a imrroTuc num. RIVAL EXPRESS COMPANIES RACE THEIR MESSENGERS. Bill Lowricn Trlla th Nlury mt an t-.rmi That T1ilrtj--ven Xmn Ago fltlrrril t'p the I'rnplx nf ll I'arWo llon. A OrcKt lliinilml Mlla Run. All over California mid wrhnt In every one of the Pacific state nirii are living today who reinptnler the woiiiler tnl fent of horw'tniinxhin known nt "Bill Lowden' Ride," which was per formed thirty -seven yearnHKO. Tehnmn, on the Haernmento river, was the utart ing point; Weaverville, in Trinity coun ty, tho terminal one. The dixtunce wha a good 100 miles, most of the last forty being made in the niht. over mountain trails and through heavy tlmlxT. The distance was accomplished in five hours and thirteen minutes unexampled timn for rido of 100 consecutive miles un der existing circumstances. Wo let Mr. Lowden tell the story of his wild ride. In the latter pnrt of the year 1H.11 Adams A Co. ond Wells, Fnrgo & Co., trie rival express companies, wh Cram, Rodger & Co, and Rhodes & Whitney, the connecting companies between Shasta and Weaverville, commenced racing their expresses with horseback messengers. After many hard races had been ran, first one and then the other winning, in Decemlier, 1PM, it seemed to have been arranged by the chief companies that they would ran the president's message from San Fran cisco to Portland on the arrival of the mail steamer and then stop racing. "Great preparations were made for the race, and all the fast horses iilniiff the road were pressed into sen-ice. As high as $100 was paid to owners of hrH for the privilege of riding them from three to five miles. Everything was in readiness about the 2Stll of December. Horses were placed nlxmt fonr miles apart by each company, every horse hav ing a man to cam for him, with nn extra horse to ride himself. At least that is the way I had my stock arranged. Both relays of horses were under vaddlo from the 28th day of Deceiiilx-r. 1P."4, nntil the 2d day of January, 1853, on which , date I mode my part of the race. I rodu for Adnms & Co, ' "Tho race was a very close one from San Francisco to Tehama. Wells, Fargo & Co. led to Marysville. Between Marys ville and Tehama Lnsk, Adams & Co.'s messenger passed Wells, Fargo & Co.'s rider, and the Mexican who took the bags from Lusk reached Tehama first and crossed to the Tehama side of the river just as Wells, Fargo & Co.'s mes senger arrived at tho opposite bank and jumped Into tho boat. "Now my race commenced. I sprang into the saddle, with saddlebags weigh ing fifty-four pounds, and rode nineteen horses to Shasta without touching the ground but once during that part of the race. That was at the Prairie Housn where Tom Flinn, the man in charge of my horse, had got into a fight with the man who kept Wells, Fargo & Co.'s horse, and had let my horse (Tom Mo Turk's gray) got loose. I saw the situa tion, and riding my tired horse a littlo past where the fight was going on, sprang to the ground, caught the fresh horse by the tail as he was running away from me and went into the saddle over his ramp. I turned to the horse I had just left with the express bags, pulled them over to my fresh horse and went on. I lost about one minute here. All other changes I made while the horses were running, the keeper leading the horse I was to ride and riding his extra one. I could make my coining known with a whistle about one-half mile be fore reaching the change, giving ample time to tighten the cinch and start the fresh horse on the road, and by the time I overtook him the keeper would hav tny horse in a gallop. "I reached Shasta sixty miles in two hours and thirty-seven minutes. I was detained there about two minutes to di vide the express matter, I taking the Weaverville portion and Jack Horsely the through pouch for Portland. I had nine changes of horses between Shasta and Weaverville and reached the latter place in five hours and thirteen minutes from the time I left Tehama. From Shasta to Weaverville, forty miles, the ride was made after dark, with a light snow falling, but when I reached the mountain and had my faithful horses to ride Wildcat, Comanche, Greyhound, Pompey, Jack and the Bill Klix herse a little snow did not make much differ ence in speed. But I was myself in bad condition at the end of this ride. I had lost my cap and my hair was a solid mas of ice. I wore no clothing except flannel drawers, undershirt and boots, unless my belt, with pistol and knife, might be considered clothing. The cold first seemed to penetrate me when I threw the express bags into the office at Weaverville. I had not felt it before. "I was so far ahead of Wells, Fargo ft Co.'s messenger at Shasta that they stopped the race so far as that company was concerned. It was well that they stopped, for Jack Horsely made a splendid ride to Yreka, and was half