The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 22, 1892, Image 6

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    The TrMS.
Slut of Uie world 1 the Trent the Press,
Whit wonders l)Mt thou wrought I
Thou rainbow realm of mentiil bliss;
Thou starry sky of thought!
Ai dew unto the thirsty flowers;
As the blessed light of heaven;
And widely as the summer showers,
Thy silent aid l given.
Tet canst thoii flume upon the earth
T.Ike the dread volcstm's (jlowj
And tyrants tremble at thy birth
As at an earthquake's throe.
Thy nod can lop tbe prondi'nt head ;
The world thy scepter nwnt
The p;illi (hon dost to elory tread,
The path Is pi veil with thrones.
Yet thou art urntle as the brecie
The I test breath of day;
Hi 1 1 clialnk-s as the mighty seas,
In thy resistless sway.
At thy command the seals were brou
Th;it bound the s'lent deep,
And liberty and truth awoke
Krcim cciilurie of sleep.
Then first on every sinful shore,
That man In darkness trod.
Thv brlubt and sim1Iii pinions bora
The beacon words of Hod.
The sago's liimp, the muses' lyre,
Thou hro'ighfst o'er ocean's foam;
The stellar Unlit of vestal lire;
The cluiptence of Home.
Thou flair of truth ! thy folds have streamed
O'er many a Held of blood ;
And o'er the wreck of empires gleume.:
Ukc the rainbow o'er the flood ;
The patriot's eye still turns Id thee,
And balls thee from afar, '
As the wanderer of the trackless sea
llath hailed bis guiding star.
While to the hearlli-stnne of the ua 1,
And to tbe cntHire hearth,
Thou brlng'st a dully festival
Of nameless, priceless worth.
Thou Huhtrat tip the pnllld cheek
Of the deserted poor,
And to the, captive, worn and weak,
Opened the prison door.
Oh! ever In thy e.ilumni bright,
Let tbe tru'b and virtue blend!
Be ever, ever in the right I
He ever labor's friend,
tils strong and honest arm shall be
Thy bulwark In distress;
God bless the land of liberty!
God save our country's prcas!
U. V. Cutter, In New York Woekly.
'I bey pardon P "Excuso mo
A pair of black eves nttil a pair of
blue eyes met defiantly, whllo a Miitill
whito hand anil a lurgo white band
each grasped tlio hnndlo of an um
brella. umbrella ia mine, I think;
'did you wish to uao it?" murmured
black eyes, with polito florceuoss.
"I utti stiro It la mine, I bought it
last year, ami have never soon another
like it," answered blue eyes, with a
Arm hand on tlio article in question.
' Vend ion und polite unbolicf were
txprostod on encli face. Then tlio
gentleman, with an Indulgent, pro
voking lltllo smite, (aid:
"If it is inino I can show you my
nanio on tlio inside, if you will allow
me to open it."
"Very well, pray do so," said the,
topping back. .
1 Ho opened it, and, behold, inside
wat a tmnll tag with "Richard Han.
orr.e'' Inscribed thereon. She fell
back in confusion, rosy rod and liu-
i mlliiitml.
am retry sorry! I bejf your par
don! Whoro can mlno bo? I am suro I
loft it here! " alio exclaimed in dit.
tross, glancing at tho falling rain
lie magnanimously joined in the
March, but no duplicate umbrella
could be found. Ho was ashamed of
hit HI temper and also mndo tho dis
covery that sho was a lovoly girl; so,
much to Lucy Dean's dismay, be In
istcd upon escorting her home.
' She felt very much like a convicted
thief, and wondered if he believed
that sho had ever really had an um
brella like his.
"I am afraid our evening has not
been as successful a we hoped," he
remarked, hesitatingly, touching upon
topic about which both wore seutl-
tive. .
