VOLUME 1. REYNOLDS VI LLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JUNK 29, 1892. NUMBER 8. ttUartllanroue. Q MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on West Mnin street, npnnslto the vpmnim'mi iioipi, iii-yrmiasviu, ra. jyn. b. e. hoover, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In hullcllni near Mothn rtist chun-h, opposite Arnold mm-k. llentle- nm in operating. Qotrla. JOTEL McCONNELL, reynoldsville, pa. FRAKKJ. BLACK, rmprittor. The teariln hotel of the town. Hpsrtmisr ters for commeivlal men. Hteam heat, free 'bun, hath rooms find closets on every floor, sample rooms, billiard room, telephone con nections, c JOTEL belnap, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. GliEEXd-COXSER, Proprietor. First clnM In every particular. Located In the verv centre of the hushies nnrt of town. Free 'bun to and from train and commodious sample moms for commercial travelers. MERICAN HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA. BUFFIXMOX A- LOXG, Prop Omnibus to and from all trains. Kiironean restaurant. House heated and lltflit 'ft by teas. Hot. and cold water. Western I'nlnn 'IVtcimiph olllcn In building. The hotel Is fitted with all the modern conveniences. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., J AS. H. CLOVE li, Proprietor. Hamnle rooms on the ground floor. House heated by natural khh. (Jmnllius to and from an trains. 1JUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTS- UUUO RAILWAY. The short line between PuHols, Rldttway, nmmuni, pniHmnnm, limiaio, lttM'neswr. Niagara Falls and points In the upper oil roirlon. On and after May 23d, IW2, passen ger trains will arrive arid depart from Falls jreea station, aauy, excopt nunaay, as nil lows: I10 A. M. Bradford Accommodation For points North between Falls Creek and Bradford. 7:1ft a. m. mixed train for Punxsutawney. 10:0ft A.M. Buffalo and Rochester mall For Hrockwayvllle, Klrigway .Johnson burg.Mt. Jewett. Bradford, halamanca. HurTalo and Rochester; connecting at Johnsonburg wun r. w r,. train a, lor nucox, Kane, Warren. Corrv and Krle. 10:ft& A. M. Accommodation For DuRola, Hykes, Hlg Kun and I'unxsiitawney. l:HO 1. M. Hradfoi-d Accommodation For Boechtree, Rrockwayvllln, Kllmont, Car mon, Kldgway, Johnsonburg, Mt. Jewett and Bradford. 4:SO '. M. Mall For DuRols, Dykes, Big Run, Punxsutawney and Walston. Tl56 P.M. Accommodation For DuBols.RIg mill niiu i uiixKiiinwni'y. Trains Arrive 7:10 A. M., Accommodation Punxsutawney; 0:IK A.M., Mull from Wal ston and Punxsutawney; 1(I:.V A. M., Ac commodation from Bradford: 1:20 P.M.. Accommodation from Punxsutawney; 4:110 r. iik, man imm nuintio nun itis-nemer; 7:ftft P. M.. AccommodiLtlon from Hriirifni-ri Thousand nille tickets at two cents per niiiu, kimmi inr iMiMMao ueiween ail siailons. J. 11. MoIntyhh, Agent, Falls creek. Pa. Geo. W. Hahti.k.tt, Jos. P. Thompson Oeneral Hupt. Oen. Pas. Agent Bradford, Pa. Rochester, N. Y. A LLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY CQMPANY coramoncinp; Sunday, June 38, 1891. Low Grade Division. EASTWARD. STATIONS. No.l. No.ft. So.. 117 10H , A. M. P. H. A. M. P. U. r. U. Red Bank 10 40 4 HO liiiwsouhnm 10 M 4 44 New Biithlehnm 112s ft In Oak Ridge 11 H5 S 2a Mlllvillu II mi ft 211 Maysvllle II 4;i ft XI Hunimnrvlllu ... 12 Oft 6 lift Hrookville 12 2ft 14 6 1ft Fuller 12 4:i It! W Keynoldsvllle.. 101) 6 fto It! Pancoast 1 oil tj ft 7 it! Falls Crook 1 17 7 07 7 in 10 M 140 TuBols 1 HO 7 la 7 17 11 Oft 1 00 Habuja 1 il 7 211 Wlntcrnburn... 1 fill 7 40 Penlliild 1 (17 7 4ft Tyler 2 oil 7 lift Ohm Fisher 2 HI 8 Oft Benetette 2 1(1 H 22 Oram 2 44 H SKI Driftwood 8 10 tl 00 P. M. P. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. WKHTWAUD. STATIONS. NoJ No.U No.10 10B 110 A. M. A. H. P. H. P. H. P. M. Driftwood 10 a 6 ;t Grant 10 H2 7 0S Buneintte 10 4:i 7 21 Olen Fisher 11 02 7 41 Tyler 11 l 7 m Penfleld 11 2ft 8 07 Wlnterburn .... 11 111 8 1:1 Hubula 11 4SI 8 27 Iiullols... US 00 7 00 8 4:i 11 HO 4 00 halls Creek 1 17 7 10 8 M 11 4ft 4 10 Pancoast 1 1U 7 IK 8 ISH Reynoldsville.. 1 42 7 t 8 0S Fuller 1 Ito 7 4n S 2ft Hrookville 2 21 8 ON B 4ft HunimervlUe.... 2 Hit 8 2H Maysvllle tin Ml Mlllvillu 8 02 8 &ft Oakltldge 8 Oil H (ill New Bethlehem 8 1ft B 10 I.HWwiiilium.... 