way to that place when Wells, Fargo & Co.'s messenger reached Shasta. My stock and help for this race cost Adums & Co. about $2,200. I made other races, long and short, but considering the weight I carried, the weather and the time of day that I made it, I have al ways believed this to be my best one." - More maybe said in regard to the narrator's condition on arriving at Weaverville. The five hours' strain on nerve, mind and muscle had produced complete exhaustion, and it was always related that when Mr. Lowden sprang, or rather slid, from bis horse be dropped to the sidewalk, and had to be assisted to bed. But a thorough rubbing, an oc casional potion of "Mountain Bui in" and a good sleep soon revived the hero of the greatest race ever made in north ern California. Rohnerville Herald. Abul-Hassan, an Arabian borologist who lived in the Thirteenth century, was the first man to introduce the squat hour theory. - CONDENSED PARAGRAPHS. Watch a man reading his own contri bution to a magazine, and yon will get a picture of absolute concentration. "Tho number of impecunious earls in the world," said Hicks, "is proof to me that the early bird doesn't catch the worm these days." Tho city of Raskaskla, ilia., claim possession of the first bell rang for di vine service west of the Alleghany mountains, it was cast at La Rochell In 1711. Mo owning could be discovered through which an enormous beet I o camo to be inclosed in a solid log of wood which was discovered in a ship's hold in Portsmouth. It ia said that in all tho forests of the earth there are no two leaves exactly the same. It is also said that amid all people of the earth there are no two faces precisely alike. Montana is larger than Turkey; Texas Is larger than the whole Austrian em pire by 80,000 square miles and New Mexico is larger than Great Britain and Ireland put together. A London thief tried to escape in a bis box. After trying to balance himself on his head a few times, however, he found the weight of hi feet insupport able and yelled for assistance. In territorial area the United States ranks third. Great Britain eontri 8,807,000 square mile of territory, Rus sia, 8,852,M0 miles, and the United Mates, counting Alaska, 8,580,241 miles. A mustard foot bath is often helnful In the first stages of a cold. A good handful each of mustard and coarse alt should be stirred into the water. Mid all chills must be avoided after ward. While there are differences of opinion In regard to the effectiveness of tho pro tection afforded by lightning rods, the best authorities favor the view that a faultless system of conductors insure ab solute protection. The harbor of New Haven, England, present an excellent example of the ox- tensive nso of plastic unset concrete, this material having been almost exclu sively used in the construction of that massive breakwater. An eclipse of the moon Is caused by the shadow of the earth; tho phases of the moon are caused by tho continually varying inclination at which that half of it that is illuminated by the sun is presented toward tho earth. The cost of rough steel castings iov marine engine work is said to be about four time that of cast iron, but greater allowance has to be made for the ma chining, as much as 20 per cent, of the casting being removed in some cases. "The tenement house, said a speaker at a recent public meeting, "is the enemy of philanthropy of the present day." He meant that whatever la acme to ameliorate the condition of the masses of the poor in the great cities is, to a great extent, neutralized by the condi tions under which they live. No Safe Depo.lt Vault Needed. There is no trouble about living in the polar regions except lack of food sup ply. No dauger exist that the provi lions once placed would be disturbed. Among the people who dwell in those frozen region a cache is sacred. Noth ing short of starvation will compel a dative to interfere with one, and even m such a case he leaves payment behind for what he takes. Snow shoe and ex tra clothing are hung up in the open air In summer and are as safe as the occon- terment which city persons "hang up" at their uncle s during the warm season. Chicago Herald. Trea Snake, of Hot Countries. A set of tree snakes (Dtpsas) to be found in Africa, south Asia and north Australia, devour birds, small beasts or lizards, but some also feed on eggs. These tree snakes are singularly beau tiful in their coloration. More slender, as their name would imply, ore the whtpsnakes (Dryophis), which are also strictly arboreal, bnt differ from the harmless tree snakes in being nocturnal. Quarterly Review. The Highland ripen. The Highland pipers have always been noted for bravery in action. At Porto Novo the Seventy-first's piper played with such good will that Sir Eyre Coote called out, "Well done, my