr. Ruster
will take charge of a loft In Ilall &
Vaughan's tannery at that place. They
are a very pleasant couple and have
made a host of friends who were sorry
to see them leave here. The Rebekah's
held a social at M. I. Wtnslow's on
Jackson street Saturday evening In
honor of the Mr. and Mrs. Ruster.
After lodge a number of the Odd
Fellows attended the social, which was
an enjoyable affair. Mr. Ruster is an
Odd Follow and his wife Is a member of
the Robekah lodge. On Monday even
ing a number of their friends met at
the residence of John Orr, where they
were stopping, and gave them a final
Robinson defleeither Jew or Gentile
to beat his prices on shoes.
'Advertise in The Stab.
I. M. Hwartx ssuit Sunday In Brook
vlllo. John Hod lor I visiting friend at IOok
Dr. J. H. MoOrolght and wlfo were at
Perryvlllo last wnek.
Mr. If. H. Murray I visiting hnr
daughter at Oarland, Pa.
Dr. J, K. Brown, of Sunimorvllle, waa
In Roynoldsvillo Saturday.
KM. Rhea, of Oil City, I visiting hi
sister, Mr. L. M. Simmon.
Rev. I). A. Piatt, of Hooehtroo, wa
In Roynoldsvillo on Monday.
Lizzie Hotter, of Punxsutawney, I
visiting her brother, J. J. Hotter.
Hponcer Rumsey, of Berlin, Wis., Is
visiting his uncle, H. It. Rumsey.
Miss Minnie Hmoltzer visited friends
In llnsik villo during the past. wnek.
Mrs. W. H. Weaver, of Brookvlllo,
visited friends lit this place last week.
C. J. Rhea, of Oil City, Hundaynd
with his daughter, Mrs. L. M. Simmon.
Mr. L. A. Jackson, of Allegheny, fx
visiting her daughter, Mr. If. A. Htoko.
J. H. Morrow and wlfo, and Mr. L. L.
Hooloy, drove to Punxsutawney Sunday.
If. E. Daniels, of Fayettevlllo, Pa., is
visiting Prof. Htamoy at Hotel McCon
noli. Mrs. John A. Hay nnd Mr. Bert
Hays ani visiting friends at Punxsutaw
ney. Mrs. f j. D. Roarick, of Falls (.'reek, I
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. II.
Alex. Whltehill went to Clarion on
Monday with the students of Corsica to
play ball.
(foorge Sell wem and wlfo went to
Niagara Falls last week to sKind tho
Miss A. K. Alsirnathy, of Mardin,
Pa., Is visiting her brother, J. S. Ab
ernathy. Frank McCoiinoll, proprietor of Hotel
Pantal, Punxsutawney, was in town
this week.
Mrs. M. H. Jewell, of Olean, N. Y.,
visited Mrs. I,. M. Simmons during tho
pant, week.
Mrs. W. K.Crosby, of (iarhind, Pa.,
ss-iit Sunday with her brother, Rev.W.
P. Murray.
P. .1. WoIht, of Owogo, N. Y., sjsint
Sunday with his mother-in-law, Mrs.
II. Idqishor.
iolert, Norrlx, who has been attend
ing school at Grove City, returned
home Friday.
Mrs. C. H. Gordon and son, Eugene,
are visiting friends at Htouhonvillo and
Minerva, Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H Donaldson, of
Pittsburg, am tho guests of Alex.
Rlston's family.
Mm. W. P. Murray left Roynoldsvillo
yesterday morning for Auburn, N. Y.,
to visit hr parents.
Thomas Stanley, a former clerk at tho
company store, now of East Brady, was
in Roynoldsvillo on Monday.
Rev. Brady wax In Brookvlllo this
week assisting in the forty hours devo
tion in the Catholic church at that placo.
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Jones went to
Johnstown last week to attend the
funeral of Mr. Howo, Mr. Jones' nephew.
Smith McCrelght, eldest son of Thos.
McCrelght, came homo Friday evonlng
on a vacation from Grove City college.
Mrs. G. G. Williams, of Bennezetto,
ss-nt Sunday with her husband, an
osirator in tho A. V. R'y offloo at this
.lux. Cathcart wont to Now Bethle
hem Monday morning to sea his father,
who is about stopping from timo Into
R. H. Wilson and son, Reid, wont to
Pittsburgh on Monday where Retd will
remain several months under a doctor's
care for Catarrh.
George Melllnger, superintendent of
the B., L. & Y. C. M.Co., and C.F.IIoff
man, too jeweler, wont to Pittsburgh
Monuay morning.
Mrs. E. L. Evans and Mrs. Anna Hen
dricks were at DuBols Friday evening
to get plants at the green-house to put
on Gerald Evans' grave.
Rov. H. G. Furbay wont to Lock
Haven this morning and will deliver the
alumni oration at the Statu Normal
schisd this evening.
John Knoblo, an employee of J. C.
Froohllch's tailoring establishment, vis
ited the home of his parents at Klttan
nlng during the past week.
Mrs. Thomas Neale, who has been a
constant sufferer for years, went to the
West Penn hospital last week for treat
ment. She will return home this
Profs. Will H. Stamey and Will J.
Weaver are at Lock Haven this week
attending the commencement exorcises
of their ahna mater, the Central State
Normal school.
Tuesday morning Albert Reynolds,
Alexander Rlston and R. S. Donaldson
went to the Boochwoods, near jolly Geo.
Burtop's farm, to get their camp In
shae to take their wives with them
next week and enjoy their annual camp
out for a while.
Miss Minnie Whit mo re returned home
from the Lock Haven State Normal
lust Saturday. She passed the best
entrance examination of 300 students.
Miss Whitmore, Messrs. Stewart, Gulst
and Fugate, all of this section, passed
tho junior class with great credit to