8 47 9 41 KedbauU 4 01 10 00 A. M. A. M. P. M, A. M. P. M. Train dally excout Bunduv. DANID MCCAUOO, Okn'l. Bupt., JAB. P. ANDERSON, Okn'i. I'wAuT.r8, Plttahurg, Pa DO YOU NEED A NEW ATTIRE? If no, and you want a pood fitting and wull made suit at a reasonable figure you will re ceive same by placing your order with J. C. Froehlich, THE AUTISTIC TAILOR, Next door to Hotel MoConnell, REYNOLDKVILLE, PA. A KENTUCKY MULE. A CI ray Haired Old Fellow Treed a Rear and Finally Killed It. Sam Parson's gray mule Zoke is old and gray, but he possesses great strength, both of understanding and of body. Saturday old Sam conclnded that he wouldn't work, and accordingly he thouldered hit muzzle loading rifle and went hunting. But before departing he turned Zeke out to graze. Finding the gnus around the parson's cabin rather scanty, Zeke wandered down the edge of the creek next to the mountain side. There vdtlftn the shad ow of the woods fee struck a nice, ten der clump of grass and immediately be gan to eat it with great delight While engaged in this congenial task a large block bear came down the mountain side and approached Zeke. Zeke had probably never seen a bear before, as the nrsina tribe baa long been scarce in these mountains. Nor is it likely that the bear had ever on any previous occasion look ed upon a mule. But this bear was hungry and, while Zeke was bigger game than he had bargained for, he evidently thonght it worth while to take a look at him, for he came a little nearer. Zeke was not a bit afraid. He had never stood in awe of manhood, not even Old Sain, his master, and it was not likely that at this late period of his life he would be afraid of any four footed creature that walked the earth. Zeke calmly went on with his pleasant task of eating grass. The bear edged np another yard. Zeke switched his tail and cleverly knocked a fly off his back, and being relieved of the burden of the insect still munched the grass. The bear began to grew inquisitive. He evidently did not understand what kind of an animal Zeke was, his studies in zoology being limited. He stood upon his haunches and growled, not as a threat, but as a kind of friendly salute. Zeke did not raise his head, and still munched the grass. The bear stopped growling and walked in a respectful cir cle around Zeke, studying him from every corner. , He might have been a hundred miles away for all the notice Zeke took. The bear was puzzled and uttered another growl of interrogation. Again finding himself unnoticed he be gan to grow angry. The bear went around behind Zeke and came very close, evidently deter mined to try by touch to arouse the strange animal. Suddenly Zeke doubled himself up in a knot and leaped high in the air. Two legs flew out of the bunch like piston rods and caught the bear in the side, whirling him over in a com plete somersault When he struck the ground he righted himself and rushed away with a growl of pain. But Zeke was hot after him, and the bear, seeing that he would be overtaken, scrambled np a hickory tree, barely missing a terri ble drive of Zeke'a hind heels. Noon came and still Zeke was under the tree. The afternoon passed. It was almost sundown, but still Zeke was there. The bear could stand it no long er. Zeke was about twenty feet away from the tree, apparently taking no no tice, and accordingly he crawled down the trunk as quietly as possible, intend ing to slip away in the forest. Barely had he touched the ground when Zeke turned with a snort and leaped upon him. So fast did his hind legs flash back and forth that they looked like the driv ing rods of an engine. In a minute the bear was dead, every bone in his body broken. Mrs. Parsons, who saw it all from the door of her cabin, says that the bear didn't even have time to growl. When asked why she hadn't taken a gun from the house and shoot the bear in the tree for she is a girl woodsman and bold as a man she replied: "I knowed Zeke didn't need no help, and besides I didn't want to spile the fun.' Pond Creek (Ky.)Cor. New York Sun. a ritifui sight. "I was at Sioux City during the rise in the Big Mnddy," said T. P. Sinclair, a prominent farmer and stock raiser of South Dakota, "and there witnessed a sight