brave fel low; yon shall have a pair of silver pipes for thisl" At Vimiero a piper unable to walk coolly sat down and played, "Up and war them a', Willie," for which the Highland society afterward presented him with a set of pipes. Cornhill Maga alne. Where Population la DniMit, The denest population of tho earth over 400 to the square mile is confined to Java, China, Japan, northeastern and tonthweatorn portions of India, England, parts of Franco and Belgium, the Nile valley, Italy, Portugal, a small strip of Germany and a small section in the vicinity of New York and Boston. Chicago Tribune. Fait Flattered. England is laughing at the story told in Henry Norman's "Real Japan" of the American minister atTokio.who thought the Japanese "darned clever" people be cause they greeted him with cries of "Ohavo." "How did they know that I was from Ohio?" he asked. Klaring Taathlna; Bablai. A common superstition is that if a colored person will kiss a baby twice in the month the process will assist it in teething and make this otherwise trou blesome period for children more easy to bear. Pittsburg Dispatch. In the Kitchen. Visitor So yon are out of a servant and cooking yourself? .Hostess (exhibiting a blistered army Yes, literally cooking myself. Kate Field's Washington. , A Grand ftueeeH. Sue in Satin Are you glad that you lot married? Hue in BUlt Of course I am. Why, I jot 847 presents. Exchange. A finally Aharntmlnrtcrf Woman. An nbscntminded wonum put herself on record the other morning in a cross town car, which she boarded nt Sixth avenue, Ixinml east. Sho paid her fnro. said "Third avenno" to the conductor, took a second nickel for her ticket on the elevated, and, shutting her purse, gave herself over to some evidently absorbing thought. The car was full of changing people, as is usual with crosstown car, and a moment later tho conductor, making bis round again, noticed the nickel and me chanically reached for it. The woman gave it to him without a.word and rode on. Ncnr Fourth avenue sho suddenly started out of her reflections, glanced around, saw that she was near her des tination, took ont a third nickel to have it ready and once more knit her brews in meditation. Before Third avenue was reached the conductor paused her again. This time he proffered him the nickel, which he would stolidly have taken save for the intervention of an old gentleman seated opposite. "Madam," he said, "you have already paid your fare twice." The woman started and looked con fused, then a light dawned on her face, she thanked the gentleman, put her nickel into her purse and the purse deep into a mysterious pocket somewhere in the back of her dress just as Third avenue was reached. When lost seen she was hurrying up the stairs strag gling to fish the purse out in search of the heretofore too convenient nickel. New York Times. Relvolr Ca.tle. Belvoir castle has come in for a fair share of newspaper anecdotes. Pseudo Gothic in style, its broad turrets and battlementcd walls stand on the top of a mound which was thrown up at the end of a spur of the Leicestershire wolds by Robert de Todnni, standard bearer of the Conqueror. From its "lordly ter race" the eye ranges over a wide ex panse of landscape, on which there rise conspicuous the ruined keep of Notting ham and Lincoln's cathedral towers. The works of art are numerous, but, with one or two exceptions, of secondary importance. In the cellar is a monster cask of ale called after the founder of the castle. Its capacity is 1,800 gallons, and twelve people have dined in It There is also a silver punch bowl, rest ing upon four massive eagle's claws, Which is used on the occasion of a fam ily christening. At the foot of the wooded hill is stabling for 100 horses; a mile and a half distant are the kennels for the fox hounds, and from the trees somewhat farther off there emerge the steeple of the village of Wolsthorpe, where is a farm noted for the breeding of prize cattle. London Star. Nicknames for Prlneca. The 8ailor Prince, as Prince George is often called, is reputed to be a gay and sociable young man, good natured, merry and very democratic in his tastes. When both he and his brother were at lea in the Bacchante he displayed, in spite of his being seasick with unsailor- like frequency, a marked aptitude for the naval profession. He was on friendly and agreeable terms with the other young officers on board, and after a time, finding that each of them was known by some handy nickname, Jie al lowed them to drop his formal title and answered readily to that bestowed upon himself. He was known simply as Bprat, and his brother with equal good temper accepted the name of Herring. Manchester (England) Times. Walton Who Do Very Wall. Walters in some of the more expen sive restaurants, where they work all day, get as much as