"Oh, not I am to disappointed I It
didu't seem to tako well that Is they
did not appreciate it at we thought
they would at they ought to have
done, I mean "
Lucy paused, conscious that the wat
making ' bad much worse. They had
bow reached a cross street ' which led
to her homo. Here the paused, and
acting on tho impulse born of a desire
to fly from what she felt must be hit
reproachful aud indignant glances,
ho said:
i "I tat an old friend who It going
' past our door, and I will not trouble
- yea further. ' I am much obliged tor
your kludneat. Good night." And
4hen the battily left him.
lit ttared after bor and taw her join
, gentleman whoso face, at aeon in the
'truggllug gaslight, showed both sur
prise and nellgbt at being to honored,
l Blchard Ransoms, after discovering
tbaiuit umbrella ratted on bis shoulder
nd that the rain wat beating on hit
tdny tile,' pulled blmtolf together and
went on bit way, soliloquizing at fol
lows: "Well, Hilt Is a queer place! Odd
folks, especially the girls. Snemod In
a great hurry to get rid of mo. Didn't
seem to tnke evidently blames me,
too. However, 1 don't usually talk to
empty tents." Then ho laughed.
"Fancy me getting croti and rowing
with that poor little girl about tlio
umbrella! Hut aha was gamo and I
had to prove my claim. Sho evident
ly thought I was determined to make
sure of tome remuneration for my
services. Hope 1 ahull too her again."
This hope was destined to bo speed
ily realised. Tlrj next day wlion Mr.
lUntotno wont to tbe society rooms to
meet tlio committee for whom lie had
lectured Lucy Dean wa thoro and
shyly apologized to hint for her blun
der of (ho evening beforo. She ex
plained that her mother h id borrowe!
Iinr umbrella without lior knowledge,
lie found her pretty embarrassment
very al'.rnc lvo and asked for permis
sion to call nt her home: this was
given him and he soon availed hlmsolf
of It. Sho was a merry, Intelligent
tittlo thing, and her fits of shyness,
when a aenso of his nwfulnoss as a
domlnlo Kama over her, added a touch
of piquancy which fascinated him.
Ho found M.s. Dean, who wits only
a plumper and mattirer Lucy, a pleas
ant companion wliou her daughter's
conversation resolved itself into prim
monosyllables, and ho paid tho elder
lady so many flattering attentions that
alio was half Inclined to bolieve Lucy's
admirer her own. Indcod, Lucy
might have been of that opinion, too,
If it had not been for an occasional
expression in his eyes wbon they rest
ed on her, which always brought the
blood to check and brow.
As tho days passed on Mr. Hansomc
discovered that Lucy exactly roalizod
his ideal of womanhood. The idea of
a final separation from her was intol
erable When tho tlmo for him to
resume his city duties drew near he
knew that ho wanted to take Iter with
liim, that ho doslred her for his wife.
But, puzzled by her shyness, ho was
not able to discover how she rogardod
They wcro walking togcthor ono
evening whou ho suddenly rosolvod to
end his suspense and ask hor to be-
como his wife. Lucy listened, dazed.
She could not realize that her sccrot
earns h d become real. Tho tre
mendous fact that ho whom sho had
sat upon a pedestal of dignity and
learning was only a man, pleading for
her love, socmed impossible to fnco.
Siie could not lift bor eyes to hit, aud
when lie tried to draw her noaror sho
felt a sudden, loving fear of him.
Habit and girlish modesty were bar
riers too great to bo overcome at once.
Sho gave him one twlft glance and
then broke away and lied toward
Ho stood thero, gazing at lor tho fly
lug figure. Disapolnted love, wounded
pride und amazemont struggled within
him. Ho searched ills inamory to see
If ho had ever hoard of any girl who
had received a declaration of love In
liko manner. Alas I he had not. Ho
sadly concluded that somo other man
must have been boforo hitu and that
sho dreaded to toll him so.
"Even though tho does not lovo me
would have given me a chance If there
wore uo one else," he said.
Tho next few days were wrolched
onct to both. Lucy knew that the had
wounded Mr. Ruusome and wat In do
tpair because she had apparently re
acted the love the really desired. She
longed to tell him sho was torry, but
felt that to do to would bo to turrender
entiroly, nud that the found at hard
to do at ever. Sho hoped he would
toek hor again, and st force upon her
the opportunity the wat uoi bravo
enough to teok.
Aud then, alas! lie came on the
very afternoon on which she wont for
a walk down the secluded path where
he had made hit proposal, to live over
again the scene which wat ever in
her thoughti.
Mr. Ransome approached tho house
with waverlug courage, aud on being
informed that the wat not at home,
immediately concluded that the re
fused to too him, and he departed
from the town forthwith.