that haunts me. Pretty much everything that would float came swirl ingdown the angry river wrecks of buildings, household goods and gods and among the drift was, what do you think? a cradle ! One of the old fashioned, wooden sort, and in it sat a white headed little tot, apparently about a year old. "There was not a boat within hailing distance, the cradle was fully 809 yards from shore and the river was running like a mill race. I atarted on a dead run down along the bank, hoping to find a boat of some kind, but before I had gone twenty-five yards the cradle tipped over, spilling its little occupant into the mud dy waters. I am pretty well seasoned, let me tell yon. I walked over rows of dead men at Donaldson and Shiloh, have shot Indians and helped hang co thieves, but that sight at Sioux City broke me. I just sat down and cried like a woman." St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The capital invested in California's vineyards is $87,000,000. Two hundred thousand acres planted in young vines are producing 000,000 tons of grapes and 17,000,000 gallons of wine yearly. One of the largest camellia trees in Europe is now in full bloom, near Dres den. It was taken from Japan ISO years ago, is fifty feet high and has an annual average of 40,000 blossoms. Miniature boars' tusks and the shells so much affected by gypeies are both of very anoient origin. What they ignify can be easily found ont by any one who cares to inquire, Idiosyncrasies lont Connt. "Madam," said the street car conductor to a young lady in a blue calico frock, "you have a dog under your shawl, and yon must leave the car." "What! Leave the car!" vociferated the woman. "I have paid my fare and I'm going to stick right where I am." "Then I shall put you off," replied the disciplinarian in blue. All at once a law point came into the woman's head. "Give me bock my fare," she said. "I got in here in good faith, and when I paid my five cents a contract was completed. You must either carry it ont or return my cash. I'm not responsible because your cranky directors don't like dugs." The street car official stopped the car and hailed a policeman. The point was stated, ami the thief catcher, after pon dering for a few moments, observed: "I ain't no judge nor I ain't no jury, but I claim to have some sense. "Under your system you might make rules that passengers mustn't wear red neckties or red noses or three dollar trousers, and after they had paid fares show 'em the rules and put tbera off. "There is no end to the rules you might make to bunko folks out of their ride, and every time a chap looked cross eyed you could turn to rule No. 824, providing that he musn't look crosseyed and then dump him in the gutter. "The thlnu isn't fair. There ain't no law to it and it don't go." Turning to the young woman he said: "Yon stay where yon are, mum," and to the conductor, "If you try to put her off without giving her back her fare I'll club your head off." . Ting went the bell and on went the car, dog, young woman and all. New York Herald. A Right In a Graveyard. Two visitors to Trinity churchyard, in lower Broadway, attracted a largefehare of public attention Wednesday after noon. One was a well dressed blind man and the other was a boy of sixteen or eighteen years of age, probably a rel ative of the blind man. The boy led his sightless companion to the grass bor dered slab thnt bears the name of Char lotte Temple. Dropping on his knees at the side of the grave the blind man passed his hands eagerly over the face of the stone and an expression of su preme gratification came into his coun tenance when his fingers touched the sunken letters of the name. The boy called his attention to that part of the slab from which all of the original in scription except the name is said to have been cut. There is a hollow place there at least 1 finches deep. It fonus a basin to catch water for the birds to drink and bathe in. It was nearly full of water on Wednesday afternoon, and the blind man dabbled in the little pool gently. He hovered over the grave for several minutes, and became an object of curi ous interest to at least a hundred per sons who stood on the sidewalk and watched him through the fence, New York Times. "Old Ironsides. If the portrait of some grandam who lived in the early days of the century conld "materialize," and, stepping down, take her place beside the "tailor made girl" of today, the difference would be no more marked than that between the good ship Constitution and a modern "ocean greyhound." 