forty dollars a month. It Is a very old statement that their in comes much exceeds those of the best paid clerks and bookkeepers, but they earn them. That Is, moBt of them do. Girls who work as waiters in the cheap luncheon places get six dollars a week and their meals. They fare lietter than typewriters, school teacher or Ream stresses. New York Herald. VINAM'lAb HTATEMENT Or' WINHl.OW r TOWNSHIP HrlHH.ll, IUHTHICT, Or' JErTKKHON C'OIWY, PA., I'OK YEAH KMUMI JUNE 1st, iNirj. W. T. Cathkhs. I Hi. Bute iiimroprliitlmi I'ounty Treasurer Emm fines I'rom older township Col lector lilltsM Other sources 91 217 04 1H4 15 lft (HI II 7 4 mh ;m i;i 2 M (A HM 15 I KH7 Wl Hue W. T. ('ill hers W. T. Cathkhs, Cm. Credit by vouchers IVrcentiiifo Interest Auditing Hwivtury n id It VIM 27 12 S Ml 22 11 tn iun io t 142 no On (Inn fund Credit by vuucheni. Per cent 77 ll 1 M 7H M To btiliinco m "o Audited on tlicthcnthof June, IS1I2. W.J. Hii.ms. I Tims. Hutchison, Auditors. W K.Uahvin, I Til KICK 18 A MICH MINK Com potted of the iMiMcntiiii vlrtutHof nyturo'M it'inedlutt, runt m, harlot, htrlm and oH4'Hhlntf niurvulouH curuOvtt )xwt'rH ovur all dlseuHtm of tho HlomHi'li, llvr, klixlryrt, bow In und blood. TliU nnHUWmsknowH hh l-r.l.iiinooiVr, Hyautm ltunovutnr, Iium proved no ttiMviMrifiil III CUrt lilt dVHlM'ltNlll. IllllilUlHIH'SH. COIlStllHl- Uoii, liimdiii'liu, hud Mood, Hint Him I Mm-tor now iruuramiWH it. Then why hiiIiw whim you can uhoh remedy that liu cured ho many other. HhHHalKo proven wonderfully huo rcHMfull In eurliikt female dlMMine.. Ill a hnt- tle, or tt for fc'i.ou ut your drutcKlM, oraddreHi. 4J Ohio Ht reel, Allegheny I'lty, 1h. F. H . The Doctor Ihh HpectallHt In cure of ii.ljti wuriiiM, cnurem unci ai.cnrouic uittuure. write Torcircuiar aim terttlriumli.lH. Hold by II. Alex. Bioko, UuyuoldhvUlo, l'a YOU C AN READ THIS WITH A FKKUXI! THAT KVERY USB IS FREE From Exaggeration. The entire coninmnily by tliia time in thoroughly acquainted thnt we moved in our new store room In the NOLAN BLOCK.better known as the GOR DON BLOCK. Kindly bear in mind what we announced in our last circular about cultivating your custom. There is nothing that we won't do to make you our customer. We recognize the necessity of gaining the confidence and good will of the masses, and it is to our interest to make every effort to please them and deal STRICTLY ON THE SQUARE WITH THEM. BOLGBR BROS. Have always endeavored to do this and have never failed. Nothing pleases us better than to see the son of toil visit our establishment to inspect our magnificent stock of tailor made garments. We dont1 say we will save you sixty per cent, as a great many dealers who advertise larger than we do but there is one thing certain and that is we will give you full value for YOUR HARD EARNK1) MONEY, and remember that it is nec essary to beware of advertisers that PROMISK EVERYTHING and FULFILL NOTIIING;nothing more than traps to catch hold of vou, IT S ALL GLITTER and NO SUHSTAXCK." All we ask of the public is to be good enough to give us a call when in need of FIRST CLASS TAILOR MADK CLOTHING and GENTS FUR NISHING GOODS and the Prices we will make you will certainly add you to our already large list of custom. Again asking you to be kind enough to remember us and our new store room in the Nolan block We remain sincerely, The Peoples Servants, mainStreet BOLGER BROS. C. F. Hoffman, Specialist in lenses for the eyes. Examination free. jD. GQODER : : : : The Leading Jeweler of Reynoldsville Wishes to announce to the readers of this -paper that he carries a full and complete line of Watches - and - Jewelry. KKI'AIIMNU OF Watches, Clocks and Jewelry A SPECIALTY. ENGRAVING ON ALL GOODS SOLD FREE OF CHARGE. i . GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE GOING ELSEWHERE. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Opposite Stoke's Drug Store. rocery Boomers W BUY WIIKItE YOU CAN 1 GET ANYTHING jT YOU WANT. y Salt Meats, Smoked Meats, CANNED GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AKD At.I, KINDS OF Country Produce FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, AND CIO AltS, Everything In tho line of H U & Fresh Groceries, Feed, j EGto. GnmU delivered free any place in town, , O Vail on us and get prtrenffl N W. C. Schultz ASotY J.s. DEALER IN- Dry Goods, . Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. '. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. Specialties -' Fine DRESS GOODS, WRAPS AND CLOTHING. OUR MOTTO Good Goods AT LOWEST PRICES. mo N. HANAU l DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions mi Underwear, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S WRAPS. inur! 6' HATS AND MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. Fine Shoes. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Mliii !