He returnod to hit work and found
tome comfort lu the old routine of
hit profession; yet he wat a more
rettlost man than he had evor beeu iu
all hit busy life.
One afternoon, feeling the need of
cheerful companionship, be started
out, umbrella In band, to call upon
lively friend who bad been a former
resident of the town where lived the
Deant. Perhapt ha secretly hopod to
bear mention of thit ungrateful lady
love. lie reaobed the place, and
learnlu. that hit friend wat at home
turned to place hit umbrella lu tbe
rack, when, behold I there rested an
other txaojiy like hit own. . lit folt
tufa that Lucy wat within, and ttood
a moment debating on what wat best
to do. Finally a deslro to tee her
again overcame all other feelings aud
he enterod tho parlor. Hit hostess
rose to greet him and presented him
to hor friend, Miss Dean.
Lucy received Mr. Uansntne with
composure. Sho may have reoognlzed
the pDsslbility of meeting him as a
contingency of her trip.
Ho made his call a short one, and
as Lucy returned borne that evening
he did not see her again.
It was not until two weeks after
ward that he discovered that ho was
in possession of Miss Duau't umbrella
instead of tils own.
Ho was vexed beyond measure.
The fact that he bad comtnlttod such a
blunder betrayed tho state of tils mind
at their last meeting.
"She will think I mado the exchange
because of some silly, sentimental
notion. I will return it to her nud
then throw initio away. I'll tnako It
a purely business errand and let hor
udorstnud that I'm not iu for any
nonsense," he fumed.
Accordingly ho wont down to the
Wage one bright evoning. He
wnlkod from tho station and wandered
toward tho spot where ho had made his
nliickv proposal.
I'll just go and look at the place
where she flouted mo. It may sorve
to help tun forget this worry over hor
bat I can't get rid of," he muttored.
Ho reached the spot and there ho
saw a littlo figure leaning against a
young tree and weeping forlornly. Ho
ropped the uinbrolla aud sprang for
"Lucy 1" ho criotJ.
Sho tin ned towards him and held
out hor hands; aud thou . Waver-
ly Magazine.
Baby Sue.
About three miles from town I
overtook n woman carrying a heavy
bundle in her' arms. She was bare
footed, wore a man's straw hat, end
It was easy enough to Identify hor as
motiutainoer't wife. I drow my
horse down to a walk aud offered to
tako tho bundle oti tho suddlo before
It's Daby Sue," sho said, as she
passed It tip.
'Ah t a baby. Welt, I'll bo careful
of her. How old Is the?"
"Owlno on two years."
"She's pretty lioavy for such a long
"I've dun walked over ten miles
with hor already, but I folt I had to
do It. Jim, he's a-waltln' fur her."
"And who't Jim?''
"My man, sah. Thoy's done got
him in jail fur moonshlnlng, nnd the
Lawd only knows when he'll be free.
I jest knowed ho'd near die If he
couldn't hev one last look at Suo."
The child was wrapped up In a
faded old shawl and had a veil over
her face. Sho lay like a log in my
arms, and, I supposed, sound asloop.
I had carrlod tier a mllo or moro before
I raised tho veil to get a peep at her
fuce. One glauco told me that sho
was dead.
"Why, woman, your baby is dead!"
I exclaimed, as I made the discovery.
"Yos, sah; dun died last night,"
tho replied.
"And you you "
"l'ze got to take her to the jail and
let Jim tee her. FooroloJim! He
dun loved baby Sue like his own life.
Ho'd never forgivo mo if he didu't
dun see her afore she was burled."
She wiped tlio tears away as she
walked alongsido the horse, looking
up now and then at tho bundlo in my
arms, aud wo didn't speak agalu until
we reached tho Jail. Thou she took
the little dead body from my hands,
tenderly kissed the whito, cold face,
and said:
"Lawd bless ye, strangor, fur yet
kindness I Jim's in ye re, aud when
he sees baby Sue I reckon he won't
care no mo' what they do with him.
Pore Suet Tore olo Jim t" New
York San.
Cnrloat Hungarian Lake.
There It a curlout lake in Hungary,
known at the Neusledler See, sixteen
miles long and tlx mllet wide in itt
broadett part, which bat no trlbnta
lies, but dorlvot all itt wator from
the rainfall that dropt into it. It it a
very large lake to be supported who!
ly thit way. Thore are no mountains
very near it, but it occupies a slight
depression In an almost level plain.
Ouce in a while' the lake bat dried
up, aud within tbe past two years it
bat lost one-half of itt water, and
now itt dopth it otily three feet. The
Hungarian government bat decided
to do away with tblt lake, an hat
commenced to dig a canal by which
tho preolpltation will hereafter bt
drained away from tbe lake bed.
Somethontandaof acret of rich farm
log land will be thus obtained. Boa-
ton Transcript.'
best horses for farms.
Unquestionably the boat horse for a
farmer to rear Is one that ho can tiso
hlmsolf with the most advantage.
Such a horse will pay for Its keeping
after tho second year, and until It It
sold when four years old. Tho Cleve
land Day Is such a horse, and nt four
years old will soil for 9300 to $500
each. The French conch horse is n
similar animal. Tboso wilt weigh
1300 to loOO pounds when fully
grown, and nro exccllotit for tlio
heavy work of a farm. The training
on the farm, too, It precisely what is
needed for their future use. New
York Times.
makimi vs. m;yiso a lawn.
It used .to be thought that pur
chasing sod anil transplanting it was
the only effective way to quickly get
a lawn In good order. Unless a bed
has been prepared and enriched, and
tho sod is frequently watered, It is
not likely to Jiake so good a showing
as a good seeding on wull-preparcd
land manured with Inderal fertilizers
and kept closely cut as fust as it
grows. It Is frequent cutting that
cansos the tod to tblckou, unless tho
soil is poor. In which caso closo cut
ting causes tho sod to run out and
leave bare places. If dry weather
comes, sttspoud the cutting until there
is prospect of ralu. Tho sod made
will come cheaper than any that can
be bought, and tho owner can have
as great a varloty of grasses as he is
willing to buy seod for. Boston
Proper pruning is done iiltogethor
with one's thumb and forollnger, 1. e.,
to remove all surplus twigs nnd shoots
as soon as they appoar, and thus pre
vent tho waste of sap in building up
worthloss wood, lays Orange Judd
Farmer. Many orclmrdists, other
wise intelligent, utterly neglect trim
ming trees, or cite do it In a very lin
perfect way. As a result, much of
their fruit Is small and partly colored.
Also (belabor of picking tho fruit
from an unprepared treo is about
twice what it should bo, as tlio hoad
of the tree becomes so thick und tan
gled. Open up the head by cutting
out every branch t hat crosses or other
wise Interferes with anothor,
and the benoflt will bo two
fold. The sun and the air will
bo admitted to aid lu the growth of
largo handsome fruit, to harvest
which will be comparatively easy
work and a real pleasure. The grape
vine is, perhaps more neglectod than
tho apple tree. If given its "own
sweet will," It will cover everything
within reach.
Ill the report of the horticulturist
of the Maine Experimental Station
for 1891 certain points in the culture
of cabbages, tomatoes and egg plants
are discussed.
In tho culture of cabbages it was
found that the best results were ob
tained by transplanting eeveral times.
riants grown In flower pots till ready
for the field were hotter than those
grown in boxes, it was onacrveu
that some varieties of cabbage are
attacked by tho cabbage worm much
worse than others. Those varieties
having firm, close heads aro least in
ured. Of the twenty varieties grown
those recommended for general cul
ture are Jersey Wakofleld, Brunswick,
Early Summer aud Flat Dutch. The
Early York It condemned.
Tho following is a summary of tho
experiments lu tomato culture: 1.
An Important requisite to successful
tomato culture Is that the plants be
kept growing vigorously, a condition
involving rich toll and frequent till
age. 2. Frequent transplanting
makes ttocky plants. 3. Other things
being equal, the earllnest aud produc
tiveness of tomatoes it in direct pro
portion to the earlineti of letting iu
the field. 4. Trimming plants after
a part of the fruit bad sot Increased
the yield by more than one-third. 5.
The best varieties for general use ap
pear to be Ignotum, Perfection,
Boauty, Goldon Queen, and possibly
Egg plants ara uot extentively
growu in Maine, but the varieties
recommended for borne ute are Early
Dwarf Purplo and Ear.y Long Purple,
-New Y'ork Wf, W.
I never raited peat largely for feed,
but for our own Northern market. I
have fed them to hogt, and repeatedly
purchased them for that purpose; I
would rather have them, pouud fer
pound, for fattening bogt than any
oorn. I bare a furnace, and two large
potash-ktttlet that will bold fifteen to
twenty busliols, and I never liid hogs
fatten to rapidly, or make nicer pork,
than when fad bolloil peat and water
sufficient to make the mats Into a thick
soup. Sown In lime, and properly
eared for, peas rtroly fall to yield a
large crop, aud that, too, on almost
any kind of land, from a stiff, heavy
clay to a light, sandy toil. They
should he sown early, to do their best.
They will ondttre more frost and ttil
hold their own than any other crop
we grow. When we tow them on
tight, sandy toll, as we oflon do, we
like to have them covered threo or
four Inches deop. They will thus
stand drouth better than If covered
only an Inch deep. I have never been
what I consider thoroughly successful
with peas when sown late in spring,
but can hardly recall a failure when
sown early and properly cared for.
Wisconsin Farmer.
Without wishing to do Injustice to
onr rural knights of the anvil, it It
nevertheless a lumcntnb'e truth that
tbeso votaries of tho buttress and
drawing-knife are, nil tho world over,
so wedded to a number ot tradition,
try pructlces, so heinous, so irration
al, so prejudicial to the interests alike
of tho horse nnd his owner, that ono
might well be exeusod for wondering
whether their mission wero not to mar
Instoad of to protect the marvelously
perfect handiwork of the Creator.
Ignorant alike of the anatomy, physi
ology and economic relations of the
parts, they mutilate, they cut and
carvo as whim, prejudice, or timo
honored custom dictalos. Disaster, it
may be slowly, but surely, follows,
and all too often the poor dumb crea
ture's sull'orl g foots tho bill. Let us
glance in passing at some of these
traditional practices.
Formost among thorn Is tho Insane
habit of trimming tho frog of tho
horse's hoof aud tho thinning out tho
solo till It visibly ylolds to the pressure
of the operator's thumbs. The frog
Is nature's cushion and boo f-cx pander,
placed thero by an All-WUu band; by
its elasticity it wards of ciwicussion
from tho less clastic portions of tho
structure, and by Us resisteuce assists
in maintaining the natural expansion
of its horny ambit; that is to say, it
docs so in its natural stato, but the
drawing-knife's touch is fatal to It.
Once cut and carvod and deprived of
pressure, thoso very aclt emtso It to
shrink, dry, and harden, and at once
lose those very attributes which con.
ttltute Itt usefulness to tho foot.
Robbed of its elasticity nnd resitence,
It Is incapablo of discharging its al
lotted functions both as a cushion
and as an expander it is a dead fail
ure; indood, it is worse, as In its al
tered character it is now a menaco In
stead of a protection, a bane rather
than a boon to tho fojt that wears It.
The destruction of thit important
factor having been thus provided for,
the operator probably next turns his
attontion to tho sole, which, by all
traditions of the craft, must be pared
down until only a thin film of soft,
partially-formed horn is loft to protect
the living strueturct within against
injury from tbe substances with which
the foot necessarily comes in contact.
Nor does the mischief stop here. The
sole itself, or what is left of it, con
sists uot of soft, moist, half-formed
horn, which dries aud shrinks en ex
posure to the air, and thereby entails
a further and a still more serious in
jury on tho foot. American Farmer.
Keep different breeds separate and
ttudy each closely.
Give mother bent motherly atten
tion during the brooding tcasoo.
Young bronze turks shoud have
dark shanks, approaching black.
Cut fresh bono is excellent for
hens. It contains just what they
It i a good time to organize a
general rat-killing to at to tave the
More cau be had out of ten bent in
a house ten by ten than twenty in the
tamo tpace.
Roosting placet should be scraped
out at least as often at every twodayt
aud retodded.
Farmers in the New England dis
trict of Australia are about to turn
their atteutlon to grape growing.
Chlcklet do not need a roosting
place until four months old. Low
roottt should then be given them.
Chickens aud duckt can bo raised
advantageously together; in fact, they
do better together than separately.
Successful poulterers have found it
wise to feed littlo chickt five timet
day aud punctually at ttated timet.
If a poultry house can be tbut up
fairly tight, the lice In them can be
exterminated by burning tulpbur In
If you want nice potato puffs, boll
and wash three or four mealy po
tatoes, add a tablespoonful of hot
milk, a littlo butter and salt to tult
your taste. Mould this Into little balls
about at big at large-tlzed tnarblot,
brush ovor with beaten egg and place
on a buttered pan, to bo quickly
brownod In the ovon. When done
ervo on a hot platter in a heap gar
nished with parttey. These are also
pretty and useful to garnish a varloty
of dishes. New York Nowt.
Tlio following excellent recipes for
beverages for the sick are givon lu tbe
Forest IUmblor:
Crust Codec Toast bread very
brown, but not burnt, pour on boiling
water, strain and add cream, also
sugar and nutmeg, if desired.
Sassafras Drink Tako the pith of
stssafras boughs, break lu small
pieces and let soak In cold wator till
tho water becomes glutinous.
Cinnamon Tea To a half pint of
fresh new milk add stick or ground
cinnamon enough to flavor strong
and a little white sugar. Itriug to
the boiling point and drink cithor
warm or cold. Exccllotit for
Now rice, It may not bo general'y
known, is ono of tho most Indigestible
things that one cau eat Various do
rangomcntsof the digestive organs are
almost certain to result from rice eaton
diroctly after It Is gathered, and the
fact is so well known in rid produc
ing countries that the pcoplo do not
cat it until it has been kept nt least a
year. Never, savo In cases of f inline,
although it is tho staple article ot diet
of the poople, is rico eaten in India
till It is two or three years old. Tho
following Is - an Indian reclpo for
cooking i ice i "Wash him well; much
wash him In cold water or rice flour
make him stick; make water boil all
ready very fast; throw him In; ho no'
burn boiling water shako liim too
much. Boil him quarter hour or lit
tlo more, then rub one rico on thumb
nud ringer; If all rub iiway, hitnqul o
done. Put rice In colander; hot water,
him run away. Pour one cup cold
water on hlin rice; thon put him back
in saucepan and keep him covered up
near the fire. Rice all ready. Eat up."
London Caterer.
Cloths dipped in hot potato wator
nnd applied to rheumatic joints roliove
pal ti.
Coffee grounds make a good Ailing
for a pin cushion. Putthetnina bug
and hang behind the ttovo till dry.
They do uot rust the neodlo.
Tho addition of lemon juice to the
water in which rico is boiled will In.
crease the whiteness, aud the grains
will readily tcparato when thus
Clover toa Is admirable for purify
ing tho blood, for removing pimplet
aud whitening tiie complexion, and
hat also good repute as a tleep-liiduc-lng
The yolk of an egg In half a pint ot
tepid rain water, with a little pow
dered borax and a tcaspoonful of
spirits of camphor added, will take
spots out of black goods.
Good flour adheres slightly to the
hand, and if pressed In it shows the
impress of tho lines on the skiu. Dough
made of it it yellowish white and doet
not stick to the hands after sufficient
Teapots should bo washed thor
oughly with strong soda aud water
and then rinsed well and porfectly
dried each day If one would prevent
the curious haylike smell often noticed
tu a teapot.
A good way to ventilato a cellar Is
to extend from It apipo to the kitcheu
chimney. The draught In the chlmuey
will carry away tho gaset that would
otherwise find their way into the
rooms above.
The valuable medicinal proportiet
of onions have never been disputed
They quiet the nerves, aud oateu twlct
or three timet a week are a good
spring tonle and can be prepared in
numerous ways. . r
For use as a disinfectant, mix car-'
bolie acid with bolllug water. This
promptly overcomes the utual antag
onism betweeu the acid and water,
and couverta them into a permanent
solution which will keep for weoks.
Paste a lict of its contonts on every
box or trunk or closet of ttored-away
goodt. Writ down each one at yon
put it in, then the lltt will be beaded
by the bottom onet. Then when the
name it written on tacit package It U
an eaty thing to led any needed