'Nevertheless, in spite of the topheaviness of the old ship as compared with the new, if the two sailed down onr harbor there would be no necessity for an order of "Hats off," and our heartbeats would tell us for which rang out the "three times three." Well does this great foremothor of ours command both love and reverence. Stanch was she with the strength of oak from the forest primeval; unwavering ever as the pole star in the path of duty, and like a true woman of the olden time, ere "rights" and "suffrage" had lifted their heads from the neither chaos, he obeyed her master, while he, true and brave man of the olden time that he was, loved and honored her. Jane de Forest Shelton in Harper's, The Inspection of Milk. It has been proposed, and in some parts of the country the law already provides, that the entire milk supplying business shall be open at all times to inspection. Such inspection should in clude examination into the condition and ituation of wells in relation to all sur rounding buildings, their proximity to itanding water or pools containing or ganic matter, the condition of barns as to warmth and cleanliness, the kind, condition and healthfulness of the cows from which milk is obtained and the nature of the food given to them. Inspectors should be at liberty to con demn as unfit for milking any cows suf fering from chronic diseases that might be conveyed to man by the use of their milk. Youth's Companion. She Appealed to Ills Patriotism. A friend of mine has a "polly" that is very talkative. Sunday he put the bird on the parlor window sill. Polly pretty soon caught sight of a policeman who Was just passing by, who was also a member of the A. O. H., and shouted at him, "What a hat!" The policeman turned around, and seeing no one near, turned to go away. No sooner bad he turned his back than Polly again shout ed at him. This time Polly was caught. The policeman drew bis club, and shak ing it at Polly, saids "It's you is it? It's a good thing you're a polly, for if it wasn't for your color I'd shoot ye," New York Recorder. . COOPER AND ' WORDSWORTH. An Interview with the Aged Poet a Pew fear Before Bis Death. Thomas Cooper, the veteran chartist, who has received a grant of 200 from the Civil List, had, on one occasion, a very Interesting interview with Wordsworth at Rydal Mount. Cooper had been at Carlisle and started on a walk through the Lake country. It was on the third day after leaving Carlisle that Cooper arrived at Rydnl Lake. He was very anxious to see Wordsworth and have a talk with him, but, not knowing the poet and having no introduction, was rather doubtful as to what the nature of his reception might be. But, summoning all the courage at his command, he boldly strode np to the poet's door and knocked. In reply to an inquiry he was told that Wordsworth was at home; so he wrote on a slip of paper, "Thomas Cooper, author of 'The Purgatory of Suicides,' desires to pay his devout regards to Wordsworth." In a very few minutes he was in the presence of the "majestio old man," and was bowing with deep and heartfelt homage when Wordsworth seized his hand and welcomed him with such a hearty "How do you do? lam very happy to see yon," that Cooper says the tears stood in his eyes for joy. Nothing struck Cooper so much In Wordsworth's conversation as his re mark concerning chartism after the subject of Cooper's imprisonment hod been touched ujxm. "Yon were right," Wordsworth said; "I have always said the jieople were right in what they akcd; but you went the wrong way to get it. There is nothing unreasonable in your charter. It is the foolish attempt at physical force for which many of you have been blamable." By and by the conversation drifted to other subjects. There was but one occasion, says Coojier.on which I discerned the feeling of jealousy in him; It was when I men tioned Byron. "If there were time," he said. "I could show you how Lord Byron was not so great a poet as you think him to be but never mind that now." I had just been classing his own sonnets and "Childe Harold" together as the noblest poetry since "Paradise Lost," but did not reassert what 1 said. "I am pleased to find," he said, while talking almut Byron, "that you preserve your muse chaste and free from rank and corrupt passion. Lord Byron de graded poetry in that resMi t. Men's hearts are bad enough. Poetry should refine and purify their mil urns, not make them worso." Wordsworth's opinion 011 Tennyson is interesting. Cooper asked the punt what his opinion was of the poetry of the day: "There is little that can be called high poetry," Wordsworth said. "Mr. Ten nyson affords thn richest promise. He will do great things yet, and ought to have done great things by this time." "His sense of music,". I observed, "seems more perfect than that of any of the new race of poets." "Yes," Wordsworth replied; -the per ception of harmony lies iu the very es sence of the poet's nature, and Mr Ten nyson gives magnificent proofs that he is endowed with it." Wordsworth spoko of Southey in the highest terms, and again reverted to politics. "There will bu great changes on tho Continent," he saiil,, "when the present king of the French dies, but not while he lives. The different gov ernments will have to give constitutions to their people, for knowledge is spread ing, and constitutional liberty is sure to follow." Wordsworth also alluded to the spread of freedom in England, and descanted with animation on the growth of mechanics' and similar institutions. "The people are sure to have the fran chise," he said with emphasis, "as knowl edge increases; but you will not get all you seek at once, and you must never seek it again by physical force," he added, turning to me with a smile; "it will only make you longer about it" Pall Mall Gazette. Falling from a Great Height. It will be remembered that Mr. Whymper, who had a severe succession of falls once in the Alps, without losing his consciousness, declares emphatically that as he bounded from one rock to an other he felt absolutely no pain. The same thing happens on the battlefield; the entrance of the bullet Into the body is not felt, and it is not till he feels the blood flowing or a limb paralyzed that the soldier knows he is wounded. Persons who have had several limbs broken by a fall do not know which limb is broken till thev trv tn i-Ua At k moment of a fall the whole intellectual activity is increased to an extraordinary deitree. There is not a trace nf anvictv One considers quickly what will happen. inis is oy no means the consequence of "presence of mind," it it rather the Droduct of absolute neceasltv. A aolamn somposure takes possession of the vio tiin. Death by fall is a beautiful one. Great thoughts fill the victim's soul; they fall painlessly into a great blue sky, uruice juagaziue. Tea In Cashmere. ' There are two ways of pronarinor tea In Cashmere. The first is to put the tea in a pot witu cold water and boil it for half an hour, when more cold water is added, after which it is boiled for mother half hour. Milk is then addod ind it is ready for drinking. The second Is to place the tea in a pot with a little toda and water, and boil it for half an bour before. Milk, salt and butter ire then added, after which it is boiled For another half hcursvhen it is ready, -Philadelphia Ledger, WORTH To You This coupon will be received by me at its face value. 50C.-FIFTY CENTS-50C. As part payment on any pair of Bhoes in my store ranging in price from S2.50 to S4.50 If presented between now and July 4th, 1892. Only one coupon to each pair of shoes. JL A. REED. Cut it out and bring it along as it is just as good as 50 CENTS CASH. We want to give you, extra value in ivhat shoes you, rvitl need on or before the Fourth of July. We always mark ed our goods in plain figures, there is no chance for trickery. We give thin inducement business. near p. o. REED'S C. F. Hoffman, Specialist in lenses for the eyes. Examination free. jgP. QOODER : : : Jeweler : and : Optician, Opposite Stoke's Drug Store, 50 CENTS To Us. because we want to; that's our SHOE STORE. Reynoldsville, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers